Computer Science

Lesson Plan
Class: AS6
Subject: Computer Science
Teacher(s): HM
Problem Solving using algorithm
Name of the Unit/Chapter/Topic
Lesson Objectives
To make students able to understand initialization, general count
by using example
- how to take input values by using Repeat … Until loop
- link each statement of pseudocode with the task of the tasks list
Knowledge Harvest/Existing Knowledge Check Activities/Pre-lesson task
Date: 04th April to 9th April 2015
Learning Standard/Targets
By the end of the class, students will be able
- to write pseudocode to input values by using Repeat
… Until loop
- to identify each statement that indicates initialization,
general count
Learning Prompt/Pre-teach activities/Ice breaking
To greet students and discussing about previous lecture and
Check students knowledge about how inputs are taken and general counting is
starting the new topic.
performed i.e increase previous value by 1
Body of the Lesson
Main Contents Delivery/key
- write pseudocode to input five - Teacher will write pseudocode to input five numbers as
Randomly asking questions to students to
individual statements
know whether the objectives are fulfilled
- Again write the same pseudocode by using Repeat . . . Until
or not.
loop and explain the reasons
- Students will copy the program
- Students will write pseudocode to input five marks
Home Work/Assignment
Wrap-Up activities
Write pseudocode to input temperature of a day
Diary writing as well Summarizing the
Write pseudocode to input last 10 OID score of Sakib Al Hasan
Text Book
Resources (handouts/worksheets/PPP/VP/Website)
Cambridge O Level Computer Studies
White Board, Marker, handouts for
Coursebook p 240-242
Observer’s Comments
Lesson Plan
Class: AS6
Subject: Computer Science
Name of the Unit/Chapter/Topic
Lesson Objectives
To make students able to understand- how to find maximum value and
minimum value
Date: 29th March to 4th April 2015
Teacher(s): HM
Problem Solving using algorithm
Knowledge Harvest/Existing Knowledge Check Activities/Pre-lesson task
Learning Standard/Targets
By the end of the class, students will be able to
-declare variable, initialize variable, find maximum and
minimum value
-output maximum and minimum values
Learning Prompt/Pre-teach activities/Ice breaking
To greet students and discussing about previous lecture and
Check students knowledge about how to find maximum and minimum values (ex:
starting the new topic.
maximum (highest) and minimum (lowest) roll number of out of 5 students
Body of the Lesson
Main Contents Delivery/key points
- write pseudocode to find the maximum - Teacher will write the problem to solve Randomly asking questions to students to know whether
and minimum roll number of a class of
on the board (output the maximum and the objectives are fulfilled or not.
5 students
minimum roll number of a class of 5
Students tasks
- Declare variables needed to solve it
- Initialize variables
- Find maximum and minimum value
- Output maximum and minimum values
Home Work/Assignment
Wrap-Up activities
Write pseudecode to output the highest and lowest score by Sakib Al Hasan in his last Diary writing as well Summarizing the lesson
10 ODI.
Text Book
Cambridge O Level Computer Studies
White Board, Marker, handouts for teachers
Coursebook p 240-242
Observer’s Comments