Mrs. Cindy Luis ESL 4A Descriptive Paragraphs Purpose: A

Descriptive Paragraphs
Mrs. Cindy Luis
Purpose: A descriptive paragraph gives the reader a visual picture of the topic. It gives
a point of view about how something looks, feels, tastes, smells or sounds. The writer’s
goal is to involve the readers so that they can experience the idea or event through the
Key Features: A descriptive paragraph:
• describes.
• gives impressions, ideas, or feelings about something.
• does not define
• paints a picture for the reader; that is, it shows with words.
• uses sensory words that appeal to the five senses: hearing, taste, touch, sight,
and smell
Uses: A descriptive paragraph can be used to do the following things:
• give the features or characteristics of something
• give impressions about something
• give feelings about something
Four Unforgettable Days
I will never forget December of 2001 when my hometown in New York was hit
by one of the worst winter storms in its history. Blinding snowstorms attacked Buffalo
and its surrounding suburbs for four consecutive days. The snow fell so hard that I
could not see my car parked in my driveway or my neighbor’s house across the street.
When I tried to drive to a friends’ house during a temporary lull in the storm, I had to
drive with my head out the side window because I could not see through the foggy
windshield. The snow hit my face like miniature bullets, and icicles formed in my hair.
In fact, the snow fell so hard that, while most storms are measured in inches, this one
was measured in feet. By the time the storm finally let up four days later, more than
seven feet of snow had fallen. What I saw when I opened my second story bedroom
window shocked me. My entire neighborhood had disappeared under a thick white
blanket of snow! As I looked out the open window, my breath was visible in the cool,
crisp air, I could not see a single car or bush. Everything was completely buried in the
serene landscape. I was glad when the snowplows cleared the streets and we were
able to return to our normal routines.
blinding: vision-blocking
a suburb: a residential area near a city
a lull: a quiet or calm period
miniature: tiny, very small
an icicle: a long, thin ice formation
let up: to stop
serene: peaceful, tranquil
a snowplow: a truck that clears the
streets of snow
Analyzing a Descriptive Paragraph
Mrs. Cindy Luis
1. What is the topic of this paragraph?
2. Underline the topic sentence and circle the controlling idea.
3. What is the writer's purpose in writing this paragraph?
4. What features of a descriptive paragraph do you see in this paragraph? Put a check
mark next to each feature you found in the paragraph and then explain your answer.
____ a. describes
____ b. gives impressions, ideas, or feelings about something
____ c. does not define
____ d. paints a picture for the reader; shows with words
____ e. uses sensory words that appeal to the five senses: hearing, taste, touch, sight
and smell.
Mrs. Cindy Luis
Complete the following items and then write a descriptive paragraph. Remember to use
words that appeal to the five senses.
1. First, choose a topic and then brainstorm ideas for that topic. Here are some topics
to choose from, or you may come up with your own topic:
• describe your house
• tell about the features of your new cell phone
• Describe how you felt when ...
• Give your impression of ...
Your topic
Brainstorming Box
Topic Sentence with a controlling idea:
Supporting details: (two to four)