E&S Comparison – Revision 10-17-14

Stone Ledge
The Edge
Project Phase Comparisons
And frequently asked questions
Our Destiny Family,
THANK YOU for your participation during our last meeting!
Although the meeting may have seemed to be unproductive at the time, it was exactly what we needed. Whenever God's people get
together and are honest with each other, great things happen. As a result of your great questions and requests, we were able to change the
timing of The Edge plan to allow the Destiny Family to see a concrete and more tangible comparison of The Edge and Stone Ledge plans.
We, however, did not change the direction of our primary plan, which is making disciples of Jesus Christ.
We have prepared this comparison document of the Stone Ledge plan and the revised Edge plan in response to your requests and
great questions. In modifying The Edge plan slightly so that a reasonable comparison can be made between the two, we found some very
interesting ideas that we had not discovered before. We thank God for your cooperation and the work of the Holy Spirit. We hope that this
comparison document gives you an opportunity to interact with the plans, numbers, and frequently asked questions in a visual manner. We
also hope that this will help provide clarity to our previously spoken words and also provide you with talking points to discuss with the elders
and other Destiny Family.
Even with the data laid out more clearly for you, we all need to be reminded that basing any decision solely on our potential worship
services misses the mark. There are wonderful parts in both plans, but we as a church that follows Christ, need to base our decisions on the
call to make disciples. This comparison document is merely a point of clarification and a compilation of potentially scattered information up to
this point.
We will be having another meeting sonn to allow you to ask additional questions so that the plan becomes more robust and prepare us
to further God's kingdom by making disciples. Please feel free to contact your assigned elder as well with any additional questions.
God Bless,
Elder Team
Project phase comparisons for Stone Ledge and The Edge plans
The construction of an approximately 12,000 square foot
multipurpose worship center and parking lot.
 350 people per service
 Classrooms
 Lobby
 Café
Phase 1
Cost: $2.5 million
Note: This cost is based on the feasibility study we had
performed in 2009. This cost does not take into consideration
the potential city requirement to build a new road that
extends Josh Miktarian Parkway to connect to our proposed
parking lot.
Phase 2
Phase 3
The addition of an approximate 4,000 square foot
multipurpose gymnasium. This will allow for use by the
congregation for children, youth, ministries and other major
The addition of an approximate 3,000 square foot space
where we will transition our administration and staff out of the
Stone Ledge house.
The people of Destiny would need to provide the following:
-$8,500 for a monthly payment
-Roughly $750,000 down payment
Mortgage -Equity of Stone Ledge and Turk Propery.
Phase 1
Move In
6 to 9 months after raising the $750,000 down payment and
possibly after the extension road is built next to the Turk
property. There may also be some other delays that arise
due to the sewer and street access.
The purchase of a 55,000 square foot multipurpose indoor
sports facility and its existing business. Facility includes four
full basketball/ five volleyball hardwood courts, a soccer field,
a weight room and parking lot.
 500+ people per service
 Classrooms
 Lobby / Lounge
 Café
It possesses the potential to significantly provide
opportunities to intersect the culture for the Kingdom through
sports and future arts programming and community services
as a source of income.
Cost: $2.5 million (This includes the purchase of the facility,
land, business, assets, immediate repairs and some
The addition of an approximate 9,000 square foot state of the
art worship & performance arts center. This will allow for use
by the congregation and The Edge for activities to include: all
aspects of Sunday morning services, funerals, weddings, arts
training and showcases, day care facility, afterschool
programs, banquets, and much more.
The addition of a second floor, an approximate 4,500 square
foot space. This will allow for the transitional use of the first
floor, creating additional space for events, training,
administration offices, and ministry.
The people of Destiny and The Edge would need to provide
the following:
-Estimate of $16,000 monthly payment. $11,000 provided by
the Edge Ministry and $5,000 provided by the people of
-Roughly $100,000 down payment
-Equity of Stone Ledge and Turk Property.
As early as January 1, 2015 depending on the progress of
the contingencies of the purchase and possible upgrades.
Frequently Asked Questions
I thought The Edge was losing money?
Last year it incurred a nominal lose. With our qualification as a non-profit organization, we are eligible for exemption from property taxes. If
approved, then the savings would result in an immediate nominal profit for The Edge. In addition, we have identified other expenses we could
eliminate, without affecting the quality of service, in order to bring The Edge to a break-even point. However, and most importantly, we are
working with ministry partners to design new programming that would substantially increase the activities and profitability of The Edge over its
current state. Finally, if by faith and God’s blessings we are able to raise most or all of the $2.5 million, then The Edge could operate at a
surplus that exceeds $100,000 per year, which would be reinvested to extend programming, open access to more children in the community
and expand the facility (i.e. the worship/performing arts center).
Would the people of Destiny Church need to raise the entire $750,000 for The Edge?
We of course would love to see this as a debt free endeavor, so that the current, nominal annual loss turns into a $100,000 annual surplus,
and that even before we get a chance to add our programming and partnerships. This would require the people of Destiny to give sacrificially
to this endeavor, along with a number of people and organizations outside of Destiny who see great value in this kingdom endeavor.
Consequently, we would have no mortgage and all of our resources can go into growing our disciple making endeavors, versus servicing
debt. A huge push up front is a huge blessing for the future. However, another option involves The Edge paying for the majority of the monthly
mortgage ($11,000 of the $16,000), so we will not be required to have a large down payment. We would take the majority of the down
payment from the equity of the Stone Ledge property, which we already own. We trust the Lord would provide the remainder of the down
payment (roughly $100,000 depending on the appraisal) through sacrificial giving by the people of Destiny Church and supporters of The
Edge ministry.
Who would pay the new mortgage at The Edge?
At its current state, The Edge Sports & Arts Academy would pay for the mortgage and the people of Destiny Church would contribute $5,000 a
month. As revenues increase, that number will decrease and more of the church’s resources will be invested into disciple making ventures.
Would we need to wait for the sewer line to be extended to Stone Ledge before we start construction?
No, however it would be beneficial for us to wait for the sewer line to be extended to the south side of the Turk property. If we do not wait, we
will need to allow for 20,000 square feet of land for the installation of a sewage system on the property. Unfortunately, there is no clear
timeline as to when or if the sewer line will be extended to Stone Ledge.
Would the 20,000 square foot sewage system impact our ability to expand at Stone Ledge?
Yes, it would give us 20,000 less square feet to expand for future building projects and/or parking.
Can we pay to extend the sewer line ourselves?
Yes. We’ve been quoted a cost that ranges from $150,000 to $250,000. The 20,000 square foot sewage system will cost us approximately
If at The Edge, what would our tithes and offerings be used for if we do not have to pay as much for the mortgage each month?
Our tithes and offerings will be applied to ministries that our congregation is currently involved in, as well as setting aside money for Phase 2.
Would The Edge Ministry contribute to Phase 2?
Yes, because The Edge Sports & Arts Academy would own it and use it on a regular basis. It would allow The Edge to fully implement its arts
If at Stone Ledge, would we be able to save significantly for Phase 2?
Not at our current level of giving. We would need a very significant increase in tithes and offerings to build Phase 2, mainly because we will
first need a very significant increase in tithes and offerings to build Phase 1 at Stone Ledge.
Will we save money by moving out of the school and the ministry center?
Yes. In fact, we will save close to $1,200 a month by moving out of the school. We would save almost an additional $650 per month, if we
decide to move out of the ministry center.
Where would we hold Sunday morning service during Phase 1 at The Edge?
We could hold it on the soccer field or basketball court depending on which suits our needs better.
How many seats does The Edge hold?
The square footage allows us have well over 500 people per service. That number could be closer to 1,000 or more people per service, if
additional parking is built..
Would we have to keep setting up at the Edge like we do at the school?
Yes. There will be a need for setup to continue during Phase 1. However, because it will be our building we will be able to install some
equipment permanently and for those we can’t, we will utilize a mix of hired Edge staff and Destiny volunteers to help with set up.
Will the children have a place at the Edge?
Yes. During Phase 1 the children's ministry team will utilize the outlying spaces in The Edge, just like they do at the school.
Is there a place for the Life Application class at the Edge?
Yes, we have locations that can be used for the various Sunday morning classes.
Will there be a place to fellowship after service at the Edge?
Yes. We will have basketball/volleyball courts open for the kids, along with two locations for fellowship with our usual array of refreshments in
the cafe area.
Will there be a place for midweek activities at the Edge?
There will be times when specific rooms can be made available for midweek activities. Those would be scheduled the same as any other
events, and based on availability. If we decide to keep the ministry center that will be available as well.
Will we be able to expand at The Edge beyond Phase 3?
Yes. The process would involve working with the city and FEMA planners to ensure any additional structures are built according to their
specifications. This process normally adds about six months to the building process, but it is certainly doable, if the need and opportunity
arises for expansion beyond Phase 3.
Is Ambassadors going away from The Edge?
We are in close contact with them. It is their plan to eventually build their own facility for their teams.. They have been working towards this
plan for many years and to speculate one way or another would be unfair to them. We do know as of right now that they will be our partners
the near future. We will have plenty of time to replace them with another missional-aligned sports partner, if they secure their own facility.
Will we have to sell Stone Ledge if we buy The Edge?
As of now, we would love to keep Stone Ledge for future ministry at that location. As long as The Lord wills, we would use the equity in the
property instead of selling it. All of the sacrificial giving we did would not go to waste. If God wills it, the purchase of Stone Ledge may be a
major contributing factor in Destiny Church having two strategic locations to do ministry in this region.
What will we use Stone Ledge for if we buy The Edge?
We can use it for anything that the Lord wants us to. Suggestions abound for use of that beautiful property, especially if the space is not ear
marked specifically for a church building and parking lots. One possibility is turning it into a God honoring retreat style environment that can
serve children, youth, physically and mentally hurting people, church/business teams, and so much more. We can provide a wonderful
atmosphere for people to connect with God and one another. We can also add some exciting elements like confidence courses, rope
challenges, and more. The barn itself could be turned into a great multipurpose dining hall and made available to the community. The ideas
are endless; and if we buy The Edge we will petition the Lord for what He would have us do.
How can we make more disciples at The Edge rather than Stone Ledge?
This is a great question. Doing ministry at Stone Ledge or any other traditional church would require people to come to us on their own free
will by either attraction or intentional requests. These types of ministries are usually more internally serving to the congregation rather than the
lost and dying of this world. Ministry at The Edge is getting right into the culture and intersecting with it. We would be bringing the Gospel to
the lost and dying in their everyday lives rather than hoping they will come to us.
So how would I get involved at the Edge if I am not a coach or am not interested in sports or arts?
This is another great question! First, remember that The Edge facility will also serve as the home of Destiny Church; therefore, consider the
many ways you and others currently serve in the church, and you’ll realize there is no difference in this regard. We will host many of the
ministries traditionally known to the church, such as those that occur through children’s ministry, youth ministry, men’s and women’s
ministries, small groups, bible studies, outreach, missions, hospitality and so on. Our opportunities for church ministry will only be limited by
the availability of people to carry out the ministry.
Second, The Edge Sports & Arts Academy offers even more opportunities to serve than a traditional church because of the sheer number of
people who will come through the doors on a daily basis. For example, let’s say that you have a calling to restore marriages back to God.
Well, currently at the Edge, there are parents just sitting around waiting for their child to finish an activity. We could develop marriage classes,
tune-ups, and seminars for the parents (believers or not) that occur during peak hours at the facility. Those who show interest can be invited
into a small group where they experience fellowship and discipling with the intent to organically present them with the Gospel and watch the
Lord bring them to him. Another great example is that many of those parents have their other children with them as well and there is not a lot
for the “little sisters and brothers” at the Edge right now. Those who are passionate about reaching those children can provide some great
activities for them while building more relationships that form discipling relationships. Finally, what if you simply love people and love to them?
Then, perhaps you can serve as a greeter who roams around interacting with people and making sure our facility is serving them well. Or,
maybe you’d like to serve at the concession stand or café? The opportunities are great and these examples of non-sports and arts related
ministry only scratch the surface.
Remember, The Edge Sports & Arts Academy IS NOT Destiny Church; instead, it is an expression of our outreach ministry. Although it is a
significant outreach ministry, room remains for many other expressions of service to the church and the community.