
Springboard Level 5 Unit 1
Vocabulary List
1. Identity (n) - Springboard Page _____
Your sentence:
2. Culture (n) – Springboard Page _____
Your sentence:
3. Subculture (n) – Springboard Page _____
Your sentence:
4. Automaton (n) – Springboard Page _____
Your sentence:
5. Autonomy (n) – Springboard Page _____
Your sentence:
6. Values (n) – Springboard Page _____
Your sentence:
7. Reminisce (v) – Springboard Page _____
Your sentence:
8. Perspective (n) – Springboard Page _____
Your sentence:
9. Infer (v) / Inference (n) – Springboard Page _____
Your sentence:
10. Stereotype (n or v) – Springboard Page _____
Your sentence:
11. Generalization (n) – Springboard Page _____
Your sentence:
12. Assimilate (v) / Assimilation (n) – Springboard Page _____
Your sentence:
13. Ethnocentrism (n) – Springboard Page _____
Your sentence:
14. Cultural Norms (n) – Springboard Page _____
Your sentence:
15. Eloquence (n) / Eloquent (adj) – Springboard Page _____
Your sentence:
16. Facilitate (v) – Springboard Page _____
Your sentence:
17. Cringe (v) – Springboard Page _____
Your sentence:
18. Predicament (n) – Springboard Page _____
Your sentence
19. Futile (adj) – Springboard Page _____
Your sentence:
20. Resonate (v) / Resonance (n) Springboard Page _____
Your sentence:
21. Flippant (adj) – Springboard Page _____
Your sentence:
22. Taunt (v) Springboard Page _____
Your sentence:
23. Optimistic (antonym = Pessimistic) (adj) – Springboard Page _____
Your sentence:
24. Stoic (adj) – Springboard Page _____
Your sentence:
25. Attire (n) – Springboard Page _____
Your sentence:
26. Illuminate (v) – Springboard Page _____
Your sentence:
27. Negate (v) – Springboard Page _____
Your sentence:
A) A simplified and standardized conception or image invested with special meaning and held
in common by members of a group
B) Clothes, of a particular type
C) An unpleasant or confusing situation that is difficult to get out of or solve
To derive by reasoning; to conclude or judge from premises or evidence; to guess or
E) A written or spoken comment in which you say or write something very basic, based on
limited facts, that is partly or sometimes true, but not always
F) The behavioral expectations and cues within a society or group; the rules a group uses for
appropriate and inappropriate values, beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors
To make something possible or easier
A point of view or general standpoint from which different things are viewed,
physically or mentally; the appearance to the eye of various objects at a given time, place, or
I) To fondly recall past experiences, events, etc.
J) To feel embarrassed and ashamed about something; to pull back from someone or
something that seems powerful and dangerous
K) To take in and make a part of your basic knowledge something learned from others so you
can use it as your own
L) To try to make other people angry or upset by insulting them, laughing at them, etc
M) The characteristics which combined constitute your individual personality and place
in the world
The tendency to be hopeful and to emphasize or think of the good part in a situation
rather than the bad part; the feeling that in the future, good things will happen
O) Principles, standards, qualities, or beliefs considered worthwhile or important
P) Using language to express ideas or opinions clearly and well, so that they have a strong
effect on others
Q) The condition or quality of being self-governing
R) Belief that a particular race or culture is better than others
S) To produce or be filled with clear continuing sound; to have a particular meaning or
importance for someone; to affect someone in an emotional way.
T) Not showing or not feeling any emotion, especially in a situation in which the expression of
emotion is expected
U) To put light in or on something, to accent it
V)Showing or having a rude attitude of not being serious especially by trying to be amusing
when most people expect you to be serious
W) One who behaves in an automatic or mechanical fashion
X) A group having social, economic, ethnic, or other traits distinctive enough to distinguish it
from others within the same culture or society
Y) To show something to be wrong or to be the opposite of what was thought, or to cause
something to have no effect
Z) Achieving no result, not effective or successful
AA) The customary beliefs, practices, shared attitudes, values, and social norms of a
group of people that are passed down from generation to generation
Name & Date: ____________________________
Mrs. DeMella: English 2R
Homework # _____ Due ____________________
 Build your vocabulary – particularly focusing on
words you can use to analyze and discuss culture.
 Use your vocabulary words correctly in sentences.
 Take out your vocabulary list with the definitions written
on the paper.
 Use the vocabulary words from your list to complete the
fill-in activity below. You may have to change the part of
speech/tense/form of the word. Use each word only
 Then, write your own creative sentence for each word.
Use the sentences from the fill-in activity as a model.
Write these onto the list as well.
 I will collect the list (with all definitions and sentences) on
Over …
Fill – In Activity
1. Her powerful performance in the debates
_________________ with the voters.
2. Somehow he remained _________________ despite all
that had happened to him. He was naturally a ‘glass half
full’ kind of guy.
3. I was very annoyed when he gave a ________________
response to my serious question.
4. My teacher really fits the __________________ of the
5. His art reflects his cultural and racial ________________.
6. Her rise to power was ___________________ by her
influential friends.
7. Proper __________________ is required at the restaurant.
Casual wear is absolutely forbidden.
8. He __________________ with old buddies at his high
school reunion.
9. Many English teachers ___________________ when they
hear their students use the word “ain’t”.
The story is told from the ____________________ of
a teenage boy in the 1940’s.
The boys continually ___________________ each
other. It seemed a fight was inevitable.
Her _________________ were very different from
mine, so I knew that we would never be able to have a
successful relationship.
I am spending a semester abroad to immerse myself
in Greek language and ___________________.
They made a __________________ attempt to
control the flooding, but soon had to evacuate.
The book was criticized for its __________________
bias. The writer made myriad disparaging remarks about
the native culture, and did not seem to have any global
She remained ___________________ even as he
continued to insult her. She was truly unflappable.
When her employer discovered that she had lied
about her work experience, he told her that her contract
had been ___________________.
I love my English teacher because she really
encourages personal __________________. She wants us
to think for ourselves, not just regurgitate memorized
In order to fit in, one must adopt the
____________________________ of the host country.
“I don’t know how to get out of the terrible
________________________ I’m in!”
She spoke with ________________________ about
the need for more corporate regulation.
He made several sweeping
______________________ about women, and offended
many of the viewers.
They found it hard to ____________________ into
American society.
I ____________________ from his silence that he was
angry about my decision.
We see the parts of the moon that are
___________________ by the sun.
She glared at him and said, “You are an unfeeling
_____________________. You might as well be a robot for
all your understanding of human feeling.”
As a teenager, James McBride became mixed up in a
___________________ of poverty and crime.