MSN Native Guidelines

MSN Native Guidelines
Last Updated – April, 2015
Native Advertising requirements:
Client requirements:
 Advertiser/Provider Logo Image: Please send the following assets (acceptable formats: .ai, .eps, .svg) so that we
can create the necessary logos for your Native Ad attribution.
 Square vector logo designed for larger sizes (50x50, 100x100)
 Vector logo for favicon: Square, works well at a small size (16x16, 24x24)
 Rectangular vector logo. Typically, this is the logo/mark + the company name/logotype side by side
 Additional logo: 156x53 PNG & 350x70 PNG
Advertiser/Provider Name - Please send the following assets for the Content Advertiser/Provider Name, which
will appear to the right of the Advertiser/Provider Logo Image.
 25 Characters Maximum, including punctuation and spaces.
Today Infopane
Today feature
HREF/Linking URL
 Supports a single linking URL in the form of http://XXXXX
 This URL can link either to content within the MSN domain OR may link offsite to advertisers content
landing page.
 If advertiser is able to wrap the landing page URL with tracking code, OR provide a link that tracks clicks
then redirects user to the proper landing page, this field may be used for 3 rd party click tracking as well.
 Additional click data is available via MSN content delivery logs.
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Article editor requirements:
 Main Image - Please send the following assets for the Main Image element of the Native Placement. For Today
Infopane Native and Today Featured Native, this image will present as a full-bleed background. For the Today
Article Native this image will present within the content link to the left of the Title text.
Maximum File Size: 9MB
Suggested Dimensions: 1600x1600 Maximum, 150x150 Minimum. Larger images will be scaled down but
retain aspect ratio.
 Supported Image Formats: PNG, JPG, GIF
 Supported Aspect Ratios: 3:2, 2:3, 1:1. If the ratio of width to height is less than 0.5 or greater than 1.89,
the image may be unusable.
Title Copy - 25 Characters Maximum, including punctuation and spaces.
Article copy – no restrictions
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