Arkansas Department of Career Education

Arkansas Department of Career Education
Career Readiness Student Performance
Arkansas Department of Career Education
Model Framework
Course Title
Career Readiness
Career Pathway
Career Cluster
Course Number
CIP Number
Grade Level
Course Credit
.5 Unit Credit
POS Core
End of Course
Not Required
Common Core Literacy Standards
Common Career Technical Core Career Ready Practice
CTE Permit 412 Career Preparation
Arkansas Department of Career Education
Career Readiness Student Performance
Course Title: Career Readiness
Career Development is the development of skills and knowledge necessary to be successful in any selected career pathway and
program of study regardless of postsecondary plans. Career Readiness is fundamental for all subsequent career planning and
preparation. The theory is to plan for something with a career focus and prepare for all careers with the skills employers desire.
Career Development includes honest self-realization, college and career research and planning, making decisions, development of work
discipline and readiness in preparation and pursuance of a satisfying and fulfilling career. The process is continual, progressive and
necessary to help an individual transition through education, job preparation and career readiness.
The major goal of Career Development is to engage students in their own future success. Students will have the knowledge to take
advantage of learning opportunities while adapting to changing personal needs and trends of local, national, and global economies.
Career Readiness Course Description
Career Readiness is a one-semester .5 credit course that can count toward completer status for any Career and Technical Education
Program of Study. It is designed to provide the student with the necessary skills to evaluate who they are, what they need in a career,
research college and career information, refine their choices through a decision-making process and master the skills most needed by
21st Century employers.
The major goal of Career Readiness is to engage students to develop characteristics and skills employers most desire.
Students will evaluate personal traits for a better understanding of self in their pursuit of finding a meaningful, fulfilling and rewarding
career then compare their traits to the characteristics employers expect for the purpose of identifying and developing the lacking skills.
Students will evaluate personal resources, barriers and opportunities; update personal and professional goals; develop education and
training plans with alignment to a career focus based upon the 16 National Career Clusters and Pathways; .develop the career research,
planning and development skills necessary to successfully transition through postsecondary education and training programs and make
application for employment; develop an understanding of how the changing workplace requires lifelong learning and upgrading of skills by
analyzing the effects of the changing technology on the individual, employers, and the global economy; understand the impact of extraneous
factors such as personal barriers, demographic changes, economic and societal trends, and geographic location on occupational
opportunities; and master basic career readiness transferable skills in preparation for employment.
Arkansas Department of Career Education
Career Readiness Student Performance
Special Notes
HB 1620 An act to establish Arkansas college and career readiness standards; to develop criteria to evaluate, support, promote,
and fund Arkansas career and technical education programs;
ACT 743 An act to create the Arkansas college and career readiness planning program act; to lower educational costs, shorten a
student's time to degree completion, and increase the overall success rate of Arkansas students by reducing the need for remediation; to
ensure that students have the career readiness skills to compete in the global economy;
ACT 1280 An ACT to provide digital learning opportunities in public schools; and for other purposes
Career Readiness (493900) meets the requirements for digital learning through Career Ready 101 online curriculum. Digital learning
means a digital technology or internet-based educational delivery model that does not rely exclusively on compressed interactive video.
Services may be made available in a blended learning, online-based or other technology based format tailored to meet the needs of
each participating student.
Career Readiness Standards
At the completion of this course the student will be able to . . .
Career Readiness Performance Indicators: At the completion of this course the student will be able to . . .
Develop and demonstrate effective communication skills
Produce effective written documents
Demonstrate effective oral communication skills
Analyze non-verbal communication techniques
Analyze communication tools and their appropriate uses
Demonstrate appropriate business etiquette
Evaluate personal qualities in relation to goals for the purpose of making logical career pathway conclusions.
Realistically assess and evaluate personality in relation to finding a satisfying and rewarding career.
Analyze qualities and barriers that lend themselves to determining individual success.
Make logical conclusions for reaching full potential based upon self-realization.
Develop the career and occupational research skills for the purpose of choosing a career with the best logical fit.
Evaluate occupational information resources to determine which sources provide the most accurate reliable and current
information relevant for choosing a career.
Arkansas Department of Career Education
Career Readiness Student Performance
Evaluate career information to determine relevant data for selecting a career.
Evaluate labor market information for determining probability of success based upon extraneous factors in the local,
regional and global markets.
Review, compare and contrast occupational duties, work environment, and employment requirements.
Develop education and training plans with a logical sequence of achievable steps aligned to postsecondary and career
Analyze personal goals with relation to available resources.
Determine probability of success for planned education and career goals.
Develop realistic achievable education and training plans aligned with tentative career goals.
Develop a Career Portfolio to store, update and manage education, training and career plans.
Prepare employment documents and develop communication skills necessary for a successful job search.
Prepare an effective and comprehensive resume based upon current education and experiences
Prepare a job application, printed and online
Prepare for and demonstrate proper interviewing skills
Analyze the appropriate use of social media in the job search process
Develop career readiness transferable job skills necessary for employment across all career pathways
Analyze personal management skills.
Demonstrate appropriate attitude.
Demonstrate appropriate work ethic.
Demonstrate time management skills.
Analyze employer expectations.
Demonstrate appropriate teamwork skills necessary in the workforce.
Arkansas Department of Career Education
Career Readiness Student Performance
Career Readiness Indicators, Objectives, and Recommended Applications/Activities
Standard 1.0 Develop and demonstrate effective communication skills
Performance Indicator 1.1
Produce effective written documents
Core State
Core State
1.1.1 Review grammar and punctuation rules
1.1.2 Discuss the implications of not following grammar and punctuation rules when producing workplace
1.1.3 Identify different forms of written documents
1.1.4 Analyze the purposes of written documents in a workplace setting
1.1.5 Produce effective written documents for professional settings
Performance Indicator 1.2
Demonstrate effective oral communication skills
1.2.1 Research the communication process.
1.2.2 Demonstrate effective oral communication techniques.
1.2.3 Analyze barriers to effective oral communication.
1.2.4 Demonstrate effective oral presentation skills.
1.2.5 Effectively follow oral instructions.
Performance indicator 1.3
Demonstrate effective workplace observation and listening skills.
Arkansas Department of Career Education
Career Readiness Student Performance
1.3.1 Assess workplace observation skills necessary to develop awareness and understanding of
employment expectations.
1.3.1 Develop listening skills requisite for successful fulfillment of job duties.
1.3.2 Develop strategies for communication through listening and getting others to listen.
Performance Indicator 1.4
Analyze non-verbal communication techniques.
Core State
Core State
Core State
1.4.1 Research non-verbal communication techniques.
1.4.2 Demonstrate appropriate non-verbal communication techniques in various situations.
Performance Indicator 1.5
Analyze communication tools and their appropriate uses
1.5.1 Research various communication tools.
1.5.2 Analyze appropriate personal and workplace uses of various communication tools.
Performance Indicator 1.6
Demonstrate appropriate business etiquette
1.6.1 Demonstrate appropriate business introductions and handshakes.
1.6.2 Analyze cross-cultural communication in the workplace setting.
1.6.3 Demonstrate appropriate telephone etiquette.
1.6.4 Demonstrate appropriate workspace etiquette.
1.6.5 Demonstrate appropriate dining etiquette.
Arkansas Department of Career Education
Career Readiness Student Performance
1.6.6 Demonstrate appropriate meeting etiquette.
Standard 2.0 Evaluate personal qualities in relation to goals for the purpose of making logical career pathway conclusions.
Performance Indicator 2.1
Realistically assess and evaluate personality in relation to finding a satisfying and rewarding career.
2.1.1 Re-assess personal interests, values and skills.
2.1.2 Assess the personal effect of attitude toward accomplishing goals and making plans.
2.1.3 Evaluate the impact of your abilities, strengths and talents in hobbies and skill related activities.
2.1.4 Assess personal life and work values in relation to goals, ambitions and lifestyle.
2.1.5 Predict success in future education and career goals in relation to self-realization.
Performance Indicator 2.2
Analyze qualities and barriers that lend themselves to determining individual success.
2.2.1 Evaluate personal work ethic and the probability of success for planned education and training
2.2.2 Evaluate personal qualities important to success in a chosen career.
2.2.3 Analyze personal barriers and develop strategies for overcoming them to accomplish goals.
2.2.4 Assess responsible behavior within the context of teamwork and societal needs.
2.2.5 Evaluate probability of success based upon personality traits, barriers and self-management.
Performance Indicator 2.3
Make logical conclusions for reaching full potential based upon self-realization objectives.
2.3.1 Prove that specific work can produce self-satisfaction regardless of income offering the best career fit.
2.3.2 Describe the attributes of work and the benefits that can be derived from it.
2.3.3 Assess opportunities for self-promotion relative to changing societal or demographic needs.
2.3.4 Explain how a chosen career will satisfy basic human needs through self-actualization.
2.3.5 Summarize personal traits in relation to reaching one’s full potential from a satisfying and fulfilling
Core State
Standard 3.0 Develop the career and occupational research skills for the purpose of choosing a career with the best logical fit.
Performance Indicator 3.1
Evaluate occupational information resources to determine which sources provide the most accurate reliable
and current information relevant for choosing a career.
Arkansas Department of Career Education
Career Readiness Student Performance
3.1.1 Assess the quality of the career information resources you plan to use in terms of accuracy, bias,
completeness, and currency.
3.1.2 Assess the impact of career information on personal plans that reflect accurate, current, and unbiased
career information.
3.1.3 Demonstrate knowledge of local, state, regional and national career opportunities for a specific career
pathway of choice.
Performance Indicator 3.2
Evaluate career information to determine relevant data for selecting a career.
3.2.1 Demonstrate knowledge of job duties, education and training qualifications, work environment, job
availability, and income potential for a chosen career goal.
3.2.2 Analyze personal preference for income sources and benefit packages.
3.2.3 Demonstrate how career information is being used to set career goals in personal plans
3.2.5 Analyze relative wealth due to income, deductions, investments, and unexpected losses.
Performance Indicator 3.3
Evaluate labor market information for determining probability of success based upon extraneous factors in
the local, regional and global markets.
3.3.1 Analyze multiple LMI resources to determine appropriate sources of accurate and current information.
3.3.2 Identify and analyze economic and workforce trends that can affect future career opportunities in local,
regional, national, and global markets.
3.3.3 Identify economic and workforce factors and trends that can affect future career opportunities in the
global market.
3.3.4 Assess personal career focus opportunities based upon trends that could raise barriers hindering
completion of planned career goals.
3.3.5 Analyze occupational information to determine personal needs requirements (job duties, working
environment, education and training requirements, income, and career opportunities.
Performance Indicator 3.4
Review, compare and contrast occupational duties, work environment, and employment requirements.
3.4.1 Demonstrate knowledge of job duties, education and training qualifications, work environment, job
availability, and income potential for a chosen pathway
3.4.2 Compare personal preference to occupational information to determine appropriate job fit in relation to
(job duties, working environment, education and training requirements, income, and job opportunities.
Standard 4.0 Develop education and training plans with a logical sequence of achievable steps aligned to postsecondary and
career opportunities.
Arkansas Department of Career Education
Career Readiness Student Performance
Performance Indicator 4.1
Analyze personal goals with relation to available resources, opportunities and barriers.
4.1.1 Re-evaluate short, medium and long term personal and professional goals.
4.1.2 Evaluate personal values for conflicts in relation to career goals and the need for making compromises.
4.1.3 Demonstrate the use of a decision-making model in a personal career plan.
4.1.4 Assess probability of success determined in the decision-making process.
Performance Indicator 4.2
Determine probability of success for planned education and career goals.
4.2.1 Assess how career planning strategies facilitate reaching personal career goals.
4.2.2 Explore and identify available financial aid resources to acquire the training necessary for educational
attainment beyond high school to achieve goals.
4.2.3 Determine opportunity cost over a lifespan for achieving a personal career goal with the most feasible
4.2.4 Review extended learning opportunities, student organizations, programs of study, graduation and
extra-curricular activities that align with career goals.
4.2.5 Evaluate the probability of success using available resources.
Performance Indicator 4.3
Develop realistic achievable education and training plans aligned with tentative career goals.
4.3.1 Research and evaluate postsecondary options.
4.3.2 Re-evaluate and update education and training plans to complete high school at the highest achievable
level aligned with career goals.
4.3.3 Develop a post high school education and training plan including a sequence of steps with smooth
transition aligned with a career goal.
Performance Indicator 4.4
Develop a Career Portfolio to store, update and manage education, training and career plans.
4.4.1 Explain the importance and relevance of a personal portfolio.
4.4.2 Review documents that should be contained in a personal portfolio.
4.4.3 Develop a plan of action detailing a progressive transition toward a specific career focus with multiple
outlets for success along a chosen career pathway.
4.4.4 Develop a Career Development Portfolio
4.4.5 Evaluate personal career action plan detailing progressive transition toward a specific career focus
with postsecondary education and training opportunities with outlets for success along the chosen career
Arkansas Department of Career Education
Career Readiness Student Performance
Standard 5.0 Prepare employment documents and develop communication skills necessary for a successful job search.
Performance Indicator 5.1
Prepare an effective and comprehensive resume based upon current education and experiences.
5.1.1 Research resume formats and resume components.
5.1.2 Prepare an effective comprehensive resume.
Performance Indicator 5.2
Prepare a job application, printed and online
5.2.1 Research various company websites and locate job applications.
5.2.2 Complete an online job application and a printed job application.
Performance Indicator 5.3
Prepare for and demonstrate proper interviewing skills.
5.3.1 Investigate appropriate interviewing attire.
5.3.2 Investigate appropriate interview questions.
5.3.3 Investigate appropriate etiquette (handshake, greeting, etc.)
Performance Indicator 5.4
Analyze the appropriate use of social media in the job search process.
5.4.1 Determine how potential employers review and use applicants’ social media presence.
5.4.2 Investigate the consequences of a negative social media presence.
Standard 6.0 Develop career readiness transferable job skills necessary for employment across all career pathways.
Performance Indicator 6.1
Analyze personal management skills.
6.1.1 Demonstrate personal budgeting based upon career expectations.
6.1.2 Identify time management techniques and strategies for effective use of time and energy.
6.1.3 Assess positive attitude, respect, responsibility, courtesy, pride, trust perseverance, and
professionalism in the workplace.
6.1.4 Analyze personal management skills to determine potential success completing educational
attainment goals.
6.1.5 Identify problem solving strategies to overcome potential barriers to success.
Performance Indicator 6.2
Demonstrate appropriate attitude.
Arkansas Department of Career Education
Career Readiness Student Performance
6.2.1 Assess the potential for success with current levels of work ethic and self-discipline.
6.2.2 Demonstrate understanding of good work ethic and self-discipline in the workplace.
6.2.3 Analyze the impact of transferable skills across all industries (technology savvy, written and verbal
communication, negotiating and persuading, social networking, management and leadership on your career
6.2.4 Assess probability of success of achieving team goals for personal success.
6.2.5 Demonstrate an understanding of how employers and employees organize to improve the quality of
goods, services, and working conditions.
Performance Indicator 6.3
Demonstrate appropriate work ethic.
6.3.1 Analyze work ethic and work habits of successful employees.
6.3.2 Analyze business codes of conduct and expectations of employee professional conduct.
Performance Indicator 6.4
Demonstrate time management skills.
6.4.1 Analyze personal time management skills.
6.4.2 Explain the importance of prioritizing tasks.
6.4.3 Identify the consequences of procrastination.
6.4.4 Explain the importance of understanding one’s work habits to effectively schedule tasks.
Performance Indicator 6.5
Analyze employer expectations.
6.5.1 Investigate employer expectations of employees’ behavior.
6.5.2 Investigate ethical behavior as expected of employees and the consequences for unethical behavior.
6.5.3 Identify work relationships ex. Employer/ employee, customer/ client, and co-worker and chain of
Performance Indicator 6.6
Demonstrate appropriate teamwork skills necessary in the workplace.
6.6.1 Identify roles and responsibilities of effective team members.
6.6.2 Compare and contrast team members’ roles in face-to-face and technology-enable teams.
Arkansas Department of Career Education
Career Readiness Student Performance
6.6.3 Identify barriers to effective team communication.
6.6.4 Explain methods of resolving team conflict.
Arkansas Department of Career Education
Career Readiness Student Performance
Arkansas Department of Career Education
Student Performance Standards
Common Career and Technical Core Career Ready Practices (CCTC CRP)
Career Ready Practices
1. Act as a responsible citizen in the workplace and the community. (CRP1)
Career-ready individuals understand the obligations and responsibilities of being a member of a community, and demonstrate this
understanding every day through their interactions with others. They are aware of the impacts of their decisions on others and the
environment around them and think about the short-term and long-term consequences of their actions. They are reliable and consistent in
going beyond the minimum expectation and in participating in activities that serve the greater good.
2. Apply appropriate technical skills and academic knowledge. (CRP2)
Career-ready individuals readily access and use the knowledge and skills acquired through experience and education. They make
connections between abstract concepts with real-world applications and recognize the value of academic preparation for solving problems,
communicating with others, calculating measures, and other work related practices.
3. Practice personal health and understand financial literacy. (CRP3)
Career-ready individuals understand the relationship between personal health and workplace performance. They contribute to their personal
well-being through a healthy diet, regular exercise, and mental health activities. Career-ready individuals also understand that financial
literacy leads to a secure future that enables career success.
4. Communicate clearly, effectively, and with reason. (CRP4)
Career-ready individuals communicate thoughts, ideas, and action plans with clarity, using written, verbal, electronic, and/or visual methods.
They are skilled at interacting with others; are active listeners and speak clearly with purpose, and are comfortable with the terminology
common to the workplace environment. Career-ready individuals consider the audience for their communication and prepare accordingly to
ensure the desired outcome.
5. Understand the environmental, social, and economic impacts of decisions. (CRP5)
Career-ready individuals understand the interrelated nature of their actions and regularly make decisions that positively impact on other
people, organizations, the workplace, and the environment. They are aware of and utilize new technologies, understandings, procedures,
materials and adhere to regulations affecting the nature of their work. They are cognizant of the impact on the social condition, the
environment, workplace, and profitability of the organization
6. Demonstrate creativity and innovation. (CRP6)
Arkansas Department of Career Education
Career Readiness Student Performance
Career-ready individuals recommend ideas that solve problems in new and different ways that contribute to the improvement of the
organization. They consider unconventional ideas and suggestions by others as solutions to issues, tasks, or problems. They discern which
ideas and suggestions may have the greatest value. They seek out new methods, practices, and ideas from a variety of sources and apply
those ideas to their own workplace practices.
7. Employ valid and reliable research strategies. (CRP7)
Career-ready individuals employ research practices to plan and carryout investigations, create solutions, and keep abreast of the most
current findings related to the workplace environment and practices. They use a reliable research process to search for new information and.
Confirm the validity of sources when considering the use and adoption of external information or practices.
8. Utilize critical thinking to make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. (CRP8)
Career-ready individuals recognize problems in the workplace, understand the nature of the problem, and devise effective plans to solve the
problem. They thoughtfully investigate the root cause of the problem prior to introducing solutions. They carefully consider options to solve
the problem and once agreed upon, follow through to ensure the problem is resolved.
9. Model integrity, ethical leadership, and effective management. (CRP9)
Career-ready individuals consistently act in ways that align to personal and community held ideals and principles. They employ ethical
behaviors and actions that positively influence others. They have a clear understanding of integrity and act on this understanding in every
decision. They use a variety of means to positively impact the direction and actions of a team or organization, and recognize the short—term
and long—term effects that management’s actions and attitudes can have on productivity, morale and organizational culture.
10. Develop an education and career plan aligned to personal goals. (CRP10)
Career-ready individuals take personal ownership of their own educational and career goals and manage their individual plan to attain these
goals. They recognize the value of each step in the educational and experiential process, and that nearly all career paths require ongoing
education and experience to adapt to practices, procedures, and expectations of an ever changing work environment. They seek
counselors, mentors, and other experts to assist in the planning and execution of education and career plans.
11. Apply technology to enhance productivity. (CRP11)
Career-ready individuals find and maximize the productive value of existing and new technology to accomplish workplace tasks and solve
workplace problems. They are flexible and adaptive in acquiring and using new technology. They understand the inherent risks--personal
and organizational–of technology applications, and they take actions to prevent or mitigate these risks.
12. Work productively in teams while integrating cultural/global competence. (CRP12)
Career-ready individuals positively contribute to every team as both a team leader and team member. They apply an awareness of cultural
differences to avoid barriers to productive and positive interaction. They interact effectively and sensitively with all members of the team and
find ways to increase the engagement and contribution of other members.