The Heath and South Park Surgeries PATIENT PARTICIPATION GROUP ANNUAL REPORT March 2015 INTRODUCTION The Heath and South Park Surgeries formed a Patient Participation Group (PPG) as part of a Government led initiative. There are two parts to the PPG, a group that meets face-to-face on a quarterly basis, and a virtual group (PRG). The PPG is now well established and it aims to support better communication between the practice and its patients. This report outlines the work that has already been done to assemble the PPG and the results of various methods of patient feedback. It is intended for this report to be made available to be read by all patients and PPG members. The report will be emailed out to all members who have consented to an email address being used. To help achieve this, a copy of the report will be will be published on the practice website and a copy placed on the notice boards at both surgeries. In addition, a copy will be forwarded to HealthWatch and Lincolnshire West CCG (Clinical Commissioning Group). The report will be made available to the CQC at the time of inspection (or any other agreed time). The practice is a registered member of NAPP (National Association of Patient Participation). BACKGROUND AND FORMATION OF THE PPG In order to get a balanced view of patient opinions and suggestions, it is important to try to ensure the PPG is representative of the practice population. The practice initially wrote to 1800 patients inviting them to become members. The practice has written to a further 2000 patients. The practice continues to proactively advertise the patient group within the two surgery sites, inviting patients to become members. Posters and applications forms are made available in the waiting areas at both sites for patients to complete and when patients register at the surgery. Information is available on the practice website with application forms for patients to download. In addition, the practice periodically promotes the PPG in the quarterly practice newsletter, which is published in a local magazine. PPG/PRG Members Cohort Gender Age Ethnicity Carer Population/registered numbers Male Female Age Group 0 -16 Age Group 17 - 24 Age Group 25 - 34 Age Group 35 - 44 Age Group 45 - 54 Age Group 55 - 64 Age Group 65 - 74 Age Group 75+ White British White Irish Other White Background Caribbean Asian/Other Asian Bangladeshi/British Bangladeshi Chinese Indian/British Indian African Ethnicity not recorded/stated Carer 172 75 97 0 0 8 9 14 26 61 54 80 2 2 1 2 1 2 0 0 82 7 Practice Population 6226 3114 3112 1219 558 914 866 992 650 498 529 2654 22 75 2 15 5 23 11 13 3406 37 The PPG Committee has a total of 10 members who meet face-to-face on quarterly basis. The practice acknowledges that it is under-represented in the younger age groups and has been proactive in advertising within the surgery, on the practice website, and in the practice newsletter (published in the local magazine), to encourage any registered patient with an interest in the surgery to join either the PPG or the PRG. In addition, information has been made available at the point of registration at the practice. The practice has engaged with the CCG and invited representatives to a meeting. The PPG Chair is proactive in attending CCG events and feeding back to the meetings. PRIORITY ISSUES The PPG is now well established as a group and the practice consulted with the members to obtain their views about what they considered were the priority issues within the practice. The PPG and Practice have established links with the CCG and representatives have attended a meeting. The Practice and PPG committee established the priorities for the year’s action plan for the forthcoming year. The practice and PPG decided to use the National GP survey this year, as the questions are similar to the questionnaire we have previously sent out. In addition, the practice pro-actively gathered patient feedback through the Comments and Suggestions box at both surgeries and the Friends and Family Test (FFT). These services are advertised in the waiting area at both sites, on the practice website and in the quarterly practice newsletter, which is available on the website, for collection from the surgery and published in the local magazine. The surgery has been proactive in responding to any complaints received at the surgery and feedback from HealthWatch. PPG MEETINGS The PPG met on the following dates throughout the year:19 March 2014 24 June 2014 23 September 2014 10 December 2014 11 February 2015 The following members of the practice team endeavour to attend the meetings:Dr Zubair Qureshi Denise Bluck Yvonne Wright – - Senior Partner Practice Manager Administrator Progress has been monitored throughout the year towards achieving the agreed Action Plan for 2014-2015. SURGERY OPENING HOURS The Heath Surgery is open during core hours (Monday - Friday 8.00am – 6.30pm). Services are available through these times. The surgery does not close during the lunchtime period. Patients are able to visit the surgery in person or contact the surgery via telephone or the internet. The surgery participates in the Extended Hours Scheme and is open on a Wednesday evening between 6.30pm – 8.15pm, where a clinician is available. In addition, the surgery has participated in the Additional Extended Hours Scheme and has been open from 7.00 am – 12.00 noon on most Saturday and Sunday mornings throughout January and February 2015, to ease pressures on the Accident and Emergency Department and Out of Hours Service. The branch site, South Park Surgery, is open Monday - Friday between 8.30am – 12.30pm. Outside of these hours, patients contact The Heath Surgery for any of their health requirements. PATIENT FEEDBACK The practice is proactive in asking for patient feedback, both positive and negative, as this is how we can evolve and improve the service we provide. Feedback was gathered from patients from a variety of sources: GP Patient Survey Comments/Suggestions received at the Practice Complaints Friends and Family Test results Healthwatch NATIONAL GP PATIENT SURVEY (Ref: 310 surveys were sent out to patients and 113 were returned to Ipsos MORI, who administer and collate this survey across all practices nationally. Data was gathered during January – March 2014 and July – September 2014 and published on the GP Patient Survey website in January 2015. ________________________________________________________________________________________ 74% of patients find it easy to get through by phone 96% of patients find receptionists at the surgery helpful (97 responses received) (100 responses received) 47% 50% 40% 30% 27% 25% 20% 10% 2% 0% Very easy Fairly easy Not very Not easy easy at all 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Very Fairly helpful helpful Not Not at Don't very all know helpful helpful _______________________________________________________________________________________ 89% of patients with a preferred GP usually get to see or speak to that GP 87% of patients were able to get an appointment to see or speak to someone the last time they tried (39 responses received) (98 responses received) 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% Got an appt Got an appt Didn't get an Can't but had to appt remember call back closer to the day Always or A lot of Some of |Never or almost the time the time almost always never 93% of patients said the last appt they had was convenient 86% of patients describe the experience of making an appt as Good (84 responses received) (99 responses received) 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Very good Fairlly Neither Fairly good good nor poor poor Very poor ________________________________________________________________________________________ 73% of patients usually wait 15 mins Or less after their appointment time 69% of patients feel they don’t normally have to wait too long to be seen (99 responses received) (98 responses received) 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Less than 5 5-15 mins mins Don't More than Can’t usually 15 mins remember have appts at particular time I don't normally have to wait too long I have to I have to No opinion wait a bit wait far too or this too long long doesn’t apply ________________________________________________________________________________________ 82% of patients say the last GP they saw or spoke to was good at giving them enough time 84% say the last GP they saw or spoke to was good at listening to them (98 responses received) (97 responses received) 50% 50% 40% 40% 30% 30% 20% 20% 10% 10% 0% Very good Fairly Neither Fairly good good poor nor poor Very poor 0% Very good Fairly Neither Fairly good good nor poor poor Very poor _______________________________________________________________________________________ 83% say the last GP they saw or spoke to was good at explaining tests and treatments 81% say the last GP they saw or spoke to was good at involving them in decisions about their care (94 responses received) (90 responses received) 50% 60% 40% 50% 40% 30% 30% 20% 20% 10% 10% 0% 0% Very good Fairly Neither Fairly good good poor nor poor Very poor Very good Fairly Neither Fairly good good nor poor poor Very poor _______________________________________________________________________________________ 82% say the last GP they saw or spoke to was good at treating them with care and concern 94% had confidence and trust in the last GP they saw or spoke to (97 responses received) (93 responses received) 50% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Very good Fairly Neither Fairly good good poor nor poor Very poor Definitely had Had No confidence confidence confidence to at all some extent ________________________________________________________________________________________ 98% say the last nurse they saw or spoke to was good at giving them enough time 97% say the last nurse they saw or spoke to was good at listening to them (83 responses received) (82 responses received) 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Very good Fairly Neither Fairly good good poor nor poor Very poor 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Very good Fairly Neither Fairly good good nor poor poor Very poor ________________________________________________________________________________________ 96% say the last nurse they saw or spoke to was good at explaining tests and treatments 95% say the last nurse they saw or spoke to was good at involving them in decisions about their care (83 responses received) (75 responses received) 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Very good Fairly Neither Fairly good good poor nor poor Very poor Very good Fairly good Neither good nor poor Fairly Very poor poor ________________________________________________________________________________________ 96% say the last nurse they saw or spoke to was good at treating them with care & concern 98% had trust in the last nurse they saw or spoke to (82 responses received) (82 responses received) 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% Very good Fairly Neither Fairly good good poor nor poor Very poor Definitely had Had No confidence confidence confidence to at all some extent _____________________________________________________________ 77% of patients are satisfied with the surgery’s opening hours (100 responses received) 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% Very satisified Fairly satisfied Neither satisfied Fairly dissatisfied Very dissatisfied Aren't sure when or dissatisfied the surgery is open ___________________________________________________________ 93% of patients describe their overall experience of the surgery as “good” (100 responses received) 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Very good Fairly good Neither good nor poor Fairly poor Very poor _________________________________________________________ 81% of patients would recommend the surgery to someone new to the area (99 responses received) 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Definitely would Probably would Aren’t sure Probably wouldn't know Don't know The report identified the following points which the surgery is doing particularly well: The surgery scored particularly well with 96% of patients identifying that the receptionists are helpful (above the CCG average of 87%). This is a pleasing result and reflects the hard work and dedication of the reception team. The report identified that 89% of patients with a preferred GP got to see or speak to that GP. This result is above the CCG average of 63% and reflects the efforts the surgery goes to in trying to accommodate patient requests and continuity of care. 86% of patients describe the experience of making an appointment as “good”. This is above the CCG average of 74%. We feel this reflects the new telephone system and ongoing good service provided by our reception team. The report identified the following points where the surgery is performing slightly below average: 82% of patients say the last GP they saw or spoke to was good at giving them enough time. Whilst this is a reasonably high score, it is below the CCG average of 88. 84% of patients say the last GP they saw or spoke to was good at listening to them. The CCG average is 89%. 82% of patients ay the last GP they saw or spoke to was good at treating them with care and concern. The CCG average is 87%. We discussed these results in the GP meeting and whilst the results are only slightly below average, there is room for improvement. As a practice we feel these results could partially be due to the tragic, unexpected loss of a valued GP Partner in April 2014 and the subsequent heavy use of locum doctors this resulted in. Use of locum GPs can be associated with less continuity of care. It is hoped these figures will improve over the next year now the surgery has recruited a new GP and has reestablished some much needed stability. COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS The practice has established a “Comments and Suggestions” box in the Waiting Rooms at both the main site and branch site. We have promoted this service by advertising it in the waiting rooms and on our website and also in the local magazine. We have received “praise” responses and “suggestions”, which have been responded to on an individual patient basis, where contact details have been made available. COMPLAINTS The practice has updated its Complaints Policy over the past year and has introduced a leaflet for patients explaining the complaints procedure and what options are available to them. Patients are able to collect an information pack from the Reception area at either site. All complaints are fully investigated and responded to in a timely manner. We look at where we have fallen short of the high service we aspire to and discuss in the GP meetings how we can improve and learn from any shortfalls that have been identified. We always try and foster an environment of being open, honest and transparent. FRIENDS AND FAMILY TEST The practice established the Friends and Family Test (FFT) in December 2014. Although this is a new initiative, results so far are very encouraging:- 92.5% of patients are likely to recommend the surgery to Friends and Family (40 responses received) 0.0% 2.5% 5.0% 0% Extremely likely 25.0% Likely Neither likely nor unlikely 67.5% Unlikely Extremely Unlikely Don't know Comments received on the FFT survey report which we have permission to publish are as follows: Surgery is very helpful. No reason not to recommend Very friendly and professional, all staff Never had a problem with any of the staff, always really helpful and supportive Helpful, honest Helpful doctors and nurses Well organised surgery, and very helpful staff Always get excellent care and advice Very good service It is a very well run practice, and is very organised. It is always possible to get appointment when needed. The medical staff are always very caring and helpful Reception very efficient and helpful to me and my wife. Doctors look after us very well and thorough Lack of appointments. Too long to wait use walk in centre Very good and friendly at all times. Excellent care Excellent care and support. Thanks. Lovely staff who always help us – me and my wife Very good service I have always received kind and considerate care from Dr Qureshi and his team. The professionalism of both staff and doctors makes me feel reassured in their decisions ref my health We are well looked after here at South Park – should remain open Friendly staff. Good appointment system , thorough medical care Doctors most obliging and helpful Good advice from doctor Was seen really quickly I found GP practice excellent and caring, and would like to thank Dr Qureshi and staff for their patience and care, thank you Friendly staff, excellent facilities and good opening hours. All round professional approach. Excellent service and caring attitude Efficient, caring, always available, precise and excellent at finding what is wrong and good diagnoses HEALTHWATCH The practice recognises that HealthWatch provides a valuable service for patients and engages with them and responds to any patient queries/complaints identified as fully as possible with the available information, within the designated period of time. ________________________________________________________________________________ COMPLETED ACTION PLAN – 2014-2015 Satisfactory completion of the Action Plan for 2014-2015 was approved by the PPG Committee and minuted at the meeting held on 11 February 2015. RECEPTION AREA/WAITING ROOM We have just had a new reception hatch installed with sliding toughened glass doors, and removed the blue boards, which we hope will improve the privacy situation. We have installed 2 antibacterial hand gel dispensers in the Waiting Room. We have displayed our CQC Registration Certificate. We have installed a clock on the wall. We have tidied leaflets in the waiting area and improved the notice board displays. We have purchased two high backed chairs with arms to aide patients who need extra support when standing. ONLINE FACILITIES Information has been displayed in the waiting area at both sites to promote online services. Information has been added to the practice website to promote online services. SURGERY INFORMATION The practice website has been reviewed and updated. NHS Choices has had basic information updated. Information about joining the PPG has been displayed on the practice website. Information about joining the PPG has been displayed in the waiting areas of both sites. Information on joining the PPG has been promoted in the quarterly newsletter. Information given to patients at the point of registration has been updated to include relevant consent forms and information about joining the PPG. PRESCRIPTION ORDERING A telephone ordering line has been added to the phone system to support ordering of repeat medications. ________________________________________________________________________________ ACTION PLAN – 2015-2016 The Action Plan for 2015-2016 was discussed and agreed at the PPG Committee Meeting held on 11 February 2015:EPS2 The surgery has just gone live on EPS2 and it was agreed that this service would be promoted throughout 2015-2016 to make the patient journey easier. ANTIBIOTIC PRESCRIBING AUDIT The surgery acknowledges that they have been identified as being a high prescriber of antibiotics. It was agreed that a robust audit would be carried out and outcomes addressed. The surgery will work on educating patients on the appropriate prescribing of antibiotics. PRACTICE LEAFLET The practice leaflet was updated on a basic level during 2014-15. It was agreed that the format of the leaflet would be changed to a pamphlet, with loose leaf A5 sheets, giving robust information on what the surgery offers, including relevant consent forms. COMMUNITY EVENT The practice, supported by the PPG, will hold a “Community Event” at a local venue in the Autumn of 2015 to showcase what the surgery has to offer and answer questions from the local patient population. In addition, local service providers will be invited to attend so patients will be aware of what is available in their local area. The practice will use this event as an opportunity to promote the PPG. Approved by Dr M Z Qureshi on behalf of The Heath Surgery 24.02.2015 Approved by Mrs A Southcott on behalf of the PPG 24.02.2015