Englwrit 112: College Writing| Tuesday-Thursday Teacher’s Calendar with Suggested Lesson Plans Spring Semester 2016 Underlined text refers to entries in the database: www.umass.edu/writingprogram/teaching/database/_resourcecontents.html. Introduction to College Writing & Unit 1: Inquiring into Self GOALS Introduce the concept of writing: as means for thinking, expressing ideas, engaging others. Introduce syllabus: esp. course goals and trajectory, five units, and writing process. IN-CLASS ACTIVITIES Tues, Jan. 19 Introduction to writing & writing community Briefly, introduce self and course. Writing Exercise about writing histories: List texts that you’ve written or read in your life—include ‘important’ as well as everyday reading and writing. (e.g., Diversifying Literacy Exercise). Small groups: Students introduce themselves to begin to build writing community. Share writing histories. Why did writing matter? How were your approaches different or similar? As class, discuss: What is writing? Why do we write? Explain our approach to college writing. Note learning objectives, required texts, writing process, policies, calendar. Remind students to keep generative writing and drafts organized for unit portfolios. HOMEWORK (DUE NEXT MEETING) WEEK 1 Writing Exercise: Based on in-class discussion, reflect on an experience that informed or exemplifies their ideas about writing: the purpose of writing, what makes for good writing, who they are as writers (min. 500 words). Note: Ask students to post to Moodle journal or class forum so that they can access this for Unit 5. This is generative writing for Unit 5. Read Opening Conversations (OC), Introduction (v-xvi). Also, read 1st OC essay for Unit 1. See recommended readings. Do Hierarchy of Influences activity. GOALS Introduce Unit 1, and explore context and self. Start generating shared terms about reading and writing, and continue throughout semester. IN-CLASS ACTIVITIES Thurs, Jan. 21 Writer & reader contexts Discuss OC intro, esp. “Writing as Conversation,” “Rhetorical Situation” and “Writer’s Contexts.” Discuss Satrapi op-art (OC) to generate discussion about rhetorical situation. Begin generating shared writing terms—e.g., Writer’s Toolbox—and continue until Unit 5. Introduce idea of context. Discuss context/“influences” in OC essay. Small groups: Reflect on writing histories (homework) to discuss what contexts shape writers and their perspectives on the world? Student contexts enrich the class writing community. Introduce Unit 1 assignment (Contexts That Make Me, Pivotal Places, Self as Writer, Blowing Things into Proportion). Be explicit about what students need to submit in Unit 1 portfolio. Generative Writing for Unit 1: how does OC essay help you reflect on your contexts? HOMEWORK (DUE NEXT MEETING) Read 2nd OC essay. Do Reading for Self exercise. Read EW Ch 1: A Writer’s Choices (14-20). Read Unit 1 Preface and one essay from SWA. Questions about Unit 1 assignment? GOALS WEEK 2 Introduce WRITING PROCESS, esp. DRAFTING. Explore how reading, discussion, informal writing, and revision can inspire new ideas for writing. Write to discover. Tues, Jan. 26 IN-CLASS ACTIVITIES Describing/narr ating & reflecting on one’s context Discuss 2nd OC essay & students’ responses: What contexts shape these writers? Where does the writer describe and narrate? Critically reflect? How does the text move between description/narrative and self-discovery? Generative Writing to describe/narrate an experience in particular context(s). Use good details. As class, read Unit 1 essay from SWA. Identify description/narration and critical reflection. What is “good” writing in Unit 1? HOMEWORK (DUE NEXT MEETING) Read EW, Ch 2: Exploring, Planning, and Drafting (20-35). Write Unit 1 initial draft (750+ words); bring 2 copies to next class. 1 GOALS Introduce PEER RESPONSE, and explore what constitutes constructive feedback. IN-CLASS ACTIVITIES Thurs, Jan. 28 Peer response: description & narration UNIT 1 INITIAL DRAFT DUE; collect 1 copy for teacher response. Explain that, for all essays, teacher comments and peer comments each serve distinct, complementary roles—e.g., for Unit 1, you address critical reflection and essay development; peers address how description/narration affects readers. Consider all responses to essays. (Teachers: return with comments by next Tues.) Writing Exercise: What are you seeking to understand about this context’s influence on you? Why? Introduce Peer Response in relation to EW, Ch 2g-h. Practice on SWA essay. Discuss: How does purposeful description help the writers illustrate their contexts? Small Groups: Students read and give constructive feedback, esp. on description and reader interest. Teachers: check in occasionally with each group. Computer Lab Idea: Students use Google Docs or MS Word Comment tool for peer response. HOMEWORK (DUE NEXT MEETING) Review EW, Ch 2g-h (if applicable, 2f). Revise draft, and bring revised essay to next class. Writing Exercise: Read 2nd Unit 1 SWA essay; do Analyzing Stylistic Choices activity. GOALS Introduce REVISION and idea that writing is always in-process. Continue to help students become more aware of shared terms and writing/revision strategies. IN-CLASS ACTIVITIES Tues, Feb. 2 Revision as reseeing Revision: description & paragraph purpose Distribute teacher responses. Reflective Writing: How will you address different readers’ reactions? List substantive revision plans. Explain idea of revision as substantial re-seeing of purpose, idea development, style, audience. Revision Exercise: description. Considering your essay purpose, develop and refine description in 1 paragraph of draft. A few students share. Revision Exercise: paragraph purpose. Revise 1-2 paragraphs substantially—e.g., break up description with a definition of the context, illustrate general reflection through narration and description, etc. As class, reflect on paragraph purpose and order, identify revision strategies. Computer Lab Idea: Revise drafts in-class and learn to submit drafts through Moodle. HOMEWORK (DUE NEXT MEETING) Revise draft based on responses and reflective writing. Bring almost-final copy to next class. Read EW, Ch 29-32 on Language (146-160). Familiarize yourself with “The Top Twenty” most common errors in EW (1-11). WEEK 3 GOALS Continue to foster revision, and introduce concept and practice of COPY-EDITING. IN-CLASS ACTIVITIES Thurs, Feb. 4 Revision: beginnings & endings Copy-edit: sentence style UNIT 1 REVISED DRAFT DUE (CHECK OFF ONLY). Revision Exercise: beginnings/endings. Small groups identify strategies in beginnings and endings of OC/SWA essays read so far. E.g., see Inquiring into Self: Imagining the Director’s Role. Individuals revise intros and/or conclusions. Explain copy-editing. Discuss uses and limits of language conventions in handbooks, and help students navigate the EW handbook. Copy-editing Exercise 1: Referring to EW, small groups focus on refining sentence style to fit purpose and voice—e.g., play with sentence length; play with word choice; use em dashes, semi-colons, and colons to elaborate. As class, a few share. Computer Lab Idea: Teach students to use MS Word Comments for copy-editing workshop—Comments work better than Track Changes so that writer is required to make decisions. Copy-editing Exercise 2 focused on 2-3 issues in “The Top Twenty.” Prepare students to begin editing log. Preview EW homework on copy-editing comma usage. HOMEWORK (DUE NEXT MEETING) Create editing log that lists grammar-style issues learned and future goals. Refer to EW, Ch 19: Commas (110-118), to make final copy-edits. Complete revisions and copyediting. Unit 1 portfolio due by start of next class (print, GoogleDocs, or Moodle?). 2 Unit 2. Interacting with Texts GOALS Encourage writerly REFLECTION, and introduce PUBLICATION & CIRCULATION. Explain SUMMARY and the need to read carefully in order to INTERACT WITH TEXTS. IN-CLASS ACTIVITIES Tues, Feb. 9 Reading a text Summary: what, why, & how Reflective Writing Exercise on Unit 1; see EW Ch 2j for possible questions. Publication/circulation activity. Computer Lab Idea: Students “publish” excerpts of essays on Moodle forum; at end of class, students reflect on how peer contexts might influence “interaction” with OC essay. UNIT 1 PORTFOLIO DUE. (Teachers: return in one week.) Introduce Unit 2 essay assignment. Review “Rhetorical Situation” & “Listening to Others” in OC Intro. Discuss role of reading in writing course: Refer to discussion from first class. What do we read? How do we read? How do we read specifically in an academic community? As class, read definition of summary (EW Ch 3a) and excerpt of 1st OC essay for Unit 2. See recommended readings. Writing Exercise: summary. List points to include in a summary. Explain that summary can include what the text says (topic), why the writer says that (purpose), and how the writer develops the what (example, reasoning, organization). Discuss. Writing Exercise on 1st OC essay: Freewrite about one sentence that you found personally interesting. Discuss; use questions in EW Ch 3a to extend discussion. HOMEWORK (DUE NEXT MEETING) WEEK 4 Read EW, Ch 3: Critical Thinking and Argument (35-44). Finish reading 1st OC essay. Writing Exercise: Use Outlining activity to develop in-class work into 200word summary (what, why, how) of essay. Drawing on EW CH 3, write separate 500-word response; refer to specific lines or passages from essay. In preparation for next class, read Writing Program’s Academic Honesty statement (handout) and Ch 38c-d: Taking Notes & Ch 39: Integrating Sources & Avoiding Plagiarism (198-203). GOALS Generate RESPONSE strategies and explain the differences between response and summary. Explain ACADEMIC HONESTY using WP’s statement and EW. IN-CLASS ACTIVITIES Thur, Feb. 11 Response Explain summary vs. response and why each matters for academic readers. Explain academic honesty. Discuss summarizing, quoting, paraphrasing, citing (why and how) using EW, Ch 38c-d, 39, & 41d. In pairs, check citations in summary and response. Discuss responses so far, and name response strategies that students are already using. As class, share. Introduce additional strategies (e.g., Possible Ways of Responding). Do rhetorical appeals (EW 3d) offer additional ways of responding? Writing Exercise: Locate a “difficult” passage, and focus response on difficult rather than easy sections. Complicate response with Challenging Your Reading or Wrestling the Terms of the Text. Preview 2nd OC essay; see EW Ch 3a. Computer Lab Idea: Introduce library resources (preview for Unit 3). Students research author or publication context in order to further “interaction.” HOMEWORK (DUE NEXT MEETING) Finish reading 2nd OC essay. Writing Exercise: Mark sentences/passages in 2nd OC essay that inspire “wrestling.” Write 200-word summary and 500-word response; refer to specific lines/passages. GOALS Monday schedule Practice ethical, effective paraphrase and quotation, and complicate responses to texts. on Tues, Feb. 16 IN-CLASS ACTIVITIES …WEEK 5 Thurs, Feb. 18 Response: using quotation, paraphrase, and summary to complicate analysis Discuss summary points for 2nd OC essay; then, discuss student responses. Small Groups: Students read responses, and give suggestions on introducing, embedding, and responding to quotations/paraphrases. Writing Exercise: Revise 1-2 paragraphs that cite the essay. Writing Exercise: Practice sentence structures that connect ideas—e.g., subordinating clauses (because x, y happens; even though x, there is y; etc.). See EW Ch 15: Coord & Subord (96-100). Writing exercise: What question is your response exploring? Generate focused and complex guiding questions for Unit 2 (preview to creating a Unit 3 research question). HOMEWORK (DUE NEXT MEETING) Further develop one response into fuller essay that critically integrates summary, paraphrase, and quotations. Submit Unit 2 draft one day before scheduled conference (e.g., GoogleDocs, Moodle). 3 WEEK 5… GOALS Fri-Tues, Feb. 19-23 Student-teacher conferences in place of class meeting Help students focus and develop Unit 2 initial drafts. IN CONFERENCES UNIT 2 INITIAL DRAFT DUE one day before conference. Student understands academic honesty? Help students create revision plan—esp. developing focus and complexity. Refer to OC essay to extend response and SWA essays to model “interaction.” HOMEWORK (DUE NEXT MEETING) Read SWA Unit 2 preface plus 1-2 essays. Note response strategies (e.g., complexity, use of sources). Revise. Bring 2 versions of revised draft to next class: (a) one full draft and (b) one abridged version with introduction, first and last sentences of each body paragraph, and conclusion. GOALS Help students give and receive critical, respectful responses to one another’s drafts. IN-CLASS ACTIVITIES Thurs, Feb. 25 WEEK 6 Peer response: analysis development & organization UNIT 2 1ST REVISED DRAFT DUE (check off only). Indicate the focus of peer versus teacher response— e.g., teacher addresses focus and complexity, peers address development and organization. Peer Response: one peer comments on critical response and explanation in version (a); consider academic audience’s expectations for analysis. Then, second reader comments on organization in (b). HOMEWORK (DUE NEXT MEETING) Revise, and bring copy to next class. Read EW, Ch 41: MLA Style, esp. 41a-b, 41c point 1, 41d point 10, & 41e sample (208-254). Skim EW, Ch 15, 20, 23, and 24: Coordination & Subordination, Semicolons, Quotation Marks, & Other Punctuation (96-100, 119-120, 129-134)—read more closely 15a-b, 20a, 23a; and 24c-d. Build on editing log that lists 2 more copy-editing goals (e.g., semi-colon usage, MLA style). GOALS Continue developing copy-editing skills. Tues, Mar. 1 Copy-editing: transitional sentences & MLA citation style IN-CLASS ACTIVITIES UNIT 2 2ND REVISED DRAFT DUE (check off only). Revision & Copy-editing Exercise: Explain commas with compound sentences and introductory phrases as ways to emphasize connections between ideas. Re-write 2-3 transition sentences using punctuation that connects ideas most effectively. Copy-editing Exercise: in-text and end-of-text citation; also, issues listed in editing log. HOMEWORK (DUE NEXT MEETING) Review EW “The Top Twenty,” and identify 2 additional copy-editing goals. Add to editing log. Finish revising and copy-editing essay; Unit 2 portfolio due at start of next class. Read OC essay for Unit 3 (see recommended Unit 3 readings). Unit 3. Adding to a Conversation DO INFORMAL MID-SEMESTER COURSE EVALUATIONS. GOALS …WEEK 7 Thurs, Mar. 3 Introduction to “adding to a conversation” Generative writing: topic & audience Continue to encourage writer reflection as well as publication and circulation. Introduce Unit 3 as writing to ENGAGE IN A CONVERSATION BEYOND THE CLASSROOM: find personal and/or local purpose for writing, research the conversation and those involved, and tailor writing to intended readers—i.e., students make more decisions re: the rhetorical triangle. IN-CLASS ACTIVITIES UNIT 2 PORTFOLIO DUE. Discuss how ideas circulate: How do our Unit 2 responses constitute a “conversation”? How might this conversation look different in a context beyond the classroom? Introduce Unit 3 essay; refer to “Rhetorical Situation” and “Entering a Conversation” in OC intro. Discuss “conversation” in OC essay using Examining a Conversation activity. Who’s part of the conversation? Who’s the audience? Discuss good vs. formulaic research-based writing. Generative Writing to inspire topics that truly interest students. Writing Exercise: List possible audiences for the topics that emerged in generative writing. Share with small groups, and discuss how each audience might affect the writer’s purpose. Peruse SWA Unit 3 Preface and titles: What “conversations” do the titles imply? As class, read introductions from 2-3 essays SWA and/or OC, and discuss idea of “adding to conversation.” Preview library session for next class: http://guides.library.umass.edu/collegewriting/. 4 HOMEWORK (DUE NEXT MEETING) Thurs, Mar. 3 continued… Read the rest of SWA essays started in class in order to understand idea of “conversation.” Create 2-3 possible Research Question(s). Consider purpose, audience, and circulation. Read EW, Ch 37: Conducting Research, esp. 37a, and Ch 38: Find Sources & Evaluate Sources (178185, 186-198). Review library website, including College Writing Subject Guide and video tutorials. CLASS MEETS IN DU BOIS LIBRARY Reserve at http://guides.library.umass.edu/content.php?pid=4123&sid=3133139. GOALS WEEK 7… Help students develop good research questions: consider SCOPE of PURPOSE & QUESTION. Familiarize students with print and electronic resources available through the UMass Libraries. Help students learn about the usefulness of an annotated bibliography. IN-CLASS ACTIVITIES Tues, Mar. 8 Research question: scope & writer’s purpose Finding library resources Explain the importance of scope. Writing Exercise: Select one possible research question. Rewrite the question to be as broad in scope as possible, then as narrow in scope as possible (e.g., to focus on a particular event or action). Discuss: What do you gain/lose? Implications for keyword searches? Introduce online research using library catalog and databases: effective keyword searches, types of sources, types of catalogs/databases. Model a search, and have students search for sources. Teacher circulates to troubleshoot. Assign Annotated Bibliography. Annotations should summarize and evaluate sources. Write an introduction to the annotated bibliography: What’s the research question? Who’s the intended audience? How will particular sources will be useful, and how do they speak to one another? As class, discuss types of sources (e.g., peer reviewed articles, newspaper articles, blogs, etc.). Refer to College Writing Subject Guide. Model evaluation of sources by looking at the publication information of 2-3 sources students found today; use Source Maps in EW Ch 38b. HOMEWORK (DUE NEXT MEETING) Read sources, and use EW Ch 38a prompts to draft annotated bibliography (intro and min. 3 entries). Refer to EW, Ch 41d to create citations. Bring to next class. Read EW Ch 6: Writing to Make Something Happen in the World (53-58). Review EW, Ch 1g & Ch 3d-e (19, 39-44); consider time, genre, medium, and format. GOALS Help students understand the value of different kinds of publications. Help students evaluate sources and use annotated bibliography to consider CONTENT IN RELATION TO AUDIENCE. IN-CLASS ACTIVITIES …WEEK 8 Thurs, Mar. 10 Evaluating sources: content & audience Citation style in bibliography ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY DRAFT DUE. Review academic honesty. Peer Review: Share and comment on effectiveness of annotations. Are the sources credible and useful? What content will be useful as background information, and what content deserves elaboration and analysis? Give suggestions on additional sources peers should seek. Copy-editing Exercise: citation style. Discuss organization in relation to purpose and audience. Explain that an essay should progress rather than reiterate a main idea. Discuss one of the SWA and OC essays read for this unit: How does the writer make his/her ideas progress and guide readers from A to B to C? Writing Exercise: Preface. Write a brief preface that identifies your purpose as well as intended readers. Then, based on peer review, list the ideas that you’d like to convey to your readers. Small groups brainstorm what intended readers might like to read first, next, last and why. How should the writer make multiple perspectives circulate in one essay? Follow up on questions regarding locating and evaluating sources (EW, Ch 37-38). As class, address questions about annotated bibliography. HOMEWORK (DUE NEXT MEETING) Revise and add to annotated bibliography to include 5-6 sources. Also, consider relevance of EW, Ch 37e: Field Research—esp. interviews and observations (184-185). Write initial draft of Unit 3, incl. preface (750 words), which develops your purpose and integrates at least 2 sources. NO CLASSES 3/14-18: SPRING RECESS 5 GOALS Continue to help students integrate and cite sources effectively. IN-CLASS ACTIVITIES WEEK 8… Tues, Mar. 22 Tailoring introductions to audience Primary sources Integration of sources Revisit OC & SWA essays read for this unit: How do writers use intros to make their essays important and timely to their intended readers? Writing Exercise: Revise your essay’s introduction. Use OC & SWA essays as models again: How do writers consider audience when determining when it’s more effective to summarize and refer to common knowledge and when to introduce a new perspective? Would a primary source help you develop your essay? For example, use observation to include a description or an image. Or use an interview to make library research more interesting. Revision Exercise: Focus on 1-2 paragraphs that incorporate one of your selected quotations. Students share and give peers suggestions on how to introduce quotation, complicate their response to the quotation, and tailor style and content to readers. Revise, share, and discuss. Copy-editing Exercise on acknowledgment of sources and correct in-text citation style. UNIT 3 INITIAL DRAFT DUE & REVISED ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY DUE. Teachers collect and return draft with comments on focus, research, and idea development in class on Thurs. Computer Lab Idea: Work on revisions in-class, and submit draft and bib online (e.g., Moodle or GoogleDocs). HOMEWORK Continue to develop the essay, and bring revision-in-progress to next class. GOALS Help students develop their revisions. IN-CLASS ACTIVITIES Thurs, Mar. 24 Revision on…? Distribute teacher responses to revised draft in class or online (e.g., Moodle or Google Docs). Revision Exercise based on teacher assessment of drafts. For example, paragraph-level and essaylevel development and transitions: How well does one sentence build on the previous one, one paragraph on the previous one? Other common revision needs include refining focus, complicating ideas, organizing essay for audience. HOMEWORK (DUE NEXT MEETING) WEEK 9 Generate ideas for where your essay might be published. Bring 2 possible publication examples to class (e.g., featured article from a particular magazine, op-ed in an online publication, etc.). Revise draft based on teacher comments and class activity. GOALS Continue to help students tailor research-based writing to AUDIENCE: introductions and overall FORM and STYLE. IN-CLASS ACTIVITIES Tues, Mar. 29 Form & style Peer response UNIT 3 1ST REVISED DRAFT DUE. Discuss: Where would readers find an essay like yours? Small Groups: Describe the genre, content, and style of the publications that students found. What does each audience expect? Why is one publication preferable over others? Limit options to genres that fit with College Writing goals. Reflection Exercise: How would you revise the essay differently for the 2 publications? Consider genre, content, and style. Which publication fits best with your purpose? Peer response activity on tailoring form and style to audience (45 min). Writing Exercise: revision plan. HOMEWORK (DUE NEXT MEETING) Continue to revise, and bring Unit 3 2nd revised draft to next class. Re-visit Unit 2 editing log; add editing goals for Unit 3 essay based on past peer and teacher feedback. GOALS …WEEK 10 Thurs, Mar. 31 Continue to revise and copy-edit. IN-CLASS ACTIVITIES Copyediting: citations, grammar, & style UNIT 3 2ND REVISED DRAFT DUE (check off only). Copy-editing Exercise on Works Cited page (EW, Ch 41). Copy-editing Exercise on grammar and style—based on individual editing logs. See EW “The Top Twenty” for ideas. HOMEWORK (DUE NEXT MEETING) Review EW, Ch 41: MLA Style. Make final revisions and copy-edits. Bring Unit 3 portfolio to next class. 6 Unit 4. TBA GOALS WEEK 10… Tues, Apr. 5 Continue to encourage reflection as well as publication and circulation. Introduce the goals of Unit 4, and explain connection to course emphasis on writing with purpose and in context as practiced in Units 1, 2, and 3. See Guidelines for TBA Assignment, incl. word count. IN-CLASS ACTIVITIES Reflection Generative writing UNIT 3 PORTFOLIO DUE. Discuss how publication and circulation affect writing in Units 3 and 4. Reflective writing: In what ways did you help your ideas circulate, to whom and why? How can or should “college writing” circulate? Assign TBA essay. Generative writing. HOMEWORK (DUE NEXT MEETING) Continue generative writing. Read relevant OC & SWA texts. Read EW Ch 4: Multimodal & Digital Writing (44-51) if relevant. GOALS Goals depend on Unit 4 assignment... Thurs, Apr. 7 More generative writing IN-CLASS ACTIVITIES Generative Reading, Discussion, & Writing Exercises for Unit 4. Computer Lab Idea: If Unit 4 assignment is mediated, do workshop on relevant software, and help students begin TBA essay. HOMEWORK (DUE NEXT MEETING) WEEK 11 Generative reading & writing relevant to Unit 4. Write initial draft of Unit 4; bring 2 copies to next class. GOALS Goals depend on Unit 4 assignment... IN-CLASS ACTIVITIES Tues, Apr. 12 Peer response UNIT 4 INITIAL DRAFT DUE. Peer Response activities. Reflect. Turn in second copy to teachers. Teachers: collect drafts and return on Thurs or… Computer Lab Idea: Hold individual or peer review group conferences on 4/12 and 14 in class. When teacher is meeting with individuals or small groups, other students do revision activity. HOMEWORK (DUE NEXT MEETING) Revise. Bring revised draft to next class. GOALS Help students give and receive critical, respectful responses to one another’s drafts. IN-CLASS ACTIVITIES Thurs, Apr. 14 …WEEK 12 Revision Revision activity. HOMEWORK (DUE NEXT MEETING) Continue revising draft. Ask students to review relevant parts of EW sections on Sentence Style, Punctuation/Mechanics, Language, and/or Multilingual Writers. Build on past editing logs to set direction for next copyediting workshop. GOALS Continue developing copy-editing skills. IN-CLASS ACTIVITIES Tues, Apr. 19 Copy-editing workshop UNIT 4 REVISED DRAFT DUE. Copy-editing Exercise on grammar and style. Computer Lab Idea: Work together to design class magazine or Google site based on TBA essays. HOMEWORK (DUE NEXT MEETING) Finish revising and copy-editing final version of Unit 4, and bring 2 copies (one for the semester portfolio) to next class. Bring a semester portfolio with clean copies of the final versions of Units 1-4 for in-class reflection exercise. Read Hayes and McNely (OC). 7 Unit 5: Writer’s Statement GOALS Introduce Final Reflection assignment. IN-CLASS ACTIVITIES Thurs, Apr. 21 Writer’s statement Reflection on concept & practice of writing UNIT 4 PORTFOLIO DUE. Introduce Unit 5 essay assignment sheet; see sample assignment sheet on database. Revisit course goals on syllabus and unit goals on assignment sheets Discuss writing contexts through Hayes and McNely. Reflect on individual writing histories discussed and written during first week of classes. Brainstorm how College Writing experience builds on student experiences. As class, create a list of writing skills/strategies practiced during the course. DO FINAL COURSE EVALUATIONS. Reflective Writing Exercises on students’ writing processes and products. Identify 2-3 passages from your semester portfolio that demonstrate course goals. Small groups: Students share portfolios and help one another identify themes and patterns, shifts in style, and development across semester. HOMEWORK (DUE NEXT MEETING) WEEK 13 Begin drafting Unit 5 essay—e.g., see Post-It Notes exercise—and bring to next class. Read two Unit 5 essays in SWA. GOALS Continue working on final reflection. IN-CLASS ACTIVITIES Thurs, Apr. 26 Writer’s statement Reflection on concept & practice of writing Return graded Unit 4 portfolios today or return through Moodle before Unit 5 deadline so that students can use reflections for last essay. Discuss SWA essays. Why is writing important to these writers? How and why does one learn to write? Writing Exercise: What aspects of your writing did you emphasize in your initial draft, and why? Peer Response on early draft. Computer Lab Idea: Design e-portfolios to display semester’s writing. Writing Exercise: Write about a skill/strategy that seems different from what you’ve emphasized in your essay. Why did this not appear before? Based on your draft, what does it mean to be a college writer? Discuss. Look forward to future college writing, esp. junior-year writing and IE Gen Ed requirements. HOMEWORK (DUE NEXT MEETING) Complete Unit 5 essay. (Teachers: Give clear instructions to students regarding how to submit Unit 5 during exam week—see Instructor Handbook for suggestions) UNIT 5 WRITER’S STATEMENT DUE. Exam Week, Apr. 29-May 5 Tues, May 10 Note: The Unit 5 essay is a culminating activity for College Writing and therefore must be due during exam week. Please be sure to give students a deadline and let them know how to submit the essay to you (e.g., hand the essay to you in your office at a designated time, put the essay in your mailbox, submit the essay through Moodle). If students are submitting essays electronically, make sure that you specify acceptable file types, and have students practice (e.g., submit Unit 4 essays) submitting essays electronically to avoid last-minute problems. See Instructor Handbook for more details. Final grades due on SPIRE. 8