Review exam 3 and 4 - dan

Review exam 3 and 4
Which of the following meds has the lowest bg coefficient
Des, halo sevo iso
Which of the following meds should be avoided in a pt taking ritonavir? Midazolam, demrol sux, etomidate
volatile anethestics have which of the following effects on evoked potentials? they decrease amplitude and prolong
latency, they have no effect, they increase amp and shorten latency, they decrease amp and shorten latency
when a pt shows ¼ twitches on PNS % blocked is 90
N dibucaine # is 80
The min alveolar conc of an inhaled anesthetics at_____atm that prevents mvmt in _____ % of pts 1:50
Which of the following aspects is implicated in creating coronary steal syndrome… isoflurane
Which of the following stmts is NOT accurate…. the pp of anesthetic in the brain may be reflected in an ABG,(no, get pH,
pCO2, pO2, bicarb BE and some electrolytes, but not anesthetic gas conc) The goal of induction is to achieve and
anesthetizing pp in the brain, the MAC of an inhaled anesthetics at 1 atm that prevents mvmt in 50% of pop in response
to painful stimuli, the addition of nitrous to forane during induction to speed induction is an eg of 2nd gas effects
Exposure to trace gases, what not used to decreased, admin at high flow rates, low flow rate,
Which of the following hypothetical inhal, slowest induction and emergence, BG of 3.6 .45 .281 2.3
Which of the following drugs should be avoided in pts with maois’
Which of the following eeg would you see in an awake pt beta
CNS toxicity due to excess anticholinergic, physostigmine, why crosses BBB
The operation of which monitoring device uses beer lamberts law…. Pulse ox
Which never common injury in anesthesia,..ulnar
Induction with least CV change= etomidate
Which following BIS affect desired state= 50
Numbness over the medial aspect of the thigh may be caused by what nerve.. saphenous….lateral femoral cutaneous,
sciatic, tibial
To avoid compression of common peroneal, measures to be taken…. Pad lateral aspect of fibula
Pt in rt lateral posn… rt lung better perfused and less ventilated.
N adult which occurs to FRC… decreased by 20%
Which of following ekg , best for arrhythmias, lead II
C wave on cvp waveform- isovolumic rt vent contraction
What cm mark rv wavefrom.. on swan 30- 35cm
Which of following evokes sensory/ post of spinal cord ssep
Major phys conc of posn change, hypotension
Baro receptors sense increase, increase in baro dc enhanced vagal tone and inhibition of SNS
Etco2 slow raise of rise from b-c may represent COPD
Etco2 wave form with stair stepping downward…cardiac oscillations
Which site bc of similar sens to diaphragm adequate for intubation, obicularis oclui
Which best choice for depol for rapid seq= sux
Cap waveform may indicate what, curare cleft= need more paralytic
Which present if present will absorb both same= meth hbg
Which body fluids not infectious= saliva
Perc needle after HIV needle .3
Which shows highest systolic – radial, brachial, femoral, aortic root
In respect to PNS monitoring with depol agents, a TOF, stimulus applied after titanic stim will show, equal in intensity
and character to the original TOF stim prior to the tetany- no post titanic stimu,
Which EVP with pituitary= VEP why near optic nerve
Which EVP least sensitive- Brainstem auditory evoked
Which now considered gold standard for PNS blockade= double burst
What is the hourly main fluid repl for a 5kg pt= 20 cc/hr
Which is diagnostic for LVH= increased S on lead V2, QRS > .12, L axis dev, inverted T in V5 *
Manifestations of hypernateremia includes all but hyporeflexia, thirst, hyperreflexia, seizures
By what mech does citrate produce its anticoag effects= binds to calcium( part of clotting cascade)
Your pt is placed in rt lat posn which of following is true= rt lung better perfused
N D02 = 1000ml o2/min
You have assessed your pts blood loss to be ~ 200cc which of the following would be most approp to repl= 600 cc
Under rest conditions which organ extracts most o2= heart ( less reserve)
Major ECF cation= Na
C wave on cvp= isovolumic rt vent contraction
Which of the following evoked pot monitors ant sc, MEP ( ant is motor efferent away from brain)
Which the major phys consequence of posn change= hypotension
Increased pressure to baro, ^ baro dc, decrease SNS increased vagal tone
Changes in pt HR and BP do not occur until 20% of blood volume is lost *
Fraction of total o2 delivered consumed by tissues= er
Type to be given when type not know, O-ve
Which avoided with brain injury pt d5 and water, should be avoided*
All of the following are changes with ECG with hyperK except flattened t waves
Osmolality defined as osmo /kg of water
Which most likely cause hyperchloremic acidosis NS
All of the following decreased K except, glucagon k exalate, ca cl, hemodialysis
Which of the following electrolyte dist would most likely result in laryngospasm- hypocalcemia
Occlusion of RCA could lead to all of the following except= q wave in v2, lead iii q wave, tall r in lead v2, t wave
inversion in AVf
Which is true, repol away from a pos electrode creates a pos deflection
All of the following are ind of inf ischemia except t wave inversion in lead avr, st depresiion in lead II, t wave
inversion in AVF, st elevation in lead II
Blood supply to av node in the maj of people supplied by RCA
Which of following common finding in inferior mi is junct rhythm
In a 3 lead system and ll detaches and cannot reattached, Lead 1 can still be monitored, wrong ones were lead II,
lead II and none b/c ground lost
Which lead most closely parallel n axis of heart Lead II
Which have q waves, 1, avf……. Wrong were I iii, avl avf, avl,avf,v5
Axis deviation is determined by which leads, 1 AVF
All of the following are hallmarks of mi except J point
The equation= (1.34x hgb x Sa O2) amt of o2 carried by hgb
The est blood volume of 70 kg male = 5250
To approx fluid shifts of severe trauma with lg inc, 6-8*
Lap chole for 8 hrs, 70 kg in 2hrs in= 660
37.Which causes hgb to have increase affinity for o2 except
increased CO2
38.Which of the following is considered to be MOST NB monitor in OR Anesthetist
39.Which of the following statements re barbs is true, depress RAS