CONJUNCTION DATA MESSAGE TEST PLAN/REPORT CCSDS RECORD CCSDS 508.1-Y-1 YELLOW BOOK April 2013 CCSDS RECORD CONCERNING CONJUNCTION DATA MESSAGE TEST PLAN/REPORT FOREWORD This document records the plans for prototype testing and results of that testing for the Conjunction Data Message, CCSDS 508.0-R-1, Red Book. As a record of prototype testing, it is expected that expansion, deletion, or modification of this document will not occur. This document is subject to CCSDS document management and change control procedures, which are defined in the Organization and Processes for the Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems. Current versions of CCSDS documents are maintained at the CCSDS Web site: Questions relating to the contents or status of this document should be addressed to the CCSDS Secretariat at the address indicated on page i. CCSDS 508.1-Y-1 Page i April 2013 CCSDS RECORD CONCERNING CONJUNCTION DATA MESSAGE TEST PLAN/REPORT At time of publication, the active Member and Observer Agencies of the CCSDS were: Member Agencies – – – – – – – – – – – Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (ASI)/Italy. British National Space Centre (BNSC)/United Kingdom. Canadian Space Agency (CSA)/Canada. Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales (CNES)/France. China National Space Administration (CNSA)/People’s Republic of China. Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR)/Germany. European Space Agency (ESA)/Europe. Federal Space Agency (FSA)/Russian Federation. Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)/Brazil. Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)/Japan. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)/USA. Observer Agencies – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – Austrian Space Agency (ASA)/Austria. Belgian Federal Science Policy Office (BFSPO)/Belgium. Central Research Institute of Machine Building (TsNIIMash)/Russian Federation. Centro Tecnico Aeroespacial (CTA)/Brazil. Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)/China. Chinese Academy of Space Technology (CAST)/China. Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO)/Australia. Danish National Space Center (DNSC)/Denmark. European Organization for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT)/Europe. European Telecommunications Satellite Organization (EUTELSAT)/Europe. Hellenic National Space Committee (HNSC)/Greece. Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO)/India. Institute of Space Research (IKI)/Russian Federation. KFKI Research Institute for Particle & Nuclear Physics (KFKI)/Hungary. Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI)/Korea. MIKOMTEK: CSIR (CSIR)/Republic of South Africa. Ministry of Communications (MOC)/Israel. National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT)/Japan. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)/USA. National Space Organization (NSPO)/Chinese Taipei. Naval Center for Space Technology (NCST)/USA. Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission (SUPARCO)/Pakistan. Swedish Space Corporation (SSC)/Sweden. United States Geological Survey (USGS)/USA. CCSDS 508.1-Y-1 Page ii April 2013 CCSDS RECORD CONCERNING CONJUNCTION DATA MESSAGE TEST PLAN/REPORT DOCUMENT CONTROL Document Title and Issue CCSDS 508.1-Y-1 Conjunction Data Message Test/Plan Apr 2013 Report, CCSDS Record, Issue 1 CCSDS 508.1-Y-1 Date Page iii Status Initial Issue April 2013 CCSDS RECORD CONCERNING CONJUNCTION DATA MESSAGE TEST PLAN/REPORT CONTENTS Section 1 2 3 4 5 Page INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................... 1-1 1.1 PURPOSE ............................................................................................................... 1-1 1.2 SCOPE .................................................................................................................... 1-1 1.3 APPLICABILITY ................................................................................................... 1-1 1.4 RATIONALE .......................................................................................................... 1-1 1.5 DOCUMENT STRUCTURE.................................................................................. 1-1 1.6 REFERENCES ....................................................................................................... 1-2 CONCLUSION/RECOMMENDATION..................................................................... 2-1 CONJUNCTION DATA MESSAGE (CDM) TESTING GOALS ........................... 3-2 3.1 CDM OVERVIEW ................................................................................................. 3-2 TEST PLAN OVERVIEW ............................................................................................ 4-3 TEST PLAN DETAILS ................................................................................................. 5-4 5.1 TEST CASE #1: JSPOC CSM COMPARISON .................................................... 5-4 5.1.1 TEST PURPOSE ........................................................................................ 5-4 5.1.2 TEST DESCRIPTION ................................................................................ 5-4 5.1.3 EXPECTED RESULTS .............................................................................. 5-4 5.2 TEST CASE #2: JSPOC OCM COMPARISON .................................................... 5-4 5.2.1 TEST PURPOSE ........................................................................................ 5-4 5.2.2 TEST DESCRIPTION ................................................................................ 5-4 5.2.3 EXPECTED RESULTS .............................................................................. 5-5 5.3 TEST CASE #3: NASA/JPL NON-EARTH CENTERED CDM .......................... 5-5 5.3.1 TEST PURPOSE ........................................................................................ 5-5 5.3.2 TEST DESCRIPTION ................................................................................ 5-5 5.3.3 EXPECTED RESULTS .............................................................................. 5-5 5.4 TEST CASE #4: CNES SPECIFIC CDM .............................................................. 5-6 5.4.1 TEST PURPOSE ........................................................................................ 5-6 5.4.2 TEST DESCRIPTION ................................................................................ 5-6 5.4.3 EXPECTED RESULTS .............................................................................. 5-6 5.5 TEST CASE #5: AGI/CSSI CDM INCLUDING COLLISION PROBABILITY . 5-6 5.5.1 TEST PURPOSE ........................................................................................ 5-6 5.5.2 TEST DESCRIPTION ................................................................................ 5-6 5.5.3 EXPECTED RESULTS .............................................................................. 5-6 5.6 TEST CASE #6: ESA/ESAC CDM INCLUDING SCREENING VOLUME ....... 5-7 5.6.1 TEST PURPOSE ........................................................................................ 5-7 5.6.2 TEST DESCRIPTION ................................................................................ 5-7 5.6.3 EXPECTED RESULTS .............................................................................. 5-7 5.7 TEST CASE #7: XML TO KVN CONVERSION ................................................. 5-7 5.7.1 TEST PURPOSE ........................................................................................ 5-7 5.7.2 TEST DESCRIPTION ................................................................................ 5-7 5.7.3 EXPECTED RESULTS .............................................................................. 5-7 5.8 TEST CASE #8: TRACING OF OBLIGATORY KEYWORDS TO ANNEX B PRIMARY REQUIREMENTS .............................................................................. 5-8 CCSDS 508.1-Y-1 Page iv April 2013 CCSDS RECORD CONCERNING CONJUNCTION DATA MESSAGE TEST PLAN/REPORT 5.8.1 TEST PURPOSE ........................................................................................ 5-8 5.8.2 TEST DESCRIPTION ................................................................................ 5-8 5.8.3 EXPECTED RESULTS .............................................................................. 5-8 6 TEST REPORT OVERVIEW ...................................................................................... 6-1 7 TEST REPORT DETAILS ........................................................................................... 7-1 7.1 TEST CASE #1 JSPOC CSM COMPARISON ..................................................... 7-1 7.1.1 IRIDIUM TEST RESULTS ....................................................................... 7-1 7.1.2 AGI/CSSI TEST RESULTS ....................................................................... 7-3 7.1.3 JAXA TEST RESULTS ............................................................................. 7-4 7.1.4 CNES TEST RESULTS ............................................................................. 7-6 7.1.5 ESA/ESAC TEST RESULTS ..................................................................... 7-8 7.1.6 DLR/GSOC TEST RESULTS .................................................................. 7-10 7.1.7 OVERALL TEST RESULT ..................................................................... 7-11 7.2 TEST CASE #2: JSPOC OCM COMPARISON .................................................. 7-12 7.2.1 TEST CASE 2A: NASA/JSC RESULTS ................................................. 7-12 7.2.2 TEST CASE 2B: NASA/GSFC RESULTS ............................................. 7-13 7.2.3 TEST CASE 2C: NASA/GSFC RESULTS ............................................. 7-14 7.2.4 OVERALL TEST RESULT ..................................................................... 7-15 7.3 TEST CASE #3: NASA/JPL NON-EARTH CENTERED CDM ........................ 7-16 7.3.1 TEST CASE 3A: NASA/GSFC RESULTS ............................................. 7-16 7.3.2 TEST CASE 3B: ESA/ESOC RESULTS ................................................. 7-16 7.3.3 OVERALL TEST RESULT ..................................................................... 7-17 7.4 TEST CASE #4: CNES SPECIFIC CDM ............................................................ 7-18 7.5 TEST CASE #5: AGI/CSSI CDM INCLUDING COLLISION PROBABILITY7-20 7.6 TEST CASE #6: ESA/ESAC CDM INCLUDING SCREENING VOLUME .. 7-22 7.7 TEST CASE #7: XML TO KVN CONVERSION ............................................... 7-25 7.8 TEST CASE #8: TRACING OF OBLIGATORY KEYWORDS TO ANNEX B PRIMARY REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................ 7-27 ANNEX A ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS....................................................... 7-31 CCSDS 508.1-Y-1 Page v April 2013 CCSDS RECORD CONCERNING CONJUNCTION DATA MESSAGE TEST PLAN/REPORT 1 1.1 INTRODUCTION PURPOSE The purpose of this document is to describe the prototype testing conducted on the CCSDS Conjunction Data Message (CDM), CCSDS 508.0-R-1 (reference [2]). An initial draft of the test plan was prepared by the members of the CCSDS Navigation Working Group (NavWG) at the CCSDS Spring 2012 meetings conducted in Darmstadt, Germany. The test plan was finalized at the CCSDS Fall 2012 meetings conducted in Cleveland, Ohio, USA, and the testing was completed in April 2013. 1.2 SCOPE The scope of this document is testing of the Conjunction Data Message. The CDM is part of the technical program of the CCSDS NavWG. The CDM document completed a CCSDS Agency Review in June 2012, with revisions following this initial review to apply RIDs from the review and proofreading changes; this process is described in reference [1]. Note that in applicable places the prototyping includes results based on modifications to the CDM document provided via the Agency Review Item Discrepancy (RID) process (see reference [3], available internally through the NavWG). Changes based on the ongoing working group activity were also incorporated as applicable, and as documented in reference [3]. 1.3 APPLICABILITY This document applies to the prototype testing required to advance the CDM from Red Book to Blue Book status. 1.4 RATIONALE The CCSDS Procedures Manual states that for a Recommendation to become a Blue Book, the draft standard must be tested in an operational manner. The following requirements for an implementation exercise were excerpted from reference [1]: “At least two independent and interoperable prototypes or implementations must have been developed and demonstrated in an operationally relevant environment, either real or simulated.” This document outlines the NavWG’s approach to meeting this requirement for the CDM 508.0 Red Book. 1.5 DOCUMENT STRUCTURE The first sections of this document describe the Test Plan for the prototyping activity; the CCSDS 508.1-Y-1 Page 1-1 April 2013 CCSDS RECORD CONCERNING CONJUNCTION DATA MESSAGE TEST PLAN/REPORT last sections of the document provide a Test Report of the realized plan. Acronyms are provided in Annex A. 1.6 REFERENCES The following documents are referenced in this document. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All documents are subject to revision, and users of this document are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the documents indicated below. The CCSDS Secretariat maintains a register of currently valid CCSDS documents. [1] Organization and Processes for the Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems. CCSDS A02.1-Y-3. Yellow Book. Issue 3. Washington, D.C.: CCSDS, July 2011. [2] Conjunction Data Message. Recommendation for Space Data System Standards, CCSDS 508.0-R-1. Red Book, Washington, D.C.: CCSDS, January 2012. [3] Conjunction Data Message. Recommendation for Space Data System Standards, CCSDS 508.0-R-1.6. Red Book, Washington, D.C.: CCSDS, March 2013. CCSDS 508.1-Y-1 Page 1-2 April 2013 CCSDS RECORD CONCERNING CONJUNCTION DATA MESSAGE TEST PLAN/REPORT 2 CONCLUSION/RECOMMENDATION The test plan and test reports documented herein substantiate that the organizations participating in the CCSDS NavWG have successfully conducted prototype testing of the Conjunction Data Message (CDM) document (references [2], [3]). During the testing, CDMs were produced by 5 different organizations, and the ability to correctly read the messages and utilize the information in analyses was demonstrated by 9 different organizations. The prototype implementations demonstrated the utility of the CDM, and the few minor discrepancies identified helped to improve the quality of the prototype implementations. In several instances, the CDM prototypes are being prepared for integration into operations pending official release of the CDM Recommended Standard. Based on the diversity of organizations able to read/write the messages, and the positive test results, the NavWG recommends that the CDM Red Book document be promoted to a Blue Book CCSDS Recommended Standard. CCSDS 508.1-Y-1 Page 2-1 April 2013 CCSDS RECORD CONCERNING CONJUNCTION DATA MESSAGE TEST PLAN/REPORT 3 CONJUNCTION DATA MESSAGE (CDM) TESTING GOALS The test of the CDM described in Section 4 and Section 5 of this plan will be conducted in order to meet the CCSDS requirements described in Section 2. In Section 6 and Section 7, the results of the testing are presented. 3.1 CDM OVERVIEW The CDM is an ASCII file in “keyword=value notation” (KVN) formatted message as well as an Extensible Markup Language (XML) formatted message. It specifies a standard message format for use in exchanging spacecraft conjunction information between originators of conjunction assessment (CA) data, satellite owner/operators and other authorized parties. The file is organized into 4 sections: a header section, a relative metadata/data section, a metadata section and a data section. The header section contains identification information (version, creation date, originator, etc.). The relative metadata/data section contains metadata/data describing relative relationships between the two conjuncting objects. The metadata section contains information regarding the objects to which the conjunction assessment information applies, operator contact information, applicable reference frames, etc.. The data section contains the Cartesian state vector for the conjuncting objects at the time of closest approach (obligatory), a 6x6 position/velocity covariance matrix (obligatory) for both objects, the 7, 8 and 9 terms for a 9x9 covariance matrix (optional) for both objects, needed for propagation of the covariance to another time point, and information describing the orbit determination used for each object in producing the state vectors and covariance. CCSDS 508.1-Y-1 Page 3-2 April 2013 CCSDS RECORD CONCERNING CONJUNCTION DATA MESSAGE TEST PLAN/REPORT 4 TEST PLAN OVERVIEW Prototyping of the CDM will be performed as shown in the following table, which lists the Test Number, participating member agencies of the Navigation Working Group, and direction of message transfer. All CDM optional elements will be exercised in the test cases. In the event of discrepancies, troubleshooting will be conducted by the participants in the test. Test# 1 From JSpOC 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 JSpOC NASA/JPL CNES AGI/CSSI ESA/ESAC JSpOC N/A CCSDS 508.1-Y-1 To AGI/CSSI, Boeing/Iridium, CNES, DLR/GSOC, ESA/ESAC, JAXA NASA/GSFC, NASA/JSC ESA/ESOC, NASA/GSFC DLR/GSOC ESA/ESAC AGI/CSSI Boeing/Iridium N/A Page 4-3 April 2013 CCSDS RECORD CONCERNING CONJUNCTION DATA MESSAGE TEST PLAN/REPORT 5 5.1 TEST PLAN DETAILS TEST CASE #1: JSPOC CSM COMPARISON 5.1.1 TEST PURPOSE This tests the ability of the CDM to replace an existing operational JSpOC practice using the Conjunction Summary Message (CSM). 5.1.2 TEST DESCRIPTION For this test, the JSpOC will send five Conjunction Summary Messages (CSMs) and their associated CDMs, in XML format to JAXA, ESA/ESAC, DLR/GSOC, Iridium, CNES and AGI/CSSI. In this case, the CDM shall include optional elements routinely provided by the JSpOC on the CSM as well as all obligatory elements. 5.1.3 EXPECTED RESULTS It is anticipated that JAXA, ESA/ESAC, DLR/GSOC, Iridium, CNES and AGI/CSSI will be able to successfully read the CDM in their chosen format. Comparisons and a mapping of data will be made to corresponding CSMs. Each recipient will provide a summary of the results to the NavWG. The NavWG will discuss the results in a teleconference to determine success. 5.2 TEST CASE #2: JSPOC OCM COMPARISON 5.2.1 TEST PURPOSE This tests the ability of the CDM to replace an existing operational JSpOC practice using the Orbital Conjunction Message (OCM). 5.2.2 TEST DESCRIPTION For this test, the JSpOC will send CDMs and Orbital Conjunction Messages (OCMs), in both the XML and KVN format, to NASA/JSC and NASA/GSFC. For all CDMs, the full 9x9 covariance shall be included along with all the obligatory elements and optional elements routinely provided by the JSpOC on an OCM. Test Case #2A The first CDM, which will be sent to NASA/JSC, will be computed based on Object1 and/or Object2 residing in a 400 kilometer (approximately) near-circular orbit. This test case will provide computation of the CD_AREA_OVER_MASS and its associated covariance terms CDRG. Test Case #2B The second CDM, which will be sent to NASA/GSFC, will be computed based on Object1 and/or Object 2 residing in a geostationary orbit. This test case will provide computation of the CR_AREA_OVER_MASS and its associated covariance terms CSRP. CCSDS 508.1-Y-1 Page 5-4 April 2013 CCSDS RECORD CONCERNING CONJUNCTION DATA MESSAGE TEST PLAN/REPORT Test Case #2C The third CDM, which will be sent to NASA/GSFC, will be computed based on Object1 and/or Object 2 residing in a geostationary orbit which executes longitudinal station keeping maneuvers using a xenon-ion propulsion system (XIPS). This test case will allow the orbit determination process to solve for the INTRACK_THRUST. It will also allow computation of the associated covariance terms CTHR. 5.2.3 EXPECTED RESULTS It is anticipated that NASA/JSC and NASA/GSFC will be able to successfully read the CDMs in their chosen format. Comparisons and a mapping of data will be made to corresponding OCMs. Each recipient will provide a summary of the results to the NavWG. The NavWG will discuss the results in a teleconference to determine success. 5.3 TEST CASE #3: NASA/JPL NON-EARTH CENTERED CDM 5.3.1 TEST PURPOSE To test the case for a non-earth center and additional optional parameters not tested elsewhere. 5.3.2 TEST DESCRIPTION For this test, NASA/JPL will send CDMs (in both KVN and XML formats) describing a conjunction to NASA/GSFC and ESA/ESOC. In this case, the conjuncting objects are orbiting the Moon or Mars and all obligatory and some optional elements shall be present. Optional elements that shall be included in this test are: 1) OBJECT_TYPE 2) OPERATOR_CONTACT_POSITION 3) OPERATOR_ORGANIZATION 4) OPERATOR_PHONE 5) OPERATOR_EMAIL 6) MASS 7) ORBIT_CENTER Test Case #3A The first CDM, which will be sent to NASA/GSFC, will be computed based on a conjunction between LRO and ARTEMISx. Test Case #3B The second CDM, which will be sent to ESA/ESOC, will be computed based on a conjunction between MRO and MEX and/or Odyssey and MEX. 5.3.3 EXPECTED RESULTS CCSDS 508.1-Y-1 Page 5-5 April 2013 CCSDS RECORD CONCERNING CONJUNCTION DATA MESSAGE TEST PLAN/REPORT It is anticipated that NASA/GSFC and ESA/ESOC will be able to successfully read the CDM. Each recipient will provide a summary of the results to the NavWG. The NavWG will discuss the results in a teleconference to determine success. 5.4 TEST CASE #4: CNES SPECIFIC CDM 5.4.1 TEST PURPOSE Provides an additional originator of the CDM. 5.4.2 TEST DESCRIPTION For this test, CNES will send multiple CDMs to DLR/GSOC. In this case, the CDM shall include all obligatory elements. 5.4.3 EXPECTED RESULTS It is anticipated that DLR/GSOC will be able to successfully read the CDM. DLR/GSOC will provide a summary of the results to the NavWG. The NavWG will discuss the results in a teleconference to determine success. 5.5 TEST CASE #5: AGI/CSSI CDM INCLUDING COLLISION PROBABILITY 5.5.1 TEST PURPOSE This will test keywords related to collision probability and area as well as perform consistency testing. 5.5.2 TEST DESCRIPTION For this test, AGI/CSSI will send a CDM describing a conjunction to ESA/ESAC. All obligatory elements shall be included. Optional elements that shall be included in this test are: 1) COLLISION_PROBABILITY 2) COLLISION_PROBABILITY_METHOD 3) AREA_DRG 4) AREA_SRP 5) CD_AREA_OVER_MASS 6) CR_AREA_OVER_MASS 7) MASS 5.5.3 EXPECTED RESULTS It is anticipated that ESA/ESAC will be able to successfully read the CDM. ESA/ESAC will perform consistency testing of the CDM by re-computing the collision probability, assuming AGI/CSSI and ESA/ESAC have implemented the same probability formulation, using the state CCSDS 508.1-Y-1 Page 5-6 April 2013 CCSDS RECORD CONCERNING CONJUNCTION DATA MESSAGE TEST PLAN/REPORT vectors and covariance for Object1 and Object2 at TCA and comparing to the corresponding value on the CDM. ESA/ESAC will also perform consistency checking with the coefficients of atmospheric drag and radiation pressure, the area and the mass. ESA/ESAC will provide a summary of the results to the NavWG. The NavWG will discuss the results in a teleconference to determine success. 5.6 TEST CASE #6: ESA/ESAC CDM INCLUDING SCREENING VOLUME 5.6.1 TEST PURPOSE This will test additional optional keywords related to screening volumes. 5.6.2 TEST DESCRIPTION For this test, ESA/ESAC will send a CDM to AGI/CSSI. All obligatory elements shall be included. Optional elements that shall be included in this test are: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) START_SCREEN_PERIOD STOP_SCREEN_PERIOD SCREEN_VOLUME_FRAME SCREEN_VOLUME_X SCREEN_VOLUME_Y SCREEN_VOLUME_Z SCREEN_ENTRY_TIME SCREEN_EXIT_TIME 5.6.3 EXPECTED RESULTS It is anticipated that AGI/CSSI will be able to successfully read the CDM. AGI/CSSI will provide a summary of the results to the NavWG. The NavWG will discuss the results in a teleconference to determine success. 5.7 TEST CASE #7: XML TO KVN CONVERSION 5.7.1 TEST PURPOSE This test case is a variant of Test Case #1 in which the XSLT convertor is used to transform an XML CDM to a KVN CDM. 5.7.2 TEST DESCRIPTION For this test, the JSpOC will send Conjunction Summary Messages (CSMs) and their associated CDMs, in XML format to Iridium. In this case, the CDM shall contain optional elements routinely provided by the JSpOC on the CSM as well as all obligatory elements. 5.7.3 EXPECTED RESULTS CCSDS 508.1-Y-1 Page 5-7 April 2013 CCSDS RECORD CONCERNING CONJUNCTION DATA MESSAGE TEST PLAN/REPORT It is anticipated that Iridium will be able to successfully use the XSLT convertor to compare the converted XML messages to the KVN messages. Iridium will provide a summary of the results to the NavWG. The NavWG will discuss the results in a teleconference to determine success. 5.8 TEST CASE #8: TRACING OF OBLIGATORY KEYWORDS TO ANNEX B PRIMARY REQUIREMENTS 5.8.1 TEST PURPOSE This is a test by analysis to ensure requirements of the CDM are met. 5.8.2 TEST DESCRIPTION A trace will be performed by the NavWG of all the CDM obligatory keywords to ensure that there is an applicable Annex B primary requirement, on the premise that all the keywords that have been designated as 'obligatory' should have an associated primary requirement. 5.8.3 EXPECTED RESULTS It is anticipated that for each obligatory keyword at least one Annex B primary requirement will apply. Assuming that these criteria are met, the test will be considered successful. The results of the trace will be presented and discussed to determine success. CCSDS 508.1-Y-1 Page 5-8 April 2013 CCSDS RECORD CONCERNING CONJUNCTION DATA MESSAGE TEST PLAN/REPORT 6 TEST REPORT OVERVIEW CDM recipients at CNES, JAXA, ESA/ESAC, NASA/JPL, NASA/JSC, NASA/GSFC, Iridium, DLR/GSOC and AGI/CSSI will provide a summary of their test results to the NavWG. The NavWG will discuss the results in a teleconference to determine success. The test report details will be consolidated in Section 7 of this document. A summarization of the test process and the recommendation of the NavWG may be found in Section 2 of the report. The report will be submitted to the CCSDS Engineering Steering Group (CESG) and CCSDS Management Council (CMC), along with results of the agency reviews. At that time, a formal request will be submitted to the CMC for progression of the CDM to CCSDS Blue Book status. The next page contains a format for the test data sheets that will be used to report the results of individual tests. The form includes sections for the originator of the message and the recipient of the message as well as sections to document the test results. . CCSDS 508.1-Y-1 Page 6-1 April 2013 CCSDS RECORD CONCERNING CONJUNCTION DATA MESSAGE TEST PLAN/REPORT SAMPLE Conjunction Data Message (CDM) Prototype Test Data Sheet Report Date Test Case Number CDM Originator CDM Recipient Test Details (Summary of cases examined) Summary of Test Results Discrepancies from Expected Results Recipient’s Recommendation (Pass, Partial Pass, Fail) NavWG Disposition (To be filled out by NavWG) CCSDS 508.1-Y-1 Page 6-2 April 2013 CCSDS RECORD CONCERNING CONJUNCTION DATA MESSAGE TEST PLAN/REPORT 7 TEST REPORT DETAILS 7.1 TEST CASE #1 JSPOC CSM COMPARISON 7.1.1 IRIDIUM TEST RESULTS Table 7-1 gives the test results from Iridium. Table 7-1: Iridium Test Results for JSpOC CSM Comparison Report Date Test Case Number Jan 29, 2013 1 CDM Originator JSpOC CDM Recipient Iridium Test Details (Summary of cases examined) 5 Conjunction Summary Messages (CSMs) and 5 corresponding Conjunction Data Messages (CDMs) in both KVN and XML format were processed by Iridium’s Conjunction Assessment (CA) software. Summary of Test Results CCSDS 508.1-Y-1 All 5 CDMs were successfully processed by Iridium’s software and yielded probability of collisions and assessment plots essentially identical to those of the CSMs. Page 7-1 April 2013 CCSDS RECORD CONCERNING CONJUNCTION DATA MESSAGE TEST PLAN/REPORT 1. The JSpOC did not report the time of the last observation in the CDM, though this is an optional field. Since the intended purpose of TIME_LASTOB_START and TIME_LASTOB_END was to give the JSpOC and others the means to obfuscate the exact measurement time, it would be good to understand why the fields were not utilized. Discrepancies from Expected Results 2. The JSpOC did not report the optional AREA_PC. This did not impact Iridium’s assessment tools because the RCS from the Satellite Situation Report is used when available, and a value was available for all test conjunctions. 3. The CSM vectors are in the TDR frame whereas the CDM vectors were in ITRF, which led to minor comparison differences on the order of 10 meters because the vectors were not rotated into a common frame for the test. Recipient’s Recommendation (Pass, Partial Pass, Fail) NavWG Disposition (To be filled out by NavWG) CCSDS 508.1-Y-1 Pass. Pass (per discussion at 06-Mar-2013 Navigation Working Group telecon). Page 7-2 April 2013 CCSDS RECORD CONCERNING CONJUNCTION DATA MESSAGE TEST PLAN/REPORT 7.1.2 AGI/CSSI TEST RESULTS Table 7-2 gives the test results from AGI/CSSI. Table 7-2: AGI/CSSI Test Results for JSpOC CSM Comparison Jan 15, 2013 Report Date 1 Test Case Number CDM Originator JSPOC CDM Recipient CSSI Test Details (Summary of cases examined) Converted CDM to KVN (readable) format The data was successfully read Summary of Test Results Discrepancies from Expected Results Recipient’s Recommendation (Pass, Partial Pass, Fail) NavWG Disposition (To be filled out by NavWG) The state vector of the accompanying CSMs differed slightly from the CDM. This is because the CSM uses PEF and the CDM uses ITRF. We also noticed that the CDM XML format had additional blank lines that were not present in the new CDM XML files that were created during the test. Pass Pass (per discussion at 06-Mar-2013 Navigation Working Group telecon). The extra white space issue noted was corrected in the XSLT converter. CCSDS 508.1-Y-1 Page 7-3 April 2013 CCSDS RECORD CONCERNING CONJUNCTION DATA MESSAGE TEST PLAN/REPORT 7.1.3 JAXA TEST RESULTS Table 7-3 gives the test results from JAXA. Table 7-3: JAXA Test Results for JSpOC CSM Comparison Report Date Test Case Number Jan 30, 2013 1 CDM Originator JSPOC CDM Recipient JAXA Test Details (Summary of cases examined) Read 5 CDMs in xml format, and compared them with respective CSMs for conjunction analysis. 1. All the items were confirmed to be Summary of Test Results included in CDMs based on the Excel file of “CDM Test data fields for Test 1.xlsx” having been provided before the test. (Note: a covariance was extended from 6*6 to 8*8 in one case.) 2. A CDM in xml format was successfully read. In JAXA, we didn’t use XML schema or XLST for converting from XML to KVN format. 3. A CDM had different “INTERNATIONAL_DESIGNATOR” from CSM in one case ( CDM => “1999025BF”, CSM=>”1999-025BFP”). We calculated probabilities of collision, which showed no difference between CDM and CSM. CCSDS 508.1-Y-1 Page 7-4 April 2013 CCSDS RECORD CONCERNING CONJUNCTION DATA MESSAGE TEST PLAN/REPORT Discrepancies from Expected Results 1. The last character of INTERNATIONAL_DESIGNATOR on CDM (i.e. 1999-025BF) was missing when compared with CSM (i.e. 1999-025BFP) in one case. 2. The information of RCS and the time of the last accepted observation used in the OD were not included although the remark of “CDM Test data fields for Test 1.xlsx” included “A binned Time of Last Ob will be listed as a comment” and “AREA_PC is the same as RCS; A binned RCS value will be listed as a comment.” These items are necessary for CA operation and thus it is strongly desired to have them displayed, even displaying as a comment is also an option to be considered. 3. The coordination system displayed in the header section on CDM was TDR, while actual values utilized were ITRF. Recipient’s Recommendation (Pass, Partial Pass, Fail) NavWG Disposition (To be filled out by NavWG) Partial Pass: It lacked INTERNATIONAL_DESIGNATOR. Pass (per discussion at 06-Mar-2013 Navigation Working Group telecon). The INTERNATIONAL_DESIGNATOR issue has been corrected in the JSpOC implementation. CCSDS 508.1-Y-1 Page 7-5 April 2013 CCSDS RECORD CONCERNING CONJUNCTION DATA MESSAGE TEST PLAN/REPORT 7.1.4 CNES TEST RESULTS Table 7-4 gives the test results from CNES. Table 7-4: CNES Test Results for JSpOC CSM Comparison Report Date Test Case Number Feb 04, 2013 1 CDM Originator JSPOC CDM Recipient CNES Test Details (Summary of cases examined) Read 5 CDM in xml, Compare with respective CSM for conjunction analysis Summary of Test Results The data was successfully read. 2 remarks given by importance : 1- “RADAR CROSS SECTION” is in CSM and in comment in CDM => information on size (small, medium, large) is very useful and should be put, as for test#1, in comment in real CDM even if AREA_PC is populated or not. 2- “TIME OF LAST ACCEPTED OB” (<24h or >24h) is in CSM, for real CDM it will be very useful that JSpOC uses “TIME_LASTOB_START” and “TIME_LASTOB_END” to indicate the information which is in CSM. CCSDS 508.1-Y-1 Page 7-6 April 2013 CCSDS RECORD CONCERNING CONJUNCTION DATA MESSAGE TEST PLAN/REPORT Discrepancies from Expected Results The difference of frames between CSM (TDR) and CDM (ITRF) implies differences in state vectors (around 15 meters for LEO). Once frame transformation is done, it remains differences of the order of 10cm due to the IERS data and model taken into account. MISS_DISTANCE should not be a truncated value but a rounded one given with the same level of precision than the relative state vector. When miss distance is 4483.99, CDM has 4483 when it should have 4484.0. There is a misspelling for “NBODY_PERTUBATION” : should be “N_BODY_PERTURBATION” The CDM we got for 38755 had “*ERROR*” in field “N_BODY_PERTUBATION”. Recipient’s Recommendation (Pass, Partial Pass, Fail) NavWG Disposition (To be filled out by NavWG) Pass Pass (per discussion at 06-Mar-2013 Navigation Working Group telecon). Noted discrepancies with truncation and spelling errors have been addressed in the operational version of the prototype and in the XSLT converter. CCSDS 508.1-Y-1 Page 7-7 April 2013 CCSDS RECORD CONCERNING CONJUNCTION DATA MESSAGE TEST PLAN/REPORT 7.1.5 ESA/ESAC TEST RESULTS Table 7-5 gives the test results from ESA/ESAC. Table 7-5: ESA/ESAC Test Results for JSpOC CSM Comparison Report Date Test Case Number Jan 17, 2013 1 CDM Originator JSPOC CDM Recipient ESA/ESAC Test Details (Summary of cases examined) CDM files received have been compared to their corresponding CSM files using Excel and by visual inspection. In addition, the xsd file has been verified for consistency and against the XML files produced by the ESA/ESAC prototype. Summary of Test Results CCSDS 508.1-Y-1 Files were correctly read. Some minor problems found in CDMs received and in xsd file. Page 7-8 April 2013 CCSDS RECORD CONCERNING CONJUNCTION DATA MESSAGE TEST PLAN/REPORT Discrepancies from Expected Results The following problems were found: • There are some blank spaces that need to be removed from four locations in the xsd: "ndm:objectDescriptionType " --> "ndm:objectDescriptionType" "AREA_PC " --> "AREA_PC" "AREA_DRG " --> "AREA_DRG" "AREA_SRP " --> "AREA_SRP" • International designator seems to be truncated in CDM for some cases (see results below). • Invalid value for MESSAGE_FOR parameter in messages for CRYOSAT 2. • Minor differences found in SV comparison due to different reference frame used (this is not considered as a problem). • Truncation of MISS_DISTANCE and RELATIVE_SPEED values found. • Units of state vector are found to be different. Recipient’s Recommendation (Pass, Partial Pass, Fail) Pass NavWG Disposition (To be filled out by NavWG) Pass (per discussion at 06-Mar-2013 Navigation Working Group telecon). Noted discrepancies with truncation and extra spaces in the tag names have been addressed in the operational version of the prototype and in the CDM XML schema. CCSDS 508.1-Y-1 Page 7-9 April 2013 CCSDS RECORD CONCERNING CONJUNCTION DATA MESSAGE TEST PLAN/REPORT 7.1.6 DLR/GSOC TEST RESULTS Table 7-6 gives the test results from DLR/GSOC. Table 7-6: DLR/GSOC Test Results for JSpOC CSM Comparison Report Date Test Case Number Feb 1, 2013 1 CDM Originator JSpOC CDM Recipient DLR/GSOC Test Details (Summary of Read 4 sets of CSM (XML format) and CDM (XML format, using XML-to-KVN TRANSLATOR), and check consistency of cases examined) CSM/CDM results. Summary of Test Results The data could be successfully read. The updated XML-to-KVN TRANSLATOR (received from David Berry on Jan.30) was used to process the CDMs. (see the next section for details) Discrepancies from Expected Results GRAVITY_MODEL for GEO satellites (test for 35943 and 36582) was different. "EGM-96: 36D 36O" for CDM, and "EGM-96 8Z, 8T" for CSM. (36 for GEO too large?) In CDM for 36582, N_BODY_PERTURBATIONS of object2 was "*ERROR*" instead of "NO". In the test for 27391, INTERNATIONAL_DESIGNATOR of object2 was "1999-025DXK" in CSM, and the last "K" was missing in CDM. Difference in the state vectors because of the TDR/ITRF in CSM/CDM. (not a problem) Using the updated XML-to-KVN TRANSLATOR (received from David Berry on Jan.30) together with the xsltproc tool (Linux), the CDMs could be read and converted only after following modifications: 1. Removing xmlns="urn:ccsds:recommendation:navigation:schema:ndmxml" in the second line of the provided CDM test file. 2. Modifying keyword "N_BODY_PERTUBATIONS" (spelling error) in the provided CDM test file. 3. Adding keyword "RESIDUALS_ACCEPTED" and moving CCSDS 508.1-Y-1 Page 7-10 April 2013 CCSDS RECORD CONCERNING CONJUNCTION DATA MESSAGE TEST PLAN/REPORT keyword “ORBIT_CENTER" in the translator (item also addressed by Iridium). Additional remark: The output KVN file includes too much blank lines. (not a problem) Recipient’s Recommendation (Pass, Partial Pass Partial Pass, Fail) NavWG Disposition (To be filled out by NavWG) Pass (per discussion at 06-Mar-2013 Navigation Working Group telecon). Noted issues of spelling errors, keyword placement and extra white space have been addressed in an update of the XSLT converter. 7.1.7 OVERALL TEST RESULT Based upon discussion at the 06-Mar-2013 telecon of the Navigation Working Group, the overall result of Test Case #1 is PASS. CCSDS 508.1-Y-1 Page 7-11 April 2013 CCSDS RECORD CONCERNING CONJUNCTION DATA MESSAGE TEST PLAN/REPORT 7.2 TEST CASE #2: JSPOC OCM COMPARISON 7.2.1 TEST CASE 2A: NASA/JSC RESULTS Table 7-7 gives the test results from NASA/JSC. Table 7-7: NASA/JSC Test results for JSpOC OCM Comparison Report Date Test Case Number Feb 11, 2013 2A CDM Originator JSPOC CDM Recipient NASA-JSC/TOPO Test Details (Summary of cases examined) Examined cases for objects 2092, 2153, 2154, 2680, and 2800. Ensured consistency of data between OCM and CDMs delivered. Did not do any comparisons with state vector data. Summary of Test Results CCSDS 508.1-Y-1 Did not look at CSM messages as JSC does not No noticeable differences in data. Some use the CSM now. comments were a little inconsistent in the CDM. Page 7-12 April 2013 CCSDS RECORD CONCERNING CONJUNCTION DATA MESSAGE TEST PLAN/REPORT Discrepancies from Expected Results OCMs delivered were version 3. JSC currently uses OCM version 2. Only known difference is that version 3 has Probability of Collision, Scaling Factor, and exclusion volume. Those numbers were just ignored for this test. As noted in GSFC’s test 2B and 2C results, the geopotential model varied between the two files (EGM-96 8Z, 8T for OCM, EGM-96 36 D, 36 O for CDM). Comment at the top of the CDM references DC SPAN although that is now called OD_SPAN. Recipient’s Recommendation (Pass, Partial Pass, Fail) NavWG Disposition (To be filled out by NavWG) Pass Comment at the top of the CDM still references the TDR reference frame, although the vectors in the(per CDM are in ITRF. Pass discussion at 06-Mar-2013 Navigation Working Group telecon). 7.2.2 TEST CASE 2B: NASA/GSFC RESULTS Table 7-8 gives the test results from NASA/GSFC. Table 7-8: NASA/GSFC Test results for JSpOC OCM Comparison For Test Case 2B Report Date Test Case Number CDM Originator CDM Recipient Test Details (Summary of cases examined) Summary of Test Results CCSDS 508.1-Y-1 01/16/2013 Test 2B JSpOC NASA CARA Team (GSFC) Examined cases for objects 21639, 23613. 25001, 27389. Ensured data continuity between CDM, CSM, and OCM delivered. Only notable difference is the listed geopotential model (EGM-96 8Z, 8T for Page 7-13 April 2013 CCSDS RECORD CONCERNING CONJUNCTION DATA MESSAGE TEST PLAN/REPORT Discrepancies from Expected Results Recipient’s Recommendation (Pass, Partial Pass, Fail) NavWG Disposition (To be filled out by NavWG) OCMs, EGM-96 36 D, 36 O for CDMs). This may simply be because in fact the two were made using different geopotential models and not a sign of erroneous output. See Summary of Test Results. If the geopotential model used for the CDMs was in fact EGM-96 36 D, 36 O, no discrepancies were observed. Pass Pass (per discussion at 06-Mar-2013 Navigation Working Group telecon). 7.2.3 TEST CASE 2C: NASA/GSFC RESULTS Table 7-9 gives the test results from NASA/GSFC. Table 7-9: NASA/GSFC Test results for JSpOC OCM Comparison For Test Case 2C Report Date 01/16/2013 Test 2C JSpOC NASA CARA Team (GSFC) Test Case Number CDM Originator CDM Recipient Test Details (Summary of cases examined) Examined cases for object 13969. Ensured data continuity between CDM, CSM, and OCM delivered. Summary of Test Results Only notable difference is the listed geopotential model (EGM-96 8Z, 8T for OCM, EGM-96 36 D, 36 O for CDM). This may simply be because in fact the two were made using different geopotential models and not a sign of erroneous output. Discrepancies from Expected Results Recipient’s Recommendation (Pass, Partial Pass, Fail) NavWG Disposition (To be filled out by NavWG) CCSDS 508.1-Y-1 See Summary of Test Results. If the geopotential model used for the CDM was in fact EGM-96 36 D, 36 O, no discrepancies were observed. Pass Pass (per discussion at 06-Mar-2013 Navigation Working Group telecon). Page 7-14 April 2013 CCSDS RECORD CONCERNING CONJUNCTION DATA MESSAGE TEST PLAN/REPORT 7.2.4 OVERALL TEST RESULT Based upon discussion at the 06-Mar-2013 telecon of the Navigation Working Group, the overall result of Test Case #2 is PASS. CCSDS 508.1-Y-1 Page 7-15 April 2013 CCSDS RECORD CONCERNING CONJUNCTION DATA MESSAGE TEST PLAN/REPORT 7.3 TEST CASE #3: NASA/JPL NON-EARTH CENTERED CDM 7.3.1 TEST CASE 3A: NASA/GSFC RESULTS Table 7-10 gives the test results from NASA/GSFC. Table 7-10: NASA/GSFC Test results for Test Case 3A Report Date Test Case Number CDM Originator CDM Recipient Test Details (Summary of cases examined) Summary of Test Results Discrepancies from Expected Results Recipient’s Recommendation (Pass, Partial Pass, Fail) NavWG Disposition (To be filled out by NavWG) 19 MAR 2013 3A NASA/JPL NASA/GSFC (CARA) Visual inspection of content and schema validation of “CCSDSCDM-TestCase3A-2013-02-08-ARTEMISP1-LRO.xml” Schema validation passed and visual inspection of content passed None Pass Pass (per discussion at 20-Mar-2013 Navigation Working Group telecon). 7.3.2 TEST CASE 3B: ESA/ESOC RESULTS Table 7-11 gives the test results from ESA/ESAC. Table 7-11: ESA/ESOC Test results for Test Case 3B March 18th, 2013 Report Date 3B Test Case Number CDM Originator NASA/JPL CDM Recipient ESA/ESOC Test Details (Summary of cases examined) Summary of Test Results Minimum test for validation of the CDM message in XML using the CWE XML schema Visual inspection of expected elements as per test case definition optional 1) OBJECT_TYPE present 2) OPERATOR_CONTACT_POSITION present 3) OPERATOR_ORGANIZATION present CCSDS 508.1-Y-1 Page 7-16 April 2013 CCSDS RECORD CONCERNING CONJUNCTION DATA MESSAGE TEST PLAN/REPORT 4) OPERATOR_PHONE present 5) OPERATOR_EMAIL present 6) MASS present 7) ORBIT_CENTER present Validation with the CWE schema shows an error in file ndmxml-1.0-cdm-R1.4.xsd. <xsd:element name="OBJECT_TYPE" type="ndm:objectDescriptionType " minOccurs="0" /> Discrepancies from Expected Results Recipient’s Recommendation (Pass, Partial Pass, Fail) NavWG Disposition (To be filled out by NavWG) Has an extra empty space at the end of the ndm:objectDescriptionType that prevents the validation with XMLSpy. None except the error in the XML schema indicated above. Pass Pass (per discussion at 20-Mar-2013 Navigation Working Group telecon). The discrepancy noted in the XML schema has been corrected in a subsequent version. 7.3.3 OVERALL TEST RESULT Based upon discussion at the 20-Mar-2013 telecon of the Navigation Working Group, the overall result of Test Case #3 is PASS. CCSDS 508.1-Y-1 Page 7-17 April 2013 CCSDS RECORD CONCERNING CONJUNCTION DATA MESSAGE TEST PLAN/REPORT 7.4 TEST CASE #4: CNES SPECIFIC CDM Table 7-12 gives the test results from DLR/GSOC. Table 7-12: DLR/GSOC Test results for CNES Specific CDM Report Date Test Case Number Feb 5, 2013 4 CDM Originator CNES CDM Recipient DLR/GSOC Test Details (Summary of Read CDMs (XML format, using XML-to-KVN TRANSLATOR), and check consistency of the results. cases examined) Summary of Test Results The data could be successfully read. The miss-distance was reproduced with a difference of 0.1 m. The relative position (in RTN frame) was reproduced exactly. The relative speed and velocity could not be reproduced because of missing optional parameters in CDMs for reference. Discrepancies from Expected Results In the test for 26997, the rounded value given for MISS_DISTANCE (943.5 m) is different from the calculated one using the state vectors of the objects. From the position vectors a distance of 943.391 m is calculated giving a rounded value 943.4 instead of 943.5. Using the updated XML-to-KVN TRANSLATOR (received from David Berry on Jan.30) together with the xsltproc tool (Linux), the CDMs could be read and converted only after following modifications: 1. Removing xmlns="urn:ccsds:recommendation:navigation:schema:ndmxml" in the second line of the provided CDM test file. 2. Adding keyword "RESIDUALS_ACCEPTED" and moving keyword “ORBIT_CENTER" in the translator (item also addressed by Iridium). The TRANSLATOR needs to be adapted to the CDM format. Recipient’s CCSDS 508.1-Y-1 Partial Pass Page 7-18 April 2013 CCSDS RECORD CONCERNING CONJUNCTION DATA MESSAGE TEST PLAN/REPORT Recommendation (Pass, Partial Pass, Fail) NavWG Disposition (To be filled out by Pass (per discussion at 06-Mar-2013 Navigation Working Group telecon). NavWG) Discrepancies in the XLST conversion have been addressed in a subsequent version of the converter. CCSDS 508.1-Y-1 Page 7-19 April 2013 CCSDS RECORD CONCERNING CONJUNCTION DATA MESSAGE TEST PLAN/REPORT 7.5 TEST CASE #5: AGI/CSSI CDM INCLUDING COLLISION PROBABILITY Table 7-13 gives the test results from ESA/ESAC. Table 7-13: ESA/ESAC Test results for AGI/CSSI CDM Report Date Test Case Number Apr 10, 2013 5 CDM Originator CSSI CDM Recipient ESA/ESAC Test Details (Summary of cases examined) Conjunction reported on the CDM sent by CSSI has been reproduced by the ESA/ESAC system and both CDMs have been compared. Summary of Test Results Some problems were found reading the OEM ASCII files. TLEs were used instead. Test objectives have been verified. In particular: It was verified that the following optional parameters are included in the CDM sent by CSSI: o COLLISION_PROBABILITY (value: 1.756E-06) o COLLISION_PROBABILITY_ METHOD (value: MAXIMUM) o AREA_DRG (value: 5 m**2) o AREA_SRP (value: 5 m**2) o CD_AREA_OVER_MASS (value: 0.0697 m**2/kg) o CR_AREA_OVER_MASS (value: 0.0317 m**2/kg) All obligatory elements are included in the received CDM CCSDS 508.1-Y-1 Page 7-20 April 2013 CCSDS RECORD CONCERNING CONJUNCTION DATA MESSAGE TEST PLAN/REPORT Discrepancies from Expected Results Recipient’s Recommendation (Pass, Partial Pass, Fail) NavWG Disposition (To be filled out by NavWG) The following issues were found: MESSAGE_FOR keyword has no value. This was corrected later including the right value. MISS_DISTANCE contained the value (KM). This was corrected later including the right value. COLLISION_PROBABILITY_METH OD has the value MAXIMUM. This method is not currently included in the SANA list, but it will be added. The collision probability value computed is different both for CDMs. This is caused by the fact that the method used is different. Pass Pass (per discussion at 10-April-2013 Navigation Working Group telecon). The discrepancy regarding the collision probability method will be addressed by adding the maximum probability method to the SANA Registry. CCSDS 508.1-Y-1 Page 7-21 April 2013 CCSDS RECORD CONCERNING CONJUNCTION DATA MESSAGE TEST PLAN/REPORT 7.6 TEST CASE #6: ESA/ESAC CDM INCLUDING SCREENING VOLUME Table 7-14 gives the test results from ESA/ESAC. Table 7-14: AGI/CSSI Test results for ESA/ESAC CDM Report Date Test Case Number Apr 11, 2013 6 CDM Originator ESA/ESAC CDM Recipient CSSI Test Details (Summary of cases examined) Conjunctions reported in the XML CDMs sent by ESA/ESAC has been re-calculated and reproduced by the CSSI system and all XML CDMs have been compared successfully. Summary of Test Results CCSDS 508.1-Y-1 Test objectives have been verified. In particular: I verified that the following optional parameters were included in the CDMs sent by ESA/ESAC: o START_SCREEN_PERIOD o STOP_SCREEN_PERIOD o SCREEN_VOLUME_FRAME o SCREEN_VOLUME_X o SCREEN_VOLUME_Y o SCREEN_VOLUME_Z o SCREEN_ENTRY_TIME o SCREEN_EXIT_TIME All obligatory elements are included in the CDM Page 7-22 April 2013 CCSDS RECORD CONCERNING CONJUNCTION DATA MESSAGE TEST PLAN/REPORT Discrepancies from Expected Results CCSDS 508.1-Y-1 The following issues were found: (Comment only) MESSAGE_FOR has the international designator because ESAC uses it for several fields. TCA epoch time is slightly different (0.8 seconds). This is not deemed a problem as there are two different systems processing and finding the conjunction time. The difference in time affects the satellite positional data later, but the differences are not operationally significant and are expected over a 0.8 second time difference. Units not included for the RELATIVE_POSITION and VELOCITY and SCREEN_VOLUME terms. Collision probability method is different, as found in CDM test 5. EPHEMERIS_NAME field is blank. (Comment only) OBJECT_NAME (both objects) are the same as the international designator because ESAC uses the international designator for several fields. Object states (X, Y, Z, XDOT, YDOT, ZDOT, both objects) are slightly different because of the different TCA time mentioned above. Covariance matrices (both objects) are different because ESA uses different values for the TLE covariance. Covariance values (both objects) do not have units associated with the parameters. (Comment only) I did not see the MISS_DISTANCE term when using the XSL converter. The value “IS” in the ESA/ESAC XML CDM however. Page 7-23 April 2013 CCSDS RECORD CONCERNING CONJUNCTION DATA MESSAGE TEST PLAN/REPORT Recipient’s Recommendation (Pass, Partial Pass, Fail) NavWG Disposition (To be filled out by NavWG) Pass Pass (per discussion at 15-April-2013 Navigation Working Group meeting at Bordeaux). Issues with the various fields and units are minor issues with the prototype implementation that have been addressed by the ESA/ESAC implementer. CCSDS 508.1-Y-1 Page 7-24 April 2013 CCSDS RECORD CONCERNING CONJUNCTION DATA MESSAGE TEST PLAN/REPORT 7.7 TEST CASE #7: XML TO KVN CONVERSION Table 7-15 gives the test results from Iridium Table 7-15: Iridium Test Results for XML to KVN Conversion Jan 29, 2013 Report Date 7 Test Case Number JSpOC CDM Originator Iridium CDM Recipient Test Details (Summary of cases examined) Summary of Test Results CCSDS 508.1-Y-1 5 (CDMs) were received from the JSpOC in XML and KVN format. The XML files were converted into KVN using XSLT. xsltproc (on redhat linux) and Matlab’s xslt function were used with the stylesheet from appendix G of CCSDS 508.0-R-1.3 (November, 2012). All 5 XML CDMs were successfully converted to KVN, matched the provided KVN files (ignoring whitespace), and were usable for conjunction assessment. Page 7-25 April 2013 CCSDS RECORD CONCERNING CONJUNCTION DATA MESSAGE TEST PLAN/REPORT 1. The KVN files contained byte order marks specifying UTF-8 at the start of the file. Because the CDM refers to the text as ASCII, it was not anticipated that byte order marks would need to be handled. These marks had to first be removed before the KVN files could be processed. 2. The XLST translator from appendix G of CCSDS 508.0-R-1.3 (November, 2012) did not correctly translate ORBIT_CENTER or RESIDUALS_ACCEPTED. The translation for ORBIT_CENTER referenced relativeMetadata rather than metadata, which appeared to cause it to be missed and the value appended to the previous field. The translation for RESIDUALS_ACCEPTED was missing. N_BODY_PERTUBATIONS was also misspelled in the CDMs. Discrepancies from Expected Results Recipient’s Recommendation (Pass, Partial Pass, Fail) NavWG Disposition (To be filled out by NavWG) Pass. Pass (per discussion at 20-Mar-2013 Navigation Working Group telecon). NOTE: Many other test conductors also tested XSLT conversion in the course of performing Test Case #1. Discrepancies noted with respect to XSLT conversion have been addressed. CCSDS 508.1-Y-1 Page 7-26 April 2013 CCSDS RECORD CONCERNING CONJUNCTION DATA MESSAGE TEST PLAN/REPORT 7.8 TEST CASE #8: TRACING OF OBLIGATORY KEYWORDS TO ANNEX B PRIMARY REQUIREMENTS Table 7-16 describes the test that traces the obligatory keywords to Annex B primary requirements. Table 7-17 describes the Annex B primary requirements. Table 7-16: Tracing of Obligatory Keywords to Annex B Primary Requirements Report Date 10/16/2012 Test Case Number 8 CDM Originator N/A CDM Recipient N/A Test Details (Summary of cases examined) A table containing all obligatory data items was created from the keyword tables 3-1 through 3-4 in the CDM (see below). An effort was made to trace each obligatory keyword to a primary requirement. A secondary trace of requirements to keywords was also conducted. Summary of Test Results Every obligatory keyword in the CDM traces to a "primary requirement", with one exception (CCSDS_CDM_VERS). This keyword traces to a "desirable feature", specifically, that the CDM be extensible without disruption to existing users. In this case, it is the VALUE associated with the obligatory keyword, and not the keyword itself, that satisfies the requirement. Thus there is no issue. In the second part of the test (the reverse trace), there are also several primary requirements that do not trace to obligatory keywords (e.g., relating to data structures, data formats, units, and other nonkeyword related implementation details); as such, these requirements are not applicable to this test. Discrepancies from Expected Results It was expected that every obligatory keyword would trace to a primary requirement, but it was discovered that one traced to a "desirable feature". This could be an error in the classification of the feature CCSDS 508.1-Y-1 Page 7-27 April 2013 CCSDS RECORD CONCERNING CONJUNCTION DATA MESSAGE TEST PLAN/REPORT (maybe it actually is a "primary requirement"). In any case, the obligatory keyword does trace to an element in the requirements set so this is not a serious issue. It could easily be "corrected" by simply renumbering the requirement into the primary set and I doubt there would be any objection. Recipient’s Recommendation (Pass, Partial Pass, Fail) Pass NavWG Disposition (To be filled out by NavWG) Pass Table 7-17: Annex B Primary Requirements Section Keyword Obligatory Requirement Header CCSDS_CDM_VERS Yes CDM-D01 Header CREATION_DATE Yes CDM-P03 Header ORIGINATOR Yes CDM-P03 Header MESSAGE_ID Yes CDM-P03 Metadata OBJECT Yes CDM-P04 Metadata OBJECT_DESIGNATOR Yes CDM-P04 Metadata CATALOG_NAME Yes CDM-P04 Metadata OBJECT_NAME Yes CDM-P04 Metadata INTERNATIONAL_DESIGNATOR Yes CDM-P04 Relative Metadata/Data TCA Yes CDM-P05 Metadata COVARIANCE_METHOD Yes CDM-P07 Data X Yes CDM-P07 Data Y Yes CDM-P07 Data Z Yes CDM-P07 CCSDS 508.1-Y-1 Page 7-28 April 2013 CCSDS RECORD CONCERNING CONJUNCTION DATA MESSAGE TEST PLAN/REPORT Section Keyword Obligatory Requirement Data X_DOT Yes CDM-P07 Data Y_DOT Yes CDM-P07 Data Z_DOT Yes CDM-P07 Relative Metadata/Data MISS_DISTANCE Yes CDM-P08 Metadata REF_FRAME Yes CDM-P09 Data CR_R Yes CDM-P11 Data CT_R Yes CDM-P11 Data CT_T Yes CDM-P11 Data CN_R Yes CDM-P11 Data CN_T Yes CDM-P11 Data CN_N Yes CDM-P11 Data CRDOT_R Yes CDM-P11 Data CRDOT_T Yes CDM-P11 Data CRDOT_N Yes CDM-P11 Data CRDOT_RDOT Yes CDM-P11 Data CTDOT_R Yes CDM-P11 Data CTDOT_T Yes CDM-P11 Data CTDOT_N Yes CDM-P11 Data CTDOT_RDOT Yes CDM-P11 Data CTDOT_TDOT Yes CDM-P11 Data CNDOT_R Yes CDM-P11 Data CNDOT_T Yes CDM-P11 Data CNDOT_N Yes CDM-P11 Data CNDOT_RDOT Yes CDM-P11 Data CNDOT_TDOT Yes CDM-P11 CCSDS 508.1-Y-1 Page 7-29 April 2013 CCSDS RECORD CONCERNING CONJUNCTION DATA MESSAGE TEST PLAN/REPORT Section Keyword Obligatory Requirement Data CNDOT_NDOT Yes CDM-P11 Metadata MANEUVERABLE Yes CDM-P12 Metadata EPHEMERIS_NAME Yes CDM-P16 CCSDS 508.1-Y-1 Page 7-30 April 2013 CCSDS RECORD CONCERNING CONJUNCTION DATA MESSAGE TEST PLAN/REPORT ANNEX A ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS (INFORMATIVE) AGI/CSSI Analytical Graphics Incorporated/Center for Space Standards and Innovation ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange CA Conjunction Assessment CCSDS Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems CDM Conjunction Data Message CNES Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales CSM Conjunction Summary Message DLR/GSOC Deutsches Zentrum für Luft und Raumfahrt (German Aerospace Center)/German Space Operations Center ESA/ESOC European Space Agency/European Space Operations Center ESA/ESAC European Space Agency/European Space Astronomy Center ITRF International Terrestrial Reference Frame JAXA Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency JSpOC Joint Space Operations Center KVN Keyword = Value Notation NASA/GSFC National Aeronautics and Space Administration/Goddard Space Flight Center NASA/JPL National Aeronautics and Space Administration/Jet Propulsion Laboratory NASA/JSC National Aeronautics and Space Administration/Johnson Space Flight Center NavWG CCSDS Navagation Working Group OCM Orbital Conjunction Message CCSDS 508.1-Y-1 Page 7-31 April 2013 CCSDS RECORD CONCERNING CONJUNCTION DATA MESSAGE TEST PLAN/REPORT SANA Space Assigned Numbers Authority TCA Time of Closest Approach XIPS Xenon-Ion Propulsion System XML Extensible Markup Language XSLT Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations CCSDS 508.1-Y-1 Page 7-32 April 2013