Q-A chapter 8 - WordPress.com

: Rudi Setiawan
Monday, 09.00
Questions and Answers Chapter 8
1. What do you know about language aptitude? Give the example!
Language aptitude refers to the potential that a person has for learning languages. This
potential is often evaluated using formal aptitude tests, which predict the degree of success
the candidate will have with a new language. Aptitude tests vary but many include evaluation
of ability to manage sounds, grammatical structures, infer rules, and memory.
The Modern Language Aptitude Test (MLAT) evaluates language aptitude.
2. Mention and explain four abilities of language learning!
1. Phonetic coding ability
It is the capability to make out separate sounds, connect a symbol with that sound and
keep that association also.
2. Grammatical sensitivity
It is an ability to know the grammatical function of a word, phrase, etc in a sentence
without clear training in grammar.
3. Rote learning ability
It is the capacity to learn relationship between words in a foreign language and their
meanings and keep that relationship in the sentence.
4. Inductive learning ability
It is the ability to deduce or induce rules governing the structure of any language.
3. What is the differerence between integrative and instrumental motivation?
Integrative orientation involves an interest in learning an L2 because of ‘a sincere and
personal interest in the people and culture represented by the other language group.
Instrumental orientation concerns the practical value and advantages of learning a new
*orientation refers to the underlying reasons for studying an L2, motivation refers to the
directed effort individual learners make to learn the language.
4. Please explain the effect of motivation!
- Motivation in L2 learning constitutes one of the most fully researched areas of
individual differences. The bulk of the research has focussed rather narrowly on
integrative and instrumental motivation, relying almost exclusively on self-report
questionnaires and correctional designs. Little work on motivation as intrinsic interest has
taken place.
- Strength of motivation serves as a powerful predictor of L2 achievement, but may itself
by the result of previous learning experiences. Learners with either integrative or
instrumental motivation, or a mixture of both, will manifest greater effort and
perseverance in learning. Other internal sources of motivation, such as self-confidence,
may be more important than either type of motivation in specific learning activities and as
such, may be more easily influenced by teachers than goal-directed motivation.
5. Give examples of metacognitive, cognitive, and social strategies!
*Metacognitive strategies:
advance organizers
directed attention
selective attention
*Cognitive strategies:
directed physical response
auditory representation
key words
*social/affective strategies:
question for clarification