College of Earth Sciences Department of Atmospheric Sciences All-English(A) or Undergraduate Course(U) Part-English(P) or Graduate Course(G) Course Name Credit Vector Analysis 2 P U Linear Algebra 3 P U Special Topics Study 1 P U Introduction to Heliospheric Physics 2 P U Microcontroller Application I 3 P U Space Physics (Ⅱ) 3 P U Climate Dynamics 3 P G Atmospheric Remote Sensing 3 P G Air Pollution Meteorology and Modeling 3 A G Remote sensing and air quality applications 3 P G Seminar 1 A G/U Seminar Ⅱ 1 A G/U 3 P G 3 P G Special Topics on General Circulation of Atmosphere Special Topics on Atmospheric Chemistry Department of Geophysics Sciences All-English(A) or Undergraduate Course(U) Part-English(P) or Graduate Course(G) Course Name Credit Statistics 3 A U Special Topics in Earth Science (Ⅱ) 1 A U Communication Theory Ⅰ 2 A G/U Applied Paleontology 3 P G Volcano Seismology 2 A G/U Seismic Data Analysis and Case Studies 3 A G/U Numerical Applications in Earth Science 2 A G/U Applied Numerical Methods 2 A G/U Seminar Ⅱ (Geology) 1 P G Seminar Ⅱ (Geophysics) 1 P G Source Mechanics 2 A G/U Sequence Stratigraphy 2 A G Seminar III 1 A G Seminar Ⅳ (Geology) 1 A G Seminar Ⅳ (Geophysics) 1 A G Graduate Institute of Space Science All-English(A) or Undergraduate Course(U) Part-English(P) or Graduate Course(G) Course Name Credit Space Plasma Physics Ⅱ 3 P G/U Optical Remote Sensing 3 A G/U Solar structure and atmosphere 3 P G/U Space Mission Design Ⅱ 3 A G Seminar Ⅰ 1 A G Atmospheric Electricity Ⅱ 3 P G/U Special Topics on Ionospheric PhysicsⅡ 3 P G/U 3 P G/U Special Topics on Microwave Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere Ⅱ Graduate Institute of Applied Geology Course Name Credit Landslides All-English(A) or Undergraduate Course(U) Part-English(P) or Graduate Course(G) 2 A G/U Geochemistry of Energy Resources 2 P G/U Advanced Environmental Geology 2 P G/U Groundwater Contamination and Transport 3 A G/U Seminar of Environmental Geochemistry II 1 P G/U Seminar of Environmental Geochemistry IV 1 P G/U Seminar of Numerical Groundwater Models Ⅱ 1 P G/U Seminar of Numerical Groundwater Models IV 1 P G/U Stochastic Subsurface Hydrology 3 A G/U Geomechanics 3 A G/U Seminar of Geomechanics II 1 P G/U Seminar of Geomechanics IV 1 P G/U 3 P G/U 3 P G/U Data Analysis Methods and Field Tests of Hydrogeologic Parameter Estimation Introduction to Big Data Analytics and Applications II Graduate Institute of Hydrological & Oceanic Sciences All-English(A) or Undergraduate Course(U) Part-English(P) or Graduate Course(G) Course Name Credit Atmospheric and Oceanic Processes 3 A G/U 3 A G/U Introduction to Oceanic & Atmospheric Modeling Ⅱ Spatial Analysis and Modeling 3 A G/U Computational Fluid Dynamics 3 A G/U Mechanics of Immiscible Fluids in Porous Media 3 A G/U International Graduate Program for Earth System Science All-English(A) or Undergraduate Course(U) Part-English(P) or Graduate Course(G) Course Name Credit Global Seismology 3 A G/U Geology and Tectonics 3 A G/U Physical Oceanography 3 A G/U Atmospheric Dynamics 3 A G/U 2 A G/U Seminar II 1 A G/U Special Topic on Atmospheric Remote Sensing 3 A G/U Special Course on Seismic Studies on Atmospheric, Hydrospheric, and Lithospheric Processes *Part English: Class materials and exams in English Update: DEC, 2015