[Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres Supporting Information for Low-Cloud Characteristics over the Tropical Western Pacific from ARM Observations and CAM5 Simulations Arunchandra S. Chandra1, Chidong Zhang1, Stephen A. Klein2, His-Yen Ma2 1 Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Miami, Miami, Florida, USA 2 Atmospheric, Earth and Energy Division, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, California, USA Contents of this file Text S1 Figures S1 Table S1 References Introduction This supporting information provides a methodology and correction for Ka-Band (frequency of 35GHz) radar-derived cloud-top heights due to rain attenuation. The effect of rain attenuation on the Ka-band cloud tops is examined using the data from the scanning radar with polarimetric and dual wavelength S- and Ka-band capabilities (i.e the S-Polka radar), Ka-band zenith pointing radar (KAZR), and rain gauges collected during the Dynamics of Madden-Julian Oscillation (DYNAMO) field campaign (Yoneyama et al., 2013). The description of the datasets used and their sources used are given in Table S1. 1 The operating frequency of the KAZR (35 GHz, 8.66 mm) is more affected by attenuation from water vapor, cloud and hydrometeors than those of the centimeter wavelength precipitation radars (e.g., S- and C-and). The total attenuation from the KAZR is a function of water vapor, cloud and rain. In cases when rain is present it will dominate the attenuation, but the other elements will still contribute. Our focus is on the effect of the rain attenuation on the KAZR-observed cloud tops. In reality, an integral of the rain rate over the rain layer is what causes the attenuation. Based on the observations from the DYNAMO, we found that the comparison of integral of the rain rate (averaged over 0-5 km) and the surface rain rate shows good agreement and also the depth of the rain layers doesn’t vary much with the rain rates (not shown here). Based on these two facts, we have made a simplification to express the cloud top attenuation as a function of surface rain rates instead of the integral of the rain rate. The S-Polka and KAZR were separated by 8.26 km during the DYNAMO field campaign. The S-Polka made RHI scans over the KAZR once every 15 minutes. The SPolka and KAZR reflectivity profiles are obtained from KAZR-S-Polka combined data product and KAZR-ARSCL data product respectively. The KAZR-S-Polka combined data contains KAZR reflectivity profiles averaged over 15-min and S-Polka reflectivity instantaneous vertical scans (i.e RHI scans: Range Height Indicator) profiles for every 15 minute at the resolution of 90 m. Since the 15-min averaged KAZR reflectivity profiles from the combined data product may not be representative of the instantaneous S-Polka profiles, we have only used S-Polka reflectivity profiles from the combined data product. KAZR reflectivity profiles from the KAZR-ARSCL reflectivity profiles is gridded to 90 m vertical resolution, and 30-sec in time, and KAZR smoothed profiles nearest to the SPolka scans were selected for the comparison. The cloud tops from the KAZR and SPolka are retrieved based on the reflectivity profile. The S-Polka radar is also sensitive to Bragg echoes (scattering due to humidity gradients) in addition to hydrometeors. S-Polka reflectivity profiles were visually screened for Bragg echoes and a masking was applied to retain the profiles when there was KAZR data reported. After eliminating Bragg echoes and excluding missing echoes from either of the radars, a total of 180 rain profiles (covering rain rates from 0.01 to 50 mm hr-1) were selected for the comparison. 2 Text S1 Figure S1 shows the difference between S-Polka and KAZR cloud-top heights expressed as a function of surface rain rates. The solid line indicates the power law (y=axb with a=1.019 and b=0.5894) fitted to the data. Errors in KAZR cloud-top height for low rain rates (< 1 mm h-1) are with in 1 km, but they increase exponentially with rain rates greater than 1 mmh-1. The root mean square error in the cloud-top height correction is about 0.6845 km. Figure S1. Scatter plot of differences between attenuated cloud-top heights (from the KAZR) and unattenuated cloud-top heights (from the S-Polka) as a function of surface rain rates at Addu Atoll during DYNAMO. The black line indicate the power law (y=axb) fitted to the data. 3 Datastream and identifier Measurement Frequency used for the study Site Remarks KAZR ARSCL Cloud boundaries, Addu Atoll ARM 4-sec Value-added reflectivity S-Polka-KAZR combined data gankazrspolcombinedM1.c1 Rain rate, reflectivity, cloud tops product 15 mins Addu Atoll RHIs over KAZR Only S-Polka data is used Feng et al., 2014 Rain Rain-rate 30-sec min ganrainM1.b1 Addu Atoll Optical rain gauge Table S1. Data used from the DYNAMO observations References Yoneyama, K., C. Zhang, and C. N. Long (2013), Tracking Pulses of the Madden–Julian Oscillation. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 94(12), 1871–1891. Feng. Z., S. A. McFarlane, C. Schumacher, S. Ellis, J. Comstock, and N. Bharadwaj (2014), Constructing a Merged Cloud-Precipitation Radar daset for Tropical Convective Clouds during the DYNAMO/AMIE Experiment at Addu Atoll. J. Atmos. Oceanic. Technol, 31, 1021-1042. 4