Information on The Ministry of Emergency Situations, Azerbaijan The Ministry of Emergency Situations, the activity of which is organized and supervised by Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan is a body of executive authority involved in the development and implementation of the state policy and regulation in the area of civil defense, protection of the population and territories from emergency situations of natural (geophysical, geological, meteorological, hydrological, maritime, natural fires, etc.) and anthropogenic (fires, explosions, building and facility collapses, catastrophes involving discharge and emission of chemical, radioactive and biologically hazardous substances, failures in electro-energy systems, housing infrastructures, treatment facilities, hydro-dynamic installations, oil and gas production and refining facilities, trunk pipelines, transport vehicles, etc.) nature (hereinafter referred to as emergency situations), prevention and elimination of the consequences of emergency situations, fire safety, safety of people in water basins and safety of movement of small-sized ships, safety in the implementation of industrial and mining operations, safety in construction, establishment of state funds of material reserves dealing with management, coordination and control over these areas, organization of emergency response measures in the event of a possible or actual occurrence of emergency situations, protection of enterprises, facilities and installations of strategic importance which come under natural, man-made and terrorist threats. Inter ministerial cross cutting coordination: The overall command in state level Emergencies is vested in the President of the Azerbaijan Republic.Inter-ministerial coordination is conducted by the Emergency Commission of Cabinet of Ministers which ensures coordination between different ministries and organizations.In case of a disaster, a headquarters for coordination and control are established by the said commission and headed by Prime Minister. Emergency Commission is established with the following purposes: •In case of a disaster, to ensure the readiness and preparedness of relevant top-level administrative bodies and their means and forces to disaster prevention activities •To coordinate the activity of all senior-level administrative bodies in the field of disaster prevention and relief •To head the rescue and recovery operations and evacuation of people from disaster area The main tasks of Emergency Commission includes: •To coordinate of ministries’, chief departments’ and state bodies’, concerns’ associations’ and organizational-production units’ activity aimed at safety enhancement at manufacturing process; prevention of disasters, industrial accidents, natural and ecological disasters, epidemics and epizooties; their mitigation and elimination •To raise funds for the elimination of consequences of natural and man-made disasters •To organize international collaboration on mutual assistance in the field of prevention and elimination of consequences of natural and man-made disasters •To plan, develop and implement the measures aimed at ensuring resilience of manufacturing and social facilities against disasters; enhancement of reliability of works at potentially hazardous manufacturing facilities; minimization of damages inflicted in the result of natural and man-made disasters, epidemics, epizootics and epiphytotics and prevention of emergency situations. Inter-agency coordination is done by the Ministry of Emergency Situations which ensures coordination between the following agencies, services and forces which are subordinate to the MES: •Crisis Management Center •State Fire Protection Service •State Fire Control Service •Civil Defense Troops •State Material Resources Agency •State Water Resources Management Agency •Special Risky Rescue Service •State Agency for Safety Control in Construction •Industrial Safety and Mining Supervision State Agency •State Inspectorate on Small-Sized Vessels •State Maritime Rescue Service •Caspian Basin Rescue Service •İsotop” special enterprise •Crisis Management Center •Medical Service •Aviation Team •State Agency for Regulation of Nuclear and Radiological Activity Source:The Ministry of Emergency Situations The following regional centers which are subordinate to the MES organize, manage and coordinate civil protection in the cities and regions: •Nakhichevan MES •Baku Regional Center •Sumgait Regional Center •North-West Regional Center •North Regional Center •Karabag Regional Center •Ganja Regional Center •Mugan Regional Center •South Regional Center •Aran Regional Center Source:The Ministry of Emergency Situations