City of Palm Coast CUP Compliance Monitoring Southern Wellfield

City of Palm Coast
CUP #1947-6 Compliance Monitoring
The St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) issued a Consumptive Use Permit
(CUP) #1947 on December 13, 2005 to the City of Palm Coast authorizing the use of 1,478.61 million
gallons per year (mgy) of groundwater from the Floridan Aquifer and 1,991.44 million gallons per
year (mgy) of groundwater from the Confined Surficial aquifer for public supply type use. In 2013
the City of Palm Coast requested a letter modification to their current CUP in order to construct four
(4) additional Upper Floridan Aquifer wells in the vicinity of the City’s southeastern wellfield. These
additional wells will serve as an additional raw water source and allow the City flexibility to further
manage the wellfield to aid in reducing water quality variations. Allocations within the wellfield will
remain unchanged as will the total allocations and CUP expiration date (August 9, 2031). The
issuance of CUP# 2-035-1947-6 by SJRWMD authorizes the use of 1,512.91 million gallons per year
(mgy) of groundwater from the Upper Floridan Aquifer and 2,509.35 mgy of groundwater from the
Confined Surficial Aquifer for public supply use and groundwater from any combination of sources
for essential use.
During the letter modification application review process in September 2013, a site inspection of the
existing fifteen (15) monitoring sites associated with the Palm Coast CUP was conducted with
SJRWMD. As a result, SJRWMD has requested revisions to the existing monitoring plan to improve
the monitoring protocol (SJRWMD correspondence dated November 8, 2013). The specific purpose
of this work order is to comply with Condition No. 34 of CUP #2-035-1947-6 to monitor wetlands in
the Southern wellfield area.
Condition No. 34 of CUP #2-035-1947-6 specifies a vegetation, water level and soil monitoring
program to be implemented. This monitoring program requires establishment of permanent
vegetation transects in proposed wetlands. The program further requires the installation of shallow
groundwater monitoring wells adjacent to permanent transects, identification of environmental data,
document soil conditions, and collection of qualitative and quantitative data along each transect.
Additional data collected for each wetland includes: 1) survey location of the transect, soil sample
plots, shallow groundwater well locations and environmental data points by survey NAVD (1988) to
an accuracy of +/- 0.01 foot and/or World Geodetic System (WGS) 84; 2) Ordinary High Water (OHW)
indicators by survey NAVD (1988) to an accuracy of +/- 0.01 foot and/or World Geodetic System
(WGS) 84; 3) wetland descriptions; and 4) fixed point photography. In addition, rainfall data in the
wellfield area shall be recorded.
CPH shall provide, or obtain from others, all labor, material and equipment to perform the following
Basic Services
There are five (5) monitoring sites in the Southern Wellfield: 6S, 7S, 11S, WPZ-2 and WPZ-16.
Monitoring Mobilization & Data Collection
Depending on the size and available access to each Monitoring Location, a minimum of three (3) to
a maximum of five (5) monitoring transects shall be established at each wetland monitoring site. The
location of transects and the data points identified along each transect shall be approved in the field
by SJRWMD personnel. CPH will conduct five (5) field inspections with SJRWMD personnel.
Elevations along each transect shall be surveyed at each data point as well as the marked transect
end-points, sampling stations, environmental data and shallow groundwater monitoring wells and
their elevations along each transect. These locations shall be field marked as described below.
 Transect Begin or End-Point: A PVC post shall be installed approximately 20 feet landward
of each "wetland edge" at the transect begin point. The elevation profile shall be surveyed along
a 150 foot transect. A PVC post shall be installed at the “transect end" point for survey location.
Vegetation Sampling: The species composition and percent cover of the canopy, subcanopy
and groundcover shall be determined adjacent to soils samples locations. A vegetative sampling
quadrant shall be established adjacent to each soil sampling point along the transect. The
canopy quadrat shall be 10 meters by 10 meters, the sub-canopy quadrat shall be 5 meters by
5 meters within the canopy quadrat and the herbaceous (or groundcover) quadrat shall be 1
meter by 1 meter within the sub-canopy quadrat. All three sampling areas shall share a common
corner. The location of the sampling quadrats will be marked and labeled in the field for survey
Environmental Data: Environmental features, if observed, shall be located by nail, flagging tape
and/or stake and elevation surveyed along each transect. These features include, but are not
limited to, cypress buttress inflection points, lower extent of lichen lines or upper extent of moss
collars, water marks and lower extent of the saw palmetto fringe. In addition, Ordinary High
Water (OHW) elevation, minimum of 3 data points (if observed), including the surface
water/wetland boundary. These environmental data points shall be located and the elevation of
each provided on a certified survey. Each data point shall be photographed.
Shallow Groundwater Monitoring Wells: Up to seven (7) shallow groundwater monitoring
wells shall be installed along select transects within each monitoring wetland at the estimated
"wetland/upland boundary" along the respective transect. The installation of these wells shall be
conducted by others and are not part of this scope. The shallow groundwater monitoring wells
elevations shall be surveyed at the ground and at top of pipe. Water level data shall be recorded
daily by automatic data logger equipment (HOBO Water Level) and data shall be down-loaded
monthly by City of Palm Coast personnel. If data logger equipment is not installed, or an
equipment malfunction occurs, the water levels will be recorded manually on a daily basis by the
City. The City of Palm Coast shall purchase the automatic data logger equipment (HOBO Water
Level), cable and clamps for all wells.
Soil Description Locations: Soils sample locations shall be surveyed along the transect at
each data point and documented consistent with the USDA NRCS methodology. At least four
(4) soil sample stations shall be located along each transect. Soils samples shall be located at:
1) the wetland/upland boundary; 2) surface water boundary if located upslope from the wetland
boundary; 3) where a hydric soil indicator is at the soil surface; and 4) where muck indicators
are at the surface. All hydric soil indicators shall be recorded within the soil profile description.
The soil sample will examined to determine soil color, texture and hydric soil indicators. The soil
samples will record the top 20 inches of the soil and documented consistent with the USDA
NRCS methodology as well as photographed.
Photographic Monitoring: A photographic monitoring station shall be established at each soil
sample location along each transect and photographs taken in all four cardinal directions at each
station. Photographs shall also document vegetation quadrats, hydrologic indicators, ordinary
high water level(s) and other environmental features observed and located by survey along each
Rainfall Data Collection: Rainfall data is currently recorded at three locations (Palm Coast
Water Treatment Plant Site Nos. 1, 2 & 3) on a daily basis and tabulated for a monthly total. The
City shall continue to collect daily rainfall for the proposed Monitoring Program and report the
results to CPH.
Data Management & Report Preparation
The vegetative sampling, soil sample descriptions, environmental data and photography including
survey location of the transect and monitoring data for the City of Palm Coast Southern Wellfield
shall be conducted during the Baseline Monitoring Event. The results shall be presented in report
form with supporting documentation including signed and sealed surveys of the transects and
transect data. The data collected will be formatted for incorporation into the Baseline Monitoring
Report due December 2016 to SJRWMD. CPH shall provide the City with the draft Baseline
Monitoring report for review. The Baseline Monitoring Report shall be finalized once the Northern
Wellfield data has been incorporated.
Transect Profiles & Survey Data
Upon completion of field mobilization to establish up to 14 (fourteen) transect locations, the project
surveyor shall locate the data points and the elevations of each transect, environmental features,
monitoring wells, soil sample stations and photographic monitoring stations. Elevations along the
150-foot transects shall be located at the soil sample points and at specific data points. The shallow
groundwater monitoring well pipe-at-ground elevation and top-of-pipe elevation shall be surveyed.
Further, the transect survey data will be presented on a signed and sealed survey in NAVD 1988
datum to an accuracy of +/- 0.01 foot. The signed and sealed surveyed transect profiles shall be
provided in a report appendix.
CPH survey shall also stake out (mark in the field) the City’s property limits at Slogan Court
(Monitoring Site 7S Transect #2) to ensure the monitoring wells are located on City property. CPH
survey shall also stake out (mark in the field) the property limits at proposed monitoring area 6S
Transect #3 as the monitoring site is in close proximity to the property boundary to ensure the
monitoring site is not located on Flagler County lands.
Data Logger Installation into Shallow Groundwater Wells
After the new shallow groundwater monitoring wells are installed, up to seven (7) HOBO water level
automatic data logger equipment shall be deployed in each new well. The City shall be responsible
for the purchase of the data logger equipment and programing the data loggers. Once the automatic
data logger equipment is installed water level readings shall began and record water levels daily at
noon CPH shall install the data loggers in the monitoring wells and will coordinate with the City to
confirm data logger serial number installed into each well.
2016 Annual Report for the Northern Wellfield
The City of Palm Coast shall continue to the monitor the condition of the City’s wellfield areas as
authorized by St. Johns River Water Management District and approved Consumptive Use Permit
(CUP) #1947 on December 13, 2005. To comply with Condition No. 41 of CUP #2-035-1947-6 the
City shall continue to collect data (daily with data loggers and panoramic photographs taken in
September) at 1N, 2N, 3N, 4N, 5N, WPZ-4, & WPZ-10. CPH shall submit a Wetland Annual Report
analyzing all of the monitoring data recorded for the last year by March 31, 2016 until the modified
Monitoring Program is implemented for the northern well field. Upon implementation of the modified
monitoring plan associated with CUP #2-035-1947-6, the City may cease with the current monitoring
plan. This task includes the photographic monitoring event to be conducted in September 2015 for
the Northern Wellfield.
Easement and Lease Agreement Review
Upon request CPH shall review monitoring site easement and lease agreement documents, confirm
property identification numbers referenced in the agreements and provide comment to the City.
Implementation of the Southern Wellfield Monitoring Program
The implementation schedule for the modified Monitoring Program associated with CUP# 2-0351947-6 is provided in the table below.
Milestone Task
Condition #
Re-program Existing Data
Logger Equipment
Southern Wellfield Monitoring
Northern Wellfield
Photographic Monitoring
Northern Wellfield Annual
Baseline Environmental
Assessment of the Modified
Monitoring Assessment
No deliverable, existing data
loggers will be re-programmed
to collected water level data at
Implementation of approved
modified monitoring plan
(including WPZ wetlands)
Due Date
August 30, 2014 (City to
conduct re-programing)
September 30, 2015
2016 Annual Report
September 2015
2016 Annual Report
March 31, 2016
Baseline Monitoring Report for
the Northern and Southern
December 2016
2.0 Fees and Billing
CPH proposes to provide the above described services for a Not-to-Exceed fee of $100,800. The
proposed Not-to-Exceed fee has been calculated utilizing rates as approved in the base contract
between CPH and the City of Palm Coast. Expenses for Sub-consultants, printing, travel, telephone,
and all other related charges have been included in the above Not-to-Exceed fee. CPH will invoice
the City based on actual time and expenses and the total amount invoiced to the City will not exceed