
Supplementary material
Appendix 1. Timing of SMR measurements post-feeding
The primary literature was searched using the Web of Science and article citation for studies that
measured SMR on juvenile salmonids. Although the data set is not exhaustive (i.e. some studies were
likely missed), it should be representative since the only selection criteria was that the study measure
SMR of salmonids (primarily juveniles) and that the time from cessation of feeding to SMR measurement
be reported in the methods.
Alvarez & Nicieza, 2005
Álvarez, Cano, & Nicieza, 2006
Beauregard, Enders, & Boisclair, 2013
Cutts, Metcalfe, & Taylor, 1998
Cutts, Metcalfe, & Taylor, 2002
Dabrowski, 1986
Metcalfe, Taylor, & Thorpe, 1995
O’Connor, 2000
Smith, Rumsey, & Scott, 1978
Finstad, Forseth, Næsje, & Ugedal, 2004
Herbert, Armstrong, & Bjornsson, 2001
Higgins, 1985
Maxime, 2002
Maxime, 1989
Peterson & Anderson, 1969
Wright, 2001
Withey & Saunders, 1973
Lucas, M.C., Armstrong, & Priede, 1993
Fisk, Powell, & Nowak, 2002
McCarthy, 2000
Finstad, Einum, Forseth, & Ugedal, 2007
Millidine, Armstrong, & Metcalfe, 2006
Seppänen, Piironen, & Huuskonen, 2010
Norin & Malte, 2011
Sloman, Motherwell, Connor, & Taylor, 2000
Van Leeuwen, Rosenfeld, & Richards, 2011a
Van Leeuwen, Rosenfeld, & Richards, 2011b
Cano & Nicieza, 2006
Tyler & Bolduc, 2008
Rao, 1967
Atlantic salmon
Atlantic salmon
Atlantic salmon
Atlantic salmon
Atlantic salmon
Atlantic salmon
Atlantic salmon
Atlantic salmon
Atlantic salmon/Rainbow trout
Atlantic salmon
Atlantic salmon
Atlantic salmon
Atlantic salmon
Atlantic salmon
Atlantic salmon
Atlantic salmon
Atlantic salmon
Atlantic salmon
Atlantic salmon
Atlantic salmon
Atlantic salmon
Atlantic salmon
Atlantic salmon
Brown trout
Brown trout
Rainbow trout
Rainbow trout
Brown trout
Rainbow trout
Rainbow trout
Grobler & Wood, 2013
Brett, 1965
Yamamoto, 1998
Averett, 1969
Sloat & Reeves, 2014
Rainbow trout
Sockeye salmon
Masu salmon
Coho salmon
Rainbow trout
Álvarez, D., Cano, J. M., & Nicieza, A. G. (2006). Microgeographic variation in metabolic rate and energy
storage of brown trout: countergradient selection or thermal sensitivity? Evolutionary Ecology, 20,
Alvarez, D., & Nicieza, A. (2005). Is metabolic rate a reliable predictor of growth and survival of brown
trout (Salmo trutta) in the wild? Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 62, 643–649.
Averett, R. (1969). Influence of temperature on energy and material utilization by juvenile coho salmon.
Ph.D. thesis, Oregon State University.
Beauregard, D., Enders, E., & Boisclair, D. (2013). the standard metabolic rate of Atlantic salmon parr (
Salmo salar ). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 70, 1072–1081.
Brett, J. (1965). The relation of size to rate of oxygen consumption and sustained swimming speed of
sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka). Journal of the Fisheries Board of Canada, 22, 1491–1501.
Cano, J. M., & Nicieza, a. G. (2006). Temperature, metabolic rate, and constraints on locomotor
performance in ectotherm vertebrates. Functional Ecology, 20, 464–470.
Cutts, C. J., Metcalfe, N. B., & Taylor, A. C. (2002). Juvenile Atlantic Salmon ( Salmo salar ) with relatively
high standard metabolic rates have small metabolic scopes, 16, 73–78.
Cutts, C., Metcalfe, N., & Taylor, A. (1998). Aggression and growth depression in juvenile Atlantic
salmon: the consequences of individual variation in standard metabolic rate. Journal of Fish
Biology, 44, 1026–1037.
Dabrowski, K. R. (1986). A new type of metabolism chamber for the determination of active and
postprandial metabolism of fish , and consideration of results for coregonid and salmon juveniles,
Journal of Fish Biology, 28, 105–117.
Finstad, A., Einum, S., Forseth, T., & Ugedal, O. (2007). Shelter availability affects behaviour, sizedependent and mean growth of juvenile Atlantic salmon. Freshwater Biology, 52, 1710–1718.
Finstad, A., Forseth, T., Næsje, T., & Ugedal, O. (2004). The importance of ice cover for energy turnover
in juvenile Atlantic salmon. Journal of Animal Ecology, 73, 959–966.
Fisk, D. M., Powell, M. D., & Nowak, B. F. (2002). The effect of amoebic gill disease and hypoxia on
survival and metabolic rate of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Bulletin of the European Association of
Fish Pathologists, 22, 190–194.
Grobler, J. M. B., & Wood, C. M. (2013). The physiology of rainbow trout in social hierarchies: two ways
of looking at the same data. Journal of comparative physiology. B, Biochemical, systemic, and
environmental physiology, 183, 787–99.
Herbert, N., Armstrong, J., & Bjornsson, B. T. (2001). Evidence that growth hormone-induced elevation
in routine metabolism of juvenile Atlantic salmon is a result of increased spontaneous activity.
Journal of Fish Biology, 59, 754–757.
Higgins, P. (1985). Metabolic differences between Atlantic salmon ( Salmo salar) parr and smolts.
Aquaculture, 45, 33–53.
Lucas, M.C., Armstrong, J. D., & Priede, I. G. (1993). Use of physiological telemetry as a method of
estimating metabolism of fish in the natural environment. Transactions of the American Fisheries
Society, 122, 822–833.
Maxime, V. (1989). Comparative Study of the Energetic Metabolism of Atlantic Salmon ( Salmo salur )
Parr and Smolts, 82, 163–171.
Maxime, V. (2002). Effects of transfer to sea water on standard and routine metabolic rates in smolting
Atlantic salmon at different stages of seawater adaptability. Journal of Fish Biology, 61, 1423–1432.
McCarthy, I. (2000). Temporal repeatability of relative standard metabolic rate in juvenile Atlantic
salmon and its relation to life history variation. Journal of Fish Biology, 57, 224–238.
Metcalfe, N. B., Taylor, A. C., & Thorpe, J. E. (1995). Metabolic rate, social status and life-history
strategies in Atlantic salmon. Animal Behaviour, 49, 431–436.
Millidine, K. J., Armstrong, J. D., & Metcalfe, N. B. (2006). Presence of shelter reduces maintenance
metabolism of juvenile salmon. Functional Ecology, 20, 839–845.
Norin, T., & Malte, H. (2011). Repeatability of standard metabolic rate, active metabolic rate and aerobic
scope in young brown trout during a period of moderate food availability. The Journal of
experimental biology, 214, 1668–1675.
O’Connor, K. (2000). The stability of standard metabolic rate during a period of food deprivation in
juvenile Atlantic salmon. Journal of Fish Biology, 57, 41–51.
Peterson, R., & Anderson, J. (1969). Influence of temperature change on spontaneous locomotor activity
and oxygen consumption of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, acclimated to two temperatures. Journal
of the Fisheries Board of Canada, 26, 93–109.
Rao, G. (1967). Oxygen consumption of rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) in relation to activity and
salinity. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 46, 781–786.
Seppänen, E., Piironen, J., & Huuskonen, H. (2010). Consistency of standard metabolic rate in relation to
life history strategy of juvenile Atlantic salmon Salmo salar. Comparative biochemistry and
physiology. Part A, Molecular & integrative physiology, 156, 278–84.
Sloat, M., & Reeves, G. (2014). Demographic and phenotypic responses of juvenile steelhead trout to
spatial predictability of food resources. Ecology in press.
Sloman, K. A., Motherwell, G., Connor, K. I. O., & Taylor, A. C. (2000). The effect of social stress on the
Standard Metabolic Rate ( SMR ) of brown trout, Salmo trutta. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry,
23, 49–53.
Smith, R. R., Rumsey, G. L., & Scott, M. L. (1978). Heat increment associated with dietary protein, fat,
carbohydrate and complete diets in salmonids: comparative energetic efficiency. The Journal of
nutrition, 108, 1025–32.
Tyler, J. a., & Bolduc, M. B. (2008). Individual variation in bioenergetic rates of young-of-year rainbow
trout. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 137, 314–323.
Van Leeuwen, T. E., Rosenfeld, J. S., & Richards, J. G. (2011a). Adaptive trade-offs in juvenile salmonid
metabolism associated with habitat partitioning between coho salmon and steelhead trout in
coastal streams. The Journal of Animal Ecology, 80, 1012–23.
Van Leeuwen, T. E., Rosenfeld, J. S., & Richards, J. G. (2011b). Effects of food ration on SMR: influence of
food consumption on individual variation in metabolic rate in juvenile coho salmon
(Onchorhynchus kisutch). The Journal of Animal Ecology, 81, 395–402.
Withey, K. G., & Saunders, R. (1973). Effect of a reciprocal photoperiod regime on standard rate of
oxygen consumption of postsmolt Atlantic salmon ( Salmo salar). Journal of the Fisheries Research
Board of Canada, 30, 1898–1900.
Wright, P. (2001). The relationship between otolith accretion and resting metabolic rate in juvenile
Atlantic salmon during a change in temperature. Journal of Fish Biology, 59, 657–666.
Yamamoto, T. (1998). Correlation among dominance status, metabolic rate and otolith size in masu
salmon. Journal of Fish Biology, 52, 281–290.