Appendix 2: Included Articles Armstrong AW, Watson AJ, Makredes

Appendix 2: Included Articles
Armstrong AW, Watson AJ, Makredes M, et al. Text-message reminders to improve
sunscreen use: A randomized, controlled trial using electronic monitoring. Arch
Dermatol. 2009;145: 1230-1236.
Atlas SJ, Ashburner JM, Chang Y, et al. Population-based breast cancer screening in a
primary care network. Am J Manag Care. 2012;18: 821-829.
Atlas SJ, Grant RW, Lester WT, et al. A cluster-randomized trial of a primary care
informatics-based system for breast cancer screening. J Gen Intern Med. 2011;26: 154161.
Awai K, Murao K, Ozawa A, et al. Pulmonary nodules: Estimation of malignancy at thinsection helical CT--effect of computer-aided diagnosis on performance of radiologists.
Radiology. 2006;239: 276-284.
Balleyguier C, Kinkel K, Fermanian J, et al. Computer-aided detection (CAD) in
mammography: Does it help the junior or the senior radiologist? Eur J Radiol. 2005;54:
Bentz CJ, Bayley KB, Bonin KE, et al. Provider feedback to improve 5A's tobacco
cessation in primary care: A cluster randomized clinical trial. Nicotine & Tobacco
Research. 2007;9: 341-349.
Berry DL, Halpenny B, Hong F, et al. The personal patient profile-prostate decision
support for men with localized prostate cancer: A multi-center randomized trial. Urol
Oncol. 2013;31: 1012-1021.
Bertsche T, Askoxylakis V, Habl G, et al. Multidisciplinary pain management based on a
computerized clinical decision support system in cancer pain patients. Pain. 2009;147:
Beste LA, Ioannou GN, Yang Y, et al. Improved surveillance for hepatocellular
carcinoma with a primary care-oriented clinical reminder. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol.
2014;13: 180-182.
Bian J, Bennett CL, Fisher DA, et al. Unintended consequences of health information
technology: Evidence from veterans affairs colorectal cancer oncology watch
intervention. J Clin Oncol. 2012;30: 3947-3952.
Borland R, Balmford J, Hunt D. The effectiveness of personally tailored computergenerated advice letters for smoking cessation. Addiction. 2004;99: 369-377.
Boroczky L, Simpson M, Abe H, et al. Observer study of a prototype clinical decision
support system for breast cancer diagnosis using dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI. AJR
Am J Roentgenol. 2013;200: 277-283.
Bottcher J, Renz DM, Zahm DM, et al. Response to neoadjuvant treatment of invasive
ductal breast carcinomas including outcome evaluation: MRI analysis by an automatic
CAD system in comparison to visual evaluation. Acta Oncol. 2014;53: 759-768.
Brem RF, Baum J, Lechner M, et al. Improvement in sensitivity of screening
mammography with computer-aided detection: A multiinstitutional trial. AJR Am J
Roentgenol. 2003;181: 687-693.
Brem RF, Schoonjans JM. Radiologist detection of microcalcifications with and without
computer-aided detection: A comparative study. Clin Radiol. 2001;56: 150-154.
Brendryen H, Kraft P. Happy ending: A randomized controlled trial of a digital multimedia smoking cessation intervention. Addiction. 2008;103: 478-484; discussion 485476.
Broach V, Day L, Barenberg B, et al. Use of electronic health record–based tools to
improve appropriate use of the human papillomavirus test in adult women. J Low Genit
Tract Dis. 2014;18: 26-30.
Chaudhry R, Scheitel SM, McMurtry EK, et al. Web-based proactive system to improve
breast cancer screening: A randomized controlled trial. Arch Intern Med. 2007;167: 606611.
Chu WC, Lam WW, Pang AL, et al. Computer-assisted detection as a second reader in
symptomatic Asian women with palpable breast cancer. Acta Radiol. 2004;45: 148-153.
Cleeland CS, Wang XS, Shi Q, et al. Automated symptom alerts reduce postoperative
symptom severity after cancer surgery: A randomized controlled clinical trial. J Clin
Oncol. 2011;29: 994-1000.
Cornbleet MA, Campbell P, Murray S, et al. Patient-held records in cancer and palliative
care: A randomized, prospective trialt. Palliat Med. 2002;16: 205-212.
Diekmann F, Diekmann S, Bollow M, et al. Evaluation of a wavelet-based computerassisted detection system for identifying microcalcifications in digital full-field
mammography. Acta Radiol. 2004;45: 136-141.
Dietzel M, Zoubi R, Vag T, et al. Association between survival in patients with primary
invasive breast cancer and computer aided MRI. J Magn Reson Imaging. 2013;37: 146155.
Dombrowsky E, Jayaraman B, Narayan M, et al. Evaluating performance of a decision
support system to improve methotrexate pharmacotherapy in children and young adults
with cancer. Ther Drug Monit. 2011;33: 99-107.
Dupuis EA, White HF, Newman D, et al. Tracking abnormal cervical cancer screening:
Evaluation of an EMR-based intervention. J Gen Intern Med. 2010;25: 575-580.
Emery J, Morris H, Goodchild R, et al. The GRAIDS Trial: A cluster randomised
controlled trial of computer decision support for the management of familial cancer risk
in primary care. Br J Cancer. 2007;97: 486-493.
Etter JF, Perneger TV. Effectiveness of a computer-tailored smoking cessation program:
A randomized trial. Arch Intern Med. 2001;161: 2596-2601.
Fenton JJ, Taplin SH, Carney PA, et al. Influence of computer-aided detection on
performance of screening mammography. N Engl J Med. 2007;356: 1399-1409.
Freer TW, Ulissey MJ. Screening mammography with computer-aided detection:
Prospective study of 12,860 patients in a community breast center. Radiology. 2001;220:
Georgian-Smith D, Moore RH, Halpern E, et al. Blinded comparison of computer-aided
detection with human second reading in screening mammography. AJR Am J Roentgenol.
2007;189: 1135-1141.
Gerbert B, Bronstone A, Maurer T, et al. Decision support software to help primary care
physicians triage skin cancer: A pilot study. Arch Dermatol. 2000;136: 187-192.
Gilbert FJ, Astley SM, Gillan MGC, et al. Single reading with computer-aided detection
for screening mammography. N Engl J Med. 2008;359: 1675-1684.
Gravis G, Protière C, Eisinger F, et al. Full access to medical records does not modify
anxiety in cancer patients: Results of a randomized study. Cancer. 2011;117: 4796-4804.
Green MJ, Biesecker BB, McInerney AM, et al. An interactive computer program can
effectively educate patients about genetic testing for breast cancer susceptibility. Am J
Med Genet. 2001;103: 16-23.
Green MJ, Peterson SK, Baker MW, et al. Effect of a computer-based decision aid on
knowledge, perceptions, and intentions about genetic testing for breast cancer
susceptibility: A randomized controlled trial. JAMA. 2004;292: 442-452.
Gromet M. Comparison of computer-aided detection to double reading of screening
mammograms: Review of 231,221 mammograms. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2008;190: 854859.
Gur D, Sumkin JH, Rockette HE, et al. Changes in breast cancer detection and
mammography recall rates after the introduction of a computer-aided detection system. J
Natl Cancer Inst. 2004;96: 185-190.
Hadjiiski L, Sahiner B, Helvie MA, et al. Breast masses: Computer-aided diagnosis with
serial mammograms. Radiology. 2006;240: 343-356.
Han Y, Huh SJ, Ju SG, et al. Impact of an electronic chart on the staff workload in a
radiation oncology department. Jpn J Clin Oncol. 2005;35: 470-474.
Harshberger CA, Harper AJ, Carro GW, et al. Outcomes of computerized physician order
entry in an electronic health record after implementation in an outpatient oncology
setting. J Oncol Pract. 2011;7: 233-237.
Helm EJ, Silva CT, Roberts HC, et al. Computer-aided detection for the identification of
pulmonary nodules in pediatric oncology patients: Initial experience. Pediatr Radiol.
2009;39: 685-693.
Hill-Kayser CE, Vachani CC, Hampshire MK, et al. Impact of internet-based cancer
survivorship care plans on health care and lifestyle behaviors. Cancer. 2013;119: 38543860.
Hooker GW, Leventhal KG, DeMarco T, et al. Longitudinal changes in patient distress
following interactive decision aid use among BRCA1/2 carriers: a randomized trial. Med
Decis Making. 2011;31: 412-421.
Horsch K, Giger ML, Vyborny CJ, et al. Classification of breast lesions with
multimodality computer-aided diagnosis: Observer study results on an independent
clinical data set. Radiology. 2006;240: 357-368.
Houston TK, Richman JS, Ray MN, et al. Internet delivered support for tobacco control
in dental practice: Randomized controlled trial. J Med Internet Res. 2008;10: 33-44.
Hsu L, Bowlus CL, Stewart SL, et al. Electronic messages increase hepatitis B screening
in at-risk Asian American patients: A randomized, controlled trial. Dig Dis Sci. 2013;58:
Humphrey LL, Shannon J, Partin MR, et al. Improving the follow-up of positive
hemoccult screening tests: An electronic intervention. J Gen Intern Med. 2011;26: 691697.
Hupse R, Samulski M, Lobbes M, et al. Standalone computer-aided detection compared
to radiologists' performance for the detection of mammographic masses. Eur Radiol.
2013;23: 93-100.
Jankowski A, Martinelli T, Timsit JF, et al. Pulmonary nodule detection on MDCT
images: Evaluation of diagnostic performance using thin axial images, maximum
intensity projections, and computer-assisted detection. Eur Radiol. 2007;17: 3148-3156.
Japuntich SJ, Zehner ME, Smith SS, et al. Smoking cessation via the internet: A
randomized clinical trial of an internet intervention as adjuvant treatment in a smoking
cessation intervention. Nicotine Tob Res. 2006;8 Suppl 1: S59-67.
Karssemeijer N, Otten JD, Rijken H, et al. Computer aided detection of masses in
mammograms as decision support. Br J Radiol. 2006;79 Spec No 2: S123-126.
Karssemeijer N, Otten JD, Verbeek AL, et al. Computer-aided detection versus
independent double reading of masses on mammograms. Radiology. 2003;227: 192-200.
Kern LM, Barron Y, Dhopeshwarkar RV, et al. Electronic health records and ambulatory
quality of care. J Gen Intern Med. 2013;28: 496-503.
Khoo LAL, Taylor P, Given-Wilson RM. Computer-aided detection in the United
Kingdom National Breast Screening Programme: Prospective study. Radiology.
2005;237: 444-449.
Kim SJ, Moon WK, Cho N, et al. Computer-aided detection in full-field digital
mammography: Sensitivity and reproducibility in serial examinations. Radiology.
2008;246: 71-80.
Ko JM, Nicholas MJ, Mendel JB, et al. Prospective assessment of computer-aided
detection in interpretation of screening mammography. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2006;187:
Kralj B, Iverson D, Hotz K, et al. The impact of computerized clinical reminders on
physician prescribing behavior: Evidence from community oncology practice. Am J Med
Qual. 2003;18: 197-203.
Krist AH, Woolf SH, Rothemich SF, et al. Interactive preventive health record to
enhance delivery of recommended care: A randomized trial. Ann Fam Med. 2012;10:
Linder JA, Rigotti NA, Schneider LI, et al. An electronic health record-based
intervention to improve tobacco treatment in primary care: A cluster-randomized
controlled trial. Arch Intern Med. 2009;169: 781-787.
Malich A, Schmidt S, Fischer DR, et al. The performance of computer-aided detection
when analyzing prior mammograms of newly detected breast cancers with special focus
on the time interval from initial imaging to detection. Eur J Radiol. 2009;69: 574-578.
Marx C, Malich A, Facius M, et al. Are unnecessary follow-up procedures induced by
computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) in mammography? Comparison of mammographic
diagnosis with and without use of CAD. Eur J Radiol. 2004;51: 66-72.
Mathias JS, Didwania AK, Baker DW. Impact of an electronic alert and order set on
smoking cessation medication prescription. Nicotine & Tobacco Research. 2012;14: 674681.
McCullough A, Fisher M, Goldstein AO, et al. Smoking as a vital sign: prompts to ask
and assess increase cessation counseling. J Am Board Fam Med. 2009;22: 625-632.
McDonnell DD, Kazinets G, Lee H-J, et al. An Internet-based smoking cessation
program for Korean Americans: Results from a randomized controlled trial. Nicotine &
Tobacco Research. 2011;13: 336-343.
Mermelstein R, Turner L. Web-based support as an adjunct to group-based smoking
cessation for adolescents. Nicotine Tob Res. 2006;8 Suppl 1: S69-76.
Meyer C, Ulbricht S, Gross B, et al. Adoption, reach and effectiveness of computerbased, practitioner delivered and combined smoking interventions in general medical
practices: A three-arm cluster randomized trial. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2012;121: 124132.
Miller DP, Jr., Spangler JG, Case LD, et al. Effectiveness of a web-based colorectal
cancer screening patient decision aid: A randomized controlled trial in a mixed-literacy
population. Am J Prev Med. 2011;40: 608-615.
Mitsui Y, Shiina H, Yamamoto Y, et al. Prediction of survival benefit using an automated
bone scan index in patients with castration-resistant prostate cancer. BJU Int. 2012;110:
Moberg K, Bjurstam N, Wilczek B, et al. Computed assisted detection of interval breast
cancers. Eur J Radiol. 2001;39: 104-110.
Molenaar S, Sprangers MA, Rutgers EJ, et al. Decision support for patients with earlystage breast cancer: Effects of an interactive breast cancer CDROM on treatment
decision, satisfaction, and quality of life. J Clin Oncol. 2001;19: 1676-1687.
Moore W, Ripton-Snyder J, Wu G, et al. Sensitivity and specificity of a CAD solution for
lung nodule detection on chest radiograph with CTA correlation. J Digit Imaging.
2011;24: 405-410.
Nease DE, Jr., Ruffin MTt, Klinkman MS, et al. Impact of a generalizable reminder
system on colorectal cancer screening in diverse primary care practices: A report from
the prompting and reminding at encounters for prevention project. Med Care. 2008;46:
Oenema A, Brug J, Dijkstra A, et al. Efficacy and use of an internet-delivered computertailored lifestyle intervention, targeting saturated fat intake, physical activity and smoking
cessation: A randomized controlled trial. Ann Behav Med. 2008;35: 125-135.
Ornstein S, Nemeth LS, Jenkins RG, et al. Colorectal cancer screening in primary care:
Translating research into practice. Med Care. 2010;48: 900-906.
Ozanne EM, Loberg A, Hughes S, et al. Identification and management of women at high
risk for hereditary breast/ovarian cancer syndrome. Breast J. 2009;15: 155-162.
Patkar V, Acosta D, Davidson T, et al. Using computerised decision support to improve
compliance of cancer multidisciplinary meetings with evidence-based guidance. BMJ
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Patkar V, Hurt C, Steele R, et al. Evidence-based guidelines and decision support
services: A discussion and evaluation in triple assessment of suspected breast cancer. Br J
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Petzel SV, Vogel RI, McNiel J, et al. Improving referral for genetic risk assessment in
ovarian cancer using an electronic medical record system. Int J Gynecol Cancer.
2014;24: 1003-1009.
Pike KJ, Rabius V, McAlister A, et al. American Cancer Society's QuitLink:
Randomized trial of Internet assistance. Nicotine Tob Res. 2007;9: 415-420.
Prochaska JO, Velicer WF, Fava JL, et al. Evaluating a population-based recruitment
approach and a stage-based expert system intervention for smoking cessation. Addict
Behav. 2001;26: 583-602.
Prochaska JO, Velicer WF, Fava JL, et al. Counselor and stimulus control enhancements
of a stage-matched expert system intervention for smokers in a managed care setting.
Prev Med. 2001;32: 23-32.
Prokhorov AV, Yost T, Mullin-Jones M, et al. "Look at Your Health": Outcomes
associated with a computer-assisted smoking cessation counseling intervention for
community college students. Addict Behav. 2008;33: 757-771.
Puech P, Betrouni N, Makni N, et al. Computer-assisted diagnosis of prostate cancer
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2003;47: 257-260.
Renz DM, Bottcher J, Diekmann F, et al. Detection and classification of contrastenhancing masses by a fully automatic computer-assisted diagnosis system for breast
MRI. J Magn Reson Imaging. 2012;35: 1077-1088.
Rindal DB, Rush WA, Schleyer TK, et al. Computer-assisted guidance for dental office
tobacco-cessation counseling: A randomized controlled trial. Am J Prev Med. 2013;44:
Robinson C, Halligan S, Iinuma G, et al. CT colonography: Computer-assisted detection
of colorectal cancer. Br J Radiol. 2011;84: 435-440.
Rubinstein WS, Acheson LS, O'Neill SM, et al. Clinical utility of family history for
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Ruidiaz ME, Blair SL, Kummel AC, et al. Computerized decision support system for
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