INB Contract and Rubric - NAAE Communities of Practice

Your INTERACTIVE AGRISCIENCE NOTEBOOK will increase your understanding of agriculture by:
Using writing as a process for discovery and synthesis of inquiry.
Modeling many enduring functions of scientists – recording information and data, creating
experimental diagrams, forming associations and connections to other learning and asking
thoughtful questions.
Improving your ability to organize ideas and information to provide a study reference for
each unit as well as a resource to consult for tests.
Demonstrating to your teacher and your parents your organizational skills, understanding of
science concepts and ability to express thoughts and feelings in a variety of ways.
Deepening of science skilled acquired in prior years by application to your current year of
science study.
A binder or three prong folder with pockets with notebook paper (at least 100 pages). DO
NOT RIP OUT ANY PAGES, you will need all of them! Bring your notebook to class each
2. Handouts and other teacher-provided pages MUST BE glued or taped in place so that any
writing on the page is clearly visible.
3. Organized in the same manner: Right side for input only: lecture notes, labs and
worksheets. Left side for output only: drawings, reflections, associations, “choice”
4. Pages must be numbered consecutively, do not skip pages, each page titled and dated.
5. A Table of Contents will be kept in the front of the notebook.
6. This INB Contract will be glued/taped onto page 7 of the notebook after being signed by
you and your parent/guardian.
7. There will be a notebook quiz and/or collection and grading of notebooks at least once a
month. Grades will be assigned following the rubric on this handout. Glue the How to
Organize Your Notebook onto page 6 of your notebook.
8. Staying current with notebook entries is vital to your success in this course. If you are
absent, copy the right side entries from another student, complete the left side on your
own and be sure to update your table of contents.
Student: I understand the purposes of the Interactive AGRIScience Notebook and will try my
best to keep my notebook up-to-date and complete. If I fall behind, I will quickly seek out
assistance from Mrs. Dodge either before or after school:
Student Signature__________________________________
Parents: I have read the above information. I understand the purposes of the Interactive
AGRIScience Notebook and will encourage and monitor my student’s completion of notebook
work. I will support make up time before and after school as necessary.
Parent Signature (2 points):_________________________________
Email contact information____________________________________________________
How to Organize Your Notebook
Left side (OUTPUT)/Homework
The left page demonstrates YOUR
understanding of the information on the right
side page. You work with the input and
interact with the information in creative,
unique and individual ways. The left side helps
focus your attention and guides your learning
of the science content and concepts.
What goes on the left side?
OUTPUT goes on the left side!
 Every left-side pages gets used.
 Always number and date your pages.
 Always use at least four colors and
organize information. Be creative; it
helps the brain learn.
What could go on the left side?
See “Choice” Assignments sheet. Will be
“Free Choice” or “Limited Choice” but will
involve techniques of:
Concept maps
Venn Diagrams
Writing Prompts
Flow Charts
Self Reflections
Right side (INPUT)/Classwork
Science interactive notebooks are used to help
you learn and remember important scientific
concepts. Why do they work? This notebook
style uses both the right and left-brain
hemispheres to help you sort, categorize,
remember and creatively interact with the
new knowledge you are gaining.
What goes on the right side?
INPUT goes on the right side!
 Always write the date on each page.
 Always title each assignment.
 Always number each page
 The right page is for writing down
information you are given in class
 When the teacher lectures, take notes
on the right side page.
 When you take book or video notes,
they go on the right side page.
 Lab activities go on the right side.
 Any other type of INPUT you get in
 Highlight important information.
 No staples, only glue or clear tape.
“Choice” Assignments List:
Any time you need to complete a left-side page, you will choose 1 of these activities. You will either
receive “free” choice (choose any 1 you like) or “limited” choice (options given be teacher)
Write a letter to a relative explaining to them what the INPUT on the right side means.
2. Write a news article for a paper explaining the significance of the INPUT on the right side.
3. Write a song or poem that summarizes the information on the INPUT side.
4. Draw a multi-paneled cartoon that describes and restates the INPUT on the right side.
5. Create a foldable that summarizes the information on the INPUT side.
6. Create a magazine cover that emphasizes the most important points on the INPUT side.
7. Create a flyer or brochure “selling” the interesting ideas on the INPUT side.
8. Respond to a specific writing prompt about the INPUT side.
9. Create a Venn Diagram/Flow chart to summarize & order the information on the INPUT side
When creating a left-side page ALWAYS do the following:
Use the FULL space available to you (leaving the top margin blank for your QOD).
Use a minimum of four colors for your OUTPUT (NO MARKERS).
Reflect the information on the INPUT side as completely as possible.
Be NEAT, LEGIBLE and don’t waste space.
Interactive AGRIScience Notebook Grading Rubric.
Your notebook will be collected about once a month for grading according to the following rubric:
Notebook contents are neatly completed, all pages are numbered, titled and dated.
Right-side/left-side topics are correct and contents are organized according to class
Table of Contents reflects ALL entries to date.
Right-side notes go BEYOND basic requirements.
Left side shows IMPRESSIVE, IN-DEPTH scientific thought and effort.
Notebook contents are neatly completed, all pages are numbered, titled and dated.
Right-side/left-side topics are correct and contents are organized according to class
Table of Contents reflects all entries to date.
Right side notes largely MEET requirements and some go beyond.
Left side shows IN-DEPTH thought and effort.
Notebook contents are MOSTLY NEAT and complete (at least 90%), pages
numbered, titled and dated.
Right-side/left-side topics are correct and organized with no more than 2
assignments incorrectly placed.
Table of Contents reflects 90% of all entries up to date.
Right side notes meet requirements.
Left side shows a basic understanding of content topics, shows some thought and
Notebook contents are legible, complete (at least 80%), pages numbered, titled and
Right-side/left-side topics are correct and organized with no more than 4
assignments incorrectly placed.
Table of contents reflects at least 80% of all entries to date.
Right side notes nearly meet minimum requirements.
Left side shows a limited understanding of content topics, limited thought and
Notebook contents are sloppy or incomplete (50%), many pages are not numbered,
titled or dated.
Right-side/left-side is inconsistent and contents are unorganized with more than 5
assignments incorrectly placed.
Table of contents shows limited attempts at keeping entries up to date.
Right side contents incomplete.
Left side shows only a superficial understanding and/or some inaccuracies, little
thought or effort.
Notebook turned in but too incomplete to score well.
Majority of pages are missing or incomplete.
Dating and labeling of pages is inconsistent.
Right side contents incomplete and missing.
Left side shows minimal understanding, not neatly written, minimal effort.
Notebook not turned in. No evidence of work done.
Notebook has inappropriate content or words written on the cover or pages.