MESM Sustainable Water Markets Fellowship Supplemental

Sustainable Water Markets Fellowship Application
MESM Supplemental Application
Due January 10th, 2016
In addition to this completing this application, MESM fellowship applicants are required to complete the Bren
School of Environmental Science & Management MESM Application Process. It is important to start your
application early to allow for enough time to complete the GRE, obtain recommendation letters, and submit
transcripts before the application deadline.
Recipients of this fellowship are selected on the basis of professional or academic achievement, demonstrated
commitment to careers in water resources management and sustainable water markets, and for notable
leadership potential. The SWM Fellowship selection committee will review your fellowship application together
with your MESM application materials, including your Statement of Purpose and Personal
Achievements/Contributions Essay.
To submit your SWM Fellowship Application on your UCSB e-app, click on the Statements & Supplemental
Documents Application Section and select to "Edit Section." After you have uploaded the three required
application documents (Statement of Purpose, Personal Achievements/Contributions Statement, and Resume or
CV), select "Other Document Type." In the Document Title text bar, enter Sustainable Water Markets Fellowship
Application for its name. Click "Browse" to find and upload your SWM supplemental application as a PDF or in MS
Word format. We encourage you to contact the SWM program as early as possible with any specific questions or
concerns you may have about the application process.
First Name
Last Name
1. Interest and Experience
Tell us what interests you most within the areas of sustainable water resources management, water policy,
and/or water markets and why. Include any relevant experience you might have and how it applies to your
areas of interest. (500 words or less)
2. Water Resources Challenges and Solutions
Describe an existing water resources challenge concerning water quality or water allocation and describe 1-3
possible solutions to address this challenge. (500 words or less)
3. Leadership
Tell about a significant time in which you demonstrated leadership and describe its specific outcomes. Include
how your individual initiative affected your leadership experience, what you learned from that experience,
and what leadership means for you. (500 words or less)
4. Career Vision
Tell us about your future career aspirations. Consider where and how you envision working to make an
impact. (500 words or less)
Sustainable Water Markets Fellowship Program I Bren School of Environmental Science & Management
University of California, Santa Barbara I 4526 Bren Hall, Santa Barbara, CA 93101-5131
(805) 893-5589 I