Criteria for Success (Teacher Version) Level Level One Problem Solving No strategy is chosen, or a strategy is chosen that will not lead to a solution Reasoning and Proof Arguments are made with no mathematical basis Communication No awareness of purpose is communicated No correct reasoning or justification for reasoning Does not use math language to communicate ideas Arguments are made with some mathematical basis Some awareness of purpose is communicated Some correct reasoning or justification for reasoning is present used trial and error, or unsystematic strategy Some formal math language is used, and examples are provided to communicate ideas A correct strategy is chosen based on the math Arguments are made with a mathematical basis The purpose is clearly communicated Appropriate selection of strategy Formal math language is used; the writing is organized, logical, coherent, and sequenced Consolidates prior knowledge and applies it correctly to the problem A systematic approach and/or justification of correct reasoning The student is able to: - Clarify thinking - Note patterns An efficient strategy is chosen Arguments are used to justify decisions Communication is clear, and is supported by mathematical properties Changes in strategy, if necessary, are made along the way, and/or alternative strategies are considered. Evidence of analyzing the situation in mathematical terms, and extending prior knowledge is present Justifies and supports answer The student is able to - Test and reject a hypothesis or conjecture. - Explain their thinking - Generalizing and extending thinking to other problems Little or no evidence of using prior knowledge Level Two A partially correct strategy is chosen, or a correct strategy for only solving part of the task Evidence of drawing on some relevant previous knowledge is present Level Three Level Four Precise math language and symbolic notation are used to consolidate math thinking and to communicate ideas Connections No relevant connections are made to the topic Representing No attempt is made to construct mathematical representations Some attempt to relate the task to other subjects or to own interests and experiences is made An attempt is made to construct mathematical representations to record and communicate problem solving Mathematical connections or experiences are made Appropriate and accurate mathematical representations are constructed to solve problems Mathematical connections or observations are used to extend the solution High yield strategies and/or mathematical representations are used to analyze relationships, extend thinking, and clarify or interpret Criteria for Success (Student Version) Level Problem Solving How can I solve the problem? What do I know? Reasoning and Proof What strategy can I use to solve the problem? Communication Have I explained my answer clearly and used math language? Connections Can I connect this concept to another math concept? Representing Have I shown my work to prove I understand the question? Can I compare this to something I know? Level One I did not use what I know to answer the question I did not give proof in my answer I did not use any math language in my answer I did not use a strategy to help me answer the question My answer did not explain the problem clearly I did not make a connection to other math concepts or to the world I did not use a math sentence, pictures, numbers or words to show my thinking I need to give more details in my answer I used some math language in my answer I tried to make a connection to other math concepts I used some math to explain my answer I used a math strategy but I need more practice using the strategy I need to use more details in my answer to make it clear I was able to explain my thinking clearly I used math language to answer the question I used the math strategy correctly My answer was clear, organized and made sense I was able to make a connection to other concepts in math and to the world around me I used a math sentence, pictures, numbers or words to show my work Level Two Level Three Level Four I was able to apply some math knowledge I was able to apply my math knowledge to this skill or concept I used my prior knowledge to help me answer the question I was able to extend my thinking I was able to recognize other patterns I was able to show my thinking clearly I used two more strategies to show my thinking I was able to recognize and create rules I used math language, ideas and rules to explain my thinking My answer was logical, organized and complete I got the correct answer I was able to make a connection and compare my work to other math ideas or relate it to other subjects I used two or more ways to show my thinking I got the correct answer and was able to explain how I got the answer in variety of ways Student Success Criteria for Bump It Up Wall Level One has… - I did not use a strategy to solve the problem - no proof in my answer - no math language - not explained my thinking - not made a connection to the math concept Level One Does not use - Any strategies Level Two has… - Any proof - used a strategy to solve the problem - Any math language - some details in the answer - Or make any connections to math concepts or the world - used some math language in the answer - not explained the thinking clearly - made a connection to a math concept Level Two Does not have - A clear explanation of the strategy - Enough details to make the answer clear - precise math language or terms - good complete sentences - clear connections to math concepts or the world Student Success Criteria Level Three has… - used one strategy to solve the problem - used formal math language in the answer - explained the thinking clearly Level Three Does not have… - two or more strategies - a comparison of math strategies - a math rule or relationship - extra details to show deeper level thinking - clear connections - made a to math concepts connection to or the world the math concept or world - the correct answer Level Four has… - used two or more strategies to solve the problem Level Four Does not have… - incomplete strategies - unclear ideas - used precise math language in the answer - unsupported answers - math rules and finds relationships - incomplete sentences - a correct and clear explanation of the answer - made a connection to the math concept or world and other subjects