Vidic, 2:00 L15 CAN MY DAUGHTER’S EYES MATCH HER SHOES?: A DISCUSSION OF THE PROSPECTS OF HUMAN GENE THERAPY Zachary Wool ( manipulated or changed them slightly to benefit the product or cause. Farmers could, for example, be able to grow produce that is able to stand up to harsher environments and grow in the offseason. Life only has one language, one form of code, and because of this, scientists can take genes from plants that will work in animals and take genes from animals that will work in plants and take genes from both plants and animals that will, hypothetically, work in humans. Different organisms have advantages in physical, personality, and body system traits that are designed from plans on a cellular level. Scientists take these genes and can insert them into the genes of other organisms to create a hybrid creature, something brand new, such as a goat whose milk contains spider silk. The possibilities of what we could do is endless, most certainly if you look at what we have already done [1]. INTRODUCTION: GENETIC MANIPULATION, HOW FAR SHOULD WE GO? Where does science reach its limit? Should morality limit how far we can go and when we should stop progression? If so, where is that point and when do we know when we have gone too far? With the completion of the Human Genome Project, the scientists of today know more about the DNA of humans than ever before, but what’s next? Genetic manipulation is not new, plants and food have been manipulated for years for our benefit, but could we do the same to humans? The scientific truth is that genetic manipulation of human DNA is not too far down the road. However, we will reach a point where we go from enhancing humans, preventing diseases and curing defects, to advancing humans, changing the definition of human on a cellular level. This point is as yet to be defined as we continue to progress further and further into the future of genetic engineering. As humans we need to decide what is going too far. We must decide that there is a difference between preventing birth defects and manipulating the personality and physical traits of newborns. We currently have human DNA and the more “improvements” we make the farther we move from having true human DNA in our cells. The question is becoming less and less could we splice our DNA with other organism and more should we? My generation is the next group of pioneers and developers. We are the ones who will have to make these real life decisions. We need to approach this as ethical engineers and find the solutions that will improve both the health of patients and society itself. Parents have their own views and decisions to make for their children and people have their own rights to decide how to manipulate their bodies, but we, the engineers providing such new developments, need to decide how such genetic modifications should be used. My goal is to help people, not make them “better.” I hope when that day comes, we will make the right decisions. In addition, a section will be devoted to how such a project as this will benefit the engineering community as a whole. What we have already done to organisms Scientists have experimented and had much success with genetic engineering. Manipulation of the human genetic code is still in the beginning processes, but genetically modifying plants and animals is something we as a scientific community have had decades of under our belt as we refined our knowledge of DNA and the ways such molecular substances interact between organisms. More advanced experiments have produced results such as the transmission of an insect protection gene, called Bt, to several crops such as cotton and corn to ward off pests [2]. This gene has protected crops from several harmful insects that would have eaten or damaged the plants beyond any harvest value. Other plants have been modified to stay ripe without rotting as they are shipped from far locations [3]. Other examples are such things as the “high oleic soybean…a GM [Genetically Modified] plant that produces beans containing less saturated fat” and human insulin that has been produced from modified E. coli cells rather than manufactured. Genetic manipulation goes further than plant and bacterial life, however, and into more complex organisms. Transgenic animals are used for both production of substances and experimentation. We have already done so much with genetic engineering to other organisms that genetically manipulating humans on a much broader scale is the natural step forward. But how big of a step should we take? THE BASICS: WHAT IS GENTIC ENGINEERING AND WHAT HAVE WE DONE WITH IT THE BENEFITS: HOW GENETIC ENGINEERING CAN BENEFIT US NOW AND IN THE FUTURE How does Genetic Engineering Work? The splicing of genes is nothing new. For decades scientists have taken genes from plants and animals and have 1 University of Pittsbrugh, Swason School of Engineering Oct. 9, 2012 Zachary Wool “In humans, researchers have predicted that gene therapy will not only allow us to treat and prevent debilitating diseases…but also enhance or improve normal human traits” [4]. Though the process of somatic cell gene therapy is still in its early stages with little overall success, the promises of what this technological breakthrough will do are incredible. By replacing “bad” genes with “good” genes, the potential to cure disease and prevent birth defects goes up exponentially [5]. Even today we screen for birth defects and diseases in embryos, but what if these diseases could be prevented in ways other than terminating the embryo? Gene therapy promises to be able to cure and fix such birth issues so that infants can be born much healthier and live potentially longer and improved lives. The first clinical gene therapy was given to a young girl with adenosine deaminase (ADA) deficiency in 1990. The main cause for ADA deficiency is the deletion of the gene for ADA. This can be treated with bone marrow transplantation, but a much more painless treatment is to virally insert genes into the body’s cells. The treatment was a great success and led to continued experimentation with gene therapy [1]. Diseases such as ALS, heart disease, inadequate blood flow to the limbs, arthritis, and Alzheimer's are all caused in some fashion by defective genes and, through experimentation, someday soon those diseases and defects that plague us could be a footnote in the past. Alzheimer’s may be the next smallpox, deadly in its prime, but wiped out as medical science and treatments advanced. The blueprints of a body are kept within the genes and if we can replace or modify those, the possibilities of what we can cure and create are experimentally endless. we truly do not know how the human body will react. Is it worth experimenting on men and women to discover this? THE MORALITY OF GENETIC ENGINEERING Ethical Responsibility of Parents “…when it comes to screening out personality flaws, such as potential alcoholism, psychopathy, and disposition to violence, you could argue that people a have a moral obligation to select ethically better children” [7]. Parents wholly control the upbringing of their offspring, but many wonder if a temperamental child is caused not by a slacking parent but by some predisposed genetic condition. The definition of where nature ends and nurture begins is yet to be determined, but societal ethics dictate that a parent or parents should strive to guide their children into and through this world. No child is the same and each has their own strengths and weaknesses when it comes to academics, social settings, or physical challenges. It is thought that many of our skills are predetermined in our genes and that they set the groundwork for where we shall excel and where we will probably fall behind. Independence, the free will to decide for ourselves, is a pleasure only given to us after eighteen years under our parents’ guidance. Before that time, our guardians have the right to choose everything and anything for us. The prevention of a mentally disturbed or lacking person is something most would consider morally right. With the right gene manipulation a parent could make these very decisions months before their child is even born, but is that not just a stepping stone to more trivial genetic changes that ultimately remove the free will of the child? If a parent can decide how smart, outgoing, or tall their child is, does the child have any free will at all? Parents could genetically engineer their child to be their perfect image of what they want. How is that ethical? Prevention of hurtful aspects is one side of the argument, but the prevention of unwanted physical or mental traits has no place in society. Choosing a child to be of lighter skin or a different eye color holds no true purpose beyond useless desires. Parents have the right to mold whatever child they choose, but they should never have the option to choose they clay they use. A child cannot choose their genetic advantages and neither should a parent. THE SIDE EFFECTS: THE DRAWBACKS TO GENETIC ENGINEERING Into the Unknown In experimental science we can hypothesize and redo the equations as many times as we are able, but we truly do not know the results until we actually do the experiment, which is the purpose of the experiment in the first place. We say nature is bound by certain laws, but scientists are surprised every day as things do not work as they thought they should or new things are discovered that we never thought could or should exist. The simplest explanation is that although we know a lot of about the human body, we do not completely comprehend what will happen if we insert or modify genes. “The human genome and our whole bodies area a maze of complicated signals, pathways and relationships. A positive change upstream could cause a negative effect downstream.” [6]. No matter the benefits of an improved genome, for all we know we could be opening ourselves up to some disease we have never seen before. Our bodies adapt to their environment and if we change our bodies and not our environment, the results could be deadly. For all the advancements we have made forward in genetic engineering, Are we enhancing humans or advancing them? What defines a human? Ignoring philosophical or theological opinions, the basic, most scientific answer is our genetic code. Our DNA is what separates us from all other organisms and what makes us the creatures we are. Even an infinitesimal percentage difference, which initially seems insignificant, is truly a great difference between two very difference creatures. Humans only differ from apes by 5-7%, which, though considered an average error in many scientific 2 Zachary Wool experiments, is what makes us the creatures we are. Taking this into account, how much can we change the human genome before it can no longer be consider definably human? The question we need to ask ourselves is how much enhancement can we make to the human genome before we have advanced into a new species that is no longer human on a cellular level. As we progress further and further into a more “perfect” human, free of disease and defect, the further we truly get from being the humans we are today. Evolution is based upon minor changes in the genetic code and artificial genetic manipulation is simply artificial evolution if the trait is inherited. The gene of red hair is said to be rare and even dying out. If we were to manipulate an embryo’s genes so that he or she would have red hair the genetic trait could become more and more popular in the population. If other, dominant, traits are phased out over generations; red hair would be the majority instead of the minority. Advancing to a new organism is not necessarily an immoral act, but if everyone has their genes improved it could literally be the end of “human” history. developing such treatments should know best and know the ethical implications of developing these technologies. The time is drawing near when my generation, the up and coming engineers, will be the ones deciding on such topics. We cannot fully draw on the ethical examples of the past because such future scenarios have not been fully realized as the usual practices. However, we must think upon such issues now, for once that day comes to pass and the wrong decisions are made, the harm would already be done. We engineers must think ahead, beyond our time, and develop ethical responsibilities specific to such future treatments like human gene therapy. We must approach such developments with a combination of ethical practices and the open mindedness of scientific developments. EDUCATING FUTURE ENGINEERS As part of this discussion I will discuss the benefits of doing a research paper such as this as a freshman engineering student. The United States is thought to be behind in many areas of education compared to other nations around the world, including engineering. Many believe this is due to the style of teaching that our colleges and universities use. That is, to give student a lot of foundational knowledge, but not much experience in areas such as critical thinking and real world applications. Many graduating engineering students are not fully prepared to work in an engineering environment, where there requires more creativity and thinking than following a formula sheet [10]. The main issue that I can see with the general engineering curriculums is that they are no different than high school classes besides their rigor. Engineers are not scientists who follow a plan or historians who recall facts, but men and women who think outside the box and use experience as their guide. Undergraduate engineers need experience before they graduate so that their mind is prepared to think about things how an engineer should, i.e. not the plug-and-chug way. Projects such as this, students researching a current topic in engineering, not only opens students eyes to more opportunities, but also gives them a taste of what they might have to deal with in the coming years. As they go about their research and list several solutions to problems, the basic fact is that there is a great guarantee that we undergraduate engineers will be the ones finding these solutions and solving these problems. We may not as of yet have the well rounded experience to apply ourselves to such tasks, but through the next four years is when we should acquire should an experience base. Internships, research, co-op, and other jobs allow an undergraduate student to begin to understand how to think and perform like an engineer. This project specifically, should allow a freshman engineering student to really dive deeper into what is it they wish to make their profession. Most importantly, at the end THE ETHICAL APROACH AS MODERN ENGINEERS A plastic surgeon cannot speak for why his or her patient wants a kind of surgery, but ethical practitioners must decide whether or not the performance of such surgeries is within the ethical boundaries of their position. For instance, how ethical is it for a teenage girl to get breast implants or a nose surgery before she can even drive? There is no doubt that such surgeries are performed and many arms are twisted under the force of the several zeros written on the line of a check. The same principles for doctors apply to biomedical engineers as they progress further and further into genetic engineering and the manipulation of the human genome. Biomedical engineers must “consider the broader consequences of their work in regard to….[the] delivery of health care” [8]. Biomedical engineers need to know where to draw the line, especially if patients do not. Every patient has rights and bioengineers should respect that; however they also need to realize the outcomes of taking on whatever job such a client wants. The backfiring of genetic manipulation could endanger human life, both of the patient and the patient’s offspring, if such traits are inherited. If Bioengineers accept trivial manipulations of human DNA, they are the ones responsible for any consequences and “shall accept personal responsibility for their professional activities” [9]. Many in such offices fear the legal consequences of medical malpractice, but the general unethical harm of human life should be a greater inspiration to perform ethically. Engineering is not a restaurant where customers can order whatever they like from the menu and, most assuredly, they are never always right. The engineers 3 Zachary Wool of their project they need to ask themselves: do I want to be the one who solves this issue? px [6] P. Arnold. (2009). “The Downside of Human Genetic Engineering.” (Online Article). px CONCLUSION: SHOULD WE GENETICLY MODIFY THE HUMAN GENOME? Ethically, is it right to genetically modify human DNA? To save someone’s life from death or prevent a painful or difficult life, it is absolutely ethical. However, it is never the same answer if we apply such procedures to everyday life for simple and trivial acts. Genetic modification should not become the next plastic surgery, used by the public to change their features to their preference or given as a right to parents to modify their child into whatever or whoever they choose. No doubt that day will come, but we need to act as ethical scientists, surgeons, and medical practitioners, deciding whether such procedures are necessary, even if the patients would pay top dollar for such results. We must advance medical sciences to save lives, not dabble in selfish physical modification. It is up to us, the future engineers, to be educated and ready to approach such situations. We have our code of ethics, but we need to apply it to new situations that have never been seen or thought of before. We may not be making those decisions now, but we need to begin to think and act like engineers as undergraduate students because someday we will have to make those decisions and we need to be ready. [7] A. Newman. (2012). “Genetically Engineered Babies Are Moral Duty, “Ethics” Guru Claims.” New American. (Online Article).” [8] Biomedical Engineering Society. (2011). “Biomedical Engineering Society Code of Ethics.” (Online Article). self/layout_details/false [9] National Society of Professional Engineers. (2007). “NSPE Code of Ethics for Engineers.” (Online Article). [10] University of Washington (2010). (Online Article). “Improving engineering education: National study identifies range of opportunities”. ScienceDaily. 38.htm REFRENCES ADDDITIONAL SOURCES [1] P. Dixon. “Designer life, mutant animals, genetic engineering, gene therapy, insurance - future health speaker.” (2011). (Video). M. Kitamura. (2012). “Modifying Human Embryos to Thwart Disease Weighed in U.K..” Bloomberg. (Online Articles). [2] R. Prakash. (2011). “Genetic Engineering Technology at Work.” (Online Article). aspx K. Notaro. (2012). “Ethics of Genetically Engineering the Human Mind.” Institute for Emerging Ethics and Technologies. (Online Article). [3] “Genetically Engineered Foods.” Science Informer. (Online Article). R. Roy. (2012). “The perils of humans playing God.” Financial Chronicle. (Online Article). [4] J. Erikson. (2012). “Genetic Engineering Debate: Are There Lines We Shouldn't Cross?” Policymic. (Online Article). ACKNOWLEDGMENTS A thanks to the scientific and medical communities for all the progress they have made to better the health of mankind. [5] P. Arnold. (2012). “Pros and Cons of Genetic Engineering in Humans - Part 1.” (Online Article). 4