Wait What Is Happening

Wait…What Is Happening?
Macbeth – Act 4
Scene 1:
Macbeth goes to see the witches and hear their prophecies. The witches play with
him to make him confused and nervous. The witches’ illusions are:
1. Armed Head – Beware Macduff: Thane of Fire
2. Bloody Child – Be bold – None of woman born can harm Macbeth
3. Child Crowned with tree in hand –
 Don’t worry – Macbeth will never be defeated until the forest comes to
the hill
4. 8 kings (Banquo’s descendents) – last has a mirror and Banquos ghost
follows them
This means that Macbeth should be careful with Macduff, no human will kill him,
Macbeth won’t be overthrown until the forest appears, and Macbeth is worried
about all of Banquo’s descendants. After the witches disappear, Macbeth finds out
that Macduff has gone to England and decides to kill his family immediately.
Scene 2:
Ross is Macduff’s cousin. Ross visits Lady Macduff and tries to justify Macduff’s
visit to England. Lady Macduff is not happy because when Macduff disappeared,
he left his family alone and defenseless. Ross leaves the castle to save himself
even though he suspects that Macbeth will try to kill the Macduff family. After
Ross leaves, a messenger arrives to warn Lady Macduff to leave because danger is
near. Before she can do so, Macbeth’s men attack her and her son.
Scene 3:
Macduff finds Malcom in England and talks to him about the terrible situation in
Scotland. Malcolm agrees with Macduff that the country is in slavery. Malcolm
says that Macbeth’s crimes will not be half as bad as his own. Malcolm says this
because he is trying to test Macduff to see if he is loyal (Malcolm is afraid that
Macduff is trying to harm him). Malcolm responds with his requests and tries to
please Macduff.
Malcolm tells him that he will be a bad ruler because:
1. Lust: Malcolm will take all women and there are not enough women to
satisfy him. No women will be safe.
 Macduff says: We have willing women to satisfy you.
2. Greed: Malcolm will take all jewels, lands, and arguments for wealth
 Macduff says: We will give you what wealth you need.
Macduff tells Malcolm that he is surprised that Malcolm is acting this way, since
his parents were such great people. Macduff wanted Malcolm to say this (this was
his test). Malcolm then says that he is not lustful, greedy, or a liar. Malcolm says
that the first time he every lied was during this conversation. He explains that he
only lied because Macbeth has been trying to get Malcolm to come home too, so
he does not know who to trust. Malcolm says that he already has a large army
from England ready to attack Scotland and help.
Ross comes to England and meets with Malcolm and Macduff. Ross tells them
that Scotland is in turmoil. Macduff asks Ross about his family (who have all been
murdered), but Ross lies and says that his wife and children are well. Ross wants
to see what Malcolm and Macduff have to offer him. Once Ross hears that
Malcolm is coming to Scotland with a great soldier and an army of 10,000 men, he
tells Macduff the truth about his family members being murdered. Macduff
realizes that he made a mistake by leaving his family alone.