Cheat sheet


Fixed and Random Effects: Addressing Panel Data

The Problem

Omitted Variable Bias: unobserved characteristics are biasing the estimates of your parameters and the error term is no longer random

For example, in this basic regression equation:

Y it

* = b


+ b




+ b




+ e it


Y is the dependent variable (DV) and i = entity and t = time.

X represents one independent variable

 β is the coefficient for that variable

 e is the error term, which includes d

, the individual error term that is correlated with the regressors and e, the random error term

The individual, unobserved effects ( d

) are not controlled for and instead are absorbed in the error term and the parameter estimates.

How this relates to panel data

Datasets with multiple observations, or panel data (see Figure 1), provide an opportunity to pull out the unobserved characteristics from the parameter estimates and the error term.

Figure 1: Panel Data Output

Panel Data includes multiple observations per entity over a specific period of time

Solution One: Fixed Effects

A fixed-effects model (FE) takes into account the repetition across entities (individuals, states, counties, companies, etc.) and controls for individual-level (or entity-level) effects through the use of dummy variables. FE is used whenever you are only interested in analyzing the impact of variables that vary over time and when we assume that something within the individual may impact or bias the predictor or outcome variables.

The “fixed effects” refer to the time-invariant characteristics, both observed and unobserved, that are unique to each individual.

Assumptions for this model:


Each entity has its own individual characteristics that may influence the predictor variables


Entity-level effects are correlated with the predictor variables


Entity-level effects are not correlated with other entity’s individual characteristics

The Equation:

Y it









+ δ t

T t

+ γ n

E n





Y is the dependent variable (DV) where i = entity and t = time.

X represents one independent variable

β k is the coefficient for that variable

 u it is the error term

δ t

T t

is time as a binary variable

 γ n

E n is the coefficient for a binary time regressor

is the coefficient for the binary repressors (entities)

is the entity n; binary (dummies)

In other words, you add a dummy variable for each entity (n-1 for a control group), which absorbs the effects of particular entities. By adding the dummy, you control for unobserved heterogeneity and can then estimate the true effect of your predictor variables.

The coefficients on the regressors are measuring the change within individual entities over time.

They will now be interpreted as “as X varies in time by one unit, Y increases or decreases by ß units.”

Solution Two: Random Effects

The Random Effects model is similar to the Fixed Effects model and addresses the same problem

(how to control for unobservable characteristics that do not change over time in an entity).

However, in a Random Effects model, we make the assumption that the unobservable

characteristics are not correlated with the explanatory variables . This allows us to include observable, time-invariant variables (such as race or gender) to be included as explanatory variables.

The individual effect of a specific entity is considered “random,” meaning the effect is measured by comparing the differences between different entities – not within entities.

By controlling for a random effect, we can make our model more efficient (meaning we’ll have a tighter distribution curve), but we won’t address possible biased coefficients (like in a Fixed

Effect model).

When to Use Random Effects:

Random Effects models are often used when there is not complete data for all of the entities in your sample to accurately measure the unobservable characteristics in a dummy variable – or to be sure that the unobservable characteristics are correlated to the regressors.

Since random effects models treat differences between individual entities as a random draw from

Fixed or Random: Hausman test

theory as to why the unobservable characteristics are not correlated to the regressors, than a

errors (


) are correlated with the regressors, the null hypothesis is they are not.

unobservable characteristics) or the alternative (regressors are correlated to the unobservable xtreg y x1 , fe estimates store fixed xtreg y x1 , re estimates store random hausman fixed random

. hausman fixed random

If the Chi-Squared is less than .05 (significant), then use Fixed Effects.


(b) (B) (b-B) sqrt(diag(V_b-V_B))

Helpful Links:

An easy to digest discussion on fixed effects:

x1 2.48e+09 1.25e+09 1.23e+09 6.41e+08

b = consistent under Ho and Ha; obtained from xtreg

B = inconsistent under Ha, efficient under Ho; obtained from xtreg

Test: Ho: difference in coefficients not systematic

chi2(1) = (b-B)'[(V_b-V_B)^(-1)](b-B)

= 3.67

Prob>chi2 = 0.0553

If this is < 0.05 (i.e. significant) use fixed effects.



Discussion of both models: fix d.doc

A specific overview of panel data and how fixed and random effects are used:
