Symmetry in Nature Symmetry surrounds you. Look down at your body. Look at the shapes on the screen. Look at the buildings on your street. Look at your cat or dog.Symmetryis variously defined as "proportion," "perfect, or harmonious proportions," and "a structure that allows an object to be divided into parts of an equal shape and size." When you think of symmetry, you probably think of some combination of all these definitions. That's because symmetry, whether in biology, architecture, art, or geometry reflects all of those definitions. The two main types of symmetry arereflectiveandrotational. Reflective, or line, symmetry means that one half of an image is the mirror image of the other half (think of a butterfly's wings). Rotational symmetry means that the object or image can be turned around a center point and match itself some number of times (as in a five-pointed star). In biology, there are three classifications of symmetry found in living organisms.Point symmetry(a kind of reflective symmetry) means that any straight cut through the center point divides the organism into mirroring halves. Some floating animals with radiating parts, and some microscopic protozoa fit into this category. Animals with this layout are all very small.Radial symmetry(a kind of rotational symmetry) means that a cone or disk shape is symmetrical around a central axis. Starfish, sea anemones, jellyfish, and some flowers have radial symmetry. Lastly,planeorbilateral symmetry(also reflective symmetry) means that a body can be divided by a central (sagittal) plane into two equal halves that form mirror images of each other. Human beings, insects, and mammals all show bilateral symmetry. Man is naturally attracted to symmetry. Very often we consider a face beautiful when the features are symmetrically arranged. We are drawn to even proportions. In this, we are not alone. Many animals choose mates on the basis of symmetry, or a lack of asymmetrical features. Biologists believe the absence of asymmetry is an indicator of fitness (good genes), since only a healthy organism can maintain a symmetrical plan throughout its development in the face of environmental stresses, such as illness or lack of food. A symmetrical animal is usually a healthy animal. The same goes for humans. Symmetrical forms can be found in the inanimate world as well. The planets, with slight variation due to chance, exhibit radial symmetry. Snowflakes also provide an example of radial symmetry. All snowflakes show a hexagonal symmetry around an axis that runs perpendicular to their face. Every one sixth of a revolution around this axis produces a design identical to the original. The fact that all snowflakes have this sort of symmetry is due to the way water molecules arrange themselves when ice forms. It's a reminder that symmetry is part of the structure of the world around us. Things to Think About... 1. What advantage does a bilaterally symmetrical structure have for humans? For horses? 2. Most animals are not symmetrical with respect to a cross-sectional plane (i.e., one that parallels your waist). Why? 3. Why are planets spherical? What would happen if they were lopsided? Try spinning a top with an object stuck to its side. What happens? 4. If a stone falls into a pond, in which direction do the resulting waves travel? Why? :: PRINTER FRIENDLY Read more on TeacherVision: Symmetry: A ‘Key to Nature’s Secrets’ OCTOBER 27, 2011 Steven Weinberg E-MAIL PRINT SHARE Mike King The five regular polyhedra. Steven Weinberg writes that ‘they satisfy the symmetry requirement that every face, every edge, and every corner should be precisely the same as every other face, edge, or corner.... Plato argued in Timaeus that these were the shapes of the bodies making up the elements: earth consists of little cubes, while fire, air, and water are made of polyhedra with four, eight, and twenty identical faces, respectively. The fifth regular polyhedron, with twelve identical faces, was supposed by Plato to symbolize the cosmos.’ When I first started doing research in the late 1950s, physics seemed to me to be in a dismal state. There had been a great success a decade earlier in quantum electrodynamics, the theory of electrons and light and their interactions. Physicists then had learned how to calculate things like the strength of the electron’s magnetic field with a precision unprecedented in all of science. But now we were confronted with newly discovered esoteric particles—muons and dozens of types of mesons and baryons—most existing nowhere in nature except in cosmic rays. And we had to deal with mysterious forces: strong nuclear forces that hold partiicles together inside atomic nuclei, and weak nuclear forces that can change the nature of these particles. We did not have a theory that would describe these particles and forces, and when we took a stab at a possible theory, we found that either we could not calculate its consequences, or when we could, we would come up with nonsensical results, like infinite energies or infinite probabilities. Nature, like an enemy, seemed intent on concealing from us its master plan. At the same time, we did have a valuable key to nature’s secrets. The laws of nature evidently obeyed certain principles of symmetry, whose consequences we could work out and compare with observation, even without a detailed theory of particles and forces. There were symmetries that dictated that certain distinct processes all go at the same rate, and that also dictated the existence of families of distinct particles that all have the same mass. Once we observed such equalities of rates or of masses, we could infer the existence of a symmetry, and this we thought would give us a clearer idea of the further observations that should be made, and of the sort of underlying theories that might or might not be possible. It was like having a spy in the enemy’s high command.1 1. I had better pause to say something about what physicists mean by principles of symmetry. In conversations with friends who are not physicists or mathematicians, I find that they often take symmetry to mean the identity of the two sides of something symmetrical, like the human face or a butterfly. That is indeed a kind of symmetry, but it is only one simple example of a huge variety of possible symmetries. The Oxford English Dictionary tells us that symmetry is “the quality of being made up of exactly similar parts.” A cube gives a good example. Every face, every edge, and every corner is just the same as every other face, edge, or corner. This is why cubes make good dice: if a cubical die is honestly made, when it is cast it has an equal chance of landing on any of its six faces. The cube is one example of a small group of regular polyhedra—solid bodies with flat planes for faces, which satisfy the symmetry requirement that every face, every edge, and every corner should be precisely the same as every other face, edge, or corner. Thus the regular polyhedron called a triangular pyramid has four faces, each an equilateral triangle of the same size; six edges, at each of which two faces meet at the same angle; and four corners, at each of which three faces come together at the same angles. (See illustration on this page.) These regular polyhedra fascinated Plato. He learned (probably from the mathematician Theaetetus) that regular polyhedra come in only five possible shapes, and he argued in Timaeus that these were the shapes of the bodies making up the elements: earth consists of little cubes, while fire, air, and water are made of polyhedra with four, eight, and twenty identical faces, respectively. The fifth regular polyhedron, with twelve identical faces, was supposed by Plato to symbolize the cosmos. Plato offered no evidence for all this—he wrote in Timaeusmore as a poet than as a scientist, and the symmetries of these five bodies representing the elements evidently had a powerful hold on his poetic imagination. The regular polyhedra in fact have nothing to do with the atoms that make up the material world, but they provide useful examples of a way of looking at symmetries, a way that is particularly congenial to physicists. A symmetry is a principle of invariance. That is, it tells us that something does not change its appearance when we make certain changes in our point of view—for instance, by rotating it or moving it. In addition to describing a cube by saying that it has six identical square faces, we can also say that its appearance does not change if we rotate it in certain ways— for instance by 90° around any direction parallel to the cube’s edges. The set of all such transformations of point of view that will leave a particular object looking the same is called that object’s invariance group. This may seem like a fancy way of talking about things like cubes, but often in physics we make guesses about invariance groups, and test them experimentally, even when we know nothing else about the thing that is supposed to have the conjectured symmetry. There is a large and elegant branch of mathematics known as group theory, which catalogs and explores all possible invariance groups, and is described for general readers in two recently published books: Symmetry: A Journey into the Patterns of Nature by Marcus du Sautoy and Why Beauty Is Truth: A History of Symmetry by Ian Stewart. 2. The symmetries that offered the way out of the problems of elementary particle physics in the 1950s were not the symmetries of objects, not even objects as important as atoms, but the symmetries of laws. A law of nature can be said to respect a certain symmetry if that law remains the same when we change the point of view from which we observe natural phenomena in certain definite ways. The particular set of ways that we can change our point of view without changing the law defines that symmetry. Laws of nature, in the modern sense of mathematical equations that tell us precisely what will happen in various circumstances, first appeared as the laws of motion and gravitation that Newton developed as a basis for understanding Kepler’s description of the solar system. From the beginning, Newton’s laws incorporated symmetry: the laws that we observe to govern motion and gravitation do not change their form if we reset our clocks, or if we change the point from which distances are measured, or if we rotate our entire laboratory so it faces in a different direction.2 There is another less obvious symmetry, known today as Galilean invariance, that had been anticipated in the fourteenth century by Jean Buridan and Nicole Oresme: the laws of nature that we discover do not change their form if we observe nature within a moving laboratory, traveling at constant velocity. The fact that the earth is speeding around the sun, for instance, does not affect the laws of motion of material objects that we observe on the earth’s surface.3 Newton and his successors took these principles of invariance pretty much for granted, as an implicit basis for their theories, so it was quite a wrench when these principles themselves became a subject of serious physical investigation. The crux of Einstein’s 1905 Special Theory of Relativity was a modification of Galilean invariance. This was motivated in part by the persistent failure of physicists to find any effect of the earth’s motion on the measured speed of light, analogous to the effect of a boat’s motion on the observed speed of water waves. It is still true in Special Relativity that making observations from a moving laboratory does not change the form of the observed laws of nature, but the effect of this motion on measured distances and times is different in Special Relativity from what Newton had thought. Motion causes lengths to shrink and clocks to slow down in such a way that the speed of light remains a constant, whatever the speed of the observer. This new symmetry, known as Lorentz invariance,4required profound departures from Newtonian physics, including the convertibility of energy and mass. The advent and success of Special Relativity alerted physicists in the twentieth century to the importance of symmetry principles. But by themselves, the symmetries of space and time that are incorporated in the Special Theory of Relativity could not take us very far. One can imagine a great variety of theories of particles and forces that would be consistent with these space-time symmetries. Fortunately it was already clear in the 1950s that the laws of nature, whatever they are, also respect symmetries of other kinds, having nothing directly to do with space and time. There are four forces that allow particles to interact with one another: the familiar gravity and electromagnetism, and the less well-known weak nuclear force (which is responsible for certain types of radioactive decay) and strong nuclear force (which binds protons and neutrons in the nucleus of an atom). (I am writing of a time, during the 1950s, before the formulation of the modern Standard Model, in which the three known forces other than gravity are now united in a single theory.) It had been known since the 1930s that the unknown laws that govern the strong nuclear force respect a symmetry between protons and neutrons, the two particles that make up atomic nuclei. Even though the equations governing the strong forces were not known, the observations of nuclear properties had revealed that whatever these equations are, they must not change if everywhere in these equations we replace the symbol representing protons with that representing neutrons, and vice versa. Not only that, but the equations are also unchanged if we replace the symbols representing protons and neutrons with algebraic combinations of these symbols that represent superpositions of protons and neutrons, superpositions that might for instance have a 40 percent chance of being a proton and a 60 percent chance of being a neutron. It is like replacing a photo of Alice or of Bob with a picture in which photos of both Alice and Bob are superimposed. One consequence of this symmetry is that the nuclear force between two protons is not only equal to the force between two neutrons—it is also related to the force between a proton and a neutron. Then as more and more types of particles were discovered, it was found in the 1960s that this proton–neutron symmetry was part of a larger symmetry group: not only are the proton and neutron related by this symmetry to each other, they are also related to six other subatomic particles, known as hyperons. The symmetry among these eight particles came to be called “the eightfold way.” All the particles that feel the strong nuclear force fall into similar symmetrical families, with eight, ten, or more members. Mike King A spinning nucleus ejects an electron while decaying, as does its reflection in a mirror. The electron is ejected in the direction of the nuclear spin (represented by the vertical arrow) in the real world, but opposite to the direction of spin in the mirror, violating mirror symmetry. Steven Weinberg writes, ‘In 1957 experiments showed convincingly that, while the electromagnetic and strong nuclear forces do obey mirror symmetry, the weak nuclear force does not. Experiments showed, for example, that it was possible to distinguish a cobalt nucleus in the process of decaying—as a result of the weak nuclear force—from its mirror image, spinning in the opposite direction.’ Adapted from an illustration in A. Zee, Fearful Symmetry: The Search for Beauty in Modern Physics (Princeton University Press, 2007). But there was something puzzling about these internal symmetries: unlike the symmetries of space and time, these new symmetries were clearly neither universal nor exact. Electromagnetic phenomena did not respect these symmetries: protons and some hyperons are electrically charged; neutrons and other hyperons are not. Also, the masses of protons and neutrons differ by about 0.14 percent, and their masses differ from those of the lightest hyperon by 19 percent. If symmetry principles are an expression of the simplicity of nature at the deepest level, what are we to make of a symmetry that applies to only some forces, and even there is only approximate? An even more puzzling discovery about symmetry was made in 1956–1957. The principle of mirror symmetry states that physical laws do not change if we observe nature in a mirror, which reverses distances perpendicular to the mirror (that is, something far behind your head looks in the mirror as if it is far behind your image, and hence far in front of you). This is not a rotation—there is no way of rotating your point of view that has the effect of reversing directions in and out of a mirror, but not sideways or vertically. It had generally been taken for granted that mirror symmetry, like the other symmetries of space and time, was exact and universal, but in 1957 experiments showed convincingly that, while the electromagnetic and strong nuclear forces do obey mirror symmetry, the weak nuclear force does not. Experiments showed, for example, that it was possible to distinguish a cobalt nucleus in the process of decaying—as a result of the weak nuclear force—from its mirror image, spinning in the opposite direction. (See illustration on this page.) So we had a double mystery: What causes the observed violations of the eightfold way symmetry and of mirror symmetry? Theorists offered several possible answers, but as we will see, this was the wrong question. The 1960s and 1970s witnessed a great expansion of our conception of the sort of symmetry that might be possible in physics. The approximate proton–neutron symmetry was originally understood to be rigid, in the sense that the equations governing the strong nuclear forces were supposed to be unchanged only if we changed protons and neutrons into mixtures of each other in the same way everywhere in space and time (physicists somewhat confusingly use the adjective “global” for what I am here calling rigid symmetries). But what if the equations obeyed a more demanding symmetry, one that was local, in the sense that the equations would also be unchanged if we changed neutrons and protons into different mixtures of each other at different times and locations? In order to allow the different local mixtures to interact with one another without changing the equations, such a local symmetry would require some way for protons and neutrons to exert force on each other. Much as photons (the massless particles of light) are required to carry the electromagnetic force, a new massless particle, the gluon, would be needed to carry the force between protons and neutrons. It was hoped that this sort of theory of symmetrical forces might somehow explain the strong nuclear force that holds neutrons and protons together in atomic nuclei. Conceptions of symmetry also expanded in a different direction. Theorists began in the 1960s to consider the possibility of symmetries that are “broken.” That is, the underlying equations of physics might respect symmetries that are nevertheless not apparent in the actual physical states observed. The physical states that are possible in nature are represented by solutions of the equations of physics. When we have a broken symmetry, the solutions of the equations do not respect the symmetries of the equations themselves.5 The elliptical orbits of planets in the solar system provide a good example. The equations governing the gravitational field of the sun, and the motions of bodies in that field, respect rotational symmetry—there is nothing in these equations that distinguishes one direction in space from another. A circular planetary orbit of the sort imagined by Plato would also respect this symmetry, but the elliptical orbits actually encountered in the solar system do not: the long axis of an ellipse points in a definite direction in space. At first it was widely thought that broken symmetry might have something to do with the small known violations of symmetries like mirror symmetry or the eightfold way. This was a false lead. A broken symmetry is nothing like an approximate symmetry, and is useless for putting particles into families like those of the eightfold way. But broken symmetries do have consequences that can be checked empirically. Because of the spherical symmetry of the equations governing the sun’s gravitational field, the long axis of an elliptical planetary orbit can point in any direction in space. This makes these orbits acutely sensitive to any small perturbation that violates the symmetry, like the gravitational field of other planets. For instance, these perturbations cause the long axis of Mercury’s orbit to swing around 360° every 2,254 centuries. In the 1960s theorists realized that the strong nuclear forces have a broken symmetry, known as chiral symmetry. Chiral symmetry is like the proton–neutron symmetry mentioned above, except that the symmetry transformations can be different for particles spinning clockwise or counterclockwise. The breaking of this symmetry requires the existence of the subatomic particles called pi mesons. The pi meson is in a sense the analog of the slow change in orientation of an elliptical planetary orbit; just as small perturbations can make large changes in an orbit’s orientation, pi mesons can be created in collisions of neutrons and protons with relatively low energy. The path out of the dismal state of particle physics in the 1950s turned out to lead through local and broken symmetries. First, electromagnetic and weak nuclear forces were found to be governed by a broken local symmetry. (The experiments now underway at Fermilab in Illinois and the new accelerator at CERN in Switzerland have as their first aim to pin down just what it is that breaks this symmetry.) Then the strong nuclear forces were found to be described by a different local symmetry. The resulting theory of strong, weak, and electromagnetic forces is what is now known as the Standard Model, and does a good job of accounting for virtually all phenomena observed in our laboratories. 3. It would take far more space than I have here to go into details about these symmetries and the Standard Model, or about other proposed symmetries that go beyond those of the Standard Model. Instead I want to take up one aspect of symmetry that as far as I know has not yet been described for general readers. When the Standard Model was put in its present form in the early 1970s, theorists to their delight encountered something quite unexpected. It turned out that the Standard Model obeys certain symmetries that are accidental, in the sense that, though they are not the exact local symmetries on which the Standard Model is based, they are automatic consequences of the Standard Model. These accidental symmetries accounted for a good deal of what had seemed so mysterious in earlier years, and raised interesting new possibilities. The origin of accidental symmetries lies in the fact that acceptable theories of elementary particles tend to be of a particularly simple type. The reason has to do with avoidance of the nonsensical infinities I mentioned at the outset. In theories that are sufficiently simple these infinities can be canceled by a mathematical process called “renormalization.” In this process, certain physical constants, like masses and charges, are carefully redefined so that the infinite terms are canceled out, without affecting the results of the theory. In these simple theories, known as “renormalizable” theories, only a small number of particles can interact at any given location and time, and then the energy of interaction can depend in only a simple way on how the particles are moving and spinning. For a long time many of us thought that to avoid intractable infinities, these renormalizable theories were the only ones physically possible. This posed a serious problem, because Einstein’s successful theory of gravitation, the General Theory of Relativity, is not a renormalizable theory; the fundamental symmetry of the theory, known as general covariance (which says that the equations have the same form whatever coordinates we use to describe events in space and time), does not allow any sufficiently simple interactions. In the 1970s it became clear that there are circumstances in which nonrenormalizable theories are allowed without incurring nonsensical infinities, but that the relatively complicated interactions that make these theories nonrenormalizable are expected, under normal circumstances, to be so weak that physicists can usually ignore them and still get reliable approximate results. This is a good thing. It means that to a good approximation there are only a few kinds of renormalizable theories that we need to consider as possible descriptions of nature. Now, it just so happens that under the constraints imposed by Lorentz invariance and the exact local symmetries of the Standard Model, the most general renormalizable theory of strong and electromagnetic forces simply can’t be complicated enough to violate mirror symmetry.6 Thus, the mirror symmetry of the electromagnetic and strong nuclear forces is an accident, having nothing to do with any symmetry built into nature at a fundamental level. The weak nuclear forces do not respect mirror symmetry because there was never any reason why they should. Instead of asking what breaks mirror symmetry, we should have been asking why there should be any mirror symmetry at all. And now we know. It is accidental. The proton–neutron symmetry is explained in a similar way. The Standard Model does not actually refer to protons and neutrons, but to the particles of which they are composed, known as quarks and gluons.7 The proton consists of two quarks of a type called “up” and one of a type called “down”; the neutron consists of two down quarks and an up quark. It just so happens that in the most general renormalizable theory of quarks and gluons satisfying the symmetries of the Standard Model, the only things that can violate the proton–neutron symmetry are the masses of the quarks. The up and down quark masses are not at all equal—the down quark is nearly twice as heavy as the up quark—because there is no reason why they should be equal. But these masses are both very small—most of the masses of the protons and neutrons come from the strong nuclear force, not from the quark masses. To the extent that quark masses can be neglected, then, we have an accidental approximate symmetry between protons and neutrons. Chiral symmetry and the eightfold way arise in the same accidental way. So mirror symmetry and the proton–neutron symmetry and its generalizations are not fundamental at all, but just accidents, approximate consequences of deeper principles. To the extent that these symmetries were our spies in the high command of nature, we were exaggerating their importance, as also often happens with real spies. The recognition of accidental symmetry not only resolved the old puzzle about approximate symmetries; it also opened up exciting new possibilities. It turned out that there are certain symmetries that could not be violated in any theory that has the same particles and the same exact local symmetries as the Standard Model and that is simple enough to be renormalizable.8 If really valid, these symmetries, known as lepton and baryon conservation,9 would dictate that neutrinos (particles that feel only the weak and gravitational forces) have no mass, and that protons and many atomic nuclei are absolutely stable. Now, on experimental grounds these symmetries had been known long before the advent of the Standard Model, and had generally been thought to be exactly valid. But if they are actually accidental symmetries of the Standard Model, like the accidental proton–neutron symmetry of the strong forces, then they too might be only approximate. As I mentioned earlier, we now understand that interactions that make the theory nonrenormalizable are not impossible, though they are likely to be extremely weak. Once one admits such more complicated nonrenormalizable interactions, the neutrino no longer has to be strictly massless, and the proton no longer has to be absolutely stable. There are in fact possible nonrenormalizable interactions that would give the neutrino a tiny mass, of the order of one hundred millionth of the electron mass, and give protons a finite average lifetime, though one so long that typical protons in matter today will last much longer than the universe already has. Experiments in recent years have revealed that neutrinos do indeed have such masses. Experiments are under way to detect the tiny fraction of protons that decay in a year or so, and I would bet that these decays will eventually be observed. If protons do decay, the universe will eventually contain only lighter particles like neutrinos and photons. Matter as we know it will be gone. I said that I would be concerned here with the symmetries of laws, not of objects, but there is one thing that is so important that I need to say a bit about it. It is the universe. As far as we can see, when averaged over sufficiently large scales containing many galaxies, the universe seems to have no preferred position, and no preferred directions—it is symmetrical. But this too may be an accident. There is an attractive theory, called chaotic inflation, according to which the universe began without any special spatial symmetries, in a completely chaotic state. Here and there by accident the fields pervading the universe were more or less uniform, and according to the gravitational field equations it is these patches of space that then underwent an exponentially rapid expansion, known as inflation, leading to something like our present universe, with all nonuniformities in these patches smoothed out by the expansion. In different patches of space the symmetries of the laws of nature would be broken in different ways. Much of the universe is still chaotic, and it is only in the patches that inflated sufficiently (and in which symmetries were broken in the right ways) that life could arise, so any beings who study the universe will find themselves in such patches. This is all quite speculative. There is observational evidence for an exponential early expansion, which has left its traces in the microwave radiation filling the universe, but as yet no evidence for an earlier period of chaos. If it turns out that chaotic inflation is correct, then much of what we observe in nature will be due to the accident of our particular location, an accident that can never be explained, except by the fact that it is only in such locations that anyone could live. 1. 1 This article is based in part on a talk given at a conference devoted to symmetry at the Technical University of Budapest in August 2009. ↩ 2. 2 For reasons that are difficult to explain without mathematics, these symmetries imply important conservation laws: the conservation of energy, momentum, and angular momentum (or spin). Some other symmetries imply the conservation of other quantities, such as electric charge. ↩ 3. 3 Strictly speaking, Galilean invariance applies only approximately to the motion of the earth, since the earth is not moving in a straight line at constant speed. It is true that the earth's motion in its orbit does not affect the laws we observe, but this is because gravity balances the effects of the centrifugal force caused by the earth's curved motion. This too is dictated by a symmetry, but the symmetry here is Einstein's principle of general covariance, the basis of the general theory of relativity. ↩ 4. 4 Lorentz had tried to explain the constancy of the observed speed of light by studying the effect of motion on particles of matter. Einstein was instead explaining the same observation by a change in one of nature's fundamental symmetries. ↩ 5. 5 Consider the equation x 3 equals x. This equation has a symmetry under the transformation that replaces x with– x; if we replace x with– x, we get the same equation. The equation has a solution x = 0, which respects the symmetry;–0 = 0. But it also has a solution in which x = 1. This does not respect the symmetry;–1 is not equal to 1. This is a broken symmetry. Of course, this equation is not much like the equations of physics. ↩ 6. 6 Honesty compels me to admit that here I am gliding over some technical complications. ↩ 7. 7 These particles are not observed experimentally, not because they are too heavy to be produced (gluons are massless, and some quarks are quite light), but because the strong nuclear forces bind them together in composite states like protons and neutrons. ↩ 8. 8 Again, I admit to passing over some technical complications. ↩ 9. 9 Lepton number is defined as the number of electrons and similar heavier charged particles plus the number of neutrinos, minus the number of their antiparticles. (This conservation law requires the neutrino to be massless because neutrinos and antineutrinos, respectively, spin only counterclockwise and clockwise around their directions of motion. If neutrinos have any mass then they travel at less than the speed of light, so it is possible to reverse their apparent direction of motion by travelling faster past them, hence converting the spin from counterclockwise to clockwise, and neutrinos to antineutrinos, which changes the lepton number.) Baryon number is proportional to the number of quarks minus the number of antiquarks. ↩ Symmetry From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia For other uses, see Symmetry (disambiguation). Sphere symmetrical group o. Leonardo da Vinci's Vitruvian Man (ca. 1487) is often used as a representation of symmetry in the human body and, by extension, the natural universe. Symmetric arcades of a portico in the Great Mosque of Kairouanalso called the Mosque of Uqba, inTunisia. Symmetry (from Greek συμμετρεῖν symmetría "measure together") generally conveys two primary meanings. The first is an imprecise sense of harmonious or aesthetically pleasing proportionality and balance;[1][2] such that it reflects beauty or perfection. The second meaning is a precise and well-defined concept of balance or "patterned self-similarity" that can be demonstrated or proved according to the rules of a formal system: by geometry, through physics or otherwise. Although the meanings are distinguishable in some contexts, both meanings of "symmetry" are related and discussed in parallel.[2][3] The precise notions of symmetry have various measures and operational definitions. For example, symmetry may be observed with respect to the passage of time; as a spatial relationship; through geometric transformations such as scaling, reflection, and rotation; through other kinds of functional transformations;[4] and as an aspect of abstract objects, theoretic models, language, music and even knowledge itself.[5][6] This article describes these notions of symmetry from four perspectives. The first is that of symmetry in geometry, which is the most familiar type of symmetry for many people. The second perspective is the more general meaning of symmetry in mathematics as a whole. The third perspective describes symmetry as it relates to science and technology. In this context, symmetries underlie some of the most profound results found in modern physics, including aspects ofspace and time. Finally, a fourth perspective discusses symmetry in the humanities, covering its rich and varied use in history, architecture, art, and religion. The opposite of symmetry is asymmetry. Contents [hide] 1 In geometry o 1.1 Reflection symmetry o 1.2 Point reflection and other involutive isometries o 1.3 Rotational symmetry o 1.4 Translational symmetry o 1.5 Glide reflection symmetry o 1.6 Rotoreflection symmetry o 1.7 Helical symmetry o 1.8 Non-isometric symmetries o 1.9 Scale symmetry and fractals 2 In mathematics o 2.1 Mathematical model for symmetry o 2.2 Symmetric functions o 2.3 Symmetry in logic 3 In science o 3.1 Symmetry in physics o 3.2 Symmetry in physical objects 3.2.1 Classical objects 3.2.2 Quantum objects 3.2.3 Consequences of quantum symmetry o 3.3 Generalizations of symmetry o 3.4 Symmetry in biology o 3.5 Symmetry in chemistry 4 In history, religion, and culture o 4.1 Symmetry in social interactions o 4.2 Symmetry in architecture o 4.3 Symmetry in pottery and metal vessels o 4.4 Symmetry in quilts o 4.5 Symmetry in carpets and rugs o 4.6 Symmetry in music 4.6.1 Musical form 4.6.2 Pitch structures 4.6.3 Equivalency o 4.7 Symmetry in other arts and crafts o 4.8 Symmetry in aesthetics 5 See also 6 References 7 External links [edit]In geometry The most familiar type of symmetry for many people is geometrical symmetry. Formally, this means symmetry under a sub-group of the Euclidean group ofisometries in two or three dimensional Euclidean space. These isometries consist of reflections, rotations, translations and combinations of these basic operations.[7] [edit]Reflection symmetry Main article: reflection symmetry A butterfly with bilateral symmetry Reflection symmetry, mirror symmetry, mirror-image symmetry, or bilateral symmetry is symmetry with respect to reflection. In 1D, there is a point of symmetry. In 2D there is an axis of symmetry, in 3D a plane of symmetry. An object or figure which is indistinguishable from its transformed image is called mirror symmetric (see mirror image). The axis of symmetry of a two-dimensional figure is a line such that, if a perpendicular is constructed, any two points lying on the perpendicular at equal distances from the axis of symmetry are identical. Another way to think about it is that if the shape were to be folded in half over the axis, the two halves would be identical: the two halves are each other's mirror image. Thus a square has four axes of symmetry, because there are four different ways to fold it and have the edges all match. A circle has infinitely many axes of symmetry, for the same reason. If the letter T is reflected along a vertical axis, it appears the same. This is sometimes called vertical symmetry. One can better use an unambiguous formulation; e.g., "T has a vertical symmetry axis" or "T has left-right symmetry". The triangles with this symmetry are isosceles, the quadrilaterals with this symmetry are the kites and the isosceles trapezoids. For each line or plane of reflection, the symmetry group is isomorphic with Cs (see point groups in three dimensions), one of the three types of order two (involutions), hence algebraically C2. The fundamental domain is a half-plane or half-space. Bilateria (bilateral animals, including humans) are more or less symmetric with respect to the sagittal plane. [edit]Point reflection and other involutive isometries Reflection symmetry can be generalized to other isometries of m-dimensional space which are involutions, such as (x1, … xm) ↦ (−x1, … −xk, xk+1, … xm) in certain system of Cartesian coordinates. This reflects the space along a m−kdimensional affine subspace. If k = m, then such transformation is known as point reflection, which on the plane(m = 2) is the same as the half-turn (180°) rotation; see below. Such "reflection" keeps orientation if and only if k is even. This implies that for m = 3 (as well for other odd m) a point reflection changes orientation of the space, like mirror-image symmetry. That's why in physics the term P-symmetry is used for both point reflection and mirror symmetry (P stands for parity). [edit]Rotational symmetry Main article: rotational symmetry Rotational symmetry is symmetry with respect to some or all rotations in m-dimensional Euclidean space. Rotations are direct isometries; i.e., isometries preserving orientation. Therefore a symmetry group of rotational symmetry is a subgroup of E+(m). Symmetry with respect to all rotations about all points implies translational symmetry with respect to all translations, and the symmetry group is the whole E+(m). This does not apply for objects because it makes space homogeneous, but it may apply for physical laws. For symmetry with respect to rotations about a point we can take that point as origin. These rotations form the special orthogonal group SO(m), the group ofm × m orthogonal matrices with determinant 1. For m = 3 this is the rotation group SO(3). In another meaning of the word, the rotation group of an object is the symmetry group within E+(m), the group of direct isometries; in other words, the intersection of the full symmetry group and the group of direct isometries. For chiral objects it is the same as the full symmetry group. Laws of physics are SO(3)-invariant if they do not distinguish different directions in space. Because of Noether's theorem, rotational symmetry of a physical system is equivalent to the angular momentum conservation law. See also rotational invariance. [edit]Translational symmetry Main article: Translational symmetry Translational symmetry leaves an object invariant under a discrete or continuous group of translations . [edit]Glide reflection symmetry A glide reflection symmetry (in 3D: a glide plane symmetry) means that a reflection in a line or plane combined with a translation along the line / in the plane, results in the same object. It implies translational symmetry with twice the translation vector. The symmetry group is isomorphic with Z. [edit]Rotoreflection symmetry In 3D, rotoreflection or improper rotation in the strict sense is rotation about an axis, combined with reflection in a plane perpendicular to that axis. As symmetry groups with regard to a roto-reflection we can distinguish: the angle has no common divisor with 360°, the symmetry group is not discrete 2n-fold rotoreflection (angle of 180°/n) with symmetry group S2n of order 2n (not to be confused with symmetric groups, for which the same notation is used; abstract group C2n); a special case is n = 1, inversion, because it does not depend on the axis and the plane, it is characterized by just the point of inversion. Cnh (angle of 360°/n); for odd n this is generated by a single symmetry, and the abstract group is C2n, for even n this is not a basic symmetry but a combination. See also point groups in three dimensions. [edit]Helical symmetry A drill bit with helical symmetry. See also: Screw axis Helical symmetry is the kind of symmetry seen in such everyday objects as springs, Slinky toys, drill bits, and augers. It can be thought of as rotational symmetry along with translation along the axis of rotation, the screw axis. The concept of helical symmetry can be visualized as the tracing in three-dimensional space that results from rotating an object at an even angular speed while simultaneously moving at another even speed along its axis of rotation (translation). At any one point in time, these two motions combine to give a coiling angle that helps define the properties of the tracing. When the tracing object rotates quickly and translates slowly, the coiling angle will be close to 0°. Conversely, if the rotation is slow and the translation is speedy, the coiling angle will approach 90°. Three main classes of helical symmetry can be distinguished based on the interplay of the angle of coiling and translation symmetries along the axis: Infinite helical symmetry If there are no distinguishing features along the length of a helix or helix-like object, the object will have infinite symmetry much like that of a circle, but with the additional requirement of translation along the long axis of the object to return it to its original appearance. A helix-like object is one that has at every point the regular angle of coiling of a helix, but which can also have a cross section of indefinitely high complexity, provided only that precisely the same cross section exists (usually after a rotation) at every point along the length of the object. Simple examples include evenly coiled springs, slinkies, drill bits, and augers. Stated more precisely, an object has infinite helical symmetries if for any small rotation of the object around its central axis there exists a point nearby (the translation distance) on that axis at which the object will appear exactly as it did before. It is this infinite helical symmetry that gives rise to the curious illusion of movement along the length of an auger or screw bit that is being rotated. It also provides the mechanically useful ability of such devices to move materials along their length, provided that they are combined with a force such as gravity or friction that allows the materials to resist simply rotating along with the drill or auger. n-fold helical symmetry If the requirement that every cross section of the helical object be identical is relaxed, additional lesser helical symmetries become possible. For example, the cross section of the helical object may change, but still repeats itself in a regular fashion along the axis of the helical object. Consequently, objects of this type will exhibit a symmetry after a rotation by some fixed angle θ and a translation by some fixed distance, but will not in general be invariant for any rotation angle. If the angle (rotation) at which the symmetry occurs divides evenly into a full circle (360°), the result is the helical equivalent of a regular polygon. This case is called n-fold helical symmetry, where n = 360°; e.g., double helix. This concept can be further generalized to include cases where is a multiple of 360° – that is, the cycle does eventually repeat, but only after more than one full rotation of the helical object. Non-repeating helical symmetry This is the case in which the angle of rotation θ required to observe the symmetry is irrational. The angle of rotation never repeats exactly no matter how many times the helix is rotated. Such symmetries are created by using a non-repeating point group in two dimensions. DNA is an example of this type of non-repeating helical symmetry.[citation needed] [edit]Non-isometric symmetries A wider definition of geometric symmetry allows operations from a larger group than the Euclidean group of isometries. Examples of larger geometric symmetry groups are: The group of similarity transformations; i.e., affine transformations represented by a matrix A that is a scalar times an orthogonal matrix. Thus homothety is added, selfsimilarity is considered a symmetry. The group of affine transformations represented by a matrix A with determinant 1 or −1; i.e., the transformations which preserve area. This adds, e.g., oblique reflection symmetry. The group of all bijective affine transformations. The group of Möbius transformations which preserve cross-ratios. This adds, e.g., inversive reflections such as circle reflection on the plane. In Felix Klein's Erlangen program, each possible group of symmetries defines a geometry in which objects that are related by a member of the symmetry group are considered to be equivalent. For example, the Euclidean group defines Euclidean geometry, whereas the group of Möbius transformations defines projective geometry. [edit]Scale symmetry and fractals Scale symmetry refers to the idea that if an object is expanded or reduced in size, the new object has the same properties as the original. Scale symmetry is notable for the fact that it does notexist for most physical systems, a point that was first discerned by Galileo. Simple examples of the lack of scale symmetry in the physical world include the difference in the strength and size of the legs of elephants versus mice, and the observation that if a candle made of soft wax was enlarged to the size of a tall tree, it would immediately collapse under its own weight. A more subtle form of scale symmetry is demonstrated by fractals. As conceived by Benoît Mandelbrot, fractals are a mathematical concept in which the structure of a complex form looks similar or even exactly the same no matter what degree of magnification is used to examine it. A coast is an example of a naturally occurring fractal, since it retains roughly comparable and similar-appearing complexity at every level from the view of a satellite to a microscopic examination of how the water laps up against individual grains of sand. The branching of trees, which enables children to use small twigs as stand-ins for full trees in dioramas, is another example. This similarity to naturally occurring phenomena provides fractals with an everyday familiarity not typically seen with mathematically generated functions. As a consequence, they can produce strikingly beautiful results such as the Mandelbrot set. Intriguingly, fractals have also found a place in CG, or computer-generated movie effects, where their ability to create very complex curves with fractal symmetries results in more realistic virtual worlds. [edit]In mathematics Main article: Symmetry in mathematics In formal terms, we say that a mathematical object is symmetric with respect to a given mathematical operation, if, when applied to the object, this operation preserves some property of the object. The set of operations that preserve a given property of the object form a group. Two objects are symmetric to each other with respect to a given group of operations if one is obtained from the other by some of the operations (and vice versa). [edit]Mathematical model for symmetry The set of all symmetry operations considered, on all objects in a set X, can be modeled as a group action g : G × X → X, where the image of g in G and x in X is written as g·x. If, for some g, g·x= y then x and y are said to be symmetrical to each other. For each object x, operations g for which g·x = x form a group, the symmetry group of the object, a subgroup of G. If the symmetry group of x is the trivial group then x is said to be asymmetric, otherwise symmetric. A general example is that G is a group of bijections g: V → V acting on the set of functions x: V → W by (gx)(v) = x[g−1(v)] (or a restricted set of such functions that is closed under the group action). Thus a group of bijections of space induces a group action on "objects" in it. The symmetry group of x consists of all g for which x(v) = x[g(v)] for all v. G is the symmetry group of the space itself, and of any object that is uniform throughout space. Some subgroups of G may not be the symmetry group of any object. For example, if the group contains for every v and w in V a gsuch that g(v) = w, then only the symmetry groups of constant functions x contain that group. However, the symmetry group of constant functions is G itself. In a modified version for vector fields, we have (gx)(v) = h(g, x[g−1(v)]) where h rotates any vectors and pseudovectors in x, and inverts any vectors (but not pseudovectors) according to rotation and inversion in g, see symmetry in physics. The symmetry group of x consists of all g for which x(v) = h(g, x[g(v)]) for all v. In this case the symmetry group of a constant function may be a proper subgroup of G: a constant vector has only rotational symmetry with respect to rotation about an axis if that axis is in the direction of the vector, and only inversion symmetry if it is zero. For a common notion of symmetry in Euclidean space, G is the Euclidean group E(n), the group of isometries, and V is the Euclidean space. The rotation group of an object is the symmetry group if G is restricted to E+(n), the group of direct isometries. (For generalizations, see the next subsection.) Objects can be modeled as functions x, of which a value may represent a selection of properties such as color, density, chemical composition, etc. Depending on the selection we consider just symmetries of sets of points (x is just a Boolean function of position v), or, at the other extreme; e.g., symmetry of right and left hand with all their structure. For a given symmetry group, the properties of part of the object, fully define the whole object. Considering points equivalent which, due to the symmetry, have the same properties, the equivalence classes are the orbits of the group action on the space itself. We need the value of x at one point in every orbit to define the full object. A set of such representatives forms a fundamental domain. The smallest fundamental domain does not have a symmetry; in this sense, one can say that symmetry relies upon asymmetry. An object with a desired symmetry can be produced by choosing for every orbit a single function value. Starting from a given object x we can, e.g.: Take the values in a fundamental domain (i.e., add copies of the object). Take for each orbit some kind of average or sum of the values of x at the points of the orbit (ditto, where the copies may overlap). If it is desired to have no more symmetry than that in the symmetry group, then the object to be copied should be asymmetric. As pointed out above, some groups of isometries are not the symmetry group of any object, except in the modified model for vector fields. For example, this applies in 1D for the group of all translations. The fundamental domain is only one point, so we can not make it asymmetric, so any "pattern" invariant under translation is also invariant under reflection (these are the uniform "patterns"). In the vector field version continuous translational symmetry does not imply reflectional symmetry: the function value is constant, but if it contains nonzero vectors, there is no reflectional symmetry. If there is also reflectional symmetry, the constant function value contains no nonzero vectors, but it may contain nonzero pseudovectors. A corresponding 3D example is an infinitecylinder with a current perpendicular to the axis; the magnetic field (a pseudovector) is, in the direction of the cylinder, constant, but nonzero. For vectors (in particular the current density) we have symmetry in every plane perpendicular to the cylinder, as well as cylindrical symmetry. This cylindrical symmetry without mirror planes through the axis is also only possible in the vector field version of the symmetry concept. A similar example is a cylinder rotating about its axis, where magnetic field and current density are replaced by angular momentum and velocity, respectively. A symmetry group is said to act transitively on a repeated feature of an object if, for every pair of occurrences of the feature there is a symmetry operation mapping the first to the second. For example, in 1D, the symmetry group of {…, 1, 2, 5, 6, 9, 10, 13, 14, …} acts transitively on all these points, while {…, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, …} does not act transitively on all points. Equivalently, the first set is only one conjugacy class with respect to isometries, while the second has two classes. [edit]Symmetric functions Main article: symmetric function A symmetric function is a function which is unchanged by any permutation of its variables. For example, x + y + z and xy + yz + xz are symmetric functions, whereas x2 – yz is not. A function may be unchanged by a sub-group of all the permutations of its variables. For example, ac + 3ab + bc is unchanged if a and b are exchanged; its symmetry group is isomorphic to C2. [edit]Symmetry in logic A dyadic relation R is symmetric if and only if, whenever it's true that Rab, it's true that Rba. Thus, "is the same age as" is symmetrical, for if Paul is the same age as Mary, then Mary is the same age as Paul. Symmetric binary logical connectives are and (∧, or &), or (∨, or |), biconditional (if and only if) (↔), nand (not-and, or ⊼), xor (not-biconditional, or ⊻), and nor (not-or, or ⊽). [edit]In science [edit]Symmetry in physics Main article: Symmetry in physics Symmetry in physics has been generalized to mean invariance—that is, lack of change— under any kind of transformation, for example arbitrary coordinate transformations. This concept has become one of the most powerful tools of theoretical physics, as it has become evident that practically all laws of nature originate in symmetries. In fact, this role inspired the Nobel laureate PW Anderson to write in his widely read 1972 article More is Different that "it is only slightly overstating the case to say that physics is the study of symmetry." See Noether's theorem (which, in greatly simplified form, states that for every continuous mathematical symmetry, there is a corresponding conserved quantity; a conserved current, in Noether's original language); and also,Wigner's classification, which says that the symmetries of the laws of physics determine the properties of the particles found in nature. [edit]Symmetry in physical objects [edit]Classical objects Although an everyday object may appear exactly the same after a symmetry operation such as a rotation or an exchange of two identical parts has been performed on it, it is readily apparent that such a symmetry is true only as an approximation for any ordinary physical object. For example, if one rotates a precisely machined aluminum equilateral triangle 120 degrees around its center, a casual observer brought in before and after the rotation will be unable to decide whether or not such a rotation took place. However, the reality is that each corner of a triangle will always appear unique when examined with sufficient precision. An observer armed with sufficiently detailed measuring equipment such as optical or electron microscopes will not be fooled; he will immediately recognize that the object has been rotated by looking for details such ascrystals or minor deformities. Such simple thought experiments show that assertions of symmetry in everyday physical objects are always a matter of approximate similarity rather than of precise mathematical sameness. The most important consequence of this approximate nature of symmetries in everyday physical objects is that such symmetries have minimal or no impacts on the physics of such objects. Consequently, only the deeper symmetries of space and time play a major role in classical physics; that is, the physics of large, everyday objects. [edit]Quantum objects Remarkably, there exists a realm of physics for which mathematical assertions of simple symmetries in real objects cease to be approximations. That is the domain of quantum physics, which for the most part is the physics of very small, very simple objects such as electrons, protons, light, and atoms. Unlike everyday objects, objects such as electrons have very limited numbers of configurations, called states, in which they can exist. This means that when symmetry operations such as exchanging the positions of components are applied to them, the resulting new configurations often cannot be distinguished from the originals no matter how diligent an observer is. Consequently, for sufficiently small and simple objects the generic mathematical symmetry assertion F(x) = x ceases to be approximate, and instead becomes an experimentally precise and accurate description of the situation in the real world. [edit]Consequences of quantum symmetry While it makes sense that symmetries could become exact when applied to very simple objects, the immediate intuition is that such a detail should not affect the physics of such objects in any significant way. This is in part because it is very difficult to view the concept of exact similarity as physically meaningful. Our mental picture of such situations is invariably the same one we use for large objects: We picture objects or configurations that are very, very similar, but for which if we could "look closer" we would still be able to tell the difference. However, the assumption that exact symmetries in very small objects should not make any difference in their physics was discovered in the early 1900s to be spectacularly incorrect. The situation was succinctly summarized by Richard Feynman in the direct transcripts of his Feynman Lectures on Physics, Volume III, Section 3.4, Identical particles. (Unfortunately, the quote was edited out of the printed version of the same lecture.) … if there is a physical situation in which it is impossible to tell which way it happened, it always interferes; it never fails. The word "interferes" in this context is a quick way of saying that such objects fall under the rules of quantum mechanics, in which they behave more like waves that interfere than like everyday large objects. In short, when an object becomes so simple that a symmetry assertion of the form F(x) = x becomes an exact statement of experimentally verifiable sameness, x ceases to follow the rules ofclassical physics and must instead be modeled using the more complex, and often far less intuitive, rules of quantum physics. This transition also provides an important insight into why the mathematics of symmetry are so deeply intertwined with those of quantum mechanics. When physical systems make the transition from symmetries that are approximate to ones that are exact, the mathematical expressions of those symmetries cease to be approximations and are transformed into precise definitions of the underlying nature of the objects. From that point on, the correlation of such objects to their mathematical descriptions becomes so close that it is difficult to separate the two. [edit]Generalizations of symmetry If we have a given set of objects with some structure, then it is possible for a symmetry to merely convert only one object into another, instead of acting upon all possible objects simultaneously. This requires a generalization from the concept of symmetry group to that of a groupoid. Indeed, A. Connes in his book "Non-commutative geometry" writes that Heisenberg discovered quantum mechanics by considering the groupoid of transitions of the hydrogen spectrum. The notion of groupoid also leads to notions of multiple groupoids, namely sets with many compatible groupoid structures, a structure which trivialises to abelian groups if one restricts to groups. This leads to prospects of higher order symmetry which have been a little explored, as follows. The automorphisms of a set, or a set with some structure, form a group, which models a homotopy 1-type. The automorphisms of a group G naturally form a crossed module , and crossed modules give an algebraic model of homotopy 2-types. At the next stage, automorphisms of a crossed module fit into a structure known as a crossed square, and this structure is known to give an algebraic model of homotopy 3-types. It is not known how this procedure of generalising symmetry may be continued, although crossed ncubes have been defined and used in algebraic topology, and these structures are only slowly being brought into theoretical physics.[8][9] Physicists have come up with other directions of generalization, such as supersymmetry and quantum groups, yet the different options are indistinguishable during various circumstances. [edit]Symmetry in biology Further information: symmetry (biology) and facial symmetry [edit]Symmetry in chemistry Main article: molecular symmetry Symmetry is important to chemistry because it explains observations in spectroscopy, quantum chemistry and crystallography. It draws heavily on group theory. [edit]In history, religion, and culture In any human endeavor for which an impressive visual result is part of the desired objective, symmetries play a profound role. The innate appeal of symmetry can be found in our reactions to happening across highly symmetrical natural objects, such as precisely formed crystals or beautifully spiraled seashells. Our first reaction in finding such an object often is to wonder whether we have found an object created by a fellow human, followed quickly by surprise that the symmetries that caught our attention are derived from nature itself. In both reactions we give away our inclination to view symmetries both as beautiful and, in some fashion, informative of the world around us.[citation needed] [edit]Symmetry in social interactions People observe the symmetrical nature, often including asymmetrical balance, of social interactions in a variety of contexts. These include assessments of reciprocity, empathy, apology, dialog, respect, justice, and revenge. Symmetrical interactions send the message "we are all the same" while asymmetrical interactions send the message "I am special; better than you." Peer relationships are based on symmetry, power relationships are based on asymmetry.[10] [edit]Symmetry in architecture Ceiling of Lotfollah mosque, Isfahan, Iran. Has rotational symmetry of order 32 and 32 lines of reflection. Leaning Tower of Pisa The Taj Mahal has bilateral symmetry. Another human endeavor in which the visual result plays a vital part in the overall result is architecture. Both in ancient and modern times, the ability of a large structure to impress or even intimidate its viewers has often been a major part of its purpose, and the use of symmetry is an inescapable aspect of how to accomplish such goals. Just a few examples of ancient architectures that made powerful use of symmetry to impress those around them included the Egyptian Pyramids, the Greek Parthenon, the first and second Temple of Jerusalem, China'sForbidden City, Cambodia's Angkor Wat complex, and the many temples and pyramids of ancient Pre-Columbian civilizations. More recent historical examples of architectures emphasizing symmetries includeGothic architecture cathedrals, and American President Thomas Jefferson's Monticello home. The Taj Mahal is also an example of symmetry.[11] An interesting example of a broken symmetry in architecture is the Leaning Tower of Pisa, whose notoriety stems in no small part not for the intended symmetry of its design, but for the violation of that symmetry from the lean that developed while it was still under construction. Modern examples of architectures that make impressive or complex use of various symmetries include Australia's Sydney Opera House and Houston, Texas's simplerAstrodome. Symmetry finds its ways into architecture at every scale, from the overall external views, through the layout of the individual floor plans, and down to the design of individual building elements such as intricately carved doors, stained glass windows, tile mosaics, friezes, stairwells, stair rails, and balustrades. For sheer complexity and sophistication in the exploitation of symmetry as an architectural element, Islamic buildings such as the Taj Mahal often eclipse those of other cultures and ages, due in part to the general prohibition of Islam against using images of people or animals.[12][13] [edit]Symmetry in pottery and metal vessels Persian vessel (4th millennium BC) Since the earliest uses of pottery wheels to help shape clay vessels, pottery has had a strong relationship to symmetry. As a minimum, pottery created using a wheel necessarily begins with full rotational symmetry in its cross-section, while allowing substantial freedom of shape in the vertical direction. Upon this inherently symmetrical starting point cultures from ancient times have tended to add further patterns that tend to exploit or in many cases reduce the original full rotational symmetry to a point where some specific visual objective is achieved. For example, Persian pottery dating from the fourth millennium BC and earlier used symmetric zigzags, squares, cross-hatchings, and repetitions of figures to produce more complex and visually striking overall designs. Cast metal vessels lacked the inherent rotational symmetry of wheel-made pottery, but otherwise provided a similar opportunity to decorate their surfaces with patterns pleasing to those who used them. The ancient Chinese, for example, used symmetrical patterns in their bronze castings as early as the 17th century BC. Bronze vessels exhibited both a bilateral main motif and a repetitive translated border design.[14][15][16] [edit]Symmetry in quilts Kitchen Kaleidoscope Block As quilts are made from square blocks (usually 9, 16, or 25 pieces to a block) with each smaller piece usually consisting of fabric triangles, the craft lends itself readily to the application of symmetry.[17] [edit]Symmetry in carpets and rugs Persian rug. A long tradition of the use of symmetry in carpet and rug patterns spans a variety of cultures. American Navajo Indians used bold diagonals and rectangular motifs. Many Oriental rugs have intricate reflected centers and borders that translate a pattern. Not surprisingly, rectangular rugs typically use quadrilateral symmetry—that is, motifs that are reflected across both the horizontal and vertical axes.[18][19] [edit]Symmetry in music Major and minor triads on the white piano keys are symmetrical to the D. (compare article) (file) Symmetry is not restricted to the visual arts. Its role in the history of music touches many aspects of the creation and perception of music. [edit]Musical form Symmetry has been used as a formal constraint by many composers, such as the arch (swell) form (ABCBA) used by Steve Reich, Béla Bartók, and James Tenney. In classical music, Bach used the symmetry concepts of permutation and invariance.[20] [edit]Pitch structures Symmetry is also an important consideration in the formation of scales and chords, traditional or tonal music being made up of non-symmetrical groups of pitches, such as the diatonic scale or the major chord. Symmetrical scales or chords, such as the whole tone scale, augmented chord, or diminished seventh chord (diminished-diminished seventh), are said to lack direction or a sense of forward motion, are ambiguous as to the key or tonal center, and have a less specific diatonic functionality. However, composers such as Alban Berg, Béla Bartók, and George Perle have used axes of symmetry and/or interval cycles in an analogous way to keys or non-tonal tonalcenters. Perle (1992) explains "C–E, D–F#, [and] Eb–G, are different instances of the same interval … the other kind of identity. … has to do with axes of symmetry. C–E belongs to a family of symmetrically related dyads as follows:" D D# E F F# G G# D C# C B A# A G# Thus in addition to being part of the interval-4 family, C–E is also a part of the sum-4 family (with C equal to 0). 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 + 2 1 0 11 10 9 8 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Interval cycles are symmetrical and thus non-diatonic. However, a seven pitch segment of C5 (the cycle of fifths, which are enharmonic with the cycle of fourths) will produce the diatonic major scale. Cyclic tonal progressions in the works of Romantic composers such as Gustav Mahler and Richard Wagner form a link with the cyclic pitch successions in the atonal music of Modernists such as Bartók, Alexander Scriabin, Edgard Varèse, and the Vienna school. At the same time, these progressions signal the end of tonality. The first extended composition consistently based on symmetrical pitch relations was probably Alban Berg's Quartet, Op. 3 (1910). (Perle, 1990) [edit]Equivalency Tone rows or pitch class sets which are invariant under retrograde are horizontally symmetrical, under inversion vertically. See also Asymmetric rhythm. [edit]Symmetry in other arts and crafts Celtic knotwork The concept of symmetry is applied to the design of objects of all shapes and sizes. Other examples include beadwork, furniture, sand paintings,knotwork, masks, musical instruments, and many other endeavors. [edit]Symmetry in aesthetics Main article: Symmetry (physical attractiveness) The relationship of symmetry to aesthetics is complex. Certain simple symmetries, and in particular bilateral symmetry, seem to be deeply ingrained in the inherent perception by humans of the likely health or fitness of other living creatures, as can be seen by the simple experiment of distorting one side of the image of an attractive face and asking viewers to rate the attractiveness of the resulting image. Consequently, such symmetries that mimic biology tend to have an innate appeal that in turn drives a powerful tendency to create artifacts with similar symmetry. One only needs to imagine the difficulty in trying to market a highly asymmetrical car or truck to general automotive buyers to understand the power of biologically inspired symmetries such as bilateral symmetry. Another more subtle appeal of symmetry is that of simplicity, which in turn has an implication of safety, security, and familiarity.[citation needed] A highly symmetrical room, for example, is unavoidably also a room in which anything out of place or potentially threatening can be identified easily and quickly.[citation needed] For example, people who have grown up in houses full of exact right angles and precisely identical artifacts can find their first experience in staying in a room with no exact right angles and no exactly identical artifacts to be highly disquieting.[citation needed]Symmetry thus can be a source of comfort not only as an indicator of biological health, but also of a safe and well-understood living environment. Opposed to this is the tendency for excessive symmetry to be perceived as boring or uninteresting. Humans in particular have a powerful desire to exploit new opportunities or explore new possibilities, and an excessive degree of symmetry can convey a lack of such opportunities.[citation needed] Most people display a preference for figures that have a certain degree of simplicity and symmetry, but enough complexity to make them interesting.[21] Yet another possibility is that when symmetries become too complex or too challenging, the human mind has a tendency to "tune them out" and perceive them in yet another fashion: as noisethat conveys no useful information.[citation needed] Finally, perceptions and appreciation of symmetries are also dependent on cultural background. The far greater use of complex geometric symmetries in many Islamic cultures, for example, makes it more likely that people from such cultures will appreciate such art forms (or, conversely, to rebel against them).[citation needed] As in many human endeavors, the result of the confluence of many such factors is that effective use of symmetry in art and architecture is complex, intuitive, and highly dependent on the skills of the individuals who must weave and combine such factors within their own creative work. Along with texture, color, proportion, and other factors, symmetry is a powerful ingredient in any such synthesis; one only need to examine the Taj Mahal to powerful role that symmetry plays in determining the aesthetic appeal of an object. Modernist architecture rejects symmetry, stating only a bad architect relies on symmetry;[citation needed] instead of symmetrical layout of blocks, masses and structures, Modernist architecture relies on wings and balance of masses. This notion of getting rid of symmetry was first encountered in International style. Some people find asymmetrical layouts of buildings and structures revolutionizing; other find them restless, boring and unnatural. A few examples of the more explicit use of symmetries in art can be found in the remarkable art of M.C. Escher, the creative design of the mathematical concept of a wallpaper group, and the many applications (both mathematical and real world) of tiling. [edit]See also Symmetry in statistics Skewness, asymmetry of a statistical distribution Symmetry in games and puzzles Symmetric games Sudoku Symmetry in literature Palindrome Moral symmetry Empathy and Sympathy Golden Rule Reciprocity Reflective equilibrium Tit for tat Other Asymmetric rhythm Asymmetry Burnside's lemma Chirality M.C. Escher Even and odd functions Fixed points of isometry groups in Euclidean space – center of symmetry Gödel, Escher, Bach Ignacio Matte Blanco Semimetric, which is sometimes translated as symmetric in Russian texts. Spacetime symmetries Spontaneous symmetry breaking Symmetric relation Symmetries of polyiamonds Symmetries of polyominoes Symmetry (biology) Symmetry group Time symmetry Wallpaper group [edit]References 1. ^ Penrose, Roger (2007). Fearful Symmetry. City: Princeton. ISBN 978-0-69113482-6. 2. ^ a b For example, Aristotle ascribed spherical shape to the heavenly bodies, attributing this formally defined geometric measure of symmetry to the natural order and perfection of the cosmos. 3. ^ Weyl 1982 4. ^ For example, operations such as moving across a regularly patterned tile floor or rotating an eight-sided vase, or complex transformations of equations or in the way music is played. 5. ^ See, e.g., Mainzer, Klaus (2005). Symmetry And Complexity: The Spirit and Beauty of Nonlinear Science. World Scientific. ISBN 981-256-192-7. 6. ^ Symmetric objects can be material, such as a person, crystal, quilt, floor tiles, or molecule, or it can be an abstract structure such as a mathematical equation or a series of tones (music). 7. ^ `Higher dimensional group theory' 8. ^ n-category cafe – discussion of n-groups 9. ^ `Higher dimensional group theory' 10. ^ Emotional Competency Entry describing Symmetry 11. ^ Gregory Neil Derry (2002), What Science Is and How It Works, Princeton University Press, p. 269 12. ^ Williams: Symmetry in Architecture 13. ^ Aslaksen: Mathematics in Art and Architecture 14. ^ Chinavoc: The Art of Chinese Bronzes 15. ^ Grant: Iranian Pottery in the Oriental Institute 16. ^ The Metropolitan Museum of Art – Islamic Art 17. ^ Quate: Exploring Geometry Through Quilts 18. ^ Mallet: Tribal Oriental Rugs 19. ^ Dilucchio: Navajo Rugs 20. ^ see ("Fugue No. 21," pdf or Shockwave) 21. ^ Arnheim, Rudolf (1969). Visual Thinking. University of California Press. ……………. Why is the relationship between conservation laws and symmetries important? One reason is that it allows for other conservation laws to be formulated. For example, for conduction electrons in solids all locations in the solid are not equivalent. For one, some locations are closer to nuclei than others. Therefore linear momentum of the electrons is not conserved. (The total linear momentum of the complete solid is conserved in the absence of external forces. In other words, if the solid is in otherwise empty space, it conserves its total linear momentum. But that does not really help for describing the motion of the conduction electrons.) However, if the solid is crystalline, its atomic structure is periodic. Periodicity is a symmetry too. If you shift a system of conduction electrons in the interior of the crystal over a whole number of periods, it makes no difference. That leads to a conserved quantity called “crystal momentum,” {A.19}. It is important for optical applications of semiconductors. Even in empty space there are additional symmetries that lead to important conservation laws. The most important example of all is that it does not make a difference at what time you start an experiment with a system of particles in empty space. The results will be the same. That symmetry with respect to time shift gives rise to the law of conservation of energy, maybe the most important conservation law in physics……………………….. n this century, I believe that Physics will enter into an another remarkable area of basic understanding which we can not discover yet. No, I am not saying about the experimental facts of CERN or Fermilab. I am saying about a completely new aspect of Physics which may be related with some symmetry of nature. Really, symmetry is a very powerful tool for physicists of understand the complicated natural phenomena more simple way. Now, what is symmetry? we are very much concern about symmetry but it is impossible to explain symmetry in a single sentence. Why? because symmetry is not a very simple concept, some times it not very clear to us. Symmetry is itself many kinds, such as rotation, translation, mirror etc. But there are also many types of symmetries which are very much abstract and we can not realize them pictorially. Only tool to realize them is to study the Group theory which is a very powerful concept of Mathematics. Once Sir Arthur Eddington said that we require a super mathematics in which we don't know about the system of our interest but by the virtue of that super mathematics a super mathematician can extract the important properties of the system. Group Theory is such theory. Actually, I am quite wrong because Group theory is not such a theory but its representation is very likely to Eddington's imagination. Actually Group theory is the study of symmetry in most smartest way. But how is symmetry related with nature? obviously this is the big question. We know if any symmetry is related to any matrix then the number of fundamental elements of the matrix are reduced, i.e. we can study the very same matrix in simple way if we take into account its symmetry. In very similar way we can apply the concept of symmetry in Physics. Suppose , we are studying a system which is spherically symmetric, then we can easily reduce the variation of the system into only one variable instead of three. In Physics, symmetry also plays another important role. It can tell about some kind of conservation principle of nature. Every symmetry of nature are related to a conservation principle of nature. For example, we are now studying a system which has a translational symmetry, i.e. the system is invariant in every respect after a translation. We are considering a translation along the X- axis . The total energy or the Hamiltonian of the system is, the only dynamical quantity of the equation is momentum or P. Now the system is invariant under the translation along X-axis, that means the Hamiltonian (H) of the system is invariant under this translation. So, the only dynamical quantity i.e. linear momentum of the equation being fixed, i.e. linear momentum of the system is conserved. If we see that system is invariant under rotation then in same logic the angular momentum will be conserved. Therefore , in every process in the nature there will be some symmetries and by the virtue of these symmetries there will be some conserved quantity( like mass, charge, spin, baryon number etc.). Besides this, we can use the concept of symmetry to extract the complicated phenomena from a complicated system( like nucleus, quarks, neutrino etc.). That is symmetry is clue that our nature posses many kinds of mystery but those interrelated and that is why nature is so beautiful. RELATED ARTICLES ON SCIENCE 2.0 Quantum field theory in curved space time, quantum gravity....They are one and the same. Time In Bed With Space Analyzing Actions: EM (2/3?) Finding Alice In The Quaternion Looking Glass Garrett Lisi's New E8 Paper s/blog/symmetry_and_principle_nature-85839 Quantum mechanics flummoxes physicists again A fresh take on a classic experiment makes no progress in unifying quantum mechanics and relativity. Jon Cartwright A 3-slit experiment has confirmed a basic rule of quantum mechanics but failed to help physicists to reconcile the theory with relativity.Science/ AAAS If you ever want to get your head around the riddle that is quantum mechanics, look no further than the double-slit experiment. This shows, with perfect simplicity, how just watching a wave or a particle can change its behaviour. The idea is so unpalatable to physicists that they have spent decades trying to find new ways to test it. The latest such attempt, by physicists in Europe and Canada, used a three-slit version — but quantum mechanics won out again. In the standard double-slit experiment, a wide screen is shielded from an electron gun by a wall containing two separated slits. If the electron gun is fired with one slit closed, a mound of electrons forms on the screen beyond the open slit, trailing off to the left and right — the sort of behaviour expected for particles. If the gun is fired when both slits are open, however, electrons stack along the screen in comb-like divisions. This illustrates the electrons interfering with each other — the hallmark of wave behaviour. Such a crossover in behaviour — known as wave–particle duality — is perhaps not too hard to swallow. But quantum mechanics gets weirder. Slow down the gun so that just one electron at a time reaches the screen, and the interference pattern remains. Does each electron pass through both slits at once and interfere with itself? The obvious way to answer this question is to watch the slits as the gun fires, but as soon as you do this the interference pattern disappears. It's as if the electrons know when they're being watched and decide to behave as particles again. According to Nobel laureate Richard Feynman, the phenomenon "has in it the heart of quantum mechanics. In reality, it contains the only mystery". Mind the gaps The new three-slit version of the experiment, performed by Gregor Weihs at the University of Innsbruck in Austria and his colleagues, sought to uncover gaps in our understanding of quantum mechanics through which modern physics might make some headway. Perhaps the greatest problem in modern physics is how to reconcile quantum mechanics, which allows for seemingly instantaneous communication, with Einstein's theories of special and general relativity, which imply that nothing should travel faster than light. Weihs's group thought that a route to reconciliation could lie in Born's rule, a central tenet of quantum mechanics that says interference should exist only between two paths, such as the two paths of the double-slit experiment. If there were any three-way interference in the three-slit version, Born's rule would break down and an area of quantum mechanics in which relativity might take hold would be exposed. To perform their experiment, Weihs and colleagues aimed a source of single photons (which, like electrons, exhibit wave–particle duality) at a mask containing various open and closed combinations of three slits. The authors fired photons repeatedly through the mask, while building a probability distribution of photons arriving on a detector beyond it. From the probabilities of each combination, they could calculate a crucial interference term, which would highlight any three-path interference. ADVERTISEMENT As Weihs's group had secretly feared, the three-path interference term came to more or less zero1. Co-author Ray Laflamme of the University of Waterloo in Ontario, Canada, "always hoped for three-path interference", says Weihs. "But then he's more of a theoretician. If there was three-path interference, there would be a Nobel prize waiting." It is true that the experiment has yielded little for theorists to work with, but it's not all bad news, as Markus Aspelmeyer at the University of Vienna points out. "The fact that one does not observe deviations from quantum theory also has profound implications," he says. "It suggests that the present theory is a good description of our physical world and that we have to work harder to understand its fundamental message." Weihs is now considering a more rigorous test of Born's rule with an interferometer, a highly accurate device that employs a layout of mirrors and beam splitters in place of physical slits. Still, Weihs and his colleagues probably feel they have worked hard enough already. Their experiment involved the logging of billions of photons, a process that took over two years. "It's becoming a little tedious, I must stress," says Weihs. References 1. Sinha, U., Couteau, C., Jennewein, T., Laflamme, R. & Weihs, G.Science 329, 418-421 (2010). | Article | ChemPort | Comments If you find something abusive or inappropriate or which does not otherwise comply with our Terms or Community Guidelines, please select the relevant'Report this comment' link. Comments on this thread are vetted after posting. #12218 The conclusion should be: yes all radiation is able to split and travel along all different routes through the quantum vacuum lattice as long as these routes have the same length to be able to interfere with itself. o Report this comment o 2010-07-23 06:08:20 AM o Posted by: Leo Vuyk #12233 A disappointing bit of reporting. "Perhaps the greatest problem in modern physics is how to reconcile quantum mechanics, which allows for seemingly instantaneous communication, with Einstein's theories of special and general relativity, which imply that nothing should travel faster than light." Anyone apparently unaware that there is a highly successful way of uniting quantum mechanics and special relativity – this is where we get quantum field theories, the foundation on which modern particle physics is built – surely has no business writing about this particular topic. Also, in the original article text, the problem of unifying quantum theory and gravitation is no more than a very general and rather vague motivation. It's only mentioned in the abstract, and there's no indication in the main text that a violation of Born's rule would have told us anything definite about the connection between quantum mechanics and gravity (in fact, gravity isn't even mentioned in the main text). Surely, responsible reporting about this article should include pointing out that the link of this experiment with the problem of quantum gravity is tenuous at best. Instead, we are told that the experiment "failed to help physicists to reconcile the theory with relativity" - as if that had been an even halfway realistic outcome at the time of reporting. (Oh, and also: Born's rule? Much more than just a statement about two-way vs. three-way interference. Those reading about Born's rule for the first time in this text are virtually guaranteed to come away with the wrong impression.) o Report this comment o 2010-07-24 04:43:04 AM o Posted by: Markus Poessel #12235 Although just an interested individual and not by any means a physicist, I have always understood that wave collapse (a la double slit) may be due to interference from the method of observation. When most articles on the double slit experiment and its possible consequences are composed the method of observation is not always clear, certainly in none professional pieces. Are observational methods active and without external particle generation or are they passive in the true sense. I am told that this is discussed elsewhere within the realms of scientific debate. o Report this comment o 2010-07-24 05:24:57 AM o Posted by: David Clarke #12238 As I understand QM, there is no issue with the "single particle at any one time" experimental result, for the simple reason that the distribution of end-points is determined by the wavefunction (the solution of Schrodinger's equation), which in turn is determined by the geometry of the slits. The number of particles is only relevant when there is significant particle-particle interaction, which is essentially zero for photons and assumed to be low even for electrons, in this case. o Report this comment o 2010-07-24 07:31:06 AM o Posted by: David McCulloch #12267 "Such a crossover in behaviour — known as wave–particle duality — is perhaps not too hard to swallow." If you understand that, step up and win your Nobel Prize! The wave-particle duality IS hard to swallow and yet is essential to quantum "weirdess." That particles move as independent objects yet appositely behave as is they were a disturbance in a medium is as incommensurable to our minds as an ocean wave without the ocean. "Slow down the gun so that just one electron at a time reaches the screen, and the interference pattern remains. Does each electron pass through both slits at once and interfere with itself? The obvious way to answer this question is to watch the slits as the gun fires, but as soon as you do this the interference pattern disappears." Self-contradictory statements here: Yes, the interference pattern DOES remain even as electrons pass through "one at a time." (Again, how does "one at a time" ultimately relate to a particle that is also wavelike? We don't know.) But this contradicts the next statement, that the interference also disappears. More quantum "weirdness" or poor writing? No, the double slit interference DOES remain even in the absence of statistical quantities of particles, again, using that phrase so essential to pursuing physics well, we don't know why. o Report this comment o 2010-07-25 10:29:25 AM o Posted by: Denis Michael Reidy #12269 Maybe a silly question, but if it's necessary for all paths to have an equal length, shouldn't you do the three-slit experiment with two concentric cylinders? The source is at the center of the two cylinders, the inner cylinder has the three slits and the outer cylinder is the detector. o Report this comment o 2010-07-25 11:44:54 AM o Posted by: Brian DeCamp A quantum take on certainty Physicists show that in the iconic double-slit experiment, uncertainty can be eased. Edwin Cartlidge The double-slit experiment shows the dual waveparticle nature of photons.GIPHOTOSTOCK/SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY An international group of physicists has found a way of measuring both the position and the momentum of photons passing through the double-slit experiment, upending the idea that it is impossible to measure both properties in the lab at the same time. In the classic double-slit experiment, first done more than 200 years ago, light waves passing through two parallel slits create a characteristic pattern of light and dark patches on a screen positioned behind the slits. The patches correspond to the points on the screen where the peaks and troughs of the waves diffracting out from the two slits combine with one another either constructively or destructively. In the early twentieth century, physicists showed that this interference pattern was evident even when the intensity of the light was so low that photons pass through the apparatus one at a time. In other words, individual photons seem to interfere with themselves, so light exhibits both particle-like and wave-like properties. However, placing detectors at the slits to determine which one a particle is passing through destroys the interference pattern on the screen behind. This is a manifestation of Werner Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, which states that it is not possible to precisely measure both the position (which of the two slits has been traversed) and the momentum (represented by the interference pattern) of a photon. What quantum physicist Aephraim Steinberg of the University of Toronto in Canada and his colleagues have now shown, however, is that it is possible to precisely measure photons' position and obtain approximate information about their momentum1, in an approach known as 'weak measurement'. Steinberg's group sent photons one by one through a double slit by using a beam splitter and two lengths of fibre-optic cable. Then they used an electronic detector to measure the positions of photons at some distance away from the slits, and a calcite crystal in front of the detector to change the polarization of the photon, and allow them to make a very rough estimate of each photon's momentum from that change. Average trajectory By measuring the momentum of many photons, the researchers were able to work out the average momentum of the photons at each position on the detector. They then repeated the process at progressively greater distances from the slits, and so by "connecting the dots" were able to trace out the average trajectories of the photons. They did this while still recording an interference pattern at each detector position. Intriguingly, the trajectories closely match those predicted by an unconventional interpretation of quantum mechanics known as pilot-wave theory, in which each particle has a well-defined trajectory that takes it through one slit while the associated wave passes through both slits. The traditional interpretation of quantum mechanics, known as the Copenhagen interpretation, dismisses the notion of trajectories, and maintains that it is meaningless to ask what value a variable, such as momentum, has if that's not what is being measured. Steinberg stresses that his group's work does not challenge the uncertainty principle, pointing out that the results could, in principle, be predicted with standard quantum mechanics. But, he says, "it is not necessary to interpret the uncertainty principle as rigidly as we are often taught to do", arguing that other interpretations of quantum mechanics, such as the pilot-wave theory, might "help us to think in new ways". ADVERTISEMENT David Deutsch of the University of Oxford, UK, is not convinced that the experiment has told us anything new about how the universe works. He says that although "it's quite cool to see strange predictions verified", the results could have been obtained simply by "calculating them using a computer and the equations of quantum mechanics". "Experiments are only relevant in science when they are crucial tests between at least two good explanatory theories," Deutsch says. "Here, there was only one, namely that the equations of quantum mechanics really do describe reality." But Steinberg thinks his work could have practical applications. He believes it could help to improve logic gates for quantum computers, by allowing the gates to repeat an operation deemed to have failed previously. "Under the normal interpretation of quantum mechanics we can't pose the question of what happened at an earlier time," he says. "We need something like weak measurement to even pose this question." References 1. Kocsis, S. et al. Science 332, 1170-1173 (2011). | Article | ChemPort | Examining Capitalism Through Quantum Mechanics Saturday, 28 July 2012 08:42By Michael Ortiz, Truthout | Op-Ed As human beings, we don’t just construct social realities and social systems, but we literally help construct the physical universe of which we are a part. Therefore, understanding the relationship between human beings and the quantum reality of the universe becomes paramount if we seek to truly understand and transform the social and structural systems of inequality that we have created for ourselves. According to quantum mechanics, the subatomic level of reality exists in an undifferentiated state of dynamic flux until a conscious observer measures it (or looks at it), thus, giving that matter a particular form. In other words, an atom is spread out all over the place as a wave of potential until a conscious observer localizes it as an actual particle through that very act of observation. The famous double-slit experiment actually captured this protean nature of the quantum world. The double-slit experiment essentially launched particles through a single slit, whereby each particle left a residual mark on the back wall where it landed (creating a single band pattern). However, when particles were launched through two slits, they left a residual interference pattern on the back wall (which can only be created by waves that interfere with each other). Even when particles were launched through the two slits one at a time, they still created an interference pattern. (This occurrence is impossible according to classical quantum physics.) So, in order to figure out how this interference pattern was occurring, physicists placed a measuring device by the slits to observe the particles after they were launched. Astonishingly, when the particles were launched with the measuring device in place, they actually created a residual mark of a double band pattern (which was expected in the first place). What physicists determined was that, prior to being observed, each single particle actually existed as a wave of potentials that simultaneously went through both slits at the same time; thus interfering with itself and leaving a residual interference pattern. So in essence, conscious observation then collapses the quantum wave function of particles and thus localizes them at a fixed point. Moreover, quantum superposition “holds that a physical system – such as an electron – exists partly in all its particular, theoretically possible states (or, configuration of its properties) simultaneously; but, when measured, it gives a result corresponding to only one of the possible configurations (as described in interpretation of quantum mechanics).” The more we look at elementary particles, the more we realize that there is actually no such thing as one electron or one photon on its own. A particle exists only in relationship to the state that it finds itself in, with no generic or concrete form. So, the more we examine “solid matter” in great detail, the less solid it actually becomes. (Photo: Earth with cogs and wheels via Shutterstock) Now, contradictory to contemporary quantum mechanics is the traditional conception of solid matter as the “substance” of the universe. Why is this important? Because “belief that the substance of the universe is matter (or physical material) sets the precedent for people to accumulate as many material possessions and riches as possible [especially under the system of capitalism],” says UK author David Icke. Most of us in contemporary Western culture have been socialized to view the world through a consumerist lens (among a plethora of other social lenses) which implies that a solid, material realm objectively exists. Furthermore, the system of capitalism creates the conditions necessary for more and more people to actively participate in practices that perpetuate the misconception that a solid, material world inexorably dictates our perceptions and belief systems. Maximized material conquest and material gain becomes the modus operandi of a capitalistic system. Further illuminating the nature of capitalism, Chris Hedges states: “The quest by a bankrupt elite in the final days of empire to accumulate greater and greater wealth is modern society’s version of primitive fetishism … When the most basic elements that sustain life are reduced to a cash product, life has no intrinsic value. The extinguishing of ‘primitive’ societies, those that were defined by animism and mysticism, those that celebrated ambiguity and mystery, those that respected the centrality of the human imagination, removed the only ideological counterweight to a self-devouring capitalist ideology.” Here we see some of the characteristics of neoliberal capitalism which subscribe to the notion that the world be defined in “material” terms. The ruling ideology of capitalism has sought out to extinguish any alternative thought or knowledge that understands the world in immaterial terms and replace it with the narrow ideology of materialism, consumerism, commodification. The more people who are complicit in capitalist ideology (among other forms of dominant ideologies), the stronger the possibilities become to fetishize and develop the concept of “the material.” all while the expropriation of vast forms of land, wealth, resources and capital become normalized and accepted. Furthermore, once all “material” resources have become accessed (or more importantly not accessed by the majority of people), exploited and exhausted, then the majority of people become even more subjected to the harsh and misleading conditions that capitalism inflicts upon them. So, as far as quantum mechanics is concerned, capitalism is based on the (false) assumption that an absolute “material” world actually exists “out there.” Traditional criticisms of capitalism typically focus on the exploitation of labor and human bodies, as well as massive class inequalities and social injustice; however, they leave out one crucial aspect in it all: that capitalist ideology and capitalist operation mislead us about the nature of the universe (which includes the nature of ourselves since we are part of the universe, as well). With that said, we can actually use our knowledge of quantum mechanics to transform our perceptions about the world around us, thus alleviating some of the conditions that capitalism creates for us. Even Einstein alluded to the idea that we can utilize science to “potentially change the world itself” by using “rational thinking and technology to improve the conditions in which we live.” (1) As Peter Dreierstates: “Einstein criticized capitalism’s ‘economic anarchy’ and the ‘oligarchy of private capital, the enormous power of which cannot be effectively checked even by democratically organized political society.’” If Einstein could apply his knowledge of science and the quantum reality to social injustice and systemic inequality, then there is no reason that we cannot do the same here and now. Given the fact that the underlying premise of capitalism acts in opposition to the principles of quantum mechanics and, therefore, the nature of the universe itself (as understood through quantum mechanics), then we should not be confounded in the least when we experience the destructive consequences of a system that is based on prodigious wealth and material accumulation. This systemic discord or imbalance is bound to perpetuate the likes of environmental devastation and vast human suffering. Furthermore, one of the unspoken consequences of capitalistic operation is the alienation from one’s humanity and from nature.Not only are we inundated by a social and economic matrix of domination every single day, but that very matrix detaches us from the universe (or nature) in a sense. So, we should not just look to eradicate the deleterious conditions of capitalism, but rather, we should look to understand and work in accordance with the universe, so that destructive systemic conditions do not even come into existence in the first place. Consequently, when we look at the world through the lens of quantum mechanics, we see that the economic systems of capitalism, socialism and communism actually have more in common with each other since they all are based on material acquisition and distribution and on the assumption that our world is a fundamentally material realm. However, we can use quantum mechanics to create an entirely new way of viewing and operating inside of the world, which would require a drastic philosophical and ideological change of epic proportion. Epic change, perhaps, is a concept that we may need to start entertaining. Lastly, as if world hunger, poverty, class inequality, sickness and disease, permanent war and ecological ruination weren’t enough to present a critical case against capitalism, then consider the following. In relative terms to the rest of the entire universe, quantum mechanics shows us just how narrow, constrictive and destructive the system of capitalism actually is. References: (1) Dreier, Peter. 2012. “Albert Einstein: Radical Citizen and Scientist.” Truthout, June 25. This article is a Truthout original. CROP CIRCLES AND QUANTUM MECHANICS Many things have been said and written about the connection between crop circles, sound and music. Although this connection seems to be obvious at first sight, it turns out not to be plausible at all once we take a closer look at it! If there is a connection, it is one with quantum mechanics, with super strings. It's a connection with the nature of matter; not with music! Indeed: a lot has been said and written about the presence of diatonic ratios in the crop circles' geometry. But let us take a closer look at diatonic ratios: what are they really? When we look at the different notes on for instance a piano, we see that they relate to each other in a very specific way: First octave 1 9/8 5/4 4/3 3/2 5/3 15/8 Second octave 2 9/4 5/2 8/3 3 10/3 15/4 Third octave 4 9/2 5 16/3 6 20/3 15/2 Fourth octave 8 9 10 32/3 12 40/3 15 Piano notes C D E F G A B These ratios create the harmonics in music and are therefore called diatonic ratios. They can also be shown geometrically, as follows: These geometrical ratios are quite often found in the geometry of crop circles. In my previous article I have shown that these ratios are a natural consequence of the type of construction technique used to create the crop circles. They are a logical part of the crop circles' geometry. As a result, the relationship "crop circles - music" seems to be obvious. However there is another reason to assume that music - or at any rate sound - plays an important role in the crop circle phenomenon. In order to understand this we have to take a closer look at the nature of sound. Sound consists of vibrations that move forward by means of air pressure differences. Graphically it looks like this: In other words, sound can be reproduced as a wave with peaks and lows. Sound that moves through air shows peaks in places with the highest pressure, and lows in places with the lowest pressure. We can produce another tone that looks like this: When we produce both tones simultaneously, we get this picture: The waves in this graph can be added up. This is called interference: it is the way waves correspond to each other, the way they can be added up. In the above example the result is a horizontal line. The waves neutralise each other which results in no sound at all. We can make this visible by taking melted paraffin and adding powder which will float through the paraffin. We will then add sound. The sound will move forward through the paraffin and the waves that arise this way will meet and interfere with each other. Together they will form extreme peaks and extreme lows, and there are also places where they will compensate each other. The latter happens when a peak meets a low: they extinguish each other. This interference process creates a pattern with spots that vibrate fiercely and spots that don't vibrate at all. An interference pattern arises. The powder will concentrate on the spots with the least vibration, by which it makes the interference pattern clearly visible for us! The patterns that are created like this are often found in crop circles. Does this mean there is a connection between music - or at least sound - and crop circles? NO! This does not have to be a fact! It is even quite unlikely! The above mentioned interference patterns arise with all sorts of waves, not just sound waves. Water waves show a similar pattern, just like radio waves. The interference pattern does not say anything about the type of wave involved. The only similarity between the patterns in the paraffin and the crop circles are the interference patterns! There are no indications whatsoever that the patterns in the crop are created by sound, or even that they refer to sound. The only possible indication is the presence of interference or rather the presence of interfering waves. The chance that these are sound waves is minimal, since sound has a major drawback: it always needs a medium through which it can move forward. A medium that can assume and pass on the vibration of the sound source. Air is such a medium. If there is no medium sound can not move forward. On the moon - with its vacuum - we can hear no sound. In other words: sound is not a universal phenomenon! This is not the case with Electro-magnetic waves, like for instance radio waves. These can indeed move forward without the help of a medium. They are indeed universal. The only similarity between sound waves and Electro-magnetic waves is the ability to interfere. They can both cause interference patterns. Apart from that, these waves have absolutely nothing in common. To put it differently: interference patterns say absolutely nothing about the type of wave involved. They only say something about the interaction of waves. The paraffin experiments visualise this interaction. They show us a graphic reproduction of interference. A graphic reproduction with an unprecedented geometry! They show us that interference can be represented geometrically and that it has a strongly geometrical character. It shows the same geometry as we find in the crop formations. But what about the diatonic ratios? In order to understand their involvement we have to make a quantum leap, a leap into quantum mechanics. Quantum mechanics reached a height with the development of the Standard Model. All of the so far experimentally obtained data fitted perfectly in this model. Every experiment confirmed the Standard Model. The only problem was that the Standard Model was terribly ugly, complex and asymmetrical! And so, although everything seemed to confirm the Standard Model, something also seemed to be wrong! Furthermore, the deeper scientists went down to the depths of the subatomic world, the more they discovered strange, exotic particles! For these problems concerning the Standard Model, scientists found a solution by developing the superstring theory. When we make a string vibrate, we produce an audible tone. The pitch is determined by the string's length. A string of a certain length will produce a tone that is specific to that length, namely a tone with a frequency (=pitch) equal to the string's own vibration; a frequency in which the string will start to resonate. This own frequency depends on the length of the string. All of this enables us to play the violin! Depending on the position of our fingers, we can play different notes. The note we hear is determined by the part of the string between our fingers and the bridge. By changing the distance between our fingers and the bridge, we play different notes. Most essential here is the string, not the notes. Analogue to this John Schwartz and Michael Green developed their superstring theory, with infinitely thin strings that can resonate in different pitches. These vibrations correspond with the various strings. Schwartz and Green believe that, if we magnify an elementary particle under a microscope - which unfortunately we cannot do yet - we would no longer see particles but vibrations: the vibrations of a superstring! The rest of the superstring theory was further elaborated by Edward Witten. We can now deduce that it is not the elementary particles which are fundamental, but the harmonics created by the vibrating superstring. Matter therefore does not exist the way we experience it. Since we cannot magnify subatomic particles with our current techniques, we think of these particles as being elementary and fundamental. According to Schwartz, Green and Witten however, this is only appearance. According to them, the string and its vibrations are fundamental. Since a string is able to produce an infinite number of harmonics (just like the many notes we can play on a violin) we will observe an infinite number of particles. The superstring theory can deduce the character of particles from the resonating vibrations of a string. It can also deduce Einstein's equations by stipulating the right conditions on space-time. In fact, all theories before the superstring's - like Einstein's, Kaluza's and the Standard Model - can be deduced from the superstring theory! Conclusion The geometry and forms that we find in crop circles are strongly related with the harmonics and interference patterns created by vibrating strings. However there is no reason whatsoever to assume on this basis a connection with music or sound. If there is a connection at all, it is one of quantum mechanics. It's a reference to the nature of matter. Matter that does not exist the way we experience it in our day-to-day life. It's a reference to harmonics created by vibrating superstrings; the ones that give us the sensation of matter! Copyright: Bert Janssen, 1998.