Edon Northwest Local Schools Junior High School Choir Curriculum Guide Unit of Instruction: Objectives: Content: Skills: Quarter 2 Quarter 4 Entire Year Cathy Frastaci Unit One Unit Two Unit Three Unit Four Unit Five Unit Six Musical Terminology and Vocabulary Melodic Reading Rhythmic Reading Vocal Technique Historical and Cultural Understanding Technology and Careers Dynamics Articulations Expressive symbols Tempos Symbols and Signs Treble/Bass Clefs Accidentals Key Signatures up to 2 sharps/ flats Basic Forms Identify and Describe: Treble/Bass Clefs Key Signatures up to 3 sharps/ flats Accidentals Forms Perform, Identify, and Describe: Dynamics Articulations Expressive symbols Tempos Symbols and Signs Assessment: Quarter 1 Quarter 3 Diatonic Solfege Major Scale Note Name Identification Diatonic Chords I, IV, V Intervals Scale Construction Melodic Dictation Melodic Contour Melodic Error Detection Melodic Improvisation Melodic Composition Sight Reading Identify and Describe: Note Name Identification Scale Construction Melodic Contour Notate: Melodic Dictation Melodic Contour Melodic Error Detection Perform, Identify, and Describe: Major Scale Diatonic Solfege Intervals Diatonic Chords I,IV, V Melodic Improvisation Sight Reading Time Signatures Duple Meter Rhythmic Counting System Standard Rhythms Rhythmic Identification Beat division, subdivision Complex Rhythms Triple Meter Rhythmic Dictation Rhythmic Error Detection Rhythmic Improvisation Rhythmic Composition Sight Reading Identify and Describe: Rhythmic Identification Notate: Rhythmic Dictation Rhythmic Error Detection Rhythmic Composition Perform, Identify, and Describe: Time Signatures Rhythmic Counting System Sight Reading Rhythmic Improvisation Duple Meter Triple Meter Singing Technique Two and three part textures Posture Breath Control Intonation Diction and Vowel Production Tone Quality Phrasing Expressive Techniques Vocal Placement Following Conductor Performance Behavior Audience Etiquette Social Context Cultural Use of Music Varied Repertoire of Diverse Genres Varied Repertoire of Diverse Cultures Historic Development of Music Musical Styles Perform: Intonation Two and three part textures Expressive Techniques Vocal Placement Identify and Describe: Cultural Use of Music Historic Development of Music Social Context Demonstrate Use Of:: Basic Recording Technology Technology Based Assessments Describe and Demonstrate: Posture Tone Quality Breath Control Phrasing Singing Technique Diction and Vowel Production Following Conductor Performance Behavior Audience Etiquette Perform and Describe: Varied Repertoire of Diverse Genres Varied Repertoire of Diverse Cultures Musical Styles Identify and Describe: Copyright Law Ethical and Legal Issues Musical Careers Summative: Recorded Ensemble Performances Visual Assessments from photos and videos Written Assessments Summative: Written Assessments Experience: Exposure to Professional and Advanced Musicians Exposure to Professional and Advanced Performances Advanced Musical Opportunities Summative: Written Assessments Formative: Informal Questioning Written Assessments Discussion Based Assessments Formative: Informal Questioning Written Assessments Discussion Based Assessments 7TH- 6CE, 1RE, 2RE, 3RE Beginning Summative: Recorded Ensemble Performances Written Assessments Summative: Recorded Ensemble Performances Written Assessments Summative: Recorded Ensemble Performances Written Assessments Formative: Sectional Performances Aural Assessments Listening Assessments Self-Assessments Formative: Daily Group Sight ReadingAural Observation Sectionals- Aural Assessments Listening Assessments Self-Assessments 7TH- 1PR, 2PR, 3PR, 4PR 8TH- 1PR, 2PR, 3PR, 5PR 8TH- 1PR, 2PR, 4PR, 1RE, 4RE Ohio Content Standards: 7th- 1CE, 4CE, 5CE, 1PR, 5PR, 6PR, 5RE 8TH- 4CE, 1PR, 6PR, 2PR, 6RE Formative: Daily Group Sight ReadingAural Observation Sectionals- Aural Assessments Listening Assessments Self-Assessments 7TH- 1PR, 2PR, 3PR, 4PR, 5PR, 6PR 8TH- 3CE, 1PR, 2PR, 3PR, 5PR Progress Points/ Benchmarks: Differentiation: A, B A, B A, B A 7TH- 2CE, 3CE, 5CE, 1PR, 3RE, 4RE 8TH- 1CE, 2CE, 1PR, 2RE, 3RE, 4RE, 5RE A, B, C, D Beginning Beginning Beginning Beginning Beginning Formative: Goal Setting Sectionals- Aural Assessments Listening Assessments Self-Assessments 7TH- 1PR, 2PR, 1RE, 2RE Copyright Law Ethical and Legal Issues Musical Careers Basic Recording Technology Technology Based Assessments Exposure to Professional and Advanced Musicians Exposure to Professional and Advanced Performances Advanced Musical Opportunities 8TH- 5CE, 6CE, 7PR, 1RE, 4RE, 5RE, 7RE A, C, E, F Define and Identify Terminology and Vocabulary Partnerships with more advanced students Intermediate Apply Terminology and Vocabulary in Repertoire Performance Describe and Analyze Terminology and Vocabulary Advanced Interpret Terminology and Vocabulary Leadership with sectionals Technology Music dictionary online searches Online encyclopedia websites Music theory websites Varied repertoire that includes simple sight reading and music literature Stepwise introduction of melodic concepts begins at easiest concepts Partnerships with more advanced students Varied repertoire that includes simple sight reading and music literature Stepwise introduction of rhythmic concepts begins at easiest concepts Partnerships with more advanced students Intermediate Varied repertoire that includes intermediate sight reading and music literature Intermediate Varied repertoire that includes intermediate sight reading and music literature Advanced Varied repertoire that includes advanced sight reading and music literature Sectional leadership by advanced students Advanced Varied repertoire that includes advanced sight reading and music literature Sectional leadership by advanced students Learning by digital recording YouTube examples Spotify listening lessons BYOD personal recording Music theory websites Assessments by digital recording CD learning tracks SMART Music BYOD tuner Learning by digital recording YouTube examples Spotify listening lessons BYOD personal recording Music theory websites Assessments by digital recording CD learning tracks SMART Music BYOD metronome Partnerships with more advanced students Large group singing opportunities Repertoire that requires basic techniques Intermediate Sectional work that allows for more advanced development Identification of historical and cultural elements Intermediate Describe and analyze of historical and cultural elements Advanced Interpretation of historical and cultural elements Advanced Modeling of mastered techniques Solo and small ensemble opportunities Honor choir opportunities YouTube examples Spotify listening lessons Vocal technique websites Recorded singing assessments Online singing lessons Skype sessions with clinicians Online learning classroom Explore basic career and technology opportunities Experiences in beginning solos and ensemble work Intermediate Explore intermediate career and technology opportunities Experiences in intermediate solos and ensemble work Advanced Explore advanced career and technology opportunities Career preparation opportunities including lessons, solos, ensembles, and honors’ opportunities Music dictionary online searches Online encyclopedia websites Authentic world music videos Audacity Finale Garage Band Online composition sights Backing tracks for improvisation Digital recording software Online encyclopedia websites Online learning classroom