Greenhouse Gas Reduction Potential through MSW Management Comparative analysis of MSW management strategies Adam Silbert 4/28/10 Table of Contents Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 3 Approach ..................................................................................................................................... 4 Models..................................................................................................................................................... 4 Representative MSW Waste Streams........................................................................................... 5 Development of Scenarios ............................................................................................................ 14 Recycling Scenarios .................................................................................................................................... 14 Results ....................................................................................................................................... 17 Landfill Mass and Volume ............................................................................................................. 17 Electrical Power Production........................................................................................................ 19 Potential Landfill Methane Production ................................................................................... 20 Energy Requirements .................................................................................................................... 21 GHG Emissions .................................................................................................................................. 22 Custom Scenario............................................................................................................................... 23 Discussion ................................................................................................................................ 23 Conclusions .............................................................................................................................. 24 Works Cited ............................................................................................................................. 25 Appendix ................................................................................................................................... 26 2 Introduction Over the past century municipal solid waste management (MSW) has transformed from simple consolidation of refuse in landfills to the highly complex management system in place today to handle the ever growing waste management needs of increasing populations. Consistent with the global agenda for the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, it is crucial to examine the impact of waste management strategies on these gases. The purpose of this study was to examine a variety of MSW streams and management scenarios and to evaluate their impacts. There are a variety of waste management strategies and each has its own benefits and pitfalls. Landfills are often the cheapest option, but they require large amounts of space and may contain materials that might allow toxic leachate to enter soil and groundwater. Combustion in waste-to-energy (WTE) facilities is an alternative to landfills, thus recovering energy and sending only the ash to the landfills. However, this alternative results in concerns over its emissions and their effect on air quality. Either of these strategies would typically be coupled plans for composting and/or recycling. In this study, the strategies were evaluated for their impacts on landfill masses, volumes and methane production, electrical power production from WTE, GHG emissions and energy consumption. This study used two spreadsheet models, MSWFLOW (Haith, 1999) and WARM (U.S. EPA Climate Change Division, 2006) to calculate impacts. The waste streams reflected a range of communities, and included statewide averages, major urban and suburban communities and a national average, as developed for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. To maintain consistency with the EPA national data, the waste streams were generally based on residential, commercial and institutional solid wastes. This study recognizes that waste streams will have some degree of variation across the country due to environmental or other reasons. Where observed differences in management impacts have a correlation with waste composition, management scenarios can cater to the specific needs of an area. Observed similarities may indicate which management strategies are more resilient to differences in waste composition, and may thus apply to a greater proportion of the US. Based on these results, the study developed combination management scenarios, which are suitable for national and regional application. The remainder of this report includes explanations of the two models, MSWFLOW and WARM, and how and why they are used in the study. This report explains how the representative waste streams were chosen and adjusted for consistency with the models. Selection of waste management scenarios are described, including methods used to determine recycling levels. Results are presented that demonstrate how waste streams are affected by the management scenarios, and 3 these are followed by a discussion of these results and conclusions of the study. An appendix at the end of the report presents the waste stream inputs used in model runs. Approach Models The MSWFLOW model was designed to analyze the impacts of a solid waste management strategy on a specified waste stream. The model examines the wastes based on product types, which necessitates a relatively detailed waste characterization. Based on assumed physical and chemical properties of the product materials, the model calculates landfill mass and volume as well as landfill gas production (CO2 and CH4). The model also calculates a heating value that is converted to a theoretical electrical power production. Recovery amounts are determined based on percentages provided by the user for each waste product. The percentages of products not recovered by the Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) and sent either to a landfill or WTE facility is specified by the user. The MSWFLOW results are valuable for landfill operators, particularly with respect to space requirements and in anticipating the impact of the resultant greenhouse gas production and disposition strategies. Additionally the model can be used to anticipate the amount of materials a MRF can reasonably expect to receive as well as the amount of energy a WTE may potentially produce. The WARM model was designed by the EPA to provide a basis for comparison of GHG emissions and energy impacts for different materials based on different waste management scenarios. This model employs a life-cycle methodology that calculates the GHG emissions of a material through all phases of its life cycle by comparing its origins from either virgin materials or recycled inputs. The model takes into account such factors as fossil fuels required for transport and also calculates the difference in GHG emissions for energy production obtained from WTE or landfill gas combustion as compared to the burning of fossil fuels. The materials used for comparison in the WARM model make up more than 65% of the total waste stream. These materials were selected using three criteria: 1. The quantity generated 2. The difference in energy use for manufacturing the product from virgin versus recycled inputs 3. The potential contribution of the material to CH4 generation in landfills It is important to note that the WARM model is comparative. The results of WARM analysis are obtained by examining two waste management scenarios and are therefore valuable in understanding the relative efficacy of different waste strategies. The MSFLOW model produces absolute data from one waste management option. By employing both MSFLOW and WARM modeling, this study 4 shows that it is possible to carry out a comprehensive waste management methodology that integrates hard data on waste/landfill volumes, energy production, and a comparative analysis of GHG emissions as an integral part of the planning process. Representative MSW Waste Streams Waste stream data used in the study were selected to represent a range of U.S. conditions, including national, statewide and regional MSW generation. The data were obtained from five waste generation studies, representing U.S. national averages, as determined by the US EPA (Office of Solid Waste, 2007), Erie County, NY (Northeast-Southtowns Solid Waste Management Board, 2003), the state of Illinois (CDM, 2009), New York City (Department of Sanitation New York, 2005), and Sonoma County, CA (R3 Consulting group, 2003). Each study contains MSW data from residential and commercial sources only, excepting the Sonoma County data. The Sonoma County data contains waste from construction and demolition sources. This waste stream will provide results on how the management scenarios are affected by construction and demolition components of waste, namely wood and steel. The MSWFLOW model was based on the product categories used in the USEPA national averages, as shown in Table 1. 5 Table 1. US Per-capita Generation of MSW in 2007 (Office of Solid Waste, 2008) Product Percent by mass DURABLE GOODS Major Appliances Small Appliances Furniture & Furnishings Carpets & Rugs* Rubber Tires* Batteries, Lead-Acid Misc Durables 1.39 0.54 3.60 1.21 1.89 0.98 7.88 Total Durable 17.48 NONDURABLE GOODS Newspapers* Books Magazines* Office Papers* Directories* Standard (A) Mail* Other Commercial Printing Tissue Paper & Towels Paper Plates & Cups Plastic Plates & Cups Trash Bags Disposable Diapers Other Nonpackaging Paper Clothing & Footware Towels, Sheets, Pillowcases Misc Nondurables 4.23 0.52 0.98 2.31 0.27 2.27 2.41 1.35 0.50 0.33 0.41 1.44 1.71 3.20 0.42 1.60 Total Nondurable 23.96 (continued) 6 Table 1. (continued) Product Percent by mass CONTAINERS & PACKAGING Glass Pkg Beer & Soft Drink Bottles* Wine & Liquor Bottles* Food & Other Bottles & Jars* Total Glass 2.97 0.64 0.80 4.41 Total Steel 0.00 0.94 0.09 1.03 Total Aluminum 0.55 0.02 0.16 0.72 Total Paper Pkg 12.02 0.19 2.13 0.06 0.44 0.00 0.54 15.37 Steel Pkg Beer & Soft Drink Cans* Food & Other Cans* Other Steel Pkg Aluminum Pkg Beer & Soft Drink Cans* Other Cans* Foil & Closures Paper & Paperboard Pkg Corrugated Boxes* Milk Cartons Folding Cartons Other Paperboard Pkg Bags & Sacks Wrapping Papers Other Paper Pkg Plastics Pkg Soft Drink Bottles Milk Bottles Other Containers Bags & Sacks Wraps Other Plastics Pkg Total Plastics Wood Pkg* Other Misc Pkg 0.39 0.32 1.44 0.39 1.22 1.49 5.25 5.47 0.12 Total Containers & Pkg 32.37 Total Other Wastes 12.18 12.56 1.44 26.19 OTHER WASTES Food Wastes* Yard Waste* Misc Inorganic Wastes *Products that are the inputs into the WARM model 7 Compared to the national data obtained from the U.S. EPA, the other waste stream data did not always include the same amount of detail, leaving some categories blank and/or classifying large quantities of waste in ‘other’ or ‘miscellaneous’ categories. In these situations the waste was appropriated proportionally using the waste generation rates from the national average, and the distribution percentages are listed in Table 3. The “Report Product” column in the tables is the product listed as it is found in the original waste generation report. The “US EPA Product” column represents the products that the nonspecific “report product” best translates into. The last column shows how the report product is distributed among the corresponding EPA products. Complete distributions of products for each waste stream are provided in the Appendix. The materials breakdown of the MSW streams (Table 2) illustrates the disparity among the waste streams; values marked by an asterisk differ substantially from the median values. Both the state of Illinois and NYC have low yard waste at 6.4% and 4.9% respectively compared to the median 14.2%, presumably due to a landfill ban on yard waste in the state of Illinois since 1990 and NYC, being a highly urbanized environment, producing very little yard waste. These two waste streams also share a high proportion of plastics, 16.7% and 17.5% respectively, compared to the median 11.7%. Plastics have a high potential for energy production from WTE. The food waste proportion will have a large impact on the scenarios that involve composting and thus, it is important to observe major aberrations in this category. The food waste proportion for NYC, 20.5%, is significantly higher than the median at 12.2% and the proportion for Sonoma County is significantly lower at 5.2%. The NYC waste stream has a very low proportion of cardboard at 7.1%, compared to the median 14.4%. The Sonoma County waste stream includes construction and demolition debris and as a result, the waste stream’s proportion of wood and steel are unusually high. The Sonoma County waste stream is 16.7% wood compared to 7.6% for the national data. The waste stream contains 14.5% steel, calculated as Ferrous Packaging, compared to the median value of 3.6%. 8 Table 2. Materials Composition of Waste Streams Material Organic Food Waste Paper Cardboard Plastics Textiles Rubber Leather Yard Waste Wood Total Organic Inorganic Glass Ferrous Pkg Other Ferrous Aluminum Pkg Other Aluminum Other Metal Misc Total Inorganic Erie County, NY State of Illinois NYC, NY Sonoma County, CA 12.2 17.5 14.4 11.7 4.6 2.1 0.8 12.6 7.6 83.4 10.2 24.4 15.5 10.2 4.2 1.2 0.2 14.2 4.3 84.3 13.0 18.8 19.4 16.7* 6.3 1.6 0.8 6.4* 0.6 83.6 20.5* 26.3 7.1 17.5* 5.8 0.6 0.4 4.9* 1.6 84.6 5.2* 16.0 12.1 8.0 3.5 1.6 0.2 14.8 16.7 78.0 5.2 1.0 5.0 0.7 0.6 0.7 3.4 16.6 6.3 1.7 3.2 2.1 0.2 0.5 1.6 15.7 4.0 3.7 1.4 1.3 0.1 0.4 5.4 16.4 5.4 3.6 2.0 0.9 0.2 0.1 3.1 15.4 3.3 14.5* 3.2 0.3 0.4 0.2 0.1 22.0 National *Values which differ substantially from National values. One of the simplifications for the WARM model is that it uses a selection of the total products in the waste stream, namely those that have the most potential for GHG production. The product inputs required by the WARM model can be determined from those used in the MSWFLOW model. The products in Table 1 that are labeled with * are inputs in the WARM model. There is an exception, where the product list of plastic products (containers, bags, etc) does not convert directly to the plastic materials (HDPE, LDPE, PET). With exception of the State of Illinois, each of the waste generation reports contained data on the materials breakdown of plastics as well as a product breakdown. For the State of Illinois, the plastic was input as “Mixed Plastic” in the WARM model, which are composed of HDPE, LDPE and PET and are estimated by taking a weighted average of the 2003 recovery rates for the three plastic types. 9 Table 3a. Allocation of Waste Categories to EPA National Categories for Erie County, NY Report Product US EPA Product Other Ferrous Major appliances Small appliances Other Ferrous Furniture & Furnishings Wood Packaging Carpets & Rugs Clothing & Footware Towels, Sheets, Pillowcases Rubber Tires Clothing & Footware 68.95 26.48 4.57 39.68 60.32 25.00 66.24 Books Directories Standard (A) Mail Other Commercial Printing 9.43 4.93 41.59 44.05 Tissue Paper & Towels Paper Plates & Cups Plastic Plates & Cups Trash Bags Disposable Diapers Soft Drink Bottles Milk Bottles Other Containers Bags & Sacks Wraps Other Plastics Pkg Beer & Soft Drink Bottles Wine & Liquor Bottles Food & Other Bottles & Jars Milk Cartons Folding Cartons Other Paperboard Pkg 72.77 27.23 4.46 5.55 19.34 5.24 4.25 19.39 5.24 16.49 20.06 67.22 14.56 Bags & Sacks Other Paper Pkg 45.06 54.94 Wood Textiles Rubber Other Letter & Printing Disposable Paper Goods Total Plastics Total Glass Paperboard Other Paper Packaging % 8.76 0.37 0.63 18.22 8.09 89.48 2.43 10 Table 3b. Allocation of Waste Categories to EPA National Categories for State of Illinois Report Product US EPA Product Other Textiles Carpets & Rugs Towels, Sheets, Pillowcases Books Directories Standard (A) Mail Other Commercial Printing Tissue Paper & Towels Paper Plates & Cups Other Nonpackaging Paper Other Paperboard Pkg Bags & Sacks Other Paper Pkg Beer & Soft Drink Bottles Wine & Liquor Bottles Food & Other Bottles & Jars Other Cans Foil & Closures 74.06 Plastic Plates & Cups Soft Drink Bottles Milk Bottles Other Containers Wraps Other Plastics Pkg 6.38 7.49 6.08 27.74 23.59 28.71 Mixed Paper-Recyclable Compostable Paper Other Paper Total Glass Other Aluminum Total Plastics (excluding bags) % 25.94 5.12 2.68 22.60 23.94 13.38 5.01 17.02 0.57 4.36 5.32 67.22 14.56 18.22 8.89 91.11 11 Table 3c. Allocation of Waste Categories to EPA National Categories for New York City, NY Report Product US EPA Product Appliances: Ferrous Appliances: Non-Ferrous Appliances: Plastic Phone Books/Paperbacks Major Appliances Small Appliances 72.26 27.74 Books Directories Magazines Standard (A) Mail Other Commercial Printing Tissue Paper & Towels 65.69 34.31 14.00 32.44 Trash Bags Soft Drink Bottles Milk Bottles Other Containers Bags & Sacks Wraps Other Plastics Pkg Beer & Soft Drink Bottles Wine & Liquor Bottles Food & Other Bottles & Jars 7.28 6.87 5.58 25.44 6.87 21.63 26.33 Folding Cartons Other Paperboard Pkg Other Paper Pkg 78.22 Mixed Grade Low Paper Total Plastic(excluding disposable plastic) Total Glass Compostable/Soiled Paper/Waxed OCC/Kraft % 34.36 19.21 67.22 14.56 18.22 2.12 19.66 12 Table 3d. Allocation of Waste Categories to EPA National Categories for Sonoma County, CA Report Product US EPA Product Wood Furniture & Furnishings Wood Pkg Carpets & Rugs Clothing & Footware Towels, Sheets, Pillowcases Books Directories Other Commercial Printing Tissue Paper & Towels Paper Plates & Cups Other Nonpackaging Paper Milk Cartons Folding Cartons Other Paperboard Pkg Bags & Sacks Other Paper Pkg Plastic Plates & Cups Trash Bags Soft Drink Bottles Milk Bottles Other Containers Bags & Sacks Wraps Other Plastics Pkg Textiles/Leather Other Paper Total Plastic % 39.68 60.32 25.00 66.24 8.76 5.10 2.66 23.83 13.32 4.99 16.94 1.90 21.05 0.57 4.34 5.29 5.53 6.88 6.49 5.27 24.04 6.49 20.44 24.87 13 Development of Scenarios The four basic MSW management strategies included in the study are: Landfill, Waste to Energy, Recycling and Composting. They were combined into the following six management scenarios: (1) (2) (3) Send all waste to landfill Send all waste to WTE, landfill resultant ash Send all compostable materials to composting facility, landfill noncompostable products/materials (4) Send all compostable materials to composting facility, WTE noncompostable products/materials, landfill resultant ash (5) Send 60% of recyclable materials to MRF, landfill remaining waste (6) Send 60% of recyclable materials to MRF, WTE remaining waste, landfill resultant ash In combination with the five different MSW waste streams, this produced a total of 30 distinct situations to be evaluated. Recycling Scenarios The MSWFLOW model includes data on a theoretical “high” gross recovery, which are the projected 2010 recovery rates estimated by EPA in 1996 (Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response, 1996), where percent gross recovery is the amount of the product that is sent to a MRF. The MSWFLOW model calculates net recovery from gross recovery using data on residuals from MRFs. When the “high” gross recovery rates are applied to the products distribution of the 2007 waste stream, the gross recovery is 42%. This report examines extremes in management strategies to evaluate the impact one scenario has over another. It would be unreasonable to assert that any municipality could achieve 100% gross recovery, but some local municipalities such as San Francisco, CA have achieved 70% gross recovery. With this value as a reference point, a recovery rate of 60% was determined to be very high, but theoretically achievable. The 60% recovery rate was calculated based on the “high” gross recovery rate, where each product recovery rate is multiplied by some factor that produce an overall gross recovery of 60%. Table 3 includes the “high” recovery rates as found in the MSWFLOW model and the recovery rates of the respective products for the individual waste streams that result in 60% total recycling. The multiplicative factor to increase the recycling rate to 60% is included at the top of the table. For the purposes of calculations in WARM, compostable products consist of only yard waste and food discards. 14 Table 4. Recycling Rates for Waste Streams Multiplicative Factor Product “high” recovery rates National Erie County, NY State of Illinois NYC, NY Sonoma County, CA 1.5 1.3 1.5 2.4 1.3 Recovery rates necessary to achieve 60% total recycling DURABLE GOODS Major Appliances Small Appliances Furniture & Furnishings Carpets & Rugs Rubber Tires Batteries, Lead-Acid Misc Durables 79 11 11 11 37 99 26 100.0 16.8 16.8 16.8 56.5 100.0 39.7 100.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 47.0 100.0 33.0 100.0 16.5 16.5 16.5 55.6 100.0 39.1 100.0 26.1 26.1 26.1 87.7 100.0 61.6 100.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 46.9 100.0 33.0 94 37 53 66 32 38 100.0 56.5 80.9 100.0 48.8 58.0 100.0 47.0 67.4 83.9 40.7 48.3 100.0 55.6 79.7 99.3 48.1 57.2 100.0 87.7 100.0 100.0 75.8 90.1 100.0 46.9 67.2 83.7 40.6 48.2 42 5 5 5 5 5 64.1 7.6 7.6 7.6 7.6 7.6 53.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 63.2 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 99.6 11.9 11.9 11.9 11.9 11.9 53.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 5 26 7.6 39.7 6.4 33.0 7.5 39.1 11.9 61.6 6.3 33.0 26 5 39.7 7.6 33.0 6.4 39.1 7.5 61.6 11.9 33.0 6.3 NONDURABLE GOODS Newspapers Books Magazines Office Papers Directories Standard (A) Mail Other Commercial Printing Tissue Paper & Towels Paper Plates & Cups Plastic Plates & Cups Trash Bags Disposable Diapers Other Nonpackaging Paper Clothing & Footware Towels, Sheets, Pillowcases Misc Nondurables (continued) 15 Table 4. Continued Erie Sonoma State of NYC, County, County, Illinois NY NY CA Recovery rates necessary to achieve 60% total recycling National Product CONTAINERS & PACKAGING Glass Pkg Beer & Soft Drink Bottles Wine & Liquor Bottles Food & Other Bottles & Jars “high” recovery rates 58 58 88.5 88.5 73.7 73.7 87.2 87.2 100.0 100.0 73.6 73.6 58 88.5 73.7 87.2 100.0 73.6 Steel Pkg Beer & Soft Drink Cans Food & Other Cans Other Steel Pkg 74 74 74 100.0 100.0 100.0 94.0 94.0 94.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 93.9 93.9 93.9 Aluminum Pkg Beer & Soft Drink Cans Other Cans Foil & Closures 79 79 79 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Paper & Paperboard Pkg Corrugated Boxes Milk Cartons Folding Cartons Other Paperboard Pkg Bags & Sacks Wrapping Papers Other Paper Pkg 75 32 32 32 32 32 32 100.0 48.8 48.8 48.8 48.8 48.8 48.8 95.3 40.7 40.7 40.7 40.7 40.7 40.7 100.0 48.1 48.1 48.1 48.1 48.1 48.1 100.0 75.8 75.8 75.8 75.8 75.8 75.8 95.1 40.6 40.6 40.6 40.6 40.6 40.6 Plastics Pkg Soft Drink Bottles Milk Bottles Other Containers Bags & Sacks Wraps Other Plastics Pkg 68 47 32 16 16 16 100.0 71.7 48.8 24.4 24.4 24.4 86.4 59.7 40.7 20.3 20.3 20.3 100.0 70.7 48.1 24.1 24.1 24.1 100.0 100.0 75.8 37.9 37.9 37.9 86.3 59.6 40.6 20.3 20.3 20.3 Wood Pkg 37 56.5 47.0 55.6 87.7 46.9 16 65 24.4 99.2 20.3 82.6 24.1 97.8 37.9 100.0 20.3 82.5 OTHER WASTES Food Wastes Yard Waste 16 Results The percentage distributions of products for each of the five waste streams, as shown in the Appendix, were applied to a city of 100,000 people using the 2007 mean per capita MSW production of 765 kg/yr from Office of Solid Waste (2008). The MSWFLOW model outputs are shown in Figures 1-4 which display landfill mass, landfill volume, power output from a WTE facility and landfill methane (CH4) generation respectively. The WARM model outputs are shown in Figures 5 & 6 displaying energy savings and reduction in GHG emissions respectively. Because the WARM model is a comparative model, each scenario is displayed as compared to the “Landfill All” scenario. Landfill Mass and Volume The landfill mass and volume (Figures 1 & 2) as effected by a given management scenario show little variation among the waste streams. However, both landfill mass and volume spike up to 28% over the median for Sonoma County for each WTE scenario (WTE All, Compost + WTE, Recycle + WTE). This is likely due to the unusually high level of steel in the Sonoma County waste stream as noted in Table 2, due to the contributions of waste from construction and demolition sources. For the NYC waste stream, the “Recycle + Landfill” scenario lowers landfill mass 11% and landfill volume 15% from the median. Likewise, for the NYC waste stream the “Recycle + WTE” scenario lowers both landfill mass and volume 20% from the median. These results stem from the NYC waste stream having a very high proportion of food waste and a very low proportion of cardboard as shown in Table 2. Because of these factors, the mass and volume recycled in the NYC recycle scenarios are greater than the mass and volume of the other respective waste streams. Compared to the “Landfill All” scenarios, the “Compost + Landfill” scenarios show mass reductions from 18-24% and volume reductions from 7-10%. This indicates that a landfill operator would not benefit from a composting option, which would lower the income from tipping fees with little effect on the size requirements of the landfill. The Illinois waste stream exhibits higher landfill volumes for landfill-based management scenarios. This is likely a result of the Illinois waste stream’s high plastic content (16.7%), which has a relatively low density. 17 Figure 1. Landfill Mass for a U.S. city of 100,000 as affected by Waste Stream and Management Scenario. Landfill Mass Mass/day (Mg/d) 250 200 Landfill All WTE All 150 Compost + Landfill 100 Compost + WTE Recycle + Landfill 50 Recycle + WTE 0 National Erie Co Illinois NYC Sonoma Co Figure 2. Landfill Volume for a U.S. city of 100,000 as affected by Waste Stream and Management Scenario. Landfill Volume Volume/day (m^3/d) 600 500 Landfill All 400 WTE All Compost + Landfill 300 Compost + WTE 200 Recycle + Landfill 100 Recycle + WTE 0 National Erie Co Illinois NYC Sonoma Co 18 Electrical Power Production The electrical power output from a WTE facility (Figure 3) indicates power outputs vary significantly with waste stream. Across the waste streams, the data indicates that management strategies involving composting may reduce power output by as much as 10%. Management scenarios that include recycling demonstrate reductions in power production from 50-60% although, in this case, the effect is least in Sonoma County and greatest in NYC. The Sonoma County waste stream has a proportionally high amount of steel and a low amount of cardboard and paper products as noted in Table 2, due to the waste contribution of construction and demolition sources. The maximum energy production from WTE for Sonoma County is 7% smaller than the median due to the lack of paper products, which burn very well, and abundance of steel, which does not burn at all. The power produced for the “Recycle + WTE” scenario is nearly equal across the waste streams, excepting an 11% dip below the median for NYC. This demonstrates how Sonoma County’s unusual waste stream strongly effects its maximum energy production but has little effect on energy production for a recycling scenario, due to the high potential for steel and paper to be recycled. This indicates that many of the products that have the potential for energy production also have the greatest potential for recycling. The 11% drop for the “Recycle + WTE” scenario for NYC correlates with the data shown in Figures 1 and 2, that the NYC recycle scenario involves recycling a high proportion of products that have high energy content. The Illinois waste stream has the greatest potential for energy production. This stems from their relatively high amount of plastic products and textiles as seen in Table 2, which have larger heating values than most other MSW products. Figure 3. Electrical Power produced by waste combustion (WTE) for a U.S. city of 100,000 as affected by Waste Stream and Management Scenario. Power 160 Power (MW/d) 140 120 100 WTE All 80 Compost + WTE 60 Recycle + WTE 40 20 0 National Erie Co Illinois NYC Sonoma Co 19 Potential Landfill Methane Production The MSWFLOW model calculates the potential amount of landfill methane production (Figure 4) which assumes complete anaerobic degradation of the waste stream and 100% gas collection efficiency. The NYC waste stream has the lowest potential methane production for each scenario. Table 2 demonstrates that the NYC waste stream has a higher proportion of food waste and a lower proportion of cardboard. To investigate the possible implications of high food waste and low cardboard, the MSWFLOW model was applied using the National waste stream, and the proportions were modified for increasing levels of food waste and decreasing levels of cardboard. The potential landfill methane decreased with increases in food waste and with decreases in cardboard. This establishes that the NYC waste stream has the lowest potential methane production due to its high food waste and low cardboard content. As compared to the “Landfill All” scenario, the potential methane production is reduced 15-19 % with the addition of composting and 54-68% with recycling. In both cases, reduction is largest in the NYC waste stream. Figure 4. Potential Methane (CH4) generation for a U.S. city of 100,000 as affected by Waste Stream and Management Scenario compared to Landfilling Landfill Methane Volume/day (m^3/d) 70.0 60.0 50.0 40.0 Landfill All 30.0 Compost + Landfill Recycle + Landfill 20.0 10.0 0.0 National Erie Co Illinois NYC Sonoma Co 20 Energy Requirements The energy savings (Figure 5) compared to landfilling vary greatly with waste stream. The life-cycle analysis includes energy uses from manufacturing through disposal, and as a result, depends highly on the composition of the waste stream. Each waste stream does follow similar trends for the modeled scenarios. For all of the waste streams, the “Recycle + WTE” scenario achieved the highest energy savings, followed closely by the “Recycle + Landfill” scenario, indicating that a waste management strategy that maximizes recycling has major potential to impact energy savings. This is due to the life-cycle analysis, whereby making products out of recycled materials, energy can be saved that would otherwise have been used to create the product from virgin inputs. The “Compost + Landfill” scenario achieves few energy savings. Since these results are compared to a total landfill scenario, this indicates that composting has a negligible effect on energy saving. Further, when comparing the “WTE All” scenario with the “Compost + WTE” scenario, the compost has a negative impact. This is due to the energy that would have come from combustion of the compostable materials and replacement of the burning of fossil fuels. Thus, composting cannot be considered an energy-saving MSW management strategy. The Illinois waste stream achieves the highest energy savings. These results are similar to those observed in Figure 3 where Illinois also had the highest electrical power production. This is in a large part due to the Illinois waste stream containing high amounts of plastic and carpets. These materials have high energy savings per ton recycled, as shown in Appendix Figure A-1, and also have high heating values. Figure 5. Reduction in energy requirements for a U.S. city of 100,000 as affected by Waste Stream and Management Scenario compared to Landfilling Energy Savings National Erie Co Illinois NYC Sonoma Co 900 800 700 MWh/d 600 500 400 WTE ALL Compost + Landfill Compost + WTE 300 Recycle + Landfill 200 Recycle + WTE 100 0 -100 21 GHG Emissions The reductions in GHG emissions (Figure 6) across waste streams follow the pattern observed by energy savings in Figure 5. This is not surprising as that most energy use is related to burning of fossil fuels, which also produces GHG. For each waste stream, the “Recycle + Landfill” and “Recycle + WTE” scenarios achieve the greatest reduction in GHG emissions. This indicates that, as with results found in energy savings, recycling has the greatest impact on reduction of GHG emissions. This is due to the life cycle analysis whereby making products out of recycled materials GHG’s can be saved that would otherwise have been emitted if the product were made from virgin inputs. The “Compost + Landfill” scenarios have relatively small impacts across the waste streams excepting NYC. This can be explained by the high amount of food discards (20.5%) in the NYC waste stream. This causes the composting scenarios to have a more significant effect than they would otherwise, because the WARM model calculates carbon storage in the soil from composting. This high proportion of food waste is also responsible for the lower maximum achievable reduction in GHG emissions, because the waste streams are of equal mass, the NYC waste stream will have less recyclables as result of the waste stream having more food waste. The Illinois waste stream has the highest potential for reduction in GHG emissions, which correlates directly with the data observed for energy savings. This is due to the high proportion of plastics and carpets in the Illinois waste stream. These materials have a large difference in GHG emissions depending on whether they are made from virgin vs. recycled inputs. Figure 6. Reduction in GHG emissions for a U.S. city of 100,000 as affected by Waste Stream and Management Scenario compared to Landfilling Reduction in GHG Emissions 90.0 National Erie Co Illinois NYC Sonoma Co MTCE/d 80.0 70.0 WTE ALL 60.0 Compost + Landfill 50.0 Compost + WTE 40.0 Recycle + Landfill 30.0 Recycle + WTE 20.0 10.0 0.0 22 Custom Scenario Using the results on how waste streams respond to the different waste management scenarios, a scenario was constructed for use with the national average waste stream. This scenario is constructed with the purpose of maximizing reduction in GHG emissions and achieving energy savings. The results demonstrate that the best way to achieve these goals is to maximize recycling and WTE as alternatives to landfilling. With this in mind, this scenario has modified the recycling rates for each material, setting the recycling rates to over 95% for those products that yield the greatest reduction in GHG emissions and improve energy savings. These targeted materials were carpet, plastics, magazines/third class mail, corrugated boxes and aluminum. By targeting these materials for recycling and maximizing WTE, both the per day reduction in GHG emissions and the per day energy savings increase 10%. The amount of power produced in a WTE facility almost doubles, and the overall recycling rate drops to 53%. Discussion The MSWFLOW model produces results in absolute form, calculating waste flow characteristics based on the composition of the waste input. The results from the MSWFLOW model demonstrate that many waste streams have very similar responses to a given waste management strategy and noticeable deviations occur with major variations in the waste stream. In contrast, the WARM model produces results in a comparative form only, utilizing a life-cycle analysis to perform its calculations. The results from the WARM model show a relatively high degree of variability, by attributing the energy required and the GHG emissions to the materials as calculated in the life-cycle analysis. In the interest of energy savings and reduction of GHG emissions, maximizing recycling rates is the best management strategy. Building and operating an MRF can be a costly undertaking, due to a combination of technology and manpower requirements for the essential sorting process. The carbon credits from recycling could be sold to a power or processing plant that would face costly remediation measures to achieve the mandated reduction in GHG emissions. A waste stream similar to that of NYC, particularly containing a high proportion of food discards, will be able to achieve relatively high reduction in GHG emissions though a waste management strategy that includes composting. Composting efforts have little impact on GHG emissions otherwise, and have essentially no impact on energy savings. 23 Conclusions 1. One purpose of this study is to allow waste management planners to incorporate reduction of GHG emissions and energy savings into waste management strategies. For each waste stream, the two scenarios that included recycling exhibited the largest reduction in GHG emissions and the greatest energy savings. These scenarios also produced the least amount of power from combustion and landfill methane. Composting has the least significant impact on reduction of GHG emissions and had energy savings. 2. The Illinois waste stream exhibits the maximum potential for reduction in GHG emissions, energy savings and power produced from combustion from the scenarios that maximize recycling. This is due in a large part to the high proportion of plastics and carpets. Therefore, on a national scale, the local municipalities that have matching MSW characteristics could be targeted for recycling programs to achieve the greatest overall GHG emission reduction and energy savings. 3. The NYC waste stream represents a waste stream with a high proportion of food waste. Initial expectations were that the high food waste would result in high landfill methane. The results were contrary to these expectations, demonstrating that a high proportion of food waste favors carbon dioxide production over methane production. The high food waste proportion of 20.5% creates a significant potential for reduction of GHG emissions by composting, as compared to average waste streams. 4. The life cycle analysis provided by the EPA clearly shows how required energy inputs can differ between materials, as well has the differences between materials being made from virgin vs. recycled inputs. This study demonstrates the power that these materials can have as components of a waste stream. As demonstrated by the customized scenario, the most favorable alternative for a waste management strategy is to achieve maximum recycling for the short list of materials that have significant energy savings (aluminum, carpet, plastics). 24 Works Cited Department of Sanitation New York City (DSNY), NYC Waste Characterization Study, 2005, Haith, D.A. 1998. Materials balance for municipal solid waste management. Journal of Environmental Engineering 124(1):67-75 Illinois Recycling Association, 2009, Illinois Commodity/Waste Generation and Characterization Study, Oak Park, IL NorthEast-Southtowns (N.E.S.T.) 2003. Solid Waste Management Board, NorthEast Southtowns Regional Solid Waste Management Plan, Buffalo, NY, March 21, 2003 Office of Solid Waste. 20078. Municipal Solid Waste in the United States:2007 Facts and Figures. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington D.C. Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response (OSWER). (1996). "Characterization of municipal solid waste in the United States: 1995 update." Rep. No. EPA530-R-96001. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. R3 Consulting Group. 2003. Sonoma County 2003 Solid Waste Generation Study. Sonoma County Waste Management Agency, Santa Rosa. CA. U.S. EPA Climate Change Division. 2006. Solid waste management and greenhouse gases: A life-cycle assessment of emissions and sinks (3rd ed). EPA530-R-06-004. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington DC. 25 Appendix Table A-1. MSW input percentages for the MSWFLOW model National Erie Co, NY Illinois NYC, NY Sonoma Co, CA % by mass % by mass % by mass % by mass % by mass DURABLES Major Appliances 1.39 2.37 0.86 1.38 0.58 Small Appliances 0.54 0.91 0.39 0.53 1.40 Furniture & Furnishings 3.60 2.03 1.01 2.41 7.92 Carpets & Rugs 1.21 0.51 4.46 1.43 0.77 Rubber Tires 1.89 1.49 1.32 0.32 2.14 Batteries, Lead-Acid 0.98 0.73 0.73 0.08 0.23 Misc Durables 7.88 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Newspapers 4.23 6.84 6.15 8.75 2.84 Books 0.52 0.69 0.39 0.72 0.41 Magazines 0.98 1.04 3.00 1.68 0.58 Office Papers 2.31 3.04 2.06 1.04 2.72 Directories 0.27 0.36 0.20 0.37 0.22 Standard (A) Mail 2.27 3.07 1.72 3.89 3.63 Other Commercial Printing 2.41 3.25 1.82 4.12 1.94 Tissue Paper & Towels 1.35 1.40 1.02 2.30 1.08 Paper Plates & Cups 0.50 0.52 0.38 0.50 0.41 Plastic Plates & Cups 0.33 0.48 0.88 0.59 0.36 Trash Bags 0.41 0.60 1.18 1.13 0.45 Disposable Diapers 1.44 2.08 2.13 3.71 0.49 Other Nonpackaging Paper 1.71 2.53 1.30 0.80 1.38 Clothing & Footware 3.20 3.87 2.38 3.60 2.05 Towels, Sheets, Pillowcases 0.42 0.18 0.85 1.58 0.27 Misc Nondurables 1.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NONDURABLE GOODS (Continued) 26 Table A-1. (Continued) National Erie Co, NY Illinois NYC, NY Sonoma Co, CA % by mass % by mass % by mass % by mass % by mass CONTAINERS & PACKAGING Glass Pkg Beer & Soft Drink Bottles 2.97 4.04 2.64 3.50 1.84 Wine & Liquor Bottles 0.64 0.88 0.57 0.76 0.40 Food & Other Bottles & Jars 0.80 1.10 0.72 0.95 0.50 Beer & Soft Drink Cans 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Food & Other Cans 0.94 1.55 1.23 1.39 3.05 Other Steel Pkg 0.09 0.16 2.51 2.25 11.47 Beer & Soft Drink Cans 0.55 0.97 0.71 0.24 0.18 Other Cans 0.02 0.10 0.05 0.07 0.01 Foil & Closures 0.16 1.07 0.54 0.63 0.13 12.02 12.55 17.26 1.35 10.22 Milk Cartons 0.19 0.23 0.24 0.46 0.15 Folding Cartons 2.13 2.59 1.85 5.12 1.71 Other Paperboard Pkg 0.06 0.07 0.04 0.14 0.05 Bags & Sacks 0.44 0.72 0.33 0.81 0.35 Wrapping Papers 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Other Paper Pkg 0.54 0.88 0.40 1.29 0.43 Soft Drink Bottles 0.39 0.56 1.04 1.07 0.42 Milk Bottles 0.32 0.46 0.84 0.87 0.34 Other Containers 1.44 2.09 3.84 3.96 1.56 Bags & Sacks 0.39 0.56 0.58 1.07 0.42 Wraps 1.22 1.77 3.27 3.37 1.32 Other Plastics Pkg 1.49 2.16 3.98 4.10 1.61 Wood Pkg 5.47 3.09 0.00 0.22 12.05 Other Misc Pkg 0.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Food Wastes 12.18 10.18 13.03 20.54 5.16 Yard Waste 12.56 14.22 6.40 4.90 14.77 1.44 0.00 3.67 0.00 0.00 Steel Pkg Aluminum Pkg Paper & Paperboard Pkg Corrugated Boxes Plastics Pkg OTHER WASTES Misc Inorganic Wastes 27 Table A-2. MSW input percentages for the WARM model National Erie Co, NY Illinois NYC, NY Sonoma Co, CA % by mass % by mass % by mass % by mass % by mass Aluminum Cans 0.56 1.08 0.77 0.31 0.19 Steel Cans 0.94 1.55 1.23 1.39 3.05 - - - - - Glass 4.41 6.01 3.93 5.21 2.74 HDPE 2.17 2.33 - 1.15 0.29 LDPE 2.46 2.72 - 0.01 1.39 PET 1.45 0.96 - 1.42 0.23 Copper Wire Corrugated Cardboard 12.02 12.55 17.26 1.35 10.22 Magazines/Third-class Mail 3.26 4.11 4.72 5.57 4.21 Newspaper 4.23 6.84 6.15 8.75 2.84 Office Paper 2.31 3.04 2.06 1.04 2.72 Phonebooks 0.27 0.36 0.20 0.37 0.22 - - - - - 5.47 3.09 - 0.22 12.05 - - - - - Food Scraps 12.18 10.18 13.03 20.54 5.16 Yard Trimmings 12.56 14.22 6.40 4.90 14.77 Grass - - - - - Leaves - - - - - Branches - - - - - Mixed Paper (general) Mixed Paper (primarily residential) Mixed Paper (primarily from offices) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mixed Metals - - - - - Mixed Plastics - - 13.54 - - Mixed Recyclables - - - - - Mixed Organics - - - - - Textbooks Dimensional Lumber Medium-density Fiberboard Mixed MSW - - - - - 1.21 0.51 4.46 1.43 0.77 Personal Computers - - 0.45 0.32 - Clay Bricks - - - - - Concrete1 - - - - - Fly Ash2 - - - - - Tires3 1.89 1.49 1.32 0.32 2.14 Total 67.39 71.02 75.52 54.30 62.98 Carpet 28 Figure A-1. Energy Savings per Ton Recycled* (U.S. EPA Climate Change Division, 2006) *Assumes recycled materials would otherwise have been landfilled. Aggregate refers to concrete recycled as aggregate. 29