AUGUST 2013 ANIMAL LEGISLATION TO WATCH SB = Senate Bill HB = House Bill = URGENT ACTION NEEDED! = MHS bill NOTE: THE MICHIGAN LEGISLATURE IS IN SUMMER RECESS. IT IS THEREFORE UNLIKELY THAT ANY OF THE BILLS BELOW WILL BE VOTED ON OVER THE SUMMER, ALTHOUGH THEY MAY GET HEARINGS. THE SENATE AND HOUSE WILL HOLD SPECIAL SESSIONS A COUPLE OF DAYS IN AUGUST. THE HOUSE AND SENATE WILL BE BACK IN SESSION ON SEPTEMBER 3RD. HB4300: Primate Ownership Ban CALLS NEEDED NOW! This bill passed out of committee and is waiting being taken up for a vote on the House floor in September. Calls are needed to your state representative in order for this bill to be taken up! History: HB4300 was reintroduced by Rep. Kandrevas on 2/21/13. Michigan Humane Society worked closely with the Detroit Zoo to draft this legislation. It would add non-human primates to the species banned for private ownership by the Large Carnivore Act in Michigan. Currently, only large exotic cats (lions, tigers, etc.) and bears may not be owned privately as “pets.” This bill had a hearing in the House Criminal Justice Committee on 5/15/13. A few amendments were made, and the substitute bill was voted out of committee. Michigan Humane Society has distributed a white paper on this bill for legislators and constituents. A joint letter of support was sent to all Representatives from MHS, Michigan Association of Animal Control Officers, the Animal Law Section of the State Bar, Animals and Society Institute, and the Detroit Zoological Society on 6/4/13. HB4850 & HB4851: Puppy Protection Act Introduced by Rep. Barnett and Rep. Roberts on 6/19/13, the tie-barred bills would require large-scale commercial dog breeding kennels with more than 15 adult intact female dogs to register with the Michigan Department of Agriculture, pay a $500 annual fee, and comply with care and housing regulations. The bills include a cap of 50 adult intact females. These bills mirror those introduced in the Senate. They are awaiting a hearing in the House Regulatory Reform Committee. HB4803: Animal Control LIEN Access Introduced by Rep. Walsh on 6/5/13, this bill would add municipal animal control officers to the law enforcers able to access the Law Enforcement Information Network. It is awaiting a hearing in the House Judiciary Committee. SB386 & HB4755: Stricter Penalties for Animal Abusers Concerning Animal Ownership Introduced by Sen. Jones in the Senate and Rep. Santana in the House on 5/21/13, this bill would require courts to prohibit ownership of animals for a minimum of five years by any person convicted of certain crimes against animals, including neglect, abuse and fighting. SB386 had a hearing in the Senate Judiciary Committee on 6/18/13. It was not voted out of committee. HB4755 is awaiting a hearing in the House Criminal Justice Committee. Questions? Call MPAW at 888-735-5806. Find your State Senator at Find your State Representative at Contact Governor Rick Snyder at 517-373-3400 SB354: Euthanasia Procedures Introduced by Sen. Jones on 5/8/13, this bill would mandate that a dog or cat under control of a municipal animal control shelter could only be euthanized by administering an injection of a commercially prepared solution. In effect, this would ban the use of the gas chamber for dogs and cats in municipal facilities. Only a handful of municipal animal shelters in Michigan still have and use a gas chamber. The bill in amended form was passed by the Senate Agriculture Committee on 6/18/13 and now awaits a vote on the Senate floor. HB4534/4535 & SB377/378: Animal Abuse Registry (aka “Logan’s Law”) SB377/78 were heard again in the Senate Judiciary Committee on 7/30/13. Concerns about the expense and support needed for a separate registry have prompted the bill sponsors to consider allowing registered nonprofit animal shelters free access to the Internet Criminal History Access Tool (ICHAT) which already lists convicted offenders. There is normally a $10 search fee. Again, no vote was taken by the committee. Substitute bills are being drafted and should be available this fall. History: Introduced by Representatives Santana and Muxlow in the House on 4/10/13 and by Senator Beida in the Senate on 5/22/13, this would be the first state law of its kind in the nation. It would set up an online registry for convicted violators of Michigan’s animal abuse laws, including those against animal fighting, neglect, torture, abandonment, etc. Public and private animal shelters would be required to check the registry before adopting out an animal, including at adoption events held offsite. Not all Michigan animal shelters have online access at this time. Animal breeders, pet stores, rescue groups, and private individuals would have access to the registry, but would not be required to check it before selling or adopting an animal. The House bills had a hearing in the Judiciary Committee on 6/6/13, at which Michigan Humane Society testified in support, but recommended broadening them to mandate pre-sale registry checking by pet stores and breeders. MHS submitted written testimony to the same effect at the Senate bills hearing in the Judiciary Committee on 6/18/13. Neither committee voted on the bills. SB348: Puppy/Kitten Lemon Law This bill is a re-introduction on 5/2/13 by Senator Bieda. It would give certain protections to people who buy dogs or cats from breeders, pet dealers, pet shops, and private individuals. It does not apply to animal shelters, as the animals in shelters are not purpose-bred for sale, but rather rescued and rehabilitated unwanted and lost pets from the community. It is awaiting a hearing in the Senate Agriculture Committee. SB285 & SB286: Stronger Penalties for Animal Cruelty This bill pair would increase the penalties for repeat violations of Michigan’s cruelty law; add harsher penalties for breeders and pet shop owners; and classify animal cruelty by degree (1st through 3rd). They were introduced by Senators Bieda and Jones on 3/21/13. Repeated offenders and offenses involving 25 or more animals would have stronger penalties including higher fines and longer jail time and probation. They were reported favorably from the Senate Judiciary Committee on 4/17/13, and are awaiting a vote by the full Senate. HB4335: Dogs Allowed in Outdoor Restaurant Seating Areas This bill was introduced by Rep. O’Brien on 2/27/13. It would allow dogs to be seated with customers at restaurants with outdoor seating. However, it would not mandate that restaurants allow dogs. This bill is a reintroduction from last session and is awaiting a hearing in the House Tourism Committee. HB4168: Eliminate Requirement that County Sheriff Kill Stray Dogs This bill was introduced by Rep. O’Brien on 2/5/13. It would eliminate the outdated requirement that the County Sheriff kill all unlicensed stray dogs. This bill has had two hearings. The amendment H-1 was adopted at the second hearing and it was voted out of committee. The House then passed the bill on 5/16/13. It has now been sent to the Senate, where it is awaiting a hearing in the Local Government and Elections Committee. Questions? Call MPAW at 888-735-5806. Find your State Senator at Find your State Representative at Contact Governor Rick Snyder at 517-373-3400 SB152: Michigan Humane Society License Plate This bill was drafted by Michigan Humane Society. It was re-introduced by Sen. Pappageorge on 2/5/13. It would establish a specialty license plate with funds benefitting Michigan Humane Society. The start-up costs for the plate (several thousand dollars) would be borne by MHS. This bill did not move last session due to opposition by the State Police to more specialty plates in general. This bill is awaiting a hearing in the Senate Transportation Committee. SB117 & SB118: Puppy Protection Act Michigan Humane Society developed this pair of bills that would require large-scale commercial dog breeding kennels to register with the Michigan Department of Agriculture, pay an annual registration fee, and comply with housing and care guidelines. They would also limit the number of adult female intact dogs housed for breeding purposes in a single location to 50 animals. These bills were introduced last session, but died without a hearing in the Senate Agriculture Committee. They have been reintroduced by Senators Bieda and Jones on 1/30/13 and are again awaiting a hearing in the same committee. SB29: Antifreeze Bittering This bill was re-introduced by Sen. Bieda on 1/16/13. It would require that antifreeze sold in Michigan contain a bittering agent to help prevent accidental ingestion and poisoning of animals. It passed the Senate on 5/1/13 and is now awaiting a hearing in the House Regulatory Reform Committee. Questions? Call MPAW at 888-735-5806. Find your State Senator at Find your State Representative at Contact Governor Rick Snyder at 517-373-3400