Unit 1 Place Value and Decimal Fractions 20 Days 5.NBT.1 5.NBT.2 5.NBT.3 5.NBT.4 5.NBT.7 5.MD.1 Unit 2 Multi-Digit Whole Number and Decimal Fractions Operations 35 Days 5.OA.1 5.OA.2 5.NBT.1 5.NBT.2 5.NBT.5 5.NBT.6 5.NBT.7 5.MD.1 Major Clusters OA – Operations and Algebraic Thinking (1,2,3) NBT – Number and Operations in Base Ten (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) Unit 3 Unit 4 Multiplication and Addition and Division of Fractions Subtraction of and Decimal Fractions Fractions 22 Days 38 Days 5.NF.1 5.OA.1 5.NF.2 5.OA.2 5.NBT.7 5.NF.3 5.NF.4 5.NF.5 5.NF.6 5.NF.7 5.MD.1 5.MD.2 Supporting Clusters (Support Major Clusters) MD – Measurement and Data (1,2,3,4) Unit 5 Unit 6 Addition and Multiplication with Volume and Area 25 Days 5.NF.4 5.MD.3 5.MD.4 5.MD.5 5.G.3 5.G.4 Problem Solving with the Coordinate Plane 35 Days 5.OA.2 5.OA.3 5.G.1 5.G.2 Additional Clusters OA – Operations and Algebraic Thinking (5) MD – Measurement and Data (5,6,7) G – Geometry (1,2,3) NF – Number and Operations – Fractions (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) Please Note: Not all of the content in a given grade is emphasized equally in the standards. Some clusters require greater emphasis than others based on the depth of the ideas, the time that they take to master and/or their importance to future mathematics or the demands of college and career readiness. In addition, an intense focus on the most critical material at each grade allows depth in learning, which is carried out through the Standards of Mathematical Practice. To say that some things have greater emphasis is not to say that anything in the standards can safely be neglected in instruction. Neglecting material will leave gaps in student skill and understanding and may leave students unprepared for the challenges of a later grade. Major clusters – areas of intensive focus, where students need fluent understanding and application of the core concepts (approximately 70% of instructional time) Supporting clusters – rethinking and linking; areas where some material is being covered, but in a way that applies core understandings of major clusters (approximately 20% of instructional time) Additional Clusters – expose students to other topics, though at a distinct level of depth and intensity (approximately 10% of instructional time) Summary of Year for Grade 5 Mathematics In Grade 5, instruction should focus on three critical areas: (1) Students apply their understanding of fractions and fraction models to represent the addition and subtraction of fractions with unlike denominators as equivalent calculations with like denominators. They develop fluency in calculating sums and differences of fractions, and make reasonable estimates of them. Students also use the meaning of fractions, of multiplication and division, and the relationship between multiplication and division to understand and explain why the procedures for multiplying and dividing fractions make sense. (Note: this is limited to the case of dividing unit fractions by whole numbers and whole numbers by unit fractions.) (5.NF.1; 5.NF.2; 5.NF.3; 5.NF.4; 5.NF.6; 5.NF.7) (2) Students develop understanding of why division procedures work based on the meaning of base-ten numerals and properties of operations. They finalize fluency with multi-digit addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. They apply their understandings of models for decimals, decimal notation, and properties of operations to add and subtract decimals to hundredths. They develop fluency in these computations, and make reasonable estimates of their results. Students use the relationship between decimals and fractions, as well as the relationship between finite decimals and whole numbers (i.e., a finite decimal multiplied by an appropriate power of 10 is a whole number), to understand and explain why the procedures for multiplying and dividing finite decimals make sense. They compute products and quotients of decimals to hundredths efficiently and accurately. (5.NBT.1; 5.NBT.2; 5.NBT.3; 5.NBT.4; 5.NBT.6; 5.NBT.7) (3) Students recognize volume as an attribute of three-dimensional space. They understand that volume can be measured by finding the total number of same-size units of volume required to fill the space without gaps or overlaps. They understand that a 1-unit by 1-unit by 1-unit cube is the standard unit for measuring volume. They select appropriate units, strategies, and tools for solving problems that involve estimating and measuring volume. They decompose three-dimensional shapes and find volumes of right rectangular prisms by viewing them as decomposed into layers of arrays of cubes. They measure necessary attributes of shapes in order to determine volumes to solve real world and mathematical problems. (5.MD.3; 5.MD.4; 5.MD.5) Fluency Expectations for Grade 5 Mathematics 5.NBT.5 Fluently multiply multi-digit whole numbers using the standard algorithm.