LUSD Model Technology Classroom Packet

WANTED: Technology Starved Teachers for Exciting Opportunity
Dear LUSD Teachers,
In 2014-2015, Lompoc Unified School District will pilot a 1:1 initiative where each student in selected
classrooms will have a mobile device. This is an opportunity to be the teacher in that classroom. The pilot
will focus on the 21st century learning and innovation skills known as the 4 C’s: Creativity, Critical Thinking,
Communication and Collaboration. The teacher will coach, scaffold, and model the 4 C’s while each student
will be able to practice and develop the skills on their own mobile device. The teacher will create an
environment that is conducive to exploration and inquiry while the students have the opportunity to learn
the subject matter using the technology in their hands.
The District will provide professional development, training and support for this program. The success of
the program requires that interested teachers agree to a two-year commitment as outlined in the
application. Teachers may apply as individuals or as partners. Applications must be submitted by 4:00 p.m.
on Friday, June 13, 2014.
The application form is attached and is also located on the LUSD website under Headlines. Please
download a form for completion and forward as an attachment to Anna Hernandez
( with the subject line: Attention Technology Application. Applications may also
be submitted through District mail. Please address the envelope to: Anna Hernandez – Information,
Technology and Education Services Department.
Information, Technology and Education Services Department
Lompoc Unified School District
1301 North “A” Street, Lompoc, CA 93436 (805)742-3260 Fax (805)742-2928
Teacher Commitments:
1. The teacher will use technology that is integrated in the classroom for 30% of each week during the
first year. Thereafter, the teacher will increase technology use by an additional 20% in year two.
2. The teacher will allow instructional walkthroughs by other LUSD teachers and administrators two or
more times per month (walkthroughs will be scheduled in advance through collaboration with the
3. The teacher will develop, offer and plan professional development or information for other LUSD
4. The teacher will collaborate with other teachers piloting the model technology classroom one time
per month.
5. The teacher will plan and facilitate two parent information nights during each of the two years.
6. The teacher will offer four presentations to the Board of Education (two in each of the two years).
7. The teacher will plan, prepare and deliver instruction as a “flipped classroom” two times per month.
8. The teacher will attend ongoing professional development as provided by LUSD and other outside
organizations as necessary.
LUSD Commitments:
1. LUSD will provide a classroom set of student computers.
2. LUSD will provide an interactive projector and other associated hardware necessary for a successful
integrated technology classroom.
3. LUSD will collaborate with the teacher regarding ways to facilitate internet access for the students
that will participate in the “flipped instruction.”
4. LUSD will work with teachers to provide training and support to ensure the success of this pilot
Information, Technology and Education Services Department
Lompoc Unified School District
1301 North “A” Street, Lompoc, CA 93436 (805)742-3260 Fax (805)742-2928
Model Technology Classroom Teacher
Due: Friday, June 13 by 4:00 p.m.
Please submit your completed application to:
Leslie Wagonseller – Director of Information, Technology and Education Services Department
c/o Anna Hernandez
Grade Level:
Please provide responses to the following prompts (in writing, video or a combination of the two):
1. Provide a general description of how you will integrate the technology tools provided by LUSD into your
classroom instruction. How will these tools help to improve student learning in your classroom?
2. Describe a successful lesson or unit where you have integrated technology to help increase student
achievement. What tools were used and what were the student outcomes?
3. With the technology provided, describe a sample lesson that you would develop to provide rich learning
opportunities to help students meet their learning goals. Identify the standards that your lesson or unit
would address.
4. Discuss your vision of this technology classroom and how you will measure the impact on student
5. How will you work in collaboration with your site administrator to ensure a successful and effective pilot?
6. How will you plan for opening your classroom to visitation by your colleagues?
7. Please tell us why you would like to be part of the Model Technology Classroom Team.
Information, Technology and Education Services Department
Lompoc Unified School District
1301 North “A” Street, Lompoc, CA 93436 (805)742-3260 Fax (805)742-2928