General Education Application for Course Certification Date Submitted: Department Name: Department Mail Code: Course Title, Number, & Number of Credits (also include all related cross listed courses): Catalog Course Description: Does the current course description adequately reflect the course content? Pre and or Co-requisite Course(s) (Course # and Title(s)), if any: General Education Category(ies) Requested: (Complete additional outcomes information on the category application.) Is course required for any majors? If yes, which majors? Has the course been approved by the Curriculum Committee? Semester and Year of Proposed Course Offering: Planned Frequency of Course Offering: Yes No: Explain any discrepancies: The Fine Arts & Humanities I or II Math Statistics Natural Sciences Behavioral/Social Sciences Non-Western Culture Historical Understanding Literature Thought, Values & Beliefs Visual & Performing Arts Yes: List the majors: No Yes Approximate date approved: No (Please submit the course for approval to the Curriculum Committee before requesting General Education approval.) Every Fall Semester Number of sections planned: Every Spring Semester Number of sections planned: Every Summer Semester Number of sections planned: Other: If multiple sections of the course will be offered, how will the department ensure the consistency of student learning outcomes and assessment across all sections? By typing my name in the field below, I indicate agreement that this course meets institutional standards for general education and this proposal has my support for the course for use in the general education curricula. Dept. Head/Director Name: Date Approved: Dean Name: Date Approved: The following action was taken by the General Education Committee: Certified Date: Recertified for 5 years Returned for revisions/more information DATE additional material/information is due: Decertified Vote: ___ For ___ Against ___ Abstain Document1• 2/8/2016 1:25:00 AM General Education Application for Course Certification Signature of Chair Date: General Education Course Certification Specific for Fine Arts & Humanities Course Department, Course #, Name, CRN: A separate document is required for each section/CRN unless the course is coordinated and has a common syllabus and assessments across all sections. If available, sample assignments (3-5, planned or completed [student work]) should also be submitted. Syllabi will be pulled from institutional files and DO NOT need to be submitted. Courses can qualify in more than one category/subcategory. Fine Arts & Humanities: OVERALL CATEGORY OUTCOMES Students will: Describe the forms and limits of knowledge in the arts and the humanities. Identify the relationships among ideas, text, and artistic works and their cultural and historical contexts. Recognize and evaluate competing interpretations of texts broadly defined. Compare the differences and commonalities among the various disciplines in the Fine Arts and Humanities. Apply the techniques of interpretation and analysis characteristic of disciplines in the Fine Arts and Humanities to explore significant issues, texts, and artistic works. Communicate the results of their inquiries and analyses in writing, Fine Arts & Humanities: HISTORICAL UNDERSTANDING Subcategory Describe how this course meets each outcome. Provide specific examples of course assignments, activities, etc., that assure students learn these outcomes. Students will: Note: Fields will expand as needed. Tab between fields. Explain concepts such as cause and effect, change over time, context, and contingency. Explain the varieties of historical evidence and assess their strengths and limitations. Analyze and interpret primary and secondary source material, distinguish between them, and place them in context. Evaluate multiple perspectives that emerge from differing narratives and sources. Follow and construct logical and coherent historical arguments. Articulate the relationship between the past and the present. If the course has been offered before, include 3-5 student samples of the completed assessments, if available. By typing my name in the field below, I indicate agreement that this course meets institutional standards for general education and this proposal has my support for the course for use in the general education curricula. Dept. Head/Director Name: Date Approved: Dean Name: Date Approved: Document1• 2/8/2016 1:25:00 AM General Education Application for Course Certification Document1• 2/8/2016 1:25:00 AM General Education Application for Course Certification General Education Course Certification Specific for Fine Arts & Humanities Course Department, Course #, Name, CRN: A separate document is required for each section/CRN unless the course is coordinated and has a common syllabus and assessments across all sections. If available, sample assignments (3-5, planned or completed [student work]) should also be submitted. Syllabi will be pulled from institutional files and DO NOT need to be submitted. Courses can qualify in more than one category/subcategory. Fine Arts & Humanities: OVERALL CATEGORY OUTCOMES Students will: Describe the forms and limits of knowledge in the arts and the humanities. Identify the relationships among ideas, text, and artistic works and their cultural and historical contexts. Recognize and evaluate competing interpretations of texts broadly defined. Compare the differences and commonalities among the various disciplines in the Fine Arts and Humanities. Apply the techniques of interpretation and analysis characteristic of disciplines in the Fine Arts and Humanities to explore significant issues, texts, and artistic works. Communicate the results of their inquiries and analyses in writing, Fine Arts & Humanities: LITERATURE Subcategory Describe how this course meets each outcome. Provide specific examples of course assignments, activities, etc., that assure students learn these outcomes. Students will: Note: Fields will expand as needed. Tab between fields. Read and comprehend college-level literature. Identify and discuss multiple levels of meaning. Recognize and analyze figurative language. Construct theses and logical arguments related to the meaning or contexts of texts. Articulate differences in genre (e.g. fiction, poetry, drama, etc.) and subgenre (e.g. short story, essay, epic, sonnet, etc.). Address the influence of cultural and historical contexts on literary texts. Arbitrate competing interpretations. If the course has been offered before, include 3-5 student samples of the completed assessments, if available. By typing my name in the field below, I indicate agreement that this course meets institutional standards for general education and this proposal has my support for the course for use in the general education curricula. Dept. Head/Director Name: Date Approved: Dean Name: Date Approved: Document1• 2/8/2016 1:25:00 AM General Education Application for Course Certification General Education Course Certification Specific for Fine Arts & Humanities Course Department, Course #, Name, CRN: A separate document is required for each section/CRN unless the course is coordinated and has a common syllabus and assessments across all sections. If available, sample assignments (3-5, planned or completed [student work]) should also be submitted. Syllabi will be pulled from institutional files and DO NOT need to be submitted. Courses can qualify in more than one category/subcategory. Fine Arts & Humanities: OVERALL CATEGORY OUTCOMES Students will: Describe the forms and limits of knowledge in the arts and the humanities. Identify the relationships among ideas, text, and artistic works and their cultural and historical contexts. Recognize and evaluate competing interpretations of texts broadly defined. Compare the differences and commonalities among the various disciplines in the Fine Arts and Humanities. Apply the techniques of interpretation and analysis characteristic of disciplines in the Fine Arts and Humanities to explore significant issues, texts, and artistic works. Communicate the results of their inquiries and analyses in writing, Fine Arts & Humanities: THOUGHT, VALUES & BELIEFS Subcategory Describe how this course meets each outcome. Provide specific examples of course assignments, activities, etc., that assure students learn these outcomes. Students will: Note: Fields will expand as needed. Tab between fields. Identify the key components of at least one body of thought. Explain and analyze a body of thought. Apply the unique perspective of the body of thought to a specific problem or question. Effectively articulate in writing their individual perspective in relation to the body of thought. If the course has been offered before, include 3-5 student samples of the completed assessments, if available. By typing my name in the field below, I indicate agreement that this course meets institutional standards for general education and this proposal has my support for the course for use in the general education curricula. Dept. Head/Director Name: Date Approved: Dean Name: Date Approved: Document1• 2/8/2016 1:25:00 AM General Education Application for Course Certification General Education Course Certification Specific for Fine Arts & Humanities Course Department, Course #, Name, CRN: A separate document is required for each section/CRN unless the course is coordinated and has a common syllabus and assessments across all sections. If available, sample assignments (3-5, planned or completed [student work]) should also be submitted. Syllabi will be pulled from institutional files and DO NOT need to be submitted. Courses can qualify in more than one category/subcategory. Fine Arts & Humanities: OVERALL CATEGORY OUTCOMES Students will: Describe the forms and limits of knowledge in the arts and the humanities. Identify the relationships among ideas, text, and artistic works and their cultural and historical contexts. Recognize and evaluate competing interpretations of texts broadly defined. Compare the differences and commonalities among the various disciplines in the Fine Arts and Humanities. Apply the techniques of interpretation and analysis characteristic of disciplines in the Fine Arts and Humanities to explore significant issues, texts, and artistic works. Communicate the results of their inquiries and analyses in writing, Fine Arts & Humanities: VISUAL AND PERFORMING ARTS Subcategory Describe how this course meets each outcome. Provide specific examples of course assignments, activities, etc., that assure students learn these outcomes. Students will: Note: Fields will expand as needed. Tab between fields. Describe, interpret, and analyze creative modes of expression Offer multiple solutions to specific creative problems. Form and defend judgments about creative modes of expression. Compare ideas, issues, or themes in human civilizations’ achievements. If the course has been offered before, include 3-5 student samples of the completed assessments, if available. By typing my name in the field below, I indicate agreement that this course meets institutional standards for general education and this proposal has my support for the course for use in the general education curricula. Dept. Head/Director Name: Date Approved: Dean Name: Date Approved: Document1• 2/8/2016 1:25:00 AM