Energy Use, Blue Water Footprint, and Greenhouse Gas Emissions for Current Food Consumption Patterns and Dietary Recommendations in the US Supplementary Information Michelle S. Tom1, Paul S. Fischbeck2,3, Chris T. Hendrickson1 1 Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, Carnegie Mellon University, 5000 Forbes Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, United States 2 Department of Engineering and Public Policy, Carnegie Mellon University, 5000 Forbes Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, United States 3 Department of Social and Decision Sciences, Carnegie Mellon University, 5000 Forbes Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, United States Corresponding author email: 1. Methods and Data 1.1 Daily Calories per US adult 1.1.1 Methods for Estimating Current and Recommended Daily Calories Anthropometric parameters for the Resting Energy Expenditure (REE) predictive equations along with physical activity data are retrieved from the CDC National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, which interviews and examines thousands of respondents in the US each year (CDC 2014). Requisite anthropometric data for each adult respondent is input into the eight REE equations to calculate a range of predicted REEs for each respondent. Additionally, Metabolic Equivalent of Task (MET) scores, which provide energy expenditures for given physical activities at a designated intensity, are used to determine the Caloric cost of each activity in which individuals participate (Gerrior et al. 2006). The sum of these scores are then used to estimate total physical activity levels (PALs) (sedentary:1.0 ≤ PAL <1.4, low active:1.4 ≤ PAL <1.6, active: 1.6 ≤ PAL <1.9, or very active: 1.9 ≤ PAL <2.5) for each respondent. The corresponding physical activity factors for each level are 1.0, 1.12, 1.27, and 1.54 for men and 1.0, 1.14, 1.27, and 1.45 for women, respectively (Gerrior et al. 2006). The products of REEs and physical activity factors yield a range of daily Caloric intake, or Total Energy Expenditure (TEE), for each respondent. A basic formulation for daily per-capita TEE in the US then follows as: ππΈπΈ = ∑π π=1 π πΈπΈπ × πβπ¦π ππππ π΄ππ‘ππ£ππ‘π¦ πΉπππ‘πππ × ππππβπ‘ πΉπππ‘πππ π (1) Where m represents the number of adults surveyed, n represents the number of adults in the US (US Census Bureau 2013) and Weight Factori is the number of people in the US that survey participant, i, represents. The weight factor parameters are specified by the CDC and applied to this analysis to ensure adequate representation of Caloric intake estimates for the US population. 1 Daily recommended Caloric intake is estimated in a similar manner. However, for REE in equation 2, actual weight is replaced with maximum healthy or “normal” weight (MNW), which is estimated as: ππππ = π΅ππΌ × (π»π )2 (2) Where BMI is set to 25, the overweight threshold, and H is height in meters (CDC 2015). The difference between TEE and recommended TEE is the amount of extra Calories an individual consumes. Extra Caloric intake is estimated for each overweight and obese respondent. This study does not account for the deprivation of Calories by underweight individuals or for normal weight examinees whose weights fall below their estimated maximum normal weight values. Underweight and normal weight individuals, however, are included in the total adult population estimates. 1.1.2 Food Calorie Estimates and Food Loss Estimates Table 1. Daily Caloric Intake per US Adulta 2010 Current Caloric Intake Recommended Caloric Intake Extra Caloric Intake Percentage Extra Mifflin et al (1990) 2,290 2,110 180 8.2% Harris & Benedict (1919) 2,350 2,130 220 9.4% Roza & Shizgal (1984) 2,430 2,220 210 8.8% Livingston (2005) 2,270 2,090 180 7.9% Muller et al (2004) 2,410 2,190 220 8.8% Schofield (1985) 2,430 2,220 210 8.5% Henry (2005) 2,390 2,150 240 9.8% Owen et al (1986, 1987) 2,280 2,110 170 7.2% Averageb 2,390 2,190 200 8.5% a b Caloric intake estimates exclude Calories associated with food losses at the retail and consumer levels. Average estimates are the mean of the values estimated from the eight REE equations. 2 Table 2. Daily Caloric Intake of Individual Foods per US Adulta Food Group Fruits/Fruit Juice Vegetables Dairy Grains Protein Meat Poultry Eggs Fish/Seafood Nuts, seeds, soy Added sugars Solid Fats Oils Current Caloric Intakeb USDA Recommended Food Mix @ 2,000 Caloriesc USDA Recommended Food Mix @ 2,200 Caloriesc USDA Recommended Food Mix @ 2,400 Caloriesc Caloric Intake (Dietary Scenario 1)d Caloric Intake (Dietary Scenario 2)e Caloric Intake (Dietary Scenario 3)f 114 127 261 547 480 259 153 33 14 22 293 209 356 210 195 465 487 370 153 100 27 39 51 15 15 243 210 234 465 568 401 167 110 30 44 51 31 31 261 210 234 465 649 435 176 116 31 49 63 65 65 279 104 116 239 500 394 237 140 30 13 20 268 191 326 210 234 465 644 433 175 115 31 48 63 62 62 278 210 231 465 562 399 166 109 30 43 51 30 30 260 2,190 Total 2,390 2,000 2,200 2,400 2,190 2,390 a Caloric intake estimates exclude Calories associated with food losses at the retail and consumer levels. b Current Caloric intake for individual foods are estimated based on the Centers for Disease Control 2007-10 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), which presents average daily intake of food (per 2000 calories) by food group and demographic characteristics (CDC 2014, USDA 2014a). c Recommended food mix is based on the Benchmark Food Density chart found in the USDA Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2010, which presents recommended daily intake of individual foods at various Caloric intake levels (US Department of Agriculture and US Department of Health and Human Services 2010). d Dietary Scenario 1 accounts for a reduction in Caloric intake only, without shifting the current US diet to the USDA recommended food mix. e Dietary Scenario 2 accounts for a shift to the USDA recommended food mix only, without reducing total Caloric intake. f Dietary Scenario 3 accounts for both a reduction in Caloric intake and a shift to the USDA recommended food mix. 3 Table 3. Food Losses and Daily Caloric Consumption per US Adulta Food Group Fruits/Fruit Juice Processed Fruits Vegetables Processed Vegetables Fluid Milk Other Dairy Products Grains Protein Meat Poultry Eggs Fish/Seafood Nuts, seeds, soy Added sugars Solid Fats Oils Retail Level Food Losses (Percentage)b Consumer Level Food Losses (Percentage)b Total Retail and Consumer Level Food Losses (Percentage)b 11% 6% 11% 6% 12% 8% 12% -5% 4% 7% 8% 6% 11% 19% 19% 28% 15% 21% 15% 20% 20% 19% -23% 17% 21% 32% 11% 29% 20% 20% 40% 21% 32% 21% 32% 29% 31% -28% 21% 28% 40% 17% 40% 39% 39% Current Caloric Consumptionc Caloric Consumption (Dietary Scenario 1)d Caloric Consumption (Dietary Scenario 2)e Caloric Consumption (Dietary Scenario 3)f 190 173 349 349 187 172 344 340 384 350 684 684 793 647 360 193 45 23 26 488 342 584 724 591 328 177 42 21 24 445 313 533 933 589 244 146 43 80 75 104 102 456 814 544 231 138 41 72 61 49 49 426 Total ---3,620 3,300 3,560 3,260 a Caloric consumption estimates include Calories associated with food losses at the retail and consumer levels. b Source of food loss estimates: US Department of Agriculture 2014b; Buzby et al. 2014 c Current Caloric consumption estimates are obtained by applying the food loss percentages at the retail and consumer levels to the current Caloric intake estimates shown in Table 2 above. d Dietary Scenario 1 accounts for a reduction in Caloric intake only, without shifting the current US diet to the USDA recommended food mix. Food losses at the retail and consumer levels are applied to the Caloric intake estimates for dietary Scenario 1 to obtain Caloric consumption values. e Dietary Scenario 2 accounts for a shift to the USDA recommended food mix only, without reducing total Caloric intake. Food losses at the retail and consumer levels are applied to the Caloric intake estimates for dietary Scenario 2 to obtain Caloric consumption values. f Dietary Scenario 3 accounts for both a reduction in Caloric intake and a shift to the USDA recommended food mix. Food losses at the retail and consumer levels are applied to the Caloric intake estimates for dietary Scenario 3 to obtain Caloric consumption values. 4 1.2 Meta-Analysis of Environmental Intensities for Foods The information presented in Table 4 is drawn from published life-cycle assessment (LCA) studies for food products evaluated in our study. The minimum and maximum values shown represent the minimum and maximum intensity factors found in the literature. The average estimates are the averages of all intensity values obtained for each food type. Some sources provide multiple estimates for the same food type to account for differences in geographic location, production methods, and/or cooking requirements. The total number of intensity values used in our analysis is displayed in the column, “Number of Estimates.” Additionally, proxies are used for food types for which data is unavailable. Proxies are displayed under the column, “Number of Sources.” This column also provides the number of studies contributing to the intensity factor estimates for each food type. Table 5 presents the underlying data for the cumulative energy intensity values used in this analysis. Although the majority of food consumed in the US is also produced in the US (approximately, 83% by weight according to the USDA (2015)), there is a lack of US-based LCA studies for food products, particularly in terms of energy use. Hence, energy use estimates were taken from an extensive collection of both domestic and foreign-based LCA studies to account for all food types in our study, as well as to capture the full spectrum of energy intensity values for different locations, production processes, technologies, system boundaries, etc. The USDA LossAdjusted Food Availability Data Set (2014b) was used to develop conversion factors that allowed us to transform energy use intensities from MJ/kg to MJ/kCal. Table 6 presents the underlying data for the cumulative water intensity values used in this analysis. Two of the most comprehensive LCAs for the water footprints of food products were conducted by Mekonnen and Hoekstra (2011, 2012). We therefore, retrieve the majority of our 5 water intensity values from these two sources - the exception being estimates for seafood products, which are not included in their analyses. Mekonnen and Hoekstra (2011, 2012) provide green, blue, and grey water footprints for over 400 agricultural and animal products produced worldwide. Since the majority of our food is produced in the US, we use their US-based blue water footprint estimates, which include water use within the food supply chain from farm to retail. Their water footprints for agricultural products are weighted averages for crop production and various production and irrigation methods used across the US, while their animal product water footprints are weighted averages for different livestock production practices (grazing, industrial, and mixed) implemented across the country. Additionally, we incorporate global averages from Mekonnen and Hoekstra (2011, 2012) for each food product in our analysis to account for US consumption of food produced overseas. Identifying import statistics for each food type by country of origin is beyond the scope of this project; therefore, we use global averages to expand our range of blue water intensity values. The USDA Loss-Adjusted Food Availability Data Set (2014b) was used to develop conversion factors that allowed us to transform water use intensities from liters/kg to liters/kCal. The greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions estimates are not shown here. However, we used the GHG emissions factors from the Heller and Keoleian (2014) study. The GHG estimates are provided in their online Supporting Information. Note 1. 1 Calorie = 1 food Calorie = 1 kilocalorie (kCal) = 4,186.8 Joules. 6 Table 4. Cumulative Energy Use and Blue Water Footprint Factors for 100+ Food Types Energy Use Blue Water Footprint MJ/kCal Number of Number of Sources Estimates Number of Number of Sources Estimates 1.0E-02 3 16 2.2E-01 1 16 1.7E-03 1.0E-02 2 1.5E-03 1.1E-02 9.4E-02 3.7E-01 1 12 7.1E-03 9.2E-02 1 4 2.6E-03 5.7E-04 5.3E-02 1.5E-02 2.7E-01 1 12 barley products 4.6E-03 oat products 5.4E-03 5 5.4E-02 2.2E-02 8.7E-02 1 6 6 1.3E-01 4.9E-02 2.3E-01 1 8 Fresh fruit 3.2E-01 1.6E-01 7.1E-01 5 3.0E-01 1.2E-01 8.7E-01 1 10 11 3.6E-01 2.6E-01 4.7E-01 1 2 3 1.2E-01 1.1E-01 1.2E-01 1 2 1 1 2.6E-01 1.5E-01 3.7E-01 1 2 1 1 2.3E-01 1.1E-01 3.5E-01 1 2 1.6E-02 2 2 5.6E-01 5.3E-01 5.9E-01 1 2 7.1E-02 1 1 9.7E-02 8.6E-02 1.1E-01 1 2 9.1E-03 1.7E-02 1 3 1.1E+00 3.9E-01 1.6E+00 1 4 2.1E-02 1.2E-02 3.4E-02 Berries 10 2.4E-01 2.3E-01 2.5E-01 1 2 1.3E-02 1.1E-02 1.4E-02 1 2 2.2E-01 1.4E-01 3.0E-01 1 2 honeydew 6.7E-02 6.7E-02 6.7E-02 1 1 9.2E-02 8.1E-02 1.0E-01 1 2 kiwi 1.9E-01 1.9E-01 1.9E-01 1 1 5.4E-01 2.8E-01 8.0E-01 1 2 mangoes 1.8E-01 1.8E-01 1.8E-01 1 1 9.5E-01 5.6E-01 1.3E+00 1 2 papaya 3.0E-01 3.0E-01 3.0E-01 1 1 1.3E-01 1.0E-01 1.6E-01 1 2 peaches 5.9E-03 5.9E-03 5.9E-03 1 1 6.2E-01 4.5E-01 7.8E-01 1 2 pears 5.5E-03 7.3E-04 1.5E-02 Apples 11 2.4E-01 1.6E-01 3.3E-01 1 2 pineapples 6.2E-03 5.4E-03 7.0E-03 1 2 1.4E-02 9.8E-03 1.8E-02 1 2 plums 1.5E-02 1.1E-02 2.1E-02 Cherries 3 7.4E-01 4.1E-01 1.1E+00 1 2 Food Type Average min max Grain products 3.0E-03 8.3E-04 1.0E-02 total wheat flours 2.7E-03 8.0E-04 rice 5.4E-03 rye flour 7.5E-03 corn products liters/kCal Average min max 8.1E-02 2.6E-02 2.4E-01 6.9E-02 2.0E-02 5 2.2E-01 1 3 4.5E-02 1.0E-02 2 10 5.7E-04 1.1E-02 2 6.7E-04 1.0E-02 1 4.5E-02 1.7E-02 1.1E-01 citrus 1.1E-02 3.1E-04 2.2E-02 3 apples 6.1E-03 8.0E-04 1.6E-02 4 apricots 1.6E-03 1.1E-03 2.2E-03 Cherries avocados 6.5E-04 6.5E-04 6.5E-04 bananas 1.3E-02 1.3E-02 1.3E-02 blueberries 1.6E-02 1.6E-02 cantaloupe 7.1E-02 7.1E-02 cherries 1.3E-02 cranberries grapes 7 raspberries 1.6E-02 1.4E-02 1.7E-02 3 3 2.7E-01 1.0E-01 4.4E-01 1 4 strawberries 3.6E-02 1.8E-03 8.8E-02 3 5 2.5E-01 1.6E-01 3.3E-01 1 4 watermelon 8.0E-02 8.0E-02 8.0E-02 1 1 2.0E-01 8.3E-02 3.1E-01 1 2 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- canned fruit 4.1E-02 3.4E-02 4.7E-02 2 2 7.7E-01 1.4E-01 2.4E+00 1 6 frozen fruit 1.1E-02 1.1E-02 1.5E-02 2 5 8.4E-02 4.5E-02 1.9E-01 1 6 dried fruit 1.8E-02 1.3E-02 2.7E-02 2 4 3.9E-01 0.0E+00 1.4E+00 1 34 fruit juices 8.1E-02 1.5E-02 2.3E-01 2 6 3.0E-01 1.7E-01 7.3E-01 1 18 Fresh vegetables 3.3E-02 1.1E-02 8.3E-02 1.8E-01 6.7E-02 4.4E-01 artichokes 6.2E-02 1.4E-03 3.4E-01 All Fresh Veg 58 7.6E-01 5.2E-01 1.0E+00 1 2 asparagus 1.3E-02 1.3E-02 1.3E-02 1 1 3.6E+00 5.9E-01 6.6E+00 1 2 bell peppers 8.9E-02 8.9E-02 8.9E-02 1 1 3.4E-01 2.1E-01 4.8E-01 1 2 broccoli 1.0E-01 9.1E-02 1.2E-01 1 8 1.5E-01 6.2E-02 2.4E-01 1 2 brussel sprouts 6.8E-02 8.6E-03 9.7E-02 Broccoli/Cabbage 10 1.2E-01 4.9E-02 1.9E-01 1 2 cabbage 1.9E-02 1.6E-02 2.2E-02 1 2 3.1E-01 1.1E-01 5.0E-01 1 2 carrots 6.8E-03 3.3E-03 9.8E-03 3 6 5.9E-02 4.9E-02 6.9E-02 1 2 cauliflower 1.2E-01 1.5E-02 1.7E-01 Broccoli/Cabbage 10 2.1E-01 8.5E-02 3.3E-01 1 2 celery 1.9E-02 1.9E-02 1.9E-02 Asparagus 1 1.7E-01 1.4E-01 2.0E-01 1 2 collards 9.6E-02 1.2E-02 1.4E-01 Broccoli/Cabbage 10 2.0E-01 6.9E-02 3.9E-01 Broccoli/Cabbage 4 sweet corn 1.1E-02 2.5E-03 4.4E-02 Corn products 10 1.8E-01 1.8E-01 1.8E-01 1 2 cucumbers 2.0E-01 2.0E-01 2.0E-01 Melons 1 7.8E-01 3.6E-01 1.2E+00 1 2 eggplant 2.1E-01 2.2E-02 5.3E-01 Tomatoes 10 2.6E-01 1.3E-01 3.8E-01 1 2 escarole & endive 1.8E-01 4.4E-02 9.3E-01 Lettuce 13 2.2E-01 1.7E-01 2.7E-01 Head lettuce 2 garlic 2.2E-03 1.9E-03 2.5E-03 Onions 2 9.0E-02 5.5E-02 1.2E-01 1 2 kale 5.8E-02 7.3E-03 8.3E-02 Broccoli/Cabbage 10 1.4E-01 5.2E-02 2.3E-01 1 2 head lettuce 2.3E-01 5.5E-02 1.2E+00 1 13 2.8E-01 2.2E-01 3.3E-01 1 2 romaine & leaf lettuce 1.7E-01 4.2E-02 8.8E-01 1 13 2.1E-01 1.6E-01 2.5E-01 1 2 lima beans 8.0E-02 1.8E-02 1.4E-01 Snap beans 4 8.3E-02 4.7E-02 1.2E-01 1 2 mushrooms 2.2E-02 2.0E-02 2.4E-02 1 3 1.0E+00 9.1E-01 1.3E+00 1 3 mustard greens 1.1E-01 1.4E-02 1.6E-01 Broccoli/Cabbage 10 2.7E-01 9.8E-02 4.4E-01 Cabbage 2 okra 9.3E-02 2.1E-03 5.1E-01 All Fresh Veg 58 4.2E-01 1.2E-01 7.2E-01 1 2 onions 7.9E-03 6.9E-03 9.0E-03 1 2 1.1E-01 1.1E-01 1.1E-01 1 1 Processed fruit 8 potatoes 9.4E-03 9.4E-04 4.1E-02 pumpkin 1.1E-01 1.1E-01 1.1E-01 radishes 1.8E-01 2.3E-02 2.6E-01 snap beans 2.9E-01 6.5E-02 5.1E-01 spinach 1.2E-01 2.8E-03 squash 1.8E-01 1.8E-01 sweet potatoes 5.6E-03 tomatoes 2.9E-01 turnip greens 9.0E-02 5 7 8.7E-02 4.7E-02 1.3E-01 1 2 Squash 1 1.0E-01 9.2E-02 1.2E-01 1 2 Broccoli/Cabbage 10 9.3E-02 9.3E-02 9.3E-02 1 1 1 4 3.1E-01 4.3E-01 4.3E-01 1 6 6.8E-01 All Fresh Veg 58 1.1E-01 5.9E-02 1.6E-01 1 2 1.8E-01 1 1 1.7E-01 1.5E-01 1.9E-01 1 2 5.6E-04 2.5E-02 Potatoes 7 2.7E-02 4.5E-03 4.9E-02 1 2 3.0E-02 7.3E-01 5 10 3.9E-01 3.6E-01 4.2E-01 1 2 1.1E-02 1.3E-01 Broccoli/Cabbage 10 7.4E-02 6.1E-02 8.6E-02 1 2 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Canned 5.6E-02 2.6E-02 1.2E-01 4 16 6.0E-01 1.1E-01 1.7E+00 1 16 frozen 3.7E-02 1.4E-02 6.8E-02 2 7 1.5E-01 4.7E-02 3.4E-01 1 14 processed and dehydrated 4.9E-03 6.4E-04 1.2E-02 2 4 7.3E-02 6.6E-03 3.0E-01 1 18 Legumes 6.2E-03 3.8E-03 8.4E-03 1 4 2.3E-01 9.5E-02 4.5E-01 1 8 Fluid milk 1.1E-02 6.7E-03 1.6E-02 6 11 2.2E-01 1.4E-01 3.2E-01 1 10 Other dairy products 1.4E-02 8.2E-03 2.1E-02 1.1E-01 9.1E-02 1.2E-01 Yogurt 2.5E-02 1.8E-02 4.1E-02 2 4 1.5E-01 1.3E-01 1.6E-01 1 2 cheese 1.7E-02 8.1E-03 2.5E-02 4 8 1.1E-01 1.0E-01 1.2E-01 1 8 cottage cheese 7.5E-02 3.6E-02 1.1E-01 Cheese 8 3.0E-01 2.7E-01 3.4E-01 1 2 ice cream 4.5E-03 2.2E-03 7.5E-03 2 5 6.8E-02 5.3E-02 8.2E-02 Cream 6 other frozen dairy evaporated condensed milk dry milk products 1.9E+00 9.5E-01 3.2E+00 Ice Cream 5 3.0E+01 2.3E+01 3.5E+01 Cream 6 6.0E-03 3.6E-03 8.7E-03 Fluid milk 11 1.2E-01 7.3E-02 1.7E-01 Milk 10 1.2E-02 6.8E-03 1.6E-02 2 3 9.8E-02 8.7E-02 1.1E-01 1 6 half and half 3.1E-02 3.1E-02 3.1E-02 Cream 1 2.3E-01 2.1E-01 2.6E-01 1 2 eggnog 3.1E-02 3.1E-02 3.1E-02 Cream 1 1.5E-01 1.3E-01 1.6E-01 1 2 cream 8.8E-03 8.8E-03 8.8E-03 1 1 6.4E-02 4.9E-02 7.6E-02 1 6 sour cream 1.1E-02 1.1E-02 1.1E-02 Cream 1 7.2E-02 6.4E-02 8.0E-02 1 2 cream cheese 2.1E-02 1.0E-02 3.1E-02 Cheese 8 1.4E-01 1.3E-01 1.6E-01 1 2 Meat 1.4E-02 7.3E-03 2.1E-02 1.7E-01 6.2E-02 3.2E-01 beef 1.5E-02 7.9E-03 2.5E-02 4 9 1.7E-01 8.8E-02 3.1E-01 1 24 veal 2.0E-02 1.0E-02 3.3E-02 Beef 9 2.2E-01 1.2E-01 4.1E-01 Beef 24 Processed vegetables 9 pork 1.2E-02 6.3E-03 1.6E-02 4 8 1.8E-01 1.9E-02 3.5E-01 1 32 lamb 1.2E-02 1.7E-02 3.5E-03 3 9 9.0E-02 1.7E-01 2.8E-02 1 20 Poultry 1.2E-02 7.4E-04 2.0E-02 5 14 1.3E-01 1.3E-01 1.4E-01 1 4 Fish and Seafood 4.4E-02 1.5E-02 1.5E-01 9.4E-03 4.6E-03 1.9E-02 fresh and frozen fish 4.3E-02 9.0E-03 2.0E-01 6 22 1.1E-02 3.5E-06 3.4E-02 1 3 fresh and frozen shellfish 7.4E-02 2.1E-02 2.5E-01 3 13 2.0E-03 2.0E-03 2.0E-03 1 1 canned fish and shellfish 2.6E-02 1.6E-02 3.6E-02 4 6 1.2E-02 1.2E-02 1.2E-02 1 1 cured fish 3.8E-02 3.8E-02 3.8E-02 Canned Fish 6 1.2E-02 1.2E-02 1.2E-02 Canned fish 1 Eggs 3.9E-03 3.9E-04 1.3E-02 2 5 2.0E-01 1.3E-01 3.5E-01 1 10 Nuts 6.1E-04 5.4E-04 6.8E-04 1.8E-01 7.3E-02 4.4E-01 peanuts 3.6E-04 3.3E-04 4.0E-04 1 3 4.3E-02 2.7E-02 6.4E-02 1 4 total tree nuts 1.0E-03 8.7E-04 1.1E-03 1 2 4.9E-01 1.8E-01 1.2E+00 1 14 coconuts Added sugar and sweeteners cane and beet sugar 1.0E-03 8.7E-04 1.1E-03 Total tree nuts 2 1.8E-04 1.2E-04 2.5E-04 1 2 2.9E-03 2.4E-03 3.9E-03 7.1E-02 3.3E-02 1.3E-01 1.7E-03 6.6E-04 3.7E-03 3 5 4.8E-02 6.6E-03 1.3E-01 1 16 honey and syrup 9.1E-04 3.4E-04 1.5E-03 1 2 9.2E-02 5.6E-02 1.3E-01 1 2 1 1 1 8 corn sweeteners 4.7E-03 4.7E-03 4.7E-03 Added fats and oils 2.3E-03 1.3E-03 3.3E-03 butter 4.7E-03 3.9E-03 5.8E-03 margarine 3.9E-03 3.1E-03 lard and beef tallow 3.8E-03 3.1E-03 shortening 3.8E-03 salad and cooking oils 1.7E-03 other added fats and oils 2.7E-03 9.2E-02 5.6E-02 1.3E-01 1.0E-01 1.4E-02 2.4E-01 3 6 5.8E-02 5.2E-02 6.5E-02 1 2 4.8E-03 2 4 1.9E-01 7.2E-03 4.9E-01 Cooking oils 14 4.7E-03 Butter 6 4.7E-02 4.1E-02 5.2E-02 Butter 2 3.1E-03 4.7E-03 Butter 6 4.7E-02 4.1E-02 5.2E-02 Butter 2 6.0E-04 2.7E-03 2 5 1.2E-01 4.3E-03 3.0E-01 1 14 6.0E-04 4.7E-03 All Fats & Oils 15 1.1E-01 4.3E-03 3.0E-01 All Fats & Oils 16 10 Table 5. Meta-Analysis of Cumulative Energy Intensity Values Food Product Grain Products Bread Wheat bread, conventional farming Wheat bread, conventional farming Wheat bread, conventional farming Wheat bread, conventional farming Wheat bread, organic Wheat bread, organic Wheat bread, organic Wheat bread, organic Wheat flour Whole wheat, cooked as one portion Whole wheat, cooked as four portions Couscous (durum wheat), cooked on a hot plate Couscous (durum wheat), cooked with a kettle Cereal, baked Cereal, baked Rice Rice, cooked as one portion Rice, cooked as four portions Cereal, baked Cereal, baked Rye flour Cereal, baked Cereal, baked Corn Corn Corn Corn Corn Corn Corn Corn Cereal, baked Cereal, baked Barley, winter Barley, spring MJ/kg Location LCA Boundary Author 12 5 6 8 9 4 5 7 8 5 4 3 5 5 37 38 10 7 6 37 38 5 37 38 2 3 3 3 2 3 3 2 37 38 2 2 Sweden Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Sweden Sweden Sweden Central Europe Central Europe Sweden Central Europe Sweden Overseas Overseas Sweden Central Europe Sweden Sweden Central Europe Iowa Illinois Michigan Minnesota Minnesota Missouri Nebraska South Dakota Sweden Central Europe Europe Europe Farm to fork Farm to fork Farm to fork Farm to fork Farm to fork Farm to fork Farm to fork Farm to fork Farm to fork Farm to fork Farm to fork Farm to fork Farm to fork Farm to fork Farm to fork Farm to fork Farm to retailer gate Farm to fork Farm to fork Farm to fork Farm to fork Farm to fork Farm to fork Farm to fork Farm to farm gate Farm to farm gate Farm to farm gate Farm to farm gate Farm to farm gate Farm to farm gate Farm to farm gate Farm to farm gate Farm to fork Farm to fork Farm to farm gate Farm to farm gate Andersson et al, 1999 Braschkat et al, 2003 Braschkat et al, 2003 Braschkat et al, 2003 Braschkat et al, 2003 Braschkat et al, 2003 Braschkat et al, 2003 Braschkat et al, 2003 Braschkat et al, 2003 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Carlsson-Kanyama, 1998 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Kim et al, 2009 Kim et al, 2009 Kim et al, 2009 Kim et al, 2009 Kim et al, 2009 Kim et al, 2009 Kim et al, 2009 Kim et al, 2009 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Foster et al, 2006 Foster et al, 2006 11 Barley, cooked Cereal, baked Cereal, baked Oat flakes Oat flake porridge, cooked Musli (raw rolled oats) with sun dried apples Musli (raw rolled aots) with sun dried raisins Cereal, baked Cereal, baked 2 37 38 11 3 15 17 37 38 Sweden Sweden Central Europe Sweden Sweden Sweden Sweden Sweden Central Europe Farm to fork Farm to fork Farm to fork Farm to fork Farm to fork Farm to fork Farm to fork Farm to fork Farm to fork Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Fresh fruit Oranges, fresh Oranges, fresh Oranges, fresh Oranges, fresh Mandarin oranges Apples, fresh Apples, fresh Apples, fresh Apples, locally gown Apples, imported, transported by sea Apples Apples Apples Apples Apples Apples Apricots Avocados Bananas, fresh Blueberries Blueberries Cantaloupe (Melon) Cherries, fresh Cherries, fresh Cherries, fresh Cranberries Grapes, fresh Grapes, fresh Honeydew (Melon) 7 9 0 6 1 4 5 9 6 8 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.7 0.7 2 -1 12 9 9 24 5 6 10 -8 10 24 Southern Europe Overseas Brazil Brazil Peru Sweden Central Europe Overseas Germany New Zealand Hawke's Bay, New Zealand Hawke's Bay, New Zealand Central Otago, New Zealand Hawke's Bay, New Zealand Central Otago, New Zealand Peru -Peru Overseas Northern Italy Northern Italy Italy Sweden Central Europe Overseas -Southern Europe Overseas Italy Farm to fork Farm to fork Farm to farm gate Farm to farm gate Farm to farm gate Farm to fork Farm to fork Farm to fork Farm to consumer home Farm to consumer home Farm to farm gate Farm to farm gate Farm to farm gate Farm to farm gate Farm to farm gate Farm to farm gate -Farm to farm gate Farm to fork Farm to consumer Farm to consumer Farm to consumer Farm to fork Farm to fork Farm to fork -Farm to fork Farm to fork Farm to consumer Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Coltro et al, 2009 Coltro et al, 2009 Bartl et al, 2012 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Blanke and Burdick, 2005 Blanke and Burdick, 2005 Canals et al, 2006 Canals et al, 2006 Canals et al, 2006 Canals et al, 2006 Canals et al, 2006 Bartl et al, 2012 -Bartl et al, 2012 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Girgenti et al, 2013 Peano et al, 2015 Cellura et al, 2012 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 -Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Cellura et al, 2012 12 Kiwi (Tropical) Mangoes (Tropical) Papaya (Tropical) Peaches Pears Pineapple, exported to US Pineapple, exported to US Plums Raspberries Raspberries, fresh Raspberries Strawberries, fresh Strawberries, fresh Strawberries, fresh Strawberries Strawberries Watermelon 115 115 115 2 -3 3 -9 8 9 6 9 29 1 15 24 Overseas, by plane Overseas, by plane Overseas, by plane Peru -Costa Rica Costa Rica -Northern Italy Central Europe Northern Italy Sweden Southern Europe Middle East, by plane Peru Northern Italy Italy Farm to fork Farm to fork Farm to fork Farm to farm gate -Farm to retailer Farm to retailer -Pre-farm to retailer gate Farm to fork Farm to retailer gate Farm to fork Farm to fork Farm to fork Farm to farm gate Farm to retailer gate Farm to consumer Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Bartl et al, 2012 -Ingwersen, 2012 Ingwersen, 2012 -Girgenti et al, 2013 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Peano et al, 2015 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Bartl et al, 2012 Peano et al, 2015 Cellura et al, 2012 Processed fruit Tropical fruit, canned Fruit, canned Blueberries, frozen Blueberries, frozen Raspberries, frozen Strawberries, frozen Fruit, frozen Apples, dried with commercial energy Apples, dried in the sun Apples, powder Grapes, dried in the sun Apple juice Orange juice Orange juice Orange juice Lemon juice Lemon juice 13 18 9 8 16 16 18 38 18 24 23 7 14 108 10 10 76 Overseas United States Central Europe Sweden Central Europe Central Europe United States Overseas Overseas Italy Overseas Central Europe Italy Italy Overseas Italy Italy Farm to fork Farm to fork Farm to fork Farm to fork Farm to fork Farm to fork Farm to fork Farm to fork Farm to fork Farm to processing gate Farm to fork Farm to fork Farm to distribution center Farm to distribution center Farm to fork Farm to distribution center Farm to distribution center Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Singh, 1986 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Sikirica et al, 2003 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 DeMarco et al, 2015 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Beccali et al, 2009 Beccali et al, 2009 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Beccali et al, 2009 Beccali et al, 2009 Fresh vegetables Artichokes Asparagus -3 -Peru -Farm to farm gate -Bartl et al, 2012 13 Bell peppers Broccoli Broccoli Broccoli Broccoli Broccoli Broccoli Broccoli Broccoli Brussel sprouts Cabbage Cabbage Carrots Carrots, fresh Carrots, fresh Carrots, organic Carrots, conventional Carrots, conventional Cauliflower Celery Collards Sweet corn Cucumbers Eggplant Escarole & endive Garlic Kale Lettuce Lettuce Lettuce Lettuce Lettuce Lettuce Lettuce Lettuce Lettuce Lettuce Lettuce Lettuce Lettuce 18 39 39 42 41 32 32 31 31 -4 5 3 3 4 1 2 4 ---------10 10 10 10 148 11 8 8 7 8 8 104 32 Italy Spain Spain Spain Spain UK UK UK UK -Sweden Central Europe Sweden Sweden Central Europe South Savo South-Savo Overseas ---------Spain Spain Spain Spain UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK UK Farm to consumer Farm to grave Farm to grave Farm to grave Farm to grave Farm to grave Farm to grave Farm to grave Farm to grave -Farm to fork Farm to fork Farm to retailer gate Farm to fork Farm to fork Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail ---------Farm to grave Farm to grave Farm to grave Farm to grave Farm to grave Farm to grave Farm to grave Farm to grave Farm to grave Farm to grave Farm to grave Farm to grave Farm to grave Cellura et al, 2012 Canals et al, 2008 Canals et al, 2008 Canals et al, 2008 Canals et al, 2008 Canals et al, 2008 Canals et al, 2008 Canals et al, 2008 Canals et al, 2008 -Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Carlsson-Kanyama, 1998 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Raghu, 2014 Raghu, 2014 Raghu, 2014 ---------Canals et al, 2008 Canals et al, 2008 Canals et al, 2008 Canals et al, 2008 Canals et al, 2008 Canals et al, 2008 Canals et al, 2008 Canals et al, 2008 Canals et al, 2008 Canals et al, 2008 Canals et al, 2008 Canals et al, 2008 Canals et al, 2008 14 Lima beans Mushrooms Mushrooms Mushrooms Mustard greens Okra Onions Onions Potatoes Potatoes Potatoes Potatoes Potatoes, cooked Potatoes, baked Potatoes Pumpkin Radishes Snap beans Snap beans Snap beans Snap beans Spinach Squash Sweet potatoes Tomatoes Tomatoes Tomatoes Tomatoes Tomatoes Tomatoes Tomatoes, fresh, greenhouse Tomatoes, fresh Tomatoes Cherry tomatoes Turnip greens -5 5 4 --3 4 1 2 4 5 5 29 0.7 --159 158 22 20 -29 -42 130 96 64 35 44 66 5 16 23 -- -Thailand Thailand Thailand --New Zealand to UK UK UK Sweden Sweden Sweden Sweden Sweden Peru --Kenya Uganda UK UK -Global -Sweden UK Northern Italy Northern Italy Northern Italy Northern Italy Sweden Southern Europe Italy Italy -- -Farm to farm gate Farm to farm gate Farm to farm gate --Farm to processing Farm to farm gate Farm to farm gate Farm to retailer gate Farm to fork Farm to fork Farm to fork Farm to fork Farm to farm gate --Farm to grave Farm to grave Farm to grave Farm to grave -Farm to consumer -Farm to retailer gate Farm to farm gate Greenhouse to retailer Greenhouse to retailer Greenhouse to retailer Greenhouse to retailer Farm to fork Farm to fork Farm to consumer Farm to consumer -- -Ueawiwatsaku et al, 2014 Ueawiwatsaku et al, 2014 Ueawiwatsaku et al, 2014 --Saunders and Barber, 2008 Saunders and Barber, 2008 Williams et al, 2006 Carlsson-Kanyama, 1998 Mattsson and Wallen, 2003 Foster et al, 2006 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Bartl et al, 2012 --Canals et al, 2008 Canals et al, 2008 Canals et al, 2008 Canals et al, 2008 -Cellura et al, 2012 -Carlsson-Kanyama, 1998 Williams et al, 2006 Almeida et al, 2014 Almeida et al, 2014 Almeida et al, 2014 Almeida et al, 2014 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Cellura et al, 2012 Cellura et al, 2012 -- Processed vegetables Beans, canned Beans, canned Carrots, canned 20 16 8 Overseas Overseas Sweden Farm to fork Farm to fork Farm to fork Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 15 Carrots, canned Olives, canned Tomatoes, canned Tomatoes, canned Tomatoes, canned Tomatoes, canned Tomato ketchup Tomato ketchup Tomato ketchup Tomato paste Tomato paste Tomato paste Vegetables, canned Broccoli, frozen Broccoli, frozen Broccoli, frozen Broccoli, frozen Snap beans, frozen Peas, frozen Peas, frozen French fries, cooked as one portion French fries, cooked as four portions Peas, dried Potatoes, mashed powder, cooked Brown beans, cooked Brown beans, cooked Soya beans, cooked Yellow peas, cooked 11 15 14 9 11 11 26 39 24 20 20 20 18 18 20 47 47 28 10 12 60 30 3 6 9 11 8 5 Central Europe Southern Europe Southern Europe United States United States United States Sweden/Italy Sweden/Italy Europe United States United States United States Overseas Europe Overseas UK UK UK Sweden Central Europe Sweden Sweden Sweden Sweden Sweden Overseas Overseas Sweden Farm to fork Farm to fork Farm to fork Farm to distribution center Farm to distribution center Farm to distribution center Farm to grave Farm to grave Farm to fork Farm to distribution center Farm to distribution center Farm to distribution center Farm to fork Farm to fork Farm to fork Farm to grave Farm to grave Farm to grave Farm to fork Farm to fork Farm to fork Farm to fork Farm to retailer gate Farm to fork Farm to fork Farm to fork Farm to fork Farm to fork Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Brodt et al, 2013 Brodt et al, 2013 Brodt et al, 2013 Andersson et al, 1998 Andersson et al, 1998 Foster et al, 2006 Brodt et al, 2013 Brodt et al, 2013 Brodt et al, 2013 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Canals et al, 2008 Canals et al, 2008 Canals et al, 2008 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Carlsson-Kanyama, 1998 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Fluid milk Milk Milk Milk Milk, semi-skimmed Milk, semi-skimmed Milk, 4% fat Milk Milk Milk Milk 6 3 8 5 8 6 5 6 4 4 Sweden Europe Europe Netherlands Netherlands Sweden Sweden Spain Norway Norway Farm to fork Farm to fork Farm to fork Farm to grave Farm to grave Farm to fork Farm to fork Farm to processing gate Farm to grave Farm to grave Cederberg, 2003 Foster et al, 2006 Foster et al, 2006 Broekema and Kramer, 2014 Broekema and Kramer, 2014 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Hospido et al, 2003 Eide, 2002 Eide, 2002 16 Milk 6 Norway Farm to grave Eide, 2002 Other dairy products Yogurt Yogurt Yogurt, small pots Yogurt, small pots Cheese Cheese, semi-mature Cheese, semi-mature Cheese Cheese Cheese Cheese Cheese Cottage cheese Ice Cream Ice Cream Ice Cream Ice Cream Ice Cream Other frozen dairy Evaporated condensed milk Milk powder Milk powder Milk powder Half and half Eggnog Cream, 40% fat Sour cream Cream cheese 13 25 11 12 39 29 48 60 64 65 88 77 -4 5 6 15 14 --58 25 48 --19 --- United States/Europe United States/Europe Sweden Central Europe Sweden Netherlands Netherlands Sweden Central Europe Southern Europe United States United States -Europe Europe Europe Central Europe Sweden --Sweden New Zealand to UK UK --Sweden --- Farm to fork Farm to fork Farm to fork Farm to fork Farm to grave Farm to grave Farm to grave Farm to fork Farm to fork Farm to fork Farm to grave Farm to grave -Farm to fork Farm to fork Farm to fork Farm to fork Farm to fork --Farm to fork Farm to processing Farm to farm gate --Farm to fork --- Foster et al, 2006 Foster et al, 2006 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Berlin, 2002 Broekema and Kramer, 2014 Broekema and Kramer, 2014 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Kim et al, 2013 Kim et al, 2013 -Foster et al, 2006 Foster et al, 2006 Foster et al, 2006 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 --Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Saunders and Barber, 2008 Saunders and Barber, 2008 --Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 --- Meat Beef Beef Beef Beef Beef Beef, fresh, cooked 64 48 43 44 28 70 United States United States United States Multiple locations UK Sweden Farm to farm gate Farm to farm gate Farm to farm gate Farm to fork Farm to farm gate Farm to fork Pelletier et al, 2010 Pelletier et al, 2010 Pelletier et al, 2010 Foster et al, 2006 Williams et al, 2006 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 17 Beef, frozen, cooked Cow, fresh, cooked Beef stew, cooked Veal Pork Pork Pork Pork, fresh, cooked Pork, frozen, cooked Pork, frozen, cooked Pork sausage, fresh, cooked Pork stew, cooked 75 26 24 -32 39 17 40 43 44 34 17 Central Europe Sweden Sweden -Sweden Sweden UK Sweden Sweden Central Europe Sweden Sweden Farm to fork Farm to fork Farm to fork -Farm to retailer gate Farm to fork Farm to farm gate Farm to fork Farm to fork Farm to fork Farm to fork Farm to fork Lamb 32 Europe Farm to fork Lamb 39 Europe Farm to fork Lamb, fresh, cooked Lamb, frozen, cooked Lamb, frozen, cooked Lamb sausage, fresh, cooked Lamb stew, cooked Lamb Lamb 43 46 52 30 18 11 46 Sweden Sweden Overseas Sweden Sweden New Zealand to UK UK Farm to fork Farm to fork Farm to fork Farm to fork Farm to fork Farm to processing Farm to farm gate Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 -Carlsson-Kanyama, 1998 Cederberg, 2003 Williams et al, 2006 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Williams et al, 2006, Carlsson-Kanyama and Faist, 2000 Williams et al, 2006, Carlsson-Kanyama and Faist, 2000 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Saunders and Barber, 2008 Saunders and Barber, 2008 Poultry Chicken Poultry Chicken, standard Chicken, free-range Chicken, organic Poultry Poultry Poultry Poultry Chicken, fresh, cooked Chicken, frozen, cooked Chicken, frozen, cooked Chicken sausage, fresh, cooked Chicken stew, cooked 22 20 25 26 40 30 46 30 2 35 39 41 20 13 Australia Brazil UK UK UK France France Brazil Brazil Sweden Sweden Central Europe Sweden Sweden Farm to distribution center gate Farm to farm gate Farm to farm gate Farm to farm gate Farm to farm gate Farm to slaughterhouse gate Farm to slaughterhouse gate Farm to slaughterhouse gate Farm to slaughterhouse gate Farm to fork Farm to fork Farm to fork Farm to fork Farm to fork Bengtsson and Seddon, 2012 Spies, 2003 Leinonen et al, 2012 Leinonen et al, 2012 Leinonen et al, 2012 Prudêncio da Silva et al, 2014 Prudêncio da Silva et al, 2014 Prudêncio da Silva et al, 2014 Prudêncio da Silva et al, 2014 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 18 Fish and Seafood Cod Cod Salmon Cod, fresh, cooked Herring, fresh, cooked Mackerel, fresh, cooked Salmon, farmed, cooked Sardines, fresh Sardines, frozen Trout Sea bass Turbot Cod, frozen Cod, frozen Cod burger, frozen Cod burger, frozen Cod loins Cod loins Salmon Salmon Salmon Salmon Shrimp, without shells Prawns Prawns Prawns Shrmp Shrimp Shrimp Lobster Lobster Lobster Mussels Mussels Mussels Tuna, canned Clams, tinned Sardines, canned Mussels 60 83 58 105 22 37 84 13 17 78 55 291 58 39 27 27 112 68 26 48 31 33 220 18 30 26 35 42 35 40 135 207 19 21 19 44 19 52 8 Europe Europe Europe Sweden Sweden Sweden Sweden Portugal Portugal France Greece France Norway Norway Norway Norway Norway Norway Norway UK Canada Chile Sweden Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Norway Norway Norway Denmark Denmark Denmark Overseas Sweden Portugal Denmark Farm to fork Farm to fork Farm to fork Farm to fork Farm to fork Farm to fork Farm to fork Farm to processing gate Farm to processing gate Farm to farm gate Farm to farm gate Farm to farm gate Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to consumer Farm to consumer Farm to distribution center Farm to distribution center Farm to milling gate Farm to milling gate Farm to milling gate Farm to milling gate Farm to fork Fishery to fishery gate Fishery to fishery gate Fishery to fishery gate Fishery to fishery gate Fishery to fishery gate Fishery to fishery gate Fishery to fishery gate Fishery to fishery gate Fishery to fishery gate Fishery to consumer Fishery to consumer Fishery to consumer Farm to fork Farm to fork Farm to processing gate Fishery to consumer Foster et al, 2006 Foster et al, 2006 Foster et al, 2006 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Almeida et al, 2015 Almeida et al, 2015 Aubin et al, 2009 Aubin et al, 2009 Aubin et al, 2009 Svanes et al, 2011 Svanes et al, 2011 Svanes et al, 2011 Svanes et al, 2011 Svanes et al, 2011 Svanes et al, 2011 Pelletier et al, 2009 Pelletier et al, 2009 Pelletier et al, 2009 Pelletier et al, 2009 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Thrane, 2004 Thrane, 2004 Thrane, 2004 Thrane, 2004 Thrane, 2004 Thrane, 2004 Thrane, 2004 Thrane, 2004 Thrane, 2004 Thrane, 2004 and Iribarren et al, 2010 Thrane, 2004 and Iribarren et al, 2010 Thrane, 2004 and Iribarren et al, 2010 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Almeida et al, 2015 Thrane, 2004 and Iribarren et al, 2010 19 Mussels Mussels Cured fish 11 8 -- Denmark Denmark -- Fishery to consumer Fishery to consumer -- Thrane, 2004 and Iribarren et al, 2010 Thrane, 2004 and Iribarren et al, 2010 -- Eggs Eggs Eggs Eggs Eggs Eggs, cooked 0.6 4 0.8 5 18 United States United States United States United States Sweden Farm to processing facility gate Farm to processing facility gate Farm to processing facility gate Farm to processing facility gate Farm to fork Pelletier et al, 2013 Pelletier et al, 2013 Pelletier et al, 2013 Pelletier et al, 2013 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Nuts Peanuts Peanuts Peanuts Tree nuts (Almonds) Tree nuts (Almonds) Coconuts 2 2 2 7 5 -- Iran Iran Iran United States United States -- Farm to farm gate Farm to farm gate Farm to farm gate Nursing through hulling Nursing through hulling -- Nikkhah et al, 2015 Nikkhah et al, 2015 Nikkhah et al, 2015 Kendall, 2012 Kendall, 2012 -- Added sugar and sweeteners Sugar Sugar from sugarcane Sugar from sugarcane Sugar from sugarcane Sugar from sugarcane Honey Honey Candies 10 3 3 4 14 1 6 18 Sweden Australia Australia Australia Mauritius Sweden Overseas Sweden Farm to fork Farm to processing gate Farm to processing gate Farm to processing gate Farm to processing gate Farm to fork Farm to fork Farm to fork Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Renouf and Wegener, 2007 Renouf and Wegener, 2007 Renouf and Wegener, 2007 Ramjeawon, 2004 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Added fats and oils Butter Butter Butter Butter Butter Butter Margarine Margarine Margarine 42 30 32 28 32 40 18 22 26 UK Germany France Multiple locations Multiple locations Sweden UK Germany France Farm to distribution center Farm to distribution center Farm to distribution center Farm to fork Farm to fork Farm to fork Farm to distribution center Farm to distribution center Farm to distribution center Nilsson et al, 2010 Nilsson et al, 2010 Nilsson et al, 2010 Foster et al, 2006 Foster et al, 2006 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Nilsson et al, 2010 Nilsson et al, 2010 Nilsson et al, 2010 20 Margarine, 80% fat Lard and beef tallow Shortening Rape seed oil Rape seed oil Sunflower oil Soya oil Olive oil Other added fats and oils 17 --15 5 20 14 24 -- Sweden --Central Europe UK Overseas Overseas Southern Europe -- Farm to fork --Farm to fork Farm to farm gate Farm to fork Farm to fork Farm to fork -- Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 --Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Williams et al, 2006 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 Carlsson-Kanyama et al, 2003 -- 21 Table 6. Meta-Analysis of Cumulative Water Intensity Values (Blue Water Footprint) Food Product Grain Products Wheat (Durum wheat, Wheat nes and meslin) Wheat or meslin flour Wheat bread Dry pasta Wheat groats and meal Wheat pellets Wheat, starch Wheat gluten, whether or not dried Rice in the husk (paddy or rough) Rice, husked (brown) Rice, semi-milled or wholly milled, whether or not polished or glazed Rice, broken Rice flour Rice groats and meal Rye Rye flour Maize (corn) Maize (corn) nes Maize (corn) flour Maize (corn) groats and meal Maize (corn), hulled, pearled, sliced or kibbled Maize (corn) starch Barley Barley, rolled or flaked grains Barley,hulled,pearled,sliced or kibbled Oats Oat groats and meal Oats, rolled or flaked grains Oats, hulled,pearled,sliced or kibbled Fresh fruit Oranges, fresh or dried Mandarins(tang&sats)clementines&wilkgs &sim citrus hybrids,fresh/drid Lemons and limes, fresh or dried Grapefruit, fresh or dried Liter/kg Location Liter/kg Location LCA Boundary Author 92 93 81 93 102 102 72 211 847 1100 United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States 342 347 301 347 382 382 269 785 341 443 Global Global Global Global Global Global Global Global Global Global Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 1222 1264 1330 1129 262 327 63 63 65 56 562 87 221 307 307 595 844 804 815 United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States 492 509 535 454 25 32 81 81 83 72 1018 111 79 110 110 181 257 245 248 Global Global Global Global Global Global Global Global Global Global Global Global Global Global Global Global Global Global Global Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 57 United States 110 Global Farm to retail Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 84 52 206 United States United States United States 118 152 367 Global Global Global Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 22 Citrus fruits, fresh or dried, nes Apples, fresh Apricots, fresh Avocados, fresh or dried Bananas including plantains, fresh or dried Blueberries Other melons (inc.cantaloupes) Cherries, fresh Sour cherries Cranberries, bilberries and other fruits of the genus Vaccinium, fresh Grapes, fresh Other melons (inc.cantaloupes) Kiwi fruit Guavas, mangoes and mangosteens, fresh or dried Papaws (papayas), fresh Peaches, including nectarines, fresh Pears and quinces, fresh Pineapples, fresh or dried Plums and sloes, fresh Raspberries, blackberries, mulberries and loganberries, fresh Raspberries,mulberries,etc uncook,steam/boil in water sweetend/nt,froz Strawberries, fresh Strawberries,uncookd o steamd o boild in water,sweetend o not,frozen Watermelons Processed fruit Peel of citrus fruit/melons (watermelons) fresh,frz,drid/prov presvd Cherries provisionally preservd but unsuitable f immediate consumption Strawberries provis preservd but unsuitable f immediate consumption Peel of citrus fruit/melons (watermelons) fresh,frz,drid/prov presvd Strawberries,uncookd o steamd o boild in water,sweetend o not,frozen Raspberries,mulberries,etc uncook,steam/boil in water sweetend/nt,froz Bananas including plantains, fresh or dried 60 244 536 599 315 303 37 905 690 United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States 62 133 502 237 97 334 29 531 213 Global Global Global Global Global Global Global Global Global Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 114 210 37 487 873 63 325 188 5 492 227 United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States 108 97 29 168 362 40 188 94 9 188 53 Global Global Global Global Global Global Global Global Global Global Global Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 227 54 United States United States 53 109 Global Global Farm to retail Farm to retail Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 54 94 United States United States 109 25 Global Global Farm to retail Farm to retail Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 72 United States 74 Global Farm to retail Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 905 United States 531 Global Farm to retail Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 54 United States 109 Global Farm to retail Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 72 United States 74 Global Farm to retail Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 54 United States 109 Global Farm to retail Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 227 315 United States United States 53 97 Global Global Farm to retail Farm to retail Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 23 Oranges, fresh or dried Mandarins(tang&sats)clementines&wilkgs &sim citrus hybrids,fresh/drid Lemons and limes, fresh or dried Grapefruit, fresh or dried Citrus fruits, fresh or dried, nes Peel of citrus fruit/melons (watermelons) fresh,frz,drid/prov presvd Apples, dried Apricots, dried Prunes, dried Grapes, dried Figs, fresh or dried Guavas, mangoes and mangosteens, fresh or dried Avocados, fresh or dried Pineapples, fresh or dried Dates, fresh or dried Fruits, dried nes Orange juice,unfermentd&not spiritd,whether/not sugard/sweet,frozen Orange juice nes,unfermentd&not spiritd,whether or not sugard or sweet Grapefruit juice,unfermentd&not spiritd,whether or not sugard or sweet Citrus fruit juice nes exc mx unferment unspiritd,wthr/nt sug/sweet Fruit&veg juice nes (exc mx) unferment unspiritd,whether/not sug/sweet Mixtures of juices unfermentd&not spiritd whether o not sugard o sweet Apple juice unfermented&not spiritd whether or not sugard or sweetend Grape juice (incl grape must) unferment&unspiritd,wthr/nt sug/sweet Pineapple juice,unfermented&not spiritd,whether or not sugard or sweet Fresh vegetables Globe artichokes, fresh or chilled Asparagus, fresh or chilled Peppers of the genus Capsicum or of the genus Pimenta,fresh or chilled 57 United States 110 Global Farm to retail Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 84 52 57 60 United States United States United States United States 118 152 85 62 Global Global Global Global Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 72 2032 1849 1406 839 577 873 599 5 0 1184 United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States 74 1111 1730 537 386 1544 362 237 9 1250 806 Global Global Global Global Global Global Global Global Global Global Global Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 104 United States 199 Global Farm to retail Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 104 United States 199 Global Farm to retail Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 77 United States 114 Global Farm to retail Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 77 United States 79 Global Farm to retail Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 77 United States 79 Global Farm to retail Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 77 United States 79 Global Farm to retail Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 339 United States 185 Global Farm to retail Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 280 United States 129 Global Farm to retail Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 24 United States 45 Global Farm to retail Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 474 1337 United States United States 242 119 Global Global Farm to retail Farm to retail Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 97 United States 42 Global Farm to retail Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 24 Cauliflowers and headed broccoli, fresh or chilled Brussels sprouts, fresh or chilled Cabbages,kohlrabi,kale and sim edible brassicas nes,fresh or chilled Carrots and turnips, fresh or chilled Cauliflowers and headed broccoli, fresh or chilled Celery, other than celeriac, fresh or chilled Collards Maize, green Cucumbers and gherkins, fresh or chilled Aubergines(egg-plants), fresh or chilled Escarole & endive Garlic, fresh or chilled Cabbages,kohlrabi,kale and sim edible brassicas nes,fresh or chilled Cabbage lettuce (head lettuce) fresh or chilled Lettuce, fresh or chilled nes Beans, shelled or unshelled, fresh or chilled Mushrooms Mushrooms Mushrooms Mustard greens Okra Onions and shallots, fresh or chilled Potatoes, fresh or chilled nes Pumpkins, squash and gourds Salad beetroot,salsif,celeriac,radish&sim edibl roots,fresh/chilld nes String beans Beans, green Peas, shelled or unshelled, fresh or chilled Spinach,N-Z spinach & orache spinach (garden spinach),fresh or chilled Pumpkins, squash and gourds Sweet potatoes, fresh or dried, whether or not sliced or pelleted Tomatoes Carrots and turnips, fresh or chilled Processed vegetables Tomato paste 82 82 United States United States 21 21 Global Global Farm to retail Farm to retail Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 119 20 82 20 -157 142 93 -186 United States United States United States United States -United States United States United States -United States 26 28 21 28 -157 42 33 -81 Global Global Global Global -Global Global Global -Global Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail -Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail -Farm to retail Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 -Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 -Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 119 42 42 134 199 275 210 -224 -89 30 United States United States United States United States Thailand Thailand Thailand -United States -United States United States 26 28 28 54 199 275 210 -36 44 33 24 Global Global Global Global Thailand Thailand Thailand -Global Global Global Global Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to farm gate Farm to farm gate Farm to farm gate -Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Ueawiwatsaku, S. et al, 2014 Ueawiwatsaku, S. et al, 2014 Ueawiwatsaku, S. et al, 2014 -Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 -111 134 111 -United States United States United States 15 104 54 63 Global Global Global Global Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 37 30 United States United States 14 24 Global Global Farm to retail Farm to retail Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 57 74 20 United States United States United States 5 63 28 Global Global Global Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 297 United States 253 Global Farm to retail Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 25 Tomato ketchup Tomato puree Peeled tomatoes Cucumbers&gherkins provisionally presvd,but nt f immediate consumption Onions,provisionally preservd but nt suitable f immediate consumption Vegetables nes&mixtures provis presvd but nt f immediate consumptn Olives,provisionally preservd but nt suitable f immediate consumption Spinach, N-Z spinach and orache spinach (garden spinach), frozen Beans, frozen Peas, frozen Sweet corn, frozen Vegetables, frozen nes Mixtures of vegetables, frozen Potatoes, frozen Tomato, dried Onions dried but not further prepared Garlic powder Vegetables and mixtures dried, but not further prepared nes Tapioca of potatoes Potato flour and meal Potato flakes Potato starch Peas dried, shelled, whether or not skinned or split Beans,small red (Adzuki) dried,shelled,whether or not skinned or split Kidney beans&white pea beans drid shelld,whether o not skinnd o split Beans dried, shelled, whether or not skinned or split, nes Flour and meal of the dried leguminous vegetables of heading No 07.13 Fluid milk Milk not concentrated and unsweetened not exceeding 1% fat Milk not concentrated & unsweetened exceeding 1% not exceeding 6% fat 77 248 93 United States United States United States 270 211 79 Global Global Global Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 142 United States 42 Global Farm to retail Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 74 United States 88 Global Farm to retail Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 46 United States 33 Global Farm to retail Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 545 United States 499 Global Farm to retail Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 105 191 159 232 65 46 178 1487 74 715 130 444 444 323 467 48 United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States 39 76 89 157 47 33 66 1265 88 313 94 165 165 120 173 33 Global Global Global Global Global Global Global Global Global Global Global Global Global Global Global Global Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 428 United States 125 Global Farm to retail Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 428 428 United States United States 125 125 Global Global Farm to retail Farm to retail Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 594 United States 173 Global Farm to retail Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 69 United States 86 Global Farm to retail Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 71 United States 88 Global Farm to retail Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 26 Milk and cream not concentrated and unsweetened exceeding 6% fat Milk and cream unsweetened, nes Milk and cream nes sweetened Other dairy products Yogurt concentratd o not,sweetend o not,flavourd o contg fruit o cocoa Cheese, grated or powdered, of all kinds Cheese processed, not grated or powdered Cheese, blue-veined Cheese nes Cheese, fresh (including whey cheese) unfermented, and curd Ice cream Other frozen dairy Evaporated condensed milk Milk powder not exceeding 1.5% fat Milk and cream powder unsweetened exceeding 1.5% fat Milk and cream powder sweetened exceeding 1.5% fat Milk and cream not concentrated and unsweetened exceeding 6% fat Products consisting of natural milk constituents sweetened or not nes Milk and cream not concentrated and unsweetened exceeding 6% fat Milk and cream unsweetened, nes Milk and cream nes sweetened Buttermilk,curdled milk & cream,kephir & ferm or acid milk & cream nes Cheese nes Meat Bovine carcasses and half carcasses, fresh or chilled Bovine cuts bone in, fresh or chilled Bovine cuts boneless, fresh or chilled Bovine carcasses and half carcasses, frozen Bovine cuts bone in, frozen Bovine cuts boneless, frozen Bovine edible offal, fresh or chilled Bovine tongues, edible offal, frozen Bovine livers, edible offal, frozen 128 106 133 United States United States United States 159 132 164 Global Global Global Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 80 355 355 355 355 United States United States United States United States United States 99 439 439 439 439 Global Global Global Global Global Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 214 ---319 319 329 United States ---United States United States United States 266 ---398 398 408 Global ---Global Global Global Farm to retail ---Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 ---Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 128 United States 159 Global Farm to retail Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 80 United States 99 Global Farm to retail Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 128 106 133 United States United States United States 159 132 164 Global Global Global Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 108 355 United States United States 134 439 Global Global Farm to retail Farm to retail Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 371 371 525 371 371 525 381 904 266 United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States 389 389 550 389 389 550 396 940 277 Global Global Global Global Global Global Global Global Global Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 27 Bovine edible offal, frozen nes Bovine meat cured Bovine meat and meat offal nes,excluding livers, prepared or preserved Veal Swine carcasses and half carcasses, fresh or chilled Hams, shoulders and cuts thereof, of swine bone in, fresh or chilled Swine cuts, fresh or chilled, nes Swine carcasses and half carcasses, frozen Hams, shoulders and cuts thereof, of swine, bone in, frozen Swine cuts, frozen nes Swine edible offal, fresh or chilled Swine livers, edible offal, frozen Swine edible offal, frozen nes Pig fat lean meat free&poultry fat unrenderd,frsh,chilld,frozn or curd Hams, shoulders and cuts thereof, of swine bone in, cured Bellies, streaky and cuts thereof, swine cured Swine meat cured, nes Hams and cuts thereof of swine prepared or preserved Shoulders and cut thereof of swine prepared or preserved Swine meat&meat offal nes/exc livers/ incl mixtures,prepard o preservd Lamb carcasses and half carcasses, fresh or chilled Sheep carcasses and half carcasses, fresh or chilled Sheep cuts, bone in, fresh or chilled Sheep cuts, boneless, fresh or chilled Lamb carcasses and half carcasses, frozen Sheep carcasses and half carcasses, frozen Sheep cuts, bone in, frozen Sheep cuts, boneless, frozen Sheep, goats, asses, mules or hinnies edible offal, fresh or chilled Sheep, goats, asses, mules or hinnies edible offal, frozen Poultry Turkey meat and meat offal prepared or preserved, excluding livers Dom fowl,duck,goose&guinea fowl meat&meat offal prep/presvd exc livers 432 817 United States United States 449 856 Global Global Farm to retail Farm to retail Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 635 -625 United States -United States 660 -325 Global -Global Farm to retail -Farm to retail Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 -Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 825 870 625 825 870 168 92 168 United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States 435 459 325 435 459 93 51 93 Global Global Global Global Global Global Global Global Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 294 847 893 900 943 842 United States United States United States United States United States United States 313 449 474 472 500 444 Global Global Global Global Global Global Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 183 145 230 240 312 145 230 240 312 United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States 102 254 398 408 522 254 398 408 522 Global Global Global Global Global Global Global Global Global Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 86 86 United States United States 151 151 Global Global Farm to retail Farm to retail Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 294 United States 313 Global Farm to retail Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 294 United States 313 Global Farm to retail Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 28 Fish and Seafood Trout Sea bass Turbot Fresh mussels Canned mussels Cured fish ------- ------- 0.1 49 0 2 14 -- France Greece France Spain Spain -- Farm to farm gate Farm to farm gate Farm to farm gate Farm to retail Farm to retail -- Aubin et al, 2009 Aubin et al, 2009 Aubin et al, 2009 Iribarren et al, 2010 Iribarren et al, 2010 -- Eggs Eggs, bird, in shell, fresh, preserved or cooked Egg yolks dried Egg yolks nes Eggs, bird, not in shell, dried Eggs, bird, not in shell nes 183 387 188 286 209 United States United States United States United States United States 244 508 249 375 276 Global Global Global Global Global Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 253 United States 150 Global Farm to retail Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 362 2038 4075 1979 3733 2158 2542 5084 --- United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States --- 214 1908 3816 1299 2451 7602 1090 2180 2 1 Global Global Global Global Global Global Global Global Global Global Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 25 199 United States United States 57 455 Global Global Farm to retail Farm to retail Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 213 213 38 248 63 64 213 United States United States United States United States United States United States United States 487 487 26 167 144 43 487 Global Global Global Global Global Global Global Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Farm to retail Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Nuts Ground-nuts in shell not roasted or otherwise cooked Ground-nuts shelld,whether or not broken,not roastd or otherwise cookd Almonds in shell fresh or dried Almonds,fresh or dried,shelled or peeled Walnuts in shell, fresh or dried Walnuts, fresh or dried, shelled or peeled Pistachios, fresh or dried, whether or not shelled or peeled Hazelnuts or filberts in shell fresh or dried Hazelnuts or filberts, fresh or dried, shelled or peeled Coconuts Coconut (husked) Added sugar and sweeteners Sugar cane, fresh or dried, whether or not ground Raw sugar, cane Refined sugar,in solid form,containg added flavourg or colourg matter Refined sugar, in solid form, nes Sugar beet, fresh or dried, whether or not ground Raw sugar, beet Cane molasses Molasses nes Maple sugar and maple syrup 29 Glucose&glucose syrup nt cntg fruct/cntg in dry state <20% by wt fruct Glucose inc syrup cntg in dry state min 20% but <50% by wt of fructose Fructose, chemically pure Fructose&fructose syrup nes,cntg in dry state >50% by wght of fructose Added fats and oils Butter Margarine Lard and beef tallow Shortening Olive oil, virgin Olive oil and its fractions refined but not chemically modified Oils&thr fract nes obt from olives,ref'd/not,not chem mod,incl blends Soya-bean oil and its fractions, refined but not chemically modified Ground-nut oil and its fractions refined but not chemically modified Sunflower-sed/safflower oil&their fractions refind but nt chem modifid Rape,colza o mustard oil&their fract,refind but not chemically modifid Other added fats and oils 213 United States 487 Global Farm to retail Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 213 213 United States United States 487 487 Global Global Farm to retail Farm to retail Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 213 United States 487 Global Farm to retail Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 373 ---2607 United States ---United States 465 ---2388 Global ---Global Farm to retail ---Farm to retail Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 ---Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 2660 United States 2437 Global Farm to retail Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 1160 United States 1062 Global Farm to retail Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 180 United States 137 Global Farm to retail Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 685 United States 405 Global Farm to retail Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 230 United States 299 Global Farm to retail Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 39 -- United States -- 438 -- Global -- Farm to retail -- Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2010 -- 30 References Almeida, J., Achten, W. 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