School of Education Service – Leadership – Competence – Character Lesson Design Template: Simplified for Teaching Teacher Candidate (+5) Mentor Teacher (+5) University Coordinator (+5) School (+2) Grade (+1) Subject (+1) Date (+1) Monica Van Loon Vivian Kuhel Carol Andreasen Sunfield Waldorf School 6th and 7th Grade Spanish March 7, 2013 3. Learning Targets – What are the objectives for the lesson? 3.3 – Cite the EALRs/standards using the numbers and text. Usually limit the lesson to 1 – 2 EALRs. (+5) 1. Communication. 2. Cultures. 3. Connections. 4. Comparisons. 3.4 – Cite the corresponding GLEs/performance expectations using the numbers and text. (+5) 1. Communication. Communicate in Languages Other Than English 1.2 Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics 2. Cultures. Gain Knowledge and Understanding of Other Cultures 2.2 Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the products and perspectives of the culture studied. 3. Connections. Connect with Other Disciplines and Acquire Information 3.2 Students acquire information and recognize the distinctive viewpoints that are only available through the world language and its cultures 4. Comparisons. Develop Insight into the Nature of Language and Culture 4.2 Students demonstrate understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and their own. 3.5 – Cite the objectives (skills or concepts) for the lesson. What do you want students to think, know and/or be able to do at the end of the lesson? They need to be aligned with the GLEs/performance expectations and EALRs/standards. (+5) Students will compare the two forms of the verb to be and analyze when it’s appropriate to use each form. Student will exemplify the characteristics of the verb “ser”. SPU Lesson Plan Template – simplified for teaching Page 1 4. Lesson Assessment – How will students demonstrate their learning? 4.8 – Complete the following table to highlight what the students will do to demonstrate competence specific to learning for this lesson. Description of What the assessment is Feedback to students formative assessment Evaluative criteria (+5) designed to assess (+5) (+5) activity (required) (+5) Beginning-What do you This will be an oral Accuracy of student [right]“Muy bien , I see know about the verb to evaluation of the comprehension of the that you have students understanding lesson objective be? correctly…. of the concept and differences between “ser” and “estar” and What it the difference [improve] Are you sure the way that they are between the verb to be that is what that used in Spanish. in Spanish and in means? English Is a color a permanent condition? Middle-What are 4 clues that we have to know when to use ser? What does each one mean? [resources] You can get help by looking that word up in the dictionary” End- Can you draw an example of each characteristic next to your writing? Description of summative assessment activity (optional) They will raise their hand for understanding fist to 5 Ask your desk partner what do they think. Evaluative criteria What the assessment is designed to assess Did they understand the A child’s understanding differences between of the activities, and the verbs? concepts. Feedback to students Feedback would be immediate. I would ask the children that have a 5 to explain the concept to the ones that have less 5. Instructing and Engaging Students in Learning – What will happen in the lesson? 5.5 – Describe the sequence of steps in the lesson in the following table. General lesson sequences may be more directive (e.g., ITIP) or open (constructivist). Whatever design is used, the lesson needs to be explicitly outlined. (+45) Points here will depend on clarity, organization, and applicable Marzano strategies. Blog reflections are scored separately. Greet Students SPU Lesson Plan Template – simplified for teaching Page 2 Recite Poem “Alondra” Recite conjugation of verbs – This activity is reinforcing previous knowledge and work on their Spanish accent. Take attendance Ask and answer 4 paper sheet questions with their partners- This is cooperative learning. The kids help each other to solve the quiz. Sing chant about verbs. Objectives of the Lesson: What are we studying? Is it the same that the verb to be in English? We will be talking about the clues to know when to use each verb- Setting objectives of specific goals for this segment and asking questions of previous knowledge. Brain storm about each characteristic, write them in their books and illustrate them- We will be asking questions and deciding if we are correct or if they apply to the correct form of the verb to be. By creating a drawing on their books the children will make use of non-linguistic representations. Closing with poem “Nunca Pidas…” Complete the following table: Provide an estimate of time. List the sequence of the various learning experiences in the lesson. Complete the following table: Provide an estimate of time. List the sequence of the various learning experiences in the lesson. Include specific strategies from Classroom Instruction that Works, R. Marzano Time Learning experiences Objective and Purpose 2/5 min. Objectives of the Lesson: We will be talking about the clues to know when to use each verb. Students will brain storm examples of each characteristic of the verb ser, write them in their books and illustrate them. Anticipatory Set 2/5 min. Greed Students Recite Poem “Alondra” Recite conjugation of verbs Take attendance Ask and answer 4 paper sheet questions with their partners. Sing chant about verbs. What are we studying? Is it the same that the verb to be in English? Talk about the meaning of Condition, Occupation, Position and Origen Input 7/15 min. Modeling SPU Lesson Plan Template – simplified for teaching Page 3 7/10 min. Students will brain storm examples of each characteristic of the verb ser, write them in their books and illustrate them. Check for Understanding 5 min. They will participate in the brain storm ideas Guided Practice and Independet Practice 10/15 min. Write the characteristics in their books and draw a sample of each one. Closing with poem “Nunca Pidas…” Closure 2/5 min. SPU Lesson Plan Template – simplified for teaching Page 4