Block Outcomes - Hamilton Trust

UKS2: Topic: Ancient Greece Block A: Timeline
Find out about the four main time periods of the Greek Empire. Learn key information from each era
and wow your invited guests as you teach them everything you have learned about the chronology of
the Ancient Greeks.
Block A: Ancient Greece
[5 Sessions]
Main outcome: History
Other outcomes: D&T and Art
By the end of this block you will have
achieved the following outcomes:
Session 1 History, D&T and Art
Up to 1000 BCE – The Greek Dark Ages
Part 1
Research information about the Minoan and
Mycenaean civilisations; make a clay pot and
decorate it with the designs of that time; use
your pot to store your key facts.
Session 2 History, D&T and Art
1000-800 BCE – The Greek Dark Ages
Part 2
Find out about the Greeks from 1000-800 BCE
including the establishment of city-states;
make clay pot, decorate it with the bold linear
designs of this era and use it to store key
information about this period of time.
Session 3 History, D&T and Art
800-500BCE – The Archaic Period
Discover how the Greek empire expanded
during the Archaic Period; make a pot and
decorate it with images of black stylised
Session 4 History, D&T and Art
500-300 BCE – The Classical Period
Learn about the unification of the city-states
during the Classical Period; make a clay pot
and decorate it with human figures in the
Persian wars.
Continue to develop a chronologically secure knowledge and
understanding of Britain, local and world history, establishing clear
narratives within and across the periods they study.
To gain and deploy a historically-grounded understanding of abstract
terms such as ‘empire’ and ‘civilization’.
Understand Ancient Greece, Greek life, their achievements and
influence on the western world.
Use research and develop design criteria to inform the design of
innovative, functional, appealing products which are fit for purpose.
Improve mastery of art and design techniques.
Produce creative work, exploring their ideas and recording their
Children will:
 Have an awareness of the life and decline of the Minoan and
Mycenaean civilizations.
 Make a clay pot and decorate using design of the times.
 Include on the pot designs such as simple shapes, upright triangular
points and geometric patterns.
Children will:
 Gain an understanding of the Greek people between 1000-800 BCE,
particularly the establishment of city-states.
 Make a clay pot and decorate using design of the times.
 Design a pot to include the Maeander and Proto-geometric design.
Children will:
 Gain an understanding of the rule and expansion of the city-states
during 800-500 BCE.
 Make a clay pot or fragment and decorate using design of the times black stylized figures in positions of movement and with pictures
telling a narrative.
Children will:
 Gain an understanding of the culture of Greece in 500-300 BCE,
including the unification of the city-states against the Persian Empire.
 Make a tile fragment and decorate using design of the times,
including images of human figures in the Persian wars, outlined in
black against the terracotta clay and thus creating red figure shapes.
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have been checked by Hamilton Trust (being the operating name of the registered charity, William Rowan Hamilton Trust) and to the best of Hamilton
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UKS2: Topic: Ancient Greece Block A: Timeline
Session 5 History
300-30 BCE – The Hellenistic Period
Understand about the end of the Greek
Empire; create a 3D ‘timeline’ of artefacts
which is made of pots and includes
information from each time period; invite
other children to view the timeline.
Children will:
 Understand more about the experiences of the Greeks during the
period from 300-30BCE, particularly the death of Alexander the Great
and the emergence of the Roman Empire.
 Understand how Greek pottery can form a 3D ‘timeline’ of ‘artefacts’
and can talk about each time period as curators and experts.
Session 1
Provided: PDF document on How to make an Ancient Greek layer cake; PowerPoint presentation on
The 4 main eras of Ancient Greek pottery; PDF document on How to make an Ancient Greek pot.
You will need: Access to the Internet; Triangular cake or chocolate, Battenberg cake, Black Forest
Gateaux, Red Velvet cake, picnic rugs, drinks, cups, picnic foods, strips of paper, clay, clay tools, white
paint & brushes.
Session 2
Provided: PowerPoint presentation on The 4 main eras of Ancient Greek pottery; PDF on
How to make an Ancient Greece pot.
You will need: Access to the Internet; Air drying clay, clay tools, paint and brushes, internet access,
paper and pencils, small strips of paper.
Session 3
Provided: PowerPoint presentation on The 4 main eras of Ancient Greek pottery; PDF document on
The Farmers and the Oligarchs; PDF document on How to make an Ancient Greece tile fragment.
You will need: Access to the Internet; Air drying clay, clay tools, paint and brushes, internet access,
paper and pencils.
Session 4
Provided: PowerPoint presentation on The 4 main eras of Ancient Greek pottery; PDF document on
The Greeks and the Persians; PDF document on How to make an Ancient Greece tile fragment.
You will need: Access to the Internet; Air drying clay, clay tools, paint and brushes, internet access,
paper and pencils, Tag rugby or PE team bands.
Session 5
Provided: PDF document on How to make an Ancient Greek layer cake.
You will need: Access to the Internet; Triangular cake or chocolate, Battenberg cake, Black Forest
Gateaux, Red Velvet cake, drinks, cups, other picnic foods.
© Original resource copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users.
The links to the websites and the contents of the web pages associated with such links specified on this list (hereafter collectively referred to as the ‘Links’)
have been checked by Hamilton Trust (being the operating name of the registered charity, William Rowan Hamilton Trust) and to the best of Hamilton
Trust’s knowledge, are correct and accurate at the time of publication. Notwithstanding the foregoing or any other terms and conditions on the Hamilton
Trust website, you acknowledge that Hamilton Trust has no control over such Links and indeed, the owners of such Links may have removed such Links,
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Hamilton Trust excludes all responsibility and liability for any loss or damage arising from the use of any Links.