Click here for registration sheet

Sprouts (3 – 5 years)
Wednesday & Friday: 4 – 4:30pm
- Start developing their physical conditioning & coordination through games, group
activities and skills. We introduce them to the sport through games.
- The main feature is familiarity between: Hand – Ball. In this stage, the student will
learn different ways to move and meet the ball.
Monthly Prices (Sessions per week)
1 Session $39
2 Sessions $59
3 Sessions $79
Enrollment Form
Check one: ☐1Session ☐2Sessions 3Sessions☐
Check Day’s ☐Wednesday ☐Friday
Age________DOB___________Gender__________Phone #(____)_____________
Parents names:_____________________________________________________
EMAIL PRINT CAREFULLY PLEASE_______________________________________
City___________________State________________ZIP Code_______________
Credit Card#_______________________EXP:__________ CVV______________
How did you hear about us?_________________________________________
*Payment must be made in advanced by the 5th day of the month
* Thirty (30) days notice is required for any membership cancellation after your initial term
Participant Release of Liability and Assumption of Risk Agreement
To the fullest extent permitted by law, Applicant shall indemnify and hold harmless the Total Tennis Center,
its officers, agents and employees, from and against all claims, damages, suits, losses and expenses,
including attorney’s fees, for injury or death to persons or damage to property arising out of or resulting from
the use of the property and facilities of, or the exercise and enjoyment of membership privileges in, the Total
Tennis Center by Applicant, Applicant’s family and guests for claims or amounts in excess of the proceeds
or scope of insurance coverage(s) maintained by the Total Tennis Center; provided, however, that the
determination to maintain or not to maintain insurance coverage(s) shall be in the sole discretion of the
Board of Directors of the Total Tennis Center, and nothing in this paragraph shall require the Total Tennis
Center to maintain insurance coverage in any amount or for any risk.
The Participant has read this release of liability and assumption of risk agreement and fully understands its
terms. Participant understands that if he/she desires or wishes to, he/she should seek independent legal
advice regarding this document.
X _________________________________________________________
Signature of Adult member or Junior Members parent
Total Tennis Center*Membership Application*2565 NE Coachman Rd.,Clearwater, FL 33765
Red Ball (6 – 7 years)
Wednesday & Friday: 4:30 – 5:30pm
- Develop their physical conditioning & coordination through games, activities and
skills in a specific area
- They will learn the three basic stroke patterns for volleys, groundstrokes and the
- They will be introduced to competition.
- 36 ft. court
Monthly Prices (Sessions per week)
1 Session $59
2 Sessions $109
3 Sessions $149
Enrollment Form
Check one: ☐1Session ☐2Sessions 3Sessions☐
Check Day’s ☐Wednesday ☐Friday
Age________DOB___________Gender__________Phone #(____)_____________
Parents names:_____________________________________________________
EMAIL PRINT CAREFULLY PLEASE_______________________________________
City___________________State________________ZIP Code_______________
Credit Card#_______________________EXP:__________ CVV______________
How did you hear about us?_________________________________________
*Payment must be made in advanced by the 5th day of the month
* Thirty (30) days notice is required for any membership cancellation after your initial term
Participant Release of Liability and Assumption of Risk Agreement
To the fullest extent permitted by law, Applicant shall indemnify and hold harmless the Total Tennis Center,
its officers, agents and employees, from and against all claims, damages, suits, losses and expenses,
including attorney’s fees, for injury or death to persons or damage to property arising out of or resulting from
the use of the property and facilities of, or the exercise and enjoyment of membership privileges in, the Total
Tennis Center by Applicant, Applicant’s family and guests for claims or amounts in excess of the proceeds
or scope of insurance coverage(s) maintained by the Total Tennis Center; provided, however, that the
determination to maintain or not to maintain insurance coverage(s) shall be in the sole discretion of the
Board of Directors of the Total Tennis Center, and nothing in this paragraph shall require the Total Tennis
Center to maintain insurance coverage in any amount or for any risk.
The Participant has read this release of liability and assumption of risk agreement and fully understands its
terms. Participant understands that if he/she desires or wishes to, he/she should seek independent legal
advice regarding this document.
X _________________________________________________________
Signature of Adult member or Junior Members parent
Total Tennis Center*Membership Application*2565 NE Coachman Rd.,Clearwater, FL 33765
Orange Ball (8 – 9 years)
Wednesday & Friday: 5:30 – 6:30pm
- Develop their physical conditioning & coordination through games, activities and
individual skills.
- At this stage they will learn different ways to move, to make contact with the ball,
and start to develop the basic stroke patterns. (Volleys, Groundstrokes & Serve).
- They will begin to compete.
- 60 ft. court
Monthly Prices (Sessions per week)
1 Session $59
2 Sessions $109
3 Sessions $149
Enrollment Form
Check one: ☐1Session ☐2Sessions 3Sessions☐
Check Day’s ☐Wednesday ☐Friday
Age________DOB___________Gender__________Phone #(____)_____________
Parents names:_____________________________________________________
EMAIL PRINT CAREFULLY PLEASE_______________________________________
City___________________State________________ZIP Code_______________
Credit Card#_______________________EXP:__________ CVV______________
How did you hear about us?_________________________________________
*Payment must be made in advanced by the 5th day of the month
* Thirty (30) days notice is required for any membership cancellation after your initial term
Participant Release of Liability and Assumption of Risk Agreement
To the fullest extent permitted by law, Applicant shall indemnify and hold harmless the Total Tennis Center,
its officers, agents and employees, from and against all claims, damages, suits, losses and expenses,
including attorney’s fees, for injury or death to persons or damage to property arising out of or resulting from
the use of the property and facilities of, or the exercise and enjoyment of membership privileges in, the Total
Tennis Center by Applicant, Applicant’s family and guests for claims or amounts in excess of the proceeds
or scope of insurance coverage(s) maintained by the Total Tennis Center; provided, however, that the
determination to maintain or not to maintain insurance coverage(s) shall be in the sole discretion of the
Board of Directors of the Total Tennis Center, and nothing in this paragraph shall require the Total Tennis
Center to maintain insurance coverage in any amount or for any risk.
The Participant has read this release of liability and assumption of risk agreement and fully understands its
terms. Participant understands that if he/she desires or wishes to, he/she should seek independent legal
advice regarding this document.
X _________________________________________________________
Signature of Adult member or Junior Members parent
Total Tennis Center*Membership Application*2565 NE Coachman Rd.,Clearwater, FL 33765
Green Ball (10 – 12 years)
Tuesday & Thursday: 5:30 – 7:00pm
- Continue to develop the motor skills and mechanics of the student.
- They will learn the different situations in which various shots are applied.
- In this phase students will take everything they learn in practice and begin formal
- Development of Physical Abilities (Strength, Flexibility, Speed & Endurance).
Monthly Prices (Sessions per week)
1 Session $99
2 Sessions $169
3 Sessions $229
Enrollment Form
Check one: ☐1Session ☐2Sessions 3Sessions☐
Check Day’s ☐Tuesday ☐Thursday
Age________DOB___________Gender__________Phone #(____)_____________
Parents names:_____________________________________________________
EMAIL PRINT CAREFULLY PLEASE_______________________________________
City___________________State________________ZIP Code_______________
Credit Card#_______________________EXP:__________ CVV______________
How did you hear about us?_________________________________________
*Payment must be made in advanced by the 5th day of the month
* Thirty (30) days notice is required for any membership cancellation after your initial term
Participant Release of Liability and Assumption of Risk Agreement
To the fullest extent permitted by law, Applicant shall indemnify and hold harmless the Total Tennis Center,
its officers, agents and employees, from and against all claims, damages, suits, losses and expenses,
including attorney’s fees, for injury or death to persons or damage to property arising out of or resulting from
the use of the property and facilities of, or the exercise and enjoyment of membership privileges in, the Total
Tennis Center by Applicant, Applicant’s family and guests for claims or amounts in excess of the proceeds
or scope of insurance coverage(s) maintained by the Total Tennis Center; provided, however, that the
determination to maintain or not to maintain insurance coverage(s) shall be in the sole discretion of the
Board of Directors of the Total Tennis Center, and nothing in this paragraph shall require the Total Tennis
Center to maintain insurance coverage in any amount or for any risk.
The Participant has read this release of liability and assumption of risk agreement and fully understands its
terms. Participant understands that if he/she desires or wishes to, he/she should seek independent legal
advice regarding this document.
X _________________________________________________________
Signature of Adult member or Junior Members parent
Total Tennis Center*Membership Application*2565 NE Coachman Rd. Clearwater, FL 33765
Beginner Teenagers
Tuesday & Thursday: 5:30 – 7:00pm
Once the student is able to identify different situations, they will learn how to position themselves best,
and where to hit in relation to the court and to their opponents position.
Development of Physical Conditioning and Coordination through specific drills
Monthly Prices (Sessions per week)
1 Session $99
2 Sessions $169
3 Sessions $229
Enrollment Form
Check one: ☐1Session ☐2Sessions 3Sessions
Check Day’s ☐Tuesday ☐Thursday
Age________DOB___________Gender__________Phone #(____)_____________
Parents names:_____________________________________________________
EMAIL PRINT CAREFULLY PLEASE_______________________________________
City___________________State________________ZIP Code_______________
Credit Card#_______________________EXP:__________ CVV______________
How did you hear about us?_________________________________________
*Payment must be made in advanced by the 5th day of the month
* Thirty (30) days notice is required for any membership cancellation after your initial term
Participant Release of Liability and Assumption of Risk Agreement
To the fullest extent permitted by law, Applicant shall indemnify and hold harmless the Total Tennis Center,
its officers, agents and employees, from and against all claims, damages, suits, losses and expenses,
including attorney’s fees, for injury or death to persons or damage to property arising out of or resulting from
the use of the property and facilities of, or the exercise and enjoyment of membership privileges in, the Total
Tennis Center by Applicant, Applicant’s family and guests for claims or amounts in excess of the proceeds
or scope of insurance coverage(s) maintained by the Total Tennis Center; provided, however, that the
determination to maintain or not to maintain insurance coverage(s) shall be in the sole discretion of the
Board of Directors of the Total Tennis Center, and nothing in this paragraph shall require the Total Tennis
Center to maintain insurance coverage in any amount or for any risk.
The Participant has read this release of liability and assumption of risk agreement and fully understands its
terms. Participant understands that if he/she desires or wishes to, he/she should seek independent legal
advice regarding this document.
X _________________________________________________________
Signature of Adult member or Junior Members parent
Total Tennis Center*Membership Application*2565 NE Coachman Rd.,Clearwater, FL 33765
Intermediate Teenagers
Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs: 5:00 – 7:00pm
- We aim to improve the key strokes (forehand, backhand, volleys & serve) and to
introduce the mechanics of new elements of the game, such as approach shots, return
of serve and forcing shots/ winners.
- Learning to control different spins
- Competition is formal, within the club and through the USTA for players to apply what
they have learned.
Monthly Prices (Sessions per week)
1 Session $159
2 Sessions $219
3 Sessions $299
4 Sessions $399
Enrollment Form
Check one: ☐1Session ☐2Sessions 3Sessions☐ 4 Sessions☐
Check Day’s ☐Monday ☐Tuesday ☐Wednesday ☐Thursday
Age________DOB___________Gender__________Phone #(____)_____________
Parents names:_____________________________________________________
EMAIL PRINT CAREFULLY PLEASE_______________________________________
City___________________State________________ZIP Code_______________
Credit Card#_______________________EXP:__________ CVV______________
How did you hear about us?_________________________________________
*Payment must be made in advanced by the 5th day of the month
* Thirty (30) days notice is required for any membership cancellation after your initial term
Participant Release of Liability and Assumption of Risk Agreement
To the fullest extent permitted by law, Applicant shall indemnify and hold harmless the Total Tennis Center,
its officers, agents and employees, from and against all claims, damages, suits, losses and expenses,
including attorney’s fees, for injury or death to persons or damage to property arising out of or resulting from
the use of the property and facilities of, or the exercise and enjoyment of membership privileges in, the Total
Tennis Center by Applicant, Applicant’s family and guests for claims or amounts in excess of the proceeds
or scope of insurance coverage(s) maintained by the Total Tennis Center; provided, however, that the
determination to maintain or not to maintain insurance coverage(s) shall be in the sole discretion of the
Board of Directors of the Total Tennis Center, and nothing in this paragraph shall require the Total Tennis
Center to maintain insurance coverage in any amount or for any risk.
The Participant has read this release of liability and assumption of risk agreement and fully understands its
terms. Participant understands that if he/she desires or wishes to, he/she should seek independent legal
advice regarding this document.
X _________________________________________________________
Signature of Adult member or Junior Members parent
Total Tennis Center*Membership Application*2565 NE Coachman Rd.,Clearwater, FL 33765
M, T, W, F 3:30-6:30pm
Saturdays 8-11am
12 and up
USTA tournament players combined with the High Performance Academy.
(Includes scheduled local tournament travel, access to our sports psychologist, and
match-play with other academies)
Monthly Prices (Sessions per week)
Full-time $1,000/month
Part-time please inquire
Enrollment Form
Check one: ☐1Session ☐2Sessions 3Sessions☐ 4 Sessions☐
Check Day’s ☐Monday ☐Tuesday ☐Thursday
Age________DOB___________Gender__________Phone #(____)_____________
Parents names:_____________________________________________________
EMAIL PRINT CAREFULLY PLEASE_______________________________________
City___________________State________________ZIP Code_______________
Credit Card#_______________________EXP:__________ CVV______________
How did you hear about us?_________________________________________
*Payment must be made in advanced by the 5th day of the month
* Thirty (30) days notice is required for any membership cancellation after your initial term
Participant Release of Liability and Assumption of Risk Agreement
To the fullest extent permitted by law, Applicant shall indemnify and hold harmless the Total Tennis Center,
its officers, agents and employees, from and against all claims, damages, suits, losses and expenses,
including attorney’s fees, for injury or death to persons or damage to property arising out of or resulting from
the use of the property and facilities of, or the exercise and enjoyment of membership privileges in, the Total
Tennis Center by Applicant, Applicant’s family and guests for claims or amounts in excess of the proceeds
or scope of insurance coverage(s) maintained by the Total Tennis Center; provided, however, that the
determination to maintain or not to maintain insurance coverage(s) shall be in the sole discretion of the
Board of Directors of the Total Tennis Center, and nothing in this paragraph shall require the Total Tennis
Center to maintain insurance coverage in any amount or for any risk.
The Participant has read this release of liability and assumption of risk agreement and fully understands its
terms. Participant understands that if he/she desires or wishes to, he/she should seek independent legal
advice regarding this document.
X _________________________________________________________
Signature of Adult member or Junior Members parent
Total Tennis Center*Membership Application*2565 NE Coachman Rd.,Clearwater, FL 33765