数学院 2012 年发表主要科研论文 一、 2012 年 序 作者(署 号 名次序) 1 陈爱敏 2 葛志昊 3 吕广迎 4 赖柏顺 5 赖柏顺 论文题目 Delay-dependent L2-L ∞ control of linear systems with multiple time-varying state and input delays Analysis of multiscale finite element method for the stationary navier-stokes equations Nonlinear stability of traveling wave fronts for nonlocal delayed reaction-diffusion equations Regularity of the extremal solution for supercritical biharmonic equations with power-type 葛志昊 2012-02-10 SCI Nonlinear Analysis-Real Applications World 2012-01-27 SCI Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 2012-08-15 SCI Submit "Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications" 2012-11-30 SCI Acceppted by Properties of the extremal Proceedings of the solution for a fourth-order Royal Society of elliptic problem Edinburgh: Section A Mathematics" 2012-11-20 SCI 2012-01-27 SCI 2012-01-15 SCI 2012-11-30 SCI 2012-02-10 SCI 2012-01-15 SCI 2012-05-01 SCI Element Method For the Stationary Nonlinear stability of traveling 吕广迎 wave fronts for delayed reaction diffusion systems 8 陈敏茹 陈爱敏 1 1 吕广迎 Nonlinear Analysis-Real World Applications integrable system Physics linear systems with multiple Nonlinear Analysis-Real World Applications Nonlinear stability of traveling Journal Of Mathematical wave fronts for nonlocal delayed Analysis And reaction-diffusion equations Applications An alternating direction method for 肖运海 World Applications Journal of High Energy time-varying state and input delays 1 0 Nonlinear Analysis-Real Infinite-dimensional 3-algebra and Delay-dependent L2-L∞ control of 9 刊物 类别 World Navier-Stokes Equations 7 发表时间 Nonlinear Analysis-Real Applications Analysis of Multiscale Finite 6 刊名 linear-constrained matrix nuclear norm minimization Numerical Linear Algebra with Applicstions 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 陈守信 张瑞凤 吕广迎 Exact kink solitons in a monopole confinement problem On the existence of Skyrme gauge field monopoles Zeitschrift für equations with nonlocal delays und Physik Homoclinic Orbits for Second-Order 王 琪 Hamiltonian Systems with Some Twist Condition 1 7 Bifurcation analysis of a modified 张嘉防 Holling–Tanner predator–prey model with time delay 1 8 Existence of dyons in minimally 高志锋 gauged Skyrme model via constrained minimization 1 9 Iterative algorithms for common 张明亮 elements in fixed point sets and zero point sets with applications 2 0 SCI 2012-03-01 SCI 2012-12-01 SCI 2012-08-01 SCI 2012-04-15 SCIE 2012-03-01 SCI 2012-02-08 SCI 2012-01-21 SCI 2012-03-30 SCI 2012-10-15 SCI 2012-07-01 SCI 2012-10-01 SCI Methods & Applications angewandte Mathematik commensalism model with delays 1 6 Analysis-Theory planar wave of reaction diffusion periodic solutions in a 2012-10-17 Nonlinear Traveling wave front and stability as Global existence of bifurcated 张嘉防 Physical Review D Applied Mathematics and Computation Abstract and Applied Analysis Applied Mathematical Modelling Journal of Functional Analysis Fixed point theory and Applications Spatially Nonhomogeneous 张嘉防 Periodic Solutions in a Delayed Abstract and Applied Predator-Prey Model with Diffusion Analysis Effects 2 1 2 2 史宝丽 Image Restoration Based on the Abstract and Applied Hybrid Total-Variation-Type Model Analysis A modified conjugate gradient 肖运海 algorithm with cyclic Barzilai– Borwein steplength for unconstrained optimization 2 3 Alternating algorithms for total 肖运海 variation image reconstruction from random projections 2 4 2 5 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics Inverse Problem and Imaging 张嘉防 Stability and bifurcation periodic solutions in a Lotka-Volterra competition system with multiple delays Nonlinear Dynamics 2012-10-19 SCI 赖柏顺 Properties of the extremal solution for a fourth-order elliptic problem Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Section A Mathematics 2012-10-01 SCI 2 6 2 7 吕广迎 Entire solutions of delayed reaction-diffusion equations 吕广迎 Stability of planar waves in the buffered bistable system 肖运海 An Inexact Alternating Directions Algorithm for Constrained Total Variation Regularized Compressive Sensing Problems Existence of multiple vortices in supersymmetric gauge field theory 2 8 2 9 陈守信 3 0 陈守信 3 1 侯 3 2 3 3 3 4 波 张嘉防 吕广迎 张瑞凤 3 5 张瑞凤 3 6 马松雅 3 7 3 8 庞志峰 肖运海 Multiple Vortices in the Aharony-Bergman-Jafferis-Mald acena Model Hochschild cohomology of ZN-Galois coverings of an algebra Bifurcation And Spatiotemporal Patterns In A Homogeneous Diffusion-Competition System With Delays Non-uniform dependence for a modified Camassa-Holm system Zamm-Zeitschrift Fur Angewandte Mathematic Und Mechanik Mathematical Methods In The Applied Sciences 2012-03-01 SCI 2012-06-01 SCI Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 2012-03-01 SCI Proceedings Of The Royal Society A-Mathemetical Physical&Engineering Sciences 2012-11-07 SCI Annales Henri Poincare 2012-12-03 SCI Front. Math. China 2012-07-11 SCI International Journal of Biomathematics 2012-11-16 SCI Journal Of Mathematical Physics 2012-01-15 SCI Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica,English Series 2012-09-01 SCI Bull. Korean Math. Soc. 2012-07-01 SCI The existence of solutions for the problem in the optical lattice with nonlocal nonlinearity Mathematical analysis of nonlinear differential equation arising in MEMS Schemes for Remotely Preparing a Six-Particle Entangled Cluster-Type State A Projected Gradient Method for a High-order Model in Image Restoration Problems International Journal of Theorical Physics 201212-30 SCI Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences 2012-09-01 SCI A proximal alternating direction method for l21-norm least Journal of Industrial and Management 2012-09-01 SCI squares problem in multi-task feature learning 3 9 4 0 陈士超 王 波 4 1 刘 浩 4 2 唐恒才 Distribution of the coefficients of modular forms and the partition function The sensitivity analysis of a lake ecosystem with the conditional nonlinear optimal perturbation method Optimization Archiv der Mathematik 2012-05-16 SCI Advances in Meteorology 2012-08-01 SCIE 一类 Reinhardt 域上正规化双 全纯完全准凸映射的分解定理 中国科学.数学 2012-11-15 A类 Maass 尖形式对应的对称 L函数的特殊值问题 中国科学.数学 2012-12-01 A类