Greek Week Position Descriptions

Greek Week Position Descriptions:
Director- The director is the person who over sees the committee as a whole. They are required
to hold individual meetings and make sure everything is going as smoothly as possible. The
director is to help the committee to come up ideas and will be working closely with each
individual on the committee. They will also be working closely with the grad assistants and the
head of OSL.
Assistant Director- This position is in charge of working closely with the Director on overseeing
all other positions, takes minutes at the meetings, keep track of the points and is the liaison
between the Graduate Assistants and the committee.
Greek Games- There are two positions available for this event. These co-chairs are in charge of
designing the event Greek Games. They are in charge of designing the games, coming up with
how teams are to be set up, ordering the supplies, and speaking with the necessary people to
get all the supplies and permits needed.
Variety Show- This is another event that two positions is available. For this event, the co-chairs
are in charge of the “talent” show during the week. Are to book Pruis and be the liaison
between Greek Week Committee, OSL, and Pruis. They are to hold auditions and a tech
rehearsal, deciding the acts that will be in the show, will be in communication with the acts,
and will run everything the day of the event.
Pep Rally- This is a position that will be working closely with special events. The chair for the
position are in charge of planning the Pep Rally to kick off the beginning of the week. They are
to decide where the event will be held, what kind of activities will be at the event, and getting
MCs as well as any special guests the event may need.
Royalty- This chair is in charge of coming up with the event that the royalty candidates will be
participating in, designing the requirements for chapters to pick their candidates, and being the
liaisons between the committee and the royalty candidates. Will also be working closely with
the chapter liaison to get all information to other organizations.
Philanthropy- This chair gets the privilege of choosing Greek Weeks philanthropy (where all of
the money raised is going.) The chair is to come up with ways of raising money for our
philanthropy. Some examples of the ways are percent nights, donation tables, and other
creative ways to raise money.
Promotions- This position will be in charge of getting promotional items to hand out during the
week. You would be in charge of designing creative marketing materials to bring more
awareness to Greek Week and help get people excited. Some example designing the official
Greek Week shirt, designing flyers, and getting things such as sunglasses.
Public Relations- This person will be delegated the task of posting on social media, helping the
promotions chair with promo items, and working with all chairs and co-chairs and helping them
to promote their events.
Treasurer- The treasurer will be in charge of handling any money that Greek Week gets. They
will be working closely with the sponsorship chair and OSL.
Sponsorship- This position is in charge of getting into contact with Organizations on campus as
well as around the Muncie community to ask for money for the week. This chair will be working
closely with the treasurer.
Chapter Relations- Chapter relations will working closely with all Greek chapters on campus.
This will include making sure each chapter has a Greek Week Liaison. This chair will also be
holding all GWL meetings and getting the information that the committee talks about during
our meetings.
Scholarship Chair- This chair willing holding scholarship days throughout the year and create a
Greek Scholarship event for the end of the week.
Special Events- These chairs will be working to create a new event such as a run/ walk or a gala
to help raise more money for our philanthropy in a more fun and creative way. This is a new
idea and the people chosen should be excited to start something new!