COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT FROM: Kathi Cook, Community Development Director Prepared by: Richard McLeod, Senior Planner SUBJECT: PH-15-17 Historic Preservation Incentive Zoning Ordinance PLANNING COMMISSION: August 6, 2015 CITY COUNCIL: August 24, 2015 RECOMMENDATION: Approve PH-15-17 Historic Preservation Incentive Zoning Ordinance. REPORT-IN-BRIEF Consideration of adopting a Historic Preservation Incentive Zoning Ordinance that guides the formation of a Historic Preservation Committee, establishes guidelines to designate historic properties, and identifies incentives available to designated historic properties, as well as, policies and procedures for utilizing the incentive programs. DISCUSSION The purpose of this ordinance is to further the goal of protecting historic buildings and the historic character of the City by adopting regulations that encourage the preservation of historic resources by providing incentives to owners who provide for the preservation, restoration, rehabilitation and permanent protection of historic buildings. This ordinance is intended to create a Historic Preservation Commission (HPC) to aid the City in its effort to preserve historic structures and maintain the historic character of Downtown Alpharetta. The duties and powers of this body generally include: Research, preparation, and maintenance of an inventory of historic properties and buildings, funding sources, incentive programs, educational programs, etc. Recommending body to the City Council as it relates to the designation of historic properties Review applications for historic designation, certificates of appropriateness, and historic preservation plans February 8, 2016 1|Page The ordinance establishes procedures, regulations, and criteria for designating historic properties within the City. Designation of historic properties is voluntary, requiring the consent of the property owner. The HPC makes a recommendation on the designation of historic properties with final approval by City Council. After a property is designated, no permit of any kind shall be issued for work which would constitute a material change in the appearance of a building, structure, site, or landscaping located on the property until an application for a certificate of appropriateness has been submitted and approved by the HPC. Designated historic properties may utilize or are eligible for zoning incentives, construction code exemptions, and other benefits, including: Permitted mixed-use within a designated historic structure Achieving minimum requirements for open space and amenity space Setback and parking reductions Non-life safety Building Code exemptions State and Federal Tax Incentive Programs Façade grant HPC design assistance Bronze historic property plaque Use of incentives and other benefits are contingent on an approved historic preservation plan, which outlines the restoration of historic properties and establishes an ongoing maintenance and preservation program for the property. Conservation easements, permanent restrictive covenants, and other legal tools provide the enforcement mechanism to ensure the implementation of the historic preservation plan. The ordinance also requires demolition permits for properties identified on the Historical Society List of Historic Properties & Homes to be approved through a public hearing of the Planning Commission and City Council. Demolition permits must be based on an approved plan for development and include a commencement date. February 8, 2016 2|Page