Oregon State University, 54173 Hwy 74, PO Box 397, Heppner

Extension Service Morrow County
Oregon State University, 54173 Hwy 74, PO Box 397, Heppner, Oregon 97836
T 541-676-9642 | F 541-676-5451 | http://extension.oregonstate.edu/morrow/
February 6, 2014
To: Eligible 4-H Camp Counselor Members – Grades 8-12
I invite you to apply for the position of camp counselor at the 2014 Tri-County 4-H Camp! Working as a
camp counselor is an opportunity to increase your leadership and marketable job skills. It is an
opportunity to work with an enthusiastic staff of teens and adults from three counties (Morrow, Gilliam,
Wheeler) to provide a positive camping experience for young 4-H members. We need excellent
counselor staff to be able to conduct an excellent 4-H camp for 4th-6th grade students.
No dates are without conflicts. If you have a sports conflict on the weekend of April 5-6, please discuss
with your coach the importance of the leadership skill building opportunity you have to serve as a camp
counselor. Most coaches will be open to excusing you from a meet or game.
The Camp Counselor Training Retreat will be held April 5-6 at Condon High School. Attendance is
mandatory for the following reasons:
1. We are building a counselor team! Every year we have new counselors join our team and we
need the time to build trust in each other.
2. Practice helps us be better. Having the opportunity to lead activities and teach our peers before
we teach campers makes us better counselors.
3. Input from all counselor candidates is very important for planning activities for camp. A large
part of the counselor retreat is time allowed for planning for the 2014 4-H camp. Campers
selected Sports as this year’s theme, so start thinking of ideas!
4. Everyone needs to be present to accept responsibilities for various duties at camp.
4-H camp counselors need to be at Cutsforth Park from June 18-22. OSU Summer Conference will be
held June 25-28 this year so those of you attending both will have two full days to rest in between.
Carefully look over the job description, application and training requirements. The counselor fee of $50
will be covered by the Morrow County 4-H Leaders Association. This fee will cover meals at the retreat,
meals at camp and a counselor t-shirt.
Please submit a completed job application to the Morrow County Extension Office by March 17, 2014.
As always, you can find the application packet and a new fillable job application on our website:
http://extension.oregonstate.edu/morrow/ and click on 4-H Youth. Reminders and updates will also be
posted on our Facebook page “Morrow County 4-H Oregon”, so “like” us today to stay updated!
Applications will be screened and you will be notified of acceptance in late March.
Looking forward to a terrific 4-H camp this year! 
Ashley Jones
Morrow County 4-H Agent
Oregon State University Extension Service offers educational programs, activities, and materials without discrimination based on age, color, disability,
gender identity or expression, marital status, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or veteran’s status. Oregon State University
Extension Service is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Extension Service Morrow County
Oregon State University, 54173 Hwy 74, PO Box 397, Heppner, Oregon 97836
T 541-676-9642 | F 541-676-5451 | http://extension.oregonstate.edu/morrow/
February 6, 2014
Dear Returning Camp Counselor Applicants,
You did an excellent job as a camp counselor and I would like you to consider applying for the position
for the summer of 2014. We need experienced counselors to build another great counselor team.
No dates are without conflicts. If you have a sports conflict on the weekend of April 5-6, please discuss
with your coach the importance of this leadership opportunity to serve as a camp counselor. Most
coaches will be open to excusing you from a meet or game.
The Camp Counselor Training Retreat will be held April 5-6 at Condon High School. Attendance is
mandatory for the following reasons:
1. We are building a counselor team! Every year we have new counselors join our team and we
need the time to build trust in each other.
2. Practice helps us be better. Having the opportunity to lead activities and teach our peers before
we teach campers makes us better counselors.
3. Your experience as a counselor enhances the discussion with newer candidates. We encourage
you to teach new songs and games to the group.
4. Input from experienced counselors is very important for planning activities for camp. A
significant part of the retreat agenda is planning for the 2014 4-H camp. Last summer campers
selected Olympic Sports as the theme. This should be a fun one!
5. Everyone needs to be present to accept responsibilities for various duties at camp.
6. Daily Camp Directors (a significant leadership role) will be selected from experienced
counselors. Attending the retreat gives staff the opportunity to observe your leadership and
people skills in action.
4-H camp counselors need to be at Cutsforth Park from June 18-22. OSU Summer Conference will be
held June 25-28 this year so those of you attending both will have two full days to rest in between.
Carefully look over the job description, application and training requirements. The counselor fee of $50
will be covered by the Morrow County 4-H Leaders Association. This fee will cover meals at the retreat,
meals at camp and a counselor t-shirt.
Please submit a completed job application to the Morrow County Extension Office by March 17, 2014.
As always, you can find the application packet and a new fillable job application on our website:
http://extension.oregonstate.edu/morrow/ and click on 4-H Youth. Reminders and updates will also be
posted on our Facebook page “Morrow County 4-H Oregon”, so “like” us today to stay updated!
Applications will be screened and you will be notified of acceptance in late March. Looking forward to a
terrific 4-H camp this year! 
Ashley Jones, Morrow County 4-H Agent
Oregon State University Extension Service offers educational programs, activities, and materials without discrimination based on age, color, disability,
gender identity or expression, marital status, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or veteran’s status. Oregon State University
Extension Service is an Equal Opportunity Employer.