2014 LIVESTOCK DEPARTMENT GOATS EXHIBITOR HANDBOOK AUGUST 22 – SEPTEMBER 1, 2014 ENTRY FORMS DUE AND POSTMARKED BY: August 1, 2014 TABLE OF CONTENTS RULES AND POLICIES GENERAL RULES ............................................................................................................................................................................. 1 LIVESTOCK DEPARTMENT RULES ................................................................................................................................................... 3 OREGON EXHIBITION LIVESTOCK HEALTH REQUIREMENTS .......................................................................................................... 6 ALCOHOL POLICY ........................................................................................................................................................................... 8 STATE FIRE MARSHAL GUIDELINES ................................................................................................................................................. 8 2014 PARKING CHANGES, CAMPING RULES AND RESERVATION INSTRUCTIONS ................................................................ ………. 8 GOAT DIVISION POLICIES ............................................................................................................................................................. 13 AWARDS AND SCHEDULES GOAT DIVISION – SHOW SCHEDULE AND ENTRY INFORMATION ................................................................................................ 11 PREMIER BREEDER AND PREMIER EXHIBITOR AWARDS .............................................................................................................. 21 MILK PRODUCTION AWARDS ....................................................................................................................................................... 14 SECTION 300 – HERDSMANSHIP .................................................................................................................................................. 15 DAIRY GOAT SPECIAL AWARDS .................................................................................................................................................... 15 FEATURED / SPECIALTY BREED CASH AWARDS ........................................................................................................................... 16 COMPETITIONS SECTION 301 – ALPINE (FEATURED BREED) .................................................................................................................................. 18 SECTION 302 – LA MANCHA ........................................................................................................................................................ 18 SECTION 303 – NUBIAN ............................................................................................................................................................... 18 SECTION 304 – SAANEN ............................................................................................................................................................... 18 SECTION 305 – TOGGENBURG ..................................................................................................................................................... 18 SECTION 306 – OBERHASLI .......................................................................................................................................................... 18 SECTION 307 – NIGERIAN DWARF ............................................................................................................................................... 18 SECTION 308 – PYGMY ................................................................................................................................................................. 20 SECTION 310 – OREGON STATE FAIR BOER GOAT SHOW ............................................................................................................ 22 SECTION 311 – RECORDED GRADES ............................................................................................................................................. 18 SECTION 312 – ANGORA GOAT SHOW ......................................................................................................................................... 24 SECTION 313 – NATURALLY COLORED ANGORA GOAT SHOW .................................................................................................... 24 SPECIAL SHOWS SECTION 315 – ABGA BOER GOAT SHOW .................................................................................................................................... 25 FORMS ENTRY FORM ............................................................................................................................................................................... 26 W-9 FORM AND INSTRUCTIONS .................................................................................................................................................. 27 i GENERAL RULES The Oregon State Fair & Exposition Center (OSFEC) reserves the final and absolute right to interpret any and all terms, conditions, rules and regulations contained in any and all parts of this Exhibitor Handbook, and to settle and determine all matters, questions or differences in regard thereto, or otherwise arising out of, connected with or incidental to the Oregon State Fair. OSFEC further reserves the right to determine unforeseen matters not covered by the General or Department Rules published in this Exhibitor Handbook, and to withdraw all premium offerings in all departments should any emergency exist and circumstances demand. In case of discrepancies between General and Department Rules, Department Rules will supersede General Rules. 1. Entries need not have been entered or won at a County Fair in order to be eligible for competition at the Oregon State Fair. 2. Employees and their spouses are not eligible to enter the department in which they or their spouses are employed, unless otherwise stated in Department Rules. 3. Entries must be made on official OSFEC entry forms and will be accepted from 8 am – 5 pm on weekdays. Entry deadlines are listed in Department Rules or on the Calendar of Events. 4. Entry forms must state exhibitor’s name, address, telephone, date, class and section numbers, and must have exhibitor’s handwritten signature accompanied by a completed W9 form. Wrong numbers may cause entry to be disqualified. 5. Presentation of entry forms denotes acceptance by exhibitor of all OSFEC rules. 6. OSFEC reserves the right to limit entries to facilities available, and to limit the number of entries per exhibitor. 7. OSFEC reserves the right to return entries and cancel any class, section or lot in which, in its judgment, the entries are insufficient to provide adequate competition. 8. Entries must be in place and may be removed only during the scheduled times; any exception to this rule shall be at the discretion of OSFEC. 9. OSFEC reserves the right to reassign exhibits to alternative categories or departments. Exhibits may be subject to reasonable regulation of the time, place, and manner of display. 10. Each exhibitor shall be expected to show his/her animal or exhibit in accordance with the time schedule for judging printed in this Exhibitor Handbook and may be disqualified for failure to make proper arrangements in this respect. 11. Exhibitors shall indemnify OSFEC from and against all claims for damage to persons or property caused by them or by their exhibits. 12. OSFEC will take reasonable precautions to ensure safety of exhibits while on OSFEC’s grounds, but will in no way be responsible for loss, damage, theft or injury of any kind to exhibits or exhibitors. 13. Exhibitors found in violation of rules, or in practices unethical or adverse to the Oregon State Fair, shall be subject to forfeiture of premiums and/or privileges. 14. See Department Rules for credential policy for specific departments. 15. All signatures and information necessary to determine the exhibit is eligible must be on the entry form and all fees (including penalties) must be paid before judging of the class has started. 16. No person shall act as judge in any division in which he/she or a member of his/her immediate family is an exhibitor, is in charge of an exhibit or division, or is in charge of a group of exhibitors. 17. All classes, sections and lots shall be judged under the American System of Judging unless another system is specifically indicated. 1 18. A judge shall disqualify or transfer to the correct class any exhibit or animal which is not a true representative of the class in which it is entered. 19. A judge may disqualify any exhibit not of show quality. 20. No person shall be allowed to interfere with judges during the judging or with OSFEC staff, or to offer any criticism of exhibits. Violators of this rule shall be excluded immediately from the judging area and from competition, and be subject to such additional penalties, including cancellation of awards, as OSFEC may consider proper. 21. It is understood that the act of entering an exhibit or contest at the Oregon State Fair is asking OSFEC to secure a qualified judge to place a judgment on the exhibit or performance. It is therefore courteous to gracefully accept the decision of the judge, realizing that it may be in conflict with an exhibitor’s personal standards. Every reasonable effort will be made to secure highly qualified and conscientious judges. 22. Protests may be filed by exhibitors in writing to the Oregon State Fair Manager within 24 hours of the judging. Protests must be accompanied by a $50 deposit, a sum which may be forfeited if the protest is not sustained. Protests shall be adjudicated by OSFEC. 23. Only the judges’ results will be used as evidence for payment of premiums. Ribbons and tags will not be accepted. 24. Premium checks may be withheld from exhibitors who have any debt with OSFEC. 25. Premium checks will be mailed to the address shown on exhibitor’s entry form after the close of the Fair. 26. Errors in premium payouts not reported to OSFEC by December 31 of current year will stand as paid. 27. Premiums and other payments totaling $600 and over are considered taxable income. 2 LIVESTOCK DEPARTMENT RULES Livestock Coordinator: Phone: Email: 1. Ellen Hannan 503-881-3590 hannanellen43@gmail.com Show Office Phone: 503-947-3286 Oregon State Fair Office: 503-947-3247 All livestock entries must be postmarked no later than AUGUST 1, 2014, or hand delivered to the Oregon State Fair by 5 pm on August 1. Late entries postmarked between August 2 and August 8 will be charged triple the entry fee. No entries will be accepted after August 8, 2014. ELIGIBILITY The Superintendent has sole discretion as to capacity of barn. Entries may be limited to available space. If entries must be limited, space will be allocated by date entry received. 2. 7. BREEDING CLASSES: All animals must be purebred and registered (except wether sire/dam). 8. MARKET CLASSES: Animals may be purebred or cross – bred. 9. MINIMUM AGE REQUIREMENTS BY AUGUST 23, 2014: Alpacas ............................ Llamas .............................. Dairy Cattle, Swine .......... Beef Cattle, Sheep ............ Goats ............................... Entry form must be typed or printed, and must be completely filled out for each entry showing breed, name of animal, registration number, sex, numbers/letters of markings, date of birth, names and registration numbers of sire and dam, and name of breeder. 9 months 5 months 4 months 3 months 2 months REGISTRATION Only completed entries with full payment will be accepted. Please use a separate entry form for each breed of animals and one for Breeding Classes, Market Classes, etc. (one for ex: Alpine Dairy Goats, one for Nubian Dairy Goats, one for Hampshire Hogs, etc.). Incomplete entry forms will be returned. 3. Tattoos or identification must be clear and legible. Ear tags must be in the animal’s ear. Entry forms must reflect animal's identification. 4. ENTRY FEES: See class list for entry fees for each species. Entry fees must accompany entry form. Make check payable to Oregon State Fair. Refunds will be made only with prior approval from department management. These refunds will be mailed after close of the Oregon State Fair. 5. 10. All animals in breeding classes, including all calves shown with dam, must be registered and recorded with the breed association in the exact name of the exhibitor (owner), as of a date prior to opening day of show, as declared on the entry form, except: a. b. Members of a family have the option to show as a family unit, or father and mother shall show as a unit, and any other members of the family may show as a separate unit. We encourage the youth to participate in the Open Class Sections if there are no conflicts within their own youth show. Juniors showing in Junior Open Beef and Sheep Breeding Shows, please read ownership rules in those divisions carefully. SUBSTITUTIONS: Exhibitors will be allowed three substitutions at no charge. Any additional substitutions will be charged the late entry fee of department. Substitutions must be made at check – in time and prior to entrance of class. Substitution fees will be paid at the Oregon State Fair Office. Receipts will then need to be shown to the Livestock Office to complete substitution entry. 6. Exhibitors whose breed association required an inspector’s approval prior to registering may present a statement by the secretary of the association that the animal is otherwise eligible to be registered if the statement identifies the animal by birth date, sire, dam and ear tag, tattoo or notching, and the animal will not be over 12 months of age on the opening day of the Oregon State Fair. Official Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (“CVI”) requirements are listed in the Health Requirement Section on page 6 of this Exhibitor Handbook. 3 11. Registration Certificates and official CVI’s must be presented at the Livestock Office when the animals arrive on OSFEC’s grounds and must be available on request at any time, except for Beef Cattle. Registrations for Beef Cattle will be checked at the stalls at scheduled times. Copies will not be accepted. If animals have been transferred, transfer schedule must be included. Registration papers must be checked in at the Livestock Office 24 hours prior to show time. NO PAPERS PENDING. Exhibitors in Junior Entries: ONE daily gate and parking credential per exhibitor. Additional credentials will be available to exhibitors to purchase from the Credentials Office in the JackmanLong Building. 15. All animals are to be clean and well-groomed throughout the show. Stall and pen areas with sufficient clean bedding and aisles are to be maintained in a clean and uncluttered condition at all times. All morning clean-up work is to be completed by 8 am. All paper, glass, plastic, wire, metal and other refuse must be separated from the animal waste and bedding. All materials other than animal waste are to be placed in trash cans. EXCEPTIONS: See individual breed rules. Where there has been a transfer of ownership, the transfer must have been recorded in the records of the breed association and so indicated on the Registration Certificate. 12. Animals will not be permitted in the judging ring until Registration Certificates are examined and found to be in complete agreement with entry form. 16. No dogs allowed in barns. 13. Animals may not be shown in two breeds (i.e., Colored Romneys and Natural Colored Sheep). Any animal that is double registered in two breed associations will have the choice of showing in one breed or the other. 17. Livestock sales held during the Oregon State Fair are required to pay 2% of their first $50,000 gross sales and 1% on the remainder gross sales, with a minimum charge of $350 or per rental agreement. These charges include use of facility, set up and tear down of sale ring, PA system, bleachers, sawdust and credentials. SALE CHARGES RECEIVING AND RELEASE OF ANIMALS 13. All stalls and pens will be ready at 8 am on Wednesday, August 20, 2014. Any exhibitors wishing to arrive before that time, please contact the Livestock Office to make arrangements. All vehicles must be removed from the OSFEC grounds by 9 am daily. All animals must remain in barns until their designated release time. Failure to do so will result in forfeiture of premium money and potentially the privilege to show at future Oregon State Fair livestock shows. Exhibitors wishing to arrive late or leave early because of showing their animals at another fair, must show proof of entry and receive approval from the Livestock Coordinator. JUDGING AND AWARDS 18. All persons showing animals in the ring must wear clean and appropriate clothing. 19. No one will be permitted in the judging ring at time of judging except those authorized by OSFEC management. 20. The judge may award championships at his/her discretion for superior animals. 21. No more than two premium monies per section will be allowed per exhibitor. 14. EXHIBITOR PASSES will be issued as follows: 22. A W-9 form must be filled out by each exhibitor using their legal name with a matching Social Security Number. Do not list your farm name unless it is an incorporated business and has a business tax number. Premiums will be withheld until a completed W-9 form is filed with the Livestock Office (this is a requirement from the IRS). Canadian exhibitors are required to complete form 8233 before premiums can be paid. Exhibitors with 1 – 8 Cattle; 1 – 12 Sheep, Hogs, Llamas or Goats: Two admission passes One parking pass Exhibitors with 9 – 12 Cattle; 13 – 18 Sheep, Hogs, Llamas or Goats: Three admission passes Two parking passes Exhibitors with 13 or more Cattle; 19 or more Sheep, Hogs, Llamas or Goats: Four admission passes Three parking passes 4 ATTENTION JUNIOR EXHIBITORS FFA exhibitors and 4-H exhibitors may show the same animal in both Open and FFA/4-H Classes. FFA/4-H exhibit animals must be housed in the FFA/4-H barns. If there is a conflict with show times, members will be required to show in the FFA/4-H Classes. If animal is entered in Open Class Show, no entry fee will be charged for the Junior Show. Junior Show animals must be in place at the same time Open Show animals are required. Junior animals will be released after the show. Those showing in Junior and Open Class Divisions must conform to the rules of the Open Class Show. Please indicate on Open Class entry form if your animal(s) will be housed in the 4-H/FFA Barn. Entry must be postmarked no later than August 1, 2014. All entries postmarked between August 2 and August 8 will be charged triple the entry fee. Entries postmarked after August 8, 2014, will not be accepted. 5 OREGON EXHIBITION LIVESTOCK HEALTH REQUIREMENTS BOVINE (Out-of-State Origin) ALL ANIMALS and PERTINENT HEALTH DOCUMENTS are subject to inspection by the veterinarian in attendance upon admission to, or while on, OSFEC’s grounds. No animal which shows evidence of any infectious or contagious disease or any unsightly condition shall be admitted to or allowed to remain on OSFEC’s grounds. OSFEC management reserves the right to require health inspections, diagnostic tests, treatments and/or other animal health measures or procedures which might become necessary in emergencies at the owner’s expense. An Oregon Import Permit must be obtained from the Oregon Department of Agriculture (503-986-4680) prior to entry to the state for all cattle entering Oregon for exhibition purposes. Certificate of Veterinary Inspection and Import Permit number and tests as indicated below: 1. BRUCELLOSIS: Females must be officially calfhood vaccinated. Class Free State: No test. Department Coordinators of horse, sheep, goat, beef, dairy cattle and swine departments SHALL collect copies of all Certificates of Veterinary Inspection (CVI) and Entry Permits if required. This is to make inspection by state veterinarians more efficient. Class A State: One negative test within 30 days prior to entry into the Oregon State Fair. If animal(s) is/are from a Certified Free Herd, they may enter without further testing, with herd number and date of last herd test on the Certificate of Veterinary Inspection. OREGON ANIMALS No animal(s) from herds or flocks under state or federal surveillance may be exhibited without prior permission from the Oregon State Veterinarian’s office. 2. Oregon exhibitors at the Oregon State Fair who have exhibited or traveled with their animals out of state may be required to provide copies of CVIs to prove their animal(s) left the state and returned legally. Please call the Oregon Department of Agriculture (503-986-4680) for further details. TUBERCULOSIS: All out-of-state dairy animals must be tested within 60 days prior to entry into the Oregon State Fair. Accredited Free State: No test. Modified Accredited State: Must be tested within 60 days prior to entry into the Oregon State Fair. Call Dr. Brad R. LeaMaster at 503-986-4760 for further requirements. As the animal’s owner, you are responsible for being aware of and complying with the regulations when you take your animal(s) into another state. Your veterinarian can help you with this process. 3. SCABIES: All beef cattle coming from scab endemic areas must be dipped in an authorized solution or treated with lvermectin under official supervision. Such cattle must be shipped with 11 days of treatment and must not have been exposed to other cattle while waiting shipment. All dairy animals must have a hands-on inspection in lieu of dipping. OUT-OF-STATE ANIMALS There are both state and federal regulations regarding shipment of livestock and other animals across state lines. Most regulations are related to efforts to prevent, control or eradicate animal diseases. Some are to prevent livestock theft. BRAND INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS Exhibitors from other states must provide a CVI and an Oregon Import Permit to prove their animal(s) met Oregon’s import requirements to be shown at the Oregon State Fair. Please call the Oregon Department of Agriculture (503-986-4680) for further details. In accordance with ORS 604.071: No Person Shall: Transport livestock out of this state without a brand inspection certificate having been issued to the person presenting the livestock for transport, or fail to have a document identifying each load of livestock as a part of the livestock described on the brand inspection certificate accompanying each load. This applies to branded or unbranded livestock. Any animal not legally in Oregon will not be allowed on OSFEC’s grounds and will be reported to the State Veterinarian. 6 Out-of-State Exhibitors: Each exhibitor transporting cattle or horses must be accompanied by a current brand document issued from the state of origin upon entering the state of Oregon. This applies to branded or unbranded animals. LEPTOSPIROSIS: All breeding swine must be vaccinated for Leptospirosis prior to entry into Oregon. Date of vaccination must be shown on Certificate of Veterinary Inspection. Brand inspector at Oregon Department of Agriculture is Jack Noble, email at jnoble@oda.state.or.us. SHEEP (OREGON ANIMALS OR OUT-OF-STATE) SWINE (OUT-OF-STATE ORIGIN) All individuals exhibited must have a premises ID through the USDA Scrapie Eradication Program. 1. An Oregon Import Permit must be obtained for all swine, including Vietnamese potbellied and other exotic breeds, entering Oregon. The permit number must be written on the Certificate of Veterinary Inspection accompanying the animal. OUT-OF-STATE 1. Certificate of Veterinary Inspection with a statement that there has been no known exposure to Scrapie, and Import Permit Number. TESTS 2. BRUCELLOSIS: A negative brucellosis test is required, within 30 days prior to entry, for all breeding swine over six (6) months of age. Test date must be shown on Certificate of Veterinary Inspection. Animals from any flock or herd under any state or federal quarantine or hold order may be exhibited or sold only with prior written permission from the Oregon State Veterinarian. GOATS (OREGON ANIMALS OR OUT-OF-STATE) 2. Exceptions: a. b. All individuals exhibited must have a premises ID through the USDA Scrapie Eradication Program. Swine originating in a validated brucellosis-free herd may enter without a test if the validated herd number and date of last herd test are shown on the Certificate of Veterinary Inspection OUT-OF-STATE 1. Swine originating from a validated brucellosis-free state do not need a test. PSEUDORABIES: All swine must have a negative Pseudorabies test within 30 days prior to entry into the state. Test date must be shown on Certificate of Veterinary Inspection. All goats imported into Oregon shall be accompanied by an Import Permit and a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection attesting to the general good health of the goat(s) being imported and certifying the animal(s) have no know exposure to Scrapie. All goats being imported shall be identified by readily visible means of permanent identification, including but not limited to individual eartag, tattoo or brand. LLAMAS (OUT-OF-STATE ORIGIN) Exceptions: Llamas: Certificate of Veterinary Inspection, Import Permit. a. b. 3. Swine from a qualified Pseudorabies-free herd may enter without a test if the qualified herd number and date of last herd test are shown on the Certificate of Veterinary Inspection. VETERINARY SERVICES The Livestock Department has contracted with a veterinarian to make regularly scheduled visits during the Fair. Swine from states classified Pseudorabies State IV or V may enter without test. There will be no charge for the services of the veterinarian, but exhibitors will be charged for any medication dispensed. Payment must be made to the veterinarian at the time the medication is dispensed. Contact the Open Class Livestock Office to make appointments with the veterinarian. VACCINATIONS PSEUDORABIES: No swine vaccinated for Pseudorabies may enter the state of Oregon. ERYSIPELAS: All breeding swine must be vaccinated for Erysipelas with a killed or inactivated product within four months prior to entry into Oregon. Date of vaccination must be shown on Certificate of Veterinary Inspection. 7 ALCOHOL POLICY Effective 2011, the Oregon State Fair has a zero tolerance policy regarding alcohol being brought onto and/or consumed on the OSFEC grounds. Oregon State Fair has alcohol for purchase and consumption in designated areas and allows for walk-around consumption with verified identification when purchased from an Oregon State Fair concessionaire. Any person or persons found with or consuming alcoholic beverages that are not in appropriate containers, designated areas or with adequate identification will be asked to discard alcohol immediately. Repetitive offenses or problems with public safety as a result of alcohol use by patrons and/or exhibitors may result in fines and/or suspension from the Oregon State Fair for up to three years. Any minor in possession of alcohol and/or any person providing alcohol to a minor may be subject to immediate arrest by State or Local Law Enforcement Officers. GOLFCART AND ATV POLICY Authorized state fair golf carts and ATV’s will only be allowed on the fairgrounds. NO PERSONAL GOLF CARTS OR ATVS WILL BE PERMITTED. STATE FIRE MARSHAL GUIDELINES (Statewide Guidelines for Fairs, Trade Shows, Carnivals or Common Venue Events) Section 11 – LIVESTOCK BARNS AND ARENAS 11.1 Barns and arenas shall comply with the following when used as an assembly: 11.1.1 Livestock areas are not to be used as sleeping quarters, unless approved by the local fire code official. 11.1.2 Parking of motorized vehicles, camp trailers, and campers inside livestock/barn areas shall be prohibited. 11.1.3 Exit doors and egress shall be maintained at all times; i.e. movement of animals. 11.1.4 Portable heaters are prohibited in livestock buildings where hay, straw, or combustible products are present. 11.1.5 Heat lamps for newborn animals must be secured and protected in an approved manner. 11.1.6 Quantities of straw, hay, or similar combustible products shall be limited to a one-day supply for the feeding and care of animals. 11.1.7 Electric shears, blowers, fans, and vacuums shall be polarized and grounded, in good condition, and shall be only used per listing (i.e., wet areas, dusty areas). Please see www.oregonstatefair.org for the complete list of guidelines. 2014 PARKING CHANGES Parking and entrance information to the Fair will be posted online at www.oregonstatefair.org. Please check website for parking map and route information. 2014 OREGON STATE FAIR PARTICIPANTS AND VENDORS CAMPING RULES AND RESERVATION INSTRUCTIONS CAMPING RESERVATIONS Reservations Northwest, a Division of Oregon State Parks, will be taking reservations for all full hook up and electrical spaces beginning July 7, 2014. The non-refundable $8 reservation fee is charged for every site booked, in addition to your space fee. If any changes are made (date, site, etc.) that were not included in the original booking, there is a non-refundable $8 transaction fee that will be charged. 8 For reservations, call 1-800-452-5687. Oregon State Park reservation agents will be available from 8 am – 5 pm, Monday through Friday. Reservations are also available online at www.oregonstateparks.org. DRY CAMPING Dry camping will be available but no reservations are being taken by Reservations Northwest or the Oregon State Fair. There is adequate space for all who wish to Dry Camp and you will be assigned a space upon arrival by the Camp Coordinator. Please do not call ahead for reservations. When you arrive, you can contact the Camp Coordinator at 971-208-2546. CAMPING FEES Full payment of camping fees will be required at the time you make the reservation with Reservations Northwest: Dry Camping (either RV or tent) ............................. $15 per night. Electric Hook Up (RV spaces only) .......................... $20 per night. Full Hook Up (RV spaces only) ................................ $25 per night. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: A limited number of spaces are available for electrical service hook ups. Due to limitations on amperage, only 15 to 20 amps are available per space hook up. Air conditioners may not be used. A limited number of spaces are available for full service hook ups in the East Show Barn area. A limited number of ADA-accessible spaces are available for electrical service hook ups in a paved lot. Generators are allowed on the OSFEC grounds. We ask that you be considerate of your fellow campers regarding the use of generators. Please do not use generators between the hours of 11 pm and 7 am. CAMP TAGS: Reservations Northwest will send you a packet for your reservations with your space assignment. Please place the pink placard on the dash of your vehicle. After your arrival you will be issued a “dangler,” which will allow you continued access to the camping area. SLIDE OUTS, AWNINGS Due to limited width of camping sites, we may not be able to accommodate all vehicles with slide-outs on both sides. However, slide-outs on one side will work. Again, because of space limitations, awnings are not allowed in the full hook up or electrical camping areas. CANCELLATIONS AND/OR EARLY DEPARTURES To cancel your reservation more than three calendar days in advance, call RNW, all transfer and reservation fees will be retained. To cancel your reservation less than three days in advance, call the Oregon State Fair Camp Coordinator at 503-881-3623. Note that reservations and transfer fess along with your first night stay will be retained. Any changes will need to be made three calendar days in advance for a $6 transaction fee. CAMPING TIMES AVAILABLE FOR RESERVATIONS Check in time is 8 am and check out is 7 am, unless staying on the last day of the event (4-H Horse Show or Oregon State Fair). STATE FAIR — August 22 – September 1, 2014 Move in (Camping): Available beginning at 7 am on Wednesday, August 20, 2014. Move out (Camping): Camp spaces must be vacated no later than 5 pm on Tuesday, September 2, 2014. 9 OTHER OVERNIGHT CAMPING INFORMATION 1. Persons under the age of 18 staying in overnight area must have an adult chaperone. 2. All overnight vehicles must be self-contained. Individuals are responsible for cleanliness of the area around their site. All garbage must be kept in suitable containers. Large garbage cans will be placed in selected areas of overnight sites for your convenience. 3. Chemical toilets will be placed in each overnight area for your use. 4. All overnight vehicles must be removed from OSFEC’s grounds by 5 pm on Tuesday following the close of the Oregon State Fair. Failure to remove vehicles and trailers could cause them to be towed. 5. Horse trailers must be parked in accordance with instructions from the lot attendants. Any horse/utility trailers in camping areas will be charged the same fee as overnighters. GENERAL PARKING RULES 1. All parking permits must be displayed in the vehicle windshield. 2. Persons must park in the area designated on their permit. 3. Permit holders will not park in a manner which creates traffic problems. 4. Stock trailers, horse trailers, utility trailers, etc., must be parked in accordance with directions from the parking lot attendants. 5. Vehicles loading and/or unloading livestock, horses and tack inside the fenced area of OSFEC’s grounds must not be left unattended for more than 11 minutes. 6. No animal waste or combustibles will be dumped in the parking lots. PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION OF RULES 1. Harassment of parking attendants or violation of rules may result in revocation of parking permit and/or overnight parking. 2. Violations could result in a recommendation that the violator not be issued permits the next year. 3. Violations of the rules could result in the violator’s vehicle being towed from the Fairgrounds. 10 GOAT DIVISION Boer, Pygmy, and Angora Goat Superintendent: Darrell Lauer 503-310-2865 darrell@lauerboergoats.com Dairy Goat Superintendent: Christina Strickland 503-407-9875 christina.strickland@q.com ENTRY DEADLINE All entries must be postmarked no later than August 1, 2014. All late entries postmarked August 2 – August 8, 2014, will be charged triple the entry fee. No entries will be accepted if postmarked after August 8, 2014. All substitutions must be completed at checkin, with a maximum of three per exhibitor at no charge; any other substitutions will be charged the late entry fee. ENTRY FEE $10 per head. Late entry fee (August 2 – August 8, 2014) is $30 per head. No entry fee for group classes. No entry fee for Best Udder. All animals shown in group sections must have been entered and shown as individuals. Group entries must be made at the time entry form is submitted. Animals must remain in pens until designated release time. RELEASE DATE AND TIME Thursday, August 28 8 AM Dr. Tim Norman Loomis, CA Friday, August 29 8 pm Forster Pavilion Thursday, August 28 8 AM Bob Hare Winchester, OH Friday, August 29 8 pm Wednesday, August 27 12 noon – 7 pm Forster Pavilion/ Big Show Green Thursday, August 28 5 PM Sue Denham Bend, OR Friday, August 29 8 pm Wednesday, August 27 12 noon – 7 pm Forster Pavilion/ Big Show Green Friday, August 29 9 AM Shelby Armstrong North Marion, OR Friday, August 29 8 pm ARRIVAL TIMES BARN / RING LOCATION PYGMY Wednesday, August 27 12 noon – 7 pm Forster Pavilion/ 4-H Show Barn Wednesday, August 27 12 noon – 7 pm OSF BOER GOAT SHOW ANGORA GOAT SHOW ABGA BOER GOAT SHOW SHOW DATE/TIME JUDGE BREED 11 BREED ARRIVAL TIMES BARN / RING LOCATION SHOW DATE/TIME JUDGE RELEASE DATE AND TIME Sunday August 31 9 AM – Toggenburg 12 PM – LaMancha 3 PM – Recorded Grade ALL DAIRY GOAT BREEDS 4 PM – Oberhasli Saturday, August 30 Forster Pavilion 6 am – 1 pm 6 PM – Alpine Specialty Jeremy Lesniak Show Utica, NY Monday September 1 8 AM – Saanen 10 AM – Nigerian Dwarf 1:30 PM – Nubian 4 PM – Best in Show 12 Monday, September 1 8 pm GOAT DIVISION POLICIES 1. All General and Livestock Department Rules will be enforced. 2. The Dairy Goat Show will enforce the official rules of the American Dairy Goat Association (ADGA). a. Only American Dairy Goat Association, American Goat Society and Canadian Goat Society registered, recorded or applied for, animals may be shown in Official American Dairy Goat Association Shows. b. The Senior and Junior doe shows are separately sanctioned. c. The order of show is NOT subject to change. d. The base date for computing age will be the date shown. e. A Registration or Recordation Certificate is required for all animals six months of age or older. All animals under six months of age may be shown on a stamped duplicate showing the date received by the ADGA office. f. The ADGA show exhibitor must be the owner(s) or member of partnership whose name(s) appear as the owner on the registration or recordation certificate or stamped duplicate application. A stamped duplicate is only valid for 30 days from the date stamped by the ADGA office. g. Proof of permanent championship shall be either the prefix CH, GCH or SGCH as affixed by ADGA on the animal’s registration or recordation certificate or by the presentation of the Permanent Champion Certificate Notification Letter issued by ADGA in conjunction with the original registration or recordation certificate. The letter is valid for use until December 31 of the year of issuance. h. Group entries must be listed on entry form. All animals shown in groups must have been entered and shown as individuals. 3. The Boer Goat Show will enforce the official rules of the United States Boer Goat Association (USBGA). 4. For other goat classes, all rules and regulations of the respective breed and/or show association will be enforced as applicable. 5. TAMPERING WITH LIVESTOCK — Artificial coloring of any animal or any artificial means of removing or remedying physical defects of conformation in exhibition animals, such as lifting or filling under the skin, will be considered as fraud and deception. All animals giving evidence of such treatment will be barred from exhibition at the Oregon State Fair. If any animal is found by the official veterinarian to have been tampered with as previously described, it shall be disqualified from competition. All prize money that has been won at the current Oregon State Fair by the exhibitor on any animal or animals so disqualified will be forfeited. The Oregon State Fair will not be responsible for the consequences, direct or indirect, of any animal or exhibitor being so disqualified or debarred from showing. The finding of the official veterinarian as to whether or not any animal has been improperly tampered with shall be final and conclusive. 6. Breeds that fall into the category of “All Other Breeds” or “All Other Purebreds” and which show at least 15 animals from three or more exhibitors will qualify to have its own show the following year. 7. Breeds failing to show a minimum of 15 animals from three or more exhibitors will not receive premium money for the following year. Exhibitors may receive premiums by showing in the All Other Breeds or All Other Purebreds class (excludes recorded grades) or breed associations may choose to continue their show without premium support. 8. Exhibition animals (not receiving premiums) must complete an entry form. Pen space will be allowed if pens are available. 9. There will be no pre-show milk-out. The judge will be reminded there is no milk-out. ADGA judges are trained to discriminate against does that are over-uddered. 10. Milk must be disposed of properly. A dumping tank will be provided. 11. Dairy goat buck kids 45 days or less in age who are nursing their dams AND who are not showing any “buck characteristics” will be permitted on a space-available basis. 13 12. All animals must be in compliance with the Scrapie Eradication Program and must be identified by tattoo, eartag or microchip. Please have your scrapie premise ID number available at check-in. 13. ATTENTION JUNIOR EXHIBITORS – please refer to the Livestock Department Rules, section entitled “Attention Junior Exhibitors,” for important rules relating to class entries. Be certain to indicate on entry form the number of animals to be housed in the 4H/FFA barn. 14. There will be a Dairy Goat Exhibitor Meeting scheduled. Time and place will be posted. PREMIER BREEDER AWARD A banner and premium award will be given to the breeder who accumulates the most points from the placing of eight or fewer animals bred himself and exhibited by either himself or other exhibitors and shown in the open single age sections. A senior doe can earn points toward the premier breeder award either from her placing in her age class (8-13) OR from her placing in class 16 whichever gives the highest number of points. See table below for point determination for each placing. PREMIER EXHIBITOR AWARD A banner and premium award will be given to the exhibitor who accumulates the most points from the placing of eight or fewer animals owned and exhibited by himself regardless of breeder and show in the open single age sections. A senior doe can earn points toward the premier exhibitor award either from her placing in her age class (8-13) OR from her placing in class 16 whichever gives the highest number of points. See table below for point determination for each placing. Determination of Premier Breeder and Exhibitor - The points for each of the top placing eight or fewer animals as described above will be added together. The highest total will receive the award. Points for each placing will be assigned according to the following tables: JUNIOR DOES (Classes 1-4) PLACING 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 POINTS 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 SENIOR DOES (Classes 8-13 OR 16) PLACING 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 POINTS 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 MILK PRODUCTION AWARDS Qualification for milk production premiums will be on official DHIA, 305 days or less actual production records. First freshening does may qualify based on a projected record. All other does may qualify on any 305 days or less actual lactation. Does may qualify by meeting milk, butterfat OR protein minimums. All does meeting the minimum production qualifying levels are eligible to receive the additional premium in order of show placement (e.g., the first doe qualifying in the class will receive the 1 st premium). MILK PRODUCTION PREMIUMS BY PLACING PLACING 1 2 3 PREMIUMS $10 $8 $6 MINIMUM PRODUCTION QUALIFYING LEVELS The following table shows the minimum amount of milk, butterfat and/or protein that must be achieved via official DHIA test to qualify for the additional production premium. Submit copies of your lactation records to the Show Coordinator at check-in. YEARS 0-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5+ STANDARD BREEDS MILK BF S/NF 1700 58 50 1900 64.8 55.8 2000 68.2 58.8 2100 71.6 61.7 2200 75 64.7 YEARS 0-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5+ 14 MINIATURE BREEDS MILK B/F S/NF 670 23.5 20 740 25.9 22.2 770 27 23.1 804 28.1 24.1 823 28.8 24.7 SECTION 300 – HERDSMANSHIP AWARDS To promote more interest in presenting an attractive Goat Exhibit, premiums will be given in the goat division. All exhibits will be inspected daily during the Fair and scored on condition of animals, cleanliness of pens and aisles, particular attention being given to neatness and orderliness of areas used for tack and equipment. Sportsmanship and cooperation of the exhibitor will be taken into consideration. Indicate Section 300 Class 26 on the entry form if you wish to participate. HERDSMANSHIP SCORECARD I. Preparation of the Exhibit ............................................................................................................................... 40% a. Adequate, clean, bright bedding ............................................................................................................ 15% b. Animals attractively spaced in pens ....................................................................................................... 10% c. Decorative, attractive and preferably interactive educational display utilizing Fair theme: ............................................................................................................................................................... 15% II. Appearance and Attitude of Exhibitors ........................................................................................................... 15% a. Knowledgeable, courteous, friendly, able to answer questions about exhibit ..................................... 10% b. Exhibitor must be neat and clean, appropriately dressed ...................................................................... 5% III. Care of the Exhibit .......................................................................................................................................... 45% a. Animals clean, groomed, clipped (before show), feet trimmed before arrival ...................................... 15% b. Aisles kept neat and clean ...................................................................................................................... 10% c. Attractive, organized feeders and feed equipment ............................................................................... 10% d. Feed and equipment stored neatly when not in use, out of sight if possible, and kept clean ........................................................................................................................................ 10% TOTAL ............................................................................................................................................................100% Herdsmanship Award Premiums by Premiums Herd Size and Placing 1 2 Herds with a total of 6 or fewer pens Herds with a total of 7 or more pens $40 $60 $20 $30 DAIRY GOAT SPECIAL AWARDS ONE DAY ADGA MILK TEST – This is a milking competition for any senior doe entered in the Oregon State Fair Open Show or 4H Dairy Goat Show. It is generously sponsored by Marianne Velliquette of KP’s Family Farm and 4H Dairy Goat Superintendent from Clatskanie, OR. Open Class Dairy Goats are scheduled to arrive on Saturday, August 30 from 6AM to 1PM. The One Day Milk Test will begin on Thursday, August 28 and you will be required to bring the does participating in the One Day Milk Test in that day by 6PM and stay through release on Monday, September 1. Because this event is outside of the normal dairy goat rotation you must notify Chris Strickland, Dairy Goat Superintendent of your intent to participate no later than TUESDAY, AUGUST 26 so that penning arrangements can be made. The actual milking of the does will take place in the 4H barn. You will sign up for a specific time to milk your does. If you are using the One Day Milk Test as a Verification Test and/or a monthly test, you must bring all of your test paperwork. You will be paying your “normal” monthly fees to Willamette DHIA as well as $3 per doe for the One Day Test. The schedule for the One Day Milk Test is as follows: 1. The 1st milking will begin at 6PM on Thursday. At this time tattoos will be checked, registration numbers will be checked against registration papers, the milk be weighed and recorded. It will not matter what time you milked your does on Thursday morning. This milking is to confirm the udder is empty at the beginning of the test cycle. 2. The 2nd milking will be 12 hours later, Friday morning. At this milking the milk will be weighed, the pounds of milk recorded and a milk sample will be collected for component testing. 3. The 3rd milking will be 12 hours later, Friday evening. At this milking the milk will be weighed, the pounds of milk recorded and a milk sample will be collected for component testing. 15 TOTAL PERFORMANCE AWARD – This award is to support animals that excel in three performance areas. Points are allotted based on DHIA records, linear appraisal scores and placement in the doe’s age class at the Oregon State Fair. The award will be given to the highest qualifying doe from each breed shown. This award is supported entirely by individual donations. The sum of the donations will be divided equally among the breeds represented. Winners and donors will be announced. Contact christina.strickland@q.com to donate. Fill out an entry form at the time of check in. You will submit copies of the doe’s registration paper, appraisal score and DHIA record (ILR). Only official records will be accepted. The records do not have to be the most recent but the production record must be a single lactation of 305 days or less. Please highlight the record you want considered. Does must be shown at the Oregon State Fair. There is no entry fee for this award. Points are given so that production points (milk, fat and protein) are roughly balanced with type points (linear appraisal and class placing). TYPE SCORE: A. Appraisal score is calculated by multiplying the actual score x 2 (Example: FS 90 x 2 = 180 points). B. Placing score is calculated by multiplying the class placement points (see premier breeder and exhibitor section) + the udder placing (5 points for 1st udder, 4 points for 2nd udder, 3 points for 3rd udder) x 7.2 (Example: 1st place with 1st udder = (20 + 5) x 7.2 = 180 points). PRODUCTION SCORE: A. Milk Production – Standard Breeds is calculated by multiplying the pounds of milk x 0.072 (Example: 2500 pounds x 0.72 = 180 points) Milk Production – Miniature Breeds calculated by multiplying the pounds of milk x 0.25 (Example: 720 x 0.25 = 180 points) B. Fat + Protein – Standard Breeds is calculated by multiplying the actual pounds of fat + the actual pounds of protein x 1.14 (Example: (85 + 72.5) x 1.14 = 179.55 rounded to 180) Fat + Protein – Miniature Breeds is calculated by multiplying the actual pounds of fat + the actual pounds of protein x 2.27 (Example: (46.8 + 32.4) x 2.27 = 179.78 rounded to 180) FEATURED / SPECIALTY BREED CASH AWARDS – The following cash awards are donated by Bill and Chris Strickland of Le Chevrier French Alpines, Oregon City, Oregon, and will be given in the Featured/Specialty Breed only BEST OF BREED ........................................................................................................................................... $25 GRAND CHAMPION SENIOR DOE ............................................................................................................... $25 RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION SENIOR DOE ................................................................................................ $20 GRAND CHAMPION JUNIOR DOE ............................................................................................................... $15 RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION JUNIOR DOE ................................................................................................ $10 FIRST PLACE CLASS 19 DAIRY HERD ........................................................................................................... $20 FIST PLACE CLASS 20 BREEDER’S TRIO ....................................................................................................... $20 BEST OF BREED – A $30 cash award will be presented to the winner of each Best of Breed. This award is sponsored through the Northwest Oregon Dairy Goat Association. NWODGA is a long-standing not-for-profit corporation that meets in the Portland metro area monthly and hosts a yearly educational conference and a yearly show. NWODGA supports youth activities at the Oregon State Fair. Find out more about NWODGA on the web at http://nwodga.org. BEST UDDER IN SHOW – The doe awarded best udder of each breed will compete for Best Udder in Show. The winner will be presented with a $25 cash award donated by Le Chevrier French Alpines, Bill and Chris Strickland, Oregon City (NO PREMIUMS OFFERED). 16 PAUL AND BETTY HERRINGTON PRODUCTION AWARDS – These awards honor Paul and Betty Herrington, long time Dairy Goat sponsors and exhibitors at the Oregon State Fair. The Herrington’s were instrumental in forming the Northwest Dairy Goat Herd Improvement Association (NWDGHIA). The highest Official Lifetime Milk Production Record for each breed being exhibited will receive recognition. Only animals being shown at the Oregon State Fair are eligible. Submit a copy of the doe’s official DHI Individual Lifetime Record at the time of check-in. These awards will be announced at the completion of judging. FRIENDS OF THE HARRIET PARTAIN REVOLVING TROPHY – This award honors Harriet Partain, a prominent alpine breeder and exhibitor at the Oregon State Fair in the 1970-80’s. A perpetual “revolving” trophy will be presented to the owner of the First Place Alpine Dairy Goat Herd exhibited at the Oregon State Fair sponsored by the Friends of Harriet Partain. BUD FORRESTER OUTSTANDING YOUTH OBERHASLI EXHIBITOR AWARD – This award is presented by the NW Oberhasli Breeders Association in appreciation for all that Bud Forrester did to help promote the Oberhasli as a breed at the Oregon State Fair and promote youth. This is a $25 cash award. Contact Suzanne Strong, 6909 W Bridges Road, Deer Park, WA 9006, phone number (971) 219-6250, for an application. The award will be presented following the Oberhasli Senior Doe Show. 17 2014 OREGON STATE FAIR DAIRY GOAT SHOW FEATURING THE ADGA ALPINE INTERNATIONAL BREED CLUB DISTRICT VII SPECIALTY SHOW SECTION 300 - HERDSMANSHIP SECTION 301 – ALPINE (featured breed) SECTION 302 – LAMANCHA SECTION 303 – NUBIAN SECTION 304 – SAANEN SECTION 305 – TOGGENBURG SECTION 306 – OBERHASLI SECTION 307 – NIGERIAN DWARF SECTION 311 — RECORDED GRADES (NO PREMIUMS OFFERED FOR THIS CLASS IN 2014) Show Coordinator: Phone: Email: Christina Strickland 503-407-9875 Christina.strickland@q.com Show Office Phone: 503-947-3286 Oregon State Fair Office: 503-947-3247 or 1-800-833-0011 SHOW ORDER SUNDAY: MONDAY: Toggenburg, LaMancha, Recorded Grade, Oberhasli, Alpine Specialty Show Saanen, Nigerian Dwarf, Nubian PLACINGS/PREMIUMS 1 2 3 4 5 CLASS 01 Junior Kid (4/1/14 – 6/30/14) ................................................................................................. 23 02 Intermediate Kid (3/1/14 – 3/31/14) ....................................................................................... 23 03 Senior Kid (9/2/13 – 2/28/14) ................................................................................................. 23 04 Dry Yearling (9/2/12 – 8/31/13) .............................................................................................. 23 05 Grand Champion Junior Doe .............................................................................................. 06 Reserve Grand Champion Junior Doe ................................................................................. 07 Junior Get-of-Sire – Three does sired by same buck. One entry by same buck per Exhibitor. Show name and number of sire on entry form . .................................................... 15 08 Doe, Under Two years in Milk ................................................................................................. 23 08a Udder Placements (do not enter) .............................................................................. 5 08b Production Awards (enter at check-in) ...................................................................... 10 09 Doe, Two Years and Under Three .......................................................................................... 23 09a Udder Placements (do not enter) .............................................................................. 5 09b Production Awards (enter at check-in) ...................................................................... 10 10 Doe, Three Years and Under Four .......................................................................................... 23 10a Udder Placements (do not enter) .............................................................................. 5 10b Production Awards (enter at check-in) ..................................................................... 10 11 Doe, Four Years and Under Five ............................................................................................. 23 11a Udder Placements (do not enter) .............................................................................. 5 11b Production Awards (enter at check-in) ..................................................................... 10 12 Doe, Five Years and Under Seven .......................................................................................... 23 12a Udder Placements (do not enter) .............................................................................. 5 12b Production Awards (enter at check-in) ...................................................................... 10 13 Doe, Seven Years and Older ................................................................................................... 23 13a Udder Placements (do not enter) ........................................................................... 5 13b Production Awards (enter at check-in) .................................................................... 10 14 Grand Champion Senior Doe ........................................................................................... 15 Reserve Grand Champion Senior Doe .............................................................................. 18 17 14 11 7 17 14 11 7 17 14 11 7 17 14 11 7 Rosette + $15 Rosette + $10 13 11 8 17 14 11 7 3 8 6 17 14 11 7 3 8 6 17 14 11 7 3 8 6 17 14 11 7 3 8 6 17 14 11 7 3 8 6 17 14 11 7 3 8 6 Rosette + $30 Rosette + $20 PLACINGS/PREMIUMS (cont’d) 1 2 3 4 5 CLASS 16 Champion Challenge Class ...................................................................................................... 23 17 14 11 7 16a Udder Placements (do not enter) .............................................................................. 5 3 16b Production Awards (enter at check-in) ...................................................................... 10 8 6 17 Best of Breed ..................................................................................................................... ADGA Rosette + $30 18 Best Udder of Breed (selected from First Place Udder Placements from each class) ........ Rosette 19 Dairy Herd — Four does in milk, owned by Exhibitor ............................................................. 15 13 11 8 20 Breeders Trio — Three does, any age, all bred and owned by Exhibitor. Each Exhibitor is limited to one entry ................................................................................................................ 15 13 11 8 21 Senior Get-of-Sire — Three does in milk sired by same buck. Borrowing allowed. One entry by same buck per exhibitor. Show name and number of sire on entry . ................... 15 13 11 8 21a Oregon State Fair Special Award for Oregon Bred and Owned Animals - Additional premium given for placing when all three animals of the Senior Get-of-Sire are bred and owned by an Oregon Exhibitor. Awards based on placings in Class 21. Include Class 21a on the entry form if you qualify .............................................................................................. 7 6 5 22 Produce of Dam — Two does any age, the produce of same dam. Show name and number of dam on entry form. One entry from same dam per Exhibitor ......................... 15 13 11 8 23 Dam and Daughter – A senior doe and her daughter, any age ............................................... 15 13 11 8 24 Premier Breeder (determined by placings) ........................................................................ Rosette + $35 25 Premier Exhibitor (determined by placings) ....................................................................... Rosette + $30 26 Herdsmanship – 6 or fewer pens (enter at check-in) ................................................................ 40 20 27 Herdsmanship – 7 or more pens (enter at check-in) . ............................................................... 60 30 Following the completion of all breed class judging: Supreme Best Three Females (First Place best three females of each breed to compete) ...... Best Junior Doe in Show ........................................................................................................... Best Senior Doe in Show ........................................................................................................... Best Udder in Show ................................................................................................................... Supreme Champion Doe (Best in Show: Junior and Senior Does compete) ............................ 19 Rosette ADGA Rosette ADGA Rosette $25 Cash Award Rosette SECTION 308 — PYGMY GOATS Show Coordinator: Phone: Email: Sandi Lauer 503-310-2865 blkcowldy@yahoo.com Show Office Phone: Oregon State Fair Office: 503-947-3286 503-947-3247 or 1-800-833-0011 ENTRY DEADLINE: August 1, 2014. OFFICIAL SHOW RULES This show is a sanctioned doe and wether show. NPGA rules to govern and take precedence over all others. Only animals with registration papers may participate in sanctioned classes. Transfers accepted within 90 days of transfer date. ORIGINAL PAPERS MUST BE PRESENTED AT CHECK IN. Animals over six months of age should be tattooed before day of show. PLACINGS/PREMIUMS 1 2 3 4 5 6 CLASS 01 Junior Doe Kid — 8 weeks to 5 months .......................................................................................... 23 17 14 11 02 Intermediate Doe Kid — 5 to 8 months .......................................................................................... 23 17 14 11 03 Senior Doe Kid — 8 to 12 months ................................................................................................... 23 17 14 11 04 Junior Dry Yearlings — 12 to 18 months ......................................................................................... 23 17 14 11 05 Senior Dry Yearlings — 18 to 24 months ........................................................................................ 23 17 14 11 Junior Champion Doe ......................................................................................................... Rosette + $15 Reserve Junior Champion Doe ........................................................................................... Rosette + $10 06 Does under two years, freshened .................................................................................................. 12 8 7 5 07 2 – 3 Year-Old Does ......................................................................................................................... 23 17 14 11 08 3 – 4 Year-Old Does ......................................................................................................................... 23 17 14 11 09 4 – 5 Year-Old Does ......................................................................................................................... 23 17 14 11 10 5 Years and Older Does ................................................................................................................... 23 17 14 11 11 Does in Milk — Any doe in milk not shown in a previous class ...................................................... 23 17 14 11 (1st and 2nd Placings will stand in the Champion class.) Senior Champion Doe ........................................................................................................ Rosette + $15 Reserve Senior Champion Doe ........................................................................................... Rosette + $10 Grand Champion Doe ......................................................................................................... Rosette + $18 Reserve Grand Champion Doe ........................................................................................... Rosette + $12 12 Wethers — 8 weeks to 6 months ................................................................................................... 23 17 14 11 13 Wethers — 6-12 months ................................................................................................................. 23 17 14 11 14 Wethers — 1-2 years ...................................................................................................................... 23 17 14 11 15 Wethers — 2-3 years ………………………………………… .......................................................................... 23 17 14 11 16 Wethers — 4 years and older. ......................................................................................................... 23 17 14 11 Champion Wether .............................................................................................................. $15 Reserve Champion Wether ................................................................................................ $10 17 Dam and Daughter .......................................................................................................................... 12 8 7 5 18 Breeders Trio — All does bred and owned by same Exhibitor ....................................................... 12 8 7 5 19 Get-of-Sire — Two does sired by same buck, different dams ........................................................ 12 8 7 5 20 OREGON STATE FAIR SPECIAL AWARD FOR OREGON BRED AND OWNED ANIMALS. Produce of Dam — Same dam, different sires, bred and owned by Oregon Exhibitor (2 does) ............................................................................................................................... 7 5 4 Premier Exhibitor ............................................................................................................... Rosette Premier Breeder ................................................................................................................ Rosette 20 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 PREMIER EXHIBITOR AND BREEDER AWARDS Premier Exhibitor Award: This award is given to the exhibitor accumulating the most points on not to exceed eight animals, owned and exhibited by exhibitor, in the open single classes. Wether points will be counted for Premier Exhibitor only. Banner to First Place. Premier Breeder Award: This award is given to the breeder of not to exceed eight animals accumulating the most points in the open single sections, exhibited by himself and/or other exhibitors. Wether points will not be counted for Premier Breeder Award. Banner to First Place. Points and Placings for Premier Exhibitor and Breeder: JUNIOR DOES CLASSES 1 - 5 PLACING 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 POINTS 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 CHAMPION JUNIOR DOE .................................... 20 points RESERVE CHAMPION JUNIOR DOE ..................... 10 points SENIOR DOES CLASSES 6 - 11 PLACING 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 POINTS 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 CHAMPION SENIOR DOE .................................... 40 points RESERVE CHAMPION SENIOR DOE ..................... 20 points Wethers will receive 1/2 (one half) points allotted for Junior Does (wethers under one year) and 1/2 (one half) points allotted for Senior Does (wethers over one year). This will be allotted for First through Fifth Placings. Champion Wether ............................................. 20 points Reserve Champion Wether ................................ 10 points 21 SECTION 310 — OREGON STATE FAIR BOER GOATS Show Coordinator: Phone: Email: Darrell Lauer 503-310-2875 darrell@lauerboergoats.com Show Office Phone: Oregon State Fair Office: 503-947-3286 503-947-3247 or 1-800-833-0011 ENTRY DEADLINE: August 1, 2014. USBGA Rules to govern. Bucks allowed, no premiums paid. YOUTH SHOWMANSHIP 01 Pee Wee Youth (6 years and under 02 Junior Youth (7 to 12 years) 03 Senior Youth (13 to 18 years) PLACINGS/PREMIUMS CLASS 1 2 3 4 5 6 JUNIOR DOES (Never freshened) CLASS 04 0 to 3 months ................................................................................................................................. 23 17 14 11 7 05 3 to 6 months .................................................................................................................................. 23 17 14 11 7 06 6 to 9 months .................................................................................................................................. 23 17 14 11 7 07 9 to 12 months ................................................................................................................................ 23 17 14 11 7 08 Champion Challenge Junior .................................................................................................... Rosette 09 12 to 18 months .............................................................................................................................. 23 17 14 11 7 10 18 to 24 months .............................................................................................................................. 23 17 14 11 7 11 Champion Challenge Yearling ................................................................................................. Rosette SENIOR DOES (Have freshened) CLASS 12 Less than 2 years ............................................................................................................................. 23 17 14 13 2 to 3 years ..................................................................................................................................... 23 17 14 14 3 to 4 years ..................................................................................................................................... 23 17 14 15 4 to 5 years ..................................................................................................................................... 23 17 14 16 5 years and over .............................................................................................................................. 23 17 14 17 Champion Challenge Yearling ................................................................................................. Rosette JUNIOR FULLBLOOD/PUREBRED DOES (Never freshened) CLASS 18 0 to 3 months ................................................................................................................................. 23 17 14 19 3 to 6 months ................................................................................................................................. 23 17 14 20 6 to 9 months ................................................................................................................................. 23 17 14 21 9 to 12 months ............................................................................................................................... 23 17 14 22 Champion Challenge Junior .................................................................................................... Rosette 23 12 to 18 months ............................................................................................................................. 23 17 14 24 18 to 24 months ............................................................................................................................. 23 17 14 25 Champion Challenge Yearling ................................................................................................. Rosette SENIOR FULLBLOOD/PUREBRED DOES (Have freshened) CLASS 26 Less than 2 years ............................................................................................................................. 23 17 14 27 2 to 3 years ..................................................................................................................................... 23 17 14 28 3 to 4 years ..................................................................................................................................... 23 17 14 29 4 to 5 years ..................................................................................................................................... 23 17 14 30 5 years and over .............................................................................................................................. 23 17 14 31 Champion Challenge Senior .................................................................................................... Rosette MARKET GOAT CLASSES (Must be less than 12 months; can be wether or doeling, cannot be shown in open class) CLASS 32 ALL MARKET GOATS: After weigh-in classes .................................................................................. TBD 22 11 11 11 11 11 7 7 7 7 7 11 11 11 11 7 7 7 7 11 7 11 7 11 11 11 11 11 7 7 7 7 7 7 FULLBLOOD/PUREBRED JUNIOR BUCKS CLASS 43 0 to 3 months 44 3 to 6 months 45 6 to 9 months 46 9 to 12 months 47 Champion Challenge Junior FULLBLOOD/PUREBRED SENIOR BUCKS CLASS 48 12 to 18 months 49 18 to 24 months 50 2 to 3 years 51 3 to 4 years 52 4 to 5 years 53 5 years and older 54 Champion Challenge Senior 23 SECTION 312 — WHITE ANGORA GOAT SHOW SECTION 313 – NATURALLY COLORED ANGORA GOAT SHOW Show Coordinator: Phone: Email: Carol Ronan 541-597-4600 carol_h_ronan@hotmail.com Show Office Phone: 503-947-3286 Oregon State Fair Office: 503-947-3247 or 1-800-833-0011 ENTRY DEADLINE: August 1, 2014 Entry Fee: $10/head Angora goats show rules: Please submit all Angora goat show entries on the official Oregon State Fair form provided at the end of this premium book. All entry fees should be submitted with the entry form directly to the Oregon State Fair at the address provided on the entry form. No premiums will be paid for this show. Ribbons will be provided by the Oregon State Fair. Animals should be free of lice. Animals are shown "off the field". Fleeces should not be washed or have any additive that changes the feel or look of the lock structure. Angora Goat Classes Offered: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Junior Wethers - under 12 months old Senior Wethers - 12 months and older Champion and Reserve Champion Wethers Junior Buck Kids - born after February 28 Senior Buck Kids - born January 1 through February 28 Pair of Buck Kids - bred and owned by Exhibitor. Must be shown in classes 3 or 4. Yearling Bucks - less than 24 months old Aged Bucks - 2 and 3 years old Aged Bucks - 4 years and older Champion and Reserve Champion Bucks Junior Doe Kids - born after February 28 Senior Doe Kids - born January 1 through February 28 Pair of Doe Kids - bred and owned by Exhibitor. Must be shown in classes 9 or 10 Breeder's Young Flock - 1 buck kid & 2 doe kids - bred and owned by Exhibitor. Must be shown in classes 3 or 4 and 9 or 10. Yearling Does - less than 24 months old Pair of Yearlings, any sex. Must be shown in class 6 or 13 (looking for consistency) Aged Does - 2 and 3 years old Aged Does - 4 years and older Champion and Reserve Champion Does Best Fleece on animal. Judge's choice. 24 SECTION 315 – ABGA BOER GOAT SHOW Show Coordinator: Email: Cary Hayward lynxhollow@aol.com Show Office Phone: 503-947-3286 Oregon State Fair Office: 503-947-3247 or 1-800-833-0011 ENTRY DEADLINE: August 1, 2014. Entry Fee: $10 per animal $5 group classes TBA Please submit your entries on the Oregon State Fair Entry Form provided at the end of this book. All ABGA entries and show fees should be sent directly to: Cary Hayward PO Box 215 Cottage Grove, OR 97424. Email Cary for detailed information on group classes. All Boer goats showing in the ABGA Boer Goat Show must also be entered in the official Oregon State Fair show. Percentage Does Class Age Fullblood/Purebred Does Class Age Fullblood/Purebred Bucks Class Age 1 0 to under 3 months 18 0 to under 3 months 35 0 to under 3 months 2 3 to under 6 months 19 3 to under 6 months 36 3 to under 6 months 3 6 to under 9 months 20 6 to under 9 months 37 6 to under 9 months 4 9 to under 12 months 21 9 to under 12 months 38 9 to under 12 months 5 Jr. Division Champion 22 Jr. Division Champion 39 Jr. Division Champion 6 Jr. Division Reserve Champion 23 Jr. Division Reserve Champion 40 Jr. Division Reserve Champion 7 12 to under 16 months 24 12 to under 16 months 41 12 to under 16 months 8 16 to under 20 months 25 16 to under 20 months 42 16 to under 20 months 9 20 to under 24 months 26 20 to under 24 months 43 20 to under 24 months 10 Yearling Division Champion 27 Yearling Division Champion 44 Yearling Division Champion 11 Yearling Div. Reserve Champion 28 Yearling Div. Reserve Champion 45 Yearling Div. Reserve Champion 12 24 to under 36 months 29 24 to under 36 months 46 24 to under 36 months 13 36 months plus 30 36 months plus 47 36 months plus 14 Senior Division Champion 31 Senior Division Champion 48 Senior Division Champion 15 Senior Div. Reserve Champion 32 Senior Div. Reserve Champion 49 Senior Div. Reserve Champion 16 Grand Champion 33 Grand Champion 50 Grand Champion 17 Reserve Grand Champion 34 Reserve Grand Champion 51 Reserve Grand Champion 25 26 27 28 29 30