Modern Languages plans 2013-2014 Subject: French Year Group: 6 th year Teachers: Breda Fallon, Aisling Mooney General Aims To develop the four skills of reading, writing, speaking and listening. To develop learner autonomy To encourage cultural awareness Learning Outcomes To promoteFrench as a living language Topic Grammar Methodology and Assessment Resources September – October Outcomes Students will be able to: Speak about and discuss holidays. Describe methods of transport and their advantages/ disadvantages Verbs that take a preposition.( à or de) Holidays Transport Weather Pollution / Environment Revision of passé compose, etre and avoir Methodologies Co-operative learning (pair work/group work) Use of the communicative method Teaching and learning through technology Textbooks: Tout va bien, Accent Francais. Français Plus internet magazine Extract information about environment (weather , pollution, energy) Introduce opinion phrases and vocabulary Incorporate environment topics into their written opinions. Use the conditional tense in both oral and written opinions/ journal intime. Extract and discuss information on health issuesand recite key phrases( Mots Clés). Speak about personal health regime. Express an opinion and incorporate key phrases on keeping healthy/ Abuse of alcohol /, drugs and smoking. ( about 75 /90 words ) Write a formal letter of complaint. Using the si clause. The conditional tense Body Health Drugs Alcohol Tobacco Exam Paper work Pronouns, Direct , Indirect object relative pronouns. Position in the passé compose and negative. Music – simple songs etc Role play Whole class teaching Assessment Regular written , aural and oral exercises in class and in homework. Higher and lower order questioning Self and peer assessment through the correction of work Show me boards Regular class tests, oral, aural and written October Exam – aural, comprehensions and written expression A L’attaque Panache Language Websites: etc. Worksheets Exam papers Realia Various Music CDs Show-me Boards Data-projector Language magazines November-December Describe the different medias orally and mots clés in sentences and paragraphs . Speak about television and use of new technologies. Express their opinion on importance of technologies and social networking sites. Extract information aurally on these medias. Intensify oral presentations on these topics and all previous topics in 6 th year and 5th year. Read comprehensions and answer questions . Use grammar points accurately sentences and opinion paragraphs Technology Internet Medias Topics from Francais Plus Use and identification of the passé simple, le plus que parfait, le sobjonctif. Methodologies Co-operative learning (pair work/group work) Use of the communicative method Teaching and learning through technology Music – simple songs etc Role play Whole class teaching Textbooks: Tout va bien, Accent Francais. Français Plus internet magazine A L’attaque Panache Exam papers Assessment Regular written , aural and oral exercises in class and in homework. Higher and lower order questioning Self and peer assessment through the correction of work Show me boards Regular class test, Language Websites: etc. Worksheets Exam papers Realia Various Music CDs Show-me Boards Data-projector Language magazines January - March Students will be able to Complete a leaving cert oral French exam. Write an opinion on all topics , general and abstract. Use grammar constructions in journal intime / opinion and oral presentations. Methodologies Co-operative learning (pair work/group work) Use of the communicative method Teaching and learning through technology Music – simple songs etc Role play Whole class teaching Exam Papers Oral preparation Le Document Oral Exam in April April - May Students will be able to Write an opinion on all topics , general and abstract. Use grammar constructions in journal intime / opinion / reaction pieces All general topics, (5th year and 6th year) oral, aural and written. In house examinations. Complete revision of all grammar points.(5 th year and 6th year) Assessment Regular written , aural and oral exercises in class and in homework. Higher and lower order questioning Self and peer assessment through the correction of work Textbooks: Tout va bien, Accent Francais. Français Plus internet magazine A L’attaque Panache Language Websites: etc. Worksheets Exam papers Realia Various Music CDs Show-me Boards Data-projector Language magazines Mock exams written and oral. Regular class test, oral, aural and written Methodologies Co-operative learning (pair work/group work) Use of the communicative method Teaching and learning through technology Music – simple songs etc Role play Whole class teaching