Instructional Support Professional Learning Plan 2014-2015 professional learning plan to support: Academic Coordinators, Area Support Implementation Specialists, Elementary and Secondary Instructional Site Facilitators, Teacher Developmental Specialists, and Department of Special Education Compliance Specialists Ms. Luvenia Jackson, Superintendent Dr. Folasade Oladele, Chief Academic Officer 0 Clayton County Public Schools Vision Statement The vision of Clayton County Public Schools is to be a district of excellence preparing ALL students to live and compete successfully in a global society. Mission Statement The mission of Clayton County Public Schools is to be accountable to all stakeholders for providing a globally competitive education that empowers students to achieve academic and personal goals and to become college and career ready, productive, responsible citizens. Core Belief Statements We believe children have first priority on all of our resources. We believe education is the shared responsibility of the student, the parent/guardian, the school, and the community. We believe communication and understanding among all stakeholders of our diverse community are essential to achieving the goals of education. We believe that learning is a continuous process and most productive when the needs of each child are met through instruction provided by competent and caring teachers. We believe a learning environment where everyone experiences security, care, dignity, and respect is essential. Strategic Goals 1. To increase academic achievement for all students in Clayton County Public Schools as evidenced by state, national and international assessment results 2. To provide and maintain a safe, orderly and secure learning environment 3. To create an environment that promotes active engagement, accountability, and collaboration of all stakeholders to maximize student achievement 4. To effectively communicate the system’s vision and purpose and allow stakeholder involvement in an effort to build understanding and support 5. To provide high quality support services delivered on time and within budget to promote student academic success in the Clayton County Public Schools 6. To recruit and retain highly qualified and effective staff 7.28.2014 revision Clayton County Public Schools Table of Contents 2014-2015 I. Purpose and Expectations .................................................................................................................... 1 II. Key Responsibilities for Instructional Support ................................................................................. 1 III. Teaching and Learning Professional Learning Schedule and Planning Dates ............................... 4 IV. Professional learning Timeline ........................................................................................................ 10 V. Early Dismissal Professional learning for 2014-2015 school year……...………………………….13 VI. Instructional Facilitator Professional learning Agenda ................................................................. 14 VII. Professional Learning Framework ................................................................................................. 15 VIII. Evaluation Framework……………………………………………………………………………………………………17 7.28.2014 revision Clayton County Public Schools I. Purpose and Expectations The ultimate goal of the instructional support position is to provide ongoing, job-embedded professional learning opportunities for teachers to learn, practice, and receive feedback regarding their use of agreed upon high-quality instructional practices. We expect teams of educators to work collaboratively in cycles of improvement that include data analysis, goal setting, action steps implementation, monitoring, and reflection. We also expect teachers to be held accountable for using the knowledge gained through this process and professional learning to improve the overall quality of instruction in schools and classrooms, thus increasing student achievement. II. Key Responsibilities for Instructional Support Key Responsibility 1 Provides teachers with school level support in analyzing student assessment (screening, diagnostic, formative/summative) data and assists with implementing instructional practices based on data results (15%) Amount of time spent: Assisting in determining the needs of the school (surveys, needs assessments, statistical analysis) Aiding teachers and leaders in using the appropriate technology systems and solutions to collect, analyze, and report data Assisting with disaggregating data (DIBELS, SLOs, mCLASS, common assessments, etc.) to reveal strengths, weaknesses, and achievement gaps between groups of students Assisting teachers with making instructional decisions based on assessment data Supporting teachers and leaders in analyzing and interpreting classroom, grade level, and school level results Leading the school to use data for comprehensive school improvement planning Providing professional learning on data analysis that assists school personnel Other: Specify Key Responsibility 2 Assists teachers in the development and implementation of research-based high quality instruction that addresses educational challenges at an individual school site and aligns to the District Academic Achievement Plan (20%) Amount of time spent: Coordinating with teachers and leaders the implementation of the curriculum Facilitating the use of research-based teaching strategies and best practices to address the needs of students and teachers, and the school’s goals Working collaboratively with administrators to determine professional development activities and resources needed to create and implement school and academic improvement plans Collaborating with staff in the collection of evidence and artifacts for the purpose of documenting school and academic improvement activities Examining student work Facilitating Early Dismissal Professional Development sessions Other: Specify 1 Key Responsibility 3 Monitors the implementation of the curriculum and designated school level testing (15%) Amount of time spent: Monitoring the implementation of standards-based or innovative approaches to learning such as explicit instruction and Literacy Across the Curriculum utilizing the observation tools in eWalk Monitoring the implementation of the curriculum to ensure appropriate pacing Monitoring and supporting the implementation of school level testing by serving on the school’s assessment committee Assisting teachers with creating common assessments, probes, and other progress monitoring assessments Other: Specify Key Responsibility 4 Provides constructive feedback and relevant assistance to teachers during informal observations, model lessons and instructional coaching; conducts needs-based professional learning when needed (30%) Amount of time spent: Providing instructional support to teachers and administrators in the areas of lesson design, aligning instruction with district standards-based curriculum, developing effective classroom progress monitoring, and emphasizing continuous improvement of instructional delivery techniques Demonstrating, modeling, or co-teaching lessons Observing teachers, informally, in their classrooms and providing feedback to enhance teaching-learning situations Providing leadership for teachers by coaching, mentoring and facilitating change to improve the instructional program Demonstrating appropriate use of instructional technology and other educational tools to enhance and extend instruction Conducting well-designed school professional development for faculty and staff that engages learners and links current information to previous knowledge or experience Other: Specify Key Responsibility 5 Facilitates professional collaborative planning sessions with teachers focused on the following: effective content instruction, engaging and effective lesson planning, student work analysis and data disaggregation (15%) Amount of time spent: Cultivating collaboration across teams (grade level, content, cross-curricular, etc.) for data analysis, goal setting and implementing effective instructional practices aligned to specific problems in learning or district and school initiatives Providing knowledge of appropriate standards, content, materials, and resources Planning lessons with teachers which focus on the explicit lesson plan framework Collaborating with teachers to collect and analyze student work to gauge teacher effectiveness Facilitating data sessions to assist with disaggregating data to reveal achievement gaps between groups of students Demonstrating appropriate use of instructional technology and other educational tools to enhance and extend instruction Other: Specify Key Responsibility 6 Attends all Facilitator meetings and trainings (5%) Amount of time spent: Attending required meetings and trainings Earning an endorsement that directly supports the role (Coaching, Teacher Leader, or Teacher Support Specialist) Submitting appropriate artifacts as requested Establishing, maintaining, and enhancing effective communication with administrators, teachers, and other stakeholders Providing input in the plan and design of district-wide or school level professional development 7.28.2014 revision Clayton County Public Schools Redelivering expressed district expectations to stakeholders Other: Specify 3 III. Teaching and Learning Professional Learning Schedule and Planning Dates The following chart shows the training that Content Coordinators, Implementation Specialists, and other members of the Teaching and Learning Team will complete to prepare for the Instructional Support professional learning sessions for Elementary Site Facilitators (K-2 and 3-5), Secondary Site Facilitators, Teacher Developmental Specialists, and DES Compliance Specialists. The chart also documents the planning sessions that Content Coordinators and Implementation Specialists will utilize to prepare for the professional learning sessions. The redelivery session will encompass Content Coordinators and Implementation Specialists developing and implementing explicit instruction lessons. An explicit instruction lesson is a systematic instructional approach that includes a set of delivery and design procedures derived from research. Date/Time February 25 – March 11, 2014 March 4, 2014 March 2015 March 2014 – March 2015 March 18, 2014 – June 10, 2014 March 4, 2014 April 29, 2014 – April 2015 May 2014 – June 2014 June 2014 – June 2015 July 28, 2014 3:00 – Training (T) Planning (P) Redeliver y (R) Lead Training Providers PLC Intended Audience Status T T&L Coordinators CFT Complet ed PLC T Dr. Foley and Dr. Lee T&L PLC T T&L Coordinators T&L PLC T T&L Coordinators CFT Location LETRS Training Ongoing T T&L Coordinators T&L PLC P T&L Coordinators CFT PLC P PLC T PLC P 7.28.2014 revision Clayton County Public Schools Better Learning Through Structured Teaching by Fisher and Frey Ongoing PLC T&L Coordinators Technology Director T&L Coordinators, Expected Outcomes or Topic T&L Teaching Reading Sourcebook by Honig, Diamond, Gutlohn Training Driven by Data by Paul Bambrick-Santoyo Training Ongoing Complet ed Ongoing Ongoing Four Part Processor Secondary Interventions Revision of the Lesson Plan Template CFT Technology Training Instructi onal Site Planning Session for August 20, 2014 ISF Meeting 5:00 August Principal’s Meeting August 12, 2014 8:30 – 9:00 September 2014 – May 2015 September 2014 September 2014 – September 2015 IS, Area Superintende nts & CAO Facilitato rs R T&L Coordinators Principal s Delivery of Expectations for Instructional Support Facilitator’s Meeting, August 20, 2014 PLC P T&L Coordinators and Implementati on Specialists Instructi onal Site Facilitato rs Final Planning Session for August 20, 2014 ISF Meeting PLC R T&L Coordinators T&L PLC R T&L Coordinators T&L Better Learning Revisited – Four Content Area Instructional Videos – focus on Gradual Release PLC T T&L Coordinators T&L Critical Thinking Instructi onal Site Facilitato rs Planning Session for September 17, 2014 ISF Meeting Principal s Delivery of Expectations for Instructional Support Facilitator’s Meeting, September 17, 2014 September 3, 2014 3:00 – 5:00 PLC P September Principal’s Meeting PLC R T&L Coordinators PLC P T&L Coordinators and Implementati on PLC P T&L 8:30 – 9:30 September (The Problem with Math is English by Molina) PLC T&L Coordinators, IS, Area Superintende nts & CAO September 9, 2014 Implementation of K12 Math Plan Instructi onal Site Facilitato rs Specialis ts Instructi Final Planning Session for September 17, 2014 ISF Meeting Planning Session for October 15, 2014 ISF Meeting 5 29, 2014 3:00 – 5:00 October Principal’s Meeting October 7, 2014 8:30 – 9:30 PLC PLC R P October 27, 2014 3:00 – 5:00 PLC P November Principal’s Meeting PLC R November 4, 2014 PLC P 8:30 – 9:30 November 17, 2014 Coordinators, IS, Area Superintende nts & CAO onal Site Facilitato rs T&L Coordinators Principal s Delivery of Expectations for Instructional Support Facilitator’s Meeting, October 15, 2014 Instructi onal Site Facilitato rs Final Planning Session for October 15, 2014 ISF Meeting Instructi onal Site Facilitato rs Planning Session for November 13, 2014 ISF Meeting Principal s Delivery of Expectations for Instructional Support Facilitator’s Meeting, November 13, 2014 Instructi onal Site Facilitato rs Final Planning Session for November 13, 2014 ISF Meeting Instructi onal Site Facilitato rs Planning Session for December 10, 2014 ISF Meeting T&L Coordinators and Implementati on Specialists T&L Coordinators, IS, Area Superintende nts & CAO T&L Coordinators T&L Coordinators and Implementati on Specialists T&L Coordinators, IS, Area Superintende nts & CAO PLC P December Principal’s Meeting PLC R T&L Coordinators Principal s Delivery of Expectations for Instructional Support Facilitator’s Meeting, December 10, 2014 December 2, PLC P T&L Coordinators Instructi onal Site Final Planning Session for December 10, 2014 ISF Meeting 3:00 – 5:00 6 2014 8:30 – 9:30 December 15, 2014 PLC P PLC R 3:00 – 5:00 January Principal’s Meeting January 6, 2015 PLC P 8:30 – 9:30 January 26, 2015 PLC P PLC R 3:00 – 5:00 February Principal’s Meeting February 10, 2015 PLC P 8:30 – 9:30 February 23, 2015 PLC P PLC R 3:00 – 5:00 March and Implementati on Specialists T&L Coordinators, IS, Area Superintende nts & CAO Facilitato rs Instructi onal Site Facilitato rs Planning Session for January 14, 2015 ISF Meeting T&L Coordinators Principal s Delivery of Expectations for Instructional Support Facilitator’s Meeting, January 14, 2015 Instructi onal Site Facilitato rs Final Planning Session for January 14, 2015 ISF Meeting Instructi onal Site Facilitato rs Planning Session for February 18, 2015 ISF Meeting Principal s Delivery of Expectations for Instructional Support Facilitator’s Meeting, February 18, 2015 Instructi onal Site Facilitato rs Final Planning Session for February 18, 2015 ISF Meeting Instructi onal Site Facilitato rs Planning Session for March 18, 2015 ISF Meeting Principal Delivery of Expectations for Instructional Support T&L Coordinators and Implementati on Specialists T&L Coordinators, IS, Area Superintende nts & CAO T&L Coordinators T&L Coordinators and Implementati on Specialists T&L Coordinators, IS, Area Superintende nts & CAO T&L 7 Principal’s Meeting March 10, 2015 Coordinators PLC P 8:30 – 9:30 March 30, 2015 PLC P 3:00 – 5:00 April 27, 2015 PLC P PLC R 3:00 – 5:00 May Principal’s Meeting May 5, 2015 PLC 8:30 – 9:30 T&L Coordinators and Implementati on Specialists T&L Coordinators, IS, Area Superintende nts & CAO T&L Coordinators, IS, Area Superintende nts & CAO T&L Coordinators s Facilitator’s Meeting, March 18, 2015 Instructi onal Site Facilitato rs Final Planning Session for March 18, 2015 ISF Meeting Instructi onal Site Facilitato rs Planning Session for May 13, 2015 ISF Meeting Instructi onal Site Facilitato rs Planning Session for May 13, 2015 ISF Meeting Principal s Delivery of Expectations for Instructional Support Facilitator’s Meeting, May 13, 2015 T&L Instructi Coordinators onal Site P and Final Planning Session for May 13, 2015 ISF Meeting Facilitato Implementati rs on Specialists Note: It is the responsibility of the new elementary or secondary site facilitator to complete SIOP training within one year after hired for position. 8 IV. Professional Learning Timeline The chart below documents the date and time of expected professional learning for Elementary and Secondary Instructional Site Facilitators, Teacher Developmental Specialists, and Compliance Specialists. Training overviews and outcomes are provided in the chart. They are aligned to our Academic Achievement Plan and Instructional Priorities: Literacy across the Curriculum, Critical Thinking, and the Integration of Technology. Date/Time July 21, 22, & 24, 2014 8:00 – 3:30 Drew High School Training Overview Teaching and Learning Empowerment Conference Expected Outcomes Equip building leaders and teacher leaders with the skills necessary to plan and prepare with consideration for STARTS…students, time, assessment, resources, teaching techniques, and standards. Participants should walk away with answers to the following questions: Who are the students we serve and how do we use data to address their academic needs? What are the essential components for learning to read? When will we know students have not learned and how will we respond? How do we teach so all students learn? Why is planning and preparation critical in providing literacy-based instruction in all content areas? Audience Principals, Site Facilitators, and School Content Department Chairs (Driven by Data by Paul Bambrick-Santoyo, Better Learning through Structured Teaching by Fisher and Frey, and Teaching Reading Sourcebook by Honig, Diamond, & Gutlohn) August 20, 2014 8:00 – 4:30 PLC Planning and Preparation 7.28.2014 revision Clayton County Public Schools Revisit tools and responsibilities, with special emphasis on new instructional site facilitators. Examine 2014-2015 curriculum revisions and expectations. Analyze the need for planning and preparation when developing lessons for the classroom. Prioritize data from classroom interim assessments to develop differentiated instruction for all students in the classroom. Conduct needs assessments of content progress. Review and analyze school data. Analyze assessment data to reveal student strengths and learning needs. Review Explicit Instruction and CCPS Academic Elementary and Secondary Site Facilitators Compliance Specialists Teacher Developmental Specialists Achievement Plan. (Driven by Data by Paul Bambrick- Santoyo) September 17, 2014 8:00 – 4:30 PLC District Resources, Tools and Planning & Preparation Review responsibilities for instructional site facilitators. Review the foundations of DIBELS/MCLASS (Elementary)/Read 180 (Secondary), Reading Mastery, Corrective Reading and Math Intervention Diagnostic. Determine how to administer and score all measures, logistics of each assessment and program components. Analyze data from each program, review the need for intensive progress monitoring, and determine its impact on student achievement. Review Explicit Instruction and CCPS Academic Achievement Plan Elementary and Secondary Site Facilitators Compliance Specialists Teacher Developmental Specialists (Teaching Reading Sourcebook by Honig, Diamond, & Gutlohn) October 15, 2014 8:00 – 4:30 PLC Research-based instructional practices – Explicit Instruction Demonstrate understanding of the explicit instructional model by examining each section of the CCPS framework. Recognize and utilize the Gradual Release Model while teaching explicitly. Analyze the explicit model through the four content videos. Develop an explicit lesson. (Better Learning through Structured Teaching by Fisher and Frey) November 13, 2014 8:00 – 3:30 PLC Performance Management System/Assessment Data and Training CCRPI Elementary and Secondary Site Facilitators Compliance Specialists Teacher Developmental Specialists Revisit the CCRPI and identify updated changes to the evaluation system. Determine how CCRPI influences our students, schools and district actions. Using data develop a diagnosis of strategies and/or plan to work with classrooms or content areas. Continue work on explicit lesson videos incorporating the Gradual Release model. Review and analyze school data. Analyze assessment data to reveal student strengths and learning needs. Elementary and Secondary Site Facilitators Compliance Specialists Teacher Developmental Specialists Continue work on explicit lesson videos incorporating the Gradual Release model and begin addressing changes and improvements. Analyze and evaluate thinking with a view to Elementary and Secondary Site Facilitators Compliance Specialists Teacher Developmental (Driven by Data by Paul Bambrick-Santoyo) December 10, 2014 8:00 – 3:30 PLC Critical Thinking 10 improving it in the classroom. Develop selfdirected, self-disciplined, self-monitored, and selfcorrective thinkers in the classroom. Specialists (Critical Thinking Concepts and Tools by Richard Paul and Linda Elder) January 14, 2015 8:00 – 4:30 PLC Addressing Pacing Questions/Concerns and Compacting the Curriculum Examine best practices for addressing pacing concerns within a content/grade level. Provide practices for compacting of curriculum and modifications for students outcomes. Review and analyze school data. Analyze assessment data to reveal student strengths and learning needs. (Better Learning through Structured Teaching by Fisher and Frey) February 18, 2015 8:00 – 4:30 PLC March 18, 2015 8:00 – 3:30 PLC Connecting to CTAE, Gifted, and Fine Arts Using Data to Inform Instruction Review those programs in CCPS that supplement a student’s schedule and compare how these programs can increase rigor in the classroom. Review and analyze school data. Analyze assessment data to reveal student strengths and learning needs. Create and implement data analysis framework. (Driven by Data by Paul Bambrick-Santoyo) April 2014 May 13, 2015 8:00 – 3:30 PLC Elementary and Secondary Site Facilitators Compliance Specialists Teacher Developmental Specialists Elementary and Secondary Site Facilitators Compliance Specialists Teacher Developmental Specialists Elementary and Secondary Site Facilitators Compliance Specialists Teacher Developmental Specialists CRCT/EOCT Reflection and Planning for 2015-2016 School Year Debrief about practices from the 2014-2015 school term, reflect on professional learning provided, re-examine programs used this school year. 11 Elementary and Secondary Site Facilitators Compliance Specialists Teacher Developmental Specialists V. Early Dismissal Professional learning for 2014-2015 school year The chart below documents the date and time of expected professional learning for all school faculty and leadership for the Early Dismissal. Training overviews and outcomes are provided in the chart. They are aligned to our Academic Achievement Plan and Instructional Priorities: Literacy across the Curriculum, Critical Thinking, and the Integration of Technology. Each module is scheduled to run for one hour (unless otherwise specified). The course will extend the current practices used in CCPS through authentic learning experiences highlighting CCPS teachers, applicable demonstration videos, as well as practical application scenarios. Instructional Site Facilitators will be trained one week before the scheduled Early Dismissal. Date/Time Training Overview Expected Outcomes Audience September 4, 2014 PLC or webinar 3:30 – 4:30 Planning and Preparation Early Dismissal Training Session (9.10.14) for Instructional Site Facilitators Instructional Site Facilitators and Teacher Developmental Specialists September 10, 2014 Planning and Preparation Review and evaluate the process of planning for explicit instruction by developing the educational profile of students in each class taught, unpacking standards for what content should be taught, and develop vocabulary and literacy strategies for struggling students. School Faculty and Leadership October 2, 2014 PLC or webinar 3:30 – 4:30 Gradual Release of Responsibility Instructional Framework Early Dismissal Training Session (10.8.14) for Instructional Site Facilitators Instructional Site Facilitators and Teacher Developmental Specialists October 8, 2014 Gradual Release of Responsibility Instructional Framework Integrate and support the Gradual Release Framework in Explicit Instruction. Be able to specify and show how the Gradual Release Framework is used in each part of an explicit lesson. (Better Learning through Structured Teaching by School Faculty and Leadership Fisher and Frey) November 6, 2014 PLC or webinar 3:30 – 4:30 November 12, 2014 Focused Instruction Focused Instruction Early Dismissal Training Session (11.12.14) for Instructional Site Facilitators Investigate the four key features of focused instruction: establishing purpose, modeling, think-alouds, and noticing. (Better Learning through Instructional Site Facilitators and Teacher Developmental Specialists School Faculty and Leadership Structured Teaching by Fisher and Frey) February 5, 2015 PLC or Webinar 3:30 – 4:30 Collaborative Learning Early Dismissal Training Session (2.11.15) for Instructional Site Facilitators 12 Instructional Site Facilitators and Teacher Developmental Specialists February 11, 2015 Collaborative Learning Develop a student’s ability to communicate and collaborate with peers to help students to participate in inquiry, decision making, goal setting, self-monitoring, and time management. School Faculty and Leadership (Better Learning through Structured Teaching by Fisher and Frey) March 5, 2015 PLC or Webinar 3:30 – 4:30 Knowing the difference between mistakes and errors Early Dismissal Training Session (3.11.15) for Instructional Site Facilitators Instructional Site Facilitators and Teacher Developmental Specialists March 11, 2015 Knowing the difference between mistakes and errors Interpret the difference between a mistake and error due to classroom instruction. Be able to track errors and find error patterns. (Better Learning School Faculty and Leadership through Structured Teaching by Fisher and Frey) 13 VI. Instructional Facilitator Professional learning Agenda The following document will be used to state the agenda for the professional learning sessions. Clayton County Public Schools Teaching and Learning Department 1058 Fifth Avenue| Jonesboro, GA 30236| 770-473-2700 Strategic Goal 1: To increase academic achievement for all students in Clayton County Public Schools as evidenced by state, national and international assessment results Luvenia Jackson Superintendent Day and Date Dr. Folasade Oladele Chief Academic Officer Instructional Support Meeting Time Agenda Item Time and Location Presenter Strategic Goal 2: To provide and maintain a safe, orderly and secure learning environment Strategic Goal 3: To create an environment that promotes active engagement, accountability, and collaboration of all stakeholders to maximize student achievement 8:00-3:30 Strategic Goal 4: To effectively communicate the system’s vision and purpose and allow stakeholder involvement in an effort to build understanding and support Strategic Goal 5: To provide high quality support services delivered on time and within budget to promote student academic success in the Clayton County Public Schools Strategic Goal 6: To recruit and retain highly qualified and effective staff Vision Statement The vision of Clayton County Public Schools is to be a district of excellence preparing ALL students to live and compete successfully in a global society. Mission Statement The mission of Clayton County Public Schools is to be accountable to all stakeholders for providing a globally competitive education that empowers students to achieve academic and personal goals and to become college and career ready, productive, responsible citizens. 7.28.2014 revision Clayton County Public Schools R a t i o n a l e VII. Professional Learning Framework The framework below is the expected lesson plan template that should be used to document planning for learning. CCPS Lesson Plan Template Purpose: To establish expectations for developing, implementing, and evaluating lesson plans to support the delivery of explicit instruction to improve student achievement and success. Teacher: Period(s)/Time: Date(s): Unit of Study/Topic: Lesson Standards Direct Explanation Explain what students should know and be able to do and how they will be assessed. Modeling the Lesson’s Concepts Demonstrate the knowledge and skills for the lesson’s concepts. Guided Practice with Feedback Provide students with opportunities to practice the concepts and skills with teacher guidance and corrective feedback. Independent Practice Allow students to practice the concepts independently using the lesson’s skills, language, and/or practices. Review/Assessment of Standard and Learning Objectives Perform an assessment of students’ knowledge and skills. Explicit Template developed from Anita Archer 15 VIII. Evaluation Framework The framework below is the expected lesson plan evaluation that should be used to document the delivery of explicit instruction. Lesson Observation Instrument Lesson’s Topic _______________________ Observation Questions About the CONTENT of the Lesson Evident Provide citations Not Evident Provide feedback Direct Explanation The teacher provides a purposeful explanation of the lesson objective(s), the overall significance of the lesson, and the assessment tool(s) that will be used to measure learning. Teachers pre-teach pertinent vocabulary and help students connect to prior knowledge and experiences. Modeling ("I do") – The teacher demonstrates vocabulary, skills, strategies, or concepts using metacognitive strategies like think-alouds and demonstrations to help explain what students need to learn and to do. Guided Practice ("We do") – The session is teacher-led – but provides students with opportunities to practice the skills. After doing checks of students’ understanding, the teacher reinforces the skill, strategy, vocabulary, or concept that was just modeled. The teacher provides immediate Corrective Feedback and/or Verification of accurate responses. Independent Practice / Application ("You do") – The teachers allows students to practice independently the skill, strategy, vocabulary or concept that was just practiced. Assessment and Reflection – The teacher does a final assessment of students’ mastery of the standard(s) and learning objectives. S/he has students reflect on their learning and gathers any additional insight for the next day’s lesson. (Ticket out the door, lesson summary, responses to EQs, etc.) List 1-2 commendations for the lesson: _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ List 1-2 suggestions for improving the content, process, product, and/or learning experience: _________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 16 Development, Implementation, and Evaluation of Lesson Plans Purpose: To establish expectations for developing, implementing, and evaluating lesson plans to support the delivery of explicit instruction to improve student achievement and success. Expectations Submission of the Lesson Plan Review of the Lesson Plan Feedback on the Lesson Plan Submit all lesson plans using the CCPS Explicit Instruction Lesson Plan template Submit all lesson plans to the principal’s designated contact Submit all lesson plans based on the principal’s designated submission day and time Lesson plans should be assessed based on the five components of explicit instruction as outlined on the template Lesson plans should be assessed based on the CCPS Instructional Priorities, which are literacy across the curriculum, critical thinking, and integrated technology Commentary should be constructed based on evidence (reviewed and observed) of the five components of explicit instruction Commentary should provide teachers with specific techniques for improving the lesson’s alignment to explicit instruction and the CCPS Instructional Priorities *Content coordinators may be contacted for clarification and support. 17