Coaching Delivery Plan

David Douglas School District
Coaching Service Delivery Plan
1. Improve student outcomes by committing to implement evidence based practices
through coaching
2. To provide equitable coaching delivery across schools
3. Provide a transparent Coaching Service Delivery plan to all stakeholders, i.e., School
Board, Parents, Teacher Union, Administrators, Teachers, and Coaches
4. To ensure that district systems are aligned within and across classrooms, grade
levels, and buildings
Role and Responsibilities of Coaches:
1. Role
a. Coaching in David Douglas is a non-evaluative position designed to increase both
teacher effectiveness in adopted evidence based practices and student outcomes
b. Coaches will be in classrooms on a consistent basis to support teachers with
implementation of evidence based practices
c. Coaches will observe teaching, provide feedback, model lessons, engage in goal
setting conversations, assist with peer observations, and collect implementation
data to support teachers in the evidence based practices
2. Responsibilities
a. Coaches are expected to be content experts in the innovation in which they are
b. Coaches are expected to increase their effectiveness by participating in district
required Coaching Classes
c. Coaches are expected to be experts in data analysis and linking data to
instructional improvement within the innovation
d. Coaches are expected to establish feedback loops with teachers on specific goals
e. Coaches are expected to establish feedback loops regarding general
implementation status with administrators and district office to inform building
and district systems
f. Coaches are expected to train newly hired staff on the innovation they support
Coaching in David Douglas
Outcome for Coaching: Improve student performance
Coaching Goals: Improve teacher’s ability to deliver effective instruction
Coachees: k-12 teachers, Professional Learning Teams
Supervision of Coaches: Principals supervise and fill out evaluation cycle
Evidence Collected: Evidence is not evaluated for content, ONLY completion.
However, data from evidence collected will inform professional development opportunities for district
leadership, teachers, administrators, and coaches
Coaching Deliverables
Time Activity Log
Coach: Use to Self
reflect and analyze the
distribution of coaching
efforts across the
building. Use data as a
reflection tool to make
adjustments in coaching
Who Does This Work?
District Coaches
Coach: Weekly
Principal: To be
determined by individual
District: Collection Dates
• November 15
Principal: Use as a
sample of evidence for
professional practice and
responsibilities to inform
progress throughout the
process of evaluation.
• February 15
• May 15
District: Use to analyze
the implementation of the
district coaching program
and it’s effect on teacher
and student growth.
Perception Survey
Additional data collected
to determine effectiveness
of district coaching
program and to target
professional development
Curriculum Team
May 15