Smith Emily Smith ENG 1DI Mr. Banks October 16, 2013 Minor

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Emily Smith
Mr. Banks
October 16, 2013
Minor Characters in Mean Girls
The film Mean Girls is a classic movie that tells a story of a girl named Cady and her
interesting experiences in high school. The characters are a big reason why Mean Girls is a
favorite of many teenagers. Janice is an interesting and entertaining character because she is
secretive, smart and unique. Damien is awesome because of his love for fashion, sense of
responsibility, and his confidence. Lastly, Kevin G. is a riot because he is a ladies’ man, nerdy
and confidant. Therefore, Mean Girls is an entertaining film because of the minor characters who
are more than stereotypes.
Firstly, Janice is a big reason why Mean Girls is so entertaining because she is unique,
secretive and bold. She is unique and stands out because of her gothic style which Regina
George describes as “emo”. The truth is that Janice really does have friends and does not act like
the goth she is labeled as at school. Also, Janice is very secretive. She keeps many secrets from
Cady including when Regina called her a lesbian. The audience is drawn in by this because they
now sympathize with Janice. Lastly, she is bold. She leans to speak her mind when Cady starts
acting like a “plastic”. An example would be when she yells from the car to Cady and tells her
she is turning into a mean girl because of the way she treats others. The audience is left shocked
and wondering what will happen next with Cady. Thus, Janice is a great example why Mean
Girls is so entertaining because she is unique, secretive and bold.
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Secondly, Damien is a big reason why Mean Girls is so entertaining because of his love
of fashion, sense of responsibility and confidence. Damien from the very beginning shows his
fashion sense. One example would be when he orders Cady to give his pink shirt back. The
audience laughs because it is not expected that a guy would be so overprotective of clothing.
Damien is also entertaining because of his responsible side. An example of this would be when
he was freaking out about his curfew while Janice was yelling at Cady. Damien also has amazing
confidence despite what other people say about him. When he was at the winter concert, he sang
loud and proud even when the audience threw shoes at him. His confidence makes the audience
fall in love with his character. Therfore, Damien is an amazing example of a minor character that
makes Mean Girls entertaining because of his fashion, responsible side, and confidence.
Finally, Kevin G is an entertaining character because he is flirty, the ultimate nerd, and
confidant. Kevin’s flirty behavior makes him very entertaining. For example, he flirts with Cady
at the Halloween party. The audience enjoys this because it adds a great level of humour. He also
entertains us because he is the ultimate nerd. Kevin is the captain of the mathlete team and is the
first to answer all the mathlete competition questions. Math is considered a very nerdy subject.
Next, Kevin defies the awkward nerd sterotype by being confidant and shameless. At the Spring
Fling, he strides into the dance wearing his mathlete varsity jacket like he is superior to
everyone. The audience is entertained by this because it is ironic that a nerd has the confidence
of a jock. Therefore, Kevin G. is a minor character that really does make Mean Girls entertaining
because of his flirty behavior, his nerdy attributes and his confidence.
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In conclusion, Mean Girls is entertaining because of its minor characters who are more
than just stereotypes or members of a high-school clique. Firstly, Janice is entertaining to watch
because she is unique, secretive and bold. Her best friend Damian is fashionable, responsible,
and confident. Lastly, Kevin G. is flirty, nerdy and also confident because of both his rap and
math skills. Mean Girls is an amazing film that shows minor characters who behave like
teenagers in real life and for that reason it is a memorable movie.