Housing: Your Basic Infrastructure Contents Foreword.................................................................................................................................v Acknowledgements ............................................................................................................. vii 1 Introduction: who is this kit for?.................................................................................1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 2 Objectives of the kit ..................................................................................................................1 Structure of the kit......................................................................................................... ............1 Further information .......................................................................................................... .........2 Housing policies and strategies ........................................................................................ .........2 Different ‘types’ of housing policy ......................................................................................... ..3 Housing strategies, residential strategies and corporate strategies ............................................5 Understanding local government and housing provision ..........................................7 2.1 Introduction...............................................................................................................................7 2.2 The existing role of local government in housing .....................................................................9 2.3 Why develop a housing policy? ..............................................................................................10 2.3.1 Population decline................................................................................................... ..... 10 2.3.2 Service needs ................................................................................................................ 10 2.3.3 Urban amenity........................................................................................................ ...... 11 2.3.4 Environmental sustainability and efficient land use..................................................... 11 2.3.5 Economic development................................................................................................. 11 2.3.6 Community development .............................................................................................. 11 2.3.7 Housing affordability and choice ................................................................................. 12 2.3.8 Linking services ............................................................................................................ 12 2.4 Who benefits from a local housing policy? .............................................................................1 2 2.5 What actions/roles could flow from a housing policy? ...........................................................13 2.6 The changing context of local government and housing .........................................................14 2.6.1 The localised effects of the restructuring of the Australian economy........................... 14 2.6.2 Globalisation, insecurity and housing.......................................................................... 15 2.6.3 The remaking of government ........................................................................................ 16 2.6.4 The changing housing market ...................................................................................... 16 2.6.5 The changing policy context......................................................................................... 17 2.7 The politics of housing policy.......................................................................................... .......18 2.7.1 Government versus the market ..................................................................................... 19 2.7.2 The long term versus the short term ............................................................................. 20 2.7.3 The ‘haves’ versus the ‘have nots’ ............................................................................... 20 2.7.4 Locality versus society.............................................................................................. .... 21 2.7.5 The community versus the individual ........................................................................... 21 2.7.6 Public space versus housing......................................................................................... 22 2.7.7 Which sphere of government is responsible? ............................................................... 22 2.7.8 Provision versus facilitation......................................................................................... 22 2.7.9 Medium density housing ............................................................................................... 23 2.7.10 The politics of housing: a summary.............................................................................. 25 2.8 Typology of local government ................................................................................................26 2.9 Regional or local housing policy........................................................................................ .....26 2.10 Establishing a steering/organising committee.....................................................................30 i Housing: Your Basic Infrastructure 3 Compiling a local housing picture............................................................................. 31 3.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 31 3.2 Housing supply and demand analysis ..................................................................................... 33 3.2.1 A statement of the national and local economic context...............................................34 3.2.2 Current housing demand............................................................................................... 34 3.2.3 Future demand: population forecasts ...........................................................................38 3.2.4 Housing and land supply ............................................................................................. .42 3.3 Housing needs analysis........................................................................................................... 43 3.3.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................ ..........43 3.3.2 Housing policy context..................................................................................................44 3.3.3 Appropriateness ..................................................................................................... .......45 3.3.4 Housing needs groups...................................................................................................47 3.3.5 Homelessness ........................................................................................................ ........47 3.3.6 Indigenous housing .......................................................................................................49 3.3.7 Culturally/ethnically specific housing...........................................................................49 3.3.8 Older persons................................................................................................................ 50 3.3.9 Youth housing ....................................................................................................... ........54 3.3.10 Disability........................................................................................................... ............55 3.3.11 Assessing needs and linking with policy .......................................................................57 3.4 Affordability study..................................................................................................... ............. 59 3.5 Common data bases ................................................................................................................ 64 3.6 Do we need neighbourhoods?: how to define areas................................................................ 66 3.7 Review of council’s policies and activities............................................................................. 66 From information to action: preparing policies and strategies.............................. 69 4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 69 Developing a housing policy ............................................................................................ ...... 69 Setting goals and objectives............................................................................................ ........ 71 From objective to strategy ...................................................................................................... 74 Implementation.......................................................................................................... ............. 76 Residential strategy................................................................................................................. 77 4.6.1 How does this kit mesh with a HRDS?..........................................................................77 4.7 Affordability policy and actions ............................................................................................. 78 4.8 Summary checklist of the policies and strategies stage........................................................... 80 The production of a housing report .......................................................................... 81 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 Introduction ........................................................................................................... ................. 81 Who is the report for?............................................................................................................. 81 What is the report for?................................................................................................. ........... 81 What are the outcomes?.......................................................................................................... 81 Is it digestible?....................................................................................................... ................. 81 Is hard copy format the best method? ..................................................................................... 81 Is it benchmarked?...................................................................................................... ............ 82 Is there a rationale for policy and actions? ............................................................................. 82 Examples of goals and objectives........................................................................................ ... 82 5.9.1 Affordability and social housing ...................................................................................82 5.9.2 Research, knowledge acquisition and information provision .......................................83 5.9.3 Residential planning .....................................................................................................84 5.9.4 Coordination, facilitation and relationships to other agencies ....................................84 5.9.5 Planning management ..................................................................................................85 5.9.6 Advocacy and support................................................................................................. ..85 5.9.7 Housing management ...................................................................................................85 Bibliography ................................................................................................................ 87 6 Appendix I Appendix II ii MAV Housing Policy Position Statement Survey of Local Government Housing: Your Basic Infrastructure Index of figures Figure 1.1 Figure 1.2 Figure 1.3 Figure 2.1 Figure 2.2 Figure 3.1 Figure 3.2 Figure 3.3 Figure 3.4 Figure 3.5 Figure 3.6 Figure 3.7 Relationship between policy, strategy and actions...........................................................3 Policy documents.............................................................................................................3 Relationship between ‘types’ of policy............................................................................4 Factors that housing affects .............................................................................................7 Factors that affect housing...............................................................................................8 Demand and supply framework .....................................................................................32 Information typically presented from the census ...........................................................35 Number of dwellings required for a population of ten thousand ...................................40 Population projections method ......................................................................................41 Age structure of Victoria’s population, 1996 and 2021.................................................51 Assessment framework ..................................................................................................58 Policy review ............................................................................................................... ..66 Index of tables Table 2.1 Table 3.1 Table 3.2 Table 3.3 Table 3.4 Table 3.5 Table 3.6 Table 3.7 Table 3.8 Table 3.9 Table 3.10 Table 3.11 Table 3.12 Table 3.13 Table 3.14 Table 3.15 Table 4.1 Table 4.2 Table 4.3 Table 4.4 Typology of local governments ......................................................................................27 Using approvals data to estimate population change ......................................................36 Estimating population increase by household type .........................................................36 Lifecycle stages and housing careers ..............................................................................37 Average household size, 1996-2021 ...............................................................................40 Overoccupancy characteristics: sources and criteria.......................................................46 Categories of homelessness.............................................................................................48 Percentage of persons with a profound or severe handicap aged 65 and over, by sex and age, 1993................................................................................................... ......................51 Estimated number of aged households needing dwelling adaptations (by the surrogate method) ..................................................................................................................... ......53 Roles and responsibilities in relation to supported accommodation for disability ..........57 Calculating mortgage as a proportion of income ............................................................60 Private rental affordability, Melbourne, June quarter, 1995 ...........................................61 Before- and after-housing poverty by tenure, 1973 and 1996.........................................62 Calculating threshold income...................................................................................... ....63 Average annual mortgage repayment in Richmond ........................................................63 Common housing indicators and benchmarks.................................................................65 Housing actions from City of Port Phillip corporate plan...............................................70 Housing roles and potential policy areas ........................................................................72 Specification of an affordability objective ......................................................................75 Examples of identifying outcomes ..................................................................................76 iii Housing: Your Basic Infrastructure iv Housing: Your Basic Infrastructure Municipal Association of Victoria Foreword The MAV Housing Kit – Housing: Your Basic Infrastructure – has been compiled specifically for Victorian local government elected members and officers, and aims to promote and support the development of regional and local housing policies and strategies by councils. Housing forms a critical part of the basic infrastructure of all municipalities, and local government areas are in many respects defined by their housing. Victorian councils have a range of roles in the planning, regulation, facilitation and direct provision of housing, in conjunction with the state and Commonwealth governments, the community and the private sector. Historically the MAV undertook a major role in the development of housing through its management of the Local Government/ Community Housing Program, and in February 1996 the Victorian Local Government Housing Policy was endorsed by the MAV General Management Committee. Victorian councils have undergone almost unprecedented reform during the 1990s, including amalgamation of 210 councils into 78. The impetus for the development of this Housing Kit came from the newly formed councils reviewing their overall strategic directions and revisiting their roles in housing in their redefined areas. With the strengthened local government system in Victoria, councils have an increased capacity to plan strategically with their communities to facilitate the provision of appropriate and integrated physical, social and economic infrastructure. The kit highlights the need for councils to develop clear policy directions in housing in view of, for example, changing community demographics, pressure on financing of municipal infrastructure, major changes occurring with the Commonwealth-State Housing Agreement, and community controversy in areas of planning and development such as medium density housing and ‘right to farm’. The kit is a valuable tool to assist councils in determining their roles in housing with the public, private and community sectors, and to strengthen the relationship in regional and local planning with the Office of Housing, local organisations and developers. It provides a step by step guide to the development of a housing policy and strategy to respond to the needs of diverse communities. v Housing: Your Basic Infrastructure I would like to thank the project chairperson Cr Hedley Moffat and all the members of the steering committee for their input and commitment to the completion of this ambitious project, and all the council representatives who contributed to it. Acknowledgment is also made of the assistance and funding provided by the Office of Housing to undertake this project. Congratulations are due to the Swinburne team, headed by Professor Terry Burke and in particular Scott Ewing, for the production of this excellent kit, which I commend to councils as a resource for both determining future directions and achieving effective housing outcomes for their communities. Cr BRAD MATHESON President vi Housing: Your Basic Infrastructure Acknowledgements This kit was funded by the Office of Housing and the Municipal Association of Victoria. We would like to acknowledge and thank the large number of people across local government who assisted through replying to our original survey, especially those who took the time to provide ideas and examples, without which the kit would be very much the poorer. We would particularly like to thank the steering committee, which really did steer the project and provided invaluable ideas and feedback: Cr Hedley Moffat (chairman) Mayor of the City of Moonee Valley Ms Clare Hargreaves MAV Ms Jenny Wills MAV Ms Fiona Hando / Mr John Bennett MAV Ms Ruth Spielman Whittlesea City Council Ms Jenny Macaffer Formerly Brimbank City Council Mr Brendan Carins Boroondara City Council Ms Jane Wager Greater Geelong City Council Mr Paul Ashby Moonee Valley City Council Professor Terry Burke ISR Mr Scott Ewing ISR Mr Mike Pelling ISR vii Housing: Your Basic Infrastructure viii Housing: Your Basic Infrastructure 1 Introduction: who is this kit for? This kit is a guide to what local governments can do by way of facilitating and advocating for the planning, management and provision of housing by developing a local housing policy. It is written for multiple audiences: new and experienced elected representatives, council staff at different levels, local organisations and interested members of the public. 1.1 Objectives of the kit This kit has been prepared on the assumption that there is no single best approach to housing policy and that alternative approaches are possible, in recognition of the different historical and local area attributes of each municipality. To this end, the objectives of the kit are multiple, with particular objectives having more relevance to some municipalities than others. The broad objectives are: To provide an overview of the role of local government in housing and the changing external context which may occasion review of, and reflection on, existing roles; To identify the opportunities and constraints for local government in housing provision; To identify alternative models of local area housing actions around housing provision; To identify and interpret the politics of local area housing; To provide step by step guidelines on how to prepare local government housing strategies and policies; and, To provide guidance in integrating housing issues into other plans/documents. It should be clearly recognised what the kit is not. It is not intended to be a guide to developing residential strategies and does not deal directly with design, subdivision and urban character issues (although it touches on each of these in parts). 1.2 Structure of the kit The kit has four discrete parts, with potentially different users or audiences for each: Section 2: Overview of local government and housing (roles, responsibilities, issues and problems); Section 3: Preparing a local housing picture, that is, collecting and analysing information; Section 4: Turning information into actions; and, Section 5: Principles for writing and producing a policy document around housing issues. 1 Housing: Your Basic Infrastructure Section 2 is an overview of the roles and responsibilities of local government in housing, the challenges facing local government in housing and the politics of local housing provision, i.e. what issues arouse local concerns and why. It is in effect an education document for people seeking explanations about the ‘whys’ of local government in housing provision. Section 3 is technical, concerned with ‘how to do it’. If a local government chooses to undertake a housing policy, what tasks are to be done and how? The kit identifies the tasks and basic methodologies but does not go into full detail. For those wanting details, the section provides reference to existing housing studies where appropriate details can be found. In recognition that many of these studies are not readily available, we plan to develop a database on MAVnet. Section 4 outlines some of the principles and problems in moving from the information stage to preparing policies and strategies, including specification of goals and objectives. Finally, Section 5 sets out the stages in actually producing a housing policy document, including a checklist of considerations in deciding its style and format. This section also includes examples of goals and objectives from a variety of local government housing policy documents. 1.3 Further information While reference to relevant housing and planning studies is made throughout the kit, there is also a bibliography of sources at the end. Also included are ‘boxes’ that exemplify themes or issues raised in the text. These are not essential to the argument, and can be skipped to facilitate the flow of reading and to reduce reading time! 1.4 Housing policies and strategies In a lot of the literature and within policy documents themselves, there is a great deal of confusion (and disagreement) regarding policy and strategy and their relationship with each other. For the purposes of this kit we will regard policy as a general statement of aims or goals. In terms of housing, policy is set largely by council itself. Strategy is a plan for achieving these broad goals with specific actions or programs and the necessary or desired roles of other agencies, e.g. other spheres of government, the private sector and the community. Figure 1.1 sets out this distinction or, more accurately, the relationship between the three levels. In this example, council has identified four main policies in relation to housing. With regard to policy P2, four strategies have been developed to achieve it. Strategy S2 then has four specific actions that will be taken by nominated departments or individuals over a specified time period. 2 Housing: Your Basic Infrastructure Figure 1.1 Relationship between policy, strategy and actions Housing Housing Housing Policy Strategy Actions P1 S1 A1 P2 S2 A2 P3 S3 A3 P4 S4 A4 In talking about documents, we will refer to ‘policy documents’ to encompass a variety of styles that contain policy (if sometimes only implicitly), strategies and actions. This is illustrated in Figure 1.2. Figure 1.2 Policy documents Housing Policy Document Policies 1.5 Strategies Actions Different ‘types’ of housing policy It is clear that not all councils will be interested in all housing issues and questions. Further, they have different objectives and requirements which will guide any policy directions and associated strategies and, just as importantly, will be at different stages in the ongoing development of policy. For the purposes of clarification in this kit we will apply the following typology of reports. In preparing a housing policy it is useful to categorise two discrete stages – the research stage and the writing stage – although the boundaries may be a bit artificial and both need to be connected by an appropriate process for the duration of the study. 3 Housing: Your Basic Infrastructure THE RESEARCH STAGE (THE SUBSTANCE OF SECTION 3) HAS THREE SEPARATE DIMENSIONS: Housing supply and demand analysis; Housing needs analysis; and, Housing affordability analysis. As Figure 1.3 indicates, there is a cascading relationship between the three: they can be viewed as stages in a process. Not all councils will want to undertake a housing affordability analysis, but all will need to have done some form of supply and demand analysis. Those that do wish to prepare a housing affordability analysis will need to undertake some form of needs analysis. Within these different tasks there are, of course, differing levels of detail. As will be outlined, supply and demand analysis can be a complex process and there are choices to be made about detail and tasks to be undertaken. For example, some councils will want to develop their own small area population forecasts, while other will be satisfied with using municipality wide forecasts done by the Department of Infrastructure. Figure 1.3 Relationship between ‘types’ of policy Form of Research Housing Supply and Demand Analysis + Housing Needs Analysis + Uses/Outcomes Housing analysis required for MSS, basic decision-making and information provision Housing analysis required for municipality to play an active role in the local housing market and develop a housing strategy Housing analysis required to Housing Affordability address equity and social issues Analysis and develop a strategy to improve affordability 4 Housing: Your Basic Infrastructure 1.6 Housing strategies, residential strategies and corporate strategies A housing policy is not the same as a residential development strategy. A housing policy provides a framework for addressing housing issues across all of a council’s functions, while a residential strategy concentrates on the land-use planning and development function. The former in principle is something that should guide a residential strategy, although most local governments embark upon residential strategies without a broader housing framework. Often when municipalities use the term ‘housing policy’ it is synonymous with a residential strategy. In the terms used in this report, a housing policy is much broader and can be seen as the mechanisms that translate the strategy into outcomes. In embarking upon the development of a housing policy, it should be made clear to affected stakeholders what the boundaries of the study or policy process are to be; is it essentially a statutory planning process or something much more encompassing? A corporate strategy is a strategy for the entire range of activities and services provided or managed by local government. It includes engineering, planning, human services, financial services and economic development, and usually manifests itself in the form of a municipal strategic statement. A housing policy should form a subpart of the overall corporate strategy or statement, either in its own right or as component parts of the other issue or management area. 5 Housing: Your Basic Infrastructure 6 Housing: Your Basic Infrastructure 2 Understanding local government and housing provision 2.1 Introduction This section provides an overview of the role of local government in housing, the rationale for a more integrated approach, and the problems confronting local government in housing planning, management and provision. Local government areas in many respects are defined by their housing. The images of a Toorak, Carlton, Moorabbin or Bendigo in most people’s minds are those of the built form, largely the housing. In most local government areas the dominant building form is that of dwellings; the characteristics of the residential form, whether streets of grand houses or modernist brick veneers, define much of their identity. While there may be greater or lesser mixes of commercial, retail and industrial buildings from local area to local area, the residence still accounts for the greatest proportion of buildings. The cost, tenure, architectural type and the setting in terms of estates and streetscape send signals about the overall character and attributes of a municipality. The fusion of these attributes will shape its socio-demographic structure and rate of growth by affecting in- and out-migration over time and, in turn, its ongoing housing character and service needs. Figure 2.1 Factors that housing affects Physical image of a municipality Housing affects Form and intensity of local politics Amenity Quality of the environment Rate base Form and degree of social problems Economic activity Because housing is so related to the intrinsic characteristics of a municipality and to the quality of people’s lives, it can be the source of strong emotions. The public resistance in recent years in many parts of Melbourne to new dwelling forms, e.g. medium density housing, is evidence of the emotions housing can arouse. Houses are also part of the environment of local areas, and the growth and form of housing can greatly affect the environmental attributes of a region, whether in the form of water run-off, lost green acre land, soil erosion, deforestation etc. 7 Housing: Your Basic Infrastructure Figure 2.2 Factors that affect housing Demographic change Local and regional employment base Housing is affected by Transportation Retail and commercial centres Moreover, many of the social problems in a local area derive directly or indirectly from housing. Homelessness is the most severe manifestation, but other problems may include the absence of aged care housing or housing for disability and general problems of affordability and quality contributing to demand on local services. These are not necessarily caused by local government actions, nor are they a local government responsibility. However, if other spheres of government retreat from their responsibilities, e.g. the funding and provision of public housing, these problems are experienced locally, both individually (by local residents) and organisationally (by the local services that may have to pick up the social costs). Simply ignoring the problem will not ameliorate the localised impacts of government failure. Thus changes to housing, whether through additions to or loss of stock, or by changes in cost (rents or house prices), can impact substantially on a local area and its demographics, with all the flow-on effects on the environment, the local economy and – not to be neglected –local politics. Housing is at the heart of the business of local government, although it is often not recognised as such. It is not a topic around which most local governments have evolved comprehensive and systematic policies. To address all the potential issues raised by housing, an ad hoc approach is not appropriate. To be effective, they should preferably be considered within a strategic planning framework which takes social, environmental, design and economic factors into account. This kit emphasises an integrated approach but recognises that what is to be integrated, and how, will vary from municipality to municipality, taking into account the specific housing issues it confronts and the weight placed on them by councillors and residents. The strategic and integrated approach is based on a belief that more cost effective, environmentally sustainable and socially responsible outcomes will be achieved by such an approach. 8 Housing: Your Basic Infrastructure 2.2 The existing role of local government in housing By international standards, the role of Australian local government in housing is minimal. In much of Europe and the US, local governments are major low income housing providers, implement and administer rent controls, provide rental assistance and intervene in the residential planning process in a much more vigorous way. As conditions of development some require contributions to local housing trusts or provision of affordable housing, others have blanket bans on new developments, and others place rigid requirements on design and environmental standards. Few councils in Australia, and even fewer in Victoria, have any such roles, due to factors including: The structure of local government (much smaller in size, although this has been somewhat ameliorated through the recent amalgamation process); Our specific form of federalism in which local government lost out in terms of responsibilities; The rising importance of private rental relative to social housing; The housing problems which other countries have experienced have not presented themselves in Australia; and, A lack of interest in taking up such roles in many cases. Local government’s concern for housing has largely been expressed through the statutory planning process, principally, development controls. Recent changes in this process coupled with, and related to, an increased demand for non-traditional housing (i.e. detached housing on standard blocks) has made this a very contentious and time consuming issue at the local level, further focusing the ‘housing attention’ of local government on this sphere. An insight into the role of local government in housing in the UK can be gained by subscribing to an email list run by the Department of Environment, Transport and the Regions called Direct2LG. This is intended to provide up-to-date information on local government policy. Although housing is not within the scope of the department, the newsletter includes numerous references to housing policy and relevant research. You can register to receive the newsletter by emailing Direct2LG@dial.pipex.com with your email details. This is not to suggest that local government has no housing role. In fact its role is quite a significant one, although typically not seen as a housing role per se. Local government can have major impacts on the form, availability, amenity and cost of housing through activities such as: Undertaking statutory responsibilities, mainly planning controls, which effect the location, density and form of housing; Providing essential infrastructure; 9 Housing: Your Basic Infrastructure Providing human services to people or households that may be affected by housing conditions, e.g. aged isolated in their home; Supporting local groups involved in housing; and, Setting of rates and rate concessions. These activities have considerable capacity to shape housing issues and problems in a municipality and perhaps if undertaken in different ways, e.g. rate concessions for certain types of development, may be able to create new approaches. Unfortunately they are rarely ever considered in a housing framework, in the context of the sort of housing outcomes we want for our municipality. And this, to a large extent, is a result of seeing housing as a physical or land-use phenomenon, not as a social phenomenon. However, it is important that expectations as to what local government can achieve by itself, or in consultation with community interests, are not too unrealistic. Funding, political and organisational constraints mean that its ability to achieve significant outcomes in areas such as affordability, unless supported by other spheres of government and the private sector, is still relatively limited. 2.3 Why develop a housing policy? There are many reasons for undertaking a housing policy. It could be a reaction to crisis or problems such as the politics created around medium density housing in many parts of Melbourne. The response might be seen in statutory planning terms, e.g. attempting to improve the transparency and certainty in the process for both residents and developers. A housing policy can provide the framework for guiding a review of statutory planning. But policy is not just about reaction to problems. It is about prediction, planning and strategic responses before major problems occur. If a council is to be proactive in doing this, then a housing policy is almost a necessity. Failure to do so will mean that a local government will have no strategic basis on which to respond to housing issues as they arise in its municipality. Following on from this, a lack of a strategic framework makes it difficult to identify issues before they have blown up into major problems, meaning that many residents will suffer housing difficulties without there being any local government response. 2.3.1 Population decline Population decline can affect retailing viability and, given many services are funded on a per capita basis, the availability of schools, libraries, child care, aged care etc. Yet population growth or reversal cannot occur to any sizeable degree unless there is the requisite housing supply. How is that supply to be facilitated? 2.3.2 Service needs Demographic growth and form is dependent on the structure of local housing markets; price, type and tenure will affect who moves in and to what degree. As every age cohort, ethnic group and household type will have distinctive service needs (transport, schools, health care, child care, aged care), there are major implications for service 10 Housing: Your Basic Infrastructure provision. In addition, wider social and demographic changes can greatly affect the service requirements of the existing population. While price, type and tenure are to a great degree determined by market forces, these forces can also be (and historically have been) influenced by local government housing policies and strategies. For example, it is very common in the USA and in some municipalities in Sydney to have an affordable housing policy. 2.3.3 Urban amenity Housing and streetscape often define the perceived amenity of a municipality or neighbourhood. If this amenity is eroded then people may feel a loss of wellbeing and become disgruntled residents, ratepayers and voters. A housing policy can help draw out perception of amenity and provide a framework for dealing with the problem. 2.3.4 Environmental sustainability and efficient land use Estate design and housing form have important environmental and infrastructure implications, for example, issues around surface run-off. A municipality through various mechanisms can modify environmental outcomes of housing and evolve appropriate plans. 2.3.5 Economic development Housing has implications for economic wellbeing in a number of ways. For most municipalities, the major source of revenue is rates on residential properties. Additional housing, and its form and quality, can affect the rate base. A program of urban renewal on tired or rundown areas may more than repay itself in terms of an enhanced rate base. A more specific example, perhaps of relevance to rural and provincial areas, is the use of housing to attract industry or households (building on, say, affordability of the housing) or, in some cases, creating tourism out of housing. In California the small city of Mendocino fell into decline in the 1970s and early 1980s, creating cheap housing. Some artists and alternative lifestyle people moved into the town, painting the houses in bright colours and planting attractive gardens. It began to attract tourists, and the council then embarked upon a scheme to encourage all residents (with incentives) to beautify their house. It is now a major tourist town, generating substantial employment and new population growth. There is really no other attraction there except the houses and the streetscape. 2.3.6 Community development Households are one of the basic social units. It is perhaps stating the obvious that housing is what enables people to come together, but it is also an issue that divides communities. Housing is not just an issue of development controls and overlays but of community development, and requires significant community consultation. Housing issues, because of their universal nature (everyone is involved) combined with their local attributes (i.e. houses exist in space or neighbourhoods), provide a great opportunity for people to become involved, just so long as there are 11 Housing: Your Basic Infrastructure the appropriate mechanisms for doing so. This may mean information provision, education, consultation and participation. 2.3.7 Housing affordability and choice An area which has a relatively homogeneous housing stock in terms of tenure and choice (detached, owner occupied) may be unable to accommodate increasingly diverse household structures and labour market situations. For example, many households (including affluent professionals), because of lifestyle and labour market conditions, are increasingly opting for the flexibility of rental accommodation. If this is unavailable, certain households may be forced to move out of the area and others may not move in. 2.3.8 Linking services There is a whole range of local government and local government funded activities that are housing related (e.g. aged care, homelessness, family services and land-use planning) and have potential implications for one another but are not linked. Local government could provide a coherent and responsive organisational process to formally link such services, both internally and with other spheres of government. Thus one reason for a systematic and comprehensive focus on local government housing is that there are very real problems and issues to be dealt with. A second reason is that existing ways of doing so may be inadequate or require adaptation. For example, a glance over the above issues illustrates that they would fall under a range of departments or management units and encompass more than just statutory planning. A housing policy may therefore be a mechanism for greater integration of services and for identifying and addressing policy or program gaps. 2.4 Who benefits from a local housing policy? Depending on the form and outcomes of a policy, there are benefits for a wide range of stakeholders: For councillors it can provide a framework for better decision making and a knowledge base to facilitate discussions with residents, developers, community groups, service providers and other spheres of government; For council staff it can facilitate an integrated ‘whole of government’ approach to local area management by providing a framework to coordinate the work of different departments. It can help identify needs and problems and provide a framework for transparency and certainty of decision making; For the local community (residents and ratepayers) it is a mechanism for the improvement of wellbeing through a housing system that is more appropriate to needs and demand. It can also provide an opportunity for community participation and consultation and may be a mechanism for acquiring information about the objectives and direction of local government policy; For developers it can make clear the aims and objectives of local government policies and assist them in preparing applications, as well as providing greater transparency and certainty of local government decisions; 12 Housing: Your Basic Infrastructure For estate agents (and developers) it can provide information about market trends and potential business opportunities and, in the case of developers, indicate the sort of projects that are consistent with the local government’s strategic directions; and, For community service providers it may enable them to have input into the planning processes associated in linking housing with services, and assist them in identifying needs and in matching services with needs and for their future planning. It is important to strike a balance between feasibility and expectations in undertaking a local government housing policy. Whether all these potential benefits are realised, or whether some stakeholders benefit more than others, will depend on the nature of the policy and the process by which it was evolved. Identified outcomes must be realistic, as raising expectations and not delivering can be counter-productive in the longer term. 2.5 What actions/roles could flow from a housing policy? Like any policy, the outcomes depend upon the goals and objectives. These will be discussed in detail in Section 4. The type of actions that may flow from a comprehensive policy include: Rationale for local exemptions from the Good Design Guidelines; Incorporation of housing related objectives into the municipal strategic statement (and local planning policy framework in planning schemes); Development of improved management information systems for monitoring and decision making; Identification of emerging housing needs; Improved ability for advocacy around housing issues and for local housing needs groups; Identification of site opportunities for new development within municipal strategic directions; Rationale for changes to development controls to better link residential development with retailing, commercial and transport development; Formation or strengthening of a local housing association to provide affordable housing; Establishment of a local area housing trust; Identifying opportunities for partnerships with residential land developers and community; Clear understanding of local needs and emerging housing problems; Rationale for ability to participate in joint housing ventures with the private sector or state government; Facilitating greater community involvement and communication; 13 Housing: Your Basic Infrastructure Formation of an interdepartmental coordinating group to develop a ‘whole of government’ management approach; and, Development of affordable housing program or projects. These are indicative only, illustrating the range of actions currently being undertaken in Victoria. 2.6 The changing context of local government and housing The previous sections have established the reasons why a municipality should get involved in housing. This section expands on these reasons, discussing the changing context of local government at the end of the millennium and outlining the possible housing implications. This is a relatively long section as the changes are coming from all directions. A confluence of circumstances is creating a climate in which it is important for local governments to consider having a municipal housing policy and an accompanying set of appropriate plans and policies. Without this, a municipality may create unnecessary hardship for current residents, as well as major problems for subsequent generations. In brief, what are these factors? The changes are outlined under headings of: The localised effects of the restructuring of the Australian economy; Globalisation, insecurity and housing; The remaking of government; The changing housing market; and, The changing policy context. 2.6.1 The localised effects of the restructuring of the Australian economy This refers to the many changes in the private and public sectors which are required to make Australia internationally competitive. These have already impacted dramatically on parts of Melbourne and Victoria, particularly through loss of jobs in the manufacturing sector and loss of services in rural areas. They will probably mean continued high unemployment and, for a sizeable minority, little increase, or an actual reduction, in real income over the next decade. Many households will have a reduced ability to afford housing. More specifically, they will experience a reduced ability to purchase a home and perhaps put pressure on councils to provide a housing ‘solution’. Conversely, a minority of households may have sizeable increases in income, meaning a widening in income inequality and in the housing market’s treatment of the effects of such inequality (see Darebin Housing Study, 1996, p. 7). The adoption of a goods and services tax (GST) will increase the cost of housing. In summary it will apply to new houses and repairs and renovations which will impact on all tenures (although not equally). 14 Housing: Your Basic Infrastructure Localised effects of global changes will mean that municipalities will have to focus more on generating their own economic wellbeing which requires, among other activities, examination of the role of housing in local employment growth, given that building is an important employment creator. Moreover, there is an important role for local government in generating and adopting policies and programs to reduce affordability and access problems which result from economic restructuring. Some of the specific housing effects are outlined below. Increasing regional inequality: the losers: The income distribution issue is also a regional one; certain towns, municipalities and regions will face (and are already facing ) the effects of economic restructuring, rising unemployment and declining local economic development. The effect on housing is likely to be: Falling property values and contracting rate base; Dwelling vacancies, creating potential for blighting of the area; and, Increasing demand on local services, as those who are more affluent and skilled are able to leave for other regions while low property values and rents attract lower income households who cannot obtain affordable housing elsewhere. Some will have attributes that require support services. Increasing regional inequality: the winners: Other municipalities will gain from the economic restructuring and experience new investment, a strong employment base and increasing incomes. These will largely be inner and middle ring municipalities and some non-metropolitan areas that attract strong tourism, e.g. Mornington and Bellarine Peninsula. They will still experience housing problems, including: Pressures on lower income housing accommodation, e.g. boarding houses, flats; Declining affordability impacting on demographic diversity; and, Strong pressures for redevelopment (to capitalise on potential profits) creating major political tensions and pressures on amenity. 2.6.2 Globalisation, insecurity and housing Globalisation is one of today’s fashionable phrases, and refers to the notion that, as a result of integration into the world economy, all countries are subject to fluctuating investment, currency and import-export conditions. These in turn affect employment and income conditions. Individual countries now have less control over their own destinies and this has created a climate of uncertainty about the future. One outcome of this uncertainty is that people are placing greater emphasis on their local environment. In a world over which one has little control, it is logical to place more meaning on the domain you most closely identify with and still maintain some control over: the family, the home and the local community. And, in any community, housing plays a crucial role in ensuring and reinforcing security, personal and family wellbeing. The ‘return to community’ ethos as a reaction to international and national uncertainty creates a climate, not only for harnessing local initiative, but also for the emergence of local resistance to change, including change in housing policy and such market outcomes as medium density housing. 15 Housing: Your Basic Infrastructure A housing policy is a mechanism for minimising and controlling community conflict around housing. It must be recognised that, while such conflict can be managed, it will never be eliminated, particularly in relation to a sensitive issue such as medium density housing. 2.6.3 The remaking of government This is a shorthand statement for a whole range of changes to the way in which government at all levels is structured and delivers services. The central philosophy of this change is that government should more closely approximate the management style of the private sector with its emphasis on client service, efficiency and market discipline. The amalgamation of local government fits into the remaking of government, as does compulsory competitive tendering and concepts of user pays, privatisation, deregulation and devolution of decision making to management units closer to the client. Housing is not immune to these changes. The approach to the delivery of low income housing assistance by the Commonwealth and the state, planning policy and the relationship between spheres of government, the private sector and the community sector (joint ventures) is affected by this changed philosophy. It is important to note that it does have major implications for municipalities. These can only be dealt with through policy responses. 2.6.4 The changing housing market The market for housing appears to be altering significantly. One manifestation of this, notably in metropolitan areas, is consumers demanding more medium density housing and more and more builders moving into this market segment. But what the market dictates is not necessarily consistent with many residents’ perceptions of what is desirable. As a result there is an emerging trend for resident protest against medium density housing. Most municipalities do not have a clear housing or planning policy to guide such development in a way which minimises local anxiety or conflict. The other major change in the housing market is in relation to the historic incipient inflation effect. Over a twenty year period, house prices have increased faster than incomes to the degree that housing is much less affordable than it was in earlier decades. In the absence of any mechanism to discourage inflation (and the presence of some inducements, such as non-taxation of capital gains), price inflation will remain part of the housing market scenario but not in the same way as the past. Inner urban and middle ring suburbs are likely to experience episodic inflation and continued declines in affordability, with inner Sydney prices illustrating the Melbourne market’s potential degree of movement. More outer urban areas and most non-metropolitan areas will experience slower growth in price movements and in some cases actual decline in real terms. The divergence in housing markets links to the localised effects of economic restructuring outlined above and has important implications, raising questions such as: If perceived capital gain is a major rationale for private rental investment, will areas without such gain fail to attract rental stock, accentuating what in some cases are already tight housing markets? 16 Housing: Your Basic Infrastructure Will inner urban markets become so unaffordable for new households that home ownership is severely constrained and rental becomes the only alternative, fuelling even greater demand for medium density housing than at present? Will inner urban markets act in such a way as to eliminate virtually any low income housing options such as boarding houses, thereby fuelling homelessness pressures in the inner regions? Will the attraction of high property values encourage the Office of Housing to progressively sell inner city public stock, accentuating the lack of housing options for lower income households in inner areas? and, Will the decline in property values in certain non-metropolitan areas trap households in these locations, constraining their ability to search for areas of greater employment? 2.6.5 The changing policy context The policy context for housing is changing markedly in Australia. The Hilmer report on competition policy, together with decisions by the Council of Australian Governments, have given a push to the remaking of government as outlined above. There are housing specific policies growing out of this context which local government cannot afford to ignore. These include state planning policy such as the Good Design Guide for Medium Density Development, the reforms in state and municipal planning schemes, Commonwealth and state policy on low income housing as expressed in the Commonwealth-State Housing Agreement (CSHA), the structural reform package for residential care, and reforms to the management of public housing in Victoria. As the planning issues are discussed elsewhere in this kit, a brief outline of Commonwealth and state housing assistance policies is provided here. The provision of low income housing has historically been undertaken in Australia by state public housing agencies. Such housing has been funded by the Commonwealth through the CSHA and managed by the states. The CSHA was negotiated every three years and provided money to the states in the form of housing assistance grants which were used to construct, purchase and redevelop housing for low income households and special needs groups. The shift in position by the Commonwealth indicates that the 1999 agreement may well be the last, as there is a fear that the concept of a CSHA may disappear at the end of the 1999-2002 agreement, leaving public housing assistance largely up to the states. Possible implications of this include: Reduced funding for public housing, forcing the states to target their assistance to the neediest. Targeting to the multiple disadvantaged has the risk over time of concentrating these people in certain areas, with implications for local area support and the viability of the estates and with the possibility of creating a blighting effect on surrounding property and neighbourhoods. This is a potential long-term problem for local governments with a high proportion of public housing; Related to the tight targeting of public housing is the absence of any programs for affordable housing for those unable to access public housing, e.g. those on 17 Housing: Your Basic Infrastructure incomes of, say, $18,000 to $30,000. Over the next decade many local government areas will find themselves pressured to provide affordable housing for growing numbers who are unable to access either affordable private housing or public housing; Given tighter targeting of public housing to those who need support, there is a greater commitment to coordinate support services (e.g. health, family and community services) with public housing provision. Local government will be increasingly drawn into the housing support network; A push to redevelop old public housing estates, often in joint ventures with the private sector. Relevant local governments need to be positioned either to participate in such programs or to influence/encourage them; Forced sale of public housing stock, particularly in inner urban areas, thereby depleting the local stock of affordable housing; and, A momentum to establish alternative social housing managers (other than public management), meaning a potentially greater role for the community sector and for local government in facilitating and working with community housing agencies. The structural reform package for residential care embraces a raft of initiatives designed to address perceived problems in the current system, including meeting the needs of a rapidly expanding population, a shortage of capital funds, inadequate funds for dementia care, inefficient funding mechanisms and intrusive monitoring systems. One of the major outcomes of these reforms is more elderly people ‘ageing in place’ and requiring support from home based services, which may place increasing demands on local government. This brief outline of the changing context for local government in terms of housing suggests an increasingly uncertain and problematic future. Even being a ‘winner’ in the wash-up of these changes does not mean there will be no housing problems and issues. Such areas may suffer affordability problems and development pressures. No council can be complacent about housing outcomes in the decade ahead. 2.7 The politics of housing policy This section provides an overview of some of the major political problems or debates raised by housing issues at the local level and which set the political parameters for any housing policy. While some issues, e.g. medium density housing, are often couched in relatively simple terms such as developer versus residents, underlying such arguments are more complex ones, and an understanding of these helps greatly in getting a handle on the politics of local area housing. There are probably two major reasons why local governments, with some exceptions, have not had a housing policy. The first is an organisational one. It is an issue that has historically transcended any organisational unit in local government and therefore there has been no organisational ‘champion’ to take up or promote such a policy. Secondly, it is an issue pervaded by politics and therefore to be avoided where possible. 18 Housing: Your Basic Infrastructure While there have been a few other attempts to develop a local area housing kit in Australia, rarely do they give attention to the political problems in any systemic way. However, policy in any sphere is partly the art of negotiating the politics of an issue and, of course, housing is no different – perhaps even more so, given the complexity of issues and the diversity of interest in, and values around, housing. This section therefore outlines the major political issues raised by housing which may have to be worked through in evolving a housing policy or residential strategy. 2.7.1 Government versus the market Policies and plans are often associated with intervention in the market. Planning controls, building controls and direct housing provision are activities that typify market interventions. The politics of ‘state’ versus ‘market’ often touch on strong value positions held by local interests. Those who see market outcomes as being the most efficient and expressing what consumers want believe interventions produce poor outcomes and cut across personal property interests, e.g. the right to make profit from the housing process. Others think that market outcomes, while profitable for the individual, may not be optimal outcomes for the wider community. This value clash has challenged public policy from its inception thousands of years ago. In local housing it manifests itself in terms of contestation around the right of housing developers to build what will sell in the market versus what many local residents see as desirable in terms of design or streetscape. This has been a major issue since the relaxation of planning controls in 1995 and the introduction of the Good Design Guidelines. These are performance orientated rather than prescriptive as with the previous planning controls. The outcome a number of years down the line is one which is satisfactory to few. Developers complain of obstruction and lack of certainty as to whether a development will proceed. Local residents’ major complaint is also one of uncertainty: they do not know whether the next sale in their street or adjacent to them will create a multi-unit complex with problems of overshadowing and general loss of amenity. And there is no doubt both sides – from their individual perspectives – are right. One of the factors inherent in the development process subsequent to the Good Design Guidelines is that market outcomes do not always mesh with community outcomes. Markets (with their agents being builders and developers) cannot determine what is best for a municipality in terms of overall heritage, accessibility, streetscape, household diversity and affordability outcomes. They will produce what is best for the individual consumer; the degree to which cumulative individual consumer decisions mesh with community needs and expectations is an accident to some extent. But if communities are to provide developers with certainty, these expectations need articulating and converting into transparent policy or planning principles. A housing policy will help do this. Not all local market versus community politics should be blamed on medium density housing development. In Victoria planning principles virtually enable individual owner-occupiers to build what they like, irrespective of what local residents believe is desirable in terms of design or streetscape. Because of changing consumer tastes and new dwelling products, many households are now finding the same uncertainly that flows from medium density development also flows from detached house 19 Housing: Your Basic Infrastructure construction. A large overshadowing streetscape due to an insensitively designed detached house can create the same, if not more, problems (given far fewer Good Design Guidelines attach to individual dwellings) than a medium density housing development. Many residents appear unaware of the difference, and transfer their anger to local government when they have few controls to address the problem. Community education may be of minor assistance in this regard. 2.7.2 The long term versus the short term Housing and the residential areas in which housing is built can endure, subject to maintenance and upgrades, for hundreds of years. As indicated above, the legacy of all the cumulative construction decisions and related landscaping decisions shapes the image and character of the local area. The decisions can also affect what housing options are available for future generations. Yet very little thought is given at the local level to what sort of housing vision is desired for the long term. In part this is because sensitivity to existing ratepayers and development issues places a premium on what people want now, and in part because of a view that the market will sort it out. It is, however, important for politicians to represent future generations in policy thought. The problems of the long term versus the short term can come up in many guises. The focus on the short term may blind municipalities to long-term population changes, which may have significant longer-term implications. A progressive decline in population (in the absence of proactive long-term policies) may mean less funds for schools, a reduction in retailing facilities and an imbalance of population profiles (too many older households, not enough young), with human service implications. A short-term focus may neglect ageing of the existing population, so that not only are there inadequate local services, but the ability of households to adapt to changing lifecycle situation by creating a more appropriate residential environment (e.g. more compact and affordable dwellings) may be foreclosed by an inappropriate housing mix. There may also be a lack of ‘exit’ housing for younger people leaving home. If rental stock is allowed to decline too much or housing becomes too expensive, they will move away from the area, severing the potential for parental support and affecting the area’s ability to attract a younger population. 2.7.3 The ‘haves’ versus the ‘have nots’ In any society and any local government area there will be households and individuals who, for whatever reasons, do not have adequate income and wealth to find either affordable or appropriate housing. One of the major political issues for local government is the degree to which a municipality has some responsibility for these citizens. Should it provide boarding houses, facilitate the provision of affordable housing, encourage public housing provision etc.? Many residents want to keep their local area ‘exclusive’ and seek to minimise the presence of such households with arguments about threats to property values, greater crime, inappropriateness or state responsibility. While these may be misplaced, the fact that such opinions are held – and often with considerable vehemence – represents a major political issue. Australia has always prided itself on being an egalitarian society. There are many signs that this perception is departing from the reality, which raises in a wider sense and locally the question of what sort of society we want to live in. The US experience 20 Housing: Your Basic Infrastructure would suggest that the less compassionate the society, and the more that municipalities try to draw the draw gates up behind them through exclusionary zoning, then the more social problems are created and the greater the burden, e.g. taxes for increased spending on law and order. The role of public housing in Australia, which by world standards is locally dispersed, in contributing to the livability of our cities has not been adequately recognised. Perhaps more important is the recognition that ‘There but for the grace of God go I – or at least my children’. Concerns such as physical disability, psychiatric disability, substance abuse, domestic violence and AIDS strike across all socioeconomic groups, and if housing services are available in the local area where family and friends reside then they can greatly assist in rehabilitation or support. It is therefore important that municipalities consider what role they are to take in dealing with housing problems, whether that be facilitating local initiatives, e.g. a boarding house for people with disabilities, or (if relevant) working with the state government to achieve best outcomes from public housing, which should often be seen as an area of potential rather than as a problem. Issues which might arise under this heading include: The degree to which gated communities are to be encouraged; Support for needs based refuges, transitional housing units, boarding houses etc.; Facilitating public housing or working in partnership with the Office of Housing on public housing initiatives such as urban renewal sites (e.g. City of Melbourne); and, Support for community housing initiatives (e.g. City of Port Phillip). 2.7.4 Locality versus society This is concerned with the degree to which a local area has societal responsibilities. If urban consolidation is supposedly good for Melbourne and Victoria, should local issues and interests be foregone in the interests of the greater good? These vexed issues raise questions about who defines the greater good and about whose good it really is. Concerns about medium density housing, for example, are often expressed in terms that it is not for the greater good but simply for the benefit of developers, with the consolidation argument only being a rationale. Meanwhile others argue that the wider society simply cannot afford the environmental and financial costs of unrelenting fringe development. 2.7.5 The community versus the individual The politics of this trade-off are concerned with individual rights and responsibilities versus the need for a sustainable community. The sum of individual decisions (whether by households or by builder developers) may not turn out to be in the community interest. If 100 households construct large concrete carparks, the surface run-off may be more than local drainage systems can take. One medium density development may not be problematic for streetscape or road usage, but dozens in the same street may be. Scattered individual medium density developments may provide individual housing choice, but they may accentuate local car dependence and weaken 21 Housing: Your Basic Infrastructure local public transport. However, the politics of overriding individual interests for the community good is a fraught one. 2.7.6 Public space versus housing Here the issue is around unutilised or underutilised land. Where there are potential infrastructure savings or revenue implications, governments often want to use the land for housing. Existing residents will inevitably want it to be used as public parklands or recreation space as they can see few benefits to them from a new development and more likely costs, e.g. additional traffic, noise and possible loss of views. The Fitzroy Pool closure, and its subsequent reopening, was a particularly high profile example of this type of dispute. The original decision of the commissioners (supported by council officers) was to close the pool as it was losing significant revenue, it was in desperate need of major capital works and maintenance, and there were other pools in the area. Once closed, the land was to be sold for residential development. What was not considered in this decision was the need for local public open space which was in very short supply. Once this role of the pool was recognised (an outdoor local public recreation facility), the pool (with modifications to its operations) was the most efficient use of the land. 2.7.7 Which sphere of government is responsible? Some of the housing functions that certain local governments undertake, e.g. direct housing provision or housing assistance, are major functions of the state government or the Commonwealth. The raising of such issues in many municipalities prompts a response that it is not a local function and is best left to other spheres of government. This assumes that existing programs of these other spheres are adequate (which they are not) and have in them a capacity to cope with particular local issues (which they do not). The debate should not be around overlapping responsibilities but about how (if deemed appropriate) local actions can complement the housing activities of the other spheres of government. At the very least there is a responsibility for local government to be aware of the roles and responsibilities of different levels and the ‘gaps’. 2.7.8 Provision versus facilitation This is the issue of whether local government should actually take up the role of providing housing, notably for those unable to acquire housing in the private market. Most local governments have shied away from such provision on the grounds that: It is not the role of local government but a state responsibility; Local government does not have the expertise; It will consume too many resources; and, The benefits of direct provision are not clear. 22 Housing: Your Basic Infrastructure This view is countered by arguments such as: There are still many areas of special need that are not being, or cannot be, met by state government; Local circumstances are unique (e.g. boarding house loss) and require action; The skills required can be contracted in; There are many existing skills in-house, e.g. community development; and, The larger size of local government post-amalgamation makes such a role more feasible. Provision does not, however, necessarily mean direct provision; a municipality, e.g. the City of Brimbank, can provide local housing but have the actual management of stock undertaken by a community housing association. 2.7.9 Medium density housing In recent years this has been the political issue for many metropolitan local governments. As hinted at in the list of issues above, it is one which encompasses many major political debates: the market versus government, individual rights, intergovernmental responsibilities. It is really an issue of perceived inappropriate development more generally, not just medium density. Many of the concerns about loss of amenity and streetscape apply to the large detached multi-storey houses constructed in recent years. Developers see it as being about their right to pursue legitimate business interests (making a profit from meeting market demand) and resent the uncertainties around the development process. Residents see it as being about lifestyle, democratic governance and also uncertainty, i.e. what will happen to the property next door. The problem of medium density housing is not a new one. In a country where home ownership of a detached dwelling is considered a birthright, and with nearly 75 per cent of the Victorian housing stock in this form (down from 91 per cent in the 1940s), there is always going to be opposition to a building form that cuts across entrenched values and the lifestyle associated with the detached house. One of the issues is what sphere of government is responsible for medium density and through what mechanisms. Planning controls have always been the major mechanism for control (with constant changes) while the responsibility shifted back and forth between state and local government. Today it appears to be an issue of contested responsibility! An understanding of the processes of planning in Victoria helps put this in context. In 1944 the state government introduced the Town and Country Planning Act. Derivative of the British system, it was a prescriptive piece of legislation which defined what could and could not be built and where. The act designated uses in certain zones for any municipality. Zoning determined the broad type of development, e.g. residential single detached housing, while siting standards (sometimes called development controls) defined the specific elements of construction, e.g. setback from fences, height limits and site area. 23 Housing: Your Basic Infrastructure Local government administered the siting elements, within the framework of the act. Up to the early 1960s the system largely prescribed detached housing as the residential building form for most of Melbourne via what was called a Residential C zone. Flat development was allowed in Residential A and B zones, which had a large preponderance of nineteenth century housing. At that time this characteristic was being used as a measure of obsolescence and of the need for new development. Many of the expanding suburbs of this era (e.g. Box Hill, Moorabbin, Springvale and Heidelberg) had much of their current character defined by this Residential C zone development in this period. In the early 1960s changing demographics (the need for low cost rental accommodation for baby boomers) brought a rash of flat development in zones A and B in inner and middle ring suburbs such as St Kilda, Hawthorn, Richmond and Malvern. Much of this was far less sensitive to streetscape, overshadowing and local amenity than the current medium density development, with thousands of Victorian homes being demolished for flats. Moreover, there was no appeals process. A massive residents’ reaction, similar to the present, produced a new metropolitan planning scheme which delegated planning powers to local government. Most flat development ceased under a bout of restrictive controls by individual councils, and a new period of medium density construction evolved which was consistent with these controls. This was the period of villa unit development. Single-storeyed and only two or three to the block, this form of development, even though quite prolific, did not produce the resident backlash of medium density development. One reason was that their singlestoreyed nature meant there were few problems of overshadowing, and another was that they were built within existing setbacks, blending with other dwellings in the street and often maintaining considerable frontal foliage. For various reasons – including pressure from developers, lobbying by conservatives opposed in principle to government controls, perceived growing mismatches in household type and dwelling form, and concerns about the cost of fringe development – the Labor government of the 1980s found itself pushing for a more deregulated system. This push was carried on by the new Liberal government, but with greater enthusiasm, given its closer links with developers and its deregulatory philosophy. The prescriptive planning system was replaced by one emphasising performance, i.e. providing guidelines as to what represented good development. In this system, prescribing setback from front and side, height limits or density of development had little meaning. Vic Code 2 and subsequently the Good Design Guidelines were the mechanism for the performance based system. An inherent problem with such a system is ambiguity; people will differ in their interpretation of what represents good performance, with developers tending to have a different perspective from residents. Council officials and councillors are likely to have views which align more or less closely with the developers or the residents, depending on their personal values. Simultaneously other changes were made. From 1944 to 1995 building inspection was a council process and directly linked to council planning processes; a building could not get a building permit if it did not conform to a planning permit. Similarly demolition permits were a responsibility of local government. The building permit process was privatised in 1996, severing the link with local government planning 24 Housing: Your Basic Infrastructure controls. Quickie demolitions and building permits for properties that do not mesh with local council planning permits have become fused with issues of uncertainty and poor medium density development. Collectively this has created an outcome where the only certainty is uncertainty, with local government blaming state government, state government blaming the local residents, and developers blaming all spheres of government plus each other. The lack of clear responsibility derived from the state government requiring uniform application of the Good Design Guidelines across all metropolitan local governments. Many interpreted this as meaning local government has no effective controls over development and did not substantially attempt to control it. The state government argued that this was not the case, and that it was still a local responsibility – within the guidelines – to approve development. This created more uncertainty for stakeholders: who is responsible? To address some of these problems, the state government enabled municipalities which wished to exempt certain areas from the blanket Good Design Guidelines to do so via appropriate amendments (Ministerial Direction No. 8). Such amendments must be justified on sound criteria and in an overall strategic context (hence the importance of a housing policy). Compounding the effects of the above are market changes, notably, the shift to large two-storey detached houses. Single detached houses have always had a special status in Australian planning. The construction of detached housing is ‘as of right’, meaning there is no need to meet many of the planning requirements (except for setbacks) that attached to other building forms. This was never problematic up until the late 1980s when most new detached dwellings were single-storeyed. For reasons to do with changing consumer tastes and the need to fit ever-larger houses on to a site, a greater proportion of new detached dwellings since the 1980s were two storeys. Many of these bring the same problems as multi-storey medium density housing, i.e. overshadowing and non-sympathetic streetscape. Residents often appear unaware of the planning distinction between medium density and detached housing and believe that ‘fixing’ the Good Design Guidelines is the solution to current problems. The uncertainty of what will be built next door would still be there (albeit on a lesser scale) even if there was no medium density development at all. 2.7.10 The politics of housing: a summary These are probably the major political themes in and around housing policy. Even in this highly abbreviated summary form, the complexities are clear. Housing policy is politically problematic. The obvious response is to say it is all too hard and therefore a local government housing policy will also be too hard. However, some of the politics of housing actually occurs because there is no housing policy and councillors and council staff are often in a situation of dealing with complex issues in an ad hoc manner. A housing policy may therefore help mitigate the politics of local housing issues. If a policy can be evolved in which the local community has had some say and the principles are clear and transparent, then participants in issues of housing provision may have some certainty and make the appropriate behavioural adjustments. 25 Housing: Your Basic Infrastructure 2.8 Typology of local government From the survey that accompanied this study and a review of dozens of local government reports, we have attempted to establish a typology of local governments and the housing problems that may be associated with them (see Table 2.1). Some problems may affect virtually all local governments, e.g. poor housing management information systems, while others may be peculiar to one or two, e.g. housing for seasonal workers (these are not identified here, as the objective is to pick up the shared or characteristic problems). By the virtue of their size, some amalgamated local governments may ‘fit’ more than one category. 2.9 Regional or local housing policy One issue that needs to be considered in developing a housing policy, as with many issues in local government, is the advantages of adopting a regional (i.e. cross-council or more than one council) approach, as opposed to a single council policy. The amalgamation process and the creation of larger municipalities means that most local governments are large enough to require significant consideration in their own right in terms of housing issues. The nature of local government and its powers means that its main advantage is working at the micro level. Coupled with this is that many local government areas now have within them significant differences in housing stock, socio-demographic profile etc. that necessitate local type analysis. Having said this, however, there is a clear role for a regional approach to many housing issues. The development of a local housing policy may be a first step for many councils in identifying those issues that are best tackled on a regional basis. Obvious candidates are developing (or facilitating) social housing outcomes, or big projects such as a housing trust, as is the approach adopted by the City of Melbourne. A housing trust is a non-profit body established to manage funds on behalf of an organisation or collection of organisations for the purpose of providing housing to whom or in whatever way specified in its establishment. For example, a housing trust may be established from funds committed by a number of local councils to provide affordable housing in their region. 26 Housing: Your Basic Infrastructure Table 2.1 Typology of local governments Category Stock Fringe metropolitan Rapidly developing new growth areas New stock largely of detached dwellings, relatively affordable High proportion of ownership Inner urban Old inner core of Melbourne experiencing rapid gentrification Old stock of terraces and apartments, boarding houses, high proportion public housing, much of it high rise. Mixed tenure Middle ring Established areas largely of detached housing High concentration of home ownership and individual single-storey detached dwellings Regional urban Provincial centres and larger townships Rural Increments to stock Rapid and detached dwellings and relatively affordable Rapid growth in new medium density stock Infill medium density development and replacement of older homes by large twostorey detached dwellings Above average Variable levels level of home f growth, mainly ownership. n the fringe of Older stock of and almost ities in rural exclusively esidential detached dwelling evelopment Highly variable levels of public housing High level of Low to outright home negative ownership; low growth levels of other tenure Age/households Problems Younger families, many on relatively low incomes Lack of social housing. Lack of emergency and transitional services. Shortage of private rental Loss of boarding houses, new medium density creating political and affordability problems, loss of affordable private rental stock, general affordability problem Political and amenity problem with new development. General affordability problem, lack of diversity of tenure and stock Very diverse household and socioeconomic base Older households and families, with greater proportion of more affluent households than other areas Typically more children and older adults. Lack of housing choice Low or negative capital appreciation Scattered settlement pattern Similar age profile to regional urban but with higher percentage of older residents and even less in the young adult Lack of housing choice Low or negative capital appreciation Scattered settlement pattern 27 Housing: Your Basic Infrastructure The City of Melbourne has undertaken a detailed investigation into the feasibility of establishing an Affordable Housing Trust. The following is an excerpt from this report. ‘To determine the most appropriate structure, we investigated the following options: 1. Council and Ecumenical Housing to jointly establish a trust which would undertake and sponsor housing development projects in the Melbourne metropolitan area. 2. as per option 1 but including Hanover as a joint party and preferred provider of tenancy services. 3. establish a new trust which will joint venture with appropriate partners, according to the project 4. use the Lord Mayor’s Charitable Fund as a vehicle for channelling funds for development projects 5. establish a new trust comprising representatives from Council and the three nominated vehicles, outsourcing service provision to the most appropriate agencies. The following. table summarises the key qualitative benefits and limitations of each option. Advantages Disadvantages Option 1 - - takes advantage of existing infrastructure, knowledge and skills takes advantage of Ecumenical Housing’s good reputation and position with the government and welfare agencies Ecumenical Housing’s purpose is very similar to the Council’s objectives builds on previous partnership ventures cost effective and simple structure - Ecumenical Housing is not wellknown to corporate donors Option 2 All of the above, AND - extends connections and sources of funding - enhances profile through Hanover’s reputation and experience - decreases competition for funds between the parties - would satisfy all parties’ objectives for desired outcomes 28 As above, AND - more complex structure - increased potential for conflicting interests Housing: Your Basic Infrastructure Advantages Disadvantages Option 3 - Council has maximum control over the fund’s operations - joint venture partners would have necessary recognition with government and the welfare sector - costs of infrastructure are disproportionately high - no advantage is taken of existing knowledge and experience (which take a long time to build) - unnecessarily duplicates some functions Option 4 - achieves economies by utilising existing organisation’s knowledge and infrastructure - takes advantage of experience in facilitating cross-agency partnerships - Fund is experienced funds raiser - joint venture partners would have necessary recognition with government and the welfare sector - natural association with Council, simple structure - significant change in grants policy would be necessary - Council’s name may not be prominent in the Fund - links with joint venture partners are less direct which may adversely affect ability to attract government and other contributions Option 5 - maximum advantage is taken of combined knowledge of all parties and their complementary skills - some efficiencies in operations by Board representation; acknowledges Council’s name - costs of infrastructure are disproportionately high - negotiating terms between four parties may be excessively time consuming - ongoing operational management would be very complex - high potential for conflicting interests A comparison of indicative administration cost implications of these options is set out below. The only significant cost difference between the options is the complexity of the structure and the associated need for administrative support and independent office accommodation. In Options 1 and 2, these elements would be provided by Ecumenical Housing or Hanover, in agreement with those organisations. 29 Housing: Your Basic Infrastructure Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4 Option 5 $ $ $ $ $ Initial contribution Fund administration @ 1% Marketing manager (salary + on-costs) 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 66,000 66,000 66,000 66,000 66,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 Admin. support (salary + on-costs) Accommodation and overheads Marketing expenditure @ 1.5% of fund Total costs Total costs as proportion of initial fund One-off trust establishment 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 73,000 73,000 120,000 73,000 120,000 18% 15,000 18% 15,000 30% 15,000 18% 15,000 30% 15,000 Note 1: Accommodation and overheads: provision is based on $200/sqrn of B-grade office accommodation, at a minimum space requirement of 35sqrn In view of the critical success factors and the foregoing analysis, we believe that the Council’s goals for increasing the availability of affordable housing would be best addressed by pursuing Option 2, subject to addressing any conflicts of interest. The Trust would be structured in such a way that the Council is the governor of the Trust and the Trustee is incorporated. We recommend that the Ecumenical Housing Trust deed be used as a basis for the new trust, with appropriate adjustments as described in Section 5 of this report.’ Source: City of Melbourne, Affordable Housing Trust Structural Feasibility Study 2.10 Establishing a steering/organising committee In establishing a steering/organising committee for developing a housing policy, the following guidelines will be useful: Who are the local stakeholders? Who best represents their positions? How are other spheres of government to be involved or represented? What are the best methods to encourage ownership of the study? Do the issues to be considered warrant a regional rather than local perspective? What is the focus of any housing policy: narrow (e.g. as context for residential development strategy) or wide (e.g. to develop a ‘whole of government’ approach to housing)? Is the actual study best done in-house or externally? and, Is the nature of the study such that it is one agency’s or person’s job, or may it be broken up into separate stages with separate contributors? 30 Housing: Your Basic Infrastructure 3 Compiling a local housing picture 3.1 Introduction In setting about compiling a local housing picture, the objectives of the housing policy need to be borne in mind. Clearly these objectives need to inform the collection and analysis of information. A residential strategy will involve different methodologies and a different story compared to a comprehensive housing policy with, say, an emphasis on affordability. However, council officers need to consider not just the present ‘policy needs’ but also possible future policy interests of council. In other words, in deciding what information is to be collected, analysed and monitored, consideration needs to be given to likely future issues. It should also be recognised that information not only informs the policy process but can also affect its direction. To make this clearer, information can be used for (at least) five tasks in the policy process: Issue identification (what are the problems?); Insight into the causes of issues and problems (what are we trying to influence?); Ongoing monitoring of housing trends and issues (what are the likely future problems?); Providing a shared understanding for the discussion of policy issues, i.e. as an educational tool. This is particularly important in local government that has discrete professional areas across the organisation which have difficulty developing at least a shared base for discussion and the challenges facing councillors with limited time and many issue areas with which to come to grips; and, As a resource for future policy needs. The only way to determine if a problem is becoming more pressing is time-series data; information collection is in effect an investment for future policy making. Clearly, in the practical day to day existence of local government, the first two objectives will take precedence, but the potential for other uses should be kept in mind. When compiling a local housing picture, consideration should be given to the simultaneous construction of a housing management information system which sees data as a process rather than simply as point-in-time one-off data collation. New technologies have automated and streamlined data processing to the point where a lot of additional value can be achieved for moderate effort by establishing a monitoring process. Data has little meaning without a context, either comparative (e.g. in relation to other municipalities) or time-series. Putting in place a process to collect time-series data enables councils to monitor key indicators and identify future policy issues before they become problems. 31 Housing: Your Basic Infrastructure Councils should also explore the commercial use of information collected or, in some cases, collated (e.g. data already collected but not consolidated and presented). Local governments collect a great deal of data and information related to housing and housing markets that, with minimal value adding, is of significant use to real estate agents, developers and builders. Creating a framework for understanding local area housing is critical to the success of policy development. As in the construction of a house, it helps greatly in undertaking the collection of information if there is some plan, drawing or guide to what is to be constructed. Such a collection should not be a trawl for information in the hope that something useful will come up, but one which is guided by a specific framework. For example, most of the information that needs to be collected can be organised according to characteristics of, and trends in, housing demand and supply. This is captured in Figure 3.1 where the top row shows what has to be gathered for demand and the bottom supply. This will in turn enable some assessment of the mesh between them and any problems therein. Figure 3.1 Demand and supply framework Broader Economic and Policy Context Characteristics Demand of Existing Population + Characteristics of Population Change = Current and Future Housing Needs (demand) Mismatch Supply Characteristics of Housing Stock + Likely Housing Market Response = Current and Future Supply In thinking about and developing a local housing picture, the analyst should always be working towards ‘telling a story’ about the area. This makes the information and data collected meaningful to the analyst and capable of being explained to councillors and others. A simple way of thinking about the information needed to compile such a picture is as follows: Current demand (overview of characteristics and needs of current population); Likely future demand (overview of characteristics and needs of future population); Current supply (overview of current housing stock and associated infrastructure); and, Future supply (overview of future housing stock and associated infrastructure). 32 Housing: Your Basic Infrastructure In terms of policy outcomes, then, the key is to identify mismatches or gaps between current and future demand and supply. In the collection and presentation of information, it is likely that the categories will run into each other, or it may make more sense to present all information regarding the current situation (sociodemographic analysis) together. It is, however, useful to use the demand and supply framework to interrogate the data and to keep clear in your mind what the data is measuring. Another way of considering this split is in terms of people (and their housing needs) and the built environment to meet those needs. Those undertaking local area housing market assessment need to identify the processes of change affecting markets and residents, then to draw out the implications: are needs increasing, is the form of need changing, are existing programs appropriate? The researcher must work through a number of tasks, some of which are interrelated: A statement of local economic characteristics and trends; A statement and statistical overview of social and demographic characteristics and trends; A statement about, and statistical overview of, the local housing market, i.e. the supply characteristics; Identification of local housing needs, including implications of trends outlined above; and, Policy and program implications of local need trends. For the purposes of explication, we will present this section according to the three types of report identified in Section 1. This may be considered a ‘typical’ breakdown or distinction, but different councils will prepare housing strategies in different ways. In preparing a housing policy and undertaking the required research and analysis, there are three discrete tasks: Housing supply and demand analysis; Housing needs analysis; and, Housing affordability analysis. 3.2 Housing supply and demand analysis This is the bare minimum that a council needs to undertake in order to fulfil its basic planning function. In this section we set out the following tasks: A statement of the national and local economic context; Current housing demand; Future housing demand; and, Housing and land supply. 33 Housing: Your Basic Infrastructure 3.2.1 A statement of the national and local economic context One way of starting to develop a local housing picture is with an overview of the national economic and policy context and the local economic context. It is important to remember that, although there will be variations in need from region to region, its overall levels are determined by processes that have their origins in the wider economy and society. These include the restructuring of the economy with its emphasis on microeconomic reform and smaller government, changes in state government policy such as de-institutionalisation and planning (no-one needs to be reminded of the Good Design Guidelines and the planning changes that underpin them), demographic changes such as ageing, greater diversity of household types and population mobility, and general market processes such as gentrification, suburbanisation and counter-urbanisation (the move to smaller towns adjacent to large cities). Local housing needs in most cases will reflect localised outcomes of these processes. Most councils will have an economic development or strategic planning unit that can input into this process. The relative importance of the local economy will depend on the municipality’s level of self-containment. For isolated regional municipalities, the strength of the local economy will be a key determinant of demand for housing; for metropolitan municipalities, the relationship is less determinate. Councils on the fringes of large cities may experience significant population growth with little economic development. The assessment can then move on to the identification of the characteristics of the local economy and the trends therein. These include: Industry structure and main types of employment; Whether it is a growing or contracting local economy, and why; and, Income and employment characteristics of the population. 3.2.2 Current housing demand An important step in compiling a local housing picture to inform policy making is collecting and analysing information on existing and future housing demand in the municipality. The information collected and the type of analysis will depend on council’s objectives and on the type of housing role envisaged by it. One may note here the distinction between demand and need. Demand is what people express a want for in the market, either by purchase or renting. Need is a non-market requirement to achieve some level of material wellbeing. It necessitates some person or organisation to define the need. This task may be broken down into two distinct sections: an overview of the ‘broad’ characteristics of the current population, and consideration of likely future population (i.e. population forecasts). This section should identify local demographic structure and changes therein, for example, age, household type and ethnicity. Where data is available, some forecasts of future population and structure should be provided to signal potential problems. 34 Housing: Your Basic Infrastructure The obvious starting point for this type of analysis is the Census of Population and Housing, which provides a good snapshot in time. Councils are becoming increasingly sophisticated in their presentation and analysis of census data (see, for example, the City of Port Phillip’s work, both on their website and on CD-ROM). The key is to have a good understanding of the underlying data collection method (e.g. the questionnaire and its administration) and to use the data in a comparative context by looking at your area over time (e.g. how the rate of home ownership has changed since the last census) or how it compares to some other area. Figure 3.2 Information typically presented from the census Census Information Population size (and growth) Age structure Household type Ethnicity Income Employment status Occupation/ industry If you are examining small area (sub-municipality) data, you might compare all small areas to the total municipality (see Section 3.6 on defining neighbourhoods). If you are analysing the municipality as a whole, you may use a region, a basket of comparable municipalities or the metropolitan, non-metropolitan, state or national average. A general socio-demographic profile may be best included as an appendix or as a supporting document, with data used in the report where appropriate. If your municipality has significant spatial differences in terms of household type, it is worth considering a mapping approach to data. This can provide great insight into the nature of the municipality and socioeconomic patterning; for an example of this form of presentation, see the Social Atlas series released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). A mapping approach based on census collector districts (the basic geographic building block of the census, typically around 200 households in urban areas) overcomes the need to create relatively arbitrary boundaries for analysis. Once the analyst has a good understanding of the information available, the use of cross-tabulations (or cross-tabs) can be considered. These enable the relationship between certain factors to be examined. For example, you may be interested in the relationship between household type and tenure type in your municipality. The problem with census data is that it is only collected once every five years and there is a lag time between collection and release. Demographic projections are necessary to estimate future demand and need. If the total population is in decline, then housing demand and perhaps need may also be in decline. However, even with a static population, needs can change. This is because the age structure of an area may be altering, for example, fewer young people and an increasing number of older people. Young households may have very different needs from older households: the former may require more shared private rental housing; the latter may require housing with facilities for disability, special accommodation units, nursing homes or home support programs, for example, maintenance. 35 Housing: Your Basic Infrastructure One way to augment census data, i.e. to update population estimates between census periods, is to take account of the change of stock in the municipality since the census and the resultant (likely) change in population. The simplest method is to take new dwelling approvals (collected by the ABS from local governments themselves) and apply some estimate of household size (the simplest estimate is the existing household size) to the change. This is demonstrated in Table 3.1. Table 3.1 Using approvals data to estimate population change Average Household Size Approvals Population Total Change Population 1996 73,256 1997 148 2.67 395 73,651 1998 95 2.67 254 73,905 1999 126 2.67 336 74,241 2000 114 2.67 304 74,546 2001 120 2.67 320 74,866 Approvals data is not the most appropriate measure from which to calculate intercensus population change, largely because not all approvals end up being built. It should be possible for councils to collect better data, such as completions or at least commencements, but this will require coordination with the appropriate section. It may be possible to develop a better breakdown by building type (e.g. freestanding house, townhouse/unit and flat) and to take into account demolitions. Clearly, the level of detail is only limited by the format of information collected. In the case of specific larger developments, it may be possible to decide on specific average household size. For example, if there is a large retirement village with villa units being developed, a likely average household size may be estimated after discussion with the developer. An example of this approach is presented in Table 3.2. Table 3.2 Estimating population increase by household type Dwelling Type Detached House Townhouse/unit Flat Total New Dwellings Household Size 29 98 39 166 Population Increase 3.2 2.5 1.9 93 245 74 412 One way of ‘adding value’ to the census data (and engageing in a bit of marketing fun) is to use it to identify housing markets or household types. For example, the City of Darebin developed the following typology which identified households by type and age and related this to dwelling structure and tenure. 36 Housing: Your Basic Infrastructure Table 3.3 Lifecycle stages and housing careers Lifecycle stage Household type Housing career Estimated age oldest (years) Likely housing type Likely housing tenure Young single 17-25 Room or flat: shared flat or house Rented Childless couple 21-24 Flat or unit: small house (2-3BR) Rented or owned New family 25-29 Small house (2-3BR) Owned Mature family 30-40 Larger house (3-4 BR) Owned Separated/ divorced family 25-40 Small house (2-3 BR) or flat Rented or owned Blended family 30-50 Large house Owned Older family 40-50 Largest house (4 BR) Rented or owned Empty nesters 50-60 Smaller house, unit Owned Early retirees 60-70 Unit Owned Senior aged 70 plus Institution or granny flat Owned or rented Source: Darebin Housing Strategy, 1996, p. 15 This form of typology can greatly increase the explanatory power of demographic information. The actual process of developing it is also potentially a very useful learning experience, allowing the analyst to begin telling a story about drivers of change and likely future issues. It also makes explicit some of the assumptions about different types of households which can then be tested or challenged. Depending on the data available, more and more complex categories can be developed. Care must be taken not to be too dogmatic about the relationship between household size and the size of dwellings. One common view of the housing lifecycle runs roughly as follows: young person leaves home and requires one bedroom accommodation (either single or shared); forms household with another person and requires one or two bedroom dwelling; couple has children requiring house and garden; children leave and house is now too large. Aside from the specificity of this particular lifecycle, it assumes a direct relationship between household size and desired dwelling size that may be erroneous. In historic terms, we know that average dwelling size over the last fifty years has increased as household size has decreased, which implies a more complex relationship. Another equally plausible ‘story’ based on the type of lifecycle above is that the dwelling size chosen by young couples is based on income and that young families sacrifice space when they have children which they later reclaim as the children leave. How people use their houses is a complex research question, particularly in the present period of rapid technological and social change in terms of working from home (small office/home office), home entertainment etc. 37 Housing: Your Basic Infrastructure The nature of census data often means that information on population characteristics (level and type of demand) is included with information on the housing stock (level and type of supply). This is not a problem as long as the distinction between the two is kept in mind. The City of Manningham has identified small office/home office businesses as important for the municipality due to their socio-demographic profile (high proportion of well educated professionals) and broad social trends that indicate an increase in this type of operation. Council took the position that, in terms of minimising commuting and encouraging employment in the municipality, this form of decentralised home based business was ideal for Manningham. To this end council has undertaken a small office/home office study and developed a strategic plan to support such businesses. 3.2.3 Future demand: population forecasts The first place to start in terms of population projections by age and sex to assess future need is the Department of Infrastructure. Many councils take this information and develop their own forecasts on the basis of their greater local knowledge which are more suited to their needs (particularly age by year forecasts which enable the production of forecasts for age cohorts and small area forecasts to assist with planning the provision of services). It is critical when using population projections to understand that they are based on various assumptions. Some councils have found that developing their own projections is a useful exercise in coming to grips with these assumptions and provides greater flexibility by allowing them to be modified as conditions change (i.e. as the ‘future’ unfolds). This is an essential part of a housing policy but needs to be undertaken with caution. At one level, demographic analysis is a simple technical task, particularly in the era of demographic software programs and spreadsheets. At another level, it is a complex task, as the assumptions one makes to feed into any projections can be many and varied, and identifying and making sense of trends requires a quite rich understanding of housing market, social and political processes. In short, the demographic data is only any good if a meaningful story can be told about it! There is a requirement to be clear as to why a demographic analysis is being undertaken. Some studies talk about using it to identify housing needs. What they tend to mean is identifying potential demand. Demographic analysis only provides the roughest indications of housing demand; identifying needs will require a more sophisticated analysis. What is the difference between housing demand and need? The former refers to what people will consume in the market, whether by purchase or rent. The latter refers to what they require (need) by virtue of their characteristics in terms of lifecycle, 38 Housing: Your Basic Infrastructure lifestyle, medical condition etc. People may be in the private rental sector (expressing a demand for such) but in reality need more appropriate accommodation, e.g. aged care housing, community housing, public housing or supported accommodation. The major factors that need to be identified in any demographic analysis are: Current level of population and future trends in that level; Current and, if possible, future age structure; Current household composition; and, Average household size and formation rates. This information provides the basis for identifying potential housing demand and need although, as indicated above, additional information is required, particularly in the case of need. The objective in this section is not to detail methodologies but to identify pitfalls and issues to be considered in the process of demographic analysis. The simple method of projecting future population numbers and age profiles is to extrapolate past trends in net migration for the municipality and in the extant population, i.e. birth and deaths within the area and the ‘ageing in place’. This method is commonly used for countries and large population areas but has decreased reliability at the local level as population change is sensitive to land availability and development processes. One of the complications of local level housing analysis is that the supply constraint means that demand and supply are not independent. The growth of an area can be accelerated greatly if new land becomes available and a development attracting hundreds of people is undertaken. This has always been an issue on the fringe and in growth corridors, but is now also becoming one in built-up areas where significant areas of industrial, commercial or public land are being rezoned as residential. Any population projections need modification for potential land reuses. One approach might be to have different scenarios, dependent on assumptions as to likely land availability and density of development. These assumptions mean, however, that different housing strategies will determine population growth. The basis for demographic trends and projections is the ABS census. These are conducted at five yearly intervals (the latest was in 1996) and there can be problems of accuracy of the population for intervening years. The Department of Infrastructure produces local government area projections based on an estimate for Victoria as a whole which is then distributed across the state, based on patterns of development and land release data. The reliability of both census data and departmental projections should be checked against building approvals and demolitions since the latest census, as these will give an estimate of the additional population. For example, if there has been a 600 net addition to stock and the typical household size for such stock is four persons, then there should be some 2,400 more persons than the census data. Within local areas there can be quite marked difference in sub-areas. Any analysis will require identifying such areas and modifying overall population projections for the 39 Housing: Your Basic Infrastructure specific local area attributes. For example, area A is anticipated to have 200 additional detached houses over the next five years at an average occupancy of 3.5 household members. This would suggest a population growth of 700 persons. Area B is anticipated to have 350 townhouses at an average occupancy of 1.5 persons, giving an increase of 525 persons. This oversimplified example illustrates how different development patterns affect the population growth, but also shows that more houses do not necessary mean higher population. Local area analysis may require location in a broader regional analysis to identify possible implications for local population trends. If the neighbouring municipality has a large development project adjacent and it is perceived to be more attractive to consumers (for reasons of price or amenity), it may draw potential households away from your municipality. The total demand for dwellings in the area is determined by household growth, not population growth. What is important is the projected number of new households and their expected average size. Such data enables the calculation of the total number of households requiring housing, as well as overall trends in specific age cohorts. The specific age cohort data can also be used for estimating numbers with disabilities, by using surrogate techniques. Table 3.4 Average household size, 1996-2021 Region Melbourne Metro Area Victoria 1996 2.70 2.67 2001 2.66 2.63 2011 2.59 2.56 2021 2.53 2.50 Source: Department of Infrastructure, 1996 By dividing the population by average household size, a total number of households can be determined. Thus, for Victoria in 1996, the total population was 4,539,400 and the average household size was 2.67 persons, producing some 1,699,920 households. By repeating this exercise for future time periods, an estimate of future housing need can be created for municipalities or regions. Note that it is assumed here that every additional household needs their own dwelling. Figure 3.3 Number of dwellings required for a population of ten thousand 6,000 Number of Households 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 4 3.9 3.8 3.7 3.6 3.5 3.4 3.3 3.2 3.1 3 2.9 2.8 2.7 2.6 2.5 2.4 2.3 2.2 2.1 2 Household Size 40 Housing: Your Basic Infrastructure As an illustration of the importance of household size in determining demand for dwelling, Figure 3.3 shows the number of households created by 10,000 persons in relation to household size. At a household size of four persons, there are 2,500 households. Halving this to two creates an additional 2,500 households. This explains why total population can be static (or even declining) yet demand for dwellings is increasing. At the small area level, the primary drivers of population change are the age structure of the population and the supply of residential land (or potential for rezoning of land) which impacts on dwelling stock. Figure 3.4 Population projections method BASE POPULATION (1996) age sex households household size dwelling stock IMPACTS Age Structure household size births and deaths migration patterns Land Supply dwelling stock migration patterns NEW POPULATION (projected) age sex households household size dwelling stock Source: ID Consulting The changing age structure of the local population impacts on the average household size and on propensity to have children or to die, as well as propensity to move. An older population is generally characterised by declining household size as the children mature and move out of home, leaving the empty nesters behind. These tend to remain in the family home until they decide to move to smaller accommodation (usually when one partner dies). A younger population will tend to have a larger, if not growing, average household size as couples have children. Age specific propensities for a population to have children or to die are applied to the base population. An older population will have fewer births and more deaths, and a younger population, vice versa. The most mobile age groups in the population are the young adults. They tend to move to attend educational institutions, seek work or express a change in lifestyle. 41 Housing: Your Basic Infrastructure 3.2.4 Housing and land supply The other side of the local housing picture is supply. In gathering information here, the conventional approach is to talk in terms of stock attributes and flow attributes; the former describe housing numbers and composition at any point in time, and the latter are concerned with changes in the number and composition of housing units. Typical information required in terms of stock in the municipality is dwelling type, dwelling size and tenure. The starting point for this information is the census; again, mapping it will greatly improve its usefulness. The following information is available through the census: Dwelling type; Occupancy; and, Tenure. If comparisons of census stock figures are to be made over time, be cautious about comparability of data. Sometimes census data has slightly different categorisations of dwelling or tenure which require adjustment to ensure comparability. Flow data is available in a number of forms and can indicate pressures from development, the degree to whether development is keeping pace with demand, and changes in the local housing market in response to demographic or economic forces. The growth in inner urban medium density housing is a good example of the latter. The Victorian Building Control Commission’s Building Activity Profile provides information on ‘domestic’ and ‘residential’ building work by number and value for each municipality. Domestic buildings are essentially single household dwellings, while residential are multiple household dwellings such as boarding houses and aged accommodation. Data is collected from monthly permits lodged with the commission by building surveyors. Some additional information may be provided on request (email: basis@buildcc.com.au). In terms of future supply, local governments through their planning activities have a great deal of information. Dwelling approvals information tells you what sort of dwellings are being constructed and enables an estimate of likely future supply. Land available for development (or redevelopment) will also be known. In most councils this information is shared among a number of people and departments. Usually the difficulty is in identifying the people with the information. Often the best approach is to convene a working meeting with all information holders in the organisation to identity all potential sites, dwelling numbers and timing (if population forecasts have been developed, this work will already have been done). Sitting around a map picking out potential development sites can be quite fun (and strangely therapeutic). The stock of dwellings changes according to levels of demolition and replacement, development of dual occupancies and multiple dwellings, supply of vacant residential lots remaining since subdivision, major residential development site opportunities and, most significantly, supply of greenfield residential land. As stock ages, the propensity for demolition increases, often resulting in significant redevelopment, 42 Housing: Your Basic Infrastructure creating an increase in the stock of dwellings as the policy push for medium density housing materialises. The supply of redevelopment sites has also increased in recent years with school sites and other surplus land suitable for residential development becoming available. The privatisation of state utilities and rationalisation of councils has led to an increase in the supply of ‘surplus land’ for redevelopment. Changes in the supply of land for residential development impact on the dwelling supply and provide opportunities for people to migrate to an area when there is a significant increase in the supply of housing. The increased supply in the inner and middle ring suburbs has not brought about a significant change in the traditional migration patterns across the metropolitan area. Nevertheless, the rate of dwelling construction activity in the urban fringe areas has declined, while the rate of residential development in the inner and middle ring suburbs has increased (DoI, Land Release Forecast, 1997). Changing housing market attributes can, in interaction with employment and income trends, dramatically affect needs. It is therefore necessary to document the characteristics and trends of the local housing market by tenure, type, public stock, new construction, prices, rents and quality (if available). In other words, it should provide an overview of the supply characteristics of the region and of any perceived problems or needs flowing from the changing conditions. The collection and collation of data and information can have significant benefits besides the direct one of improving decision making. The City of Whittlesea, for example, has found significant community and business interest in the information that they have been collecting as part of developing their housing policy. Having good information well presented can greatly improve the perception of a local government and develop a reputation for professionalism. As part of its information gathering stage, the city consulted with key organisations such as the Housing Industry Association, the Real Estate Institute of Victoria and Eastern Energy to get feedback on their survey design and to build commitment to disseminate the results. As a result of this process, council received some funding for their research. 3.3 Housing needs analysis 3.3.1 Introduction A housing needs analysis goes beyond simply examining preferences as expressed in the marketplace and the supply available to meet this demand to look at the wider issue of need. Broadly speaking, its purpose is to enable decision makers to: Identify the type and incidence of housing demand and need; Evaluate the appropriateness of existing policies and projects in respect of the identified need, that is, help determine whether programs are effectively meeting needs; 43 Housing: Your Basic Infrastructure Suggest appropriate new projects, services or policies if there are gaps in need; Target resources to where need is most intense; and, Identify the factors or processes causing changes in need. With the information collected in the demand and supply analysis, it should be possible to make some assessments about local housing need. In addition to needs as implied through a review of local economic, social and housing market trends, this section can also include actual needs data, that is, client data from supported accommodation or emergency housing and information service programs, as clients of these services, by virtue of presenting for assistance, must be in housing need. Data for a local housing market needs assessment comes from three major sources: Secondary data such as ABS census data on housing, ABS building statistics, Valuer General’s Department’s price data, Rental Bond Boards and housing agencies; Client data from housing service providers such as Centrelink (rental assistance), SAAP and housing agencies; and Data collected explicitly for the assessment, including data of a non-quantitative form from housing service providers, clients and other key ‘influentials’ who are knowledgeable about local needs. This can be generated through a range of techniques including public consultation, workshops, surveys and focus groups. To make this data meaningful it will, in many cases, have to be presented in a way which tells us something about housing needs. Local problems that may create greater need include: Shortage of private rental stock as reflected in vacancy rates; Lack of housing diversity; High house prices relative to incomes; High rents relative to incomes; Lack of new construction or lack of diversity in new construction; Lack of social housing; Too much social housing with vacant stock; Lack of student housing; Gentrification and displacement of low income housing; and, Closure of boarding and rooming houses. 3.3.2 Housing policy context Undertaking a housing needs analysis implies an interest in wider housing concerns and therefore requires consideration of the broader policy context. The major policy makers themselves (e.g. Commonwealth Department of Family and Community Affairs, Office of Housing) should be considered, as well as peak organisations such 44 Housing: Your Basic Infrastructure as the MAV. An example of a policy context for this is contained in the City of Port Phillip’s Housing Strategy Part B: Context Report (see below), Local Government and Housing Policy, City of Yarra 1998 and the MAV’s Housing Policy. 4 POLICY CONTEXT 4.1. COMMONWEALTH HOUSING POLICY 4.1.1. Commonwealth-State Housing Agreement on Public Housing and Income Subsidy 4.1.2. Community Housing 4.1.3. Residential Care 4.2. STATE HOUSING POLICY 4.2.1. State Planning Policies 4.2.2. Living Cities 4.2.3. State Planning Policy in the New Victorian Planning Schemes 4.2.4. Good Design Guide 4.2.5. Public Housing 4.2.6. Community Housing 4.3. MUNICIPAL HOUSING POLICY 4.3.1. Local Government 4.3.2. Port Melbourne, South Melbourne and St Kilda 4.3.3. Port Phillip Source: City of Port Phillip, Housing Strategy Part B Context Report, May 1997 Clearly this is one section of the report that will not vary greatly between municipalities, although they will place different emphases depending on their local issues and may have different interpretations of events. Its main objective is to summarise the policy direction and activity of the main players and to make this understandable to readers of the policy. The weak relationship between most councils and the Office of Housing was shown up in our survey of councils, with only 15 per cent of respondents agreeing that their council had a strong relationship with it. In terms of understanding the broad policy context, only 10 per cent agreed that the current reform of the public housing system is well understood within that council. Clearly, if local government is to most effectively fulfil a housing role, this weakness needs to be addressed. 3.3.3 Appropriateness Appropriateness is a broad concept, with no single clear definition. Whether housing is appropriate or not is very difficult to determine objectively. One measure of appropriateness is the degree of under or overoccupancy. Overoccupancy or overcrowding exists when the number of people occupying a dwelling exceeds some ratio of persons per room; underoccupancy is when the number is below the ratio. As with affordability, both concepts require the designation of a benchmark. Unfortunately there is no universally accepted benchmark and therefore various measures have been used. Table 3.5 documents different sources and criteria for overoccupancy. 45 Housing: Your Basic Infrastructure Table 3.5 Overoccupancy characteristics: sources and criteria Source Criteria Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) 1975 Family Survey (ABS 1980), and Anderton and Lloyd (1991) Where, after allocating one bedroom to the parent(s), there are, on average, more than two persons per bedroom. Neutze (1977), and Department of Housing and Construction (1984) Households with four persons or fewer need one room per person and, thereafter, one bedroom for each two persons, with two additional living rooms. Burke et al. (1985) Where there are at least four persons resident in a four room dwelling and one person for each additional room. NHS Housing and Locational Choice Survey (1992) High overcrowding where there are more than two persons per bedroom on average. Moderate overcrowding where there are more than one and fewer than two people per bedroom. Source: King A, Towards Australian Indicators of Housing Stress, Department of Housing and Regional Development, Canberra, 1994 Note that these occupancy standards are defined by the functional capacity of a bedroom rather than by any cultural standard. Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders and some ethnic groups may prefer higher levels of occupancy. Another indicator of appropriateness is the lack of diversity in housing stock and tenure. This assumes that certain household types or lifestyles require a specific type or tenure of dwelling; if such type or tenure is not an adequate proportion of the stock, there is a need for diversity. The typical argument is that smaller households require smaller and more manageable housing types such as flats, townhouses and units, while larger families, typically those with children, require detached housing. As the bulk of housing in most areas is detached, but the growth in demand is disproportionately from small households, it is assumed that a mismatch exists. As a result, it is argued, many households are having their housing needs denied. The solution is greater diversity of stock. However, in the absence of detailed preference studies, we do not know how many smaller households actually do want smaller dwelling types. The available studies suggest, irrespective of household types, that there is a preference for the detached house and home ownership. All one can conclude is that, if there is some under-representation of non-detached housing or of some tenure, there possibly exists a mismatch of needs and housing stock. What measures can we use to indicate the potential for a mismatch? There is no criterion for such, so a suggested one is: where the stock of non-detached housing in its various forms or of, say, rental housing (if the issue is tenure) is considerably less than the state average. 46 Housing: Your Basic Infrastructure 3.3.4 Housing needs groups It is difficult to discuss means of gathering information on special needs groups without speaking specifically about the particular group. The following is not meant to be an exhaustive list. Municipalities will have to identify the special needs groups that require attention in their region. ‘At risk’ populations: Centrelink data Centrelink clients in receipt of rental assistance and recipients by pension/benefit type indicate households at risk of being in housing need. The data simply provides the total number of households by postcode. In itself, this is not a particularly accurate dimension of need, as it could simply reflect the population of a region or area (as created by aggregating postcodes). Are 12,000 households on pensions and benefits in a north-west region of a state more or less in need than 16,000 in the southern region? One way of making this data more meaningful is to convert it into some relative measure such as ratio of Centrelink recipients to all households in the region. This can then be compared to the equivalent metropolitan or state/territory measure. If, for example, recipients in your region were 1.2:10, but the state ratio was only 0.8:10, this would suggest an above-normal incidence and therefore a higher potential housing need. Comparing growth in Centrelink numbers over time is also a way of indicating potential need. 3.3.5 Homelessness Homelessness is notoriously difficult to measure. Whilst our survey of councils found that over half (51 per cent) considered it to be a very important or important problem, very few have attempted to quantify the extent. Melbourne City Council has recently completed a study to enumerate homelessness in the city, a task assisted by the presence of well organised, street based assistance. Most councils will not be able to fund such a study so other approaches need to be adopted. One means is to work with agencies to develop an estimate from service usage. By presenting for SAAP and emergency housing services, people are effectively defining themselves as ‘in need’. Client records from these services are rich data sources which previously have not been available for systematic analysis. Since 1996 SAAP data has been provided by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. One problem, however, is that the data is so rich that one may get bogged down in analysis. Another method, discussed in greater detail in Section 3.3.8 in relation to aged housing needs, is to use state-wide or even national estimates to construct an estimate for the municipality. The issue of homelessness is complex: its underlying causes are many and often interrelated, and there are various forms or categories. People working in the field often talk of a homeless ‘career’ or a continuum of homelessness. An illustration of this complexity is Table 3.6, showing one possible categorisation of homelessness. 47 Housing: Your Basic Infrastructure Table 3.6 Categories of homelessness People housed, but without conditions of ‘home’ (for example, security, safety) or in conditions of inadequate standard Third degree relative homelessness/inadequate housing/incipient homelessness People constrained to live permanently in single rooms in private boarding houses Second degree relative homelessness People moving between forms of temporary or mediumterm shelter such as refuges, hostels, boarding houses or friends First degree relative homelessness People without an acceptable roof over their heads, living on the streets under bridges or in deserted buildings Absolute homelessness Source: Adapted from Chamberlain C and Mackenzie D, ‘Understanding contemporary homelessness: Issues of definition and meaning’, Australian Journal of Social Issues, vol. 27, 1992, pp. 274-97 The City of Melton, like a number of other Victorian local governments, directly delivers homelessness services through the Supported Accommodation Assistance Program. The Family, Youth and Housing Business Unit includes a housing team leader (full-time) and two other housing workers (one full-time and one 0.6). Whilst this is not common and has the potential for confusing roles, there are a number of advantages in the service being located within local government. For many in the community, local government is an obvious gateway, and thus referral time is minimised and clients do not have to tell their story twice. Local governments are relatively sophisticated organisations that have significant resources in terms of buildings, equipment and skills. A stand-alone housing organisation of a few people would not be able to afford the photocopiers, faxes, meeting rooms etc. available. The CCT process has meant that local governments have developed very good skills in tendering and lobbying which the housing section is able to access. There are clear structures in place to assist tendering and contract management. The nature of the business unit in the Melton example enables an integrated response to issues that require it. In terms of lobbying for clients and representing their interests in strategic planning, there are a number of advantages to this model. Having a unit dealing with homelessness increases awareness across the council, meaning that it is likely to be better informed and more willing to deal with the issue and that homelessness and housing are more likely to be considered in other areas (particularly planning). External to the organisation, local government can be an influential and effective advocate, as demonstrated in the Caroline Springs development. Senior council officers are more likely to be effective in negotiations with other managers and entrepreneurs. Overall, directly administering this Commonwealth funded program has meant that the City of Melton is more aware of homelessness in its region and more likely to take a role in issues around homelessness. 48 Housing: Your Basic Infrastructure 3.3.6 Indigenous housing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander housing need is the greatest of any needs group in Australia. Irrespective of the measure of need, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander housing conditions perform badly by comparison with those of the Australian population overall. It is one of the major challenges of Australian housing provision to reduce the level of need. The problem has not been ignored. However, there is abundant evidence that many of the programs have been less effective than they should have been, in part because of failure to appreciate the cultural issues underpinning the problem. It is therefore important to know something about both Aboriginal need and culture in housing provision. The initial socio-demographic profile (and, of course, council’s day to day experience) will have identified the size of the local indigenous population. There are two major sources of data on Aboriginal housing need: the census, and the 1992 housing and community infrastructure survey of all Aboriginal communities of less than 1,000 population, in total 1,353 communities. Compared to non-indigenous Australians, Aboriginal Australians face high rates of overcrowding and after-housing poverty, are much more likely to live in improvised dwellings, have much lower levels of home ownership and are much more reliant on publicly provided housing. Other measures of need include security, the absence of discrimination, and an environment in which one can live without threat to health. In the private rental sector, negative images of Aboriginal people and blatant racism have contributed to discrimination. This has forced many Aboriginal people to drift to the worst private rental stock, for example, that which a landlord could not rent out to another household. Housing and health needs rarely figure in needs analysis of other groups. While housing for many households may be unaffordable or inappropriately located, it is rare in Australia that housing conditions directly affect health. In certain Aboriginal communities, however, the relationship is a direct one: poor housing produces poor health. This is often not considered in mainstream housing because the relationship is now largely invisible, thanks to engineering, planning and regulatory progress. 3.3.7 Culturally/ethnically specific housing Many local governments in Victoria have a high proportion of people from different ethnic and cultural backgrounds. Some are migrants who have been here for forty plus years and now represent part of Australia’s ageing population. Others are relatively recent arrivals making the process of transition into mainstream housing, and many of these do not find mainstream housing satisfactory for various reasons. For example, elderly non-English speaking people at that stage where they must live in a retirement or nursing home prefer, for obvious reasons, to share with those who speak their language and know their culture. Non-ethnic specific aged housing may therefore be inappropriate. Similarly, culturally specific groups can use housing as a method of keeping people in an area and maintaining their community support. The Tongan community in Sydney, for example, have used an award winning cooperative to keep the community together rather than being dispersed to more affordable but remote outer suburbs. 49 Housing: Your Basic Infrastructure One research task in a local government housing study is to identify the multicultural make-up of the area and possible housing issues. The census provides the basis to obtain details of the proportion of people with different language backgrounds and their age and household structure. This can provide a starting point for research. Many of these communities will have a local or regional association or federation. These could be contacted and, through various methods (e.g. survey or focus group workshop), the degree and form of housing issues could be identified. The role of local government may be one of facilitator in helping groups to arrange meetings around issues of potential housing provision and to identify sites, potential managers and developers and ways of financing for housing initiatives. There have not been many initiatives along these lines in Victoria, but in New South Wales there have been projects for the Dutch, Italian, Spanish and Lao communities. Documentation is available in separate facts sheets and in a more detailed report (Building on Experience: Guidelines for Future Self-Care Housing for Older People from Non-English Speaking Backgrounds in New South Wales, Department of Housing and Urban Development, 1998). A number of these have been funded under the Community Housing Program, a national program that is potentially available in Victoria for good applications. In other cases they have been self-financed where the support consisted of organisation, negotiation and lobbying with relevant parties. 3.3.8 Older persons Age structure will have been covered in the previous socio-demographic profiling. Most councils, however, will want to consider aged housing needs specifically, given the particular issues attached to aged housing and that local governments have a significant role in providing and/or facilitating aged services such as meals on wheels, senior citizens centres and home help services, and are major funders of home and community care services. The proportion of the Australian population aged over 65 years increased from approximately 12.5 per cent in 1971 to 16.5 per cent in 1996, and is expected to reach 22.7 per cent by 2021. Several factors have influenced this, including: The post-World War Two baby boom (1945-65); A steady decline in the total fertility rate (indicated by the average number of births per 100,000 women) from approximately 2.7 in the early twentieth century to 1.87 in 1994. This means that Australia’s population is not replacing itself. Yet it continues to increase, mainly due to immigration; Australia’s long history of what can only be termed a ‘youthful’ immigration policy, with relatively young people arriving since World War Two; and, Non-indigenous Australians’ level of mortality has declined, that is, they are living longer than at any other period of history. The net result of this is that the population will continue to grow steadily, with increasing proportions of elderly people. 50 Housing: Your Basic Infrastructure Victoria’s population is ageing, and this trend is expected to continue for at least the next half century. In the period from 1996 to 2021, the number of people aged over 65 is expected to increase by nearly 40 per cent, compared with 16 per cent for the population as a whole. One of the most distinctive features of the population aged over 65 is the predominance of women in all age categories. In 1996, there were approximately 81 males per 100 females. This is even more striking among those aged over 80, where there were approximately 52 males per 100 females. While the incidence of disease (particularly heart disease, cancer, cerebrovascular disorders, diabetes and arthritis) increases with age, it should not be concluded that this is the only variable involved in the cause of illness, disease and/or disability. Compared to economic position, age may be a minor variable in determining health status. Figure 3.5 Age structure of Victoria’s population, 1996 and 2021 25 1996 (%) 20 2021 15 10 5 0 0-4 years 5-17 years 18-24 years 25-34 years 35-49 years 50-59 years 60-69 years 70-84 years 85 years and over Source: Department of Infrastructure, Victoria in Future, 1995 Table 3.7 shows the percentage of persons aged 65 and over with a profound or severe handicap in the areas of self-care, mobility or verbal communication. Table 3.7 Percentage of persons with a profound or severe handicap aged 65 and over, by sex and age, 1993 Age group Females Males 65-69 8.4 6.2 70-74 14.4 9.0 75-79 18.8 12.0 80-84 35.4 25.5 85+ 59.1 50.8 Source: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, Australia’s Welfare: Service and Assistance, Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra, 1995, p. 181 51 Housing: Your Basic Infrastructure Overall, more males will experience profound or severe handicap with increasing years. However, two salient points should be kept in mind: By the age of 80 years or over, 60 per cent of women and more than 50 per cent of men will have experienced a profound or severe handicap; But, under this age, 80 to 85 per cent of men and women – or more – will not have experienced such a handicap. Some may be categorised as experiencing a moderate or mild handicap which refers to those who ‘have difficulty performing a task, but do not require assistance or can use an aid’ (AIHW 1995: 180). From this discussion we can conclude that older Australians are a diverse group. Sex and gender expectations, wealth and poverty, access to resources, and race and ethnicity mean that they are as diverse as any other group in society. Most will live active and healthy lives, and have opportunities similar to those available to them when they were younger. This diversity, of course, does not imply any sort of equality. The same inequalities which existed between an age cohort throughout their lives are likely to be replicated as they get older. There are also many problems with identifying older Australians by retirement ages. Age discrimination legislation, workers being retrenched at younger ages, and voluntary retirements before 60 or 65 mean that ‘age’ as defined by relationship to the labour market and retirement is problematic. In addition, it excludes many women whose work has been domestic and unpaid. Therefore, it seems that past definitions of ‘old’ or ‘elderly’ have more to do with political and social factors than with biological factors. Housing for older people is an issue in which many (or even most) local governments have direct involvement. As the population ages (and federal and state governments withdraw or rationalise) this role will probably increase. Coupled with improved telecommunications (e.g. telemedicine), there are likely to be innovative solutions, and some local governments will wish to be at the forefront of these. As well, all municipalities will have to deal with the issue of ‘ageing in place’, a particular problem for municipalities with an imbalanced age structure. Regional or local area age cohort data can be used to translate national needs data to the local level. For example, if the Commonwealth or the state/territory produced a survey of age disability with relevant housing information, this can be adapted to local need assessment. If the data showed that 5 per cent of people over 65 required handrails inside, or 1 per cent required doors altered for better access, this can be applied to the regional level by multiplying the national percentage by the total number in the relevant age cohort for the region. Table 3.8 shows the method. 52 Housing: Your Basic Infrastructure Table 3.8 Estimated number of aged households needing dwelling adaptations (by the surrogate method) 1 Housing modification required 2 Percentage nationally requiring modifications 3 No. of aged persons in region 1991 4 No. of aged persons in region 2001 5 (2x3) No. in region requiring housing modification 1991 6 (2x4) No. in region requiring housing modification 2001 Requiring handrails 5% 34,000 45,000 1,700 2,250 Requiring door modification 1% 34,000 45,000 340 450 This data would then enable a statement to the effect: ‘Over the decade to 2001, the region will experience an increased need for modified housing to address disability. The total need is 2,250 cases requiring handrail provision and 450 requiring door modification’. Central Goldfields Council is developing an innovative approach to developing low cost housing. Part of the approach is establishing a ‘system’ for building/developing which includes elements of self-build, as more bureaucratic methods of building are too expensive, particularly for small numbers. Aged housing has been identified as a particular problem. There are many older couples and singles living in large houses that are deteriorating as the owners don’t have the cash flow to undertake appropriate maintenance. Coupled with this is the low level of house prices in the area which makes it very difficult for older people to get themselves into smaller, more appropriate housing. One of council’s initiatives is to develop a site in Maryborough with relocatable units. This makes the housing less expensive (it can be built in a factory rather than on-site which is considerably more expensive) and more flexible (the difficulty of lowering house prices is that it is the area that depreciates, not the housing, but by its very nature most housing is fixed in space). This type of housing on a properly landscaped site should be attractive to many older people, providing easily maintained housing in a communal setting. Even with this development, many older people are living in houses that will not realise enough to purchase this type of housing. Council has identified a funding source who is prepared to finance a modest gap over a 25 year period, making it affordable for the older person. So, for example, if a couple were living in a house that could sell for $35,000 and the relocatable home cost $45,000, financing could be arranged for the $10,000 difference. At present rates of interest this would cost around $15 per week (assuming 6 per cent interest). 53 Housing: Your Basic Infrastructure 3.3.9 Youth housing In terms of young people and housing, the following points from a report undertaken for the Commonwealth Department of Housing and Regional Development (Maas, Finding a Place: A Recommended Strategy to Improve Young People’s Housing Opportunities, 1995) are worth making: At June 1995, of the approximately 2.5 million Australians aged between 15 and 24, over 800,000 lived independently; of these, 42 per cent lived with unrelated people in shared households, 48 per cent had formed their own families as couples, couples with children or single parents, and 10 per cent lived alone (p. 19); Almost 162,000 Australians aged between 15 and 24 live under the Henderson poverty line after housing costs have been counted (p. 25); Young people spend a high proportion of their income on housing. In 1990, 15 to 24 year olds spent an average of 21.5 per cent, compared with 13.1 per cent for all ages over 15 years (p. 29); and, 44 per cent of independent young people on low incomes who rent privately pay 50 per cent of their income in housing, compared with 2 per cent in the public sector. The corresponding figures for paying 30 per cent of income in rent are 83 per cent and 15 per cent (p. 32). The term ‘young people’, like ‘the aged’, sweeps up a diverse group whose housing needs are different and who require a range of housing and support options. One important group of young people with particular housing needs are students. About 75 per cent of Australian tertiary students live at home; the rest live in some form of independent accommodation. There are many housing problems for this group, including the decrease in purpose built accommodation (for example, halls of residence), the gentrification of areas around many universities resulting in high rents, and the low level and increasingly tight eligibility rules for Youth Allowance and Austudy. For municipalities with (or near) tertiary campuses, this is clearly an issue to be examined. The City of Melbourne has undertaken a lot of work on student housing in recent years which has served a number of objectives: There is clear unmet demand for affordable student housing; Quantifying and explaining the student market will provide an incentive for developers; and, The council has had a long-standing policy to increase ‘after hours’ activity in and around the CBD through encourageing more residents. Students are particularly good in this regard, given their ‘outward’ orientation. This work has also helped to strengthen the relationship between the council and the educational institutions in and around the city. 54 Housing: Your Basic Infrastructure 3.3.10 Disability How we see and define disability shapes our understanding of the issue and how we respond in policy or administrative terms. Until recently, it has been defined in essentially medical terms, as ‘a condition which inhibited one’s ability to access the built environment and society’s activities’. The policy response from this understanding is to focus on the individual’s condition. As a result, services have grown up around each condition of disability. For example, intellectual disability services have been seen as distinct from psychiatric services and these, in turn, have been seen as distinct from the physically disabled. Large non-government organisations have devoted themselves to meeting the ‘whole of life’ needs of target groups such as the blind or people with cerebral palsy, head injury or spina bifida. An alternative way to look at disability is in terms of how a lack of service and facilities inhibits people experiencing a disability from fulfilling a normal role in society. This understanding places the emphasis less on the condition of the individual than on the form and quality of services and facilities required to overcome the effects of disability. A handicap, defined as an individual’s inability to carry out a ‘normal’ role as the result of a disability or impairment, thus implies a need for assistance. If that assistance can be provided, whether in terms of an appropriately designed house or appropriate level of support, then an individual can assume a ‘normal’ role and the handicap no longer exists. As an Australian Housing Research Council (AHRC) report on disability and public housing states: ‘Some of the problems people with psychiatric disabilities face may be due less to their underlying disorders than to problems in the service system, for example, continued stigmatisation or difficulties in gaining access to support services available to people with other disabilities’. The International Classification of Impairments, Disabilities and Handicaps produced by the World Health Organisation provides the following relevant definitions, in the context of health experience: Impairment: Any loss or abnormality of psychological, physiological or anatomical structure or function; Disability: Any restriction or lack (resulting from an impairment) of ability to perform an activity in the manner, or within the range, considered normal for a human being; and, Handicap: A disadvantage for a given individual, resulting from an impairment or a disability, that limits or prevents the fulfilment of a role that is normal (depending on age, sex, and social and cultural factors) for that individual (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare 1995: 240). These definitions reflect a non-medical interpretation, drawing attention to restrictions as they affect normal activity. These restrictions may be social as much as medical. The challenge is to identify what the restrictions are, how they shape housing need, and precisely what is the appropriate administrative response. 55 Housing: Your Basic Infrastructure There are no reliable estimates of the existing or potential demand for supported accommodation for people with a disability. The following points help to give some indication of what demand might be: The ABS survey on disability, ageing and caring carried out in 1993 found 721,000 people reporting a profound or severe handicap (just over 4 per cent of the population aged 5 and above). For ABS purposes, such people sometimes, or always, require personal assistance or supervision in one or more of the activity areas of self-care, mobility or verbal communication (AIHW 1995: 245). These figures include persons over 65 who, although support requirements may be similar, are administratively classified into aged care and accommodation services rather than disability services; The survey also found that people with a profound handicap were more likely to be boarders (18.5 per cent) than were the general population. Approximately 30 per cent of those with profound or severe disabilities were renters (as distinct from boarders). Nearly 14 per cent of all people with a disability were living alone, which is approximately twice the rate of the general population (AIHW 1995: 251); and, The proportion of the non-aged population suffering a severe disability has remained fairly constant since 1981. The increases that have been reported have been due to the ageing of the population (AIHW 1995: 255). Such data can help in estimating a level of potential demand for supported housing. Actual demand is more difficult to measure. The AHRC attempted to calculate a level of demand for public rental housing by people with a psychiatric disability in New South Wales, arriving at a figure of 11,700 people. In comparison, actual demand as measured by applications for public rental housing by people with identified psychiatric difficulties was only 2,356 in the period from 1990-91 to 1992-93 (AHRC 1994: 28). There is evidence that the policies of non-institutionalisation in place since the 1970s have led to a situation where there will be extra demand for supported accommodation in the near future. Non-institutionalisation has generally not been accompanied by an equivalent parallel expansion in community based accommodation options, and families have been left to take up the slack. As the parents of this generation of people with disabilities reach old age, they are increasingly unable to cope with the strain. Not only is supported accommodation having to expand to meet the ongoing demands of younger people with disabilities reaching the age of independence, but it will also need to cope with the backlog resulting from the faulty policy implementation of the past twenty years. 56 Housing: Your Basic Infrastructure Table 3.9 Roles and responsibilities in relation to supported accommodation for disability Aims of support Maintain the person in the community Support quality of life goals Advocacy support, protect interests of tenant Maintain the person in their tenancy Housing provider responsibilities Property management Obtain and offer appropriate housing stock Rent setting and collection Develop and offer grievance procedure Inform tenants on rights and responsibilities Accountability to tenants and funding bodies Resolve tenancy issues Ensure appropriate support arrangements are made Develop competency, best practice and minimum standards Funding bodies’ responsibilities Provide appropriate stock and/or funding to housing providers Establish viable programs Provide adequate funds for support services Tenants Pay rent and meet tenancy responsibilities Respect privacy of other residents in individual and shared housing Meet general responsibilities of living in the wider community 3.3.11 Assessing needs and linking with policy With all the data assembled, the challenge is then to bring it together to analyse housing need in the municipality. The skill in preparing a report is not really in the data per se, but in the analysis that attaches to it. Every region will have a housing needs problem. What has to be brought out is how the characteristics of that region are shaping the degree and nature of local need. This is where demographic factors, local economic conditions and local housing market conditions have to be woven into a story about local need. However, simply identifying needs and trends is not sufficient. The purpose of a needs assessment is to guide the policy process, therefore it should conclude with policy recommendations that are consistent with the assessment. One framework for analysing housing need is to interrogate the data in terms of the following criteria: Affordability; Accessibility; and, Appropriateness. 57 Housing: Your Basic Infrastructure Figure 3.6 Assessment framework Affordable housing: Needs to address supply and location Appropriate housing: Housing size, lifecycle, cultural requirements, lifestyle, tenure security Needs to address housing costs and income Adequate housing Housing costs as a proportion of income, sufficient income remaining for other expenses Needs to address design and construction issues Available housing: Sufficient supply, proximity to social networks, services and employment Benchmarking needs indicators is a key task. By this we mean the requirement in any analysis to establish some standard of comparison in order to measure (or benchmark) the severity of a problem or whether conditions are improving or worsening. A benchmark can be: Historical, using some yardstick chosen from the path, e.g. housing affordability in 1981 was 2.5 times household earnings but in 1999 was 3.2 times earnings; A recognised standard, e.g. the affordability benchmark of 25 per cent of income committed to housing; or, A comparative standard, e.g. with the state or metropolitan average (Melbourne in total has 21 per cent households in private rental where municipality C has only 15 per cent). Many housing reports are almost meaningless in that that they only describe recent census data without placing it in any context. For example: ‘The Municipality of Probus has 68 per cent home ownership and 20 per cent rental. Almost two-thirds of households are families with children and the age cohort with the greatest proportion is the age group 30-45.’ What does this tell us? Basically, nothing: unless we can compare it with Melbourne or Victoria as a whole or with what they were, say, ten years earlier, we get no impression of whether this is distinctive or typical or whether it represents major change. With a bit more data to provide benchmarks it could say: ‘Probus is very similar to the metropolitan average with 68 per cent home ownership and 20 per cent rental. However, it is noteworthy that ownership has increased five percentage points over 58 Housing: Your Basic Infrastructure the last census period, compared to a decline for Melbourne. Almost two-thirds of households are families with children and the age cohort with the greatest proportion is the age group 30-45. This is greatly at odds with Melbourne as a whole which has a much lesser proportion of stereotypical nuclear family households.’ 3.4 Affordability study An affordability study goes beyond measuring need and potential stock mismatch to consider: Whether the available housing is affordable; What sort of problem affordability represents; and The potential policy options. In contrast to many other countries – and, indeed, to other states, notably New South Wales – most Victorian local governments have not been actively involved with issues of affordability. This is not because there are no affordability problems (there clearly are in many areas) but because it is seen as a state or Commonwealth responsibility (in fact, neither have an interest or responsibility) or simply as a personal issue for those experiencing it. The implication of the latter is that the problem could be simply solved by moving to a cheaper area. Councillors and staff who recognise affordability as a problem and wish to do something often face community resistance as most ratepayers do not see it as a problem and are not concerned by it. Any municipality undertaking an affordability study (and ultimately policy) therefore has to develop a strong rationale for why it is doing this. For example, the City of Yarra (1998) in its affordable housing statement offers the following rationales: To facilitate ‘diversity of population and experience to create a vibrant social and cultural life of the city and contribute to community cohesion built on understanding and sharing difference’; To provide ‘diversity of economic and social base which sustains local employment and industry and generates the local economy’; and, To provide ‘diversity of households which maintain and support local services to meet a broad range of current and future community needs’. The following views are implicit in these rationales: A lack of affordability creates the potential for excessively homogeneous areas, with a risk to diversity and vitality and a breeding ground for intolerance. The experience of many US cities illustrates that this is no idle concern; High housing costs can affect the ability to retain and attract labour (particularly low paid unskilled workers) and therefore affect local firms. This is certainly the experience of inner Sydney and has prompted US cities such as Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Diego and Boston to have active affordability programs; Increased housing costs can dislocate people from their local support network and put a greater burden on formal support services; 59 Housing: Your Basic Infrastructure High housing costs will affect the household make-up of an area, deterring younger families and consigning it to high concentrations of the affluent aged and empty nesters; and, Affordability problems can create family stress, leading to family breakdown, depression and health problems which impose costs on the wider community. Whether these arguments resonate with local residents will vary from municipality to municipality. Some will have a predominance of ‘beggar my neighbour’ residents for whom such arguments have little impact. For others they could be a lead-in to an affordability study and policy. There are other reasons for undertaking an affordability study. It can identify market trends which could be a valuable information source for builders and developers, provide information which is useful in lobbying and negotiating with the Office of Housing, e.g. with respect to new housing construction or potential sales, and provide information which sheds light on emerging issues and themes (gentrification or population decline) with all that these may mean for local character and social problems. Municipalities without an affordability problem can attempt to capitalise on this to attract residents or employers. Bendigo and Geelong have both used their relatively low purchase prices compared to Melbourne for place marketing. Affordability is conventionally measured by ratio of income committed to housing costs and then compared to some benchmark such as 25 or 30 per cent, although there are other ways of looking at the affordability issue, particularly in terms of potential policy response. Typical measures of affordability are outlined below. Mortgage as a proportion of income This divides the monthly or annual mortgage repayment that would be necessary to purchase a dwelling by some measure of income, for example, average earnings or household income. This can be determined from the ABS census or, if an annual series is to be created, by determining the median house or flat price from the Valuer General’s data and, taking current interest rate conditions and some lending ratio for average earnings, converting this into an affordability ratio. Table 3.10 illustrates the latter process for three areas plus metropolitan Melbourne. Table 3.10 Calculating mortgage as a proportion of income Median Interest Total Loan House Price rate Amount Avge. Annual Mortgage Earnings as % of Repayment (AAE) AEE Annual Melbourne $173,555 6.50% $138,844 $11,383 $39,862 28.6% Richmond $235,000 6.50% $188,000 $15,413 $39,862 38.7% Preston $145,000 6.50% $116,000 $9,510 $39,862 23.9% $83,750 6.50% $67,000 $5,493 $39,862 13.8% Bendigo 60 Housing: Your Basic Infrastructure The mortgage is assumed to be for 80 per cent of value of property and for 25 years. Data required is: Median house price (Valuer General’s annual property sales statistics); Interest rates (daily in financial sections of papers or from banks); Annuity table; and, Average weekly earnings (ABS). The data in Table 3.10 would suggest Richmond has an affordability problem for any household or person earning less than full-time average earnings, while Preston and particularly Bendigo are affordable areas. The metropolitan Melbourne ratio is close to the acceptable benchmark of 25 per cent. Rent as a proportion of income This divides the monthly or annual rent (median or quartile) by some measure of income, for example, average earnings or household income. Rents are provided every five years in the census or are available monthly in the Office of Housing Rental Report. This data can be converted into an affordability measure as per Table 3.11, adapted from this report. Table 3.11 Private rental affordability, Melbourne, June quarter, 1995 Lower priced ** rental as percentage of income Household type Assumed property type Gross weekly total income* Median rental as percentage of income Current Same quarter quarter 1994 Current Same quarter quarter 1994 Single elderly pensioner 1 b/r flat $200.75 39.9% 38.5% 52.3% 50.5% Single parent with one child 2 b/r flat $263.65 37.9% 38.6% 55.0% 50.6% Unemployed couple with two children 3 b/r house $415.45 33.7% 33.4% 44.5% 42.1% Couple on poverty line wages with two children 3 b/r house $575.65 24.3% 25.3% 32.1% 31.9% Couple on AWE with two children 3 b/r house $736.70 19.0% 20.1% 25.1% 25.3% * Includes base pension/benefit/wage plus all other payments/allowances (for example, family allowance, rental assistance) where eligible. ** 5th percentile metropolitan rental for assumed property type. 61 Housing: Your Basic Infrastructure Benchmark income (housing costs as some proportion of income, for example, 25 per cent) This method assumes a benchmark house cost to income ratio, and measures the number of people who fall below the benchmark. It depends on census data (there is no other data set) and will require ordering special cross-tabulation tables, but is the best method for identifying the actual number of households affected by an affordability problem. After-housing poverty This uses census data to measure the number of people whose household income falls below the poverty line after meeting housing costs. This is the severest measure of an affordability problem and, like the benchmark income method, requires specially ordered ABS census cross-tabulation tables. Although the data is for Australia as a whole, the exercise can be repeated for a local government area if the appropriate tables are used. Note that the data shows a big increase in poverty over the last two decades. Table 3.12 Tenure Before- and after-housing poverty by tenure, 1973 and 1996 Units poor after housing costs 1973 Percentage of all income units in tenure category 1973 Units poor after housing costs 1996 Percentage of all income units in tenure category 1996 Owner 38,000 3.7 108,000 4.3 Purchaser 45,000 3.9 135,000 8.4 Public housing 18,000 9.8 73,000 19.9 Private renter 107,000 12.8 249,000 18.8 Other 54,000 7.4 124,000 12.9 Total 262,000 6.7 689,000 10.3 Source: Burke T, The Australian Housing System, Centre for Urban and Social Research, Swinburne University of Technology, 1998 Threshold income This is the income deemed necessary to afford the median price house in a region or municipality. It is useful for identifying the scale of an affordability problem as it reduces the data to a single meaningful figure and is easily built up from local data sources. Table 3.13 shows the method for three case study locations while Table 3.14, taking Richmond as the example, illustrates how the data can reveal changes over time, in this case 1980, 1990 and 1998. 62 Housing: Your Basic Infrastructure Table 3.13 Calculating threshold income Median house price Interest rate Required mortgage assuming 80% value of house Annualised mortgage Threshold income (mortgage to income ratio of 25%) Melbourne $173,500 6.5% $138,800 $11,379 $45,516 Hawthorn $325,000 6.5% $260,000 $21,315 $85,261 Dandenong $97,000 6.5% $77,600 $6,362 $25,447 Moe $43,000 6.5% $34,400 $2,820 $11,281 The data here shows the necessary income to afford the median priced house and illustrates that $45,516 is sufficient for Melbourne as a whole but in Hawthorn goes up to $85,261, while in Dandenong and Moe strong affordability holds. Table 3.14 Average annual mortgage repayment in Richmond Average annual mortgage payment in constant dollars (1998=100) at prevailing interest rate Average annual mortgage payment in constant dollars (1998=100) at constant interest rate (10% p.a.) 1980 $11,566 $9,994 1990 $28,902 $18,873 1998 $16,819 $23,686 Table 3.14 shows the annual mortgage payment (in constant dollars) required to purchase the median priced property in Richmond in 1980, 1990 and 1998. Presented in this form, the data demonstrates erosion of affordability in the 1980s and an improvement in the 1990s. Note that, when using time-series data with monetary values, it should be converted into real terms by deflating the data by the relevant increase in the Consumer Price Index. Affordability measures are highly sensitive to the effects of interest rates, as this table shows. The second column presents the same affordability trends holding interest rates constant at 10 per cent, showing that the underlying house price movement (independent of interest rates) is one of declining affordability. The data required to create a measure of threshold income is: Valuer General’s property sales statistics (median and quartile dwelling price data); Annuity table and prevailing interest rates (from the Financial Review or local bank); Assumptions with respect to deposit, loan to income ratio (for example, 20 per cent) and lending period (for example, 25 years); and, Some measure of income, for example, average household earnings or average earnings per employee (ABS earnings data). 63 Housing: Your Basic Infrastructure The method of creating a local area threshold income affordability measure involves the following tasks: Determine the median or quartile house price for a locality, for example, $100,000; Assume a 20 per cent deposit and that the balance of 80 per cent (that is, $80,000) has to be financed; and, Calculate the necessary mortgage based on the loan not exceeding 25 per cent of income, using the annuity table and prevailing interest rate; for example, at 6.5 per cent for a 25 year loan period, the annual mortgage is $6,559. Given the assumed loan to income ratio of 25 per cent, this means that the annual income necessary to afford a $100,000 dwelling is $26,234 ($6,559 x 4). This can be compared to an earlier time period to determine whether conditions are improving or worsening, or can be compared with average household or personal earnings. The data, preferably collected in a way that enables comparison over time and against some standard, e.g. Melbourne or Victoria, will enable a story to be told about the nature of affordability. 3.5 Common data bases One of the major problems of local government housing studies is their characteristic uniqueness. Because they have been undertaken for different purposes with different knowledge bases, methodologies and assumptions, the data collected is often in a form which is specific to that municipality and does not lend itself to comparability with other studies. It would be useful if some minimum set of comparable data could be collected. Table 3.15 suggests that minimum, with some Melbourne data provided as an example of this approach. 64 Housing: Your Basic Infrastructure Table 3.15 Common housing indicators and benchmarks Measure Purpose Melbourne benchmark Total dwelling commencements as proportion of total stock Indication of overall level of residential building activity New ‘other’ residential commencements as proportion of total dwellings Indication of contribution of medium density housing to total level of residential building activity Separate houses as proportion of total stock Indication of stock balance in terms of single family homes and multiple occupancy (medium density) housing Proportion of each major tenure category of total; i.e. purchasing, outright owner, private rental, public rental Indication of tenure structure Outright ownership Purchasing Private rental Public rental Percentage change in each tenure category compared to last census Indication of changes in tenure patterns which in turn indicate changes in demographics and market trends Outright ownership Purchasing Private rental Public rental Available residential land supply (residential lots in subdivision plans) Indication of capacity for future growth 6,241 (March 1999) Threshold income, i.e. income necessary to afford median priced house (see Table 3.13) Indication of ownership affordability Median house price Measure of local housing costs $143,000 (1998) Median rent two bedroom flat Measure of rental prices $176 (March 1999) Median rent three bedroom house Measure of rental prices $202 (March 1999) Median rent (two bedroom flat) as proportion of avenge weekly earnings Measure of rental affordability Number of Centrelink rental assistance recipients as ratio of total municipal population Measure of private rental need Household growth (total population divided by average household size as per 1996 census) Measure of broad demand Household size Measure of lifecycle stage of municipality 65 Housing: Your Basic Infrastructure 3.6 Do we need neighbourhoods?: how to define areas Local governments have always used wards or ridings to divide their municipalities for voting purposes. Since council amalgamation, the combination of larger areas and a more sophisticated approach to policy development and service provision has seen many councils map neighbourhood areas. This has been done both to assist in practical delivery of services and to help in the conceptualisation and understanding of the municipality. As the amalgamation process demonstrated, drawing boundaries for communities and neighbourhoods is a delicate and complex process. Dividing municipalities into smaller units for administrative purposes may not recreate the controversy of the restructure process, but care still needs to be exercised. Delineation of areas that seems common sense to the practitioner can seem illogical or even insensitive to members of the community. In setting about defining neighbourhoods, councils need to be very clear regarding the purpose of the areas and make this well known. Are they simply administrative zones to aid service delivery, are they supposed to encourage local participation and, perhaps most importantly, will they be treated differently in terms of types of activities permitted/encouraged and in allocating resources? 3.7 Review of council’s policies and activities As part of this process, consideration needs to be given to council’s current policies, strategies and activities in relation to housing issues. In essence this means taking the council’s housing policy and, informed by the housing ‘story’ developed thus far, using it as a prism through which to consider council’s other activities (as described diagrammatically in Figure 3.7). It should be remembered, of course, that other policy issues may well adopt the same approach and that tact and discretion are needed in making recommendations across council. Figure 3.7 Policy review Land Use Planning H o u Community Services s I A m c p t a i c o o t n l s s i n Finance g P Infrastructure i c Health and Local Laws 66 y Housing: Your Basic Infrastructure The degree to which this type of approach can be pursued is very much determined by council’s commitment to housing issues and a ‘whole of council’ approach to these issues. However, even without this commitment, this analysis is useful to guide housing policy advocates in their discussions with other parts of the organisation. Having a well supported and argued position in relation to other functional areas’ impacts on housing is particularly useful during corporate reviews and other ‘whole of council’ planning. Bayside Council has developed a cross-department committee to deal with housing issues that includes representatives from strategic planning, statutory planning, community services and infrastructure and asset maintenance. This interdepartmental approach to issues is set out in the municipality’s corporate plan. 67 Housing: Your Basic Infrastructure 68 Housing: Your Basic Infrastructure 4 From information to action: preparing policies and strategies 4.1 Introduction This section is concerned with the transition from information and ideas into a product, i.e. a housing policy document or a community report. At the end of the section, a summary checklist of issues for undertaking this stage is provided. 4.2 Developing a housing policy A housing policy is a statement of the principles and commitments of a municipality as they relate to housing. It incorporates, indeed provides the framework for, the council’s objectives, strategies and actions on housing. A housing policy can be very broad, encompassing many aspects of housing, or it can be issue specific, e.g. the facilitation of affordable housing. A housing policy could be a stand-alone document or part of a strategic vision document for the municipality. The information that was collected in the housing analysis stage (Section 3) is important in informing and driving a housing policy. But information alone does not produce a policy and the set of goals, objectives and actions that make up a policy. This requires a process which may include: Conducting workshops with councillors and key staff from relevant areas who are all previously informed by the information provided by the housing analysis. This will enable views as to what are the core problems identified and what, taking into account the local politics, are to be emphasised and worked into policy; Conducting workshops or focus group discussions with community organisations and key stakeholders, e.g. developers, resident action group; and, Putting a panel of experts together to think about possible policy issues and actions. Those organising such exercises must be aware of the good and bad practices involved. There are a multitude of publications explaining how to run consultative and participatory processes. Where relevant, however, attention should be paid to getting participants to think outside their existing perceptions and views, e.g. to illustrate that housing is more than planning, that it is not just about good or bad medium density design. The role of councillors is crucial. Without their leadership little will occur and it is therefore important to keep them informed and involved throughout the process. They will be highly sensitive to the politics of the issue, so in pushing a policy that may have political side-effects a good argument must be provided and perhaps a method of negating political opposition considered. 69 Housing: Your Basic Infrastructure Councils are required to have a corporate plan which provides the strategic framework for its role. Often these pay little attention to housing and focus on broad generic areas such as financial management, business development, community services, city amenity and community participation. Any housing policy should be consistent with a corporate plan, picking up and using its language. Thus if under ‘community services’ the corporate plan refers to ‘providing and facilitating high quality innovative and accessible services within our community’, housing policy and associated objectives should attempt to fit (where relevant) into this statement. If a corporate plan is still in the process of evolution, there may be an opportunity to adapt it to better fit housing policy. Table 4.1 illustrates the housing contribution to the City of Port Phillip’s corporate plan. Table 4.1 Housing actions from City of Port Phillip corporate plan Priorities 1998-99 Housing maintaining a wide range of affordable housing which supports the retention of a diverse community living in the city Actions 1998-99 Performance indicator 1998-99 Complete master plan and incorporate into the City of Port Phillip planning scheme Target 1998-99 December 1998 Refurbishment completed June 1999 Complete Stage 2 of the St Kilda Railway Station housing project Stage 2 completed June 1999 Maintain and promote the Shop-Top Housing Program Develop and November implement marketing strategy 1998 Facilitate community housing Facilitate one new community based project June 1999 Develop an implementation plan for 54 identified strategies from the City of Port Phillip Housing Strategy May 1997 Implementation plan developed March Maintain diversity of housing stock, particularly single detached dwellings Proportion of detached Maintain at dwellings 1996-97 level Commencement of St Kilda Depot Housing Project Complete refurbishment of the Regal Hotel rooming house project provided by community organisations 1999 Source: City of Port Phillip, Corporate Plan This example illustrates a contribution to the corporate plan. Housing might, however, fit with other plans, e.g. health, so that the health problems of people with psychiatric difficulties may require housing responses. It may therefore be appropriate to ‘fit’ housing policies into a health plan if there is to be no housing specific plan. 70 Housing: Your Basic Infrastructure Policies should evolve out of the information collection stage but they should also relate to potential and actual roles of local government. Table 4.2 suggests typical housing roles as they may relate to potential policy areas, with some boxes filled in for exemplification. The list is not exhaustive but indicative and could be used as a template to help identify appropriate actions relating to housing policy. A checklist for starting the process would be as follows: Has a process been established to involve key stakeholders in the evolution of a policy? Is it an appropriate process? Is there a corporate plan which housing policy is to fit into? and, How will policies relate to the existing or potential housing roles of the council? The next section discusses some of the specifics of developing a policy. 4.3 Setting goals and objectives Setting goals and objectives is a crucial part of policy development. They in effect articulate the policy. The principles discussed here are generic ones, which apply for any policy issue. It is useful, however, to work through them with housing examples to illustrate the potential issues and problems. Assuming needs have been identified, and a process determined where there is some sense of agreement as to where the municipality is to go, i.e. the aims of the exercise, then this information has to be translated into actual goals and objectives. The goals outline the broad intent of policy, while the objectives define the specific elements of this intent. Goals are couched in fairly general terms and in some respects are motherhood statements; however, by virtue of being housing specific (where often no such housing specific goals existed) they do signal the broad importance of the issues and the themes deemed relevant for the local government. ‘To encourage the provision of a variety of housing types to accommodate future housing needs and preferences’ (City of Monash) 71 Housing: Your Basic Infrastructure Table 4.2 Policy area Population diversity Housing roles and potential policy areas Development control Working Infrastructure with provision community Direct Advocacy Financial provision and management management Encourage population diversity providing housing with mix of types Affordability Establish a process where all relevant units address the problem of affordable housing Special need Population increase Integrated planning Work with local community groups to establish a boarding house for the disabled Arrest population decline by encouraging appropriate medium density housing Housing appropriateness Joint ventures Urban amenity 72 Increase the rate base by upgrading of housing stock Housing: Your Basic Infrastructure Objectives, being much more specific, are more problematic. The importance of objectives derives from their potential to: Give direction to the planning and management of the council’s housing role; Give clear indication for stakeholders, including developers and ratepayers, as to council’s intent; Provide a basis for accountability of council; Signal direction in, and approaches to, meeting local housing demand and need; Provide a framework for implementation or action by council staff; and, Provide a starting point for functional areas or business units to consider housing. To be effective, objectives must: Be clear and unambiguous; Be potentially measurable; Indicate the form of action required; and, Be realistic in terms of resources and organisational abilities and knowledge. Conflicts between objectives should also be avoided but this is not always possible. Objectives might need a companion statement which fleshes out the ideas embedded in them. This statement might specify what the terms used in the objectives mean, e.g. affordability, and it might suggest some indicators that could actually measure related outputs and timeframes for their implementation. Objectives are normally prefaced with a verb that suggests the form of action. Typically these are to provide, facilitate, assist, fund, lobby, promote, explore, develop, encourage, define or manage. These words imply different levels of intent. Thus to manage, provide, develop or fund are a higher order of action than the others and indicate a strong level of action by local government. Other terms recognise that the actions are to be taken elsewhere, with council having a supporting role only, e.g. encourage, facilitate, assist. The actions should fit the intent. Examples of housing objectives include: To maintain a socially diverse community throughout the Sydney LGA through facilitating the provision of affordable housing (Sydney); To provide for a variety of affordable and appropriate housing types, tenures and styles at a rate which is consistent with demand (Waverley NSW); A stable residential population through urban consolidation initiatives targeted to appropriate areas (Port Phillip); To facilitate innovative forms of residential development and redevelopment on derelict and underutilised sites (Brimbank); To advocate influencing all spheres of government to ensure affordable housing meets current and future housing needs of residents (Yarra); 73 Housing: Your Basic Infrastructure To provide a better understanding of local housing needs and the potential role of council in responding to these needs (Lake Macquarie NSW); and, Reasonable access to low cost housing for low income households (Port Phillip). Section 5.9 provides examples of housing objectives, categorised under the headings of: affordability and social housing; research, knowledge acquisition and information provision; residential planning; coordination, facilitation and relationships to other agencies; planning management; advocacy and support; and housing management. 4.4 From objective to strategy The objectives define intent and make its nature transparent to the wider community. But by themselves they do not produce outcomes. This requires a strategy, i.e. a set of actions, in relation to each objective, the sum of which will define the overall housing policy. What actions attach to each objective should be determined by the processes of consultation developed for information gathering or the policy implementation process. Some questions that could be considered in the process of evolving a set of actions are: Will it arouse political opposition and, if so, from whom? Can actions be adopted to weaken any opposition? Is it feasible? What degree of effect or outcome can we expect from an action: low, medium or major? Who is responsible for the action? What resources does it require and is it the most effective use of resources? Is it consistent with other actions and the corporate plan? How important is it in the achievement of a goal or objective? What cooperation may be required from other agencies to obtain outcomes? What might be the unanticipated side-effects of the action? and, Are the concepts or ideas included in objectives operational? Actions should indicate for those affected what they and the council have to do to achieve the outcomes hinted at by the objectives. There may be multiple actions with different implications for different business units, official or stakeholders. Consider the affordability objective of ‘providing for a variety of affordable and appropriate housing types, tenures and styles at a rate which is consistent with demand’. This might give rise to a set of actions as exemplified below: Maintain and if possible increase current levels of public housing; Investigate council use of own land for mixed social and private housing; Investigate the establishment of a local housing trust fund for affordable housing; 74 Housing: Your Basic Infrastructure Work with developers with a view to incorporating some affordable housing in developments; and, Establish a mechanism for monitoring the affordability of housing and changes therein. These actions are only indicative and each may require further specification or commentary. Thus ‘Maintain and if possible increase current levels of public housing’ may have accompanying actions of: Maintaining a close working relationship with the Office of Housing; and, Lobbying the Office of Housing to limit the sale of individual public rental units which have certain attributes, with the policy document then nominating the relevant attributes (see Port Phillip Strategy Report Part A p. 32 for an inner urban example). In some cases the nature of the objective and actions are such that they may require even greater specification to make the idea clear to council staff, councillors and the community. Table 4.3 illustrates specification of an affordability objective. Table 4.3 Specification of an affordability objective Objective To facilitate the provision of more affordable housing within the municipality Terms Measure Affordability refers to housing that could be purchased or rented by a household on less than an average income Properties to be affordable would have to sell or rent at a rate whereby housing costs were less than 25% of average household income (currently $52,000) Outcome 50 units over the next five years If the actions are to be operational then additional documentation (not to go in the housing policy document) will be required which gives guidance to those doing the implementation. This should include: Timeframes for the action; Priorities between actions where there are multiple actions; The level of resources (data, people, money) needed or available; Who will be directly responsible (which organisation area, which individuals?); Whether there is a coordinating committee between organisational units to produce a ‘whole of government’ approach; and, What monitoring procedures are to be established. 75 Housing: Your Basic Infrastructure 4.5 Implementation Identifying objectives and recommending actions does not ensure implementation. An action plan is required to assist. This is not concerned with housing issues but with the organisational initiatives and reforms required to put the housing policy in place. Thus, for each identified action that makes up the overall housing policy, consideration will have to be given to: Timeframe, i.e. programs, necessary steps and time to be taken; Level of resources required, i.e. monetary and human resources, budgeting; and, Parts of the organisation or external agencies responsible for implementation; As any housing activities will impact on a number of areas of the organisation, they will need to be incorporated into the corporate planning process and be budgeted for. In the current climate of managerialism, consideration may also have to be given to identifying performance measures or outcomes for each of the actions inherent in the housing policy. This is a complex area as housing, like many service areas, does not lend itself to quantifiable indicators and may have timeframes for outcomes, e.g. five to ten years, which do not sit easily with annual indicators. Nevertheless it is useful to try to identify outcomes, even if they cannot be quantified. Table 4.3 illustrated for an affordable housing objective its translation into a performance outcome. Table 4.4 expands the idea with a wider range of examples. Table 4.4 Examples of identifying outcomes Objective Strategy Performance outcome To evaluate housing demands and supply conditions in the city To identify existing level of demand and supply, related needs and trends therein Improved data for local decision making which clearly specifies existing demand and supply situations To develop partnerships with other spheres of government and community organisations Participate in and/or organise local and state housing forums Organise one local area housing forum per year Better coordinated housing services in the region Quarterly meeting with representatives of the Office of Housing A number of housing actions will require partners. This may be because a local government does not have the necessary resources, expertise or legislative responsibility, or simply because of their complexity. Joint ventures around affordable housing or the redevelopment of underutilised land typify activities for which partnerships can be created and which in some respects symbolise the future way of ‘doing business’. The partnerships forged by the City of Port Phillip with both the private and public sector have enabled it to become the facilitator of the largest local government community housing program in Australia, illustrating the potential of partnerships (see City of Port Phillip 1997). 76 Housing: Your Basic Infrastructure 4.6 Residential strategy This section makes the link between a housing study and the housing and residential development component of a municipal strategic statement (MSS). A housing and residential development strategy (HRDS) is a set of principles to guide the planning and provision of residential land use and housing development. For fringe areas and non-metropolitan cities and towns it is largely concerned with giving direction to the development of new residential areas on green acre sites. For existing areas it is about giving direction to infill development which is increasingly medium density. The major instrument of a residential strategy is the planning scheme, although it should not necessarily be confined to such. Rapid urban growth and the need to manage that growth in a way which makes the best use of infrastructure and meets the housing needs of the community was (and is still) an important driver of residential housing strategies. Since the early 1980s a second major driver, particularly in existing areas, has been the growth of medium density housing, facilitated by the deregulation of the planning system and the introduction of Vic Code 2 and subsequently the Good Design Guidelines. This system moved planning from a basis of prescription to performance but, as the much publicised protest led by the Save our Suburbs group indicates, it has not been a total success, at least at the level of community acceptability. To address the issues raised by these processes, the Department of Infrastructure and planning requires each municipality to prepare a MSS under section 12A(3) of the Planning and Environment Act 1987. The department has also prepared practice notes to help undertake a HRDS as part of the MSS process. These outline, among other things, suggested issues to address in the HRDS. These include in a summarised form: What demographic and population changes are likely to occur in the future and how they will affect needs; Whether a municipality wants to follow market trends or whether it wants to intervene for certain reasons; Identification of development and redevelopment sites; What time scale the review is to cover and how frequently it will be reviewed; How the strategy can make best use of physical and social infrastructure; How the strategic outcomes relate to other council objectives; Whether the strategy should be targeted or non-targeted in locational terms; Whether planning mechanisms are the only way to achieve outcomes; and, How it will be implemented. 4.6.1 How does this kit mesh with a HRDS? Firstly, it could be argued a housing strategy of the type outlined here is important in setting a broad framework for the HRDS. Meeting special needs, e.g. aged housing, or working in joint ventures around public housing estate renewal, achieving affordability objectives or increasing private rental stock could be important issues to be addressed in a HRDS. Unless a housing study like that recommended was 77 Housing: Your Basic Infrastructure undertaken, the range of issues to be considered and planned for in the HRDS might be artificially constrained. The trends one has to accommodate through appropriate interventions are likely to be more than market development trends and include the unintended side-effects of market processes on housing patterns and housing choices. Secondly, this kit provides details about how to undertake some of the stages in a HRDS, including identifying demographic trends and needs, identifying policy interventions, and preparing reports which are inclusive of the community. Local governments should not see a HRDS as a burden imposed on them by the state but as an opportunity to come to grips with the implications of future housing patterns within their communities. 4.7 Affordability policy and actions Increasingly around Australia and Victoria, local governments are giving attention to declining affordability. This is particularly the case for inner urban areas suffering gentrification and displacement of affordable housing but, as the affordability problem extends to middle ring suburbs, these too may be forced to reflect on such issues. Section 3.4 suggested various data collection ways to get a handle on affordability and the rationale for undertaking such studies. Translating this information into a policy is considerably more complex. Broad policy objectives are suggested in this list, but actions related to such objectives need further discussion. The ability to affect affordability by local government programs and policy is limited, as the market largely determines house prices and rents and therefore the general level of affordability. There are things that local government can do, although this varies from local area to local area depending upon housing market attributes, municipal land ownership, the social and economic profile and the support of stakeholders. Examples that could be considered include: Use of council owned land for facilitating affordable housing projects, e.g. the St Kilda Depot site in Port Phillip; Support to maintain private rooming houses and development of new rooming houses (see Port Phillip 1997, section 4.3.14, for specific activities); Formation of joint ventures with other government, community and private agencies to develop affordable housing (City West in New South Wales is a good example of a partnership committed to providing greater affordability of housing in inner Sydney); Encouragement of shop-top housing projects, subject to evaluating for financial viability; Advocacy on behalf of lower income households, e.g. around the implications of the GST in the private rental market; Use of planning controls to encourage affordable housing; Formation of a local area housing trust to raise funds for affordable housing ventures (Melbourne City Council has shown leadership in such a model); and, 78 Housing: Your Basic Infrastructure Generally trying to influence national public housing policy (but to do this effectively the council itself has to develop its credibility in terms of housing). Taking the notion of affordability from being simply a concept to something that can give direction to policy is problematic. Many state and local government documents define it in an abstract way, rendering it difficult to translate into policy or to produce a readily understood meaning. For example, the City of Yarra defines it as ‘housing which is appropriate to the needs of low income households and does not consume such a high proportion of household income that it leaves the household with insufficient money to meet basic needs’. This definition indicates that affordability varies for every household, depending on their personal situation. This is a difficult notion to design policy around. An alternative way of couching affordability is in terms of the attributes of dwellings, not of households. Thus an affordable house might be one which is brought on to the market at, say, 80 per cent of the median rent or median house price for the area. This is an indicative benchmark only, but it is one that is identifiable, readily understood and potentially implementable. Affordability in Yarra by this notion may be very different to affordability in Moreland or Bendigo. It is one around which targets and actions can be clearly designed. For example, a joint venture using council land might be undertaken with the requirement that a developer provide a certain percentage of dwellings below a defined affordability threshold, which would differ from municipality to municipality. If, say, fifteen dwellings are constructed at a total cost of a target $90,000 (but with a market value of $150,000), then that enables tenants to be chosen in such a way that the viability of the project stacks up. A development with an average value of $90,000 may require a rent of $130 a week to be viable (depending on degree of borrowed funds) and assuming the availability of rental assistance. Given the market rent is perhaps $180, the development would choose a mix of incomes, with those paying over $130 and up to the market rent cross-subsiding those on lower incomes. In these sorts of development, the objective is to provide affordable housing, not uniformly low income housing – to complement social housing, not to compete with it. 79 Housing: Your Basic Infrastructure 4.8 Summary checklist of the policies and strategies stage 1 Establish a process to produce policies and a related strategy: Has a process been established to involve key stakeholders in the evolution of a policy? Is it an appropriate process? Is there a corporate plan in which housing policy is to fit? and, How will policies relate to the existing or potential housing roles of the council? 2 Relate policies to the existing or potential housing roles of the council. 3 Identify goals and objectives consistent with the rationale for undertaking a housing study: Are goals clear and unambiguous? Are they potentially measurable? Indicate the form of action required of the objective; and, Be realistic in terms of resources and organisational abilities and knowledge. 4 Develop an action strategy around objectives: Consider whether it will it arouse political opposition and, if so, from whom: Can actions be adopted to weaken any opposition? Is it feasible? What degree of effect or outcome can we expect from an action: low, medium or major? Who is responsible for the action? What resources does it require and is it the most effective use of resources? Is it consistent with other actions and the corporate plan? How important is it in the achievement of a goal or objective? What cooperation may be required from other agencies to obtain outcomes? What might be the unanticipated side-effects of the action? Are the concepts or ideas included in objectives operational? and, For each identified action that makes up the overall housing policy, a process of implementation must be established which takes in: The time for each action; The level of resources required; The parts of the organisation or external agencies responsible for implementation; The individuals (or position) responsible for implementation; and, Evaluation and monitoring. 80 Housing: Your Basic Infrastructure 5 The production of a housing report 5.1 Introduction This kit has outlined all the stages of undertaking a local government housing study. The outcome of this process is normally the production of a report or set of reports which may be prepared by consultants, done in-house or as a joint process. In producing this kit we reviewed some thirty or so local government housing reports from around Australia, enabling us to distil a few lessons and observations. This section has been prepared as a checklist for those producing a housing report. 5.2 Who is the report for? Many reports seem unclear as to who the intended audience is and therefore in many cases are neither fish nor fowl. Were they predominantly internal documents to guide council decision making or were they to assist external audiences, e.g. ratepayers or developers, in decision making and knowledge acquisition? This can influence style and content and may suggest the need for more than one publication. 5.3 What is the report for? Closely related to the former question is that of function. Some reports seem to have a mass of statistical information but it is not clear why. Is it for community education or is it to guide decision making? These might require different content and presentation. 5.4 What are the outcomes? Some reports give the impression that the report itself is the outcome. In most cases, however, it is merely part of a process, in particular to guide decision making and assist in policy development. It is therefore important that the material in a report be reviewed at the preparation stage for relevance to final outcomes. Is the information merely interesting or is it important to subsequent products? 5.5 Is it digestible? Some reports are extremely large and deter readership by their bulk. Can a report be broken down into smaller, more digestible sub-reports if all the material is deemed necessary or is there material that can be dispensed with? The City of Yarra, for example, produced a number of documents as part of its affordable housing strategy, ranging from quite substantial reports to small four page information sheets. The City of Port Phillip had two reports: one was the objectives and actions, the other was a statistical report with detailed documentation which provided the rationale for them. 5.6 Is hard copy format the best method? We have embarked upon a new communication age with electronic approaches now complementing hardcopy. For some uses and some users, consideration may be given to presentation in electronic format. Again this decision depends largely on the 81 Housing: Your Basic Infrastructure intended audience; if it is internal to the council or various categories of professionals, then delivery via the internet (or council intranet) may be appropriate, whereas a broader audience will require hard copy, possible augmented by electronic delivery. Governments all over the world are experimenting with new technologies and approaches, and it can be very instructive to spend some time visiting government websites in Australia and overseas to examine the modes of delivery and different approaches to information sharing. 5.7 Is it benchmarked? A good report should in effect be able to tell a story and allow readers to place the municipality in a broader regional or metropolitan content, i.e. to be benchmarked against some standard. How is the municipality different? What is it in the local housing situation that suggests uniqueness or specificity? This can only occur if data and text are prepared in a way which draws this out (see Section 3). 5.8 Is there a rationale for policy and actions? Policies and actions are not self-evident. A report needs to outline a very clear rationale for recommendations and overall policy. For example, if it suggests an affordable housing policy, it is not sufficient to document that there are problems of affordability in the local area. The report should make it clear what the implications of non-action are and why it is the responsibility of local government, not of another sphere of government or the market. 5.9 Examples of goals and objectives This section identifies a number of goals and objectives recommended by studies commissioned by councils. Not all have actually received the endorsement of the councils but they are provided as indicative types of objectives for addressing certain issues. Of course there is no space to reproduce the rationales offered for each, nor the specific actions required to implement them, but they can be found in the reports. 5.9.1 Affordability and social housing Encourage the maintenance and development of affordable housing (Port Phillip 1997); Advocate to influence all levels of government to ensure affordable housing meets current and future needs of residents (Yarra 1998); Reduce housing stress among households renting (Waverley NSW 1996); Maintain a supply of rental accommodation (Waverley NSW 1996); Support the continued operation of private rooming houses and development of new rooming houses (Port Phillip 1997); Affirm the need for the continuance of a public housing system as an essential safety net for low income households (Port Phillip 1997); Redevelop and convert old and inappropriate public housing (Port Phillip 1997); 82 Housing: Your Basic Infrastructure Provide reasonable access to low cost housing for low income households (Port Phillip 1997); Provide information about affordable housing issues (Yarra 1998); Facilitate community housing across the municipality on an opportunity basis (Port Phillip 1997); Investigate council funding sources for direct provision and identification of suitable surplus property (Port Phillip 1997); Develop innovative financing models for the provision of community housing (Port Phillip 1997); Maintain and encourage the provision of affordable rental housing for low income earners (Waverley NSW 1996); Increase the supply of public housing (Waverley NSW 1996); Lower the cost of housing for prospective home buyers (Waverley NSW 1996); Actively support and promote the contribution of affordable housing in the life of the city (Yarra 1998); and, Facilitate projects that create affordable housing opportunities through partnerships, incentives and developer contributions (Yarra 1998). 5.9.2 Research, knowledge acquisition and information provision Establish an ongoing education program for builders, developers, real estate agents and consultants (Hume 1996); Provide information about affordable housing issues (Hume 1996); Undertake research into the social and physical impacts of the ongoing subdivision of rental flats (Port Phillip 1997); The identification of housing needs and issues be monitored and reviewed on an annual basis, including the monitoring of underutilised stock (Brimbank 1998); Improve local area public housing data (Port Phillip 1997); Research into the impacts of (state) policy emphasis on special needs housing (Port Phillip 1997); Collect and disseminate information regarding population characteristics and the housing market (Hume 1996); Prepare a Residential Rental Property Investment Bulletin (Hume 1996); Establish an ongoing education program for occupiers of houses (Hume 1996); Investigate council funding sources for direct provision and identification of suitable surplus property (Port Phillip 1997); and, Develop innovative financing models for the provision of community housing (Port Phillip 1997). 83 Housing: Your Basic Infrastructure 5.9.3 Residential planning Achieve a greater mix of types and sizes of houses and residential lots to respond to existing and future population characteristics, diverse lifestyles, accommodation and affordability needs (Hume 1996); Achieve a greater variety in the tenure of dwellings (Brimbank 1998); Set dwelling targets for neighbourhoods (Port Phillip 1997); Continue support for shop-top housing (Port Phillip 1997); Support the continued operation of private rooming houses and development of new rooming houses (Port Phillip 1997); Incorporate sustainable development principles in residential development (Port Phillip 1997); Encourage combined living and working arrangements (Port Phillip 1997); Develop key strategic sites (Port Phillip 1997); Support the conversion of commercial and industrial land and buildings (Port Phillip 1997); Determine areas where medium density housing will be encouraged (Port Phillip 1997); Achieve greater energy efficiency in dwellings through the incorporation of principles of solar orientation in the design and siting of house (Hume 1996); Ensure all new dwellings meet adequate residential amenity standard in terms of privacy, open space, overshadowing, daylight etc. (Hume 1996); and, Ensure all new dwellings have a design that responds to the features of the site or lot, having regard to their relationships to the street and streetscape, other dwellings, and on-site garden areas and areas of open space (Hume 1996). 5.9.4 Coordination, facilitation and relationships to other agencies Housing be incorporated, within existing resources, into the role of a council officer with responsibility as a contact point for the community and other key players on housing issues (Brimbank 1998); Provide a regular forum for discussion on housing and planning issues that brings together key stakeholders from the public, private and community sectors (Brimbank 1998); Link up with other networks in relation to housing, i.e. HIA, MBA, Office of Housing, local government peak bodies such as MAV, VLGA (Brimbank 1998); Prepare a position statement and strategy regarding council’s role in relation to community housing within the municipality (Hume 1996); and, Monitor and respond to public housing policy (Port Phillip 1997). 84 Housing: Your Basic Infrastructure 5.9.5 Planning management Adopt a strongly proactive approach in promoting responsive housing and residential subdivision (Hume 1996); Take a more active role in assessing planning permit applications and improve the responsiveness, design and quality of residential developments (Hume 1996); Integrate council’s strategic asset management plan with trends in housing development in Port Phillip and prepare a development contributions plan (Port Phillip 1997); Prepare a planning scheme amendment to assist in the implementation of the strategy (Hume 1996); and, Adopt a role of advocate and promoter of responsive housing and residential subdivision (Hume 1996). 5.9.6 Advocacy and support Support local community groups in addressing housing need, i.e. endorsing funding applications, in-kind support (Brimbank 1998); and, Lobby federal and state governments for increased housing assistance and income support funds, including an increase in public and community housing stock (Brimbank 1998). 5.9.7 Housing management Continue to utilise existing council owned stock for the purposes of low cost housing and ensure that property/tenancy management arrangements are oriented to local housing needs (Brimbank 1998); Facilitate the development of demonstration projects in partnership with the private, public and community housing sectors that encourage housing innovation, diversity and sustainability (Brimbank 1998); Investigate council funding sources for direct provision and identification of suitable surplus property (Port Phillip 1997); and, Develop innovative financing models for the provision of community housing Port Phillip 1997. 85 Housing: Your Basic Infrastructure 86 Housing: Your Basic Infrastructure 6 Bibliography General References Australian Local Government Association, Australian Local Government Association’s Submission to Inquiry into Housing Assistance, 1997 Baker S, Johnson J and Laird B, Wimmera Regional Housing Needs Assessment, Wimmera Regional Housing Council, 1996 Briggs Brindle Chambers, Towards a National Local Government Housing Policy, Vol. 13, Paper for the Australian Local Government Association, 1995. Burke T, Medium Density Housing in the United States: Implications for Queensland, Centre for Urban and Social Research, Swinburne University of Technology, 1991 Burke T, The Australian Housing System, Centre for Urban and Social Research, Swinburne University of Technology, 1998 Burke, T, 'Local Government and Housing Issues', in Parity, Council to Homeless Persons, Vol. 12, Issue 5, June, 1999 Byrne J and Davis G, Participation and the NSW Policy Process, Cabinet Office, New South Wales Government, 1998 Calavita, 'Zigzagging Towards Long-Term Affordability in the Sunbelt: the San Diego Housing Trust Fund', in David, 1, The Affordable City, Temple University Press, Philadelphia, 1994. Cameron N, How Regional Australia and Innovative Affordable Housing Will Reshape National Urban Settlement Patterns in the 21st Century, 1998 Clavel, R, and Kleniewski, N., 'Space for Progressive Local Policy: Examples from the United States and United Kingdom', in Logan, 1, and Swanstrom, T., eds., Beyond the City Limits: Urban Policy and Economic Restructuring in Comparative Perspective, Temple University Press, Philadelphia, 1990. Commonwealth Department of Social Security, Housing Assistance Act 1989: Annual Report 1995-96, 1997 Cox, G. and Miers, S., Social Impact Assessment for Local Government, Office of Social Policy, New South Wales Government Social Policy Directorate, Sydney, 1995. Department of Planning and Development (Vic), Review of Developer Contributions: Background and Key Issues, draft paper, May, 1993. Department of Planning and Development (Vic), Guidelines for Developer Contributions, Dec, 1995. Department of Urban Affairs and Planning (NSW), Affordable Housing, Revised City West Affordable Housing Program, 21 July 1996. Dunmore K, Planning for Affordable Housing, Institute of Housing, 1992 Ecumenical Housing Inc., National Housing Policy: Reform and Social Justice, Melbourne January 1997. Ministerial Task Force on Affordable Housing, Affordable Housing in NSW: The Need for Action, NSW Department of Urban Affairs and Planning, 1998 87 Housing: Your Basic Infrastructure Howe, B., 'Local Government and Housing', in Parity, Council to Homeless Persons, Vol. 12, Issue 5, June 1999. Lawson, L, The Housing Activity of Local Government.. Results of the AHURI Local Government Housing Survey, Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute, June, 1995. Lawson, J., Low Cost Housing Opportunities.. Case Studies from the United States and Canada, Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute, Occasional Paper No. 2, 1993. McLoughlin, B., Shaping Melbourne's Future, Cambridge, Melbourne, 1992. McNellis, S., Social Housing - A Future Direction for Housing, VCOSS Social Housing Project Paper No. 1, Oct, 1992. McNellis, S., Social Housing: Building the Future-Issues for Social Housing in Victoria, VCOSS Social Housing project Paper No. 2, June 1993. Ministry of Housing Victoria, The Role of Local Government in Housing-A Discussion Paper, September 1983. Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV), Local Government and Community Housing Program (LGCHP) and Local Government Sub-Program: Progress Report Summary of Projects Funded 1984185 to 1991192, undated. NSW Department of Urban Affairs and Planning, Local Housing Initiatives, 1998 NSW Department of Urban Affairs and Planning, Local Housing Resource Kit: Draft, 1998 NSW Local Government and Shires Association, What Type of Housing Should NSW Local Government Be Encouraging?, 1998 NSW Local Government and Shires Association, Local Government Housing: List of References, 1998 Percy-Smith J and Sanderson I, Understanding Local Needs, Institute for Public Policy Research, 1992 Purdon, C., and Burke, T., Local Government and Housing, National Housing Strategy, Background Paper 6, 1991. Stone, M., Shelter Poverty: New Ideas on Housing Affordability, Temple University Press, Philadelphia, 1993. van Zijil V, A Guide to Local Housing Needs Assessment, Institute of Housing, 1993 Local Government Reports AAT, Monash Planning Scheme: Local Variations to the Good Design Guide, 1998 Adelaide City Council, Social Development Strategy: Enhancing Community Life in Adelaide, 1998 Central Goldfields Shire Council, Central Goldfields Shire Municipal Strategic Statement, 1997 Central Goldfields Shire Council, Adopted Strategy Plan and New Planning Scheme, 1997 Central Highlands Regional Housing Council, Central Highlands Regional Housing Needs Assessment, 1995 88 Housing: Your Basic Infrastructure City of Ballarat and Grampians Housing Network, Ballarat 2020 Housing Vision, 1998 Coopers and Lybrand Consultants, Affordable Housing Trust Structural Feasibility Study, Melbourne City Council, 1998 Council Strategy Branch, Principles for the Planning of New Residential Developments, Maribyrnong City Council, 1998 Habitat Planning, Delatite Shire New Planning Scheme, Delatite Shire Council, 1998 Henshall, Hansen and Associates, Responsive Housing and Residential Subdivision, Hume City Council, 1996 Hume City Council, Hume City Council Municipal Strategic Statement, 1997 Hume City Council, Hume City Council Corporate Plan, 1997 La Trobe Shire Council, La Trobe Strategy Plan, 1997 La Trobe Shire Council, La Trobe Shire Corporate Plan, 1998 Maribyrnong City Council, Maribyrnong Municipal Strategic Statement, 1997 Melbourne City Council, A Liveable City: A Social Housing Strategy for the City of Melbourne, 1997 Menner G (The Planet Group), Housing Needs in Brimbank, Brimbank City Council, 1998 Monash City Council, Monash Strategic Statement, 1997 Monash City Council, Monash Future Directions Paper, 1997 Moonee Valley City Council, Moonee Valley 2010, 1998 Moonee Valley City Council, Moonee Valley: Council Plan, 1998 Moonee Valley City Council, Moonee Valley Municipal Strategic Statement, 1998 Sinclair Knight Merz with Burke T and Homewood J, Darebin Housing Study, Darebin City Council, 1996 South West Regional Council, South West Regional Needs Assessment, 1995 Spivak G, Housing Strategy Part A: Strategy Report, Port Phillip City Council, 1997 Spivak G, Housing Strategy Part B: Context Report, Port Phillip City Council, 1997 TBA Planners, Central Goldfields Rural Housing Project: Summary, 1994 Urban Consulting Group, Bayside City Council: Municipal Strategic Statement, Bayside City Council, 1997 Victorian Department of Infrastructure, From Doughnut City to Café Society, 1998 Waverley Council, Affordable Housing Study, 1996 Yarra City Council, Strength in Diversity: Housing Needs and Trends, 1998 Yarra City Council, Strength in Diversity: Local Government and Housing Policy, 1998 Yarra Ranges Shire Council, Yarra Ranges Municipal Strategic Statement, n.d. Yarriambiack Shire Council, Yarriambiack Shire Council Housing Policy, 1998 89 MUNICIPAL ASSOCIATION OF VICTORIA Policy Position Statement Housing POLICY POSITION The MAV will assist Councils in developing Local Housing Strategies using an Integrated Local Area Planning (ILAP) approach. This process will document housing needs and establish an agreed approach amongst all stakeholders to respond to those needs. It is recognised that there are limited resources within Local Government to undertake this strategic role and that resources may appropriately be sought from the State and Federal Governments. These Local Housing Strategies would contribute to the understanding by other spheres of Government about housing need and appropriate responses in individual municipalities. BACKGROUND Local Government has the prime responsibility for governance at the local level within the constraints imposed by the Australian Governmental system. Councils are responsible for the development and maintenance of diverse, viable and sustainable communities in which housing plays a key role. Economic, social and environmental factors all impact on the creation of these communities and provision of diverse accommodation needs. Together all three spheres of Government are responsible for the planning and regulation of the supply of land, infrastructure and the construction of affordable housing. It is proposed that each Council define its role in a Housing Policy to inform housing providers, the community and other spheres of government about its role. The role of Local Government is defined by the need within the municipality, resources available and Council's commitment. Housing needs are complex and can be affected by the nature of current and future housing and the community as well as services available in that community. Resources to respond to that need may be drawn from Federal, State and Local Government as well as from the community. They may include property, funds, staff time and/or expertise. Local Governments are currently involved in housing in many ways which are not well recognised but can be classified according to the following five roles. The involvement of individual councils in each of these roles will vary along a continuum reflecting the diversity within Local Government and the communities they serve. THE ROLES ARE: (a) Awareness and identification of need This includes researching local needs as well as informing key players and advocating for private and public sector developments to respond to this need. Ensuring that the community is informed of these needs is a key part of this role. (b) Planning and regulatory functions The provision of diverse, adequate and appropriate housing is dependent on a system which facilitates the supply of appropriate land and buildings for current and future residents. Both strategic and statutory planning functions have an impact on this system. (c) Facilitation of housing outcomes Where there is an unmet need Local Government can take a role in assisting and supporting housing developers (both for profit and non profit) by highlighting opportunities, providing inducements and assisting with the statutory planning processes. Where a non profit project is developed a council may invest resources in the form of funds, land and/or expertise. (d) Director provision and management In a smaller number of cases Local Government acts as the owner or the manager of housing stock or as a land or housing developer. (e) Commonwealth and State Policies Local Government should monitor and inform the development of Commonwealth and State policies because of their significant impact, particularly the proposed changes to the Commonwealth - State Housing Agreement under discussion by COAG. The changes will redirect Commonwealth capital funds to recurrent housing subsidies for both private and public tenants. Appendix II Survey of Local Government Survey of Local Government One of the key tasks undertaken in the development of the housing kit was a survey of all Victoria’s local governments. The distribution of the questionnaire was undertaken in two stages. Firstly those local governments (around half) who had nominated a responsible officer were faxed the survey (24th September, 1998). All remaining local governments were then contacted by phone and an officer identified. These councils were faxed the survey on the 6th October, 1998. Findings from the survey are included in this appendix. Fifteen of the councils reported having undertaken a Housing Strategy (28%) whilst 33 councils reported that housing was mentioned in their Municipal Strategic Statement (62%). As part of the survey, respondents were asked to rate a series of issues in terms of importance to their area. Looking at issues rated as either important or very important by councils lack of affordability and maintaining urban character were the two most nominated (62% each) with infrastructure provision, lack of social housing, small rental housing base, and homelessness all attracted at least fifty per cent of respondents. It should be noted here that obviously the type of municipality eg inner urban or regional centre will have a large bearing on the types of problems considered important. The results have been broken down on the basis of a typology of municipalities. Table 1 Percentage of Respondents Rating Housing Issues as Either Very Important or Important Issue Lack of affordability Maintaining urban character Infrastructure provision Lack of social housing Small rental housing base Homelessness Pressure on existing infrastructure Managing development Lack of housing choice Urban consolidation issues Declining population Lack of diversity Poor quality housing Managing large development projects Land costs Scattered settlement patterns Low or negative capital appreciation Underutilisation of housing stock Loss of rooming, boarding houses Land shortages Rapid household growth Response 62% 62% 57% 57% 51% 51% 49% 47% 45% 43% 43% 40% 38% 36% 35% 32% 30% 30% 23% 17% 15% i Appendix II Survey of Local Government Another section of the survey was a series of statements asking respondents to either agree or disagree. This question produced a roughly equal distribution between agreement, disagreement and neither agree nor disagree for many statements (see Table 2). Looking at Table 2 the statements that had the most unanimous reactions were as follows: Lack of authority/power severely curtails our council’s impact on local housing issues (47% agreement); There is a lack of interest in housing issues amongst our councillors (52% disagreement); The main constraint for this council in dealing with housing issues is lack of resources (63% agreement); Housing issues are a high priority for this council (46% disagreement); The current reform of the public housing system in Australia is well understood within this council (71% disagreement) Table 2 Response to Statements Concerning Housing and Local Government Statements Strongly Agree & Agree Strongly Neither Disagree agree nor and disagree Disagree Lack of appropriate research and policy skills are a key constraint to council developing appropriate housing strategies 39.6% 31.3% 29.2% Lack of authority/power severely curtails our council’s impact on local housing issues 46.7% 33.3% 20.0% There is a general lack of interest in housing issues across the organisation 38.3% 38.3% 23.4% There is a lack of understanding of housing issues across the organisation 39.6% 31.3% 29.2% There is a lack of interest in housing issues amongst our councillors 20.8% 52.1% 27.1% Generally our councillors do not see housing as a local government issue 41.7% 33.3% 25.0% There is lack of understanding of housing issues amongst council officers 27.7% 38.3% 34.0% The main constraint for this council in dealing with housing issues is lack of resources 62.5% 20.8% 16.7% Given the constraints facing it, this council is committed to tackling housing issues 41.3% 28.3% 30.4% Housing issues are a high priority for this council 31.3% 45.8% 22.9% This council has a strong network of housing related contacts 33.3% 33.3% 33.3% This council is interested in innovative housing strategies 37.5% 20.8% 41.7% Strategic planning in this council is strongly informed by housing issues 33.3% 33.3% 33.3% Encouraging greater affordable housing is not a high priority of the local community 33.3% 41.7% 25.0% The current reform of the public housing system in Australia is well understood within this council 10.4% 70.8% 18.8% Our council has a strong relationship with the Victorian Office of Housing 14.6% 50.0% 35.4% Our council has a strong relationship with local community housing groups 36.2% 29.8% 34.0% ii Appendix II Survey of Local Government Survey Results This section provides greater detail of responses from the survey 1. Lack of appropriate research and 2. Lack of authority/power severely policy skills are a key constraint to curtails our council’s impact on local council developing appropriate housing housing issues strategies 35.0% 35.0% 30.0% 30.0% 25.0% 25.0% 20.0% 20.0% 15.0% 15.0% 10.0% 10.0% 5.0% 5.0% 0.0% Strongly Agree Agree Neither Disagree agree nor Strongly 0.0% Strongly Disagree Agree Agree disagree Neither Disagree agree nor Strongly Disagree disagree 3. There is a general lack of interest 4. There is a lack of understanding of in housing issues across the housing issues across the organisation organisation 35.0% 35.0% 30.0% 30.0% 25.0% 25.0% 20.0% 20.0% 15.0% 15.0% 10.0% 10.0% 5.0% 5.0% 0.0% 0.0% Strongly Agree Agree Neither Disagree agree nor Strongly Strongly Disagree Agree Agree Neither Disagree agree nor disagree Strongly Disagree disagree 5. There is a lack of interest in 6. Generally our councillors do not see housing issues amongst our councillors housing as a local government issue 45.0% 35.0% 40.0% 30.0% 35.0% 25.0% 30.0% 25.0% 20.0% 20.0% 15.0% 15.0% 10.0% 10.0% 5.0% 5.0% 0.0% 0.0% Strongly Agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly Strongly Disagree Agree Agree Neither agree nor Disagree Strongly Disagree disagree iii Appendix II Survey of Local Government 7. There is lack of understanding of 8. The main constraint for this council housing issues amongst council in dealing with housing issues is lack officers of resources 40.0% 35.0% 35.0% 30.0% 30.0% 25.0% 25.0% 20.0% 20.0% 15.0% 15.0% 10.0% 10.0% 5.0% 5.0% 0.0% 0.0% Strongly Agree Agree Neither Disagree agree nor Strongly Strongly Disagree Agree Agree Neither Disagree agree nor disagree Strongly Disagree disagree 9. Given the constraints facing it, this 10. Housing issues are a high priority council is committed to tackling for this council housing issues 35.0% 30.0% 40.0% 35.0% 25.0% 30.0% 20.0% 25.0% 20.0% 15.0% 15.0% 10.0% 10.0% 5.0% 5.0% 0.0% Strongly Agree Agree Neither Disagree agree nor Strongly 0.0% Strongly Disagree Agree Agree disagree Neither Disagree agree nor Strongly Disagree disagree 11. This council has a strong network 12. This council is interested in of housing related contacts innovative housing strategies 35.0% 45.0% 40.0% 30.0% 35.0% 25.0% 30.0% 20.0% 25.0% 20.0% 15.0% 15.0% 10.0% 10.0% 5.0% 5.0% 0.0% 0.0% Strongly Agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree iv Disagree Strongly Strongly Disagree Agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree Appendix II Survey of Local Government 13. Strategic planning in this council is 14. Encouraging greater affordable strongly informed by housing issues housing is not a high priority of the local community 35.0% 30.0% 40.0% 35.0% 25.0% 30.0% 20.0% 25.0% 15.0% 20.0% 15.0% 10.0% 10.0% 5.0% 5.0% 0.0% 0.0% Strongly Agree Agree Neither Disagree agree nor Strongly Strongly Disagree Agree Agree Neither Disagree agree nor disagree Strongly Disagree disagree 15. The current reform of the public 16. Our council has a strong housing system in Australia is well relationship with the Victorian Office understood within this council of Housing 50.0% 70.0% 45.0% 60.0% 40.0% 50.0% 35.0% 40.0% 30.0% 25.0% 30.0% 20.0% 15.0% 20.0% 10.0% 10.0% 5.0% 0.0% 0.0% Strongly Agree Agree Neither Disagree agree nor Strongly Strongly Disagree Agree disagree Agree Neither agree nor Disagree Strongly Disagree disagree 17. Our council has a strong relationship with local community housing groups 40.0% 35.0% 30.0% 25.0% 20.0% 15.0% 10.0% 5.0% 0.0% Strongly Agree Agree Neither agree nor Disagree Strongly Disagree disagree v Appendix II Survey of Local Government Percentage of Respondents Reporting Issue as Very Important or Important by Region of Municipality Respondents were asked to rate various issues as either very important, important, neither important nor unimportant, unimportant or no at all important. These are the results for the proportion of councils (by council type) who rated each issue as either important or very important. 1. Lack of housing choice 2. Low or negative capital appreciation 60% 50% 40% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 30% 20% 10% 0% 3. Small rental housing base 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 5. Scattered settlement patterns 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% vi 4. Poor quality housing 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 6. Loss of rooming, boarding houses 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Appendix II Survey of Local Government 7. Lack of affordability 120% 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 8. Land shortages 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 9. Managing large development 10. Underutilisation of housing projects stock 80% 80% 60% 60% 40% 40% 20% 20% 0% 0% 11. Maintaining urban character 120% 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 12. Infrastructure provision 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% vii Appendix II Survey of Local Government 13. Homelessness 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 14. Urban consolidation issues 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 15. Rapid household growth 50% 16. Land costs 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 17. Managing development 18. Pressure on existing infrastructure 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% viii 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% Appendix II Survey of Local Government 19. Declining population 20. Lack of diversity 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 21. Lack of social housing 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% Three Main Housing Issues In addition to specific questions about housing issues, respondents were asked to nominate the three most important housing issues facing their municipality. The unidentified responses are set out in the following table. Issue 1 Declining population Issue 2 Issue 3 Underutilising housing stock Maintaining urban character low or negative capital appreciation Consolidation of urban areas Maintaining urban character Small rental housing base Managing development Managing development Not seen as core business Adequate availability of balanced Employment issues housing stock Urban design, trees and energy Urban Village Development efficiency in multi-unit development Promotion of development Changing Accommodatio and Age and Life Style ix Appendix II Survey of Local Government Issue 1 Issue 2 Issue 3 Residential Housing Needs Strategy Facilitation of Social Housin g Retaining Boarding/Rooming Houses Aging population requiring low maintenance units Maintaining valuations in time of declining population Age of housing stock Roads- main road improvements Primary schools Innovative flexible housing systems development Development of urban and rural housing potential of Shire and State Lack of housing choice Declining population Creating community (shopping) nodes in the growth areas Provide more housing, utilising existing infrastructure, at less cost through innovation Pressure on existing infrastructure Urban character and medium density opposition Housing an aged community Suitable housing for aged and people with disabilities, singles/couples The effect of medium density on character/heritage of areas suitable housing for youth Council's role (if any) in social housing issues Declining household size Services to match growth Poor quality housing Lack of diversity Lack of housing choice Homelessness Urban consolidation issues Lack of affordability Maintaining local and neighborhood character Appropriate heritage controls Poor quality design- lack of landscaping within design Enhance the quality and amenity of the urban and rural areas, including the renewal of older public housing areas Maintaining full occupancy Consolidate development within and around existing towns and villages Increase in public housing starts Addressing needs of youth, DV, disability Diversity of housing Lack of affordability Lack of housing choice Managing large development projects Declining affordable stock for low income households Homelessness High value of land/property which makes opportunity for social housing development difficult Single parent large familiesdomestic violence public housing Single person housing stock Youth housing Better management of housing stock Design and development of medium density Managing large projects Infrastructure planning and implementation Streetscapes, urban character issues Social housing Diversity of housing stock and urban consolidation Council does not consider housing to be a core service Repairs and maintenance Urban rural conflict Maintaining heritage character x Extension of sewerage reticulation Appendix II Survey of Local Government Issue 1 Issue 2 Issue 3 Development issues- 'change vs status quo Infrastructure (sewerage, water) upgrading Lack of affordable housing Lack of housing choice Reduced property management capacity Managing development Pressure on existing infrastructure Declining population Lack of boarding/rooming houses Lack of affordability Lack of housing choice Emergency accommodation Youth accommodation and support Disability supported accommodation Retirement living concept Short term living Infrastructure Negative growth Negative capital appreciation Lack of housing choice/diversity Maintaining urban character Urban consolidation Housing affordability Housing choice Infrastructure provision A range of affordable housing which meets community needs Development of adequate capital and social infrastructure Managing large development projects Urban character and heritage issues Managing the transfer of title to community groups Retention of public housing stock Affordability Accessibility Not involved in housing issues Public housing reforms and policy development Appropriateness xi