Microsoft PowerPoint - 15.2 Atmospheric Layers

15.2 ATMOSPHERIC LAYERS - The Water Cycle Continues
Learning Targets
1. List the major layers of the atmosphere and their temperatures
2. Discuss why all weather takes place in the troposphere
3. Discuss how the ozone layer protects the surface from harmful radiation
Air Temperature
1. Changes with __________________
2. Warm air rises. Why?
a) Move vigorously & takes up space (more energy)
b) Air pressure and density _____________
3. Cool air sinks. Why?
a) Sluggish and takes up little space (less energy)
b) Air pressure and density ______________
c) Cooler air sinks because it is __________________ than the air beneath it
Atmospheric Layers:
1. Composition of Elements
a) ____________________________________
2. As altitude ______________________:
a) Pressure and Density _________________
3. Temperature Varies
a) Changes in temperature is ______ regular
b) _____________________________ – change in temperature with distance
Atmospheric Layers
1. Based on how the temperature in that layer changes with ______________
a) ________________________
b) ________________________
c) ________________________
d) ________________________
e) ________________________
0-10 km
1. Heat source – _________________________
a) Absorbs heat and radiate back in atmosphere
b) ________________~ 75% all atmospheric gases
c) _______________ gravity
d) Temperature _________________ with altitude
2. ______________________________________
a) __________________________________
3. Thicker at ____________; thinner at the ____________
a) Caused by rotation of earth
4. Tropopause – thin layer which temperature does not change with height
1. Inversion: _____________________________________
a) ______________; may persist for many days
b) Contributes to smog and air pollution over cities
c) Often occurs in low lying regions
15.2 ATMOSPHERIC LAYERS - The Water Cycle Continues
10-50 km
1. Heat source - ______________________
2. Temperature ___________________ with altitude
3. ___________________________________________
a) _______________________________
4. Airplanes fly here
5. Ozone Layer
a) Ozone = O3
50-80 km
1. Heat source - ____________________________
2. Temperature _____________________ with altitude
a) Very few molecules to absorb Sun’s radiation
3. Very _________________________________
4. Very _________
5. _____% of all atmospheric mass is below
6. Meteors burn
Thermosphere 80+ km
1. Heat source - __________________________
a) Temperature _____________________ with altitude
b) Feels cold due to ______________________
2. Feels cold because:
a) Large amount of space between molecules = no transfer of energy
3. Solar wind causes auroras
4. International Space Station orbits in the upper part of the Thermosphere
Thermosphere 80+ km
1. ________________ – Solar radiation ionizes gas molecules freeing
electrons to create electric current
2. ________________ – Charged particles energize oxygen and nitrogen gas molecules
a) ______________________________________
1. Essentially outer space
a) Trace amounts of gas
b) Some gases escape into space
c) No outer limit
2. ____________________ – high-speed particles traveling outward from Sun
3. Sounds _______________ be heard