ESL Curriculum 9-12 Unit 2 - Trenton Public School District


UNIT NAME: Reading Information/Writing Informative/Explanatory

Grade level: 9 th -12 th Grade Cluster District-Approved Text: The Edge, Cengage Learning

Unit : 2

Stage 1 – Desired Results

Enduring Understandings:

Effective readers and writers use knowledge of the structure and context of language to acquire, clarify, and appropriately use vocabulary.

Essential Questions:

 When a word doesn’t make sense, what can I do?

 How do I use what I know to figure out what I don’t know?

ESL Supports:

Bilingual Dictionary

Visuals, Gestures

Sentence Frames, Note Cards

Graphic Organizer: Story Map/Web Organizer/Diamante Poem Organizer

Cooperative Whole /Small Group/Paired Reading/Guided reading/Anticipation Guide

Document Reader/Overhead Projector

Word Bank: general academic words, domain-specific words, word relationships, nuances; content-based, grade-level vocabulary

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L. 9-10.6

Acquire and use accurately general academic and domain-specific words and phrases, sufficient for reading, writing, speaking, and listening at the college and career readiness level; demonstrate independence in gathering vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase important to comprehension or expression.


Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationship, and nuances in word meanings. a. Interpret figures of speech (euphemism, oxymoron) in context and analyze their role in the text. b. Analyze nuances in the meaning of words with similar

Student Learning Objectives


Content Objective (CO)

Language Objective(LO)

SLO: 48, 7

CO: Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and tasks, demonstrating command of formal English when indicated or appropriate.

LO: Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and tasks by using a speaking rubric specific to task.

CO: Demonstrate understanding of word relationships and nuances in word meanings.

LO: Write and speak to demonstrate the differences in nuances in word meaning using note cards.

Suggested Instructional

Scaffold Skills



ELP1: Read to cite and express explicit and inferential evidence and/or by matching phrase citations from appropriately leveled text to visual representations of the text.

ELP2: Adapt speech and/or produce spoken phrases and short sentences that represent key ideas that are appropriate to context; using formulaic sentence patterns and general, content-based vocabulary.

ELP3: Adapt speech by producing simple, spoken sentences that represent multiple, related ideas using repetitive structures and key, content-based vocabulary.

ELP4: Adapt speech by producing expanded and some complex structures that represent organized ideas with a variety of grammatical structures and content-based vocabulary.

ELP5: Adapt speech by producing multiple, complex sentences that represent clear and coherent ideas using a variety of grammatical structures and



•Choral Reading

•Oral Summaries



•Response Journals



•Cluster Tests

•State Assessments

•District Benchmarks


Oral presentations

Poetry Reading/

Compilation of


Poetry Café

TBOE 8/26/2013



Mentor Text

Teacher Samples

Leveled Readers

Discover on Line

New York Times

Times for Kids

Page 2

denotations. precise, content-based vocabulary.

Suggested Performance Tasks:

I can recognize the difference between general academic

 words and phrases (Tier Two words are subtle or precise ways to say relatively simple things, e.g., saunter instead of walk) and domain-specific words and phrases (tier three words are specific to content knowledge, e.g., lava, legislature, carburetor.) to demonstrate proficiency in reading, writing, speaking, and listening.

Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence

I can define and identify various forms of figurative language

(e.g., simile, metaphor, hyperbole, personification, alliteration,

Other Evidence:

Exit/Admit Slips: Phrase and sentences citations

Reflective Journal Logs and Notes

Teacher Observations

Peer-Self Assessments onomatopoeia).

I can interpret figures of speech (sometimes what you say is not exactly what you mean) and analyze their overall role in the text.

I can recognize word relationships and use the relationships

 to further understand multiple words (e.g., sympathetic/apathetic).

I can recognize the difference between denotative meanings

(all words have a dictionary definition) and connotative meanings (some words carry feeling).

I can analyze how certain words and phrases that have similar denotations (definitions) can carry different nuances

(subtle shades of meaning, feeling, or tone).

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UNIT NAME: Reading Information/Writing Informative/Explanatory

Grade level: 9 th -12 th Grade Cluster District-Approved Text: The Edge, Cengage Learning

Unit : 2

Stage 1 – Desired Results

Enduring Understandings:

Presentation of knowledge and ideas is enhanced through appropriate organization and style for an audience via the use of visual displays, technology, and the appropriate use of language.

Essential Questions:

 What makes a presentation ‘great’?

 “What I say” versus “how I say it”, does it really matter?

ESL Supports:

Checklist specific to task

Sentence Starters

Note Cards


Word/Picture Wall

Cue Cards – situational


Word Bank: Adapt, speech, context, content-based, grade-level vocabulary, digital media, findings, reasoning, evidence, interest

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Make strategic use of digital media

(e.g., textual, graphical, audio, visual, and interactive elements) in presentations to enhance understanding of findings, reasoning, and evidence and to add interest.


Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and tasks, demonstrating command of formal

English when indicated or appropriate.

Student Learning Objectives


Content Objective (CO)

Language Objective(LO)

SLO: 38, 39

CO: Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and tasks, demonstrating command of formal English when indicated or appropriate.

LO: Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and tasks by using a checklist specific to the task,

Sentence Starters , and Note

Cards .

Suggested Instructional

Scaffold Skills



ELP1: Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and tasks by producing key ideas using highfrequency, content-related single, spoken words in phrase or memorized patterns.

ELP2: Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and tasks and/or by producing key ideas using general, content-based vocabulary in spoken phrases and short sentences with formulaic sentence patterns.

ELP3: Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and tasks by producing multiple-related ideas using key, content-based vocabulary in simple, spoken sentences with repetitive structures.

ELP4: Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and tasks by producing organized ideas using key, content-based vocabulary in expanded sentences with emerging complexity of grammatical structures.


Research Log

Read Aloud

Choral Reading


Paired Reading





•Cluster Tests






Oral Presentations

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Page 5

ELP5: Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and tasks by producing clear and coherent speech using multiple, complex sentences with a variety of grammatical structures and precise, contentbased vocabulary.

Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence

Suggested Performance Tasks:

I can identify the parts of my presentation, including findings, reasoning, and evidence, that could use clarification, strengthening, and/or additional interest.

I can integrate appropriate digital media in a strategic manner to improve my presentation.

I can identify various reasons for speaking (e.g., informational, descriptive, formal, informal).

I can determine speaking tasks that will require a formal structure.

I can compose a formal speech that demonstrates a command of grades 9-10 Language standards.

Other Evidence:

Exit/Admit Slips: Phrase and sentences citations

Reflective Journal Logs

Teacher Observations

Peer-Self Assessments

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Grade level: 9 th -12 th Grade Cluster District-Approved Text: The Edge, Cengage Learning

Unit : 2

Stage 1 – Desired Results

Enduring Understandings:

Effective readers use a variety of strategies to make sense of key ideas and details presented in text

To gain keener insight into the integration of knowledge and ideas, effective readers analyze and evaluate content, reasoning, and claims in diverse formats.

Essential Questions:

What do good readers do?

In what ways does creative choice impact an audience?

Whose story is it, and why does it matter?

ESL Support:

Sentences with figurative language

Graphic Organizer: T-Chart, Venn Diagram

Partner/Triads or Small Groups

Sentence Frames

Visuals Cues

Core Analysis Frame

Word/Phrase/Picture Bank

Leveled Readers, Newspaper and Magazines Articles, Historical and Scientific Articles, Fiction and Non-Fiction Stories

Variety of writing formats for comparison

Stories, Poems, Essays, Dramas from different countries and/or different cultural backgrounds

Word Wall: artistic medium, source material, critique, complex character, theme, cumulative, word choice, impact, meaning, tone, point of view, cultural experience, world literature, emphasize, absent, representation, artistic, mediums; content-based, grade-level vocabulary

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Analyze the representation of a subject or a key scene in two different artistic mediums, including what is emphasized or absent in each treatment using leveled text


Analyze a particular point of view or cultural experience reflected in a work of literature from outside the United

States, drawing on a wide reading of world literature.

WIDA ELPS: 2 – 5



Student Learning Objectives


Content Objective (CO)

Language Objective(LO)

SLO: 10, 11

CO: Analyze the cumulative impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone (e.g., how the language of a court opinion differs from that of a newspaper).

LO: Read to cite and express explicit and inferential evidence using adapted text and graphic organizers (i.e. T-chart).

CO: Analyze a cultural experience reflected in a work of literature from outside the

United States, drawing on a wide reading of world literature.

LO: Read to analyze a cultural experience in a work of literature from outside the

United States using a core analysis frame.

Suggested Instructional

Scaffold Skills





ELP1: Read and analyze the impact of word choices on meaning and tone; and/or using appropriately leveled text, match words and phrases with their visual representations.

ELP2: Read and analyze the impact of word choices on meaning and tone; and/or using appropriately leveled text, match words and phrases with their definitions and match word and phrase citations to visual representations.

ELP3: Read and analyze the impact of word choices on meaning and tone in an adapted informational text.

ELP4: Read to analyze the impact of word choices on meaning and tone in an informational text at a grade 7-9 text complexity level.

ELP5: Read and analyze the impact of word choices on meaning and tone in grade level informational text.


Oral Discussions

Read Aloud


Paired Work




Graphic Organizers

Venn Diagram



•Cluster Tests

•State Assessments



(Student and Teacher Resource)

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Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence

Suggested Performance Tasks:

I can identify a subject or a key scene that is portrayed in two different artistic mediums (e.g., poetry, painting, drama).

I can determine what is emphasized or absent in each artistic medium.

I can analyze the impact of a particular subject or key scene from another artistic medium.

I can analyze how complex characters advance the plot of a text and/or contribute to the development of the theme.

I can identify source material from one author found in the work of another.

I can analyze how authors interpret and transform themes, events, topics, etc. from source material.

I can critique various works that have drawn on or transformed the same source material and explain the varied interpretations of different authors.

I can explain how the point of view or cultural experience (e.g., government, role of women) found in various works of world literature differs from works of literature written in the United


I can analyze multiple texts of world literature to gain insight into the point of view of other societies and cultures.

Other Evidence:

Exit/Admit Slips: Phrase and sentences citations

Reflective Journal Logs

Teacher Observations

Peer-Self Assessments

TBOE 8/26/2013 Page 9

UNIT NAME: Reading Information/Writing Informative/Explanatory

Grade level: 9 th -12 th Grade Cluster District-Approved Text: The Edge, Cengage Learning

Unit : 2

Stage 1 – Desired Results

Enduring Understandings:

Analyzing texts for structure, purpose, and viewpoint allows an effective reader to gain insight and strengthen understanding.

Effective readers use a variety of strategies to make sense of key ideas and details presented in text.

Essential Questions:

What makes a story/informational text a great story/article?

 Why does author’s choice matter?

What do good readers do?

How do I know I am clear about what I just read?

ESL Support:

Graphic Organizer: T-Chart

Word and phrase citations

Phrase and sentences citations

Pictures and Visual Representations

Video clips and movies

Word Bank: text structure, point of view, purpose, rhetoric, claim, refine, Cite, textual evidence, explicit, inferential, analysis



RI. 9-10.5

Analyze in detail how an author’s ideas or claims are

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Instructional Scaffold


Student Learning Objectives


Content Objective (CO)

Language Objective(LO)

SLO: 9

CO: Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences



ELP1: Read to cite and express explicit and inferential evidence by matching phrase citations from appropriately leveled text


Group Discussions

Read Aloud



9race relations/human rights)

(American Indian)

Page 10

developed and refined by particular sentences, paragraphs, or larger portions of a text (e.g., a section or chapter).

WIDA ELPS: 2 – 5


Speaking drawn from the text.

LO: Read to cite and express explicit and inferential evidence using adapted text and graphic organizers (i.e. T-chart).

to visual representations of the text

ELP2: Read to cite and express explicit and inferential evidence by matching sentence citations from appropriately leveled text to visual representations of the text.

ELP3: Read to cite and express explicit and inferential evidence from adapted informational text.

ELP4: Read to cite and express explicit and inferential evidence from informational text at a grade 7-9 text complexity level.

ELP5: Read to cite and express explicit and inferential evidence from grade level informational text.


Paired Reading


Answers Journals

Graphic Organizers



•Cluster Tests

•State Assessments


Benchmarks afroamericans/history.html

(African American)

(American Jewish)

(Arab Americans)

(Asian American)

(Bilingual Education)


(Latin Americans)

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Suggested Performance Tasks:

I can recognize when the text I am reading is too easy or too difficult for me.

Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence

I can determine reading strategies (e.g., ask questions, make

Other Evidence:

Exit/Admit Slips connections, take notes, make inferences, visualize, re-read) that

Phrase and sentences citations

 will help me comprehend difficult text.

I can analyze and explain how the role of particular sentences,

Reflective Journal Logs paragraphs, or larger portions of a text helps to develop and refine the author’s ideas or claims.

 I can determine an author’s point of view (What do I know about the author’s opinions, values, and/or beliefs?) and explain his/her purpose for writing the text.

I can define rhetoric (a technique an author uses to persuade a reader to consider a topic from a different perspective) and analyze how the rhetoric strengthens his/her point of view or

Teacher Observations

Peer-Self Assessments


 purpose.

I can analyze how a text unfolds and determine the impact that the order, development, and/or connections between points have on the reader.

 I can analyze how an author’s choice of text structure (e.g. narrative, poem, drama) creates such effects as mystery, tension, or surprise (e.g., parallel plot-Two main characters have separate but related story lines that merge in the end; flashback-When a character recalls an experience that occurred in the past)

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UNIT NAME: Reading Information/Writing Informative/Explanatory

Grade level: 9 th -12 th Grade Cluster District-Approved Text: The Edge, Cengage Learning

Unit : 2

Stage 1 – Desired Results

Enduring Understandings/Goals:

To gain keener insight into the integration of knowledge and ideas, effective readers analyze and evaluate content, reasoning, and claims in diverse formats

Essential Questions:

In what ways does creative choice impact an audience?

Whose story is it and why does it matter?

ESL Support:

Persuasion Map Graphic Organizer (partial)

Bilingual Dictionaries

Phrase Bank

Native Language Text and Support

Partner Work

Word Bank: medium, delineate, argument, credibility, claim, relevant, sufficient, fallacious reasoning, seminal documents



RI 9-10.8

Delineate and evaluate the argument and specific claims in a

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Student Learning Objectives


Content Objective (CO)

Language Objective(LO)

SLO: 11, 22

CO: Delineate and evaluate the argument and specific claims in a text, assessing whether the reasoning is valid and the evidence is relevant and

Suggested Instructional

Scaffold Skills

ELP1: Read and evaluate an author’s argument using a leveled text, identify high-frequency, content-based words to complete a graphic organizer.




Jigsaw Readings

Persuasion Map

Oral Discussions



Page 13

text, assessing whether the reasoning is valid and the evidence is relevant and sufficient; identify false statements and fallacious reasoning.


Analyze seminal

U.S. documents of historical and literary significance (e.g.,

Washington’s farewell Address, the

Gettysburg Address,

Roosevelt’s Four

Freedoms speech,

King’s “Letter from

Birmingham Jail”), including how they address related themes and concepts.

WIDA ELPS: 2 – 5


Writing sufficient.



Read and evaluate an author’s argument using persuasion map

Organizer .

draws on a play by the text and prompts.



Analyze how an author draws on and transforms source material in a specific work (e.g., how Shakespeare treats a theme or topic from Ovid or the

Bible or how a later author


LO: Read to analyze how an author draws on and transforms source materials using marking

ELP2: Read and evaluate an author’s argument using a leveled text, identify key, contentbased phrases to complete a graphic organizer.

ELP3: Read and evaluate an author’s argument in an adapted, informational text using simple, related sentences.

ELP4: Read and evaluate an author’s argument in an informational text at a grade 7-9 text complexity level using expanded sentences with emerging complexity.

ELP5: Read and evaluate an author’s argument in a grade-level, informational text using multiple, complex sentences.


Paired Reading


Answers (Socratic




Graphic Organizers

Inquiry Board



•Cluster Tests

•State Assessments



(Sample essays-health)

(Persuasive Writing Packet)

Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence

Suggested Performance Tasks:

I can identify various accounts of the same subject that are presented in different mediums (e.g., audio, video, multimedia)

Other Evidence:

Exit/Admit Slips: Phrase and sentences citations

 and determine which details are emphasized in each medium.

I can evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of presenting a

Reflective Journal Logs

 subject in different mediums.

I can identify the side of an argument an author presents in a

Teacher Observations text.

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I can determine the credibility of the author and his/her purpose

(who wrote it, when it was written, and why it was written).

I can identify claims that are supported by fact (s) and those that are opinion (s).

I can recognize when an author introduces irrelevant evidence

(unrelated or unnecessary evidence), false statements, and/or fallacious reasoning (incorrect reasoning- People who sneeze have allergies, Katy sneezed, so she must be allergic to something .) to his/her argument.

I can delineate and evaluate an argument using the evidence the author provides and determine if the evidence provided is relevant and sufficient enough to support the claim.

I can identify seminal U.S. documents that have related themes and concepts.

I can analyze how different documents address related themes and concepts.

I can determine how the time period and point of view of an author affects his/her perspective on a theme or concept.

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Peer-Self Assessments

Page 15

Grade level: 9 th -12 th Grade Cluster District-Approved Text: The Edge, Cengage Learning

Unit : 2

UNIT NAME: Reading Information/Writing Informative/Explanatory

Stage 1 – Desired Results

Enduring Understandings:

Writing should be purposely focused, detailed, organized, and sequenced in a way that clearly communicates the ideas to the reader.

Essential Questions:

What do good writers do?

 What’s my purpose and how do I develop it?

ESL Support:

Purpose and Audience Planning Chart (partially completed)

Word/Picture Bank

Cloze Sentences


Sentence Frames


Word Bank: organizational structure, formatting structure, domain-specific vocabulary, transition, cohesion, task, purpose, audience






Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas, concepts, and information clearly and accurately through the effective selection, organization, and analysis of content.

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Student Learning Objectives


Content Objective (CO)

Language Objective (LO)

SLO: 12-20

CO: Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.

LO: Write to produce clear


Instructional Scaffold


ELP1: Write to produce clear writing appropriate to task, purpose, and audience and/or use visuals and selected vocabulary in key phrase patterns.

ELP2: Write to produce



Formative :






(Tools for Reading, Writing

And thinking-Organizers)

(Expository Writing)

Page 16

Introduce a topic

Organize complex ideas and information

Develop topic with relevant and sufficient facts

Used appropriate and varied transitions to link text and create cohesion

Use precise language and domain specific vocabulary

Establish and maintain a formal style and objective tone while attending to norm and conventions of the discipline

Provide a concluding statement that supports the information or explanation presented. writing appropriate to task, purpose, and audience using a

Purpose and Audience

Planning Chart.

clear writing appropriate to task, purpose, and audience in and/or using visuals and selected vocabulary in key phrases and short sentences.

ELP3: Write to produce clear writing appropriate to task, purpose, and audience using key vocabulary in a series of simple, related sentences.

ELP4: Write to produce clear and organized writing appropriate to task, purpose, and audience by using key, content-based vocabulary in expanded and some complex structures with varying grammatical structures.

ELP5: Write to produce clear writing appropriate to task, purpose, and audience by using precise vocabulary in multiple, complex sentences.



Graphic Organizers



•Cluster Tests

•State assessments

•District Benchmarks

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(Graphic Organizers)

(Graphic Organizers for


(Graphic Organizers

Narrative Writing)

(Graphic Organizers)

Page 17

Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence

Suggested Performance Tasks:

I can select a topic and identify and gather relevant information

(e.g., well-chosen facts, extended definitions, concrete details,

Other Evidence:

• Exit/Admit Slips: Phrase and sentences citations

 quotations, examples) to share with the audience.

I can define common organizational/formatting structures (e.g., headings, graphics, multimedia) and determine the structure(s) that will allow me to organize my complex ideas best.

I can analyze the information, identify domain-specific vocabulary for my topic, and organize information into broader categories

Reflective Journal Logs

Teacher Observations

Peer-Self Assessments using my chosen structures.

I can present my information maintaining an objective tone and formal style that includes an introduction that previews what is to follow, supporting details, varied transitions (to clarify and create cohesion when I move from one idea to another), and a concluding statement / section that supports the information presented.

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UNIT NAME: Reading Information/Writing Informative/Explanatory

Grade level: 9 th -12 th Grade Cluster District-Approved Text: The Edge, Cengage Learning

Unit : 2

Stage 1 – Desired Results

Enduring Understandings:

Producing clear ideas as a writer involves selecting appropriate style and structure for an audience and is strengthened through revision and technology.

Essential Questions:

Writing clearly: What makes a difference?

What do good writers do?

 What’s my purpose and how do I develop it?

ESL Support:

Purpose and Audience Planning Chart (partially completed)

Checklist for Editing and Publishing

Word/Picture Bank


Cloze Sentences, Sentence Frames and Sentence Starters

Online Resources

Partner Work

Word Bank: revision, strategy, edit, purpose, audience, flexibly, dynamically, plan, revise, edit, purpose, audience




Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning,

Student Learning Objectives


Content Objective (CO)

Language Objective(LO)

SLO: 21, 22

CO: Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach, focusing on addressing

Suggested Instructional

Scaffold Skills

ELP1: Write to develop writing through editing and addressing purpose and audience and/or use visuals and selected vocabulary in key phrase patterns.



Formative :

Check Lists

Planning Charts Draft



(Writing Process Resources)

TBOE 8/26/2013 Page 19

revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach, focusing on addressing what is most important.


Use technology, including the Internet, to produce, publish, and update individual or shared writing products, taking advantage of technology’s capacity to link to other information and to display information flexibly and dynamically. what is most significant for a specific purpose and audience.

LO: Write to develop writing through editing and addressing purpose and audience using a checklist for editing and a Purpose and Audience Planning Chart.

CO: Use technology, including the

Internet, to produce, publish, and update individual or shared writing products, taking advantage of technology’s capacity to link to other information and to display information flexibly and dynamically.

LO: Write to edit and publish individual and collaborative writing pieces using a checklist for publishing.

ELP2: Write to develop writing through editing and addressing purpose and audience and/or use visuals and selected vocabulary in key phrases and short sentences.

ELP3: Write to develop writing through editing and addressing purpose and audience using key vocabulary in a series of simple, related sentences.

ELP4: Write to develop writing through editing and addressing purpose and audience using key vocabulary in expanded and some complex sentences.

ELP5: Write to develop writing through editing and addressing purpose and

. audience by using precise vocabulary in multiple, complex sentences.

TBOE 8/26/2013





Graphic Organizers



•Cluster Tests

•State assessments

•District Benchmarks

Research Projects

(Types of Writing)

(Teacher Writing Resource)

(Revision Resources)

(National Writing Project


Page 20

Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence

Suggested Performance Tasks:

I can use prewriting strategies to formulate ideas (e.g., graphic

Other Evidence:

• Exit/Admit Slips: Phrase and sentences citations

 organizers, brainstorming, lists)

I can recognize that a well-developed piece of writing requires more than one draft.

I can apply revision strategies (e.g., reading aloud, checking for misunderstandings, adding and deleting details) with the help of others.

I can edit my writing by checking for errors in capitalization,

Reflective Journal Logs

Teacher Observations

Peer-Self Assessments

 punctuation, grammar, spelling, etc.

I can analyze my writing to determine if my purpose and audience have been fully addressed and revise when necessary.

I can prepare multiple drafts using revisions and edits to develop

 and strengthen my writing.

I can recognize when revising, editing, and rewriting are not enough, and I need to try a new approach.

I can identify technology (e.g., Word, Publisher, PowerPoint, wiki, blog) that will help me produce, publish, and update my individual or shared writing products.

I can determine the most efficient technology medium to complete my writing task.

I can use technology to enhance my writing product by linking to other information and/or displaying information flexibly and dynamically.

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UNIT NAME: Reading Information/Writing Informative/Explanatory

Grade level: 9 th -12 th Grade Cluster District-Approved Text: The Edge, Cengage Learning

Unit : 2

Stage 1 – Desired Results

Enduring Understandings:

Effective research presents an answer to a question, demonstrates understanding of the inquiry, and properly cites information from multiple sources.

Effective writers use a variety of formats to communicate ideas appropriate for the audience, task, and time frame.

Essential Questions:

What do good researchers do?

What is the problem about cutting and pasting?

What is the purpose of my writing?

What do good writers do?

ESL Support:

Purpose and Audience Planning Chart

Graphic Organizers; Venn Diagram

Essay Template

Cloze Sentences and Sentence Starters

Word/Picture Bank

Partner Work

On-line Resources

Word Bank: research, central question, solve, inquiry, synthesize, sources, investigation, sources, advance searches, relevant,

authoritative, print, credibility, plagiarism, paraphrase, textual evidence, analysis , reflection, writing format, writing style, purpose, task,


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Conduct short as well as more sustained research projects to answer a question

(including a selfgenerated question) or solve a problem; narrow or broaden the inquiry when appropriate; synthesize multiple sources on the subject, demonstrating understanding of the subject under investigation.


Gather relevant information from multiple authoritative print and digital resources, using advanced searches effectively; assess the usefulness of each source in answering the research question; integrate information into the text selectively to maintain the flow of ideas, avoiding plagiarism and following a standard format of citation.

TBOE 8/26/2013

Student Learning Objectives


Content Objective (CO)

Language Objective(LO)

SLO : 23, 39, 28

CO: Conduct short as well as more sustained research projects to answer a question (including a selfgenerated question) or solve a problem and narrow or broaden the inquiry when appropriate.

LO: Write answers that solve problems based on research using an essay template and cloze sentences.

CO: Gather relevant information from multiple authoritative print and digital sources, using advanced searches effectively and assess the usefulness of each source in answering the research question.

LO: Write to evaluate sources by answering questions using a checklist.

Suggested Instructional

Scaffold Skills

ELP1: Write answers that solve problems based on research and/or use visuals and selected vocabulary in key phrase patterns.

ELP2: Write answers that solve problems based on research and/or use visuals and selected vocabulary in key phrases and short sentences.

ELP3: Write answers that solve problems based on research using key vocabulary in a series of simple, related sentences.

ELP4: Write answers that solve problems based on research using key vocabulary in expanded and some complex sentences.

ELP5: Write answers that solve problems based on research using precise vocabulary in multiple, complex sentences.






Read Aloud

Cloze Sentences



Paired Reading



Research Summaries

Graphic Organizers;

Essay Templates,

Venn Diagram



•Cluster Tests

•State assessments

•District Benchmarks

(Scaffolding Research

Method Resources)

(High School Research


Page 23


Write routinely over extended time frames

(time for research, reflection, and revision) and shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a range of tasks, purposes, and audiences.

CO: Write routinely over extended time frames (time for research, reflection, and revision) and shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a range of tasks, purposes, and audiences.

LO: Write routinely for specific time frames and for various purposes, tasks and audiences using a

Purpose and Audience Planning

Chart and Essay Templates specific to task.

ELP1: Write routinely for specific time frames and for various purposes, tasks and audiences and/or use pictures and selected vocabulary in key phrase patterns.

ELP2: Write routinely for specific time frames and for various purposes, tasks and audiences and/or use selected vocabulary in key phrases and short sentences.

ELP3: Write routinely for specific time frames and for various purposes, tasks and audiences using key vocabulary in a series of simple, related sentences.

ELP4: Write routinely for specific time frames and for various purposes, tasks and audiences using key vocabulary in expanded and some complex sentences.

ELP5 : Write routinely for specific time frames and for various purposes, tasks and audiences using precise vocabulary in multiple, complex sentences.

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Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence

Suggested Performance Tasks:

I can define research and distinguish how research differs from

 other types of writing.

I can focus my research around a problem to be solved, a central question that is provided, or a self-generated question I have determined (e.g., How did Edgar Allan Poe’s life experiences influence his writing style?)

I can choose several sources (e.g., biographies, non=-fiction texts, online encyclopedia) and synthesize information to answer

Other Evidence:

Exit/Admit Slips

Reflective Journal Logs and Notes

Teacher Observations

Peer-Self Assessments

 my research inquiry.

I can determine if I need to narrow or broaden my inquiry based on the information gathered.

I can determine the credibility of a source by reviewing who wrote

 it, when it was written, and why it was written.

I can assess the usefulness of my sources to determine those that contain the information that best answers my research

 question.

I can use advanced searches with multiple authoritative print and/or digital sources effectively to gather information needed to support my research.

 I can define plagiarism (using someone else’s words/ideas as my own) and avoid it by paraphrasing (putting in my own words) and/or summarizing my research findings.

I can determine when my research data of facts must be quoted

(directly stated “word for word”) and integrate the information into my text to maintain the flow of ideas.

I can follow a standard format for citation to create a bibliography for sources that I paraphrased or quoted in my writing.

 I can define textual evidence (“word for word” support) that supports my analysis, reflection and/or research.

I can compose written responses and include textual evidence to strengthen my analysis, reflection, and/or research.

I can recognize that different writing tasks (e.g., journal, reflection, research) require varied time frames to complete.

I can determine a writing format/style to fit my task, purpose, and/or audience.

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I can write for a variety of reasons (e.g., to inform, to describe, to persuade, to entertain/convey an experience) and demonstrate understanding of the subject under investigation.

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