Proceedings of the conference “Emerging Trends in Nano Applications” (NCETN-2015) Sample of a proceedings paper - Title of the paper Name of the first author a a,b, *, Name of the second author c*, …………. Department of Physics, B M S Institute of Technology, Visvesvaraya Technological University, Bangalore – 560 064, Karnataka, India. b Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, …………………………………….. c ……………………………………………………………………………………… . *Corresponding author: Tel : +91 XXXXXXXXXX (M). ABSTRACT: The proceedings of NCETN-2015 will be published in printed proceedings only. In this sample layout, you will find the information on how to prepare a printed paper. You must use two-column, single space format, with the title and the author names centered across both columns on the first page. The paper should begin with an abstract of some 100 – 150 words, and all references must come at the end. Illustrations or figures may also span both columns, but preferably, should be placed on the top half of the sheet. The dimensions of the paper are summarized in the following, and no text should be written outside these margins. Lettering smaller than 10 pt size is not allowed. The abstract should reflect the actual work carried out and the new findings, so that it helps to the research community in screening your article from the pool of published work. Keywords: Enter four numbers of appropriate keywords. ■ Introduction The NCETN – 2015 proceedings will be printed directly by means of photo-offset from the copies prepared by you and your fellow authors. You must use the same two-column style used in this simple paper, and you are requested to adhere to the style guidelines proposed in the following so as to maintain some uniformity in the final proceedings. This sample paper depicts only two pages. Manuscript must be formatted two columns to a page, and preferably using standard A4 size paper. Specifically, paper four (4) pages of text and figures. Text should appear in two columns, and on the first page, the top of both columns is reserved for the title, author (s) and affiliation (s) (Note: in the affiliation, the authors those who are working in VTU linked/ affiliated colleges or research centres must include “Visvesvaraya Technological University” after their college or research centre name. – Ref. No. VTU/PS/2014-15/10108, dated 1st Jan 2015). Manuscript must be single-spaced except where additional space is needed to be accommodating superscript and subscript. Manuscript must be single spaced in the specified two –column format. Type size be of 10 point and use base font “Time new ISBN No.: ……………….. Page | 1 roman”. Major headings and subheadings must be bold, and left justified to the column. Enclose equation numbers in parenthesis and place at right hand edge of column. To type the equations, please use the equation editor of the MS word or the equivalent. While preparing the article, please stick to the font style and the headings as specified in this template. Just replace your content with the existing text in the template. In the introduction, provide the over view and the background of the presented work with suitable references………. The article may have the following structure Proceedings of the conference NCETN-2015., 27 th and 28 th March 2015 ARTICLE B M S Institute of Technology, Bangalore Intensity (a.u) (440) (511) (422) (400) x= 0.5 (311) (222) So, please follow the hints provided above and prepare the manuscript accordingly. (220) ■ Characterization Provide the detailed explanation about the characterization technique used in the manuscript with instrument details ■ Results and discussion In this section, provide the detailed explanation about the results and discussion of the manuscript. It may consist of the subsections. Then start the subsections with new paragraphs. Insert the Figures and Tables along with their captions in the nearest to the running text of the manuscript. The example of figure, table and their captions are included below. Refer the figures and tables in the running text of the manuscript as an example: The PXRD patterns are as mentioned in Fig.1 and their corresponding crystal refined data is as mentioned in Table.1. (111) Some hints for publishing the good articles x= 0.4 x= 0.3 x= 0.2 x= 0.1 x= 0.0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 2 (degree) Fig1. PXRD patterns of the Co1-xNixFe2O4 nanopowders. ■ Experimental If there is any experimental part then explain it here. Otherwise it can be skipped. Table.1 Crystal Rietveld Data of Co1-xNixFe2O4 nanopowder for different Ni content Lattice Parameters a=b=c= 8.3825 Å For various preparation conditions of nano ferrite compound a=b=c= a=b=c= a=b=c= a=b= c= 8.3826 Å 8.3627 Å 8.3723 Å 8.3705Å ■ Conclusion Provide the appropriate conclusion to the work carried out and presented in the present manuscript, new findings and future challenges or probable applications of this research finding. Acknowledgments It is an optional. You can acknowledge the sponsors or the people who helped in carrying out this research work. References Type the references in the style provided below with some examples. And quote all the references in the running text of the manuscript. ISBN No.: ……………….. a=b=c= 8.3656Å For journal articles [1] H. Waqas, A. H. Qureshi, K. Subhan, and M. Shahzad, Ceram. Int. 38 (2012) 1235. For the text books references M. K. Ringsven, D. Bond “Gerontology and leadership skills for nurses”. 2nd ed. Albany: Delmar; 1996. Chapter in a book / conference proceedings S. J. Phillips, J. P. Whisnant. Hypertension and stroke. In: Laragh Hypertension: pathophysiology, diagnosis, and management. 2nd ed. New York: 1995. pp 465-478. Please send the paper in both .doc and .pdf formats, so that it helps us to finalize the uniform format across the proceeding. Proceedings of the conference NCETN-2015., 27 th and 28 th March 2015 Page | 2