The project is designed for automatic motion detection

Mining Safety System near unsafe Areas
Using Motion Detection with PIR
The project is designed for automatic motion detection using PIR sensor to detect presence
of human near unsafe mining areas and alert them. This Project Proposes a solution to the
protect mine accident. A mining accident is an accident that occurs during the process of
mining minerals. Thousands of miners die from mining accidents each year, especially in the
processes of coal mining and hard rock mining. Mining accidents can have a variety of
causes, including leaks of poisonous gases such as hydrogen sulfide or explosive natural
gases, especially firedamp or methane, dust explosions, collapsing of mine stopes, mininginduced seismicity, flooding, or general mechanical errors from improperly used or
malfunctioning mining equipment (such as safety lamps or electrical equipment). Use of
improper explosives underground can also cause methane and coal-dust explosions.
This project proposes for specific cases of mining in which unsafe parts of mines are already
identified and closed. To prevent entry of any worker or any unauthorized person in these
unsafe parts our system alert them and the relevant authorities by sensing any body
movement near the unsafe mine parts. This is achieved with help of a PIR1 (Passive Infrared)
This Project also proposes solution for detecting whether any human is present inside a
mine or not when it collapses. In most mine accidents one part of mine collapse and entry
and exit path get blocked. We place the PIR sensor in safe areas also which detects whether
any worker is present inside the mine or not during mine accidents.
A live body generally emits infrared energy which is sensed by the PIR sensor from a
considerable distance. This sensing signal is fed to a microcontroller to Decide whether any
human is present within the proximity or not. When a body approaches within the
operating range of the sensor, it sends a logical command to sound the buzzer and alert
relevant authorities.
There will be two kinds of PIR sensor in Mine areas 1) Unsafe PIR Detector 2) Safe PIR
Unsafe PIR Detector will sound an alarm and alert authorities when any human is present in
it’s proximity. Where as Safe PIR detector will be there for providing information whether
any worker is stuck inside mine or not during mine accidents. This makes the search and
rescue very easy because we have exact location in which part of the mine workers are
actually there. So time required to rescue workers decreases.
Atmega8 series Microcontroller, 9v 1Amp Power
Supply, PIR sensor, LCD, Buzzer, Diodes, Resistors,
AVR Studio
Capacitors, Crystal, Transistor.
Language: Embedded C
Case Study:
To Make Project more realizable we will apply it for following case study.
Mine have 1 old unsafe mine part which is abandoned and unauthorised for workers.
Mine still have 2 safe mining part designated as safe mining part-1 and safe mining
Mine have same entry and exit.
To reach mine parts works have to follow the pathways to mine part.
Solution for this case:
PIR sensors are placed in safe and unsafe mining parts.
PIR present in Unsafe Mining Part is designated as Unsafe PIR
PIR present in Safe Mining Part is designated as Safe PIR-1 and Safe PIR-2.
Now if any worker tries to enter the unsafe mining part then Unsafe PIR detects the
Presence of human sound an alarm to alert the worker and send a signal to relevant
Normally Safe PIR do not have any use but when mine accidents occurs and some
parts of pathway to mine gets blocked then on pressing a particular switch
connected to our system will activate Safe PIR-1 and Safe PIR-2 and they will sense
whether any human is still present inside or not and send relevant signal to home
[1] Shpater and Pinhas, passive Infrared motion detection circuit having four comparators,
US patent, 10 (11), 1997, 5-886-632.
[2] Shpater and Pinhas, Infrared motion detection signal sampler, US patent, 10 (4), 1997, 6111-256
[3] "PIR sensor technology".
[4] Piotr Wojtczuk(2011) “PIR Sensor Array for Hand Motion Recognition”, published in
IARIA, 2011. Having ISBN: 978-1-61208-145-8,pp99-102.