Due Dates Kaiser High School – Class of 2013 Senior Project (SP) Timeline and Checklist Items Pages PHASE I Preliminary Planning Due to Wed. 12/9 Letter of Intent from Principal collected 1 KAP teacher Tues 5/1 or Thurs 5/3 Informational Meeting Overview of Senior Project and Timeline Sign up for Turnitin.com Senior Project Proposal Parent Consent Form School Mentor Agreement Form 3-16 SP Coordinator 7-12 School Mentor SP Coordinator School Mentor SP Coordinator SP Coordinator Thurs. 5/17 Tues. 5/22 Summer Break TBA Read and review Handbook. Find Community Mentor (30 hrs. of fieldwork) Senior Project Kick-off 14-16 All Completed SP Coordinator PHASE II Research and Action Tues. 8/7/12 School Mentor Meeting #1 22-23 School Mentor Tues. 8/14/12 n/a SP Coordinator n/a School Mentor 35-37 Tues. 11/13/12 Seminar 1: Researching and Writing Due: School Mentor Meeting #1 Research Paper Outline and Draft due to Turnitin.com Community Mentor Agreement Form due Seminar 2: Peer Review w/ Criteria Due: School Mentor Mtg #2 w/ paper eval. Research Paper Final Copy due to Turnitin.com Seminar 3: Field Work and Learning Logs School Mentor SP Coordinator School Mentor SP Coordinator School Mentor SP Coordinator SP Coordinator Tues. 12/4/12 Due: School Mentor Meeting #3 25-27 School Mentor SP Coordinator Tues. 1/15/13 Activity Verification Form (from Community Mentor) 37 School Mentor SP Coordinator Tues. 1/22/13 Learning Log Evaluation 41 SP Coordinator School Mentor and Community Mentor Evaluations Self-Evaluations (Product and Portfolio) 44 & 54 SP Coordinator 42 & 52 SP Coordinator Portfolio Technology Request Form Oral Presentations 48 49-53 School Mentor SP Coordinator Panel of Judges Withdrawal and Appeal Forms 60-68 Not Applicable Tues. 9/18/12 Tues. 9/25/12 Tues. 9/25/12 Tues. 10/30/12 24-25 n/a 38-41 PHASE III Presentation & Evaluation Tues. 1/29/13 Tues. 1/29/13 Tues. 2/5/13 Sat. 2/23/13 All original forms MUST be in Student Portfolio. Copies to School Mentor and SP Coord. Kaiser High School SENIOR PROJECT Parental Consent/Liability Release Form To the Parent/Guardian of _____________________________: Your child is about to embark upon an exciting educational journey. Successful completion of the Senior Project provides the student with the opportunity to demonstrate advanced proficiency in the attainment of the General Learner Outcomes (GLOs): Self-Directed Learner; Complex Thinker; Effective Communicator; Community Contributor; Quality Producer; and Effective and Ethical User of Technology. In an effort to ensure successful completion of this three phase project, we ask that you discuss the project with your child and initial the items below indicating your understanding and approval of such terms. _____ I approve of my child’s selected research paper topic as: ____________________ _____ I approve of my child’s selected project and understand it will entail work to be done on his/her own time and I am aware of Senior Project timeline. _____ I acknowledge that the Community Mentor selected is at least 21 years of age and is not a relative of my child. _____ I understand that all transportation for work beyond the school day is the responsibility of the student and parent. _____ I understand that integrity and honesty will be upheld throughout the Senior Project. Any suspicion of plagiarism or dishonesty in any aspect of the Senior Project will result in a referral to the Senior Project Committee and withdrawal or disqualification from the program. _____ I understand that the Kaiser High School and the Department of Education and their agents are not responsible for all potential risks resulting from the Senior Project, and all claims arising from any financial obligation incurred, and damage, injury or accident suffered, while my child participates in the Senior Project. _________________________ Parent/Guardian Name (Print) _________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature ____________ Date Contact information (please print): ___________________________________________ Distribution of Form: Original – Student Portfolio; Copies – School Mentor & SP Coordinator Kaiser High School SENIOR PROJECT PROPOSAL Before you begin working on your Senior Project, you are required to complete the following steps. 1. Complete the Senior Project Proposal document. 2. Write a cover letter to a staff member who is willing to serve as your school mentor and present your written proposal. 3. Obtain approval of your project from your school mentor and complete the School Mentor Agreement form. PART I. STUDENT INFORMATION Last Name: Graduating Year: BOE Diploma candidate: Date of Proposal: Phone #: First & Middle Name: KAP Advisor: Cumulative G.P.A.: English Teacher: Email: PART II. SENIOR PROJECT OVERVIEW What type of senior project do you intend on completing? Career Focus (Job Shadowing/Mentorship). I will work with a community mentor, one on one, in a specific area related to the field of study that I intend to pursue as a career. Service Learning (Community/School Related). I will complete a service-learning project that makes a concrete and visible impact in the school or community. Personal Interest (Performance or Problem Based). I will pursue a topic of personal interest and develop my research thesis around this interest. What topic will you focus on for your project? (Review the list of possible topics for ideas.) Why are you interested in this topic? What do you already know, have experienced, or have accomplished in this area? What do you hope to discover while doing this project? (This is your essential question) What resources would you need to complete this project and how do you plan to obtain these resources? (Identify the resources that you already have) Identify at least three sources you have consulted about your topic before completing this proposal. Who might your community mentor be? What will the final product (or outcome) of your project look like? Describe your project here. Who will be involved in the completion of your project? Will you have others assisting you? What are the potential costs of your project and how will this be financed? How long will it take you to complete the actual project (not including class time) from start to finish? Describe you commitment to this project. What challenges do you foresee and how will you address them? (i.e. time management, perseverance etc.) Signatures: ______________________________ ________________________________ ______________ Student Signature Printed Name Date ______________________________ ________________________________ ______________ Parent Signature Printed Name Date ______________________________ ________________________________ ______________ School Mentor Approval/Signature Printed Name Date ___________________________ SP Coordinator Distribution of Form: Original –Portfolio; Copies - School Mentor & Senior Project Coordinator School Mentor Sample Letter Date 520 Kalanianaole Hwy. Honolulu, HI 96825 July 20, 2008 Science Teacher Kaiser High School 511 Lunalilo Home Road Honolulu, HI 96789 Dear Mr. Doe: I am a senior at Kaiser High School in Honolulu, Hawaii. For my Senior Project, I am working on a personal interest project. This project will consist of a research paper discussing the ethics of cloning, a hands-on cloning experiment that will be completed through the University of Hawai’i Genetics Laboratory and a visual presentation describing my findings. While a freshman at Kaiser High School, I fondly remember your Honors Biology course and immediately thought of asking you to become my School Mentor for this project because you made our Biology course so enjoyable. Thank you in advance for your consideration of becoming my School Mentor. I look forward to working with you again. Sincerely, Jane Doe Enclosure Kaiser High School Senior Project School Mentor Agreement Form Date: __________________________________ Dear____________________________________________________________________ (Student-please fill in this line with your name) ____ Yes, I agree to become your School Mentor I would prefer that you contact me in the future via (check all that apply) _____ school e-mail address _____ school telephone number (ext.#___) _____ other e-mail address : ________________________________ _____ other telephone number : _____________________________ _____other: __________________________________ _____ No, I am sorry that I cannot become your School Mentor Sincerely, ___________________________ School Mentor’s Signature ______________________ Print name __________________ Date Comments: NOTE: If needed, please repeat the process. Keep copies of all correspondences in your portfolio. Distribution of Form: Original –Portfolio; Copies - School Mentor & Senior Project Coordinator Senior Project Meeting #1 Worksheet (due: ____________) NOTE: Italicized items should be completed prior to your meeting with your School Mentor. Bring your Senior Project Handbook with you. General Information: My focus is: ___________________________________________________________ My research paper thesis:___________________________________________ My product/performance will be:_____________________________________________ Items to be covered: Completion of Forms: see Phase I of Senior Project Timeline & Checklist. I submitted these forms and disbursed them accordingly: SP Proposal: yes no School Mentor Agreement yes no Parent Consent/Liability form yes no Portfolio: I have a folder that is organized by sections: Proposal; School Mentor; Research Paper; Product/Performance; Community Mentor; Learning Log; Presentation; and Other (bring binder with you). Research Paper: I have started the research process: yes no If having problems/need assistance, fill in the “Problem/Possible Solutions” section on the next page. Community Mentor: _____Yes, I have contacted a community mentor. My community mentor’s name and title is:________________________________ My community mentor can be contacted at: E-mail: Telephone number(s): Address: My community mentor has agreed to be my community mentor (circle one): yes no waiting for a response I have asked my community mentor & parent/guardian to complete the SP Community Mentor Information Form: yes no _____No, I have not yet contacted a community mentor I have tried to contact: ___________________________________________________ Suggestions for companies/ people to contact: ______________________________________________________________________ What is working (my successes): 1. 2. 3. Challenges I have faced: 1. 2. 3. Next Steps/Solutions: 1. 2. 3. School Mentor only: Yes No Yes No Student mentee was on time for this meeting Student mentee had the proper form (Meeting #1) completed prior to our meeting Verification of meeting: Student’s signature: _____________________________________ Date:_____________ School Mentor’s signature: _________________________________Date:____________ Distribution of Form: Original – Student Portfolio; Xerox copy – School Mentor Senior Project Meeting #2 Worksheet (due: _________) NOTE: Italicized items should be completed prior to your meeting with your school mentor. Bring your Senior Project Handbook & Research Paper Draft(s) with you. General Information: My focus is:______________________________________________________________ My research paper thesis::__________________________________________________ My product/performance will be:____________________________________________ Items to be covered: Completion of Forms: see Phase I of Senior Project Timeline & Checklist I have completed all forms and disbursed them accordingly: yes no I need to submit these forms and to whom: ______________________________________________________________________ Portfolio: I have a folder that is organized by sections: Proposal; School Mentor; Research Paper; Product/Performance; Community Mentor; Learning Log; Presentation; and Other. I have filed all completed required forms in their proper sections: yes no Research Paper: I have completed an outline and draft of my Research Paper: yes no I have evaluated my Research Paper against the rubric: yes no Final draft due on: ________________ If having problems/need assistance, fill in the “Problem/Possible Solutions” section on the next page. Community Mentor _____Yes, I have contacted a community mentor. My community mentor’s name and title is:________________________________ My community mentor can be contacted at: E-mail: Telephone number(s): Address: My community mentor has agreed to be my community mentor (circle one): yes no waiting for a response I have asked my community mentor & parent/guardian to complete the SP Community Mentor Information Form: yes no _____No, I have not yet contacted a community mentor. I need assistance and have indicated that on the next page. Product/Activity I have started working on my field work/product/performance activity: yes no If having problems/need assistance, fill in the “Problem/Possible Solutions” section on the next page. This is where I am in the process of completing my product/performance activity: Learning Log I have been completing Learning Log Reflections regularly: yes no (bring your learning log) If having problems/need assistance, fill in the “Problem/Possible Solutions” section on the next page. My learning log follows the format prescribed and is up to date: yes no What is working (my successes): 1. 2. 3. Challenges I have faced: 1. 2. 3. Next Steps/Solutions: 1. 2. 3. School Mentor only: Yes No Student mentee was on time for this meeting Yes No Student mentee had the proper form (Meeting #2) completed prior to our meeting Verification of meeting: Student’s signature: _____________________________________ Date:_____________ School Mentor’s signature: _______________________________Date:_____________ Distribution of Form: Original – Student Portfolio; Xerox copy – School Mentor. Electronic Copy – SP Coord. Senior Project Meeting #3 Worksheet (due: ___________) NOTE: Italicized items should be completed prior to your meeting with your School Mentor. Bring your Senior Project Handbook and Portfolio with you. General Information: My focus is:________________________________________________________ My end product/performance will be:__________________________________________ Items to be covered: Completion of Forms: see Senior Project Timeline & Checklist I submitted these forms and disbursed them accordingly: SP Community Mentor Information sheet: yes no SP Activity Verification Form yes no I need to submit these forms and to whom: ______________________________________________________________________ Research Paper: My final draft of the research paper is completed and included in my Portfolio: yes no Product/Activity My product/performance activity is completed: yes no Learning Log My learning log is up to date and included in my Portfolio: yes no Mock Senior Project Board presentation (with School Mentor) ______ I have my materials ready for my Mock Senior Project Board presentations. I have prepared: _____ a Power Point presentation _____ a visual _____ a speech outline _____ props (optional) _____ other: ______________________________________________________ _____ I do not yet have my materials ready for my Mock Senior Project Board presentation. I need to create: _____ a visual _____ a speech outline _____ props _____ other: ______________________________________________________ My mock Senior Project presentation is scheduled on: ____________________________ Senior Project Boards Senior Project Board Presentation date: __________________________ Technology Request form due: ______________________ Community Mentor I have sent my Community Mentor a “thank you” letter: yes no Portfolio My portfolio is organized with sections and all required documents are included: Senior Project Proposal: yes no School Mentor Agreement: yes no Parental Consent/Liability Release Form: yes no School Mentor Meeting #1 worksheet: yes no Senior Project Community Mentor Information sheet: yes no Senior Project Activity Verification form: yes no Research Paper(drafts and final): yes no Learning Logs: yes no School Mentor Meeting #2 worksheet: yes no School Mentor Meeting #3 worksheet: yes no Senior Project Product Self-Evaluation: yes no Senior Project Portfolio Self-Evaluation: yes no Photos: yes no Other: What is working (my successes): 1. 2. 3. Challenges I have faced: 1. 2. 3. Next Steps/Solutions: 1. 2. 3. ________________________________________________________________________ School Mentor only: Yes No Student mentee was on time for this meeting Yes No Student mentee had the proper form (Meeting #3) completed prior to our meeting Verification of meeting: Student’s signature: _____________________________________ Date:_____________ School Mentor’s signature: _________________________________Date:____________ Distribution of Form: Original – Student Portfolio; Xerox copy – School Mentor Kaiser High School Senior Project Research Paper Overview The research paper is the foundation of the Senior Project and should be completed prior to beginning the activity itself. The research paper must focus on a thesis-driven topic relevant to the Senior Project idea and activity. Examples of a thesis are included in the pages to follow. It is highly recommended that students begin research paper during summer prior to Senior year and request assistance from school mentor, English teacher, or SP coordinator if struggling. I. FORMAT REQUIREMENTS A. Between 1200-1500 words in length (Not including the Title Page, Works Cited, or Appendix Pages). B. 12 point Times New Roman C. Double-spaced D. Margins should be 1” E. Graphics (pictures or diagrams) placed after the body in appendices F. Clearly identify on the title page which format you will be following: 1. Modern Language Association (MLA) 2. American Psychological Association (APA) – only if required by School Mentor II. DOCUMENTATION REQUIREMENTS A. A minimum of five sources used in the paper including at least one interview AND one other non-Internet source. B. Sources listed on the Works Cited page. C. Options for sources include: 1. interview 2. internet source with a web site that has the following endings: edu, gov, org 3. professional periodical (computer based or hard copies) 4. non-fiction or reference books (exception: no use of encyclopedias) 5. EBSCO Host – for magazines, newspapers, reference books, etc. III. DUE DATES A. Submit to Turnitin.com and School Mentor 1. Outline and Rough Draft due: _____________ 2. Final Draft due: _______________ IV. THINGS TO KEEP IN MIND A. Information gained through the interview must be included in the research paper B. Because this is a research paper, it must be written in third person (i.e. this researcher = third person vs. I = first person). C. Use rubric to evaluate rough draft and final draft before final submission Thesis Research Paper Evaluation A score of 3 or 4 is a passing score for each criterion. A passing paper must reflect a score of 3 or 4 in all areas. Please circle "Pass" or "Redo" and indicate the total points earned. EXEMPLARY PROFICIENT APPROACHES DEVELOPING No errors Two or fewer errors Four or fewer errors Five or more errors 4 3 2 1 All parenthetical documentation and works cited page are MLA correct, all researched info documented A few minor errors in documentation and works cited page, all researched info documented Some errors in documentation and works cited page, more citations of researched items is needed Many errors in documentation, works cited page, inadequate amount of citations to support position 2 1 4 No errors 3 Two or fewer errors Four or fewer errors Five or more errors 4 3 2 1 Form (MLA) MANUSCRIPT FORM (Typing/spacing, Page number/order, Heading/title) DOCUMENTATION BIBLIOGRAPHY (Annotated for at least five thyped enttries) Mechanics, Usage, Grammar Sentences well built, SENTENCE strong and varied FLUENCY structure make it easy to (Fused Sentence/Runread aloud on Error, Comma Splice/Comma Fault Error, Mixed 4 Construction, Garbled Sentence, Stringy Sentences, Parallelism) Text flows, sentences somewhat varied, relatively easy to read aloud 3 Strong control of Reasonable control of CAPITALIZATION standard writing standard writing UTILIZATION conventions, few errors conventions, some editing PUNCTUATION necessary SPELLING (CUPS) 4 3 GRAMMAR (Subject/verb agreement, tense agreement, adjective adverb usage, misplaced and dangling modifiers, double negatives, etc. Strong control of srammar conventions, few errors 4 Sentence structure Writing difficult to follow awkward rather than or read aloud, sentences fluid, reader must slow are incomplete, run-on, down and/or awkward 2 1 Limited control of standard writing conventions, errors starting to impede readability Little or no control of standard writing conventions, extensive errors make it difficult to get message 2 1 Reasonable control of Limited control of Little or no control of grammar conventions, grammar conventions, grammar conventions, some editing necessary errors starting to impede extensive errors make it readability difficult to get message 3 2 1 SCORE VOICE Clear sense of “writing to Writer’s voice is formal be read”, brings topic to and engaging with some life, strong audience sense of “writing to be awareness read” 4 WORD CHOICE (incorrect word usage, contractions, slang, abbreviations, 1st/2nd person pronouns, shift in tense Writer’s voice may emerge at times, little sense of reader /writer interaction No audience awareness, voice is flat, lifeless and impersonal 2 1 3 Language is natural, interesting, figurative and precise 4 Language is functional Language is predictable, and occasionally goes ordinary and/or beyond ordinary repetitious 3 2 Language is limited, monotonous, and/or misused 1 Content Clearly stated, introduces Clearly stated, introduces In the introduction, the INTRODUCTION the topic of the paper and the topic of the paper. explanation of topic is (clearly stated, the main points to be confusing. introduces the topic discussed. of the paper and the main points to be 4 3 2 discussed) THESIS Arguable thesis, Arguable thesis with Compellingly supported clear supporting detail with opposition clearly refuted 4 3 Demonstrates complete Shows understanding of understanding of the the subject matter. subject. Shows higher Develops a easily critical thinking skills followed train of thought with a well developed, with documented detailed, relevant and support, that is carried accurate treatment of the throughout. subject 4 3 Sequence and structure Generally clear and strong, precise logical organization, introduction and structure a bit ORGANIZATION conclusion predictable CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT 4 Don't know the exact topic. 1 Thesis unclear, simple, with minimal development or support Lacking central thesis, consistency and/or purpose 2 1 Some of the concepts Thinking scattered, Little discussed are covered in concept development. No a confusing manner. evidence of original There is in adequate thought. documentation of the thought process. 2 Structure inconsistent, undeveloped or obvious text, intro or conclusion 1 Lacks organization structure, no apparent intro and/or conclusion 2 1 3 ACCURACY AND CITATION Selection of supporting Some of the selection of Little of the selection of None of the selection of resource material is supporting resource supporting resource supporting resource authoritative, current material is authoritative, material is authoritative, material is authoritative, and pertinent. All current and pertinent. current and pertinent. current and pertinent. supporting All supporting Some supporting No supporting documentation is documentation is documentation is documentation is properly cited. properly cited. properly cited. properly cited. 3 2 1 4 OVERALL RATING (PASS) (FAIL) Total Points Earned/PossiblePoints (40) /52 Kaiser High School Senior Project Community Mentor Agreement Form Student Name: _________________________________________________ Senior Project Topic: ___________________________________________ Please initial on the blank spaces to the left that you have read and understood each statement made. _____ I understand the requirements of a community mentor and agree to serve as a mentor. _____I am interested in serving as a judge for the oral presentation for other students. Mentor Signature: ________________________________ Date: __________________ Community Mentor Name & Title: ______________________________________________ Business Address: ___________________________________________________________ E-mail Address: ____________________________________________________________ Phone Number: office: ____________________ cell: _______________________ Parent Acknowledgement I have signed the Senior Project Parental Consent/Liability Release form and am fully aware of the role and expectations of the community mentor. I am aware that my child will be working with the Community Mentor stated above as part of his/her Senior Project. Parent/Guardian Name (please print): ___________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip Code: _________________________________________________________ E-mail Address:______________________________________________________________ Parent Signature: ____________________________________________________________ Student Signature: ___________________________________________________________ Distribution of Form: Original –Portfolio; Copies – Community Mentor; School Mentor & Senior Project Kaiser High School Senior Project Activity Verification Form Name: ______________________________________ Description of Culminating Activity: ______________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Mentor’s Name: _________________________________________________ Date Number of Hours Description of progress Mentor’s Initials Total Hours:____________________ As a mentor, I assure the Senior Project Committee that the student spent a minimum of thirty (30) hours in his/her fieldwork. Mentor’s Signature: ______________________________ Date: _______________ Distribution of Form: Original –Portfolio; Copies – Community Mentor; School Mentor & Senior Project Kaiser High School Senior Project Learning Log (template) Student Name: ______________________________ Date # of Hours Page #: ______ Reflection (Refer to Guidelines for Learning Logs) Total # of Hours: ____________ Distribution of Form: Original –Portfolio; Copy– School Mentor Kaiser High School Senior Project Learning Log Rubric Criteria Minimum Score: 6 CONTENT Score: ___/3 APPEARANCE Score: ___/3 Advanced 4 Proficient 3 Partially Proficient 2 Novice 1 Well organized Very complete (no gaps in time). Documentation of the learning experience is clearly and concisely evident. Documentation is relevant and substantial. Very neat, accurate, and concise. Very easy to follow. In chronological order. Organized. Complete (no gaps in time). Documentation of the learning experience is evident. Documentation is substantial. Somewhat organized. Incomplete (some gaps in time). Documentation of the learning experience is evident. Some documentation. Disorganized. Incomplete (many gaps in time). Documentation of the learning experience is not evident. Documentation missing. Neat and accurate. Easy to follow. In chronological order. Somewhat neat and accurate. Not easy to follow. Chronological order not evident. Messy and inaccurate. Not in chronological order. Name of Student: ______________________________________________________ Student’s overall score: _______ (Minimum Passing Score: 6) _____ Student has met their Learning Log requirement. _____ Student has not met their Learning Log requirement. __________________________________ School Mentor’s Signature _______________________ Date Comments: Distribution of Form: Original –Portfolio; Copy - School Mentor Kaiser High School Senior Project Product Self-Evaluation Student’s Name: _________________________________________________________ Community Mentor’s Name:______________________________________ DATE: _____________________ Describe the Culminating Activity product/activity that you completed for your Senior Project: Date Culminating Activity Begun: Date Completed: Estimated Number of Hours spent on the Culminating Activity: Number of Mentor Contact Hours: Resources used to Complete Culminating Activity: Materials Used – People who provided assistance – Expenses – Evaluation of Culminating Activity 1. How might you share your experience and newly acquired information? 2. Describe the time you felt the most satisfaction in the process of completing your culminating activity. 3 Explain how completing the Senior Project has prepared you for your post high plans. school 4. Describe the problems you encountered in completing the product and how you them. solved 5. If given the opportunity to re-do your Senior Project, what changes would you make? 6. What did you learn about yourself (strengths, needs, etc.) through the completion of your Senior Project? Kaiser High School Senior Project Product Evaluation Rubric Good community mentors are a vital part of a successful Senior Project. We appreciate your willingness to have helped us this year by mentoring a student. As the person who has worked most closely with the student on the product/activity phase of the project, we need your input in assigning a grade. Please use this Product Evaluation Rubric to assess your mentee and complete both forms. Please return them to: Senior Project Coordinator, Kaiser High School, 511 Lunalilo Home Road, Honolulu, HI 96825, postmarked no later than _Jan. 31, 2013__.You may send it in a sealed envelope with the student if you desire, as well. Student’s Name: ___________________________________________________________ Project: ______________________________________________________________________ Mentor’s Name: ________________________________________________________________ Mentor’s Signature: ____________________________________________ Date: ____________ Criteria Minimum Score: 18 Effort/Time Score: ___/3 Evidence of planning and Endeavor to fully explore possibilities of ways to complete product Advanced 4 Proficient 3 Partially Proficient 2 Novice 1 Student invested extra time and put in tremendous effort to create an exemplary product Student put in adequate time and effort to complete the product Student put in some time and effort but not enough to be satisfactory Student did not put in sufficient effort or invest enough time to complete product Extensive planning is evident and student fully explored various avenues Satisfactory planning and some exploration of other possibilities to complete product Some planning and exploration is evident Little planning or exploration is evident Exceptional ability to solve problems and student may even have gone beyond help of mentor to other resources Satisfactory ability to solve problems and ability to ask for and accept help as needed Some ability to solve problems; asked for help if needed Difficulty solving problems and may not have asked for help Score: ___/3 Problem Solving Score: ___/3 Criteria Evidence of Learning Score: ___/3 Use of Sources/Materials related to project Partially Proficient 2 Novice 1 Advanced 4 Proficient 3 Exceptional evidence that the student not only learned the concepts and skills necessary, but went beyond to learn even more Satisfactory evidence that student did learn the concepts and skills needed to complete the product Some evidence that student did take away some concepts or skills Little evidence that the student learned much from completing the product Exemplary use of sources and materials that may enhanced the product due to student’s mastery and manipulation Satisfactory evidence that sources and materials were used in an adequate manner to complete the product Some evidence that sources and materials were utilized well Little evidence that sources and materials were well utilized well Student was exceptionally enthusiastic and very creative in her/his execution of the product Student exhibited satisfactory and appropriate enthusiasm and showed creativity Student exhibited some enthusiasm and showed some creativity Student exhibited little enthusiasm and showed a minimum of creativity Score: ___/3 Creativity and Enthusiasm Score: ___/3 Student’s overall score: _______ (Minimum Passing Score: 18) Comments: Would you be willing to mentor a Kaiser student next year? ____ Yes ____ No Thank you for sharing your expertise with the students of KHS! Kaiser High School Technology Request Form Presentation Title: ______________________________________________ Student’s Name: Email: School Mentor: Cell #: Home #: Room # Presentation Date: Presentation Time: Presentation Location: _____ I do NOT need any technology (please see Ms. Lum, Senior Project Coordinator) Equipment requesting: (check all that apply) _____ Computer for PowerPoint _____ PowerPoint Projector _____ Projector Screen _____ Television _____ DVD Player _____ VHS Player _____ CD Player _____ Cassette Player _____ Table for Display _____Other (please describe in detail): ______________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ You are responsible for checking the compatibility of your presentation on the school equipment at least 2 days prior to your presentation date. We cannot guarantee that your saved presentation will work! Have a back up plan (e.g. hard copies of your visual aids for the judges). Form due to SP Coordinator by: ________________________ Kaiser High School Senior Project Panel Presentation Assessment Rubric Student’s Name: _________________________________________ Presentation Title:____________________________________ Date: ____________ Please circle a box for each category. GLO #1: SelfDirected Learner Excellent Proficient Partially Proficient Not Proficient 4 3 2 1 Student provides clear and convincing evidence of time commitment and effort, independence and self-direction, and the ability to solve problems that arose during the learning process. Student provides clear evidence of a learning stretch and selfdiscovery. Student provides adequate evidence of time commitment and effort, independence and self-direction, and the ability to solve problems that arose during the learning process. Student provides adequate evidence of a learning stretch and self-discovery. Student provides limited evidence of time commitment and effort, independence and self-direction, and/or the ability to solve problems that arose during the learning process. Student provides limited evidence of a learning stretch and self-discovery. Student provides little to no evidence of time commitment and effort, independence and self-direction, and/or the ability to solve problems that arose during the learning process. Student provides little to no evidence of a learning stretch and self-discovery. Excellent Proficient Partially Proficient Not Proficient 4 3 2 1 Interacts with people outside of the classroo m Student provides clear and convincing evidence that he/she established a professional working relationship with community members. Student provides adequate evidence that he/she established a professional working relationship with community members. Student provides limited evidence that he/she established a professional working relationship with community members. Student provides little to no evidence that he/she established a professional working relationship with community members. GLO #3: Complex Thinker Excellent Proficient Partially Proficient Not Proficient Understa nds Content and Challeng e GLO #2: Communi ty Contribut or 4 3 2 1 Synthesiz es informati on from research and experienc e (combine d with GLO #6) GLO #4: Quality Producer Creates a rigorous and relevant project GLO #5: Student provides clear and convincing evidence he/she understands the Essential Question and can explain how it connects to the research paper and the project. Student clearly explains the learning process and how he/she solved any problems. Effective use of technology evident in the project as a whole. Excellent Student provides adequate evidence he/she understands the Essential Question and can explain how it connects to the research paper and the project. Student explains the learning process and how he/she solved any problems. Adequate use of technology evident in the project as a whole. Provides limited evidence he/she understands the Essential Question and can explain how it developed. Has some difficulty connecting EQ to the research paper and the project. Struggles to explain the learning process and how he/she solved any problems. Use of technology in the project attempted but Proficient Partially Proficient insubstantial. Provides little to no evidence he/she understands the Essential Question and can explain how it developed. Has difficulty connecting EQ to the research paper and the project. Cannot explain the learning process and how he/she solved any problems. Use of technology in the project poor. Not Proficient 4 3 2 1 Student provides clear and convincing evidence that the research and the project match the speaker’s area of interest. The depth and complexity of the project’s scope is especially strong. Student provides adequate evidence that the research and the project match the speaker’s area of interest. The depth and complexity of the project’s scope is evident. Student provides limited evidence that the research and the project match the speaker’s area of interest. The depth and complexity of the project’s scope is marginal. Student provides little to no evidence that the research and the project match the speaker’s area of interest. The depth and complexity of the project’s scope is inadequate. Excellent Proficient Partially Proficient Not Proficient Effective Communic ator 4 General Presentati on * Essential Question, learning stretch, personal relevance, selfdiscovery, research and independent fieldwork Attention-getting introduction is followed by a logical, well-organized presentation that clearly and comprehensively connects all the components* of the Senior Project. 3 2 1 An adequate introduction is followed by a generally logical, organized presentation that generally connects all the components* of the Senior Project. A simplistic introduction is followed by a loosely logical, organized presentation that marginally connects all the components* of the Senior Project. Audience understanding is affected. A weak or irrelevant introduction is followed by a haphazardly organized presentation that unsuccessfully attempts to connect all the components* of the Senior Project. Audience understanding is affected. Presentati on Aids Aids are relevant, error free, wellorganized, and neat and clearly guide the audience through the presentation. Aids are relevant, generally error free, well-organized, and neat and adequately guide the audience through the presentation. Aids are of limited relevance and contain errors that begin to interfere with meaning. They present a barrier to the audience more than serving as a guide. Aids are of little to no relevance and contain errors that severely interfere with meaning. They present a barrier to the audience more than serving as a guide. Delivery Student is exceptional in the following areas: articulation, use of standard English, posture, eye contact, professional dress, volume, speaking rate, word choice, and poise. Student is adequate in the following areas: articulation, use of standard English, posture, eye contact, professional dress, volume, speaking rate, word choice, and poise. Student is marginal in fewer than half of the following areas: articulation, use of standard English, posture, eye contact, professional dress, volume, speaking rate, word choice, and poise. Student is marginal in more than half of the following areas: articulation, use of standard English, posture, eye contact, professional dress, volume, speaking rate, word choice, and poise. Question and Answer Student responds directly and accurately; answers with exceptional fluency and confidence, and shows enthusiasm. Student responds adequately; answers with adequate fluency, confidence, and enthusiasm. Student responds inadequately; answers with limited fluency, confidence, and enthusiasm. Student responds inadequately; answers with little fluency, confidence, and enthusiasm. Additional comment Distribution of Form: Original –Portfolio; Copies - School Mentor & Senior Project Coordinator Kaiser High School Senior Project Portfolio Self-Evaluation Reflecting on the active learning process is a key component to successful work. Take time to look through the portfolio and reflect on the learning process and stretch. Be thorough, write clearly, and use direct examples from your work. 1. When I look through my portfolio, I feel ____________________ because 2. I am most proud of 3. I am still not pleased with 4. Five things I learned during the completion of the portfolio were a. b. c. d. e. 5. One fact/observation I learned that surprised or fascinated me was 6. One thing I wish people would understand about my portfolio is 7. When I completed my portfolio, the top three skills I used were a. b. c. 8. The skill I am most improved in is ___________________________ and there is an example of that in 9. I improved on this skill by 10. If I were to thank two people for helping me to complete this portfolio, I would like to thank __________________________ because and ________________________ because 11. If I were to select one item to re-do, I would pick ____________________________ because 12. I would like people who view my portfolio to know Kaiser High School Senior Project Portfolio Evaluation Rubric Criteria Minimum Score: 12 Advanced 4 Proficient 3 Partially Proficient 2 Completeness (See Portfolio Checklist for reference) All required items are present and student adds enrichment items All required items are present Missing an element or two Many items missing or not complete Portfolio is of high quality, is immaculate, neat, and flawless Portfolio is adequate and of decent quality Portfolio works toward decent quality but may be messy or of lesser quality Portfolio is of poor quality and may be dirty, torn, rumpled or messy Outstanding portfolio that is clearly artistic, thematic, or unusually presented – shows real enthusiasm for its completion Superbly organized with enhancing organizational devices or techniques Portfolio is creative and may have a theme as well as additional materials and artistic elements Student begins to show some creative spark by addition of materials or artistic elements Little evidence of creativity – simple linear approach Sufficiently organized and communicates effectively Moderately organized with only a few misplaced items or errors, communicates effectively Disorganized, almost to the point of making its communication ineffective Novice 1 Score: ___/3 Quality Score: ___/3 Creativity Score: ___/3 Organization Score: ___/3 Name of Student: _______________________________________________ Student’s overall score: _______ (Minimum Passing Score: 12) _____ Student has met their Portfolio requirement. _____ Student has not met their Portfolio requirement. __________________________________ _______________________ School Mentor’s Signature Date Comments: