10) E.F.T Mini guide - Seven Streams to Wellness

What is EFT?
Similar to acupuncture but without the needles, EFT can be used to gain direct
access to your divine essence.
 EFT is based on the premise that "The cause of all negative emotions is a
disruption in the body's energy system". (Disruptions in the body’s energy
system give birth to our horses).
 Emotional Freedom Techniques dissipates the strong negative emotions that
arise (allows the horses to rest).
 Two reasons to use EFT:
Empower yourself to better tolerate strong emotions.
Release cravings on the spot.
The basic recipe used to perform
Emotional Freedom Techniques:
1. Set up: To redirect the bio-electric energy flow in your body, that
has been reversed.
2. The Sequence: Tapping on specific meridians (energy centers) to
release emotional blocks within the body.
3. The Gamut: An additional energy healing technique used to release
emotional blocks, further explained below.
4. Repeat Sequence
Included in the Set Up:
The Negative Talk
as said by the Shadow Horse
The Affirmation
As said by the White Horse
Always end the set up statement with a positive
frame of mind
 Shadow horses can be cause negative thinking, which can be
neutralized with a positive affirmation while tapping.
 The negative talk that we will be using during the setup can be
thought of as a way to respectfully acknowledge your shadow
horse’s irrational behavior / beliefs.
 While going through the setup, we want to reach the deepest part of
negativity that your horse could ever throw at you, even exaggerate
it. In this way we learn to embrace EVERY part of our being while
releasing it.
Set Up Samples
 Even though I overindulged in my meal tonight, I deeply and
completely accept myself.
 Even though I went of my meal planning strategy, I chose to do
better next time.
 Even though I am not releasing this excess body fat, I accept myself
just as I am in this moment.
The Setup Steps
You directly acknowledge all negative aspects of the horse, followed by
positive choices or affirmations from the rider, while tapping on the
“karate Chop” point.
Karate Chop Point
AFTER the setup, we do the basic recipe as follows:
The basic recipe involves tapping on the end points of the major
energy meridians on the body. Tapping at these points is the method by
which we develop a direct path to our internal guide.
While tapping, we will continue addressing the horse’s displeasures
from all angles, while the rider soothes the horse.
After the horses are completely heard and put to rest with this process,
we can then learn to receive the guidance from our internal guide.
The Sequence
The 9 Gamut Procedures
The 9 Gamut procedures is, perhaps, the most bizarre looking process within EFT. Its
purpose is to “fine tune” the brain and it does so via some eye movements and some
humming and counting. Through connecting nerves, certain parts of the brain are
stimulated when the eyes are moved.
Likewise, the right side of the brain (the creative) is engaged when you hum a song and the
left side (the digital side) is engaged when you count.
The 9 Gamut Procedure is a 10 second process wherein 9 of these “brain stimulating”
actions are performed while continuously tapping on one of the body’s energy points… the
Gamut point. It has been found, after years of experience can add efficiency to EFT and
hastens your progress towards emotional freedom, especially when sandwiched between 2
trips through The Sequence.
With a little practice, the process becomes quite easy.
 One by one, we put all of our horses to rest, allowing us to live with complete emotional
 When we begin to develop emotional freedom, we are then free to explore the
fascinating depths of life more fully.
The 9 Phases used in
Seven Streams to Wellness
 Phase 1: Visionary ~ Developing an evolutionary focus *(7)
 Phase 2: Interconnectedness ~ Breaking down the walls of isolation *(5)
 Phase 3: Freedom ~ Releasing vengeance *(8)
 Phase 4: Acceptance and Meditation ~ Surrendering to divine will *(2)
 Phase 5: Awareness ~ The blessing to see through illusions *(4)
 Phase 6: Wholeness ~ God does not make mistakes *(1)
 Phase 7: Authentic Motivator ~ The decision and the ability to move beyond
intention *(3)
 Phase 8: Integrated Strength ~ The courage to have faith*(6)
 Phase 9: Holy Love ~ Loving unconditionally *(9)
Within each of the 9 horses there are seven levels of consciousness / choices:
Seven Streams. The above 9 names live from stream level 1.
*(7, 5, 8,2,4,1 & 3,6,9 refer to the primary horse names as identified in the jumpstart)